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The Rogue’s Harem Book 1, Chapter 9: Pleasing Under Pleasure

Sven has to perform under pressure and cum in his sister’s pussy!

The Rogue’s Harem

Book One: Rogue’s Sultry Harem

Part Nine: Pleasing Under Pressure

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2018

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this.

Chapter Twenty-Five: Flight into the Woods

Sven Falk – Forest of Lhes, Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch

The pain in my arm grew with every pounding beat of my horse’s hooves on the uneven forest floor. Branches whipped past my head. I sucked in breath after one thwacked into my wounded left arm. Numb agony throbbed up to my shoulder.

“Las’s putrid cum and disgusting cock!” I howled out, throat thick and hoarse.

My teeth ground together. The waves of agony swept through me, threatening to overwhelm me. I clutched at the reins with my right hand, cradling my left arm to my chest. Blood soaked through the bandage, bright and crimson. I bled again. A dizzy sway seized me. The world spun, dark spots fuzzing across my vision.

“Sven, my love,” Princess Ava squeaked, still perched on my shoulder, her rosy hands clutching my hair. “Oh, no.”

“I’m fine,” I lied through the pain.

“You’re not. You need Kora to—”

Horns sounded behind us. A burst of cold energy drove back the dizziness. I threw a look over my shoulder, but saw no signs of our pursuers as we galloped through the woods. The foliage grew more and more dense the deeper we penetrated.

“Master,” whimpered Zanyia. “We have to stop.”

“They’re still chasing us,” I growled. “Can’t you hear that?”

“It’s mistress!”

The concern in the Lamia’s voice whipped my head around to my sister, her horse led by Zanyia. Kora swayed in her saddle, the right side of her face swollen so badly it forced her eye shut. A deep, sickly purple marred the center of the swelling, radiating out into brown and yellow rings. She let out whimpers, her right arm twisted, the break shifting. It wasn’t splinted right.

“Kora!” gasped Ava.

“She needs help!” Zanyia groaned.

“We all do,” I gasped. The agony in my arm surged upward again right to my shoulder. I groaned, clutching my reins as we crashed through another brush.

“You have to stop,” Ava pleaded, tugging at my ear. “Please, Sven.”

“They’re falling behind,” the lamia persisted. “We have time, Master. We can take a few moments to let Kora cast healing magic. She’s a priestess. They always know those spells.”

“And they’ll be gaining on us.” My stomach twisted. My sister needed to be healed. So did Zanyia. Dog scratches covered her naked body, beads of dark-crimson blood grown sticky on the wounds. A nasty one ran across her left breast, half-tearing off her nipple. “Las damn it!”

I hauled my reins short. My arm jostled. I almost screamed from the intense, thought-robbing pain. I shook my head, sucking in deep breaths. They came fast as my head swam again. Blood dripped from my arm from a sword stroke that cut me to the bone.

“Get her off her horse,” I said. I couldn’t let my sister die. I loved her. Zanyia was in pain. I could barely fight now. “Hurry.”

“Yes, Master,” Zanyia said, her face flushed and glistening with sweat. She hopped off Rainbow, my sister’s horse, with nimble ease, landing lightly in a crouch. Her tawny tail swayed back and forth. She sprang to Kora riding my stallion Midnight, attacking the robes binding her to the saddle. “It’ll be okay, Mistress.”

“Are we safe?” Kora mumbled.

“We’re safe,” I told her. “It’s time for you to heal yourself. Isn’t that great, sister dear?”

“Yes, brother mine,” she said. She tried to climb off her horse. Her pink robes tangled between her leg and the stirrup, trapping her foot and throwing her off-balanced. She gasped, falling into Zanyia.

Agony screamed from my sister’s lips. I snarled, whipping out my short sword, staring in the direction of our pursuers. The pain echoed through the trees, my sister sobbing, cradling her broken arm as Zanyia struggled to support her.

“Kora,” Ava whimpered in shock.

Tears burned in my eyes. I should have done a better job protecting her. I should have guided us better. Why did I stay on the main highway? We came too close to Echur. To that bastard’s seat of power. I should have taken the longer way and added a few more days.

She wouldn’t be in such agony.

“It’s okay, Mistress,” soothed Zanyia, setting Kora onto the ground. “Do you feel the pain fading? It’s time to heal yourself.”

“Okay,” whimpered Kora, her voice so small. “But…I… I can’t remember.”

My stomach chilled.

“What?” I said, mouth growing dry, the pain in my arm fading beneath the surge of fear through me.

“Rithi, I need you…” She shook her swollen head. “No, no. It’s… Rithi, bless my…my… What?” Tears shone in her left eye. “Sven, I…”


Kora Falk

“It’s okay,” Sven said, his voice so far away.

Why couldn’t I remember the words? They were…

“We’re in a forest,” I said, staring bemused up at the trees.

