What Do You Say to a Naked Niece

A successful writer gets more than he bargained for when his niece visits him in Aruba.

I swam upwards towards the sunlight, trailing bubbles in my wake. My head broke the surface, and immediately I felt the heat of the mid-morning tropical sun. The glare from the waves was blinding, making it hard to see anything. I paddled water, slowly turning to get my bearings before setting out for the distant shore. Using long strokes, I swam steadily, quickly closing the distance to the beach. Eight years in the military had given me a solid background in swimming and scuba, and all these years later, I worked hard to maintain my skills.

Hitting the beach, I jogged through fifty feet of soft sand to the beachside house I’d rented. The residence was surrounded by a sea wall made of pale gray stone, which protected the in-ground pool and the large paved patio. Stone steps led from the beach to the patio, and another set led into the elevated home. All reasonable measures had been taken to protect the property from the weather and sea.

As beautiful as the home was, it was about midway up the price scale of the dozens of other homes lining this portion of the beach in Aruba. I picked it because the area was known to be quiet, and solitude is what I needed to help kick-start my third novel. My first two novels, both military thrillers, had done unexpectedly well in the over-thirty demographic, and the payoff was many times greater than I ever could have imagined. Now my publisher had paid me a generous advance for book three, and I was stuck for ideas.

I took a quick shower and changed into my customary island attire: shorts, T-shirt, and sandals. I ran the ingredients for a protein smoothie through the blender, grabbed my laptop, and hit the patio with my insulated mug of iced health drink. Settling into my favorite lounge chair, I once again pondered the framework for book three. My first two books had taken place in foreign lands, but this time I wanted to keep things domestic. I was sketching some ideas for a domestic terror event at the Superbowl when my cell phone buzzed.

I looked at the number and saw it was my sister, Kate. Unlike me, she lived in the real world as a single mom to her daughter Emma. I tried to be generous with my financial support to her, but she was an independent woman who bristled at what she considered charity. She allowed me to fund Emma’s future college expenses and pay for a few minor items, but refused my offer to pay off all her debts. I loved her dearly, but she could be a pain in the ass sometimes.

“Hey, Kate,” I said cheerfully into the phone. “You must have felt me thinking about you.”

“Hi, brother,” she replied. “That’s probably why I’ve had a headache today.”

“Ha, ha, very funny. But I was thinking about you. I have this beautiful place all to myself and was thinking that you and Em might want to visit?”

“Funny you should ask. I guess the brother-sister ESP thingy must be working,” she said, laughing. “I can’t take time now, too much going on at work. But Emma’s school break just started, and she’s already climbing the walls. Now that she’s sixteen, she feels that I’m smothering her life.”

“Yea, I remember that age. You think you know it all. I’m happy to have her visit, but she’ll be mostly on her own during the day when I’m working. Will that be okay?”

Kate laughed again, “If you have a beach and a pool, that will consume most of her time. She’s determined to get the perfect tan this year. She already bought some bikinis that probably aren’t even legal where we live.”

We discussed the details and arranged for me to pick Emma up at the airport in two days. I’d last seen her when I flew up for her sweet-sixteen party in January. It was a quick trip and I didn’t get a lot of time to interact with her as she had a dozen girlfriends staying over for the after-party sleepover. Say what you will about my sister, but she loves Emma and always goes all out for her when it comes to celebrations.

On the day Emma’s flight arrived, I put on my dorkiest clothes, consisting of baggy shorts with coconuts all over them and a fluorescent Hawaiian shirt covered in birds. I held a big sign that simply read ‘Princess Em’ and waited for her to get through customs. The crowd was small, and it took her only a few minutes to see me. She started to give me a big smile, but that suddenly vanished as she did her best to look mortified when she saw the sign and my attire. For a moment, it seemed like she wanted to get back on the plane.

I called her name and she reluctantly dragged her suitcase to where I waited. She looked much the same, standing about five feet seven and probably weighing less than a hundred and twenty pounds or so. She was an athlete in high school, specializing in field hockey and track. And she had the slim, well-toned physique of someone who ran a lot. She was dressed rather simply in baggy shorts, two different color tank tops, and a ratty pair of sneakers without socks. She and I had similar tastes when it came to casual dress.

As she approached, I gave her a deep bow and announced loudly, “Welcome to Aruba, Princess. I have your limo waiting for you outside. I trust your flight was pleasant?”

For an instant, I thought she was going to get mad or just storm past me, but then I saw her expression change.

“My flight was a bore, surrounded by all of these lowly tourist peasants. You should have had my private jet prepared. Now take me to the palace immediately!”

I couldn’t help but laugh at how quickly she jumped into the role. People all around were looking at us, not sure what to believe. Finally, I just opened my arms and Emma leapt up and hugged me. I held her up and spun her around as she giggled like a child. She felt good in my arms and for the first time, I realized that she had real breasts. I felt her two warm pillows pressing my chest through the thin shirt and wondered how, during her party, I’d missed seeing how well-developed her body had become.

I kissed her on the cheek and set her back on her feet. Grabbing her suitcase, I walked us out to the car, a nice Mustang convertible I’d rented for my six-month stay. It was a thirty-minute ride back to my place, and Em babbled the entire way. She oohed and aahed at the beautiful scenery and almost fell out of her seat at her first closeup look at the azure waters surrounding us. This was going to be a fun few weeks.

