The return of Dilema ….Tracey , Molly & more….(edited)

Return to work programme …

Well it’s been a long,long time …..much has happened since my last Dilema series.

I have been rehabilitated and returned to work on light duties, Krystal has moved on, as has Mary …which I will reflect upon at a later date. Fortunately Tracey still works at the hospital, but in a different ward she is now a manager – I hope that does not change her, I do have the fondest memories of our horny encounters.

Mr Penis is ever alert to my reactions to the surrounding female population, even the mention of Tracey above causes him to stir – his memory of her sweet, moist, pussy – entering her love tunnel was heaven.

Since Krystal had moved away, my sex life had been with the occasional one night stand – not the best outcome, but I think I was resistive to forming a relationship. Mr Penis wanting much more, but my mind was not in the right place.

Home was quiet, and getting back to work a challenge, there were old faces and new faces to deal with as I got back into a routine. I am competent in my work practices and quickly earned the the confidence of my colleagues again.

Mary (her husband attacked me) our ward clerk, had moved to another town and was replaced by a petite red head, she was Irish , small stature, well proportioned body, her name was Molly – she was not overly attractive, but definitely not ugly. At first I did not notice her much she was introverted – a quiet achiever, but as the weeks moved on I observed likeable quirks and habits, she was more confident in my presence.

Tracey had heard that I had returned to work, and had dropped by on occasion to say hello, she had a new man in her life much to my dismay, I loved our brief chats, and she was as sexy as ever – Mr Penis agreed – forming a mini tent in my pants when she was in close proximity, I tried to hide or disguise this reaction, I’m not sure if Tracey noticed or not – I think there was the occasional grin.

So guess what, I would head home that night – watch some porn and beat the shit out of Mr Penis – thinking of past experiences fucking Tracey and others…..mmmmmmm Mr Penis loved those memories.

It was difficult at first being back to work, because I had fond memories of places where I had kissed, groped, seduced, finger fucked, fucked horny women – like in the storeroom, meeting room, other ward etc. It was like I could still smell the sex in those areas if I closed my eyes and let my mind wander.

I always did my best at work, but one of my vices was female watching, and we had an abundance of multi-cultural staff. Watching their mannerisms, quirks, habits – the way they held themselves,walked and talked – I always loved a sexy waddle walking past me, it was like the ‘pied piper’ I had a strong urge to follow.

I am back and Mr Penis is on full alert …….

Often I bumped into Tracey at the hospital canteen, she indicated being happy with her new man Trevor – he was an electrician. I told I had been through some tough times and regretted not having kept in contact, cheekily asking her if she missed me. Tracey said she struggled for a while, because I had not returned her phone calls. When I was in close proximity to her pleasant memories flowed. I still had strong feelings for her …. Mr Penis re-adjusting in my pants.

I had asked if we could meet up at some point – she hesitated and said “not a good idea”.

Tracey was always a bit of a tease, touching my hands/arms as we chatted, and giving me warm smiles and a light peke on my cheek when departing. God she smelt so good, my eyes hungrily stripping her as she departed.

I am a hands person as well and often touch when I talk, Molly our ward clerk found me a little overly friendly at first, but I felt I was winning her confidence, her pale skin- red hair and soft freckles on her cheeks, she was very, very cute – especially when she smiled and laughed and her dimple formed. My imagination moved into over drive, thinking what she would look like naked… Mr Penis loved those thoughts, struggling hidden in my pants.

“Oh, I love the Irish accent” it is so sensual, so sexy.

I could see Molly working hard at the computer rubbing her neck, quietly coming up behind her, I placed my hands on her shoulders and began massaging her. At first startled, Molly blushed saying ” Oh you startled me”, she soon relaxed as I manipulated her aches and pains ” Ohh that is so good”, mmmm her skin is so soft, my imagination ran into over drive again and my cock Mr Penis was erect behind her back, eager to erupt from my work pants.

I asked if her boyfriend massaged her, to which she replied ” no never, he is not a romantic person, he finds it difficult to show affection”. I replied ” oh that is sad” and stepped up my work on her neck and shoulders. Molly was moaning quietly as she relaxed even more saying “you are giving me goose bumps, it feels great”. I could see down her low -cut top from above, she was unaware of this, her nipples obviously reacting to my touch forming little protrusions in the material.

