Trophy Girlfriend Part 5

A young man slowly introduces his new girlfriend to candualism and she embraces it.

Trophy Girlfriend

by Vanessa Evans

Part 5


On the Friday evening Caleb went out with his mates, presumably to one of the guy’s houses. Cora assumed that they’d be playing the games and that Caleb would be fucking either Emily, Lucy or Willow. She wasn’t worried because she knew that he would be back home later and wanting to fuck her.

Cora did go out with her mates and the had a good girly night. Cora repeated the barbecue invite and Wendy, Carol, Liz and Mary all said that they were still okay for the Sunday.

When Cora and Liz went to the bathroom Liz asked Cora if she was going to be naked at the barbecue.

“Where on earth did you get that idea Liz. Probably, but I haven’t asked Caleb yet.”

“Why did you invite Wendy, you know what a sanctimonious prude she is.”

“Yes but I wanted 4 of my friends there and she was the only other one that’s free on Sunday.”

“Well if she starts mouthing it off or accusing you of something we can always take her into a corner and strip her.“

“Thanks Liz but I think that I can handle her. Besides, I don’t particularly want to see her granny knickers and forest.”

Anyway the girls had a good night and when Cora got home she stripped and waited for Caleb. As usual she didn’t ask Caleb how his night had gone but she was pleased when he pulled her onto the bed and fucked her before they both went to sleep.



Most of the Saturday was taken up with getting things ready for the barbecue and Cora had quite a revealing time at the supermarket loading cases of drinks in and out of the trolley and into the back of the car, her having to bend over to do so and not really looking behind her to see who was enjoying the show.

That evening Caleb took Cora to a country pub for a meal. As usual theses days Cora’s dress was ultra short and as they walked into the pub Cora could see lots of heads turn to watch her, some obviously hoping that the dress would rise up just a little so that they could see if she was wearing any knickers.

They got a table against a wall and Caleb got Cora to sit with her back to the wall and he sat next to her. Caleb had seen that the tables had no tablecloths on them so anyone looking their way would be able to see her bare legs all the way up to her crotch.

“Don’t cross your legs Cora, let the air get to that hot pussy or yours.”

Happy to oblige Cora didn’t cross her legs but she didn’t realise the real reason why Caleb had told her not to cross them. Actually she was pleased that he’d said that because her pussy was hot, and wet. Caleb had driven with one hand playing with her pussy and he had got her quite aroused.

Caleb’s pussy playing continued as soon as they sat down causing Cora’s knees to drift apart to give him better access.

They read the menu then Caleb got up and went to the bar to order their food and get them some drinks. While he was standing at the bar he turned to look at Cora and was pleased to see that she hadn’t closed her knees and he could see her slit. Caleb wanted to tell all the men at the bar what they could see if they turned their heads but he didn’t.

Back at the table Caleb’s hand went back to Cora’s pussy and it didn’t take that long for Cora to be doing her best to not let everyone in the pub know that she was having an orgasm.

In this pub, like a lot of pubs, the bench seats along the walls are deep and up to that point Cora had been sitting up straight at the front of the seat but when the orgasm took control of her body she lay back to support her back but that left her dress up around her waist with everything below uncovered, apart from where Caleb’s hand was.

When Caleb moved his hand Cora’s throbbing pussy was on display for all to see, and her attempts to stifle the noises of pleasure that were trying to escape her mouth hadn’t been 100 percent successful and a few people had looked her way. A handful of people in front of them got a good look at her wet and engorged pussy although Cora hadn’t realised that because her brain was a little pre-occupied.

Orgasm over, Cora sat up straight and closed her knees. Her dress falling down her stomach and covering her pubes. As Cora got her breath back a barmaid came over with 2 drinks in her hands. As the girl put them on the table she did 2 things, firstly she looked down to Cora’s lap and saw that she could see the front of Cora’s slit, and secondly, she said,

“These are from the guys at the bar.”

Caleb and Cora looked at each other then over to the bar where they saw 4 men looking at them and raising their glasses to them, Caleb realised what was going on and he did 2 things, firstly he raised his glass to the men to acknowledge their gesture, and secondly he told Cora to lay back and spread her knees wide.

