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Training Samantha Part 1

Samantha had been depressed. Her life had been a mess. She was going nowhere. She failed her college courses. She couldn’t keep a boyfriend. She needed help, needed to feel good about herself, she needed satisfaction and now with Mike’s help she was about to get it.

Training Samantha. You may like to read Training Samantha the prequel first.

Sammy was in a state of shock. Somehow she had let Mike talk her into joining some kind of sex club as a way of curing her depression.

She knew it was crazy, there was no way she could go through with it.

She decided the only way was to tell Mike she couldn’t do it. The only problem her friend Anya had made the arrangements for them to meet and she didn’t have his phone number.

So Sammy sill found herself at Mike’s office at five o’clock to explain she had changed her mind.

Mke was very sympathetic and supportive, “Sure its your call,” he agreed, “But you might as well have a look round now you’re here, its only two blocks away, I’ll drive you or maybe we can walk. You can get a drink or a coffee and look round before he club opens at Six Thirty.”

“Oh, well, I guess,” she said uncertainly.

“Good, so lets take a walk,” Mike suggested.

They walked the sort distance to an intersection and then down a side road a short way before turning into a back alley behind the shops along the main road.

A few hundred yards down there was an old storage building and Mike led Sammy to a side entramce. He knocked loudly and an elderly janitor opened the door.

“Mike, is this the girl?” he asked.

“Hi Lenny, yes this is Sammy, but she’s nervous, she just wants a look around,” Mike explained.

“Sure,” Lenny agreed, and held out his big black hand to shake hands with Sammy, “Have a look around and see what you think.”

“Better sign in, its for fire safety,” Mike suggested showing Sammy a rather battered ledger and signing his own name and then printing it legibly.

Sammy did the same and Lenny showed them into a corridor which led to the club.

Sammy was surprised, “Oh, it’s, uh ordinary,” she observed.

“Sure,” Lenny agreed, “There’s a bar one end, a stage the other, what did you expect?”

“Something kinky maybe?” she suggested.

“Like the mirrored ceiling and the paintings?” Lenny suggested with a laugh, “You don’t have to look far for kinky, why there’s some weird stuff in the bathrooms.”

“Oh I didn’t look up there,” Sammy admitted.

“Here’s the place I told you about,” Mike explained as he opened a door into a wide oak panelled corridor. He called for Sammy to follow and pointed at section of the fancy oak panelling forming the wall, “The panels open, like this,” he demonstrated.

Sammy stared, there was a computer screen set some way back into the next room, or was it a hallway?

“See, this is what I told you about, you just put your head and arms through,” he explained,

“Ok, Sammy agreed, “Like this?”

“Yes now reach through and turn the computer on,” he suggested.

Sammy backed out and pushed her hands and head through the hole to turn the computer on.

She had to support herself on her elbows but she could reach the monitor, mouse and keyboard quite easily.

A faint hissing noise alerted Sammy to something. Something genty but firmly gripped her around the waist, “Hey!” she protested, as a big black truck inner tube expanced inwards to trap her round the waist and just above the buttocks part way through the wall.

Mike came around to stand behind the computer, “This is total privacy, no one knows it is your bottom in that corridor. You make your cunt and ass available for anyone to use and just watch the porn. You imagine its that hunk in the video whereas it might be Lenny.”

“But I didn’t agree to that,” Sammy said.

“Not yet, but you can, just think about it, all you have to do is stand there, its not uncomfortable is it?” Mike enquired.

“Mike someone just pulled my pants down,” Sammy said anxiously as she felt someone pull her tight denim jeans and panties down..

“That will be Lenny,” Mike reassured her.

“Mike!” she protested as Lenny removed her trainers.

“Well what else did you expect?” Mike replied.

“No!” she insisted, “This is just to see.”

“How you like it,” Mike completed her sentence, “So how do you like it?”

“Mike!” she protested.

“All bare and unable to resist,” he added.

“Mike he’s feeling my bum,” she gasped, “He has a finger in my puss.”

“Are you getting wet?” Mike asked.

