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The guy, the neighbor and the virgin part 1

A new neighbor has more than I would have guessed.

Boxes in the hall and sweaty workmen moving them into the apartment across from mine. This is what I find on a Saturday morning when I go outside. A new neighbor. Hope he or she is better than the last one. An old hag who was always complaining about everything. Finally kicked the bucket. I turn to walk away.

“Hi, you must be my new neighbor.”

Certainly doesn’t sound like an old hag, sounds quite nice actually. I turn around and see that the voice is surpassed by the visual that greets me. A knock out blond with all the features that would launch a thousand ships. Before my brain can register every detail of her, it tells me that she looks a bit overdressed for moving day. High heel shoes, short black skirt and a frilly white blouse covering a substantial bust. Stupid brain, a gorgeous woman stands before you and you think about why she’s not dressed for box moving.

Suddenly I snap back into reality and realize that I might have been standing there like an idiot.

“Uhm,. Yes, hi. ”

Hoping the staring went unnoticed, I extend my hand.



I take her hand. It’s soft and delicate. The smile that comes with the hand is enough to make a good dog break his leash. And before my mind wanders again I continue the conversation.

“Nice to meet you.”

“You as well. Have you lived here long?”

“A couple of years now. It’s nice, you picked a good place to live.”

“Good to know. Nice neighbors?”

“You’re replacing the one we all didn’t like, so yes.”

“I’ll try to be an improvement then. I have to get back to it, before they put everything in the wrong place.”

“Good luck with that. Knock on my door if there’s anything I can do.”

“I will.”

With that, she strode off.

I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve this, but I must have some good karma. The apartments in my building are on the small side, not really suited for couples, so there’s a good chance the knockout is single.
That evening, there is a knock on the door. Thinking I’ll never be that lucky, I walk over and open it. My heart skips a beat as standing there is the result of my, apparently great karma.

“Hallo again.”

“Hi. Sorry to disturb you, but would you happen to have a hammer I could borrow?”

“Sure, are you tenderizing some steaks?”

Smiling she replies, “no I want to hang some pictures on the wall.”

“With a hammer?”


“The walls are solid concrete, even with Thor’s hammer, it be difficult.”

“And you don’t have Mjölnir? ”

“Uhm, no. But I do have a drill you can borrow.”


“It’s in the basement, I’ll get it for you.”

I grab my keys and tell her that I’ll be right back. On return to the floor with my toolbox, her apartment door is open. I knock and enter, closing the door behind me. Most of her stuff is unpacked already. There’s a long black sofa that wraps into a corner, some designer coffee table and a small dinner table that would seat four. Other than that no decorations.

“The sweaty workmen did their jobs well, I see.”

“Ah yes, their where very helpful.”

“I see. Well here’s the toolbox. Would you like me to?”

“If you don’t mind, can I try myself? You know, girl power and all that.”

“Absolutely, have at it. I’ll let you get to it. I’m at home tomorrow, knock when you’re done.”

“Thank you so much.“

“No problem.”

We wish each other a good night and I beat a retreat.

The next morning, coming home from a run, I see that the door to my new neighbors apartment is open. When I approach I hear some cursing. Nothing major but a definite indicator that something’s wrong. I knock on the door and ask, “are you oke?”

“Yes, come in.”

Upon entering I’m greeted not only by my new neighbor, but by what I’m assuming is a friend. A woman almost the opposite of Brenda. Messy brown hair, thick rimmed glasses and build more, let say sturdy. Not ugly, but if you would have to use a word I guess, frumpy would be it. The denim coveralls she’s wearing aren’t helping matters.

“This is my friend, Nicole.”

We shake hands and I ask, “so what seems to be the problem?”

I look at the wall and see several holes but not any of them deep enough to fit a plug.

“Your drill doesn’t seem to work on this wall,” Nicole says.

“May I?” I extend my hand to Nicole who is holding the drill.

Upon inspecting it, I see they’ve mounted a bit for drilling wood and the hammer setting is not engaged. I flip the switch to correct the second problem and handing the drill back to Nicole I tell her to mount the right drill bit.