At the house, I dragged her suitcase into her bedroom and gave her a quick tour. With six bedrooms and five bathrooms, she had her pick of the place. I gave her the Wi-Fi password and showed her how to operate the security system. Each room had a TV, though I found most of the programming uninteresting. Lastly, I explained about meals.

“Okay, Em,” I began, “everything around here is pretty laid back, including the meals. We’re on our own for breakfast and lunch and then for dinner, either we can have one of the local eateries deliver or we can go out and hit the surrounding towns. The fridge is always stocked, and I have a service that fills it weekly. There is a webpage you can use for any special requests, and they’ll be added to the next delivery. Any questions?”

“Wow, this sure beats back home where I cook for mom and me and I help with the shopping. Maybe you were right about me being a princess here!”

“There are a few ground rules,” I said, watching her groan inwardly. “I wake up around seven and do five miles of swimming every morning. Then I have my protein drink and then spend the rest of the day writing, or at least trying to write. I knock off at five, and then I’m all yours for whatever you want to do.”

“Seems fair enough,” she said. “But will there be a chance for me to hit the town on my own some nights? I mean, it’s great being with you and all, but I’d like to make a few friends and see what’s up around here.”

“Maybe we take the first week with me showing you around, and then you can try a few nights solo if you’d like? As long as you’re home by eleven and keep me updated, we should be okay.”

I could see an eleven o’clock curfew was not popular, but she wisely chose not to push it. There would be plenty of time for disagreements later. We shook on the plan, and she scurried off to her bedroom to unpack.

That evening, I had a full Caribbean lobster dinner delivered in honor of Em’s arrival. I knew she loved seafood, and we were certainly in the right part of the world for all sorts of fishy delights. She scarfed down every morsel and did a decent job on the side dishes. For one so slim, it amazed me that she could consume so much. She did balk at dessert though and only nibbled the edges of her mango cheesecake. Apparently, she tried to minimize simple sugars as a way to maintain her fitness level.

After dinner, we sat on the patio and watched the waves fade into the dwindling sunlight. She was a good conversationalist, and I was surprised to learn she’d read both my books. According to Em, I scored high on excitement, military detail, and strong male characters. But she felt I fell short on the character development of the female characters, even though most were soldiers. She also felt I needed more women in leadership roles. I told her I’d seriously consider that for the current book. Tired from her flight, she made it an early night and kissed me on the cheek as she headed off to bed.

The next morning, I was up at my usual time and headed out to the beach for my mid-morning swim. I was startled to see Emma already out on a chaise lounge, catching the early rays. She was laying on her back with sunglasses on and AirPods in her ears. She didn’t hear me, which gave me a moment to appreciate how beautiful she was.

Her bikini was a teal green with thin yellow strings holding it all together. The triangle cups were tiny, barely covering half of each breast. The bikini bottoms, the part I could see anyway, had just the tiniest triangle patch covering her pussy. It was obvious she shaved her pubic hair. I didn’t see any errant curls sneaking out, and the fabric over her mound was tightly formed to her body. No evidence of a puffy bush underneath. Every other part of her was nude, and my cock stirred restlessly. I tried to chastise myself for becoming aroused looking at my niece, but I was only human.

I stepped closer to get a better look. I could now see the slightest indentation where the bikini fabric nestled into the groove of her pussy. And the thin material covering her breasts clearly showed the outline of large areolas with small nipple bumps in the center. All of her exposed skin was shimmering with oil, and one dainty foot kept time with whatever song was playing in her ears. I reached inside my trunks, adjusting my cock to make the bulge less obvious, and coughed to get her attention.

She turned her head towards me and lifted her sunglasses, squinting against the early morning sun.

“Oh, hi Uncle Steve, I didn’t hear you come outside. Going for your swim?”

“Hi Em, yeah, gotta hit the waves before the sun gets too high in the sky. I’m glad to see you used oil, but if you’re outside after ten or eleven, then you’ll want to use a strong SPF. Otherwise, you’ll get fried instead of tanned.”

I jogged to the water and splashed into the surf, feeling the coolness on my already overheated skin. As I swam, my mind kept turning over the fact that the sight of my near-naked niece had given me an erection. This was the same kid whose diaper I’d changed and had given countless baths to when she was a toddler. I knew it wasn’t right, but I also knew that she was incredibly attractive. And at sixteen, she was leaving childhood behind and making her first steps into womanhood. Regardless, I would need to get real and just keep my thoughts to myself.

My mandatory five miles completed, I swam back to my beach. As I reached shallow water and stood, I noticed that Em was horsing around in the water with two of the local teen boys. I didn’t know their names, but had occasionally seen them jogging past the rear of my house. They all were in hip-deep water playing grab-ass or something similar. I went over to introduce myself.

“I see you made some new friends,” I said, smiling. I reached out my hand and shook, learning that one boy was named Leo and the other Mark. Both were seventeen and wiry in appearance. I hadn’t seen a lot of muscle-heads during my stay, but most appeared to be lean and in shape, and these two were no exception.

“I’m heading inside. Em, if you want to invite your friends onto the patio, there are plenty of cold drinks and snacks you can offer.”

I slogged my way through the water and then jogged up to the house. As I went up the steps, I glanced over my shoulder and saw that the three hadn’t moved. I went inside to shower, hoping I hadn’t said anything wrong.

Shower finished and smoothie in hand, I grabbed my laptop and hit the patio. I noted that the three kids had indeed made it to the patio and had seated themselves around the side of the house. I could see an assortment of bottles and bags on their table and assumed they were in the midst of a junk food binge. Kids that age are like a swarm of locusts, and I doubted any of what they took would make its way back to the fridge.

