TMB Heather Story Alternative Version

This is an alternative story to the fun Heater was having at home.

Heather short Story.

This is a continuation of Heather in “Seeing My Parents At The Nude Beach” but has an alternative ending.

I am Heather, Tawny asked me to write down my adventures in nudity while at home.

As your may recall, Tawny and I dared each other to come home from the beach in just our cover-ups, which are very see-through and made us basically naked. I had never been more excited then that day when I walked in the house. Not knowing who would be there or who might see me just added to the thrill. Then once inside, I got caught by my older brother Tom as I was going up the stairs to my room. I was embarrassed that Tom was looking at my ass and pussy. All of these emotions at once were so intense, I had never felt anything like that before. Once I made it to my bedroom and shut the door, I was shaking and my mouth was dry. I leaned against the door for a couple of minutes, just thinking about what I had done, it was so exciting to me.

Later on that evening, when I left my room, I regained some of the emotions from earlier at the mere thought of seeing Tom. I thought about what Tom might say to me about what happened earlier. When I got to the kitchen, I saw Tom look at me and then he quickly turned away, he never said anything to me that evening. Later on I realized that Tom might also be embarrassed about looking at his little sister’s body. Over the next few days Tom and I started to relaxed again and fell back into our normal routine.

For the next few weeks when I came home from the beach I wore my bikini, but I still remember how I felt on that day with just the cover-up. Tom always seemed to be around when I got home from the beach and I believe he wanted to see me again. It was about a month after the first incident when I found out that my parents would be out when I was due to arrive home from the beach. The temptation and excitement was too great for me to resist and I only wore my cover-up home again. I was excited on the drive home and all of those emotions were coming back to me. I could hardly wait to get home.

Once at the house I took a deep breath and went through the front door. I was beyond excited now, and I tried to keep my emotions in check. I was just about to the stairs when Tom came out of the kitchen. I saw him looked me up and down, then he started talking to me. I stopped to talk with him, instead of making a dash to my room. I was trying to pay attention to what he was saying, but my thoughts were all about me standing there almost nude in front of him.

As he walked towards me, he asked what time our parents would be home. I went to answer but the only sound that came out of my mouth was a squeak. I had to clear my throat and wet my lips before I could talk. I got out that I did not know when they were coming home, then turned and went up the stairs. I looked back as I was climbing the stairs and Tom was watching me. From the angle he was at, he could surly see up my cover-up and had a good view of my ass. I closed the door to my room and I just about fell to the floor as my legs felt like rubber. I was nervousness and shaking again. All of the emotions that I had before were back again, and it felt wonderful.

As I was in my room, I heard my brother come up to his bedroom. After sitting in my room for about twenty minutes and contemplating what I had done, I had calmed down quite a bit. I got up and started to gathering my things for a shower. I have to walk down the hall and past my brother’s room to get to the bathroom and I could not resist just leaving on my cover-up. Then I had the idea of wearing a towel back to my room when I was finished in the shower, but the towel was not daring enough for me now, I wanted more. I rummaged around in my drawers and then in my closet for something to wear back from the bathroom. Then I found my old bathrobe, it was badly worn and it was from several years ago, which made it very small for me now. I took off my cover-up and tried it on. The bottom barely covered my ass and when I pulled the front together, it barely overlapped my breasts. I though this will be perfect. I took it off and put my cover-up back on.

I took a deep breath, opened my door and started walking to the bathroom. I could see Tom’s bedroom door was open and just as I got to it, he came out. I saw him look me up and down again. I said I was going to get a shower as I past him. I had the robe in my far hand so not to block his view of me, but I doubt he saw it, as he was looking elsewhere.