Oh fuck I was horny, I wanted to reach down and take her breasts in the palms of my hand, my mouth was dry in anticipation – thinking what a delight it would be to take her nipples between my lips.

I snapped out of my trance, fuck, a patient was coming up to the office, I wanted to scream ” fuck off, can’t you see I’m busy”, but instead I whispered into her ear ” that will ease the pain, call on me any time”. Molly smiled, thanking me and attended to the patients needs.

I walked away with this huge bonner, my shift was finished and Mr Penis was going to get another thrashing tonight when I got home.

Tomorrow is another day ..


Another day, another dollar as they say, back to work at the hospital.

I continue with my regular routines at work, and most days I make an effort to help Molly our ward clerk, giving her the occasional massage, also helping her lift and move things. I enjoy chatting to her, she is friendly with a great personality, her Irish accent being music to my ears.

I was subtly gaining her confidence, she was telling me more about her boyfriend and this played into my plans – I was slowly seducing her, gaining her confidence as I could see she was getting no affection when she went home after work.

When I arrived to work each day, Molly greeted me with the warmest smile, my ego uplifted as did Mr Penis, if nobody was around I would walk over to her and lightly touch her arm or waist and give her a light peke on the cheek, she was slightly resistive at first, but then accepted it as a natural response. I so much wanted to take her in my arms and passionately kiss her – of course Mr Penis wanted to fuck her.

Patience is a virtue, Molly was slowly being taken into my web, Mr Penis was impatient – but I was strong, each day brought about new challenges and opportunities. I got to massage Molly at least once a day, when the opportunity arouse with no staff around, and each time she cooed and melted more. Molly was unaware of the raging Mr Penis behind her back – if he had his way, I would strip and rape her right there on the office table.

The more I encountered Molly, the more I wanted her seduction to be perfect, a fuck to remember for ever. Molly was not overly attractive, but as I said before she was petite with a great body, a really sexy mature woman, her demeanor, smile and personality top class – not to mention that accent – wow.

We would chat about many topics, but when I would bring up intimacy indicating that she should be spoilt by her boyfriend, she changed the subject. Molly’s perfume was a teaser as well, stirring my senses often, I occasionally pushed the boundaries a little, lightly blowing her ear when massaging her or a slight kiss on her neck – to which she protested, but not strongly, she would blush and say “I wish my Hamish would do that”, to which I would reply “he is a lucky man to have you “.

I had made my mind up to up the ante with Molly for the coming week, to Mr Penis’s delight, but to my dismay Molly had taken time of work, her colleagues said she would be away for two to three weeks. Bummer!

The week went slowly at work, normal mundane tasks, routine encounters with staff and clients. My female watching going into over drive, a hobby I loved – so many sexy women.

I was late for lunch and headed to the canteen, Tracey was at the end of the line waiting to be served, she did not notice me quietly come up behind her. Wow, I caught a whiff of her perfume, and the sight of her curvaceous body, I was so fucking horny.

Luckily she was at the end of the line and everyone else was busy with eating lunch, I slipped my arm around her waist( memories flooded back – what a gorgeous waist), I pulled her back into me, my lips touching her neck, Mr Penis bolt upright in my pants pressing into her buttocks cheeks. Tracey (startled) quickly turned her head, but I held her firm, my cock wanting to tear into her uniform. Tracey smiled saying “hello stranger, am I under arrest” she pushed her buttocks back onto a hidden Mr Penis ” you had better let me go or we will get the sack”.

Reluctantly I released her, Tracey turning and looking down at my bulging pants ” you have a rather large problem there” she laughed. God, that laugh brought back memories for me, she had a twinkle in her eye, I sensed that she wanted to reach out and touch the problem, I nodded and smiled back.

We bought lunch and ate together sitting at the table in the canteen, having ten minutes before the canteen closed. Mr Penis fully aware that his favorite love tunnel was in close proximity. I reminded Tracey that holding her earlier had brought back pleasant memories, to which she countered “the hug from behind was sexy and arousing, that I should not do it again”.