“Yes, Mistress, a forest,” Zanyia smiled at me, her triangular ears twitching.

“You have ears like a cat.” I struggled to move my right arm.

Pain shocked through me. I screamed out, my bones twisting against each other. Only agony gripped me. I howled. Breath sucked through my lips between shouts. I couldn’t stop it. The hurt… It struggled to drown me. To smother me in never-ending torment. I had to… I had to heal myself.

“Rithi…bless my…” I needed to remember. But… My head throbbed. And… “You have cat ears.”

“She’s slurring her speech,” Zanyia said. “She’s not making sense.”


My Sven appeared, my brother whom I loved far more than I should. His weary face stared down at me. Something rust-brown smeared across his cheek. “You have mud on your face. You need to clean up or Mother won’t let you eat.”

“Mother?” He frowned. “Sister dear, you need to remember your spells. You have to heal yourself.”

I blinked. Right. “I’m a priestess. A radiant of Rithi.”

“That’s right. I know you can cast this spell.” He took my left hand, sliding it down my body. He pushed it into my robes. I gasped as he pressed my fingers into my pussy.

“This isn’t the time for that, brother dear,” I shuddered. “We can’t fuck right now. We’re being…”

Horns sounded.

“Hunted!” The fear shocked through the foggy hurt. “Oh, no, we have to flee.”

“You have to heal yourself.” He pressed my fingers deep into my pussy, his joining mine.

I shuddered at the sensation. I loved my brother’s incestuous touch. “I shouldn’t love you, but I do. I know it’s wrong.”

“And I love you, sister dear.” His blue eyes stared down at me, bloodshot. “You have to focus. The spell.”

“Please, Mistress,” Zanyia groaned.

A dog howled.

Focus. Focus. “Rithi, bless my.. .natural paints and… And…” I let out a whimper of pain. The stupid agony smothered my thoughts. I couldn’t remember the words. But I needed to. What where they? “Rithi, I…”

“Rithi, bless my natural paints with your divine love,” Sven said, staring down at me with those intense eyes.

“Those are the words!” I gasped. “Rithi, bless my natural paints with…”

“Your divine love.”

“Your divine love.” The fog billowed through my mind. A moment of clarity washed over me. I sat on my stool with the other glimmers at the Temple of Rithi, just a young acolyte learning my magic. Radiant Gertrude taught the lesson, her beautiful voice whispering through my thoughts. “Let your vision flow through me and restore the art ruined by the cruel acts of the world.”

I gasped, feeling the magical touch of my goddess electrify my pussy. My snatch clenched on our fingers inside of me. My cream coated them, the medium allowing Rithi to restore the art of my body ruined by my injuries.

Sven pulled out my fingers, guiding my hand to my head. I winched as he pressed them against the swollen knot at my temple. For a moment, numb pain shot through me. And then… Clarity. The fog fell away. The tightness in my head lessened, deflated. My right eye opened, allowing me to witness more of the world.

I shoved my left fingers down to my broken arm, smearing my juices up and down the wounded limb. It looked like an over-stuffed sausage, turning blue and black in places. I groaned, and then blessedly, the agony vanished, the bones knitting back together, becoming whole. Undamaged.

“Brother mine!” I gasped, seeing the bloody bandage on his arm. My fingers shoved at him, smearing across his wounded arm.

“Mistress!” Zanyia gasped, staring down at me with a toothy, excited grin.

My right hand shoved between my thighs as I stared in horror at Zanyia’s left breast, covered in a bandage tied about her torso. She looked so battered. The poor thing. My digits pushed into my pussy, gathering my natural paint, and then smeared it across her body.

A dog howled.

Brush rustled.

Sven moved, pulling out his hand crossbow and loading it, using both arms. He aimed at the brush and fired as I smeared my healing juices across Zanyia’s body. A dog howled in pain, the hunting hound crashing to the ground at Sven’s feet, whimpering, kicking, gurgling as it died.

“Go!” Sven shouted. “On the horses! We have to ride!”

More dogs bayed. Horns sounded.


Princess Ava

The world bounced as I rode Sven’s shoulders, the brush crashing into him. I gripped his hair, feeling like a little, helpless bug while the man I loved rode from danger. From my father’s own soldiers. And what could I do? Even with my detestable lust for my father, surrendering my body to his incestuous, carnal desires, I couldn’t order this to stop.

Even if I did, they were days from Echur now. Out of my reach. I felt so helpless. This was worse than my lust for my father. I wanted to do something, to rescue them. Sven, Kora, and Zanyia… I cared for them all.

I loved them.

“Sven,” I whimpered.

“We’ll be fine, Princess,” he snarled as he hauled up his horse before the steep slope. “We have to go on foot. The brush is too dense.”