I went in to the bathroom and closed the door. I was getting excited and worked up again. Then I started to have second thoughts about wearing the robe back to my room and was becoming nervous about it. I jumped in the shower and the hot water calmed me down. I finished with the shower and combed my hair, then I put on the robe, and tied the sash. I opened the bathroom door then turned around to pick my cover-up off the floor. After I stood up and turned back around my brother was just outside of his door watching me, I am pretty sure he had just watched me bend over. I had to blush at the thought. I walked out of the bathroom and my brother started talking to me, so I stopped in front of him as we made small talk for a while. One of the things he asked about was if I had had fun at the beach today. I could only say yes, if he only knew what I do at the beach. Being nervous, I was fidgeting, moving my arms, and playing with my wet hair as we talked. My brother kept looking at me and I saw his head travel up and down my body several times. We talked for a good twenty minutes. I believe it was the longest conversation that we have had in a couple of years. I then walked back to my room and closed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and gasped at what I saw. From my fidgeting or whatever, my robe had opened. My nipples were just barely covered and my pussy was fully visible. I gasped at the view that I just gave to my brother.

It was a couple of hours till I left my room, this time dressed in a pair shorts and a top that I usually wear around the house, but without any underwear. My parents had come home and brought dinner with them. I was a little nervous as I was wondering what my brother might say or how he may react to our earlier encounter. Thankfully, Tom did not say anything about what happen earlier, however he was watching me the rest of the evening.

A couple of weeks past by again where I dressed modestly. Tawny and I went to the beach every weekend, but I would put on my bikini to come home. For a while I would get excited coming home with my bikini on. I still remember how it felt the last time just wearing my cover-up. Tom would always be waiting for me when I got home from the beach. Also since that last time, he began waiting for me in the hallway when I would come out of the bathroom, where he would start a conversation with me. It seemed like we talked all of the time now.

I found out my parents were going to be out again this Sunday afternoon when I would be coming home from the beach, so I thought it was time to just wear my cover-up home again. When I came walking in the front door, sure enough Tom was there waiting for me. He started up a conversation as soon as I got in the door. I was not as nervous this time. I knew where this was going and I was ready to play along. I wanted to became more daring, so I sat on the chair opposite him in the living room as we talked.

At first I kept my legs tight together and then I slowly left my legs open a bit, just so Tom could get a glimpse of my pussy. We talked for a couple of minutes before he asked if I wanted a snack. He had cut open a water melon and asked if I wanted some. I said yes, then parted my legs and slide forward in my seat to get up. Tom watched me get up and then followed me to the kitchen. I went to the frig and pulled out the melon, then went to the cabinet and reached up to get a plate. I could feel the cover-up raised up and knew my ass was visible each time.

After putting a few pieces melon on my plate, I put the rest back in the frig, showing my ass to Tom again. We stood in the kitchen and talked while I ate. I could feel my pussy becoming wet and blushed at the thought of Tom seeing my wet pussy. Once I finished the melon, I washed off the plate and bent over to put it in the dishwasher, again giving Tom a view of my ass. I told Tom I was going to get a shower and headed for the stairs after grabbing my stuff. Tom followed me up the stairs.

I went in to my room, leaving the door open and my brother stopped at my doorway and we were still talking. I grabbed my robe and went to the bathroom telling him I will be finished shortly, then closed the door. I got in the shower and this time I had to masturbate, it did not take me long to have an orgasm. I combed my hair, then put on my robe, this time I did not pull the sash as tight.

I opened the bathroom door and Tom was standing in his doorway waiting for me. I turned around and bent over to get my cover-up, staying bent over a little longer than necessary. As I walked out of the bathroom I could already feel my robe falling open already. As expected my brother started up a conversation. We stood and talked for a few minutes. I was playing with my hair and without looking at myself I could tell my robe had fallen opened, I could feel the seam on my nipples. I reached up with both my hands to flick my hair from my back and as I did my robe fell completely open. I gave a little gasp and then pulled my robe shut and tied the sash loosely again. We stood there for a few more minutes talking, my fidgeting had my robe open up to my nipples again. I finally told Tom that I should go and finish drying my hair. When I entered my room I could see my reflection in the mirror, my robe had opened up, my nipples were the only thing to keep it from falling open and pussy was visible. A thrill came over me that I could not describe. I really enjoyed teasing Tom and I made a mental note to come up with other ways to tease him.