We departed the canteen together, I was sure I could smell a sexual aroma from Tracey – her pussy was wet from our encounter. I watched her buttocks waddle as she walked to her work place, Tracey knew I was watching (she knew me well), she turned and blew me a kiss as she turned the corner.

Bitch …. I also knew Tracey well, if she was wet and horny she would seek relief at the first available opportunity.

Tracey had been made N.U.M (manager)of a new unit, and had her own office, which was not far from my workplace. I returned to work and made an excuse to my boss that I had to pick up some items from another unit for our patients, he allowed me to go – we had a good working relationship.

I quickly went down to the unit where Tracey was working, all the staff were busy with their patients doing various activities. Tracey’s office was a small, I had been there once before, the door was closed and the blinds drawn, I put my ear up to the door and could not hear any conversation, so I knocked, paused then entered.

Tracey had just stood up, a startled look on her face ” what the fuck are you doing here”, her face was flushed. I replied ” I figure you missed me, surprise !!! ” I moved closer to her.

” Don’t fuck with me, I have a meeting with the bosses in 20 mins” came the reply, there was a strong smell of sexual aroma’s in her office, the sweet smell of her love juices, I was right she was getting herself off thinking of our encounter in the canteen earlier.

I moved closer within arm’s reach of where Tracey was standing, her eyes meeting mine, Tracey uttered ” Don’t, please leave”. I could see her panties on her chair with a glistening dildo, I was right – I knew her real well.

I moved closer and kissed her on her forehead, as I took her hand and placed it on a hidden Mr Penis, my other hand lifting her dress uniform finding bare skin, my hand slipping between her legs. Tracey parted her legs a little giving me better access and was trembling, ” you fucker, you rotten stinking fucker – we have 10 minutes max”.

Expertly she undid my pants, both pants and u/pants drop down to my ankles. Mr Penis springing out like a jack-in the-box, standing proud and salivating. “Oh My God ….he’s bigger than I remember” laughed Tracey ” Trevor’s is much smaller” she was breathing deeply as my fingers had teased her clit into mini- orgasm ” oh My God”, quickly she put her fingers to her pussy, taking the ample juices to lubricate Mr Penis ” so fucking big” she giggled.

Time was moving on, I quickly lifted her dress higher and roughly turned Tracey so that her hands were on the office desk, saying “this will be much better than your dildo, I aim to please”. Mr Penis was overly excited drooling at the thought of entering his favorite love tunnel, the blood pulsating throughout his veins, he could not get any harder or bigger.

Tracey took a deep breath, her legs were trembling in anticipation, being spread for maximum entry.

Mr Penis was moving in, his head at Tracey’s pussy entrance, mmmmm so pink, so warm, so wet, so inviting.

I grab Tracey’s hips as Mr Penis covered with her love juices, starts probing entering slowly at first, Tracey gasps for another breath, her pussy lips involuntarily encouraging deeper penetration, she pushes back.

I thrust in forcefully now,, wham – skin slapping against skin, in and out, time is shortening. Tracey needs to be fucked , I need to fuck her. Mr Penis is in heaven entering her delicious pussy, building up momentum and pressure, pounding away.

Tracey has had several mini-orgasms due to the size of Mr Penis, her knees are getting unsteady, but I hold her firm with my hands as Mr Penis feels his balls almost ready to explode …..he demands violent thrusts, to which I oblige, pounding Tracey’s pussy mercilessly.

Tracey has yelled something as Mr Penis erupts violent spurts of cum into her succulent womb, the combined juices are over flowing running down her trembling legs.

Tracey gasps ” don’t fucking move, I am so sensitive”.

Mr Penis remains stationary in Tracey’s pussy, I am holding her up by her hips, we are both panting/breathless.

Tracey is bent over the table, she manages to look at her wrist watch, she has 5 minutes to her meeting. Quickly Tracey moves releasing Mr Penis, a smile on her flushed face ” fuck that was good, now pull up your pants and fuck off – I have a meeting to attend”.

” Good ? I’d say It was great”, I attempt conversation as she pushes me out of her office and slams the door.

I depart happily and ponder what tomorrow may bring.


Work was boring for the next few days.

