It’s fun in the sun in Yucatan, man!

No one under the age of fourteen has any sex in this story.


Marlon moved to the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico to escape the boredom that he was feeling in his home town, U.S.A. He was in his middle sixties and single. He had a good pension and Social Security to live on and wanted a more exciting life.

He had heard of the area where the Mayans had been ascendant and the remaining peoples there who were still related to them. They lived rather simple lives, mostly in villages and small cities, and were reputed to be very accepting of the North Americans living in their area and indulging themselves with the local women. Matter of fact, for them it was a cottage industry to help lift them out of the grinding poverty that they would otherwise be living in.

Marlon had come to heard about this, too. And he wanted some of that in contrast to the overpriced escorts of his area, who were getting less and less sensually accommodating to the guys that hired them.

So, he visited the U.S. consulate in the largest nearby city to find out what he had to do, and found out that there was little that he needed to do, except to file for a Resident Alien’s Permission Acceptance from the Mexican Embassy and the Mexican government was very accepting of this arrangement as long as the alien was not coming in to take a job that a Mexican citizen either had or should get. This was not a problem for Marlon, since he was fully retired at the time.

He did some research on the internet and found out about a quite safe enclave in the area of interest where he would be very safe and able to buy a very nice home for about $70 K dollars. The cost of living in the area was well within his ability to handle and so he made arrangements to make a trip there to check it out. And he put up his current home on the market while he was gone to see what he could get for it.

When he arrived there and was transported by a public bus to the village of choice, he found it to be picturesque and very friendly. The village started right out of the gates of the expatriate community and was obviously very intertwined with it in its functioning.

There was a small inn on the grounds of the enclave for visitors, just like him, but as he wandered around in the village, he was soon invited to dinner with one of the native families there. The mother and father were very humble and friendly folk and warmly welcomed him into their home. They shared a very nice dinner with him and invited him to spend the night. Since there were eight children in this family in a small home, he found himself sleeping with two of the older girls, of about fifteen and eighteen. They were very cute and giggly until he fell asleep. Nothing intimate happened that night, but they were very cuddly and affectionate with him as he tried to sleep.

The next day he met with the management of the enclave to find out about a home for himself and the particulars of living there. He was notified that the Mexican government had made considerable arrangements for the safety of the aliens living there and that the area was as safe as any in Mexico, because the local residents also watched out for the expatriates as their main means of incomes.

He was informed that the prices for things were very reasonable and that he could safely get whatever furnishings he wanted to his home there, by way of a port city not far away, where things would be handled by people just like the ones in the village, probably relatives of them. And as far as import taxes and permissions, the management of the complex would take care of that. So, he put down earnest money on one of the newest built homes there and returned back to see how things had gone on at home.

At this time there was a housing shortage in his home city and so the offers for his fine home were accelerating up. But, he didn’t want to ride this wave too long, in case it should crest and begin a plunge and so he took the highest qualified offer and had things moved along to complete the process. In the meantime, he made arrangements for the furnishings that he wanted to move with him and to get rid of those that he didn’t. He found that only about a third of his belongings would be advanced to his new home.

He checked on insurance for the trip and found it relatively expensive. With the cost of the insurance and all of the permits to import these things, it would cost close to half of what he paid for them in the first place, but that was a lot better than replacing them in Mexico at even more expense.

It took only about three weeks to finalize the sale of his home and arrange for his things to be held at the nearest port for advancing after he was settled in to his new home in the Yucatan. And when he arrived to finalize the purchase of his home, the Ortiz family insisted that he stay with them until his things arrived, and he was please to do so. On the third day, he left an envelope with a modest amount of pesos for the trouble that they were taking with him, and the mother with fire in her eyes asked him if it was from him, because they considered it a privilege to put him up for a short time. So, he pleaded ignorance of the issue and she recognized that she was out maneuvered when Marlon said that if she didn’t need and want the cash, she could just throw it out into the road and some other needy family could use it. She grinned and took the envelope into her care, then.