When Nicole applies the drill to the wall this time it goes in like through butter. A cheer erupts from the two ladies and they high five. Nicole then takes a screw from a case and applies it to the wall. I stop her with,
“uhm,.. what are you doing now?”

“Putting the screw in the wall,” she snarks back.

“Shouldn’t you put in a plug first?”

“Why would I plug the hole up?”

I explain the plug, screw function, all the while Nicole is staring at me with a look, that might say I’m offending her, “I am woman, hear me roar,” outlook on the world. In the end I volunteer my services again and this time Brenda, looking at all the failed attempts in her wall, accepts. To add insult to injury I ask if they can get the vacuum cleaner. I replace the drill bit for a larger one to make room for the plug and ask Nicole to put the nozzle of the vacuum under the drill.

Working as a team we have Brenda’s pictures up, in no time at all. While I’m packing up my toolbox I’m invited to dinner. I accept on the condition, that no power tools will be used in the preparation of the meal. This is met with laughter from Brenda and a snarky chuckle from her friend.

I go home to clean up and on my return the table is set and Brenda brings out a pasta dish.

“For my hard workers,” Brenda exclaims.

“I’m so happing everything is hung!”

We sit down to eat. During dinner I find out that the two women know each other from work. They work at a retirement home where Brenda is a nurse and Nicole works as an administrative assistant. This is also where they met and became friends, some seven years ago. Nicole lives with her parents across town and, so they tell me, regularly stays over.

My mind makes, a probably incorrect, assumption about a thirty something, still living at home with her parents, “virgin, Jesus freak.”

The conversation is light, focusing mostly on our backgrounds and history, parents, jobs, vacations, that sort of stuff. Under the table though a different tale is told. Brenda, who is sitting across from me, has placed the top of her foot against my calf muscle and is ever so slightly moving it up and down. Every once in a while our eyes meet and she gives me the slightest of smiles.

“She’s flirting with me,” I conclude to my excitement.

When Nicole is deep into a story about some youth group she coaches, Brenda’s foot travels all the way up to my knee. While biting her lip she throws me a bigger smile then all the other ones before. I’m staring at her now, which becomes a problem when Nicole asks, “what do you think, Nathan?”

Fuck, I missed her entire story, so the best I can manage is, “huh?”

“What do you think about the absence of faith in our culture?”

Thinking I was right about the Jesus freak thing, I answer, “I’m not very religious. So….”

“Another one. You two will get along famously,” Nicole gestures to Brenda an me.

“God, I hope so,” I think.

“I’m sure we will,” Brenda says.

This breaks up dinner and Nicole informs us she’s going home. The two women hug and say their goodbyes. When it’s just the two of us, I offer to help out with the dishes. She will not hear of it, saying I’ve helped enough today. We spend a little time chatting on the couch. I ask about Nicole and get told that she’s been raised in a very strict household, was never allowed to date and still lives at home because her father will not allow her to live on her own.

“That’s a little fucked up”

“No sweetie, that’s a lot fucked up. So tell me about you, any girls in your life?”

“Not at the moment. Broke up with the last one a few months ago. You?”

“No no, where still on you. What happened? Couldn’t get it up anymore?”

Her frank an humorous style of communicating is quite enjoyable and very relaxing.

“The equipment is working fine, thank you. It’s just I wasn’t willing to use it, the way she wanted it.”


“No, I would have been fine with that. She wanted kids. I don’t. So, you?”

“Alas I too am alone. I lived together with my last guy. When we broke up, I moved here. Ironically he broke it off for the same reason.”

“Breeders, it’s not like the world isn’t already full enough. No, we need to create some more.”

“Right, and we’re the outsiders because we’re not interested in adding to the population.”

This amuses us to the point of laughter. I’m thinking to myself that it’s going great and I might have a good
chance of. Before I can finish that thought I’m interrupted, “I’ve got an early shift tomorrow, so I’m kicking you out.”

Disappointed, I get up from the couch. I however do realize that because I live across the hall, this interruption is minor and we’ll be able to pick this up soon. At the door Brenda kisses my cheek and whispers, “thank you,” in my ear. “If you hadn’t stepped in, I would have a wall full of holes and no hanging pictures.”

