Words don’t describe…

I wish I could tell you how I felt,
when into lustfull kisses we warmly melt.
How at the beginning of each day,
I think of you, dispite being far away.
Its almost cruel how few words we have,
to describe the feeling of my heart, on which you salve.
A feeling that we can hardly describe,
that had begun on our first date, a bribe.
It was never ment to be this way,
but now, nothing will keep me away.
Our fates are not chisled in brick nor stone,
yet together we one, the same, unalone.
Passion is what drives me to you,
all I can say is what we have is true.
I know that as one, we truely belong,
for I hear the perfection of our sweet song.
To you, my love, this poen I do send,
and for you, my love, my affection, has no end.

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anonymous readerReport

2013-06-21 16:03:08
Dude.can I use this poem its so wow its how I feel for my girl

anonymous readerReport

2012-09-09 11:36:14
, the rain is on its way.Mum shouted down fothrme bath, put your rain coat on, Lil,It looks like rain.After the chat with Mum, I went out.I forgot my rain coat and when I was nearly at the parkIt lashed it down and I got soaked.As I was running home, I could not see a lotBecause I have glasses and there were loads of raindrops on themI finally got home and started burning up asnd sneezing.That served me right – I will remember my rain coat next time!Wow, Lily! I am so impressed with your work today. You have captured JF’s style brilliantly! Mrs R

anonymous readerReport

2012-06-23 01:47:30
This was another fuken awsum poem keep on writting and dnt let those negative motherfuckers get u dwn just keep on writting