Two weeks later, the first of his furnishings to be obtained locally were delivered and the two older girls camped out in his new home with him, to get things in order. They were really cute, with their rounded and dusky colored bodies, with pronounced breastworks and rounded booty. They had adopted the dress of the newer generation and so, much of their cute bodies were on display for him, but for some reason their mother didn’t seem to be upset with this as long as it was contained to be with him either at their house or his. Other than that, they dressed according to the local code of a much more covering manner.

It took another couple of months for all of his other things to arrive and be arranged in the house with the help of the two girls, who seemed to have taken over one of the spare bedrooms together. He brought this up with their mother Maria on one of her visits to check up on her daughters, and she remarked that since her own home was so crowded that if he didn’t mind, they would like to live with him and help take care of his home and him. After all, they were still attending the local school and doing well, weren’t they? And they would add a lot of fun to his household, also; wouldn’t they? He responded that he would surely miss them if they left and the subject was then closed.

One evening as Adelita (the older one) was preparing dinner for them; Acacia, the younger one sitting on his lap brought up the idea of him offering a regular but small contribution to her parents for the two girls helping him in his home. He thought it over and said that he would consider it and after a week began to send by way of one of the girls, about $100 U.S. in pesos a month, which was greatly appreciated by the girl’s family.

A month later, Maria came by to check up on her girls again, and also to thank Marlon for his help to her family. The two girls were gone shopping at the time, and Marlon suspected that Maria very well knew of this. But, as Marlon put his book down that he was reading, she moved to sit beside him and to thank him for the wonderful care that her girls were getting and the generous contribution to her family each month that was helping a lot with their finances with a house full of children.

After a period of silence that allowed Marlon to admire this little native mother next to him, she spoke up. “You know, Marlon, that the girls have expected you to enjoy them intimately since they first met you and are beginning to worry that you might not feel that they are sexy enough to enjoy in that way.”

Marlon was stunned to hear that the girls felt that way, and remarked that he felt that the whole family was very fine looking and lovingly affectionate. That he had held back because he wasn’t sure of what their parents would think if he initiated that kind of relationship for them. And also, after the initiation of the contributions, he wasn’t sure of what they would want in addition for those services to him in addition to what they were already doing.

She with her somewhat Mayan face, lightly brown with a faint Mayan heritage nose and body form, looked up to him and asked if he could afford to double the monthly contribution to have them and her any time that he wanted, and he with a shocked voice told her that he could.

So, she cuddled up to him and began to hug him in appreciation for all that he was doing for her family and after them kissing for a short time, she took him by the hand and led him to his bedroom. When they got there, she motioned for him to stand in front of her and she lowered and removed his pants and shorts. And then with a large smile on her face she moved forward to play with his member in at first a very gentle and friendly way. It rose magnificently with that, and so she then took it into her mouth and began to suck on it. It soon was ready to explode and so she lifted her native skirt and with her wetted pussy on display, rose it up on a couple of pillows, waiting for his plunging gift to her. Her eyes were gleaming, and just as he moved down to orally please her, he heard a couple of light laughs behind him, but he moved on to take up her pussy and clit into his mouth and with her, “You naughty man, don’t quit doing that,” he continued on until he was ready to have her totally. Then he rose with her eyes now closed and her lips pursed together under the strains of her passion, and in one motion plowed all the way up into her belly with his cock.

With that, she let out a ‘woooosh,’ and reached to pull his hips up to her to keep him fully mounted up into her. As he was plunging in and out of her he asked her about her getting pregnant from him, and she said that she figured that she had fifteen more baby-making years left and didn’t want to waste any of them. If he could add to this, she would be grateful. With that he totally unloaded up into her and they then laid together in a post sexual bliss.

Maria then advised him, that if he would take another two of her daughters into his home, that he could have them too, when he wanted at no further increase in the contribution, and that she would make sure that other of her girls, or nieces would replace any of the resident ones that moved away. His only comment on that was that they needed to be at least fourteen years old, and she agreed to that. And with that, she advised him that she was staying over for the night in his bed for more fun. And so it was.

A couple of days later, two more girls came to live with him and they immediately and firmly took up occupation of the second free bedroom. Adelita, took them under her arms and instructed them as to decorum in the Master’s house and let them know of the shared responsibility of them to serve his intimate interests, also. This was divided up so that each girl would be used no more than once a week. Also added to give the Master a reprieve once a week there were instituted a no dress at all Wednesday, with the girls all naked as they watched T.V. together hugging up to him and also an everyone in his bed Saturday nights, with no intimacies, just four naked girls cuddled up to him for the night. And about twice a month, their mother would come and fluff him up when they were all at school.