“You’re welcome and thank you for dinner. Next time I’ll cook.”

“I’d like that.”

Our last words for the evening spoken, her door closes and I open mine. Sitting on my own couch I loosen my belt and jeans so to give some room to the raging hard on I’d been sporting ever since her foot started caressing my leg. While fantasizing about her mouth around my cock or her tits bouncing while she rides me, I help myself until, cum bursts from me and onto my shirt.

After dumping a load in the washing machine I head off to bed. During the night I wake to dreams of fucking Brenda. Once again I need release. This girl is really going to mess with my head.

During the next week or so we start a courtship. We spend most evenings at either her place, or mine. We cook, watch movies, talk and flirt. There is however an obstacle to this going further and that’s Nicole. She’s always there, like a constant cock block. I understand why and I don’t blame or resent her for it. Her home life is so fucked up. During the course of a few weeks, bits of information spill out. Her overbearing and controlling father, who disapproves of everything she does. And a mother who stands idly by and tells Nicole just to pray about it.

Nicole and Brenda however, have formed a better plan than just praying. They’ve been funneling parts of her salary into a new bank account. The one Nicole had, is under control of dad. Over the past months they’ve almost accumulated enough money for Nicole to leave. After I tell Nicole that I’ve got some spare furniture from a previous relationship in storage, she’s most welcome to, they come to the conclusion that one month from now, she’ll be ready to move out.

During the next month Nicole smuggles out clothes and other items and stashes them at Brenda’s place. Then the day comes. Nicole signs the lease for an apartment in our building and the next Saturday I get my old things out of storage. By the end of the day, her apartment is furnished in a Spartan fashion. No luxuries but the essentials are there. I install a heavy burglar lock on the door, incase Nicole’s father gets any fancy ideas. Both Brenda and I promise to keep our phones on at night, just in case.

This turns out to be prudent, because one night after Nicole tells her parents she’s moved out, dad shows up. It starts out somewhat civil. He’s there with a representative of the church. Nicole waits for me to arrive before opening the door. Both father and priest tell me I have to wait outside because I’m an unmarried man and can’t be in her apartment. I ignore both of them and walk in anyway. After making clear that I’m not leaving, until they do, they start in on Nicole. With one bible quote after the other, trying to make her feel guilty over the shame she’s bringing on her family. How god will forgive her if she comes back now and that her mother hasn’t stopped crying.

They don’t let up and give Nicole no chance to retort. After what seems like an hour I step in. I move my body in-between the two men and Nicole who is sitting quietly in one of my old chairs. Both men stop talking. I kneel in front of her.

“Remember what you told me? Don’t lose sight of what you want and where you were.”

The mousy expression on her face begins to leave.

“They can’t make you do anything. You have the power here. This is YOUR house. Say what you want.”

When I see fight in her eyes, I get up and out of the way. Nicole begins to address the priest. And in a fiery voice tells him about the years of emotional abuse, the desire for freedom and theft of her money. When the men try to regain leverage over the conversation again, she stands and tells them she will no longer be lectured to, especially not in her own house. Her father gets angry, stands up and makes a threatening gesture toward Nicole. The new found confidence in her waivers, just for a second but then comes back.

“Go ahead! Show your church lackey what kind of a monster you are.”

My immediate instinct to step in and stop the oncoming violence is tempered by this response. When the priest holds him back, he backs off.

I look at Nicole, who is ready for a fight and her father who has a mixture of anger and misunderstanding on his face. He’s probably never been talked to in this manner.

“I think it’s time for you gentlemen to leave.”

Nicole adds, “and the next time you want to come by, you make an appointment and don’t show up unannounced!”

The priest makes an attempt to restart the conversation but I squash this by moving toward them both and pointing toward the exit.

This is when Brenda shows up.

“I’m sorry sweetie, I was stuck in traffic,” Brenda says while rushing towards her friend.

“Are these two being polite?”

“They were just about to leave,” I say.