“But…” I protested even as Zanyia and Kora dismounted with him.

“Goodbye, Rainbow,” Kora said, stroking her mare’s nose. She kissed her then smacked her rump.

“How will you outrun dogs on foot?” I gasped as Zanyia scampered up the steep slope covered in thick brush and dead leaves. They crunched beneath her naked feet, her tail swishing and swaying.

Sven followed, saying, “We just have to outrun the soldiers. We can kill the dogs. The soldiers are in armor. We’re not.”

I clutched to his blond hair, swaying and dangling from it as he and Kora scrambled up the hill after Zanyia. Kora’s magic invigorated them, restoring all the minor injuries and soreness being chased for days had given them. They scrambled higher and higher up the hill, leaves crunching and debris following.

Horns sounded. Dogs bayed. Brush rustled.

“They’re coming closer, Master,” Zanyia said, at the top of the hill. “They’re almost here.”

“Hurry!” Sven snarled to Kora. “They’ll feather us with arrows if we don’t make it to cover!”

“Yes, brother mine,” Kora groaned, her blonde hair bouncing in twin braids down her back. She scrambled with such ease. She used to be like me, a noblewoman not used to physical exertion. But seeing her now, her flesh appeared firm and toned through her robes. She was no longer soft.

Guilt twined through me. The man I loved had to flee while I lay in the safety and comfort of my father’s castle. And then fucked him. Such shame suffused me. How could I want to have sex with my father while also hating him and wanting him dead? It didn’t make sense to me. What was wrong with me?

I could hardly be angry at Sven for finding comfort in his sister’s arms. She was there for him, unlike me. So what if it was wrong. It wasn’t as depraved as my lusts. And seeing them scrambling up the hill together, gasping, fighting to live, illuminated their feelings for each other.

Sven loved her as much as me.

“They’re at the base of the hill!” screamed Zanyia.

Horses snorted, neighed. Men shouted. An arrow hissed through the air, embedding in the slope beside Sven. I screamed in fright, clutching to his hair. They were almost to safety. Only twenty or so more feet to go.

Another arrow whizzed past, embedding in a tree by Zanyia’s head. The catgirl squeaked and ducked low. My heart squeezed so tight. My little, stone body quivered as Sven snarled, scrambling faster and—

Sharp pain bit into my nipple. My real nipple. My real body called to me.

Chapter Twenty-Six: Pleasing Under Pressure

Princess Ava – Echur, Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch

I gasped awake into my flesh, lying in my bed, my body soaked in sweat. I trembled. I’d never spent so much time in a proxy before. All night. My bedmaid Greta looked up from my nipple, her eyes wide. It throbbed. She bit me.

“You’re father is here!” she said. “I told him you were sick, but he insisted I make you presentable and—”

The door to my bedchamber opened. I hauled up my blanket as my pale father entered in his gray doublet and hose, his ice eyes falling on me, staring at me with such lust. I shuddered, my entire body flushed, my heart racing.

Did Sven and Kora survive? Or were they feathered by arrows? Tears burned in my eyes.

“What is the matter, my sweetling?” Father asked me, sitting down on the edge of my bed. He took my hand. “You’re clammy. You’re covered in sweat.”

“I don’t know,” I whimpered, my heart beating in terror. “Some foul vapors I breathed in, I suspect. I just… I need rest.”

His hand tugged down the blanket, exposing my naked breasts. I shuddered as he cupped my right tit, my nipple puckering hard for him despite my fear for Sven, Kora, and Zanyia. That depraved lust rose in my pussy. My juices flowed, my thighs so hot and sticky.

I wanted him right now. In me. Despite my love being in danger, my body yearned for the incestuous congress of our flesh. I hated myself so much. I pushed down my lust, fighting the whimper threatening to escape my lips as he brushed my nub.

“I was hoping to ensure your fertility this morning,” he said. “I ache so powerfully for you, sweetling.”

“I know. I do, too,” I said, hating how it wasn’t a lie. “But…” I kept my voice wan. “I’m just too tired. I hardly slept. I cannot please you right now, Father. As much as I yearn to. I’m too weak. I need rest.”

“Of course, my sweetling,” he said before leaning over and sucking on my nipple.

My pussy clenched in wanton desire.

“I will send for a Priestess of Slata to heal you.” He smiled at me. “Then you won’t have to be in discomfort.”

“That’s not necessary,” I groaned.

“Nonsense. You are the Princess of Kivoneth. The priestess will be honored to heal you.” He pinched my nipple again. “I’ll visit you in a little while, sweetling. Once you’re rested.”

“Thank you, Father,” I groaned, knowing there was no other way out of this. At least I had an opening to find out if my Sven survived. If Kora and Zanyia still lived. That was more important than my abhorrent lust for my father.

