The Teacher’s Right-Hand Man

Jimmy always had the hots for one of the elementary school teachers, Mrs. Clancey- even though she never had him for one of her students. But when Jimmy comes home from college and works up at the high school for the summer, he’s amazed to discover that he would be teaming up with her. Then, both Mrs. Clancey & her hubby asks him to do a rather ‘personal’ favor for them…

Trying something different again. Please let me know what you think.

Summer of ’94…

When I was kid growing up, I used to have one of the biggest crushes on one of the elementary school teachers, Mrs. Clancey.  At that time, she was a rather tall, slender kind of dirty-blond gal who looked like she was very athletic and very nicely tanned.  Although I’ve never had her for a teacher,  I would see her either in the hallways or outside during recess.  She was what you would classify as a classic beauty, one who always dreesed nice and was very appealing.  But it wouldn’t be until about ten years later that I would see her again on a regular basis in the summer of ’94.

I came home after finishing up my third year of college 200 miles away.  I found a part-time job up at the high school where I graduated from three years earlier.  It was there that I ran into her again.

“No way, Mrs. Clancey?” I said to her in amazement.

“Oh my god, Jimmy Kramer?” she said.  “How’ve you been?  Long time, no see.”

“Tell me about it.  Look at you!!” I said.  It was clear to me that she hasn’t lost her figure.  I was able to recognize her right off the bat, even though I haven’t seen her in ten years.  Some people don’t change as far as their appearance goes, then there are some that you wouldn’t even recognize anymore .  But what gave me a instant hard-on was her nice jugs, they have to be at least a 34C cup size.  Then she said to me, “I see you can’t keep your eyes off of me, can you?”

“That’s probably one of the many great things that haven’t changed about you,” I said to her, “you still have your nice figure after all these years.”

“Well thank you Jimmy, you’ve certainly grown up & thickened out over the years yourself.” she said.  Then she added, “Bye the way, you can call me Brenda.”

“Okay Brenda,” I said.  “Anyway, do you teach here now?”

“As a matter of fact, yes,” Brenda said.  “I just started teaching a few literature classes here about a year ago now.  What about you?  Where’ve you been lately?”

“Actually, I just finished up my third year of college,” I said to her.  “I’ll be working back home here for most of the summer.”

“Cool,” she said, “because I need an assistant to help me out for a few weeks.  Would you mind working with me?”

“I’d be glad too,” I said without hestitation.  And then she asked me, “How ’bout you start tomorrow morning?  Is that okay with you?”

“Not a problem,” I replied to her.

“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning.  Take care,” Brenda said to me.  An so right then & there, this would be a sign of good things to come.

So I went back home and told the news to my parents during supper, they were both surprised & amazed.

“No shit!?” my dad responded in amazement.  Then my mother chimed in, “Even though you never had Mrs. Clancey, I remember you having the biggest crush on her.”

“She hasn’t changed one bit as far as her appearance goes,” I said to both of them. 

“Seems to me she’s made a decent impression on you then, huh,” my dad said.

“Most definitly,” I told them.  Then my mom asked, “When did she start teaching at the high school anyway?”

“This coming fall will be her second school year there,” I said.  “She was teaching at the other middle school for about five years prior.  She told me she’s teaching literature now.”

“One thing’s for sure,” my dad said to me, “You better behave yourself around her.  Understand me son?”

“Yes dad,” I answered him.  And with that, we finished our supper and then we cleaned up.  The more I think about it, the more my dad had a point.  I can be one really horny cat around the ladies- especially the older ones like Brenda and my mom(who’s also a nice, slender gal at age 45).

Brenda & I were able to connect in an instant  while working together as the summer weeks progressed.

“You seem to know what your doing, handling and sorting all of the books and stuff,” Brenda said to me.

“You might say I’m a neat freak and a good organizer,” I said to her.  Then Brenda asked me to do her a rather interesting & personal favor, one I couldn’t refuse or say no to.  “Jimmy, can I ask you to do something with me sweetheart?”  She called me sweetheart.  Is she the one hitting on me now?

“Sure,” I said to her.  “What is it that you want me to do with you?”

