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Thicker Then Water: the finale

This a rewritten story I posted in Forum please enjoy ^~^

In the cellar layed Chastity who was so drenched in blood her white dress was now stained into a dark red one with her black curls matted down in her head thick with blood. “Rise spirit of Cain take the offering of this nobel virgin as a small token of our gratitude.” Francis Rothschild said grabbing Chastity by her hair and lifting her up with ease. Both the owl and snake statues eyes glowed and the air in the room got heavy and you can see the air vibrate as a dark shadowy mist rose from the statues.

“Father Cain take her! Give us your blessing and favor for future generations.” Rothschild said as the rest saw the mist take solid form, not of a man but a tall scaly figure. It had four feet long wings on its back a bats snout instead of a mouth with beady red eyes that shined so bright it left a faint red glow around them, and it’s long curling claws reached out taking hold of Chastity running its nose over her body. “Impure child, this is no virgin she’s been soiled by many a man and her own father. I reject your offering.” Cain said as he flung Chasity across the cellar letting her body smack against the wall with a bone cracking snap. Jebediah wanted to check on her but couldn’t break the seal.

“Why have you summond me Francis Rothschild?” Cain asked in a raspy voice. “We invoke your forgiveness we shall retrieve a virgin for your pleasure.” Francis said while shooting a disapproving glance at Jebediah.

“Do not bother for the moment to please me has passed. If you want my favor then ask for I’m to be else where.” Cain said looking past the group of vampires. “The lass is a pure blood the family is here to be inducted to the Clan.” Patrick O’Reilly said in a confident voice.

“Is that so well consider it done she maybe damaged but the family can be appeased that her inner demon will keep the body alive for now until she feeds.” Cain said as Chasity body leapt up and appeared fine besides her spine being snapped into her body. Jebediah looked relieved once his daughter got up but her face was covered in blood her organs severely damaged. “She’ll be fine of that I’m sure.” Vanessa said in a rather unconcerned voice. “Now the McCullen family shall be forever in the Clan.”

The cellar doors opened and there stood Flinch sword in hand while he had a pistol in the other and Bishop Flanders waving his ball and chain around producing afoul holy smog with every swing. “Be gone vile creatures of the night! For we shall slay you! For your crimes against God and humanity!” Bishop Flanders shouted as Flinch shot at the tall demonic looking figure forcing him to disappear into a cloud of dark vapor.

The vampire families screeched out and showed their fangs and claws. Patrick O’Reilly jumped up hands balled up tackling Flinch. While Bishop Flanders went on the offensive swinging his heavy ball and chain around soon making the room heavy with the holy smog. The Lafayette women ran past him and went out the cellar doors panting hard feeling light headed by the smoke.

Jebediah was hit over the face by Bishop Flanders forcing the smoke to begin billowing out even more. Vanessa grabbed the Bishop and teared at his robe but the smoke also slowed her down. As Patrick and Flinch wrestled on the ground his daughter Baillie who came out of the cellar started to walk over to Flinch. She grabbed the cellar door ripping free and began to strike Flinch with it repeatedly causing Flinch to groan in pain as he was wrestling Patrick O’Reilly.

The Lafayette women knew this was a trap but it would be best to ride out but in their way was Boe the house slave. “Ladies its so rude to leave when the party has just begun.” Boe pulled out a large knifes in each hand stopping them from escaping. “Traitor you betray your masters?” Mari Lafayette gasped fraying surprise and fright at Boe who’s nothing but mere cattle.

“Me? Never its just your to rich of a specimen to let escape.” Boe said jumping at both of them cutting Mari Lafayette in the face and grabbing hold of Harriet Lafayette thrashing her around like a hound with a rabbit in his jaws. Mari tried to defend her daughter but felt a hand on her shoulder it was Chasity. “Bad pretty lady.” She said in a unearthly tone and thrusted Mari face into the ground knocking her unconscious.

Flinch slipped his hand over the pistol and fired sending Patrick flying off him from the impact. Baillie grabbed Flinch and started to claw at his metal chest plate leaving deep claw marks across his chest eventually carving out his chest as riders came down towards the house. A rifle shot rang out striking Baillie in the chest as other vampire hunters came to aid Flinch and Bishop Flanders. Just as Flinch was stricken with shell shock noticing his chest carved and bleeding hard he saw above him a winged beast flying towards him.