I briefly bumped into Tracey at the canteen, naturally Mr Penis was excited to see her – wow – she looked as sexy as ever . When I inquired how she was, there was nobody close by, the stern reply was, “You fuck, don’t ever do that again, I have a man in my life – Trevor, I could have lost my job, I have worked hard to get to where I am”.

Mr Penis was deflated, as she walked away waddling her curvaceous buttocks, I managed to say ” we’ll have to catch up soon “, to which she gave me the extended finger, then Tracey disappeared around the corner.

The next few weeks went slowly at work.

I had a few encounters with Tracey, whereby we exchanged hello’s, she looked tired and sad, and I must say sexy ( how could I not reflect on our past encounters), but I kept my distance for now.

Molly had returned to work (eye candy), I was so pleased, she said her holiday was uneventful, that they only did what her boyfriend Hamish wanted to do, he was a bit controlling. Molly said she actually was pleased to be back at work, saying ” isn’t that sad “?

I replied ” not really, we all have our needs, but anyway – you were missed, and we are glad to have you back”. I pulled the office chair out for Molly allowing her to sit at her work desk, ” wow a gentleman, thank you” was her response. My hands could not help themselves, involuntarily reaching for her neck and shoulders, kneading and massaging with intent.

“Ohhh yummmm, I missed your massages”,came the response. I laughed and commented ” my hands missed you too”.

Mr Penis was alerted immediately. I was thinking this Irish lass is so hot, I really want to fuck her….oh yes!

I reluctantly released contact, as other staff entered the area, Molly smiled as I departed.

As the week passed, work, limited my contact with Molly, but each encounter improved my day.

Molly surprised me by inviting me to a party at her home, some close friends/family of herself will be there, and Hamish of course, Molly’s seducing eyes fluttered ” please say you will come”, she said.

I said would feel uncomfortable, but she countered ” please say you will come, please”. Well I melted and said I would, thinking – fuck what am I doing, this may be awkward.

The party night arrived and Molly greeted me at the door – wow – she looked great in normal clothes, a short silky dress showing her gorgeous body, her jewelry radiating her beauty and her perfume well – what can I say , seductive. Mr Penis was on red alert.

I was introduced to her partner Hamish ( tall,handsome,expressionless) and to the other party goers, there being approximately 20 people there. A lot of small talk happening, fueled with alcohol, my interactions with Molly being minimal.

Manuela a Brazilian lady seemed to take an interest in me, she was married – her man was at the party socializing with Hamish, Manuela had ebony skin, stunning eyes and a body that oozed sex – also a touchy feely person, expressing with her hands, chatting, laughing, catching everyone’s attention.

The men at the party congregated to the TV room, chatting and watching the football final. I was drawn to the women present, as you are aware it is my hobby watching and imagining scenarios with the opposite sex, Mr Penis liked my thoughts.

I did mingle briefly with the men present, everyone was getting merry and tipsy , Molly had a tasty variety of food/alcohol, there were drugs on offer somewhere, I could smell it.

I found Hamish to lack personality, observing he offered little attention or warmth towards Molly, whom was mingling like the good hostess, everyone was becoming even more mellow and chatty as the evening progressed.

Molly did not ignore me, often inquiring if I was having a good time. I would subtly reach for her waist and touch her arms when chatting with her, she did not move away, looking around to see if anyone was watching, and looking into my eyes. I quietly said to her ” I would love to massage you right now”, Molly smiled and said ” I think I will check what needs doing in the kitchen” and turned going to the kitchen, which was away from the main area.

Mr Penis was on super alert, knowing I had the hots for Molly.

I observed that every one was engrossed in conversation, the women chatting and the men watching the football final in the TV room.

I asked where the toilet was and was given directions, it happened to be in the direction of the kitchen, so I slipped away, and upon quietly opening thee kitchen door, only Molly was there, she had her back to me rinsing dishes. I took in the picture of her well proportioned body, cute ass, the short dress, inviting neck and shoulders. I was hooked, Mr Penis would have shouted words of lust and desire if he could – alas he was imprisoned.