I was deep into my work when I noted that the boys had left and Emma went back into the house. I didn’t see her again, and by five o’clock I’d made a serious dent in my new novel’s framework. I went inside to find Emma sprawled on the sofa watching a movie on satellite. It was just ending as I stowed my laptop for the day.

“Nice to see you made some friends already,” I said cautiously. “Do they live nearby?”

She sat up, and I could see she was wearing a pale blue tank top and a nice pair of white shorts. Her skin had already begun to darken and looked good against the white.

“I wouldn’t call them friends exactly,” she began, “more like horny pets. I think they liked my bikini more than they liked me. Anyway, I doubt they’ll be coming by again. I wasn’t the easy chick they thought I was.”

I was impressed by her assessment, as I had felt a similar vibe. But if I’m being honest, what teen boy isn’t horny every second of every day? But it was nice to see that Em had some sense about her.

That evening we drove into town and I took her to a well-rated casual restaurant. We had the sea bass for two, and I enjoyed a nice bottle of wine. I allowed her to have a half-glass of wine, and nobody around us raised a fuss. But it made her feel a little more grownup and even a bit mellow by the end of the meal. We spent an hour walking the streets and checking out a few of the shops. She fell in love with a seahorse bracelet, so I bought it for her, just because. She held out her arm for the shopkeeper, and he daintily wrapped it around her wrist and fastened the clasp. Em was thrilled and spent the rest of the evening playing with the little seahorse charms.

The next few days passed without any stress. I spent each day working, and Em occupied herself with chasing the perfect tan. Sometimes she’d walk the beach, often not returning for hours, while other days some of the local kids would drop by to splash with her in the surf. Many teens lived along our stretch of beach, both boys and girls, and a few seemed attracted to the new kid in town. It all seemed harmless enough, and I was glad she was able to interact with others her age.

At last, it was late Friday afternoon, and I’d put away my laptop for the weekend. I asked Em to get dressed up because I’d made eight o’clock reservations for us in town. Wear your best, I advised. Two hours later, she made her appearance. Her long brunette hair hung softly across her shoulders, one section secured with an elegant hair clip in almost the exact shade of her hazel eyes. She wore a white sundress with thin straps at the shoulders and a wide cobalt blue colored ribbon around her narrow waist. The dress fell just above her knees and was decorated with little blue flowers. She wore white sandals with low heels and her overall look was stunning.

“Emma,” I began, “when did you grow up? You’re gorgeous!”

She blushed furiously at the compliment, and her bright smile was a joy to see. The flush extended into the vee between her breasts, and again I took note of how well-developed she’d become. My eyes dwelled on her cleavage, pondering the delights that lay within. Fearing I’d stared too long, I quickly tried to cover.

“You know, seeing you in that dress, I realize we should get you the matching seahorse pendant necklace to go with your bracelet. Something to complement how your tan looks next to the white dress.”

She looked down at the vee between her breasts and touched the skin briefly with her finger, picturing the small gold seahorse we had seen in the jewelry shop. It was a simple movement, but still made me shiver thinking about how that soft, warm patch of skin would feel to my lips. Shaking off the feeling, I took her hand, and we went out to the car.

Dinner that night was in an elegant restaurant that served the best swordfish steak in the country. Em was fearless at trying new things, so we also had a spread of appetizers featuring octopus, sea urchins, and other exotic treats. I ordered a nice bottle of white for myself, but managed to slip almost a full glass to Em during the meal. The whole evening her head was on a swivel watching all the elegantly dressed patrons come and go. By meal’s end we were stuffed, and Em was a little buzzed. When we stood to leave, she was a bit unsteady on her feet, so I decided it was best if we skipped walking around town and just went home.

It was near eleven when we arrived home, and I expected Em to just go to bed. But as I sat watching TV, she joined me, saying she was still too wired to sleep. As she crossed the room, I admired the jiggle of her breasts under her nightshirt. She sat down next to me on the sofa and snuggled up against my side. The short nightshirt slid smoothly up her thighs as she sat, exposing almost all of her long, toned legs. I felt my cock swell at the sight.

I handed her the remote, and she flipped aimlessly from channel to channel. Every few minutes she would yawn, and I knew she’d have to sleep soon. Eventually, she handed me the remote and repositioned herself so that she could lay with her head on my lap. If she felt my partial erection under her head, she never said anything. As I studied her face, I could see her slip in and out of a light doze.

“Em, honey, it’s late. Why don’t you go to bed?”

“Not ready yet,” she mumbled. “But I’m a bit chilly.”

She then took my arm and wrapped it across her chest to generate some heat. She held on to my hand with hers, and my arm was squashed across her breasts. I knew she was awake, so this was both unexpected and awkward. She was restless, and each time she moved, my arm would rub across her nipples. I could feel little nubs pressing the underside of my arm, which did nothing to help deflate my cock. As much as I was enjoying the sensation, my rational side finally took over and I pulled my arm free.

“Em, no kidding, you need to go to bed. It’s late and if you want to join me for a morning excursion into town tomorrow, you’ll need your sleep.”