“My husband and I have been trying for years to have a baby,” she said.  Then she continued, “However, he has a rather low sperm count.  Therefore, I haven’t been able to concieve.”

“Have you guys considered a fertility clinic or something else of that sort?” I asked her.  Then she replied, “We thought about that, but we’re not sure if it would work for us.”

“So what are you suggesting?” I asked her.  Then she answered, “I want you to try and knock me up.”

“Huh?!” I asked her in shock.  Up until that point, I’ve always fantasized about this gorgeous broad.  Now, I’m getting a lot more than I’m bargaining for.  So I asked her, “Why me?”

“Well,” she said, “my husband remembers you & they say younger men these days have better, quality sperm.”  At this point, I couldn’t believe what she was asking me to do for her & her hubby, Tim.  I had her husband Tim for a history class back at the middle school I attended.  He’s a cool guy too.  He’s just as athletic like Brenda.  It blows me away that they still don’t have any kids yet.

So I asked her, “Does Tim know about what we’re discussing?”  Then she replied, “Not only does he know, but he’s the one who suggested it.  In addition,  both of you are gonna fuck me.”

“So this would be a team effort then, I take it?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she said, “Tim’s been asking about you.”  So it seems that Brenda wants both me & her hubby to try to impregnate her.  So we set a date for our little threesome.  So I went back home and told my folks that I gotta work later than usual come friday, but I didn’t tell them the actual reason. So they were okay with that.

Friday came and I worked up a sweat trying to get things done for Brenda. Then Brenda came in and asked me if we were still on for later. Then I replied to her, “Hell yeah!! Where do you want to meet?”

“Why don’t you meet me at my place later after work, sound good?” Brenda asked. Then I answered, “We’ll do.” Then she gave me directions as to how to get to her place. It looked pretty easy to find on paper.

“Okay, see you later, stud.” she said with a devilish grin. And so I worked the rest of that Friday up until 4:00 pm, and then I left to go over to the Clanceys’ house. Their house was rather easy to get to, and it was in a laid-back, suburbanite community. So I pulled up into the driveway, which led into a two-story house. Sure rnough, I noticed big Tim in the driveway. He hasn’t changed much neither. He then greets me, “Hey Jimmy, long time no see.”

“How’s it going man?” I responded as I came up and shook his hand. Then I asked him, “Where’s Brenda?”

“Brenda washing up,” answered Tim, “she just got home a short time ago. Why don’t you come in?”

“Okay, we’ll do,” I said as Tim guides me through the back door to the outdoor patio. I noticed they have a pool which I assumed is heated, along with a jacuzzi that’s adjacent to the pool.

“Can I get something cold for you to drink, like maybe a beer or something?” Tim asked me. Then I answered in acceptance, “Sure, I’ll have a beer. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome,” he said. And so Tim goes into their garage, where they keep an extra fridge. He came right back out with a couple of frosty, brown long-neck bottles, then hands one of them to me. We both took a sip of our cold beer.

“Ahhh, this really hits the spot in a hot day like today,” I said to Tim.

“You’re welcome Jimmy,” Tim said. Then a couple of minutes later, another familiar voice was coming from the kitchen through the back sliding door, “Honey?”

“Out here babe,” Tim called out to his wife Brenda. The she came out through the back sliding door wearing only a skimpy bikini, the kind where her C cup tits go part way out. “Oh, hi Jimmy,” she said. Then I responded as I’m just staring at a now partially nude cougar, “H.., hi Brenda.”

Then Tim looks over at me, then back at her and said, “I think you assistant here has a massive bulge through the fabric of his shorts. In fact, so do I sweetheart.”

“You two guys must’ve getting very horny here,” she said. “Anyway, how long have you been here Jimmy?”

“Not very long,” I told her, “I just got here maybe ten minutes ago.

“Oh, cool,” she said. And so Brenda hands me a bathrobe, then she suggested that I go inside to wash up a little, then come back out just wearing the robe. About a few minutes after I came back out through the sliding door, both Tim & Brenda were already getting situated in the jacuzzi.

“Jummy,” Brenda said to me, “why don’t you get in with us. Ok?” And without missing a beat, I said, “Sure, but let me bring my beer over.” And so I got my beer and then I walked over to the jacuzzi, where both Tim & Brenda were at.