“Anything for my sweetling.” He leaned over, giving me a quick kiss that sent shivers through me. My fingers curled to seize his straw hair, to hold him to my lips. But Sven… I needed to know.

Then he stood and strode from my bedchamber. The moment I heard the door shut on my sitting room, my father out of my apartments, I closed my eyes and imbued my proxy with my awareness. I put on stone as my own flesh.

They lived.


Sven Falk – Forest of Lhes, Princedom of Kivoneth, Strifelands of Zeutch

“I have to go,” Ava said. “My father is… being very demanding of my time.”

“Okay,” I told her. She’d been coming and going all morning since our scramble up the steep slope while the arrows rained at us. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I held her in my hand, Kora and Zanyia panting nearby as we rested. I brought my hand closer to my lips so her small, rosy form could plant a kiss on my lower lip. Then she went stiff, rigid. Her awareness gone.

I slipped her in my pouch.

Armor crashed through brush behind us. The guards still chased, but we moved faster on foot then they did. Barely. I groaned, my entire body sore. Every muscle burned in my legs. I wanted to collapse. My stomach growled. My throat parched. We’d already emptied our waterskins and had no time to grab food when we abandoned the horses.

“Let’s go,” I groaned, pushing off from my tree.

“They have to be as tired as we,” Kora said, her face flushed, twisting with discomfort as she hobbled along with me. “Las damn it.”


She nodded her head. “I’ll survive. Let’s keep going.”

Zanyia scampered ahead. The lamia still had boundless energy. She crashed through brush and then she gasped. “Oh, no!”

I burst through the brush beside her and… Groaned.

A large ravine split the ground before us. Below, a river splashed through a deep canyon, at least two hundred feet below. Sheer, craggy cliffs led down to the rock-strewn bottom the water wound through. I stared at the other side, only twenty feet away.

We couldn’t jump it.

“They’re closing in, Master,” Zanyia said as I looked up and down the ravine, debating which way to go. This limited our options. If they realized which way we headed, they could try to send people to cut us off. Especially if the ravine twisted in the wrong direction.

Did they have maps?

“I could jump it,” Zanyia said. “Maybe. Then you could throw a rope across.”

“No rope,” I said. “Let’s go that way.” I pointed to what I hoped was east.

“No, we have to cross,” Kora said, opening her robes. My sister exposed her lithe, tattooed body, her hands stroking down her flat stomach to her shaved pussy.

“What?” I demanded.

“A conjuration,” she moaned, lying down on her back. “Hurry. I need your cum in me.”

“Now?” I demanded as she spread her legs, her pussy aimed right at me.

“We don’t have time to argue!” she snarled. “If we can get across that ravine, we’ll gain so much time. Hurry and fuck me, brother mine.”

I stared at my sister in utter bewilderment, my cock twitching to life. Just the sight of her incestuous flesh offered to me hardened my girth despite the danger. An exhilaration shot through me, my shaft swelling to its full erection.

We would be killed if we stuck around here too long.

“Hurry, Master,” Zanyia said, falling to her knees before me. She fumbled with my laces. “You have to do it.”

“You don’t think this is crazy?” I groaned as Zanyia pulled out my cock, stroking it in her hand. Her grip felt so wonderful, her tongue rasping across the crown.

“She’s a priestess. If she needs this, she needs it. Now fuck harder, Master!” Zanyia’s golden, cat-slitted eyes stared up at me. “Fuck your sister!”

“Fine,” I groaned. Zanyia was right. My sister knew her magic. I fell to my knees, so aware of the sounds crashing through the woods. The shouts. The horns. The dogs baying. I stroked my dick as I brought it to my sister’s pussy, already glistening with her juices.

I jammed it into her hot sheath. I groaned at the pleasure engulfing my dick. Despite the danger, it felt wonderful to slide into my sister’s snatch, to enjoy her incestuous flesh. We were the same flesh, we came from the same womb. We were reunited again.

I pumped my hips, slamming my cock into her pussy. I’d never wanted to cum more in my life. I fucked my sister hard, her breasts jiggling beneath me. She groaned, her pussy clenching down on my dick, massaging me.

My balls smacked into her taint, heavy with my cum. I felt the pleasure surge through me, hitting my balls. But that familiar ache didn’t build. I groaned, thrusting harder, so aware that the enemy came closer and closer.

“Hurry, cum in me, brother mine!” Kora moaned, bucking into my thrusts.

“Trying,” I panted, throwing a look over my shoulder.

I thrust as hard as I could. I fucked my sister with every ounce of passion I had. My cock burned in her pussy, rubbing against the silky of her walks. The friction sent tingling delight racing through my body.

But it didn’t gather in my balls. I didn’t feel that swelling need to cum. The harder I pumped, the farther away it felt. I groaned, concentrating on my cock sliding through her wet pussy, of pounding my sister’s incestuous flesh.