Several days had past and I had not come up with any good ideas on how to show myself to Tom without making it obvious. Friday came around and Tom asked if I wanted to go see a matinee movie with him. We went to the theater at the mall and while we were watching the movie I got the idea of going shopping afterwords. Then it hit me, I could have a wardrobe malfunction while trying on clothes, that is if I could get Tom to go along with me.

After the movie I suggested to Tom we walk around the mall just to see if anything was happening and he said ok. Once in the mall, I saw a clothing store that I knew had bikinis. I said to Tom lets go in here quick and I pulled him along. We went over to the bikinis and said I need another swim suit. I was thinking to myself I don’t want to wear the one that I have, I don’t need another. As we were looking around I saw a small string bikini and just to gauge Tom’s reaction, I said to him that I should get one of these, holding up the bikini for Tom to see, and then gave a little laugh. Tom laughed and said I would be too scared and embarrassed to show that much skin in public. At which point I said I could wear it. Tom said go try it on and come out here so other people can see you. I gave an apprehensive ok, just to let Tom think I was shy, then said I will, I don’t mind if people see me.

I pulled Tom over to the changing booth and sat him down in a chair. I went in to the booth and got undressed, then put on the bikini and looked at myself in the mirror. The top barely covered my aerola’s. I moved around to see if I could get the top to fall away from my breasts to show more but it didn’t. I then loosened the strings on the top and if I leaned over to the side my breasts would start to fall out. I adjusted everything again and then opened up the curtain.

I walked out and Tom looked at me. He tried to keep himself composed but I could tell he liked what he saw. I twirled around and then said to Tom, see I can wear it. I don’t mind people looking at me. I asked Tom if the string in back was straight and turned my butt to him, with my feet shoulder width apart. Then I pulled out the string from between my butt checks and ran my hand up and down the string to straighten it, before letting it go between my cheeks again. I knew the string was straight, but Tom said it was twisted. Acting gullible and innocent, I again reached back and pulled the string out of my butt cheeks and twisted the string as I did. Then I pulled the string slightly to the side as I again straightened it, knowing that Tom could see my ass hole. After letting the string go in to my butt again, I asked Tom if it straight this time and he said yes. I turned around and faced him, then asked him what he thought. He said I looked beautiful. I said awww and then thanked him. It was the first time he ever said I was beautiful.

I reached down and grabbed his hand and said come on, lets see what else they have. As I was walking to the bikinis I saw some very short skater type skirts and stopped. I looked at them a bit and said to Tom these look cute. I pulled one off the rack my size and held it to my waist. I looked at Tom and asked him what he thought. Before he could saw anything I said I am going to try it on. I took the skirt off the hanger and bent over and stepped in to the skirt making sure I leaned to the side a little. I could feel my breasts slide out of my top a bit, then pulled the skirt up to my waist. I adjusted the skirt on my waist and I could see Tom looking at my breasts. As I fiddled with the skirt I mentioned to Tom that my bikini bottoms where hanging up on the skirt, that I need to remove them to have the skirt sit on my waist correctly. This got Tom’s attention and I pulled up on the waistband, raising the skirt and then leaned over and reached under the skirt and pulled off the bikini bottoms, letting them fall to my feet. As I was bending over to pick up the bikini bottoms I looked at my crotch and could see I raised the skirt enough it was now above my pussy. Picking up the bottoms I stood up and handed them to Tom and asked him to hold them. I could see him looking at my pussy and he finally reached out and took the bottoms, then he noticed my breast were out of my top. I began to adjust the skirt on my waist while acting like I had no idea the skirt was above my pussy or that my breast were out of my top.