As she stumbled off to bed, I noted that part of her nightshirt was still rucked up over her butt. As she walked to her room, I couldn’t help but admire her ass under the thin fabric of her white bikini panties. Sighing, I got up and took my hard-on to bed. Laying there, listening to the surf, I stroked my engorged cock to get some relief. Between seeing her in different bikinis every day and then how beautiful she looked at dinner, touching her boobs was the last straw. I had no trouble picturing her nude, and within a few dozen strokes, I came all over my belly and chest. Then I felt guilty for having thoughts no uncle should have. Sleep came quickly, but it was a restless night.

The next morning, I awoke at my normal time, but it took some effort to rouse Emma. Knocking on her door didn’t work, so I opened it and poked my head inside her bedroom. She was sprawled on her back with the covers kicked off the bed. It looked like her night was restless too. Her nightshirt was scrunched up to her waist, and I was startled to see that she had removed her panties before going to bed. I knew I had to cover her up before I woke her.

Stepping to the foot of the bed, I grabbed the blanket and untangled it. I draped it over her body, pausing briefly to admire her pussy. As expected, it was smooth and bald and her slit was almost closed with just the slightest peek of her pink labia within. At the very top of her slit was a small gap where her clitoris peeked out. Again, a shiver hit my entire body as I forced myself to cover her.

Touching her now covered arm, I called, “Emma, honey, time to wake up.”

It took a few tries, but finally she awoke, and looked at me through slit eyes.

“Let me sleep,” she grumbled. “My head hurts.”

“The best thing for a hangover is bright sunshine, fresh air, and a good breakfast. Now get your cute butt out of bed and meet me in thirty minutes.”

It took her closer to forty-five minutes, but eventually, she emerged from her cave. She had showered, and her hair was brushed into a simple ponytail today. She wore a pale pink halter top, and I watched as her ample breasts bounced and swayed under the thin material. Lord, this child was going to kill me. She also wore white shorts and had on pink sneaks without socks. It was the perfect outfit for a casual morning of running errands.

In town, I parked the car and told her I was headed to the library to pick up some research books I’d ordered. She was welcome to come with me, or she could wander the shops on her own.

“Uh, I hate to ask, but could I borrow some money?” she asked, looking embarrassed. “I need to buy some nicer clothes and a lot more underwear and stuff. I really under packed.”

“Emma, you don’t need to ask. Just tell me what you need. “You and your mom are my only family, anything you want I’m happy to provide.”

I handed her a wad of bills and watched as she walked the few blocks to the shopping district. We had arranged to meet later for brunch at a small crĂȘpes restaurant, and I headed into the library. It took longer than I expected to complete my errands, and I was about ten minutes late meeting up with her. She’d already been seated, and as I walked to her table, I saw an assortment of colorful shopping bags piled on the unused chair.

She smiled when she saw me, and I added my bag to her pile.

“Looks like you had fun shopping,” I said. “Did you get everything you needed?”

She grinned from ear to ear and said, “They had such beautiful clothes, I had trouble deciding. But I got some nice stuff. I can’t wait for you to see my new outfits.”

She reached into her bag and pulled out some bills, money she hadn’t spent. I told her to keep it and to let me know if she needed more pocket money. We scanned our menus and each ***********ed a crĂȘpes dish. I chose the lobster stuffed crĂȘpes and Em picked the whole wheat crĂȘpes with fresh fruits and turkey bacon.

The meal was fantastic, and we babbled about everything and nothing during the hour we were there. I fortified myself with several cups of coffee, while Em stuck with a glass of skim milk. I had to admire her dedication to a healthy diet even while on vacation.

I took the long, scenic route back home, and we stopped at a few overlooks so that Em could admire the view. It was midafternoon by the time we were back in the house. Since it was Saturday, I noticed that the grocery service had delivered another order, and we were well-stocked in everything, including my favorite beer. We felt sweaty from our excursion and decided a quick shower and then some sun would be a great way to end the day.

About thirty minutes later, I was dressed in board shorts and a tank top, and already on my chaise under a big umbrella. Emma joined me a few minutes later, and my jaw dropped at the sight of her wearing a white one-piece Speedo. Despite the bathing suit covering much more skin than her bikinis, I would swear she looked ten times sexier. The suit was stretchy and tight and clung to every curve and bump and valley like a second skin. I placed my magazine on my lap to hide the bulge that was already forming.

She sat in the chaise that was at an angle to mine and I had a view of her entire body from her head to the tips of her cute little toes. Her pubic mound was prominent in the tight swimsuit, and I could detect just a hint of camel toe. This was going to be a long afternoon.

“Uh, Uncle Steve?” she asked shyly. “Would you help me with suntan lotion on my back? I can’t reach, and I missed a few spots the other day when I did it.”

“Sure, Em, we wouldn’t want to ruin your vacation with a bad burn.”

She flipped onto her stomach and I grabbed the bottle of SPF 30. I started with her back since this was easy and safe. Her skin felt warm and very soft under my hand as I applied a liberal coating. I made sure to slip my fingers under the edges of her suit to ensure full coverage. In this position, I couldn’t help but notice how fine her ass was. With the tightly stretched fabric, her cheeks were a study in taut smoothness. How I wished her suit didn’t cover quite so much.

Shifting position down to her feet, I smeared lotion on her soles and between her toes, making sure to cover the sides too. Sliding my hands upward, I did the back of each leg until I reached her ass. She spread her legs slightly to allow me to do inside her thighs, and I felt a blob of pre-cum ooze out of my cock. Just the thought of touching her was setting off alarm bells. Finally, mercifully, the task was complete.

“Okay, all done,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Uh, what about my butt cheeks? They’re super sensitive to burning.”