I groaned in frustration. “Come on!” I snarled at my cock. “Just cum already.”

“Yes, yes, you have to do it, brother mine!”

“I’m trying!” I thrust forward. “Las, infect my cock with your lust! Please! I need to explode.”

But I couldn’t it. The fear, the danger, held me back. Men were coming to kill us. To kill Kora and Zanyia. My women. I had to be man enough to save them. I had to ignore it, to focus on loving my sister. On loving them both to protect them.

“Zanyia, sit on my sister’s face,” I growled. “Let me eat that ass.”

“Yes, Master!”

Zanyia pounced on Kora, smearing her pussy against my sister’s mouth. The catgirl purred in delight, her tail swaying, brushing my cheeks as she giggled. She gave me such sultry looks over her shoulder as I rammed my cock into my sister’s hot snatch.

I just had to concentrate on loving them. On pleasuring them. The soldiers didn’t matter. Only my women did. My sister and my lamia slave. I pressed my face between Zanyia’s tight ass, her swishing tail caressing my forehead. I found her puckered sphincter, licked it with my tongue.

I savored her sour musk. Her purrs grew louder as my sister and I pleasured her. The naughty lamia twitched and yowled. I rimmed her asshole, thrusting so hard into Kora’s silky depths. I pleasured my slave, thrusting my tongue into her bowels.

“Master! Mistress!” she yowled in delight, her body trained to respond to sex no matter the danger. If she could enjoy herself, so could I.

The pleasure burning around my cock grew more intense. My heart pounded. My hips thrust. Kora’s pussy clenched on my dick, so hungry for it as she feasted on the lamia’s snatch. I fucked my tongue into Zanyia’s asshole, her sour bowels clenching around it. Her tail swished faster and faster, purring louder and louder.

I loved my women. I would protect them.

The ache built at the tip of my cock. That familiar promise of explosive release. My hips thrust forward so hard, ramming my dick into my sister’s pussy so hard. Every thrust sent heat to my balls. They approached their boil.

“Las’s yummy cum,” purred Zanyia. “Your tongue is making me feel so good, Master!”

“Good,” I growled into her asshole.

“Cum in Mistress! Flood her pussy with all your yummy cum, Master!”

“Yes, brother mine!” groaned Kora, pussy squeezing on my dick. “I need it. Give it to me!”

I rammed my cock into my sister’s pussy. The crashing soldiers came closer. I didn’t care. I would protect my women.

My cum erupted into my sister’s pussy. I shuddered, my orgasm screaming through me. Kora moaned, her pussy writhing about my dick, joining me in rapture. She bucked against me, thighs squeezing my hips as her pussy milked out my cum.

I shuddered, hearing individual shouts. The dogs baying. My last blast of cum fired into my sister. I ripped my cock out of her, Zanyia springing off Kora. My sister shoved her fingers down to her pussy, plunging them into our combined fluids as she rolled over onto her knees, facing the ravine.

“Rithi, take the mix of our sexual passion, the union of our essence, and create art instead of life!” she shouted and yanked out her fingers. She flicked droplets of pussy-infused cum at it.

They glowed, shimmered with the colors of the rainbow, growing larger and larger. My sister swayed, her fingers digging out more of our combined fluids, adding them to what she created out of our incestuous union.

The shape of a bridge appeared, scintillating with all the hues of creation. It spanned the ravine. Our escape. I seized my sister’s right arm, hauling her to her feet as I rushed for the conjuration spanning across the ravine, my britches threatening to fall down my thighs.

My foot hit the bridge, the light solid beneath my boots. Her conjuration held my weight. Kora groaned, swaying, leaning against me. Then she cried out, her body going limp. I scooped her up in my arms, so light, and ran. In heartbeats we were across.

I crashed into thick brush, carrying her to the ground, hidden by the wiry branches clad in small, olive-green leaves. Zanyia leaped in behind me. I pressed down on my belly beside my sister, her eyes rolled back into her head from the strain of the spell.

The light vanished.

The first soldier reached the cliff, a dog held on a leash. The hound sniffed around where we had fucked. It barked, tail wagging in agitation. “Where’d they go?” growled the soldier. “Huh? Where are the muderin’ bastards?”



My wings fluttered as I crouched in the tree staring down at the soldiers milling beneath me. Their hounds barked, looking confused. The soldiers snarled at them, one cuffing a cur with a gauntleted hand. The dog whimpered in pain.

I glared at him. I liked dogs. My feyhound prowled through the woods.

Then my eyes flicked across the ravine to the prey: two humans and a lamia. They were wild. Having sex while being hunted. The scent of hot pussy drew my attention. I flittered through the woods and watched that blond stud fuck his sister. Such wicked sport those two had engaged in. And then the lamia had gotten involved, their threesome burning so hot.