“Why don’t you undo your robe before you come in Jimmy? ” Brenda suggested as my shaft was already getting hard. When I lowered my robe to reveal my manhood, both of them were in awe. “Holy shit!” both of them said in astonishment.

“And I though I had a big cock,” Tim said. Then Brenda said to me as she continued to gaze at my long, thick cock, “You’re only about maybe an inch or two bigger then Tim’s. But nevertheless, both of you could split me wide open right about now.” And so after both of them complemented me about my cock size, I lowered myself into the jacuzi. Then I scooted in & I sat next to Brenda. The jacuzzi never felt so much better after a hard day at work. And since Brenda was sitting in between Tim & me, she began to stroke both of our cocks.

“Jimmy,” Tim said to me, “do you like the way she’s stroking your cock?” Then I replied as I feel like I’m on cloud nine right now, ” This feels good. She’s doing her stroking magic getting me ever so horny.”

Then both Tim & I stood up while Brenda remained sitting as she continued to stroke us.

“Honey,” Brenda said go her hubby, “why don’t you stick your big cock in my wet pussy while I give Jimmy here a blowjob. Okay sweetheart?”

“As you wish dear,” Tim responds in a rather passionate voice, as he’s about ready to get it on with both Brenda & me. So Brenda gets up as well, tells me to sit on the steps that go right down into the jacuzzi. Then after I got situated, Brenda then gets on her knees so Tim came fuck her from behind. I could see as Tim positions his cock at the entrance of Brenda’s nicely trimmed but hairy pussy as he cups her tubes. Then he was able to slide his 9″ cock deep inside of her twat as she begins to moan, “Ohh…, Tim baby.., fuck me hard!! Ohhh.., shit!!”

So while Tim begins to slowly pound away at Brenda’s cunt, she puts her luscious, ruby-red lips around the entrance of my huge, thick cock and begins to slowly go down on me as well. Amazingly, she’s one hell of a deep-throater because she was somehow able to get it ALL the way in. Although she gagged and choked a little at first, she got used it after a while.

“Ohhh.., fuck.,” I said as I moaned, “I can’t believe you took my big cock all the way in.” But she wasn’t responding. She was just too busy having fun. All I heard from Brenda was.., “Mmmmmmmm..,” & “ohhhhhhhh.” But then both Tim & Brenda each began to pick up the pace a little. Tim began to fuck Brenda a little faster, while Brenda started bobbing up & down faster. But being ayoung stud that I was at the time, it wasn’t long before I was about ready to erupt inside of Brenda’s mouth.

“Fuck…, I’m about to cum!” I told her as I started grunting. Then Tim said as he continued to pump in her, “She’s a swallower Jimmy.” So after about a minute, it happened.

“OHHHHHHH…., SSSHHHHIIIITTTTT!!!!!!” I said with a loud grunt. Wave after thick wave of my protein was emptying my balls, through my shaft and into Brenda’s mouth and down her throat. It just wouldn’t end. After about nine streams of cum shot into Brenda’s mouth, I pulled my cock out to give her a breather.

“Damn,” she said, “I haven’t swallowed this much in a long time.”

“You’re already done Jimmy?” Tim asked as he still pounding away at Brenda’s twat. But then, Tim let’s out a grunt of his own, “Fuck…, I’m.., gonna.,, cum…, babe!!!!”

“Same here honey,” Brenda said as she moans out. Then, both of them let out a loud moan as if they just had a simultaneous orgasm. Then after about a minute or so, Tim pulled his cock out of his wife’s pussy. He must’ve shot several ropes full himself, because I noticed there was a lot of white jizz oozing out of her hairy pussy.

“One thing’s for sure,” I said, “she sucks great cock. Doesn’t she?”

“You’re right about that Jimmy,” Tim said. “Why don’t we take a little breather, then we’ll switch. Okay?”

“Sounds good,” I said to both of them. So we both sat back in the jacuzzi and finished our beer before we resumed our little threesome. We all got up out of the jacuzzi and and moved onto the lounge chair that was next to it. I had Brenda lay back on the chair so I could get on top of her. Then as she’s laying back, Tim was able to stand up and put his cock in her mouth so she can give a great blowjob.