I finished with the skirt and twirled around and asked Tom what he thought. After a few hem-and-haws Tom managed to say my top needed to be adjusted. I looked at myself and smiled, then at Tom and said see I don’t mind if people see me, then slowly put my breasts under my top again, while Tom watched. Tom’s eyes then went to my crotch and then he pointed at my crotch and said the skirt is a little short. I bent over and rubbed my hand over my crotch, I could feel my pussy and with a fake sense of embarrassment I said I guess this skirt is a little short isn’t it. I pulled it down a little and it just barely covered my pussy. I then turned around and asked if my butt was showing. Tom said it was just barely covered. I said to Tom I guess this it not something to wear in public. I mean I like it and all and don’t really care if people see me, but people might get upset if I were to wear it out. I should look for something a little longer. Tom smiled and said that might be a good idea.

I looked around and I saw some summer dresses which were somewhat short and had a button up front. I motioned for Tom and he followed me to them. I picked out a white dress my size and held it up to me and asked Tom how about this. He smiled and said he liked it. I looked around and no body was nearby so I took it off the hanger and put it on over my top and skirt. I did up a button in the middle and then reached behind my back and untied my top pulling it off. Tom got another peak at my breasts. I did up a few more buttons on the top of the dress. Then I reached under the dress and pulled off the skirt. Tom got a quick flash of my pussy while I buttoned up the rest of the dress. I walked over and put back the skater skirt, then came back to Tom. I asked him what he though about this dress. As I twirled around I dropped the bikini top and bend over with my back to Tom. I could feel the dress ride up my ass. After standing up again Tom said he liked the skirt and bikini top better is showed more, then I gave a little laugh.

To show him I was in a playful mood I said I can open some of these buttons if that helps. Then started to open the top and bottom buttons till there was only 2 buttons closed in the center. I asked Tom how was that as I looked at myself and there was not anything showing. I undid the one more button and looked at myself again and still nothing was showing. I said to Tom maybe a smaller dress will help. I looked on the rack and found the same dress a size small. I looked around and nobody was near us so I undid the last button and took off the dress and smiled at Tom as I said is that better and turned around for him. Then I put on the smaller dress. This time I only did one button in the middle of the dress. The dress was tight and my breasts pushed the top to the sides showing ample cleavage and my hips kept the dress open slightly at my crotch. The length was shorter and just covered my butt. I asked Tom how was this dress. He said he liked this one. I buttoned a few more of the buttons to see if I could make it presentable to wear in public and then walked over to a mirror. Tom followed me. I turned around a few times and told Tom that I could wear this in public and if I want to flash I could open a few buttons, then did so. Now I have a dress I could flash in. Tom said flash, I dare you to flash here at the mall. The thought of flashing got me excited. Then Tom said he will buy me the dress, if I flash here at the mall. I had to smile as I liked the idea. I told Tom ok. I said let me put on my clothes again and you can buy it for me.

We walked back to the changing booth and I looked around. Nobody was nearby so I took off the dress with the curtain open and handed it to Tom. Then put on my shorts and top and gathered my things. Tom paid for the dress and we left the store. As we were walking away Tom said I need to be wearing the dress to flash. I said I know then said follow me. We went to a corner of the mall where there were a few empty stores, and nobody was around. I took the dress out of the bag and asked Tom to hold it. Then took off my top and gave that to Tom as I wrapped the dress around me without doing up any buttons. I then pulled off my shorts and gave them to Tom. I buttoned the one center button. Tom could not believe that I just changed in the mall but was all smiles. I put my shorts and top in the bag and then said to Tom are you ready. He said yes and I told him to follow me but stay behind me about 10-15 feet.

As I walked through the mall I would lift up the back of my dress or turn around and walk backwards opening my dress completely. I could see Tom was enjoying the show I was giving him and saw a bulge in his pants. We came to an escalator and I went up it just before two guys. Then I saw Tom get on with a big smile on his face. Once at the top I let the guys walk by me. Once they were out of sight Tom came over to me and said that on the escalator anyone looking could see up my dress, you just made the day for those two guys.