Pity the soldiers ruined it by arriving. Those three had stamina.

I reached out to the spirits in the world. The dwelled all around. Evocation spirits. Conjuration spirits. Enchantment, abjuration, and transformation. They affected the world, if you knew how to use them.

They loved faeries, so we had no problem manipulating the world.

I summoned conjuration spirits with a thought and a wave of my hand. They danced through the air. I kept them from manifesting. I didn’t want any glittering streaks of purple to announce their presence. The conjuration spirits dove down into the sexual fluids staining the ground, rolled in them. Then they zoomed off to the west.

The dogs suddenly barked, pulling at their leashes to go west. The soldiers snarled in triumph, charging off on my new trail. I smiled. Those spirits would go for days and days, leading them deeper and deeper into the woods.

I giggled, my wings fluttering. What a delicious prank. If those soldiers got lost, and humans always did, well, they deserved it.

I flittered from my perch in the tree across the ravine, hidden by abjuration spirits warping light around me. I landed in an elm tree, staring down at the humans hiding in the bush, my head cocked to the side as the trio rose from the brush, relief on their faces.

The man had such a handsome, chiseled face. I understood why the two loved him. I was so glad they showed up. It was so boring the last week.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sisterly Delight


I prowled through the brush, moving with utter silence. I smelled the deer grazing just a few feet away. I approached downwind. My heart hammered. I hadn’t ever hunted for real, only played at it as a kitten. But we needed food.

I sprang.

The deer squealed as I landed on its back. Young, not quite a fawn, but not quite an adult. My teeth snagged its throat, crushing its windpipe to choke it. My claws dug into its flesh, holding on tight. It kicked and danced, struggling to throw me off, sweeping its head so its little stubby antlers could find my flesh.

I didn’t let up. Not with its salty blood in my mouth. We didn’t eat at all yesterday. My stomach rumbled. I wouldn’t let this deer go. It was breakfast and lunch and dinner. We needed it. Especially Kora. Conjuring the bridge yesterday afternoon had wiped her out.

The deer staggered. It let out one more mournful wail then collapsed. Its body twitched. I didn’t let go until I stopped feeling the pulse of its life beat through its neck. My tail swished in triumph when the beast went still.

We would eat!

“That makes a lot of noise,” Master said, appearing at the top of the hill.

I lifted my mouth, shrugged. “It worked. Did you kill anything?”

“I don’t know how to hunt,” he scowled.

“You make too much noise,” I smirked at him as he came down the hill. “You need to be crafty. Like me.”

“I know how to sneak,” he said. “Just woods are different. So much stuff to brush. Everything you touch makes noise.”

With Master’s help, I cleaned the dear and we carried it to our small camp in a dell. Kora still slept on the bed of leaves we made her, her face covered by her robe. She’d slept since we made camp last night, just exhausted by everything.

My stomach rumbled again, the smell of venison roasting on the fire watering my mouth. I crouched beside my master, the firelight painting my naked skin. The trees made our little dell dark even in the noon sun.

“I think we lost them, Master,” I said. “They never figured out we crossed the ravine.”

“Yeah,” he nodded, glancing at his sister. “Kora’s plan saved us.”

“So did this,” I giggled, patting his cock through his leather pants. “How many men could satiate two women under those circumstances?”

“You didn’t cum,” he pointed out.

“But I was getting there. I would have if we had more time.” I rubbed my cheek against his arm, purring contentedly.

He pulled out his map from his pouch, unfurling it. “I think we’re here,” he said, stabbing a part on the southeastern side. “That had to be the Hoyvein river. If we follow it east, it leads to these farming villages on the edge of the woods.”

“Think we’ll find a virgin to use to lure in the faerie?” I asked.

“They can be hard to find in farming villages. Girls who grow up around livestock tend to be earthy. But I’m sure we’ll manage.”

“Assuming you can keep this in your pants, Master,” I giggled, squeezing his cock again.

“I have some amount of self-control,” he grinned. “I won’t ruin her before we attract the faerie’s interest.”

“Just a smidgen.” It felt so wonderful to be so relaxed with my owner. No fear that I would say the wrong thing and be beaten. I didn’t have to cringe every time he raised his arm. This man loved me. Cared for me.

Such joy filled me.

It was near evening, after Master and I glutted on Venison, that Kora awoke. I grinned at her, holding out a big strip of meat. She smiled, took it, and devoured it just like I would. With so much enthusiasm.

I saw it in her eyes. That simple joy of being alive with the people she loved.


Kora Falk

One hunger satiated, my belly full of wonderful venison, I hooked an arm over my brother’s shoulder as darkness deepened around our campfire. I had to feed my other hunger and love him. What we did yesterday, in the haste to save our lives, wasn’t a celebration of our survival, but a necessary and carnal act.