With that, both father and priest beat a retreat. When the door is closed Nicole breaks down. She cries while having a big smile on her face. This is the first time she’s confronted her father and won. We spend the rest of the night together in her apartment. Brenda brings down an iPod dock and I get a spare mattress. We talk, order pizza and listen to Brenda’s horrible music collection. Nicole tells us she feels free for the first time in her life. When it’s time for bed Brenda and Nicole sleep in her bed and get the mattress in the living room. How I wish that arrangement was different.

Somewhere during the night I am woken by someone poking my shoulder. It’s Brenda. She kisses me on the mouth and whispers, “thank you for being here for her.”

Before I can react, she’s already on her feet and heading back to the bedroom, leaving me at full mast, damning and blessing her at the same time. In the morning we head back home and off to work.

The next few weeks pass by, fairly uneventful. Nicole and her mom communicate by passing letters in-between a mutual friend who hands the letters to her mom in church. The law department of her work has send a scary letter to her father who has since given Nicole access to her original bank account, which, save for a few hundred dollars is empty. Bank statement show that most of the money has recently been transferred to a church charity. Nicole, valuing her clean break more than the money decides not to take further action. Even though Brenda an I strongly disagree.

“Just imagine his face when he has to ask for the money back.”

It falls on deaf or more likely, compassionate ears. Even through all the shit she’s gone through, she’s still a good person.

Things between Brenda an me have diminished. We don’t flirt as much as we used to and Brenda is often distant. Plus there is always the ever present Nicole. Preventing any sort of intimate contact. She has been getting into her own of late. Far more cheerful, she’s ditched the coveralls for clothes, better suited to a woman. Also her hair is no longer formed into a mom-cut, but styled.

A meal for the three of us is setup for tonight, however when I get home I find Brenda with a bag full of shopping, stumbling through the hall. Propping herself up with her free hand, barely being able to walk. I rush up and grab the bag out of her hand.

“Oh my god, what happened to you?”

“Fell down some stairs.”

For a minute I think that Nicole’s father has done this, but her face is unmarked.

“Let me help you out,” I say while trying to put my arm around her.

She motions away from me, “please don’t, I’m bruised all over.”

Holding her other hand we make it to the door. I follow her inside and offer my assistance. Brenda tells me Nicole is coming and to just leave. She’s quite adamant about it. She lies down on the couch as Nicole walks in.

“I got it from here.” And I’m pushed out of the apartment.

Bewildered I go home. Was it something I did? I get a text saying, “thanx for your offer of help, but it’s a lady thing. I’m in good hands now.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

I text Nicole and let her know it there’s anything I can do, to knock on my door. She sends back that it’ll all be fine. That’s the last I hear from them for a week. When communication is restored, I get invited over to dinner at Nicole’s place. Brenda still has trouble moving around but we are back to our usual courtship. She’s flirty again. Winking, smiling, touching and after dinner while walking her back to her apartment, she holds on to me tight. When we get to the door she kisses my cheek and says, “good night, tiger.”

During dinner Nicole told us she’d be going to Paris for a week. She was going on her own, simply to experience that freedom. For her this was great, for me even better. I immediately asked Brenda over for dinner. Cock block will be in Paris and I will have a straight shot.

Nicole left on Wednesday and dinner was set for Friday night. When Friday rolled around I had done all the shopping, setup some candles, mood lighting and set the right music. I was ready to make my move. During the cooking process I realize I forgot the cilantro, so cursing I rush out to the shops. On my way back I see a group of teenage punks hassling a woman. I run over to stop it. Realizing upon getting closer they’re attacking Brenda, I’m ready to kill. I push the one, who looks like their leader, to the ground, hard. Then grabbing the closest one to me, by his throat, I roared, “didn’t any of you punks ever learn any manners?”

Brenda is now at my back telling me it’s all right and to let it go.

“This is not all right! This is not how to treat a lady, you motherfucking inbred pigs!”

With that, I throw the one I had by the throat, towards one of his friends. They both topple over.

“That’s no lady! That’s a guy. A fucking disgusting man! Are you a gay boy or something?” This is coming from a kid standing the furthest away from me.