Tom said come on, lets go the the food court and I will buy. After getting our food we sat down at a table. I could feel the cold seat on my ass. I looked past the table top to my lap and the dress had fallen to the side of my legs. Tom saw this and said to leave my legs open. We sat and ate our food and I saw several people watching me. My pussy was getting very wet and I was getting very horny. Tom said he had seen videos on porn sites where girls expose themselves in public and then masturbate in public. I told Tom I can see why, this is making me so horny. Tom said, I believe he said it jokingly, I can masturbate if I need too. I was seriously considering it. We finished our food and the though of masturbating here must have hit a nerve. I told Tom I was going to try to masturbate. I said to Tom get up and walk through the mall and then come back. Tom asked if I was serious. I said I was so horny right now that yes I am serious. Tom got up and walked out of the food court.

Once I saw Tom was quite far away I open my legs a little more and put my hand on my pussy. I saw a few people watching me and I was looking around as I rubbed my pussy. It did not take long till my pussy and hand were soaking wet. I inserted my finger into my pussy and after a few stokes I had an orgasm. I almost moaned out loud it felt so good. I removed my hand from my pussy and wiped it off with my napkin, then nonchalantly got up. I started walking to the down escalator where Tom caught up with me. He said that was so hot, I gasped and told him I did not think you were going to watch me. As we were going down the escalator I reached over and slid my hand over his crotch and said you did like that didn’t you. Once we got to the parking garage and I could see the car, I gave Tom my bag, then opened my dress and took it off and carried it with me. After we got in the car, I told Tom I am still so horny and put my one leg up on the seat and the other on the floor and began to masturbate again. I watched Tom as he watched me. I told Tom he should take out his cock and jerk off as I was fingering myself. I had a huge orgasm fairly quickly this time and left out a primal moan. I left a big wet spot on the seat.

Tom had not taken his cock out and I was a little disappointed. I put my dress on but did not button it up till we got home. As we came in the door my father was watching tv and then asked us where we had been. After we told him he said he had ordered pizza and it is on the counter if we want some. He reminded us that tonight my mother was at some pottery class. Both my brother and I got some pizza and came backing in to the living room with my father. I sat beside my father while Tom sat across from me. I opened my legs a little giving my brother a view of my pussy. He finished his pizza and left for the kitchen, I saw he had an erection again. As I was sitting there with my father he looked at me and asked me about my dress. I said I just got it, do you like it. He said yes but I should be more careful. I asked why. He told me that when you wear white it is easy to see-through. You should wear underwear with that dress. I got embarrassed and my face turned red. Although deep inside, I was thrilled at showing myself off to my father. To help hide my embarrassment and alleviate my father’s concerns, I said well as they always say, it ain’t nothing nobody hasn’t seen before and gave a little laugh.

We watched tv and I talked with my father. I could not resist the urge and I got up, I bent over to pick up my plate from the coffee table, giving my father a chance to look at my ass. As I walked away I looked back and saw he was watching me. Once in the kitchen I undid another button on the top and bottom of my dress and then went back in to the living room. My father watched as I entered and then I asked if he was finished with his plate. He said yes so I bent over again to pick it up and then took it to the kitchen. I came back again and sat across from him this time as I pretended to watch tv. I kept my legs together a first and then slowly let them open up. I had finished my drink and asked my father if he want some more soda as I got up. I knew this time he could see up my dress. I got both of our glasses and went in to the kitchen to refill them. I undid another button at the top of my dress. My breasts looked like they were ready to fall out and I hoped my father would not say anything. I walked back in the living room with the drinks and bent over setting his glass on the coffee table. I felt my breasts slide in my dress. Then I went and sat down across from him again. This time I left my legs open a little wider. I could see my father looking every once in a while, particularly during commercials as we would talk. He did not tell me to close my legs, so that only made me want to show more. Once the show was over I asked him if he was finished with his drink. He said yes, so once again I got up and this time I spread my legs further apart. I walked over to the table as he turned off the tv. I bent over to pick up his glass and as I did I could feel my breast come out further from under my dress. I turned and walked towards the kitchen and now my father followed me. When I turned the corner I quickly looked down and could see my areola’s were visible.