“Uh, um,” I started,” maybe you should do that part? They’re easy enough to reach.”

“Yeah, but I can’t reach as well as you, especially under the edges of my suit. Please?”

Sighing, I poured another gob of lotion and slowly spread it over the exposed portion of her ass cheeks. As I expected, her cheeks were tight and firm, but her skin was baby-soft. My fingers slid over her skin with almost no effort. As I slipped my fingers under the edges of her suit, I felt another rivulet of pre-cum burble out of my cock and run down my leg. This was getting ridiculous.

The back of her body finished, she flipped over, so she could apply sunscreen to her front. She turned so quickly that I had to flop face down on my lounger, so she wouldn’t see my wet bathing suit or the obvious bulge in my crotch.

Noting my bare skin, she said, “Let me apply lotion to your back. It’s only fair.”

“Okay,” I squeaked.

I felt her soft hands start at my shoulders and slide down my arms. She had to lean over me to reach, and I could feel her hip and part of her tummy pressing against my lower back. As she worked down my back, she spent a lot of time massaging my muscles. As a swimmer, this part was well-developed.

“Wow, Uncle, your back is strong. It’s like kneading rocks back here. I need to do more swimming. Maybe you can teach me how to do long distance?”

“Yes, any morning you want, just join me on the beach, and I’ll take you around the cove.”

She was applying lotion to my thighs now, and I felt her small hands slide up inside the legs of my shorts, almost to my balls. That’s when I lost it. My orgasm hit and I spurted jets of semen into my trunks. My body tensed, and I know she felt it because she paused for a few seconds before resuming her massage. All I could do was lay there in my spunk while she finished my legs and then moved back to her chair.

“You doing okay, Uncle Steve? It seemed like you got all tensed up a minute ago.”

“Yeah, honey, I’m fine. Just a small leg cramp.”

We spent about an hour sunning before I decided I needed to hit the waves to wash off. I rolled off my chair, doing my best not to expose my soggy suit front, and jogged towards the waves. The water felt cool after all the sun, and a minute later I heard Emma squealing as her warm body hit the cool water.

“No fair leaving me behind,” she said. “You tired of me already?”

“No, not at all. I thought you might have been asleep and didn’t want to disturb you.”

We splashed and goofed around for a good hour, thoroughly exhausting ourselves. I showed her a few long stroke techniques to help cover more distance when swimming, and I won’t lie, holding her body as she floated did nothing to cool my growing desire. I had her swim circles around me as I watched her form. She was a good swimmer and just needed some practice to handle longer swims.

“I’m exhausted,” I said. “How about we head back to the patio?”

In response, she swam up to me and launched herself into my arms, hugging me around my neck. I was too strong for her to sink, but she wrapped her long legs around my waist and tried to fall backward to pull me with her. I stumbled, and the net effect was that I ended up with a handful of her ass and my face buried into her cleavage. She shook her upper body, essentially motor boating me with her tits, and I responded by squeezing both of her ass cheeks.

I froze, realizing what was happening, but she was having none of it. As I freed my face from her breasts, she leaned forward and kissed me solidly on the lips. I felt her tongue pressing against my teeth, but I refused to let her in. I did pull her tightly against my body so that she could feel the full erection hiding in my shorts. This lasted a few seconds before I came to my senses and released her, pushing some separation between us. She looked shocked and just floated, slowly paddling water.

“I’m heading in,” I announced and beat a hasty retreat to the beach.

She was close behind, and we made it to our chairs and flopped down.

“Em, I’m sorry, that never should have happened. I got carried away and, well, you’re my niece and I shouldn’t do things like that with you.”

Emma looked mortified, like I had slapped her. I’d really fucked up and hoped I hadn’t done irreparable damage. She had her arms crossed and was glaring at me like she was ready to explode.

“Please, say something Em. Yell at me or curse me or hit me if you want. I deserve it. And I understand if you want to go back home to your mom.”

“Guys are really clueless, you know that? I thought with you being older and more experienced and being the big-shot author, you’d understand. But you’re no different from the boys I know back home.”

I was confused. If she wasn’t mad, then why was she so defensive? Then it hit me. I had rejected her. She’d made an advance by kissing me, and I’d rebuffed her. To a fragile teen ego, that was one of the worst offenses.

“Em, I think I understand now. When you kissed me, I kind of pushed you away. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”

“You did more than hurt my feelings,” she spat. “You made me feel like a child, too immature to know what I want. That part really hurt.”

“Emma, look at me, please?” She swiveled her head, locking eyes with me. “That was never my intent, you have to believe me. You’re stunningly beautiful, and I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve had feelings for you no uncle should have. But I have to protect you too.”

“I don’t need protecting,” she said sharply. “I’m no virgin, I know about stuff. And I’ve seen those bulges in your shorts whenever I’m wearing a bikini. And I know you had an orgasm earlier when I was putting sunscreen on you. I know how guys get when they cum.”

I couldn’t believe I was having this conversation with my niece. It was a minefield, and I didn’t want to harm her ego or make her feel anything but loved. But I had to be the adult, didn’t I?

“Em,” I tried again. “Anything we did together would be against the law and against the laws of nature. We’re family for Christ’s sake!”

She looked at me like I still didn’t get it. Rolling her eyes, she said, “I know all that, of course I know all that. I’m not looking to have a baby or get married or do anything but have a fun summer. I’m looking for a summer fling and hoped that could be you. Why else would I have left all my friends behind to fly out here? Certainly, not to be all alone in paradise.”

