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TS (In Memorial)

The good times with a passed friend

TS (In Memorial))

TS entered our lives many years ago. He worked for NASA in Baltimore, MD until his parents died – six months a part. He had lived with his parents all his life and was crushed by their death. He settled their affairs, collected his inheritance, bought a very nice but small motor home and headed west.
His trail lead him through the south into Texas and final to Arizona where he found AHVR, a newly developing nudist resort. My lady and I were helping the owner get the resort on its feet and were spending much of our time at the resort. It was during this time that we met TS. He was setting in the community area in his sand chair listening to his radio when I introduced myself . TS was a tall, very slender, a tender, kind and sensitive single man. I sat down next to him and introduced myself and begin to talk with TS, asking where he was from and what he was doing at the resort. He told me his story and we became very comfortable with one another.
I was immediately attached to his very nice soft cock. We being alone in a grassy area of the resort, I casually reached over and gently rubbed his cock, asking him if he minded what I was doing. He didn’t act shocked and replied “No, that’s quite alright and it feels good”. I kept massaging his cock and it very quickly grew to a very respectable size; long, slender and rock hard.
My memory is not too clear as to how and when we took the next step/steps – sucking/jack him off – but that soon became a regular pleasure. TS stayed at the resort for some time, purchased property connected to the resort and felt quite at home but he was somewhat unsettled and longed for Baltimore and his previous job. Therefore, TS moved back to Baltimore to satisfy his idea that things were better there than here and that he could get his old job back. It/this did not happen and the winter was very stressful for him – it being very cold, lots of snow, his motor home freezing up, and his old job no longer being available.
He moved back to AHVR and set up house keeping in the resort and at the same time, we moved on to our property a short distance from the resort. Problems developed at the resort and TS was asked to leave. So we invited him the come to our property and occupy our second RV spot. This he did and spent the next 1.5 very pleasant years next door.
This made it much easier for him to spend lots of time with us and specifically with me. It was during this time and because my lady was still working, that I was able to jack and/or suck TS off at least 2-3 times a week. This we both enjoyed immensely. .
TS inherited funds started running low so we encouraged TS to look for a job to help him meet ends. It took him very little time to find a nice job at a local casino as a slot machine technician. He held this job until he got his diagnosis of lung cancer. More on that towards the end of this essay.
While TS lived next to us, he and I became very close, spending a lot of time together talking and watching porno’s. This lead us to many, many good times – me sucking him off or playing with his very nice, cum spewing, unusually big headed cock.
In addition to our regular sex play, I also video taped two of our episodes, one where I brought him to a full erection, played with his very nice hard cock and finally took the whole thing into my mouth and proceeded to suck him until just before he came ( I could feel the head of his cock get extremely large in my mouth) pulled out and finished him off with my hand, he pumping a huge amount of cum into my hand and all the way up to his chin with the rest landing on his belly. I than rubbed his cum into his skin as if it were lotion which in actuality it is. The other video shows me jacking TS off, showing the head of his cock enlarge and his massive quantity of cum spurting all over his stomach.
In addition, while TS was back in Baltimore, he made four videos of him jacking off for me. They all are very good showing the different procedures he used to bring himself off – i.e. moving his hand up and down his rock hard cock, precum oozing out of his cock which he would smear over his cock head to give his hand some very nice warm lubricant and continue for many minutes licking off his fingers and useing it to lubricate his nice hard cock. It was easy again to see the head of his cock get larger and larger and within seconds, he would shot his huge load of cum all the way up to his face (eating some of it) and finishing off the rest all over his stomach. Thank you TS for such nice videos to bring back such wonderful memories. Thankfully, these memories soon turned back into reality when he moved back to AHVR and our fun would start all over again.
Massive amounts of cum…… when TS was about to cum, the head of his cock increased enormously in size and when he came the cum flowed and flowed filling any cavity his cock was in to overflowing – whether it was a mouth (mine or J’s – yes J got to suck TS also) or my lady’s very receptive pussy (only happened once but TS and my lady enjoyed it immensely – that story follows).
During our many year relationship, my lady also became very fond of TS. TS was in his 40’s but NEVER had sex with a women. So my lady decided that now was the time TS to feel what it was like to have his rock hard cock inside a woman’s hot and wet pussy. My lady and I suggested to TimS that we give him a massage. This was our way of working our friend into a very warm and sensual sexual situation. We started with TS as usual on his stomach with one of us massaging from the head and the other from the feet. I don’t remember who started at what end but we soon met in the middle. We rolled TS over onto his back and began our massage again. TS was already rock hard so it was natural for us to work rapidly to his middle, each of us reaching his cock at the same time. I sucked on it a little just to make sure that he was rock hard and ready for my lady’s hot and wet pussy. Of course he was and therefore my lady throw her leg over TS, taking hold of his rock hard cock and placed it in her vaginal opening. Because TS was relatively small in diameter, my lady was able to take him totally in one quick plunge. TS was also so ready and so turned on that it only took him a few strokes for the head of TS’s cock to swell enormously and for TS to cum. TS’s cum flooding my lady’s pussy with his unusually huge load. She kept moving up and down and he kept stroking up and down, thoroughly coating the inside of her vagina with his vast amount of cum. She rolled over, took his still hard cock and again placed it in her vaginal opening, garbed his hips, raising her hips taking his still very nice long rock hard cock to its hilt in her cum filled pussy, his cock again sliding easily around and around and in and out. Her pussy being bigger than his cock but his cock still sliding around and around and in and out, cum oozing out around his ever hard cock (TS had the ability to stay hard for very long periods of time. He also had the ability to cum again in the matter of few minutes after cumming the first time – this was very nice). TS cums again – the second time – and again he injects another huge load of cum over filling my lady’s already drenched pussy now cum slashing all over TS’s belly and over my lady’s cum coated pussy. Cum gushing out of my lady’s pussy and onto the massage towel. He continued to plunge in and out of my lady’s saturated pussy for a long time, his cock remaining rock hard.
Tragically, this was first and only time TS had sex with a women. Not that he didn’t prefer sex with women but he just did not have the knowledge and motivation to bring it about. Most any women what have enjoyed his long lasting erection and huge amount cum he was able to produce. He would have liked to fuck my lady many more times but he was too timid to ask. Too bad because she would have loved having his nice long, hard cock pumping his huge load of cum deep into a receptive pussy as ofter as he would have liked. Soooooo, I got to enjoy his gorgeous cock many, many times instead.
I also had the pleasure of introducing other good friends to TS and they also had the opportunity to give TS and themselves the pleasure of sucking his magnificent cock and tasting TS’s tandy sperm ladden voluminous cum.

Tragically, TS died of lung cancer. We love him and will remember him the rest of our lives.