Once in the kitchen we talked as I washed off the plates and glasses, then put them in the dish washer. This gave me the opportunity to bend over in front on my father again. I took sometime being bent over to rearrange the dishes in the dishwasher. I know he had a clear view of my ass and pussy from where he was standing. He still said nothing about my nudity, which only encouraged me more. After I finished, I told him I was going to get a shower and get ready for bed. As I was saying that I bent over again and untied my sneakers and took them off. I was facing him and looked up as I was talking. I felt my breasts move again and as I stood up I went over to my father and kissed him goodnight. I walked to the stairs and heard my father following me as I went up. I looked at my breasts and both had come out from my dress and my nipples were showing. I went in to my room without closing the door and dropped my sneakers on the floor and started to unbutton my dress with my back to the door. I had my dress completely open and let it fall to the sides when I turned around and my father was standing in my doorway. He said sorry, I didn’t know you were getting undressed. I walked towards him and said that it is ok, like I said earlier it ain’t nothing nobody hasn’t seen before. I stood there with my dress open as he asked me what I was doing tomorrow. We started talking and then I took off my dress completely as he watched. I stood there naked as we talked some more. My father then said ok goodnight and I said goodnight as I walked to him again and gave him a kiss and a hug again. I turned around and walked over and put on my robe, but did not tie it up as my father left my doorway. I had to smile, today was a good day being naked.

That night I slept naked and left my door slightly open. The next morning I felt someone shaking my arm and I as I slowly got awake I saw it was my father. I had asked him to get me awake this morning. I got up as we talked and I was still groggy. He said shouldn’t I put something on so if my brother comes around. Not thinking very well yet, I just blurted out that he has seen me naked before. As soon as I said it I started to panic. My father did not say much other than oh. I quickly said he has seen me changing and going to/from the bathroom and stuff. I believe this helped ease his mind a little. I asked where mom was and she had gone out to yard sales. Without my mother here I know I can be mostly naked this morning. My father left and I said I would be down for some breakfast shortly. I put on my robe without tying the sash and went to the bathroom. As I was coming out of the bathroom my brother was waiting for me. He said what if dad sees you like that. I told him dad has already seen me naked and he knows you have seen me naked also. As I walked past him I said I will see him in the kitchen and walked downstairs with my robe still open.

A few minutes later Tom came down, I still had my robe open and was talking with my father. Tom seemed surprised but neither he or my father said anything about my nudity. We all ate breakfast and talked. I was still eating when I looked at the clock and it was almost time for Tawny to pick me up for the beach and told everyone that I have to get ready. I took a bite of my food and then went to the laundry room to get my swim suit and brought it back to the kitchen. As I ate I took off my robe, then took a bite of my food, then put on my swim suit. Both my father and brother watched as I changed. I adjusted my suit longer than I needed to just so I could touch my breasts and rub my hand over my ass and pussy in front of them. Showing off in front of them was making me horny. I finished getting ready just in time for Tawny to show up and off we went to the beach.

I told Tawny about Tom, and about what happen at the mall. Then I told her about my father. She was thrilled and got horny as I told her everything. We did our normal routine for the beach goers but it was not as exciting as it once was. We left for home and I talked Tawny in to coming in the house with me, saying we maybe can have some fun.

When we went in the house and my father and brother were watching some sports show on the tv. I introduced Tawny to them and they really started paying attention to her, I could see the lust in their eyes. My mother wasn’t home so I thought it was safe to play a little and see what happens. I told Tom and my father that Heather wanted to try on my bikini even though I thought the top would be way too small for her. Heather chimed in and said I just think your suit is pretty and I was wondering how I would look in it. I know it is not going to fit me, but since you got it online, I can order a suit my size if I like it. I took off my cover-up and then my bikini, I stood there naked in front of everyone. I handed my suit to Tawny and said here you go. I asked her if she wanted something to drink as I walked toward the kitchen. I turned to look at Tom and my father, both of them were all eyes and were watching Heather. I sure both of them were praying that Tawny would change her bikini in the living room.

