Welcome To Florida

A boy moves to Florida, and meets a man online and goes to his house, just to be brutally raped.

I just just moved into the neighborhood. From California to Florida. I am now living in a small town, but I like the change. My name is Michael, and I’m only 19 years old. I’m gay but nobody really knows. My mom and dad would have a fit if they found out because they’re highly religious, and I know my dad for a fact does not support gay marriage. I’m spoiled in a way. My parents rarely pay attention to me and I’m given money instead of love. I say that so bluntly because I know it’s true, and I’ve learned to accept it. I spend a lot of time online, on different websites, talking to guys. Nobody I know. I’ve always wanted to meet up with one but I’m always too afraid.
Until last week, I met a guy named Craig. He’s seriously so nice! He always tells me he wants to take me out to super nice, fancy places, and walk on the beach. I don’t know my way around Florida yet since I’ve only been here a few weeks. So he said he’d love to show me around.
The thing that I’m kind of weird about is that he’s 25, but I guess I don’t mind. He’s tall, he told me he was 6’5, me being only 5’9 it makes me him even more hot, I love tall guys. He’s got dark brown hair and deep blue eyes. He tells me he’s attracted to me because of my blond hair and brown eyes. He says it’s different. I don’t know if i take that as a compliment or not. Me being shy, he brings a different side of me out.
I talked to him last night and he said he wants to meet up at the pizza place tomorrow around the corner from his house. I agreed. I can barely sleep because I keep imagining what I’m going to do as soon as I meet him.
It’s now 7am. I’m meeting Craig at noon. I’ve still got to shower, and do a few things around the house before I drive out to meet him. My dad is snoring away on the couch still, he’s such a lazy bum on Sundays. He works very hard though. That’s how we’re so wealthy. I stepped into the shower, my mind still racing. The warm water feels good and begins to sooth my stress a bit. I get out of the shower and realize it’s almost 8:30, I’m seriously amazed I took that long of a shower.
I texted Craig 20 minutes til and told him I was on my way. He texted me back telling me he was already there waiting for me so quickly put my shoes on and flew out the door. I was so anxious. Meeting the first person/friend/potential boyfriend in Florida. A new start. I put the address into my GPS, and headed to the pizza place.
As I pull up, it’s a dreary, almost run down looking little parlor. The place was called The Pizzeria. It was a mom and pops business. As I walked in, I looked to my left and immediately saw Craig. He jumped up, and ran to give me a hug. He smelled of strong, cheap cologne. “Did you find the place okay?” He asked.
“Yeah, I was just expecting something different I guess.” I said as I looked around the place in almost disgust. “Do you want to order a pizza to go? We can go back to my place. It will be a lot… cleaner.”
“Yeah.” I said. He ordered the pizza, payed, and we left.
“Follow me back!” He yelled as he ran to his car, scrambling to get his phone and keys, and shoved the pizza in the back seat.
I got in my car, and started following. At this point, there was a weird feeling in my gut. I just felt as if I needed to make up some excuse to go home. I never bothered to ask if he had any room mates, I’m hoping it isn’t awkward. I don’t do well around a bunch of people. I hope he doesn’t live in the ghetto. I noticed he also had black rings under his eyes. He just, almost in a way, weirded me out. I stuck to the road though and followed his beat up Nissan.
As we pulled up to the place, I got even more weary. It was a building of run down apartments. They were a darker grey color and two story. I got out of my car, after I made sure to lock it, and walked toward him. “Home sweet home!” He said as he put the key in the door. He lived on the bottom right. As we walked in, I was over whelmed by the smell of cat pee. It really was bad. When you first walked in there was a kitchen to the left. As i peered in, there was a sink of dirty dishes, and food and cups every where. We walked a little farther into the living room. His friends were sitting there. One was playing Xbox and the other was smoking a bowl of pot.
“This is Spider and Lawrence.” Craig introduced us. Spider was playing Xbox, he was kind of cute. He was built with his shirt off, with darkish brown hair. He had a nice figure.
Me and Craig went into his room and I sat down on his bed. “Do you smoke weed?” He asked.
