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The Dirty Old Resident

Meranda starts a new job at a retirement home for wealthy elderly folks. She gets a little more than she bargained for on her first day though…

Meranda had just started her new housekeeping job, she would be cleaning out condo’s for the wealthy elderly folks at Eastwood cove. So exciting right?
Meranda thinks as she enters the huge building. 35 floors, the biggest building
Meranda has ever worked in. She walks down a long hallway to the clock in machine and swipes
her badge. It beeps and she decides to go to the restroom to see how she looks in her new
uniform, the 21 year old redhead makes a crooked grin as she looks at the dorky light blue
button down and baggy dark blue work pants. No one would ever guess that the young redhead
had a nive curvy body underneath. She shakes her head a bit and leaves the restroom.

She enters her bosses office and is greeted with a smile from the older blonde
woman named Barbara. Meranda smiles back and they shake hands. Are you already for your first day?
Barbara asks. She forces a smile, yes mam, just give me the ok to go. Meranda says.
The older woman smiles again, this way, i’ll show you to your cart and give you your room list
for the day. She follows the woman out of the office and follows her through the huge lobby
of the building headed towards the elevators that would take her to the west tower of the building.
The elevator dings and they both step on. She will be working all the way on the 35th floor
Barabra says.

Meranda tries her best to pay attention to Barbara as she speaks about all of the
different things available to the elderly residents in the building. The elevator dings as she
and Barbara step off, the floor is beautiful, red carpet, and nide wood paneled walls.
Barbara points over to a door in the long hallway that says housekeeping on it. This is
where your work cart is, and these are your keys. Barbara says as she hands Meranda a big set of
keys. Thank you. Meranda says with a smile. I really appreciate you hiring me and I promise not to
let you down and do everything I can to keep the residents happy mam. Meranda says. Barbara smiles
at Meranda. Thats the right attitude, well i’ll let you get to it but you let me know if you
encounter any kinds of problems. Barbara says. Meranda smiles as Barbara turns and heads back towards
the elevators.

Meranda takes a deep breath and begins preparing her cart for a long day.
A few hours have passed as she pushes her cart down the long hallway to her next room
the first few rooms were nothing special. A couple of old women who could barely hear her the entire
time she was in their rooms. Meranda reaches her next room and knocks. Housekeeping! Meranda says loudly
the resident can hear her clearly. She waits a moment before the door opens and a tall older man with a
smile greets her. Morning, you must be new. The man says as he kinda looks Meranda up and down.
Meranda notices but ignores him. Yes sir its my first day, are you all ready for me in there? Meranda
says. Oh call me Paul. He says and smiles at her again. Then he stands aside giving her room to come in.
Thank you Paul, and its nice to meet you. Meranda says. He smiles again. oh likewise my dear. He says.

Meranda is nearly finished with the condo as she heads for the bathroom. She is glad to almost
be finished. The older gentleman Paul has been giving her a weird vibe, when she was making his bed she
swears she caught him licking his lips and staring at her ass when she was bending over. She figured she
may come across a couple of dirty old residents while working here but that doesn’t mean she feels
comfortable dealing with it. When she was cleaning the kitchen he kept making remarks like ” I bet
a pretty young lady like you drives all the boys wild huh?” and that smile…..that creepy smile. It
was imprinted in her head as she kneeled down to clean the tub. Paul was a pretty tall guy, a little bit
of a gut but not too fat. a full head of gray hair and a thick gray moustache. As she is scrubbing the tub
she feels eyes on her. She turns around to see Paul staring at her ass again. But this time…he was rubbing
on his crotch area as he stood there with lust in his eyes. Meranda stands up startled and looks at him.
Didn’t mean to startle you dear. Paul says in a creepy serial killer like tone. Meranda looks at him
What the fuck!? he was still rubbing his crotch. He takes a step closer and Meranda tries to back up but her
ass meets the edge of the sink. She is really starting to get frightened now. I think I should get going, it’s
time for my lunch break I’d say. meranda says as she tries to walk out of the bathroom. Pauls long arm stops her
though and even kinda pushes her back to the sink roughly. Meranda starts to breathe a little heavy as panic
begins to sink in….

No need, your boss Barbara is a good friend of mine, i’m sure she’ll allow you to have a
late lunch if I request it. He says as he steps closer he is now pressed against Meranda. She can feel his hot
breath at the top of her head. He runs his hand up and down her pale skin on her arm. Meranda trembles as he
touches her. Oh it’s been so lonely since my wife passed away. Paul says with a frown. Meranda has trouble
speaking as she shakes, I….I’m sorry to hear about your wife sir. She says with fear in her voice. He looks
at her with a smile. Thats very sweet of you to say dear. He says as his hand moves to Merandas hip, rubbing
it up and down and making strange noises as he does. Meranda is scared to death right now. but she knows
that there’s no way pf getting past this much bigger and stronger man. As she looks up to see him smile.