I wanted to enjoy myself. I wanted to unite the three of us in passion. I kissed him hard, my tongue thrusting into his mouth. At the same moment, I reached past him, seizing Zanyia’s hand, pulling her to us. Her ears twitched. Her purr rose.

Her lips joined ours in a three-way kiss.

It felt so wonderful, so right, to love Sven with Zanyia. The events of the last few days had welded us so tight. Her hand tightened on mine as we savored my brother’s strong lips. Our tongues brushed each other, licking caressing, the passion building between my thighs, my nethers smoldering from their touch.

Sven’s hand slid into my robe, finding my round breast. His other hand cupped Zanyia’s small firm tit. We both moaned our delight as he squeezed and kneaded our tits. His thumb ran across my nipple, shooting fire to my—

“Well, this is quite the sight,” Princess Ava purred, her voice tiny.

The three of us broke apart in guilty shock as the princess rose quartz proxy grew out of Sven’s pouch. Her naked, lithe form swelled, blossoming into her full beauty. The specks of crystal in her stony flesh glittered in the firelight as she straddled Sven’s waist, pressing against him, her arms on his shoulder.

“Ava!” he gasped. “It’s not what you think.”

“That you weren’t kissing your sister and groping her breast?” Ava asked, arching an eyebrow.

Sven didn’t say anything, struggling to gather himself. He loved Ava as much as me. He didn’t want the princess to know about us. Neither did I. I didn’t want to ruin their love with our forbidden passion.

Ava smiled, her lips looking so soft despite what they were made of. “I saw you two nights ago, before the chase. You were making love to her. And…” She leaned in closer, pressing her forehead against his. “I want to join in. I want to love your sister with you.”

Sven didn’t hesitate. His hands grabbed Ava’s ass. “Just like we used to share all those naughty girls who slipped into our bed.”

“No,” Ava purred, grinding her self on my brother’s cock. “I want to love her, not just fuck her. She’s your sister, Sven. I saw it. You care for her, too.”

“I have a big heart,” he grinned, kneading her pliant ass.

“Yes, he does,” Zanyia purred, so happy.

I leaned against Ava, pressing my naked tits into her soft flesh. I wanted to touch her in her stone proxy, to feel that impossible rock yielding like skin. I touched her belly, siding up to a firm breast, squeezing it.

Felt like any pliant tit I’ve groped.

“Then let’s love him together,” I purred. “Because one day, we’ll be sisters when you marry him.”

Ava grinned at me. Then she leaned over and kissed me on the mouth. I shivered at the soft touch of her yielding lips. They were dry, but smooth as glass. My tongue probed into her mouth. It was so different from kissing a living creature. She had warmth, but no real taste other than of stone.

I couldn’t wait to make love to the princess’s real body. To taste her saliva, her skin, her pussy. I shuddered. My other hand sliding between her naked thighs, feeling the strange bush adorning her cunt. Then I found the glass-smooth lips of her pussy, caressing them.

Pressing into them.

Ava whimpered just like a real woman would, savoring my digits sliding into her pussy. She squirmed on my brother, our tongues dueling, loving each other. Sven groaned as he watched us, his hands cupping my ass, squeezing it.

The princess broke the kiss, crystals in her eyes sparkling. “I want to watch you fuck your brother, Kora!”

“Yes,” Zanyia clapped. “They’re so beautiful when they fuck, Princess.”

“I bet they are,” Ava moaned, slipping from me and my brother, cuddling against Zanyia’s body.

“Well, sister dear?” Sven grinned at me, stretching out on his back, his cock thrusting up from his crotch, the firelight painting it. “Why don’t you just hop on and go for a ride.”

“Ooh, yes,” I groaned, licking my lips, my pussy so wet. Just having Ava watch me gave me all the foreplay I wanted.

My pussy dripped as I straddled my brother. I grabbed his cock, guiding him to my hot pussy. I stared at the princess, lounging in Zanyia’s arms. Her crystalline eyes stared at me with such hunger as she squirmed.

“Mmm, yes, just ride your brother’s cock,” the princess purred. Then she gasped, Zanyia’s fingers finding her royal cunt. “Just fuck him. Give my love the incestuous pleasure he craves.”

“I wish I told you earlier,” grinned Sven, reaching out to take Ava’s hand. “It’s hot having you watch.”

“Uh-huh,” she groaned. “I just had to… understand. But I do now. It’s beautiful. What you two share.”

I shuddered, staring at my future sister-in-law. I grinned at her, my pussy dripping with juices, and then impaled myself on my brother’s cock. I groaned, my back arching. My tits heaved before me. Wonderful friction burned through my depths as my brother entered me.