“No, I’ve never done drugs or even drank before.” He laughed as he pulled out a bowl and puffed on it.
“Well I smoke weed, and do smack. If it bothers you I don’t know what to tell you.” He said in a smug way.
“No, it doesn’t.” Even though it did immensely. To my surprise, he pulled out a needle out of his top dresser. This fucker was about to do some heroin. I’ve never done drugs, but I’m not stupid. He pulled out a little baggie, and shook some of the brown sugar looking drug onto the spoon, lit it, and sucked it up in the needle.
“It only hurts for a minute.” He said as he pushed it into a large vein on his hand. As he did that, I soon noticed how disgustingly tore up his veins were. I was disgusted. “Do you want a piece of pizza?” He asked as he finished up and washed the blood of his hand with a rag.
“No.” I said as I started to get up. “I think it’d be best for me if I just went.” As I went to get up, he pushed me back onto the bed. I laughed a bit, until I looked up and saw that he was serious.
“You’re not going anywhere, so you might just want to eat some pizza.” He looked at me with serious eyes.
“No, I think I just need to leave. My parents know where I’m at and if I’m not home soon they’ll start to call me.” I said in a stern, yet scared voice. As I again went to stand up, he pushed me down and punched me in the face full force. I was stunned for a minute and yelled as I flew back and my head hit the wall. It took me a minute to realize what even happened. Before I could realize, he was soon tying me up to his bed. My hands and feet were tied tight with slim rope.
“STOP!” I screamed as he was finishing the left leg, I was now completely tied up. He walked over to me, bent down, whispered into my ear and said,
“Welcome to Florida.” At this point. I was completely petrified. He shoved a disgusting sock into my mouth and walked out of the room. I’m struggling to get free and it’s literally pointless. Before I know it, I look up, and Spider walks in. The man I was admiring 10 minutes before. He yells back out at Craig, “Why’d you tie him up? That’s not very easy access!” Lawrence walks in and begins to laugh. He pulls down his pants, and it reveals his huge cock. It must have been about 11 inches. He completely takes off his pants and walks over to me. He rips the sock out of my mouth and sticks his cock in and tells me to suck it.
“Start to untie him.” Lawrence said. So Spider begins to untie my legs. Craig walks back in, “You guys work fast.”
They quickly untied me, Lawrence’s dick never left my mouth. They flipped me over on my knees, all the while I’m struggling to get free. Spider starts to take my shoes off, and take off my pants, and then my boxers. By that time my ass is completely exposed. My dick was also as hard as a rock. As much as I wanted to get out of there, this was so hot and I loved have Lawrence in my mouth. I still wanted to get the fuck out of there. Spider held me down so I stopped moving. He then noticed how hard I was.
“This little fucker is enjoying this!” He yelled as he grabbed my cock and shook it around. Lawrence pulled his cock out of my mouth to look around and mine. By this time, Spider was down under me, sucking my cock like I’ve never had before. I let out a slight moan just out of surprise.
“You’re sick you sexy little fuck.” Lawrence said as he grabbed my hair and shoved his cock back into my mouth and began fucking my face. My eyes started to water as he was fucking me like a rag doll in my throat. Then I heard Craig chime in,
“If he likes that, he’ll love this.” I felt a cool liquid on my ass as it was exposed up in the air. Then, without any hesitation, Craig shoved his huge, hard as a rock, cock into my virgin ass. It was the worst pain and pleasure I’ve ever experienced in my life. I screamed with Lawrence in my mouth still, and squirmed around. That just made Lawrence go faster, then I felt a large warm load of his cum in the back of my throat. Lawrence threw his head back and moaned as he kept fucking my mouth.
“Swallow it.” He said as he left is cock in there. I swallowed it and he pulled out. Spider then came over and stuck his cock in my mouth and then it was old. I was tired of being throat fucked. Spider had an even larger dick. He put it in and fucked me in the throat so hard it started to hurt. Meanwhile, Craig is pounding away at my ass.
“FUCK!” Craig screams as he starts to cum in me. “Ahhh oh my God, your little ass made me come so quick. Ahhh.” He moans so much and then pulls out. My dick still hard, he bends down and starts jacking off my dick and licking the cum out of my ass.

To be continued…

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