While I was getting the drinks, I heard them making some small talking. I went back to the living room with the drinks. Tawny had taken off her cover-up. I handed Tawny a drink and then she asked me to help with her top, the string was in a knot. I went behind her and loosened her top and pulled it off of her. Tawny said I wasn’t expecting you to pull it off but oh well, since you are naked, I guess there is no harm. I then pulled the strings on Tawny’s bottom and pulled it off.

We were both naked and Tom and my father eyes got even bigger. I moved to Tawny’s side and said to my father and Tom, look at the size of her breasts and nipples, I wish mine were that big as I ran my hands over my breasts. Then I said, you should see how big her nipples are when they are hard and I reach up and squeezed her nipples and twisted them a bit before letting go. Tawny said to Tom and my father that Heather’s get fairly big also, then she reached out and played with my nipples. When Tawny pulled her hands away, she immediately said they get harder than that, then leaned in and sucked on one then the other. I could not help but let out a moan. My nipples became hard immediately and Tawny pulled away after leaving my nipples wet with her spit. Not to be outdone, I leaned into Tawny and sucked and chewed on her nipples till they were hard. I pulled away and said to Tom and my father, look at them now. I heard both of them say wow and could see a bulge in their shorts. I leaned over to Tawny again making sure I was not blocking Tom’s and my father’s view of her pussy. As I sucked on her nipple, I rubbed my hand over her pussy a few times then inserted my finger. I pulled out my finger and backed away from her then put my finger in my mouth and sucked on it.

Not looking at anyone in particular I said lets go up to my room and reached down and picked up our suits and my things. Tawny and I walked up the stairs to my room where I left the door open. Both of us were excited about making out in front of my brother and father. As soon as Tawny and I were in the room we started kissing. I was hoping that Tom or my father or both would follow us up, but I did see or hear anyone. I had Tawny lay on the bed so her head was close to the door and I started to eat her, every once in a while looking the door.

A short time later I had looked up and Tom was standing at my door with a smile on his face and a bulge in his shorts. Tawny noticed and leaned her head back and told Tom to come here, she reached back with the hands and pulled Tom closer to her. Tawny then pulled down his shorts and then his underwear. For the first time I saw Tom’s cock and was surprised at how big he was. If I had known that I would of tried to take advantage of it sooner. Tawny pulled him by his cock and took him in her mouth. A few minutes later I heard Tawny tell Tom to fuck her and Tawny pulled me up to her and we kissed. As Tom moved around to Tawny’s pussy, I got on the bed and sat on Tawny’s face. Tom started to fuck Tawny and I leaned forward and watched as Tom’s cock disappeared into Tawny’s pussy. Tom pulled out his cock and I leaned down and licked Tawny’s pussy a few times then pulled Tom by his cock back into her pussy. After a few strokes, I put hand around Tom’s cock and looked up at him as I pulled him into my mouth and sucked all of the juices off it and left it wet with my spit. Then I leaned down and did the same to Tawny’s pussy. I pulled Tom back to her pussy where he began to fuck her again. After a few strokes in Tawny’s pussy, I would suck Tom a bit and then Tawny a bit and then have Tom fuck Tawny a bit, we kept this up for quite a while. I felt Tawny rub my pussy and then something went inside me. When I had a chance I looked around and was surprised when I saw my father behind me fucking me. I immediately had an orgasm. After a few strokes he pulled out and Tawny sucked his cock. After a while my father and Tom changed positions. It was not too much longer till I heard Tom say he was going to cum soon and Tawny said wait. She got out from underneath me so I was on the bed on my hands and knees. Tawny had my father fucking my pussy and she had me suck Tom’s cock. I was thrilled and soon both Tom and my father came in me.

After Tom and my father pulled out of me, Tawny came and kissed me and I shared some of Tom’s cum with her. Then she sucked the cum out of my pussy. I then started to suck my father’s cock as Tawny sucked on Tom’s cock till both were hard again. Then is was Tawny’s turn to fuck and suck both of them. Afterwords the four of us fucked and sucked for quite a while before we were all tired out. It is good my mother did not come home early that night.