Cora wasn’t aware of the communication between Caleb and the men, she hadn’t even noticed the men, so she did what Caleb told her resulting in the men raising their glasses to them again.

Cora’s pussy had only been on full display for about a minute when Caleb saw a young woman walking towards them carrying 2 plates of food.

“Sit up Cora, our food is here.”

Cora did and Caleb watched the young woman to see any indication that she was looking at Cora’s lap. He didn’t see any such indication.

They ate their meal with Cora keeping her knees not quite together but close enough for the men at the bar to only be able to see a bit of Cora’s bald pubes.

As soon as Caleb had finished eating his hand went back to Cora’s pussy and she automatically spread her knees to give Caleb better access. Before Cora had finished eating her arousal level had increased to a point where it was difficult for her to finish her meal.

Cora didn’t actually finish eating her meal because she had to fight to keep quiet again as another orgasm slowly washed over her.

Of course Caleb had removed his hand and the men had watched Cora fighting to control her orgasm. Caleb raised his glass to the men again but most of them missed the gesture because their eyes were between Cora’s legs.

Shortly after Cora had control of her body again she turned to Caleb and said,

“Can we leave now, I need your cock inside me as soon as possible.”

Caleb didn’t verbally reply, he just stood up and turned to Cora who smiled and got to her feet. The hem of her dress wasn’t too quick at falling into place and the men at the bar got a quick glimpse of her bare legs right up to her belly before the dress fell into place ending her un-noticed show for the men.

Caleb held Cora’s hand as he led her out of the pub and to the wooded area at the back of the car park where he leant her against a tree, pulled her dress up to her armpits and fucked her until the both orgasmed.

Both sated, Caleb looked for his car and then all round to see if anyone else was around, then pulled Cora’s dress up and off her then led her to the car.

Cora was naked for the whole of the journey home and for half of it her head was on Caleb’s lap with his cock in her mouth.



Caleb and Cora had worked hard on the Saturday to get everything ready for the barbecue so on the Sunday morning they had some spare time. And that was after they’d satisfied each other’s carnal desires before getting out of bed.

So, after they’d finally got up and done their thing in the bathroom, Cora asked Caleb if he would spank her.

“Whoa there Cora, did I hear you right, you want me to spank you? This morning with going for 20 people coming here this afternoon? You’re not wanting to wear a dress this afternoon are you?”

“No, no, it’s just that I liked being spanked last weekend, well the last part of it and as we’ve got some spare time I just fancied getting that feeling again. And no, I haven’t forgotten this afternoon and I will not be wearing anything. I’ve promised you that I will be naked here all the time and I keep my promises. The other thing is that last time it was George and Jack and Harry that spanked me, you missed out so I thought that you should spank me.”

“Well Cora, as long as you realise that this afternoon people will ask you why you have a red butt, and I don’t expect you to lie, then I suppose that I could spank you. I could also take some photographs of your red butt to remind you, maybe even a video. What about your remote controlled vibrator would you like that inside you when I spank you?”

“Those are all good ideas Caleb. So will you do it?”

“Go and get our phones and your vibrator.”

Cora did. Since the weather was good they decided to do it out the back. They decided to do the deed with Cora bent over the back of one of the garden chairs that they’d got out of the garage for the barbecue, then they spent a few minutes setting up the phones in the best position to record Cora’s butt as it changed colour. Finally Caleb eased the vibrator into Cora’s vagina then used Caleb’s phone to set the vibrations to about half of max.

As Caleb was doing that he said,

“How do you fancy wearing this vibe to work and letting me control it from my work place?”

“That sounds like fun but I’m not sure about having the pink antenna hanging down between my legs. With my micro dresses people will see the antenna quite easily.”

“Good point Cora, let’s think about that, are you ready to start? Tell me when you want to stop.”

“Stop when my orgasm starts to go away.”

“And if you don’t reach an orgasm?”

“Then I guess that my butt is going to be VERY red. Don’t hold back because you love me Caleb, spank me as if I was Lucy or Emily or Willow.”