Quickly and quietly I was behind her, as I knew anyone could enter at any given moment. My arms around her waist, my lips lightly kissing her neck, she stiffened at first, then relaxed – she knew it was me, she expected it to be me, Molly moaned…pleasurable moans …..ohh oh mmmmmmmm

Fuck she tasted delicious, her perfume, her natural pheromones, she arched her back, extending her ass backwards onto my imprisoned cock ” wow you have hidden gifts’ she uttered. I kissed her neck more aggressively, Molly moaned again ..ohh yes mmmmmmmmmm . My hands wandering up her silky dress to her breasts – wow, I thought I can feel her taut nipples through that dress, either she has no bra on or her nipples are succulent and big and she is so fucking horny.

Mr Penis was bolt like , pulsating and hard, sending me messages – release me – fuck her now … don’t think fuck her!

My breathing was laboured as was her’s, she turned and kissed me with such warmth and passion, I responded hungrily- we were one, wanting to unite our bodies .I pulled her as close as possible, my cock a wedged between us. Molly reached down grasping my trousers, finding the hidden cock with her hands ” Omg so big, did I make this happen” she whispered in between kisses.

” Yes , I replied – for many, many weeks”, I replied. Molly looked into my eyes saying “really”, squeezing my cock harder.

Just then there was a roar from the TV room, snapping us out of the sexual trance we were in, a team must have won the final, there was movement coming towards the kitchen. Molly quickly turned to the dishes, and I grabbed a tea towel and pretended to wipe some plates, hoping nobody would notice the tent in my pants.

Some party goers went to the fridge obviously not aware of any tension in the kitchen, but Manuela looked at me and then Molly, having a smile on her face, saying “is everything alright here”, she gave Molly a cuddle and was looking at the bulge in my pants. Manuela lightly ran her hand over Molly’s ass and winked at me.

“Hamish is looking for you, Molly”, both Molly and Manuela left the kitchen to return to the group, I excused myself and said I would be in there shortly – heading to the bathroom/toilet.

Hamish was heavily drunk and in a savage mood when I returned to the party, his team had lost and apparently he had lost a lot of money, Molly had not been aware of this until now – the alcohol had loosened his tongue. Hamish had drank a lot of heavy spirits, and following a brief argument with Molly, he had collapsed into a drunken stupored state, he needed to sleep it off until the morning. Friends maneuvered Hamish into the main bedroom leaving him there.

The party was a little subdued after the incident, loyal friends changed the subject of conversation, and the music and alcohol flowed once more. Soon Hamish was forgotten, with Molly occasionally checking on him – he was out to it.

The party slowly reduced in numbers, about a dozen or so party goers remained…

I could not take my eyes of Molly, I knew I had to be careful not to cause any more trouble for her, so I mingled and enjoyed the party. Molly had assured the group, that when Hamish writes himself off like this, he sleeps it off for 10 to 12 hours or more, she pleaded for everyone to enjoy themselves.

The lights were dim, the music was flowing, the women were dancing, there eyes closed dancing swinging/swaying their bodies to the rhythm of the music – so fucking erotic – this fulfilled my fantasies/imaginations as I sat on the lounge chair, I watched with keen interest, not noticing the excited Mr Penis tenting my pants. Molly was in deep conversation with a relative.

Manuela sat next to me, she said it was cold and and placed a blanket on her lap, which overlapped onto my lap, I did not object. I was watching two women erotically swaying their bodies to the music, Manuela’s husband engaged in conversation in the TV room. The atmosphere was relaxed, everyone was mellowed by the alcohol and drugs.

Manuela had on a perfume, which invaded my nostrils, she snuggled against me – I thought she was watching the dancers as well.

Mr Penis alerted me to movement under the blanket, there was a soft feel, then a more firm groping from Manuela, she quickly had my fly open and allowed Mr Penis to spring out into her waiting hand, it held my cock,slowly moving up and down. In the dim light it was not visible that there was movement under the blanket, only myself and my assailant knew what was happening. “Ohh mmmm ” I groaned it felt great, I looked across at Manuela, she winked and whispered in my ear ” I think you have a major problem, go along with this, nobody needs to know”, her left hand expertly using my pre-cum to slide up and down on Mr Penis.