“No,” she answered, “I want him to stop.”

“Are you sure?” Mike asked.

“Hi, where do you want your shoes and pants?” Lenny asked as he entered the space beside Mike.

“Oh just there by the monitor,” Mike suggested.

“Mike, if its not Lenny then who’s finger is in my puss!” Sammy squealed.

“That’s no finger that’s Danno’s cock!” Lenny Laughed.

“Well if it is it has a scratchy finger nail on it.” Sammy observed,”Tell him to stop!”

“You sure?” Mike suggested. He reached over and pulled Sammy’s T shirt up so he could release her bra strap.

Sammy tried to stop him but she had to support herself so couldn’t twist enough.

Her breasts tumbled out, he nipples erect and straining.

“You sure?” Mike asked again. He filled his hands with Sammy’s breasts, “You look pretty turned on to me?”

“Nooo, he’s putting his cock in me!” Sammy protested.

Her body jerked to the guy’s rhythm, “He’s fucking me!” she shrieked.

“Just enjoy, that’s there, this is here, ignore it.” Mike reassured her as he gently kneaded her breasts twisting her nipples between finger and thumb.

“Oh hell!” Sammy whined.

“Do you like that?” Mike asked.

“No, yes, I don’t know,” Sammy gasped, “Oh hell I’m cumming!” she added, “He just spunked in me!”

“Don’t worry hon, I’ll clean you up in no time!” Lenny assured her as he slipped from the room, “Hey it wasn’t Danno it’s the Pizza delivery guy,” he explained.

“Oh my god!” Sammy squealed. She felt someone wiping her pussy with a wet cloth, pressing the cloth between her pussy lips and deep inside her to wipe away the cum and when he finished she felt the bulbous head of his huge cock nudging against her before parting her lips and nestling inside her.

He pressed harder and his cock started to slide inside her, “Mike, someone else is fucking me!” Sammy explained.

“I know, just enjoy it.” Mike suggested. He kissed the back of her head, “It will get even better trust me!”

“Oh my lord he’s huge!” Sammy gasped.

“Sounds like Lenny,” Mike laughed, “He’s quite famous, did quite a few pornos in his younger years, part owns this joint actually.”

“Oh lord,” Sammy gasped, “Ok enough is enough, get me out of here Ok?”

“When Lenny finishes up,” Mike reassured her, “Just enjoy Lenny’s cock.”

“Bastard!” she protested, “Oh my lord, it’s too big!”

“Just enjoy,” Mike encouraged her, “Forget everything else just concentrate on his cock and your puss, nothing else matters, then we’ll get you cleaned up. Ok?”

“Ok,” Sammy agreed. Her body pulsed to Lenny’s rhythm, her breasts swung rhythmically and after a while when Lenny shot his load Sammy rolled her eyes and sobbed in her own orgasm.

“Best get you cleaned up,” Mike suggested, “Put this on to show you’re with me OK?” he suggested and he slipped a dog collar around Sammy’s neck. Sammy couldn’t see but her name “Sammy” and Mike’s name as her owner were on a slip of paper inside a clear plastic pad on the collar just like a regular dog.

Mike released the pressure valve and the black tube eased away from Sammy’s middle freeing her. She backed out of the hatch before she realised she was naked.

Lenny took hold of the collar while Mike walked round. He attached a leash to the collar.

“Where are my clothes?” Sammy demanded.

“Too dull, you need something pretty girl,” Lenny chuckled, “Lets get you cleaned up then maybe I can fuck your tight ass!”

“I can’t walk around naked someone might recognise me,” Sammy protested.

“Then wear this,” Mike suggested. It was a mask, like a cat, with whiskers, it sat on her nose leaving her mouth free as he slipped it over her head and secured the elasticated strap. “Better?” he asked.

“Not really,” Sammy replied, “I just want to get cleaned up and go home now.”

“Don’t be in such a hurry, see the rest of the place, you’ll be amazed!” Mike suggested.

Lenny and Mike showed Sammy to the bathroom, she gasped in amazement.

To be continued.