Cora went to the back of the chair and bent over it, Caleb noting that she spread her legs really wide. Then he went to the 2 phones and checked that Cora’s butt was in the middle of the screen and smiled when he realised that with Cora’s legs being so wide the camera would capture her pussy as well. He zoomed one camera right in on her pussy and on the screen he could already see her juices leaking out of her vagina alongside the pink antenna that was sticking out.

Next he went to the other side of Cora and stood in front of her and bent down and grabbed both her tits, As he rolled her nipples between thumbs and middle fingers he said,

“Cora, last chance to stop this, are you sure that you want me to spank you?”

“Caleb dear, if you don’t get on with it soon I’ll have cum before you’ve even started.”

Caleb let go of her nipples then went round to her left side. He could have done with her butt being a little higher but he could easily make do.


“Ouch, one, thank you master.”

“I’m your master now am I?”


“Yes master, two, thank you master.”

“And how should your master treat you Cora?”


“You should show my naked body to the whole world. Three, thank you master.”

“Do you want me to show these videos to everyone here this afternoon Cora?”


“Yes master, show them how much I love you. Four, thank you master.”

“What about the people at your work Cora? Do you want me to send one of the videos to your boss, Hope isn’t it?”


“Yes master, I’ve been teasing him and he has the right to see me getting spanked. Five, thank you master.”

Caleb ran out of questions but kept on spanking Cora. When he could see that she was starting to cry after swat 13 Caleb nearly stopped everything. He asked her if she wanted to stop. A couple more swats later Cora said,

“No, keep going. Fifteen, thank you master.”

By the time Cora had said,

“Twenty five, thank you master.” Caleb detected a change in the tone if her voice. No longer did she sound like she was talking through tears. He thought that he detected a bit of, dare he say, pleasure, but he dismissed the thought, he couldn’t possibly have been right.

After swat 35 Cora said,

“Oh Caleb, I’m going to cum, thirty five, thank you master.”

Over the next couple of swats Caleb noticed Cora’s pussy was contracting then relaxing, over and over, then after swat number Cora stopped counting, let out a long sigh then started shaking with the odd jerk included, then said,

“Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Caleb, I love you.”

Caleb watched her body shaking for ages. He also watched her pussy as the convulsions seemed to get stronger and the flow of her juices increased and dripped down onto the grass.

What seemed like an eternity for both of them came to an end and Cora started to stand up. Caleb grabbed her and hugged her, being careful not to grab her butt.

When Cora straightened up and said that she was okay Caleb let go of her. Then he led her to the nearest lounger and helped her lay down, on her stomach.

“Stay there Cora.” Caleb said then started to go and get some moisturiser. He was just going through the back door when he remembered the phones and the vibrator. Turning he went and stopped all of them then went for the moisturiser.

Gently rubbing it on Cora’s butt she looked like she was sleeping so he said nothing. She didn’t even say anything when he reached between her legs and touched her clit. Not wanting to take advantage of her state he went back to the phones and reviewed one of the videos. He enjoyed the video but felt guilt that he had inflicted the pain, even though she had literally asked for it.

The video was just finishing when he heard Cora say,

“Let me have a look at that.”

Caleb started playing it from the beginning.

“Wow, look at my butt, and my pussy, wow, I must have lost a litre of liquid.”

“Are you okay Cora?”

“Apart from my butt that hurts a lot, yes, I feel great. Do you think that you could fuck me in the shower Caleb, I’m a bit sweaty but I need your cock inside me.”

“Will that stop you you thinking about sex when our guests are here?”

“If I’m naked and everyone else has clothes on what do you think?”


“No, WHEN. I’m not putting any clothes on until I go to work tomorrow. Are you really going to send one of those videos to Mr. Hope?”

“Do you want me to Cora?”

“Well I did tease him a lot, showing my butt and pussy to him.”

“Do I take that that was a yes?”


“Okay, I will. I think that I can guess his email address. Now come on Cora, shower time then we need to get ready for our guests.

Caleb fucked Cora in the shower, standing, face to face with Caleb avoiding grabbing Cora’s butt which had the cool shower pounding down on it.