His cock filled me. So big and thick. I whimpered, squirming on him. His girth stretched me to my wonderful limits. I groaned, clenching down hard. I undulated my hips, stirring him around in me, loving how he felt in my snatch.

“Ride him,” groaned Ava, Zanyia’s fingers pumping fast in and out of the princess’s cunt. “Just ride your brother hard. Make him cum. I want him gasping in pleasure.”

“Yes,” Sven groaned. “You heard her, sister dear. That’s a royal command.”

“To fuck my brother?” I groaned my snatch tightening on his wonderful cock. “Gladly.”

I rose on his dick, shivering at the hot slide against my flesh. His girth teased me, sending such wonderful delight through me. I swirled my hips, stirring the tip of his cock through my pussy, making him groan, before I slammed back down again.

My tits heaved. His right hand cupped my left, his left hand squeezing my hip. He groped me, squeezed me, rubbed my nipple as I rode him. I shuddered, new delights coursing through me as the rapture surged through my body.

I leaned over him, my breasts jiggling, and ground my clit into his pubic bone on every downstroke. Such wonderful rapture shivered through me. I moaned, my eyes rolling back into my head as I fucked my brother so hard.

“Oh, Sven, yes,” I groaned. “I love your cock in me. My brother’s dick! It’s the best.”

“The best,” Ava whimpered, twitching in Zanyia’s embrace. “Just the absolute best. Fuck him. Love him!”

“I am!” I groaned. “I do! I love my brother so much! I always have!”

“We’re true sisters,” Ava whimpered, still clutching my brother’s hand.

I smiled at the princess, nodding my head in agreement. My pussy clenched hard on my brother’s shaft as I rode up him. He groaned, his face twisting with pleasure. He squeezed my left breast hard. I loved the strength of his grip, the passion in his hand.

Then he groaned and flipped me onto my back. I gasped, suddenly crushed by his wonderful weight. I loved being beneath him. Ava took my hand this time, squeezing it as Sven drew back and slammed his cock into my dripping snatch.

“Yes, yes, yes, love her, Sven!” Ava groaned. “Love our sister.”

“Love her, Master!” Zanyia purred, her fingers almost a blur as they plunged into Ava’s snatch.

“I do love her,” Sven groaned, his lips nuzzling at my neck.

“Good,” Ava purred, her rosy face contorting in rapture. “And you, you naughty minx, you’re doing such wicked things to me.”

“I’m a naughty lamia,” Zanyia purred. “And you’ll love this.”

Ava gasped, her body bucking, her orgasm burning through her as Zanyia’s trained fingers plunged into the proxy’s pussy. The princess moaned out her climax into the dark forest. Her passion caressed me.

I shivered, my pussy clenching hard on my brother’s dick. I clutched him to me, my breasts rubbing on his muscular chest. I bucked into his hard thrusts, his balls thwacking over and over into my pussy taint.

Driving me wild with passion.

I whimpered, drinking in the thrust, squeezing Ava’s hand as my orgasm swelled. The princess’s eyes fluttered. She let out the cutest moans as her pleasure peaked in her. Then her eyes focused on me, her smile grew.

“Cum, Kora! Cum on your brother’s dick! Milk all the jizz out of his dick.”

“All that yummy, incestuous spunk, Mistress!” Zanyia purred before nibbling on the princess’s shoulder.

“Yes,” Sven groaned, his lips kissing harder at my cheek. “Milk my cock, sister dear.”

“I will, brother mine!” I moaned, his dick slamming into me. His pubic bone pressed on my clit.

My orgasm exploded through me. Incestuous rapture surged through my body. I groaned and whimpered. I bucked beneath him, my pussy convulsing about his amazing cock. Stars burst before my eyes. Sparks showered through my body.

He groaned, driving hard, fast into my cunt. My pussy milked his cock, eager to be flooded by his seed. He rammed into my depths and let out a loud groan. I shuddered, his spunk spurting into my depths. So hot and creamy.

“Cum in her, Sven! Flood your sister!” gasped the princess, sharing in our incestuous love.

“I’m pumping so much into her, Ava,” my brother groaned.

“He is,” I whimpered, my pleasure peaking in me. I held him tight, so glad we survived.



What wicked humans they were. I found them so intriguing. Brother and sister making love, violating the mores of their society. Uniting in the forbidden and reveling in it with the imbuer. I cocked my head, so intrigued.

Did she have a connection with Duke Gallchobhar.

And what did they want with me? Why did they want a virgin to lure me in? My wings fluttered. These humans were so interesting. I sense such a wicked game forming here. Something that would entertain me for days.

Maybe even weeks. Ooh, the pranks I would play on them. I couldn’t wait.

My pussy growing hotter as brother spilled seed into sister, I shoved my fingers between my thighs and rubbed at my dripping snatch. Tonight, I would just watch them sport. There would be time for naughtier games later.

To be continued…