As soon as she started bobbing up & down Tim’s shaft, I was able to get between her legs and postition mine on her bushy cunt. Since Tim already pounder her just a short time earlier, I knew I wouldn’t’ve had a problem putting it in. Sure enough, I was right. So what I did was after I slowly inserted my big cock deep inside of Brenda’s pussy, I went nice & slow at first. I could hear Brenda moaning as I’m pounding away at her, “Mmmmm.., mmmmmm., oooooohhhhhh.” Then she takes Tim’s cock out of her mouth and said to me, “Harder Jimmy.., harder. Don’t stop.., cum inside.., of.., me.”

And so dhe gave me the green light, even though I was nowhere near my climax yet. So Tim puts his cock back in her mouth and she continued to bob away. Meanwhile, I picked up the pace even more. I was able to pump my huge cock deep without even being balls deep. Thakfully, my cock didn’t even puncture her cervix. But then all of the sudden, I could hear Brenda muffle out something, “I’m.., gonna.., cum!” That’s what it sounded like, because I could feel her inner pussy walls clampen all around my cock. Then she y’all out some more, then I could feel her shudder and shake as her pussy juices covered my cock and oozed out of her pussy. But I too was about ready to erupt.

“OHHHHHH…., SHHHIIITTTTT.., I’M…, GONNA.., CUM!!!” I said to Brenda as I shot rope after rope of my cum from my churned balls, through my swollen shaft & into her wet pussy. I must’ve shot about eight squirts full of my precious baby seed. After about a minute or so, I left my spent cock in her fertile pussy. Then I heard Tim grunt again.

“Ohhhh.., fuuuccccckkkkkk!!” Tim said as he shot another load out & into Brenda’s mouth. After we both shot our loads, we both pulled our spent cocks out of Brenda. Then Brenda aked, “So how was I Jimmy?”

“You were awesome,” I said to her. “I had never fucked a real woman like I did just now. You made both of us happy today.”

“Well,” Tim said. “I hoped you’ve enjoyed it, because it may not happen again.” Then Brenda said to me in a rather stern voice, “You’re not to say anything to anybody- and I mean ANYBODY. Understand me?”

“You got it.” I said to her. Then she said, “You know neither Tim nor I will be asking you for any kind of child support, regardless of what happens.”

After that little chat, we sat there for another couple of minutes before we went back in the jacuzi for a bit. After about a half hour or so, I got back out, put on my rob. Then I went back in to take a quick shower, got dreesed then I went back out to where Brenda and Tim were still siting there just smooching.

“Well, thank you guys for having me over,” I said to them. “We might have to do this again.”

“We’ll see,” Tim said.

“See you Monday Jimmy.” Brenda said to me. Then I answered as I waved to go to my car, “Bye Brenda, bye Tim. See you guys.”

That Friday was the start to an awesome weekend I had. I would be working with Brenda for about another week or so, because I went in vacation in early August. As it turned out, it would be the last time I would see Brenda Clancy in our school district. The following summer I came back after finishing up my senior year of college & got a job not far from where I went to high school. One day at a local grocery store, I ran into Tim Clancy again.

“Well hey, Mr. Clancey!” I said to him.

“Hey Jimmy what’s up?” He greeted. Then I noticed he had in his cart a couple of packages of diapers & baby formula. It was when I found out that Brenda finally got pregnant. Tim & Brenda welcomed a set of identical twin baby girls. Turns out, they’re actually Tim’s. I guess it was a team effort that both Tim and I did to get Brenda pregnant. But then Tim said that they both got job transfers for the coming ’95-96 school year as well. Brenda however, would only work part-time.

All in all, things worked out great in the long run. Who would ever thought that the teacher who I had a crush on(in which I’ve never even had), who one day ask me to be her right-hand man- and in more ways than one? To this day, nobody ever found out about our little afternoon threesome at the Clanceys. As the years went by, I settled down and finally found me the right woman. I now have a lovely, beautiful wife with three amazing kids. I couldn’t be more happier.


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