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The Lost Tribe, Part 6

This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial entities. Using this material in any commercial publication, including websites, without the express permission of the author, will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

This is a story of casual, unprotected sex, and is a work of fiction. In real life, use a condom, damnit! Unwanted babies, HIV and all sorts of lesser sexual diseases await the idiot who “dips his wick” or “rides the rod” without protection.

The Lost Tribe, Part 6 (mf, 1st, caution, impreg?, reluc)

by Krosis of the Collective

“No…no…” Sister Nancy clutched at her habit and felt the weight of the object she had secreted there earlier.

“Sister, no!” That was Mary.

Suddenly, everything seemed to slow.

Sister Nancy cocked and leveled the flare gun at George’s back. Then she pulled the trigger.

Jason had turned for one last look back at Allie and Mary, who were possibly pregnant with his children, when he saw Sister Nancy raise the gun. He hurled himself sidelong into George. As he and the tribal leader fell to the ground he felt the heat of the flare on his back…

As the two boys landed hard on the jungle floor, Jason reached back to where he had felt the flare, but there was nothing…it had missed him!

Then the screaming began. Abe had been leading the way back to the boys’ camp and had been right in front of George. The projectile hit him square in the back and knocked him forward to the ground. Then the phosphorus began to burn in earnest as the boy struggled and contorted to reach back and remove the white hot chemical star that had embedded itself into his flesh.

His compatriots rushed forward to help but it was already too late. Abe’s struggles and cries weakened, and then, finally, he stopped moving. The smell of burned flesh filled the clearing as the flare petered out.

“Protect me!” Sister Nancy hissed as she turned and ran back to the girls’ camp with Rodney’s arm in her iron grip. Allie and Mary leveled their spear and knife, respectively, at the other tribe as they backed away.

George was shaking, holding Abe’s head in his hands as his tribemate took a last shuddering breath. Nobody spoke.

Finally, George jumped up and grabbed Abe’s fallen spear. “She’s gunna fuckin’ pay!” He started toward the girls’ camp but Joan stepped to block him.

“You attack now and you might hurt Allie and Mary,” she said calmly. “They might be pregnant, George.”

George thought for a moment, huffing. After another moment he dropped the spear, stepped to the side, and cupped his hands to yell, “Allie! Mary! Don’t you pertect that murderer! Give ‘er to us and nobody else gits hurt!”

He waited. No answer.

“Fuck…” George stomped back to Abe’s body and looked down at it. Then he paced back to the path leading back to the girls’ camp. Still nothing. “Fuck!”

Joan reached forward to comfort the boy. “I’m sorry, George. Now’s not the time for revenge.”

George felt her strong hand on his shoulder. He closed his eyes and focused on that sensation, slowing his breathing. Within a few seconds he actually felt a little calmer, more focused. He looked over at Jason and Dylan, who were both crying and holding their partners, Makayla and Tina. Brad was sitting next to Abe’s body, crying as well.

“Yer right,” George sighed. “Everyone, pick Abe up. We a’gonna take him home.”

Rodney was shoved into the cage and the door closed and locked behind him. “Hey, I gotta pee!” he yelled, but the door remained closed. Finally, after a while he peed in the corner.

He fell asleep, crying and thinking about what had happened to Abe, wondering what would happen to himself.

The sun was setting by the time the boys’ tribe returned home. George realized that they weren’t “the boys’ tribe” anymore, now that there were half as many girls as boys. More than half as many, he also realized, now that Rodney was exiled and Abe was…

He sighed. They were the main tribe now.

Though they were exhausted and losing the light, George insisted that they take Abe’s body into the trees for burial. They covered him with loose earth, stones, and palm fronds before saying their teary goodbyes. Then they went back to camp to sleep.

Joan was given Rodney’s hut and Makayla joined Jason in his, though there wasn’t much room so they had to snuggle. Even with their warm bodies close to each other, they did not make love that night. Nor did Tina and Dylan.

Rodney woke as the cage door was opened. Morning sunlight spilled through the gap and Mary stepped in. She wrinkled her nose at the smell of his urine.

“Couldn’t even hold your pee, huh? Get up; Sister Nancy wants to speak with you.”

In the morning, George took a walk in the trees with Joan and they ended up at Abe’s gravesite. Joan waited…it seemed like the boy wanted to talk about something.

Then he spoke up, “Joan, ah think ah done good with my boys, but ah don’ know much ’bout gals.”

Joan nodded. Sister Nancy had made sure the entire tribe knew about George’s leanings, ranting about his sinful nature whenever the boy came up as the subject of conversation. She waited.

He sighed. “Ah’d like you to be the go-to gal for ’em, handlin’ any problems. Ah don’ feel they’d accept mah authoritah anyway, y’know?”