Then they got busy with the final preparations for the barbecue.

The doorbell rang and a slightly apprehensive, naked Cora opened the door to one of Caleb’s friend and his girlfriend.

“Oh my gawd,” the girl said, “Harry was right, Caleb does have a nudist girlfriend.”

“Hi, I’m Cora, but I wouldn’t call myself a nudist, just a girl who liked to be naked as often as she can.”

“Well okay then, I’m Rose and this is Henry, when his eyes get back in their sockets that is. Henry, stop staring at the poor girl.”

“It’s okay, I’m used to the staring. Come on in, Caleb is just lighting the barbecue.”

Cora led Henry and Rose through the house and once out in the bright light Rose said,

“Your butt Cora, are you okay?”

“Yes, fine, I asked Caleb to spank me this morning, and that’s the result. A good spanking is a great aphrodisiac, you should try it sometime.”

That sort of stunned Rose a bit but after a couple of seconds she said,

“Henry, stop staring and introduce me.”

“You’re Rose I take it,” Caleb said, “It obviously doesn’t bother Henry Cora being like that but are you okay with it Rose?”

“I guess so, Henry told me that you had a nudist girlfriend and if it bothered me I wouldn’t have come here.”

“Good, what can I get you to drink?”

Caleb took Rose to the kitchen then Cora said,

“Henry, earth to Henry, oh good, where do you know Caleb from?”

“Oh yes, university. Does it hurt?”

“I assume that you are talking about my butt, and yes, it does hurt but not as much as it did a couple of hours ago.”

The doorbell rang again.

“Back in a bit.” Cora said and left Henry staring at her butt as she went into the house.

This time it was Carol, one of Cora’s friends and her boyfriend.

The boyfriend’s jaw dropped as soon as he saw Cora and as Carol said,

“You really are doing it Cora. I know that you said you were like that all the time here, and I believed you, but to actually see you naked. Well good for you, you certainly look happy being like that.”

“I am, never been happier, come on in.”

“This is Pete by the way.”

Cora put out her hand for Pete to shake but he was still too shocked to say anything.

It was much the same with all the guests, that was until Wendy arrived. She was on her own and when Cora opened the door to her she looked shocked then said,

“I was hoping that you were just winding me up Cora but now I can see that you aren’t. I think that it’s disgusting him making you be like that. He’s even got you to shave your pubic hair off. It’s beyond candualism, you need to get yourself out of here as quickly as you can.”

“I love my new life Wendy, I’ve never been happier, and I may as well show you this now.”

Cora did a slow 360 then before she could say anything Wendy said,

“Come on Cora, you can stay with me until you can find a place of your own.”

Just then Caleb arrived.

“Wendy this is Caleb, my boyfriend, my lover, my soul mate and my best friend. Caleb this is Wendy.”

“Cora,” Wendy said, “you must be suffering from some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, and Caleb you should be ashamed of yourself. You shouldn’t be making poor Cora be like this. Come on Cora.”

“Wendy,” Caleb said, “nice to meet you. I’m not making Cora do anything. Right from day one Cora has always known that she can leave anytime that she wants. She also knows that she can wear as much or as little as she wants wherever she is. I am not controlling her in any way. And before you say anything about her butt, it was Cora who asked me to spank her.”

“Good grief Cora, you’ve got to come with me and get away from this monster.”

“No Wendy, I am not going anywhere. Now you can either stay and see how much I am enjoying my life or you can leave, it’s up to you.”

“Well. ……………”

“Carol, Liz and Mary are here, why don’t you have a chat with them and find out what they think of my new life?”

“Well, I guess.”

“That’s the girl I know, come on.” Cora said as she linked arms with Wendy and pulled her in.”

Just when Cora thought that everyone who was coming had arrived she heard the doorbell again. Opening the door it was Cora’s turn to be surprised. The latest guest to arrive was none other than her younger brother.

“Oh my gawd, Rick, what are you doing here?” Said Cora as her face started to go red and her hands moved to the classic tits and pussy covering position.

“And hello to you too sis, I see that you forgot to get dressed this morning.”