I stand there for a second, not knowing what to do or say next. Deciding not to give a shit what some punk says, I grab the group leader, who was struggling to get up, by his hair and twist his arm behind him, “you and your fuckwit little friends better start running!”

Throwing him towards his friends, they do, and when they think they’re save, the yelling starts. Foul and disgusting language, making me wish I’d never let him go and just beaten the crap out of him. I turn to find Brenda. She’d already run towards our building. I follow. Just before I can catch up with her, she gets into her apartment.

Through the door I say, “it’s alright, they didn’t follow you, it’s just me.”

I hear nothing back. Deciding to let her come to, for a minute I go back to my own place and finish dinner.

I send her a text, “dinner is ready in ten minutes.”

I get nothing back.

“Are you oke? Forgot what those punk said. They’re just kids.”

After a few minutes, my phone chimes in.

“It’s true.”

“What is?”

“I’m a woman, but I didn’t start life that way.”

I turn off the stove and let dinner be what it is. I sit down and let my mind race. Never once over the last months, did anything like this ever occur to me. I think back to every interaction we’ve ever had and all I’ve seen is a woman. I wanted her from the moment I saw her. I’ve masturbated to the thought of her face, hair, breasts, legs and ass. Everything about her was and I now realize still is, right. I grab my phone and look at the pictures we’ve taken together. Every shot is of the woman I’ve been dreaming of.

Then it hits me. I don’t care! I still want her.

I text, “open the door,” and go outside.

When I get to her place the door is open and I walk through. Brenda’s standing in the living room, tears running down her face. Not wanting to meet my gaze, she looks away.

“I’m so sorry. I never meant to…”

I move closer but she shy’s away.

“Please don’t be mad.”

“I’m not.”

I get close enough to put my hands on her arms and hold her still.

She looks at me for the first time and says, “I thought you and Nicole might,….“

I stop her by pulling her into me. I feel her breasts on my chest and while looking down at her tear filled eyes I say, “I don’t want Nicole, I want you.”

Pressing my lips to hers, she meets my kiss. Our eyes close and I wrap her up in my arms. We stand in the middle of her living room massaging each other’s lips. It feels just like I’d imagined it would be. Only a little saltier due to the tears. My hands cup her face and I break the kiss. I’m met with a look of ecstasy mixed with confusion. When her eyes open and she looks up however, she smiles.

“I realize this is all new and a bit shocking for both of us, so let me just say that I want more of you. Think about it and let me know.”

With that I release her from my grasp and walk out.

Back in my own apartment I look down at the tent that has formed in my pants. I should have worn jeans and not these sweatpants. Oh well, at least she got a physical indicator that I’m willing. My phone makes a new message sound. It’s a smiley face from Brenda, followed by, “please give me some time to clean up for you.”

“Take all the time you need.”

“Thank you.”

I change into the clothes I was going to wear tonight, black jeans, dark blue shirt and wait. And then wait some more and even more. She takes her time getting ready, like a real woman. Finally my phone tells me that her door is open. Hedging my bets I go past the medicine cabinet and grab a condom. You never know.

When I get into Brenda’s hallway and close the door behind me that decision turns out to be a good one. Brenda has reapplied her makeup and the tears have been replaced by a sexy smile. A negligée is struggling to hold back her breasts and covering a small bump is a pair of sexy panties. The animal in me takes over. I grab her and press her against the wall. Our kiss is intense and deep. Her tongue struggles with mine. My hands grab ahold of her butt and pull her up. She locks her legs around my waist. This, in combination with, me pushing her into the wall, frees up my hands so they can liberate her breasts.

“This little nothing you’re wearing is very sexy but I’m taking it off.”

“Do as you wish.”

The straps holding the whole thing up are cleared over her shoulder and when I pull down the caged globes spring free.

“Dear god! You’re beautiful.”

She stops me from trying to admire her further with my mouth by pushing on my chest. Then with a wicked smile she rips my shirt open. Buttons fly across the hallway as our bare skin touches in our embrace.
When my tongue leaves the warm comfort of her mouth for a second Brenda moans, “bedroom.”