I took a deep breath, my balls reacting to the excitement, I undid my belt giving Mr Penis more freedom and Manuela more access. Manuela whispered again” I love excited cum, especially when I know I know your cock had Molly’s pussy in mind”.

I felt her body had just shivered/reacted, her breathing was intense, omg I thought – she had just cum, while her left hand manipulated my cock , her right hand was pleasuring her clit and pussy.

The light was dim, everyone otherwise occupied – Manuela removed her right hand from under the blanket, placing her wet fingers at my lips, they smelt of sex, they tasted of cum – her cum. I sucked her fingers, she moaned in delight and quickly lowered her head onto my lap under the blanket.

Mr Penis felt her her right hand grasp his balls, as wet succulent lips licked his head and pre-cum.

Oh fuck, I arched my back as Manuela massaged my balls and cock, her lips/mouth engulfing Mr Penis deep into her throat, bobbing up and down with expert precision.

So intense, Mr Penis was manipulated, sucked, I breathed deeply, my balls aching, preparing to erupt… so intense, my cock pulsating, being violently encouraged to spurt into Manuela’s throat ….yes , yes ..I closed my eyes..oh fuck heaven…Mr Penis exploded into Manuela’s mouth/throat, again and again, oh what a release…oh yes…… mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Manuela sat up, licking her lips, the blanket still covering our laps, looking around she asked ” is it all clear”? I reassured her that nobody noticed.

Manuela laughed and shocked me when she said, ” this was a present from Molly” .

I replied “what do you mean”?

Manuela elaborated, Molly could not be caught in a compromising situation, with Hamish and his family being here, plus Hamish is a bad tempered beast whom treats her badly.

I am Molly’s best friend, and she knew you wanted to fuck her so much tonight, she felt sorry for you and asked me to help, Molly really, really likes you.

Molly appeared, a smile on her face, she looked at Manuela, asking ” is mission accomplished”? Manuela stood up, moving the blanket to my lap and hugged Molly and kissing her passionately with the taste of my cum on her lips.

Molly licked her lips, laughing saying ” ha ha ….obviously, well done, I kept lookout for you”.

I watched in awe, that passionate kiss between the girls, stimulated my desires again, Mr Penis alert under the blanket.

Molly and Manuela were still in their embrace, Manuela’s back to me whilst I remained seated, my cock again erect under the blanket. Molly was looking at me, and she lifted the back of Manuela’s dress, revealing the most cutest ass, there were no panties , I could make out the outline of her camel toe, I could smell the erotic smell of Manuela’s cum even from the couch.

Molly whispered into Manuela’s ear, Manuela saying ” you mean it, really”. Molly nodded, yes. Molly kept Manuela’s dress up and directed her backwards onto my lap.

I was again shocked, but a hard/erect Mr Penis somehow had maneuvered from under the blanket and was eagerly awaiting Manuela’s beautiful camel toe, it’s soft wet lips parting as Mr Penis’s head forced upwards.

Oh fuck, I thought …..the succulent lips of Manuela’s pussy was now half taking in my cock, now fully forcing it up high into her wanting pussy. Manuela moaned in pleasure, Molly moved forward and kissed her – then kissed me and said ” enjoy Maneula, next time your cock will be mine”.

Molly covered our laps with the blanket and moved away to socialize. In the dim light, Manuela slowly moved her pussy up and down, giving Mr Penis extreme pleasure, her womb muscles milking the wanting shaft.

I couldn’t believe my luck, I exploded high up into Manuela’s womb, as her cum liquid flowed all over my cock and lap, she continued to grind away on my lap it now being so slippery, a sea of love juices. Manuela rode my cock having more mini – orgasms, eventually she had enough and sat beside me totally spent under cover of the blanket.

How lucky am I, what I thought would be a boring night , turned out so well.

I did not get caught fucking Manuela, her husband being none the wiser.

I had hoped to fuck Manuela in the future, but I had to see what may eventuate with Molly.

Molly’s party ended, she had family staying overnight, my departure involved a sensual embrace and a passionate kiss.

I whispered, “thank you for a wonderful night, your the best”. Molly winked and closed the door.

I have a relaxing weekend ahead, then back to work next week, Molly will be there – I hope.

I hoped you enjoyed this story – comments welcome….

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