Now I was in shock. This entire trip had been orchestrated, if only in her mind so that I could be her boyfriend for the summer. Part of me was flattered, but another part was disturbed by the plan she had set in motion. The responsible, adult thing to do was to call my sister and put Emma on the next flight home. But another, darker part of me was intrigued by the possibilities.

“You know, if we did this, your mom could never know. She’d have me arrested if she didn’t castrate me first. And you, she’d probably send you to a convent or something.”

She smiled at this, and it was a relief to see. I didn’t want to ruin our relationship, though either path I took seemed likely to do that.

“I have more secrets I keep from my mom than you could believe,” she teased. “I’ve had so many boyfriends that she put me on birth control as soon as I turned sixteen. Even though she still thinks I’m a virgin, she wanted to make sure I didn’t do something stupid.”

“Okay, you’ve given me a lot to think about. Can I have a little time to decide?”

She stood up, walked to my chair, and kissed me on the cheek. “Don’t take too long deciding, or I might have to go grab one of the local boys to scratch my itch.”

With that, she walked into the house, leaving me to ponder our fate.

Dinner that night was a vegetable pizza I had delivered from one of the local shops. The mood was light as we ate, though I could see Em was eager for an answer. I managed to down two bottles of my favorite local beer, while Em stuck with iced tea. It was her turn to clean up, so I grabbed a third bottle and went to watch some TV.

She sat with me most of the evening before kissing my cheek and heading to bed. It was around eleven and from the music playing in her room, I assumed she was still awake. I had just flipped off the TV when I saw Em come back into the room wearing her long bathrobe. She was barefoot, and I could see she had brushed her hair as it shimmered in the overhead lights.

“Em, I thought you had gone to bed?”

“I couldn’t sleep, worrying what your decision would be. I really want this, and I think you do too. So, I decided to stack the deck.”

She untied her robe and shrugged it off her shoulders, where it fell to a heap on the floor behind her. She stood before me, totally nude, and pivoted completely around on the balls of her feet. My heart caught in my throat at the sexy vision standing before me. Her breasts were firm and round, and I could see her nipples were stiff with excitement. Her body was well-tanned except for the small white patches usually covered by her teeny bikinis. The contrast was sexy as hell.

My cock stiffened immediately as my brain worked to unlock and find words to say. An old movie I’d once caught on cable from the early seventies popped into my mind. It was called ‘What Do You Say to a Naked Lady?’. Except in my, updated version, it would have been titled ‘What Do You Say to a Naked Niece?’. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and I felt my resolve to do the right thing slipping away.

“Oh, Em, my god, you are gorgeous! I knew you were a stunner, but the reality is so much better than anything I could have imagined. Are you sure about this?”

She smiled, walked to me, and sat on my lap. Her naked ass pressed firmly against my erect cock, and I groaned as she wiggled her butt. This time, when she leaned in to kiss me, I greedily allowed her tongue to slip between my lips. Our tongues swirled as we tasted each other for the first time. I caressed her breast, feeling how warm and soft it was. She moaned into my mouth as I made contact with the stiff bud of her nipple. We were sixty seconds into our new relationship, and already I felt my orgasm beginning to build.

Breaking our kiss, she said, “I’ve wanted this since I saw you at my sweet-sixteen party. I’ve spent months thinking of all the things I want to do with you. First on my list, I want to feel you cum in my mouth. Can we do that?”

I kissed her again and helped her stand up. I had my clothes off in seconds and flopped back on the sofa with my eight inches of cock standing tall. I saw her eyes widen with surprise at my length and at how thick my shaft was. It was probably a bit more than she was used to with her school friends.

She dropped to her knees between my legs and grasped my shaft with her hand. She squeezed and a blob of pre-cum oozed out of my cock and slid down over her hand. She began stroking me and rubbing her palm over my glans, so she could smear the lubricant over my entire shaft. I loved watching her breasts jiggle as she jerked me. I would’ve been happy just to get a hand job from her, but she had other plans.

Lowering her head, I felt her lips touch the end of my cock, sending intense shivers throughout my body. She swirled her tongue over my glans and then enveloped me in her warm, wet mouth. My girth was such that she had to stretch her mouth wide to suck me, which meant she couldn’t go too deep. But she made up for it by squeezing and twisting her hand on my shaft while her mouth massaged my glans. I had already been close to orgasm earlier and now watching my niece suck my cock, it took only a minute for me to climax.

I never even got to warn her as an enormous jet of hot semen fired into her mouth and hit the back of her throat. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t miss a beat as her throat worked hard to swallow my load. With each upward stroke, she squeezed my cock, forcing strong jets of cum into her mouth. Finally, I had nothing left to give, and I asked her to stop.

Slowly, she slid her lips off my cock, making me shiver again with the warm caress. As quick as this was, this had to be one of the best blow jobs of my life. And it took my niece to achieve that. I sat back and watched as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She climbed into my lap and kissed me, slipping her cum coated tongue into my mouth. I sucked gently, tasting my salty essence. She was not the first girl to do this with me, but none were as sexy as Em was. With her naked body in my arms, my cock was already contemplating a return engagement.

“You came fast!” she said with a bit of pride in her voice. “I guess I did a good job?”

“Em,” I said, “That may just be the best oral sex I’ve ever had. I’m not even joking. You were fantastic! That stuff with your tongue was next level, and the way you stroked and squeezed was so damn good.”