“Shit, what are you doing here?”

“I got a phone call from someone call Caleb, he said that it was about time that he met some of his girlfriend’s family.”

“Shit, mum and dad aren’t coming as well are they?”

“Relax sis, they don’t know anything about this. So how come you are naked? I must say that you look a lot better than the last time that I saw you.”

“Phew,” Cora said and started to drop her hands.

“Clothes Cora? Have you lost a bet or something?”

“No, oh shit, I guess that it’s out now, you’ve got to promise me that you won’t say anything to mum or dad, or any other relative of ours.”

“Say what?”

“That I’ve decided to stop wearing clothes when I don’t have to.”

“You’re not getting coerced into this are you?”

“No, definitely not, I love being like this, it’s so liberating, so …….. well let’s say that my sex life is out of this world.”

“Is this Caleb guy’s cock a foot long or something?”

“No, just the right size.”

“He’s not naked as well is he? Are there other naked people here as well?”

“No, no, just me, I’m the only one naked here.”

“So who are all the other people that I can hear?”

“Friends of Caleb and friends of mine, come on I’ll introduce you to Caleb and anyone else that you want to talk to, but word to the wise, keep away from a girl called Wendy, she thinks that I need rescuing and that Caleb is some sort of controlling psychopathy.”

“Are you sure that he isn’t, I mean, I recognise your face but you were never like this when we were growing up.”

“Well I have grown up and I now realise that all that crap that mum used to talk is just that, crap.”

“Okay sis, your secret is safe with me, and I have to say that you look good.”

“Thanks bro, come on.”

They’d only got half way through the house when Rick said,

“Bloody hell sis, have you been spanked?”

“Yes, I asked for it, literally. It’s great for my sex life.”

“You know that you have a cute butt Cora.”

“Stop it Rick, you’re my brother.”

“That doesn’t stop me admiring your perfect body does it?”

“I guess not but you never used to make comments like that.”

“That’s because you were never naked at home, always covered in shapeless clothes.”

“Come on Rick.”

Cora led her brother over to the barbecue where Caleb was putting some sausages and burgers on and introduced him. Then she left them to talk while she did the rounds of her friends with the odd stop at Caleb’s friends.

Of course, the first topic of conversation was just about always her nudity with the same questions and comments at each group that she went to,

“Why are you doing this Cora?”

“Is Caleb making you be like that?”

“What’s it like being the only naked person here?”

“Don’t you find it to be very embarrassing?”

“Most people’s face goes red when they’re embarrassed but I see that for you it’s your butt.”

“Did Caleb really spank you?”

“Doesn’t your butt hurt?”

“This being the only one naked, is it turning you on?”

“Does a good spanking really turn you on?”

“Well being naked must turn you on, look at your nipples.”

And from one of her friends,

“You may want to go inside and use some tissues Cora, you’re inner thighs are a little damp.”

When Cora got round to where Wendy was, the only comments from Wendy were derogatory ones although for each derogatory comment that Wendy made one of her other friend would come out with a comment in Cora’s defence. A couple of her friends actually saying that they were jealous of her.

What’s more, Cora believed that Liz would get naked if she had the chance. Cora thought about telling her that she could strip off if she wanted to, but something stopped her. She didn’t realise what but if she’d thought about it she would have realised that she was very happy being the only one naked and if someone else stripped off it would take some of the magic away.

That magic being the constant tingling in her pussy from the attention that her naked body was getting.

Caleb started serving the food and soon everyone was sat around eating with a lot less chatter. There weren’t enough chairs for everyone and Caleb and Cora were one of quite a few who were sat on the grass, Cora with Liz and Mary, and Caleb with Rick who didn’t know anyone else there. Not that Caleb knew him but Rick was Cora’s brother and Caleb wanted to get to know him.

Whilst Liz and Mary had sat with their legs together and their feet off to one side, Cora had sat Indian style a bit like she was meditating in yoga. This left quite a bit of her wet pussy on display, a fact that Liz pointed out to Cora by saying,

“This being the only one naked really is turning you on isn’t it Cora?”

“That obvious is it Liz?”