She prickled. “You mean you want me to be the enforcer, just like with Sister Nancy?”

He looked up at her. “Naw…I mean be their leader, under me. However ya want…I’ll follow yer lead with ’em.”


“And…shit, this is hard…I was willin’ to kill Allie and Mary if it meant gettin’ revenge on Sister Nancy fer Abe.” He looked down at the grave. “That was wrong, and you were willin’ to stand up fer whut was right.”

He stepped up to her, put off a little by his several inches of height deficit. “I need ya to keep doin’ that — tellin’ me when I’m doin’ wrong — you got, uh, veto power, I think it’s called? Just make sure yuh pick yer battles, yeah?” He held out his hand.

Joan, pleasantly surprised, grasped it in agreement.

Rodney’s head was swimming. What Sister Nancy had told him to do…he could hardly believe it! He had been exiled from the boys’ camp for trying to have sex with Tina, but here he was, expected to have sex with all the girls! Well, the ones that were left in this camp.

Who did that leave? There was Allie, Mary, and…

The cage door unlocked and opened. Allie and a slim girl with a large tangle of brown hair on her head entered the cage. Wait, this was…

The girl stepped forward. “Karen,” she said quietly, “do you remember me?”

Rodney groaned. He did remember her: the only girl with a visible mustache, and that was prior to the tribes splitting up. Now…

Yep, the light brown upper lip hair was still there, though over a year later her face had become more womanly and lost its acne. He glanced down and was pleasantly surprised to find toned white thighs, but a closer look revealed brown hair on those as well. Ugh! Then he examined her chest and saw some baseball-sized breasts pushing out her ratty uniform top. Not a total loss, he thought.

She continued, “Sister Nancy says…says we will make beautiful babies, Rodney.”

Then he realized that he didn’t know what he should do. When he had jumped on Tina the day before, her pussy had popped out from under her skirt so it had been an obvious target. He rose to his feet and reached for Karen’s skirt.

Allie stepped forward, spear out. “Sit down, pants off, and hands at your sides, BOY!”

Rodney quickly complied. Though he was afraid, his dick was at a half-chub already.

Karen removed her skirt while keeping her shirt on. Rodney winced at the sight of the jungle of dark hair between her legs.

She looked over at Allie. “Do I just climb into his lap, like Sister Nancy did with Jason?”

Rodney gasped. Sister Nancy had fucked Jason? His dick gave a twitch at that forbidden thought and got a little harder.

Allie moved to the side. “Yeah, and lick your fingers to get yourself ready…down there.” She pointed between Karen’s legs.

The girl did so, affording Rodney a peek-a-boo at her pussy that helped his cock inflate to its full 5″ size.

“Hmm, not as big as Jason’s…” Allie commented.

Rodney gave her a glare. She glared back.

Karen climbed onto the cage bench, her hairy thighs on either side of his legs. She looked down and lowered her crotch to his. After his cock head poked a couple of unproductive places, she managed to aim it correctly and the tip slipped between her moist vaginal lips.

Rodney gasped at the sensation of his cock starting to enter Karen’s warm pussy. She pushed down a little, had some trouble, and then angled her hips to assist the penetration. Soon a couple of inches of his now super-hard cock slipped inside her. Both of them groaned.

Allie rubbed her thighs together as she watched her tribemate being deflowered. She was going to miss Jason, but Rodney wasn’t unattractive…maybe if her period didn’t come in a week or so she’d get to have sex with him too…

“Ah!” Karen had pushed down too hard and Rodney’s penis rushed all the way inside her. Their pubes were now pressed against each other.

“Ow…just a sec…ow…” Karen groaned.

Rodney was in heaven. Masturbation had nothing on this! He started to thrust his hips upward.

Karen gasped in pain. “No, wait…stop…it hurts…” She tried to get off of him but Rodney grabbed her hips to hold her in place as he continued to thrust.

Allie was torn. She had told Rodney to keep his hands by his side, and it sounded like Karen wanted to stop, but Sister Nancy’s orders were that they had to keep going until the sex was complete. “It’ll feel good soon…” she offered to Karen.

“Oww…please…” Karen cried as Rodney used her no-longer-virginal body for his own pleasure. She tried to push away from him, but he was too strong.

Finally, Rodney grunted and blasted his cum inside the poor girl. When he was done he loosened his grip and she quickly pulled up and off of him.

“OWH!” she cried out, her hand moving to her vagina and revealing the white-streaked blood escaping it. She had tears running down her face. “Sister Nancy!” She grabbed her skirt and ran to the door, hammering it until Mary let both girls out.

Rodney used his hand to slick the blood and cum off of his softening cock. After wiping it off on the dirt floor, he pulled his pants back up.

Laying down on the bench, he smiled to himself. What a great day this has been, he thought.

End of Part 6.