A big smile lit her face and she kissed me again. I used my fingers to play with her nipples and pinched them gently to get an idea of what she liked. Her moans told me all I needed to know as I bent down and sucked her entire areola into my mouth and massaged her nipple with my tongue. I moved back and forth between her breasts and thoroughly enjoyed the sounds she was making. Sliding my hand downward, I pushed her thighs apart and made my first contact with her sopping wet pussy. The heat was incredible, but her cleft was very tight, and it took some effort to wiggle my fingers inside.

Realizing it was the angle we were sitting at, I stood up, lifting her with me. I laid her on the sofa and helped spread her legs wide. This allowed me to kneel between them and kiss her pussy. Using my fingers, I gently opened her cleft and saw the small petals of her labia hiding within. They were pink and glistening with moisture, and I covered her compact pussy with my mouth and wedged my tongue between her folds. I savored the tangy, sweetness of her juices as I ran my tongue up and down her warm cleft.

As I licked, my fingers probed the rubbery hood surrounding her clit until I was able to massage her pleasure button. This kicked her sensation level to the max and her moans became louder. Juices were flowing from her pussy as my mouth worked to keep up and not miss a drop. I used my other finger to find the entrance to her vagina, and I was rewarded with a sudden lifting of her hips as I hit the spot. My fingertip probed her entrance and slipped about an inch inside her. She was tight, and I could feel the walls of her hot, velvet tunnel caressing my finger. It was time to push her over the edge.

One finger rubbed her clit while the other plunged in and out of her vagina, twisting back and forth. At the same time, my tongue continued to flicker its way through her warm, wet crease until I felt her entire body go rigid. Her back arched and a gasping wheeze was the only sound I heard. I continued my movements, and I felt her body relax and then stiffen over and over as her climax rolled across her body. After a minute or so, she fully relaxed, and I stopped masturbating her. Now it was my turn to sit back on my heels and admire my work.

“You came pretty fast too,” I said, grinning. “Though I have to admit, I used some pretty aggressive techniques on you.”

She was still breathing deeply, trying to catch her breath. Her face and upper body were flushed, and one strand of damp hair covered the side of her face. But she recovered quickly and flashed me her best smile yet.

“That was so much better than any of the fantasies I’ve been having. I mean, guys have made me cum before, but they were amateurs compared to you. I can’t wait to do more with you, Uncle Steve!”

“Ah, considering what we just did, maybe drop the uncle part and just call me Steve? At least when we’re alone?”

She grinned again and said, “Sorry, no can do. It has to be Uncle Steve. That’s part of my fantasy. Fucking my uncle is erotic, just fucking any old Steve is boring. Okay?”

At that point, she could have called me Aunt Sally for all I cared. As long as I was able to have more of her. So I simply replied, “Uncle Steve it is!”

I got up and padded to the kitchen to fetch two frosted bottles of beer. I handed one to Em, and she accepted it without question. She knew the rules had changed between us and for the remainder of her time here we would now be equals. We tapped bottles and each took a long pull of the chilled brew. She seemed to like the dark amber beer, and I made a mental note to double the next order.

She managed to down half the bottle before she’d had enough, so I took her bottle and finished it. I could see the bright, shiny excitement in her eyes, and I knew we weren’t done yet. So I took her hand and helped her stand, and then we both walked naked to my bedroom.

Standing by the bed, I turned the side light low and said, “Em, sex play is one thing, but making love is a different level. Once we do this, things will never be the same between us. It’s a secret we’ll both have to keep forever from everyone. Are you certain this is what you want?”

She looked at me a long time before stepping close and wrapping me in her arms, pressing her naked body against mine. She stood on tiptoe and placed her mouth so close to my ear that her breath tickled me.

“Everything you say is true. But my generation doesn’t make such a big deal out of sex. I know it’s a big deal in some ways, but for me, this is just two people who already love each other just having some serious, intense fun.”

As she spoke, she pressed her pussy into my crotch and made small circles. My already elevated libido surged as my cock stiffened. I slid my hands down her strong back and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling her tight against my cock. I guess we’d both made our decision.

“Okay, Em, I hear you and I do love you more than you can know. I want you so bad that it hurts. But if at any point you want to stop, just say the word.”

She kissed me hard, and I lifted her into my arms and laid her on the bed. I laid next to her and pulled her into a bear hug, wrapping my arms and legs around her body just to feel her nakedness pressed against me. Her breasts were firmly pressed to my chest and I could feel her heartbeat as we embraced. I don’t know that any woman has excited me as much as Em was doing now.

My cock was wedged between our bodies, so I loosened my embrace and slid my hand down to reposition it. Then I reached between her legs and ran my fingers through her tight, wet cleft. She was still well lubricated from her earlier orgasm, and my two fingers slipped easily into her vagina. Curling my fingers upward, I massaged her G-spot and was rewarded with a yelp of joy from Em.

“Oh! Oh!” she exclaimed. “What are you doing? I’ve never felt that before. It’s like an electric shock to my belly.”

“Just one of the many magical places a woman has. Stay with me long enough, and I’ll show you them all.”

I felt her hand move between us and I jolted as her warm grip encircled my shaft. It was awkward, but she stroked me slowly, and I could feel a steady flow of juice leaking from my dick. Despite having climaxed just thirty minutes before, I was ready for more. I rolled Em onto her back and positioned my body over hers. She opened her legs for me and I knelt between her open thighs. My cock was laying on top of her pussy and drooling pre-cum all over it. We couldn’t have been more ready.