Cain swooped down picking Flinch up and throwing him towards a hunter riding a horse knocking both of them unconscious. Cain then tore at the other two riders easily. Jebediah came out of the cellar staggering his chest impaled with a heavy cross the Bishop Flanders wore over his robe. Next came Vanessa who’s vail been ripped off and her face bludgeon it looked flatten on one side. Both McCullens fell on top of one another as Bishop Flanders came out and saw most of the Clan dead except Chastity who’s rage was almost uncontrollable once she saw her mother and father dead.

Boe looked on also seeing his patrons dead on the ground and smiled to himself. Chastity charged at the Bishop who smacked her face with the ball and chain but caused it to shatter open burning her once beautiful face into a bubbling mess of flesh as she screamed in pain. Bishop Flanders grabbed the cross from Jebediah corpse and prepared to avenge his fellow slayers. Looking up to the sky cursing Cains name with a religious fever awaiting for Cain to come out and fight.

“Demon spawn come out and fight. Countsless millenia has passed and yet you still act a coward! Striking when one doesn’t look?” Bishop Flanders spat out fighting the urge to cough. “Show yourself!.”

Cain came swooping down and strikes Bishop Flanders with a claw sending him to the ground. Bishop Flanders scrambles towards a dead rider after he picks himself back up. Cain sweeps down toying with Bishop Flanders by coming close but not striking him. Bishop Flanders finally gets to the dead rider and grabs a rifle and sits back on the dead horse cocking the rifle. “Not so bold now are you child?” Bishop Flanders coughed while his finger is on the trigger.

“Impediment monk your God has long Forgotten of you. Once He banished my whore of a mother and weak father out of the garden we are of no concern of his. He plots your doom and here you are defending his name and rites. Foolish cattle your wasting what little life you’ve been given.” Cain says flying just out of range.

“Just die already priest.” Cain shouted as he dove towards Bishop Flanders. “I’m a Bishop!” Bishop Flanders shouted as he shot the rifle towards the quick figure slowing it down but it’s claws still stabbed through him. Bishop Flanders gurgled out blood as he layed there dying slowly bleeding out as Cain noticed he’s been shot.

“Foolish cattle this won’t leave but a scar.” Cain then felt a movement over his shoulder as he saw his former offering move. “Still…it hurts.” Cain picked up his wing and floated towards Chastity. “You shall bare my seed and ensure that the ancient bloodline runs still on our land.” With that Cain picked up Chasity and began to fly into the air taking off towards the sky. Then as he tried to land he felt a burning in his chest. The rifle shot made his chest ache and he fell down towards the earth not before chastity wrapped her tounge around his neck and began to suck him dry.

Regnald Rothschild slipped out the house carrying his father who was weaken by the smoke and came out once it seemed quiet. “Don’t worry PaPa. I’ll get you out of this yet.” Looking on he saw the carnage in front of him the Lafayettes layed on the ground motionless. The O’Reilly both layed shot dead as it appears and cattle layed threw out the grounds dead.

“PaPa seems we are the only ones left alive. Just like you always said ‘A Rothschild never dies. ‘ right PaPa?” Reginald tried to get his father to speak but he was too weak from the smoke. He managed to get Francis Rothschild into a carriage and as he tried to get the horses ready Boe came from the shadows.

“Mind if I hitch a ride?” Boe asked then stabbed Reginald in the stomach and threw him into the ground. Dumping Reginald in the carriage with his father. After a short ride Boe came to a large lake with a tall but barren tree with one large branch hanging over the large lake where a small figure stood. The figure had a dingy white cloth wrapped around it and was shivering from the cold water in the creek. Boe got off the carriage and walked to the figure. “Miss Chastity all came to fruition on your plan I have booth your parents bodies and notes. The church will feel it as a win against the Clan and I retrieved all the surviving Clan members.” Boe said with a polite bow. “How did your task come out?” Chastity smiled while she rubbed her belly already swollen with child. “Just fine.”