However, all of this young feminine presence in his home came under the scrutinizing of Mrs. Brandenburg, the operations manager of this rather large and growing expatriate complex. So, while the girls were at school on a weekday, she stopped in to confer with Marlon about this. And she asked to look about in his house, just to gauge what his living conditions were alike. According to the complex’s bylaws, she was entitled to do this once a year, if she desired.

As she looked about she noted the very cozy furnishing and cleanliness of the home. The well-tended small yard and the two full extra bedrooms, with the obvious presence of young girls in each.

So, she sat down with him to discuss this. “You know that it is a violation of the complex resident’s agreements to have natives living in your home don’t you?

“Sorry, I wasn’t aware of that. But, I did note that I am allowed at least one resident maid to care for my home. I just ended up with that one maid divided into four smaller parts.”

She smiled with, “Very creative thinking on your part! But, it could be assumed to be a violation of your agreement that you made upon your entering this complex.”

“Is there any way to have my current situation interpreted to be in compliance?” And with that Marlon sat back to let her ponder over this.

As she eyed him in consideration of his request, he noticed that she was a Germanic M.I.L.F. who was gaunt and about forty years old. She was of plain looks, but very healthy body, he could tell, since some of it was open to his view with her clothing choices. She was measuring him, also. And then she offered, “Maybe there is.”

And with that her summer dress came off with only a pair of snazzy panties underneath. No bra, because there was little for it to support. With this, Marlon offered, “How lovely you are au naturel.”

“How lovely for you to notice. Would you like to check up on that a bit closer?”

And to answer her query, he moved to his knees and sat down in front of her to take up admiration of her pussy with his mouth in action. Her knees immediately moved apart taking her legs with them, and then the fun really began. After kissing his way down to her toes and back up and down the other leg, he moved his tongue to engage with her pussy slit, and with that her moans began. With that, he moved her onto his recliner chair with his hands on her butt cheeks and began to plunge his tongue down her vaginal throat. Her moans turned to gargled attempts at telling him of her pleasures with this, but they only became groans in the offering. He accurately figured that she was enjoying herself, though.

Then he pulled her pussy hole right up to the front of the chair’s seat and moved his cock to plunge up into her. With this she began to reciprocate in her movements and soon, he was emptied up into her. With that she laid back and when they cooled down, she stood up to redress, delaying it along for the further enjoyment of his.

And then with a, “I guess I will come by once a month to verify and check up on your agreed upon variance to the complex agreement from now on.”

Marlon just smiled, and she did so, not every month, but most of them and the next time, she even let him up her ass.

The first night that the two new ones came to stay, the youngest at fourteen bulled her way into his bed for the night and cuddled up to him expectantly. Marlon asked if she knew what this would lead to, and she answered that she did. But, she also mentioned that she was a virgin still. And so he inquired of her as to whether she was ready to change that and she said that she wasn’t, but would give him other things instead for the present. So, he mentioned oral and anal, and she said that she was on board for both of them.

So, that night after him sucking up on to her tits and pussy, she returned the favor and then turned around with her ass up in the air for him to plunge down into it. Anticipating a challenging entry, Marlon was surprised that he fit in right away with little trouble. Evidently she had shared in this before, because she was somewhat stretched out for her age and size and also quite knowledgeable about the procedure. As he plunged down into her, she murmured her approval of his technique and reciprocated with her butt bouncing back on him. And when he came up into her she moaned in her little girl voice of her happiness with that, too. During the years that she resided with him, she never did let him up into her pussy, but regularly let him up into her ass. And he loved it.

About the end of his first year in residence, Maria gave birth to his son, named after him. But, it had to be raised in her house, to not cause any additional concern by Mrs. Brandenburg. And so did Adelita, give birth to a little girl, also raised by her grandmother, Maria. This was the first of two from each and the other girls were put on birth control to prevent them from getting pregnant, also. No problem with the fourteen year old, since she never let him up her pussy.