“Em,” I said, trying to control my excitement, “my cock is pretty big, so I’ll go as slow as I can. It might be a little uncomfortable at first.”

I grabbed my hard shaft and rubbed my cockhead up and down through her slippery groove. I loved watching her labia as it oozed around my fat glans. Each time I reached her clit, I used the tip of my cock to massage her little rubbery nub.

“Jesus Christ, Uncle Steve, that feels fucking fantastic. Where did you learn all this shit?”

I laughed and said, “Being in the military and traveling the world teaches you more than just how to fight. I guess I picked up a few tricks here and there.”

I continued to rub her pussy with my cockhead until her juices were flowing freely. I looked at Em and saw her eyes were wide open as she stared at my cock moving through her pussy. Gone was my sweet, innocent niece. In her place was a horny young woman desperate to be fucked.

Positioning the tip of my cock at the entrance to her silken tunnel, I enjoyed the sensational feeling of her wet heat. I pushed forward and watched as my fat glans smoothly slipped into her vagina. She was so wet and ready that I was able to enter her with almost no effort.

“Ahhhh,” I heard her sigh. “That feels really nice, Uncle Steve.”

“Yeah, it feels fucking wonderful for sure,” I said. “But it will get a bit tighter from here on.”

Even with just the tip inside her, waves of pleasure were passing through me. I tensed my body and slowly pushed forward, feeling another inch slip inside Em before things got tight. I paused to let her adjust to the intrusion and then tried pushing in a bit more, but this time her vagina resisted me.

“Em,” I said gently. “Are you okay? Things are getting tight, and I’ll need to use more pressure.”

“I feel fine,” she said in a sing-song voice. “My pussy feels full, but it’s a good kind of full.”

I pulled back just a little and then pressed inward using more force. My cock felt like it was moving through a warm elastic tunnel as it slowly made progress. Her vagina gripped every bit of my shaft with a firm squeeze. Even with all the lubrication she was making, it was still a tight fit. Then I had an idea.

Pulling my cock completely out of her, I squeezed my shaft and forced a blob of pre-cum to leak out. I used my hand to coat my entire shaft with the lube and then slid my cockhead back into her. This time I was able to get about five inches in before things slowed. So I began fucking her with short strokes, just to allow time for her velvet tunnel to relax enough. Little by little, my cock slid deeper into my niece until my pubic bone met hers. I could go no deeper.

During this time, Em had been panting slowly, trying to stay on top of her discomfort. Finally, with my cock buried to the hilt, she was able to relax.

“Okay, Uncle Steve, I feel better now. I wasn’t sure you’d fit, but now I feel stuffed, but with no discomfort. Just take things slow for a while.”

Her vagina was wrapped so tightly around my cock, I could have just stayed like that for hours. My body was buzzing with excitement as I felt her tight walls caress my shaft. Slowly, deliberately, I slid out about halfway before sliding back into her heat again. I lowered my body until she was supporting some of my weight, and I felt her rock-hard nipples pressed into my chest. I looked into her eyes and then kissed her, savoring the feel of her soft, warm lips.

Rocking my hips, I started a slow rhythm, making love to Em. Quickly things got slipperier, and I was able to slide more freely. I could feel her vagina spasming around my shaft, and she gripped me tightly with each outward stroke, almost like she never wanted me to leave. As I moved faster, Em began curling her hips up at me, meeting each thrust. Faster and faster we went, each holding on to the other for dear life. Em was uttering a series of grunts with each thrust, and I knew we were both getting close.

Holding on as long as I could, my orgasm exploded over me and I felt the first enormous jet of semen blast into Em’s womb. As soon as my second spurt hit her cervix, Em’s orgasm erupted, and I felt her body convulse in time to my thrusting. For a full minute we continued to hump at each other, until finally, our climaxes began to fade. I stopped moving and held myself deep inside her while I kissed her hard on the lips. Her eyes were tightly shut, and I could see a sheen of perspiration on her face.

“Em, honey, baby girl,” I whispered. “That was the most wonderful experience of my life. I can’t believe how much pleasure you just gave me.”

Her eyes remained closed, but her face lit up in a huge grin as she said, “I don’t want to open my eyes and look yet. I want to keep replaying this over and over again in my mind. I can’t even explain how good you made me feel. And I love that your huge cock is still hard inside me.”

I could feel her squeezing her pussy around my cock, almost like her body was trying to milk me of the last of my seed. As good as it felt, I could already feel myself softening inside her. The thought of slipping out of her made me sad, but the realization that we could do this again over and over gladdened my heart.

We kissed and cuddled until nature took her course and my cock slipped out of my niece’s warm, snug vagina. Laying face to face, we spent a long time just kissing and exploring each other’s bodies. I was already making plans in my head on how to convince Kate to let Emma stay the entire summer. Em didn’t think it would be a problem, and I promised to make the call in the morning.

“Sleep in my bed tonight?” I asked like a hopeful schoolboy.

She smiled and kissed me and said, “I’m yours for as long you want me, Uncle Steve. I love you!”

I kissed her back and we both drifted off to sleep. I can’t tell you what Emma dreamed about, but I dreamt of all the adventures that lay before us for the rest of her visit.


Dear Reader, I hope you enjoyed this little tale of family romance. You can bet there are still plenty of stories to tell about what happened in Aruba that fine summer.

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