“It’s the wet and swollen vulva that gives it away.”

“I can’t help it, besides it’s making me all warm and loving.”

“I suppose that you’ll be masturbating for everyone soon.”

“No, that would be just too embarrassing.”

They got on with chatting and eating.

Meanwhile Caleb was asking Rick what Cora was like when she was younger.

“She sure as hell wasn’t like this, she used to be all shy and I’ve never seen her naked before. What the hell did you do to her Caleb, not that I’m complaining, I never realised what a cute body she had, okay she could do with bigger tits for my liking but apart from that she’s very hot.”

“I haven’t really done anything to her, no force, no hypnotism, no blackmail, just let her know that she looked really hot when she wasn’t wear much and she decided that she didn’t want to wear much all on her own, she even goes to work wearing microskirts and no knickers.”

“I bet that there’s a lot of happy guys at her work place.”

“What’s your mum and dad like Rick?”

“Okay I guess, but if you’re going to meet them make sure that Cora wears a skirt that’s not shorter than mid-thigh, mum would throw a real wobbler.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever get the chance to meet them, Cora never mentions them, only you Rick.”

“We did get on well as kids I guess, for some strange reason I was always looking out for her.”

“Thanks for that Rick, she’s turned out okay.”

“She certainly has. I never would have guessed that I would be seeing her naked when I came here today.”

“Well I’m happy that you did, nice to meet one member of her family.”

As Rick and Caleb talked and watched Cora, Rick said,

“Have you noticed that she keeps tweaking her nipples, I noticed it earlier but she’s still doing it.”

“That’s a girl’s thing when their tits are out. I’ve noticed other girls do it as well, I think that it’s a subconscious thing, them wanting them to look at their best for everyone.”

“Well it’s working for me, I used to think that big tits were best but seeing my sister today I’m starting to think that small ones are the best, look at them, a nice handful sitting so proud high up on her chest, not even the slightest hint of sagging, and those nipples, I could hang my coat on those.”

Caleb was listening and feeling proud of Cora. Not only did she have a great body but she looked very happy letting everybody see it, just what he wanted in a girlfriend.

Food finished, Cora and Caleb started clearing up and handed out more drinks. Caleb put some music on and some of the people started dancing or at least swaying to the music. Cora and Caleb joined them, Cora not being at all concerned that some of the guys were still sat on the grass and their head’s were at the same height as her pussy as she danced, often with her legs apart.

When some slow songs played Caleb held Cora and his hands wandered all over her body. She didn’t externally react when his hands slid lightly over her butt, tits and pubes, but internally, Cora’s arousal level was rising.

Deciding that she was neglecting her guests a bit Cora spent some time talking to some of them and getting more drinks for them, when she got around to Rick she led him to where people were dancing and almost forced him to dance with her.

Maybe the amount of booze that Cora had had had something to do with it but when a slow number started playing Cora put her arms round Rick’s neck and rubbed her tits and hard nipples on the front of his thin cotton shirt. Rick’s resistance waned and he put his arms around his big sister.

Cora pulled Rick close and felt his hard cock pressing on her stomach.

“Rick,” Cora said and she pressed herself even more against him, “I never knew that you cared for me like that.”

“I always fancied you Cora but you’re my sister.”

“So I am, but I’m on the pill so it doesn’t matter.”

They danced some more with Rick wondering what on earth Cora meant. Was she really saying that it was okay for them to have sex? Did she really want him to fuck her? What would Caleb think?

Poor Rick was confused, and it didn’t help when another slow number played and Cora pressed her stomach against his still hard cock again before stopping dancing and saying that she couldn’t hog her not so little brother all of the time.

Cora continued her rounds of the guests occasionally meeting up with Caleb as he was also circulating. When they bumped into each other Caleb would hug and kiss her letting his hands gently squeeze her bare butt.

Eventually some of the guests started to leave and again Cora got some complimentary comments about her nudity. Soon there were only a few guests left, including and surprisingly, Wendy who had spent most of the afternoon with Liz and Mary.