I pull her off the wall and into me. While I walk to the bedroom she’s still wrapped around me. Al the way there kissing my neck a pulling my shirt off my body. When I arrive I throw her onto the bed and pull the shirt off my arms. I then help Brenda remove the negligée from around her waist. I stand over her from the side of the bed. While holding her gaze I kick off my shoes, remove the condom from my back pocket and step out of the jeans.

“Don’t leave me waiting, the rest too,” she says, smiling up at me.

My cock springs free and the boxers fall to the floor. I bend over her and my mouth comes down on one of her nipples. I kiss and suck every inch of her magnificent breasts. When I think it’s time I move down. I get a little nervous about what comes next. Kissing my way down to her panties, every other time I’ve done so with a woman, I’d find a pussy there. Now not so much.

The bulge that greets me, makes me think she might not be into this, due to its lack of size. I keep kissing and feel no less turned on when I put my fingers under the strings of her panties. With one sharp pull their gone.
She’s not even half my size. Which makes it kind of cute. I stand up again and look over her.

“Are you oke?”

My excitement hasn’t diminished as I bend over again licking and kissing my way up to her. I joint her on the bed, lying on top of her. We kiss, grope and fondle for what seems like hours. During which she tells me she calls it her clit and that if I take it slow, she’s ready for me.

I kneel in-between her legs and apply the condom. My cock looks massive compared to her clit. Brenda takes a good squirt of lube and applies it. Taking so much time with my cock that it’s not just applying but more pleasuring. When she’s satisfied she guides me to her opening.

With a small bit of pressure applied she opens up for me ever so slowly. At a snail’s pace I see my cock disappearing into her. When finally, with the sensation of a small pop, my head is in her completely. I bend forward and we kiss, all the while inching deeper and deeper. When I can go no further we share a look. Hers tells me that she’s ready for more and I’m sure mine is expressing pure lust. With permission granted I pull back and push forward again. Repeating and increasing in speed and vigor, Brenda begins to audibly react to my naked onslaught.

We two lovers are now in heaven. Brenda meeting my thrusts with a raised pelvis and moaning breaths. Not wanting to seem ungrateful, disrespectful or in any way weirded out, my hand move to her clit and does what it’s done so often, only now in mirror image. Brenda stops me and says, “no need for that, just keep doing what you are doing now.”

I drop my body onto her and we embrace tightly. Her breasts feel amazing moving under me and so does her clit. My every nerve is tingling and Brenda, who’s mouth is now next to my ear, finds a higher octave.

“oh god, oh god, oh god,” comes out of her in rapid succession and I feel her, contract around me. Every muscle in her body tightens and her convulsions start kicking in. This triggers my own orgasm. While I feel a wet substance start to flow in-between our bodies, I thrust deep into her with every rope of cum that ejects from me.
Thrusting stops and we lie onto each other breathing heavily. I kiss my way from her cheek to her mouth where her tongue is waiting for me. We spend the next few minutes like this. My cock begins to shrink out of her, while her cum is lathered in-between our bellies.

When we finally come up for air, she says, “god, that was good.”

“That was pretty great, alright!”

“You’re the first guy to do this with me.”


“No, not sex, I mean you are the first guy I’ve ever been with, that didn’t start out by fucking me from behind.”

“Oh,.. well. This felt right.”

“It did. And is why I came so easily.”

“Speaking of which. I think we might go for a shower, before we mess up your sheets.”

“Take me there, big boy.”

I lift her up and walk to the bathroom the same way I took her into the bedroom earlier. Arriving I first get rid of the evidence still dangling from my cock and then take Brenda into the shower cabin. Before I can turn on the water she tells me she wants to clean something first. Kneeling down, my flaccid cock is taken in her mouth and licked clean of the last drops. She does such a good job, I start to regain form. Stopping when she’s reach the desired hardness she climbs back to meet my lips. Under the now running water we make out. When I break our close embrace to turn her away from me, I feel some hesitation. This disappears when I push Brenda into the shower wall and start kissing her neck to knees. When on my knees I start kissing her ass. First cheek to cheek, then deep. I taste the latex of the condom and her. My tongue goes where it’s never been before and I can’t be more turned on. Brenda stops me and informs me she can’t take anymore and marches out of the shower. Confused I’m left kneeling there, staring at her while she opens the medicine cabinet. She comes back with something in her mouth. She kneels as well and puts her mouth over my cock. It disappears all the way. After a few strokes down her throat she comes up for air. I find that my cock has a new latex shield.

