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Titcage (Chapter 22)

Claire’s reluctant work at the woman-demeaning lobby group “Titcage” is transforming her life into that of a slut.

Chapter 22

On her way home in the afternoon she stopped at the park, and masturbated and pissed nude, this time while looking at the picture of the lesbians in her wallet. She decided to cum this time, so she wouldn’t orgasm under her father’s hand. She thought if she wiped her pussy thoroughly enough she might not even be wet for him.

She failed, though. Just thinking about her father inspecting her pussy on the rest of the walk home got her wet again. At least she didn’t cum as he spanked her, or afterwards when he smeared her slut juices all over her face.

Afterwards, she didn’t run up to her room, but instead sat on his knee, her cunt bare and aching. She took one of the posters she had printed today out of her bag and showed it to him. It showed a kneeling, crying, nude girl. Tight ropes encircled her tits, making them bulge obscenely, and ran between her legs, spreading her labia. Her hands were bound behind her back. A stern looking man stood beside her with a long wooden cane raised, clearly about to vicious whip her udders with it.

‘Can I have this up in my room, daddy?’ Claire asked. She felt her father’s dick twitch under her ass as he looked at it.

‘Why… would you want that, honey?’ her father asked. ‘Is this a slutty lesbian thing?’

‘No, daddy,’ she said. ‘It’s to remind me what happens to sluts. They get hurt and raped. It’s to help me be better.’ She paused. ‘It might help Steph remember as well.’

She could feel her father breathing heavily. He was obviously thinking with his cock, which had been her plan. It made her feel dirty and inhuman to be cockteasing her father, but it was the only way she was going to complete this particular requirement of U grade.

‘Okay, honey,’ he said finally. ‘I’ll talk to your mother and get her to understand.’

‘Thanks, daddy,’ she said, and kissed him lightly on the lips, before jumping up and running to her room.

Steph was there already, but she was completely agreeable to Claire putting up the poster. ‘The girl is hot,’ she said. ‘I don’t mind looking at her tits.’ And so the large poster was plastered over the wall of Claire’s bedroom. There was really no way of not looking at it, now.

When Ben turned up a little later, Claire brought him up to her room, and Steph cleared off to watch TV in the lounge, leaving Ben and Claire alone.

Ben, obviously, stared at Claire’s new poster. ‘What’s this?’ he asked.

Claire shrugged. ‘Something I like,’ she said. ‘Just decoration.’

Ben obviously thought it was slutty, but he said nothing. ‘So how are you doing?’ he enquired. ‘Still at Titcage?’

Claire stepped up and hugged him, pressing her tits against his chest. She nestled her head against his neck. ‘Yes.’ She purred. It felt good to be hugging a nice boy. Ben was hugging her back, so she didn’t have to let go.

‘Do I still have to call you… Fucktwat?’ he asked. Claire nodded. She’d asked him to call her that to get her V grade, as she needed an acquaintance outside of work that used her Titcage name. It felt humiliating and obscene to hear him call her that name, but it was better him than anyone else.

They hugged in silence for a while, until Ben let her go, and Claire reluctantly stepped away. Now was the embarrassing bit. She decided to get it over with quickly. In one movement, she untied the front of her white shirt, pulled it to either side, and threw it on the floor. Underneath she had no bra. Her large tits were fully exposed to Ben’s gaze.

‘Fucktwat,’ he gasped. ‘What…’

‘I know you’d like to see them,’ she said. ‘You’ve been a good friend. You deserve to.’

There was silence again as he stared at her udders. Claire blushed. She didn’t want this to be her friendship with Ben, this slutty action, but she needed someone who’d never seen her tits before to see them, and Ben was the least worst option.

‘What am I meant to… do you want me to touch them?’ Ben asked finally.

Claire realised she did. The thought of his hands on her boobs made her wet. She nodded.

Ben stepped forward and took one of her tits in each hand. He slowly stroked them, and then squeezed them. Claire gasped happily as he squeezed, and then gasped again as he stroked and then pinched her nipples.

‘You have really beautiful breasts, Fucktwat,’ he said. And then suddenly Claire knew what she wanted to do.

She sat on her bed. She could hear her voice playing in her mind, telling her she was a slut and a rapetoy. She pulled Ben towards her still standing, so that his cock was level with her tits, and then she began to pull his pants down.

‘What…’ started Ben, but Claire just leant forward and kissed his belly button, and he became quiet. She pulled down his underwear to reveal his erect cock, and then leant forward and placed her tits either side of it. She’d seen this in the images at Titcage. It was called a “titjob”. She started to stroke Ben’s dick with her tits, and run it between them, until her cleavage was well lubricated with his pre-cum. He was sighing happily now, and looking down at her in bliss.

She began now to rub her tits more vigorously up and down his shaft, and she leant down and began licking the tip with her tongue as she did so. He bucked his hips in time with her motions, really fucking his cock into her udders. She stopped licking and just formed a cunt-like hole with her lips for his tip to slam in and out of.

He didn’t take long at all to cum. Some of his semen spurted into her mouth; most of it just splashed over her tits, soaking her cleavage with warm, sticky spunk. Something about having the cum on her tits felt right in a really deep way, and a wave of pleasure ran through her. She licked his cock clean, and then looked up at him with big, grateful eyes.

‘Did you like it?’ she asked.

‘That was amazing, Fucktwat,’ he replied. ‘You’re amazing.’

Claire had thought that he might just leave after cumming, but instead he sat down to talk with her, after pulling up his pants. Claire didn’t cover up. She couldn’t take a shower until he went and she didn’t want to get cum on her clothes, so she just sat there with sperm dripping off her boobs.

Claire didn’t really want to tell Ben about all the slutty things she did at Titcage, but he clearly expected something from her, so she just talked about how much she liked having her boobs touched, and how much she’d enjoyed Ben fucking her tits, and how good his cum tasted.

‘Are you coming to Elena’s party tomorrow night?’ he asked her. Elena was one of Claire’s school friends, a pretty redhead. Claire hadn’t known about the party, but Ben insisted she was invited, and promised to give her a lift if she’d go, so Claire agreed she would.

She didn’t know how she felt about the idea. She’d not seen any of her friends except Ben since starting at Titcage. She felt everyone would know what a slut she was now just by looking at her. But it might give her a chance to feel normal.

After Ben left she rushed to the shower and washed her tits clean while pissing and masturbating. The sperm on them oddly didn’t really bother her, but she couldn’t very well hang around the house with her udders covered in cum. When she emerged she found Steph waiting in her room, and was obliged to tell her everything that had happened with Ben, including the titfuck.

‘At least you get to be with a boy,’ said Steph. ‘I don’t even have a girl to play with my tits.’

Claire blushed and said nothing.

(To be continued…)

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