A year later, the two middle girls moved on to get husbands and two more young ones came in to be with him. Adelita made it known to him that she didn’t ever desire to leave, even though she had graduated from their equivalent of a high school with good grades. She was more than happy to just stay with him permanently and she did. Among other things, she served as the manager of his home, taking care to see at that all things were done, that each girl present did her share and allotting intimate time of each of them to Marlon.

About that time, when Maria was with him in his bed with his cock up her ass, and Adelita was out of the house shopping for it, he began to muse that he should do something further for this family that had befriended him and served so many of his needs so well. And so after a brief respite from thinking about this, he unloaded up into Maria again and then they laid back to enjoy some 69 ing before she had to leave. She was becoming really attached to him in this fun. Her husband was a very nice man, but never was up to sucking her off or doing her up the ass, both of which she had come to love very much. And she wanted at least one more baby from him, before she came to be past that kind of thing. No plan on leaving off fucking him, as long as he wanted it, though.

That night, Marlon sent off letters to both his lawyer in the U.S. and his one in Mexico about a certain plan in his head. And both came back with suggestions that said that it could be done, so he implored them to work together to make this happen, and they did.

What he did, was to take five thousand out of his considerable cash reserves and give it over conditionally to Maria and her husband to open a business in their little town. With the connections between the village and the complex, the little village was growing and so far there was no general store in it or nearby. Since, Marlon had a considerable experience in this business he acted as am unpaid consultant to help them get this off the ground. First of all, they bought a used warehouse that had been intended to function as a local manufacturing business, but had failed at that.

And then they cleaned it up and remodeled it up to be a rather large regional store and private home for a couple of the family’s boys to watch over it during the nights. Theft was not a big problem locally, yet. But, they knew that it would be best to prevent it, than try to stop it.

The regional government sent representatives to make sure that this was all on the up and up and when they found out that they would be paying their regular taxes as time went on and that Marlon had no financial connection with it except to be a giving sponsor, they gave it their approval.

The first machine that they bought and installed in it was an ice cube machine. They added a small generator in the back that could run on propane, which was abundant and relatively cheap in the province and set up a filtering and boiling fixture to improve the local water for it. Marlon knew that it would be a center piece for the business, because there was no other source of ice in over a hundred kilometers. And so this made the new store a regional business and not just a village one.

To not put too much pressure on the little generator, they built the fixtures to hold eatables that could spoil, to be in cool temperatures that were cooled by the ice from the machine. Though there was a rather fast turnover of the refrigerated eatables, some of the ones that weren’t had their shelf lives considerably extended.

The business got off to a great start and functioned well for years in the town. And the family just couldn’t do enough, in their minds, for the man that had made it possible. He could have had any girl (or boy for that matter) in the family in his bed, but was determined to only use the girls from fourteen and up, and even that gradually raised to a minimum of sixteen after a few years.

They with all of their children, never did have to hire anyone to help. It was all contained within the family unit and that saved them a lot of money on wages and a much lower risk of inside stealing, also.

With the store well on its way, she arranged with her husband’s nodding approval of staying with Marlon for three days in her next fertile day’s period. It took over a dozen intimacies to accomplish, but finally she got the next child started and was so happy to have this between her and Marlon.

A couple of years later, Maria’s husband died out in the bush from something that was never completely explained to Marlon, but with that, Maria turned the store over to her children to run and she moved in with Marlon sleeping in his bed each night. As the girls rotated out, except for Adelita who never did leave, none of the girls that left were then replaced and so after a number of years it was only Maria and Adelita still with Marlon. But, Maria never did move into a vacant bedroom, she stayed with Marlon in his, but let him sleep once a week with Adelita who continued to manage the household and once a week sent him back to her home to play with the age eligible girls there.

It was a very happy household for Marlon, and even Mrs. Brandenburg got a girl out of it, to her surprise and joy. But, when he finally got down to his last year of life, he married Adelita and willed everything to her with the promise that she would take care of Maria, too. They couldn’t keep the house in the complex due to its rules, but when it was sold for them, they took the money and built a fine home for Maria and herself. The older home still served for the kids to live in until they grew up or as long as they wanted to live there.

The Mayan Store served the community well for many years after the demises of Marlon, Maria and even Adelita.