She turns around and says, “again, please”

Not wanting to disappoint a lady, who’s kneeling in front of me I attack her. Less gentle then last time I push forward, deep into her. In symbiotic rhythm we move as one. Holding on to her hips I pull on every thrust. It might be the reverb of the shower stall but Brenda sounds even more enthusiastic then last time.

“harder!” I’m ordered.

I obey. And for a while I thrust with such vigor I feel I might lose balance at any moment. When my physical condition begins to waiver I change tact. I pull her up by her hair, all the way so her upper back is against my chest. One of my arms goes around her waist. This gives me more leverage to move up instead of in. Brenda audibly makes it known she approves of the new position.

After having her bounce on my cock for a few minutes, I ask if she can cum this way.

“Yes, just keep going!”

“I just ask, because I’m about to.”

“Go ahead! I want you to. Please cum.”

“Not without you.”

I use the hand that was fondling her breasts to grab ahold of her clit and using a motion, I’m very familiar with, we cum together. She freely ejects and I release in the receptacle in her ass.

After calming down again, the rest of our shower is less eventful. She does kneel down again to clean my cock to which I warn that this is what got us into trouble the last time, and if she keeps going we’ll be here all night.
“First off, I’d have no problem with that and second, what got us into trouble was your tongue in my ass.”

Both of us quite amused at her comment we giggle while drying off. When dry, I hold my new lover close once again.
“What do you want to do next?”

“Come with me.”

I’m led into the living room and placed on the couch. Brenda joins me while pulling a blanket over us.

“So, can I ask? Why did you want something to happen between me and Nicole?”

“She is on her way to becoming the forty year old virgin. I wanted to help her and when we talked, you know, girl talk, she mentioned, she kind of liked you.”

“So why then flirt with me, so much?”

“I couldn’t help myself. You’re very cute.”

“Does she know, about you?”

“Yes. That was an eye opener for her.”

“So why didn’t you? You know….”

“I’m a woman and I wanted Nicole to be with a man.”

“I’m sorry for that comment.”

“Its new to you, you are forgiven.”

“It is. Anything else I should know?”

“You’re doing pretty good so far. Just treat me like a lady, as you have been doing and all will be well.”

“Noted. What about sexually?”

“Again, you did very well the first two times. Maybe be a little rougher with me. I am submissive when it comes to sex. Just make sure, I know you’re the man in the bedroom. Oh and don’t be freaked out if I call you master sometimes. It works for me.”

“Got it.”

“But back to Nicole. I do still want you, for her”

“What do you mean?”

“I want you to be her first. You’ve already proven yourself a gentlemen. You’re open-minded and most importantly a kind and generous lover.”

“Thank you for that. But what about us.”

“Oh, I still want you too. She’ll just have to share.”

“Ah. Has Nicole ever done anything with a guy?”

“She says, she kissed one once. But I doubt it.”

“Then we can’t just have sex.”

“Why not. We just did. Do what you just did to me, to her. You know, but use the other pussy.”

“I get that. But if I do that with Nicole, she’ll likely get very little from the experience. We’ve had years finding out what we like and don’t like doing with our bodies, so giving and taking pleasure comes naturally to us. It won’t for her. Just picking a night for sex won’t work. My penis inside her will be just some foreign thing sticking in.”

“So what you mean is, that we need build up.”

“Yes. She needs to experience that it feels good to have a man close to her. Touching and kissing. And do you even know if she wants this? She might be out of the whack-a-doo church but there will be some residual effects, like maybe not wanting to have sex before marriage.”

“I’ll have a conversation with her when she comes back.”

“Do we tell her?”

“About us. I’ll handle that.”

We formulate a plan to introduce Nicole into the world of sex. The rest of the night is spend like new lovers, unable to keep their hands of each other.