The still confused Rick was one of the ones left and when Cora and Caleb came back from taking some of the guests to the door, Cora pulled Rick up to dance and when a slow number came on she pressed herself against his front and whispered,

“If you hang back I can help you with that.”

Then Cora pushed Rick away and started dancing on her own. Somehow, the famous Stripper theme tune came on and although Cora was already naked, probably / possibly brought on by the alcohol that she had drunk, Cora start dancing a bit like strippers do, smoothing their hands all over their bodies.

After a minute or so Cora looked over to Caleb who was smiling and when he saw her looking he made circles with his hand indicating to Cora to keep going.

While gyrating her body Cora played with her nipples with both hands then moved her right hand down to her pussy. Spreading her legs she looked around and saw that just about everyone was now watching her and cheering her on.

Cora was soon rubbing her clit. She’d been naked in front of people both friends and what were strangers for a few hours and because of that she had been horny all the time so it didn’t take that long for her arousal, and her fingers, to take her to a climax that was an intense one because of the people watching her.

When Cora started to be aware of where she was again she saw and heard clapping and cheering, Not least from Caleb who was stood to one side of her holding his hand out to help her to her feet. Once on those feet Caleb hugged Cora and whispered that he was proud of her. Cora’s whispered response both surprised and impressed Caleb when she whispered,

“Can I fuck Rick?”

“Of course you can.” Caleb replied.

Cora didn’t act on her desire straight away, she wanted to wait until everyone else had gone, which wasn’t that long, Caleb suspecting that the rest of the guests wanted to get somewhere where they could enjoy the bodies of their partners.

When Rick came up to Cora and told her that he should be going she replied in a very stern voice,

“Don’t you even think about leaving until we’ve taken care of something that we should have done years ago.”

As Liz, Mary and Wendy left, both Liz and Mary hugged Cora and told her that she was both brave and amazing. Wendy, on the other hand, told Cora that Caleb had turned her into a wanton hussy and that she really did need to go and see a psychiatrist.

As soon as Rick was the only guest left Cora went over to him, kissed him on his lips then started undressing him.

“What are you doing Cora? This isn’t right, we shouldn’t, what about Caleb.”

But Cora was having none of it. As soon as Rick’s jeans and underpants were round his ankles Cora pushed him down onto the grass and mounted him.

Caleb watched with a big grin on his face as Cora rode her brother to mutual climaxes.

When Cora’s orgasm had passed she just sat there, waiting for Rick’s cock to soften and looking down to his face as he recovered.

“Sorry sis, that should never have happened.”

“Why not Rick, no harm was done and besides, I always wanted to know what it would be like having you fuck me.”

“It still shouldn’t have happened.”

“Well it has and neither of us is complaining.” Caleb said.

“Sorry Caleb, I never even considered that that would happen when I said that I’d come here.”

“Stop saying sorry Rick,” Caleb said, “does Cora look look like she has any regrets? Because I sure as hell haven’t.”

By then Rick’s cock was soft and starting to shrink out of Cora so she got up and, with her feet still either side of Rick’s hips, and some of his cum dripping down onto him. Cora said,

“Rick, it’s good that you’ve discovered how happy I am and it’s good that you’ve promised to not tell mum and dad. I want them to know that I’m happy, more than happy, I’m deliriously happy. It’s just that I don’t want them to know exactly what’s making me so happy, except that it’s Caleb’s fault. And, until you get yourself a girlfriend, you are welcome to come round here to relieve any frustrations that you may have.”

“Yes Rick,” Caleb added, “I’m not the jealous type, in fact I love to watch Cora making herself and others happy.”

“Well thanks, both of you, I may just take you up on that but I should really be going now, It’s been really nice to meet you Caleb, and great to see you again sis, all of you that is. I still can’t get over how you’ve changed Cora.”

“That’s Caleb’s fault, but I sure as hell aren’t complaining.”

With that Rick left, promising to keep in touch.

Caleb and Cora had their arms around each other as they watched Rick leave and as they shut the door Caleb gave Cora a long, tongue searching kiss before they went out the back and started clearing up after the barbecue.

That night they made love for over 2 hours before finally going to sleep with Caleb’s cock still inside Cora.


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