I was so happy to see such a pretty young new housekeeper….my last housekeeper, well she couldnt
keep up with my demands. He says with a frown, but im sure a girl like you can certainly handle them, and
you’ll be quite compensated of course. He says with a smile, as Meranda looks down and sees him undo hetop
button on her work shirt, her black t-shirt underneath now visible. Please….Meranda says softly. Paul just smiles
at her as he keeps unbuttoning her top. Turn around. He says with a smile. No I….please..I..meranda says
TURN THE FUCK AROUND NOW! He yells at her. Tears form in Merandas eyes as she slowly turns around. Yes thats it.
Paul says as he licks his lips. He grabs Merandas hips and makes her stick her round ass up. He then reaches
around and undoes her belt and unzips her pants, then he practically rips them off. Merandas red lace panties
come into view showing a nice round pale skin ass that the panties are barely able to contain. Ohhhh very nice
meranda. He says as he rubs her nice round backside. He kneels down and kisses on it, even licks it a few times.

Tears roll down Merandas cheeks as she starts to plead with him. Please….let me go now and I wont tell
anyone about this I swear. He stands back up and chuckles as he smacks her ass hard, making it jiggle.
Won’t tell on me huh? he laughs. And who do you think they’ll believe? Some skank housekeeper? or one of
the most respected residents in the building. He laughs and smacks Merandas ass again.

Meranda is bent
over the sink she feels his weight go on her back. His hand sliding down inbetween her legs as he puts his
mouth to her ear. Face it bitch, you belong to me now.He says in an evil tone. Meranda cries more as Paul starts to
rub her pussy from the outside of her panties. OOOhhhhh….is someone enjoying themselves hehe. Paul giggles as he
feels Merandas wetness. Merandas body starts betraying her, which just makes the situtaion suck that much more.

Paul stands straight back up. STRIP BITCH! He says as he undoes his belt. Meranda turns around terrified and slides her
unbuttoned work top off, then kicks her pants that are around her ankles completley off. Paul licks his lips as he drops pants around his ankles. Thats a good girl, now take the t-shirt off. he smile. Meranda still crying and shaking as she
slides the shirt over her shoulders. Now just standing there in her red lace panties and a black pushup bra. Which she was now regretting wearing because it only showed off her 38D cup bust even more. She tries to cover up with her arms but he yanks them back down. Come over here. He says with a smile while rubbing his crotch from the outside of his underwear.

Meranda hesistates. Don’t make me tell you twice! He says as his face turns red. Meranda slowly steps over to him. His hands go to her back and undoes her bra, letting it fall to the floor and revealing Merandas nice large breasts. He cups one in his hand. Ohhhh yesss…..much better than the last girls. He says as he squeezes it. Now give papa Paul a kiss. Meranda does not wanna kiss this piece of shit. she cries…please dont make me….I swear I wont tell anyone if you just let me go….Meranda cries. I said now bitch! Paul says as he grabs her hair and jerks her head back, as he plants
a very unwanted kiss on Meranda. His tongue forced into her mouth. Meranda wants to vomit from the nasty sloppy kiss. She tries to get away but he is too strong and holds her close to him. Right when Meranda starts to think she was going topuke he breaks the kiss and forces her to the floor.

Meranda gags as she is sitting on her butt on the cold tile floorstill in her red lacer panties but nothing else. She sees Paul slide his underwear down slowly. She looks up at the old man stroking a pretty long cock, probably 7 inches and thick. He smiles at her and
licks his lips. MMMmmmm I see you looking at it he says as he approaches her. Meranda slides backwards to try to get away but her back meets with the cabinet under the sink as he steps in front of her. Holding his cock to her lips, he rubs it around her lips, his precum rubbing all over her lips. Meranda is completley grossed out. Paul giggles. Now open yourmouth or i’m going to tell Barbara you seduced me and she’ll fire you!. He smiles and giggles. What a disguting human
being he is!

Meranda refused to open her mouth but her opinion didn’t matter as he forces it open and shoves his cock deepinto her mouth. Meranda gags as he moves it in and out. Oooohhhhh yesssss, mmmm such a hot little mouth you have sweety. He says as he slides it in and out. Meranda gags as saliva comes out of her mouth. Paul grabs the back of Merandas head and starts
thrusting his cock back and fourth into her mouth. This goes on for a few more minutes before Paul lets out a grunt. UGhhhhhh ooohhhhh fuck! He says as he shoves his cock as far back as he can. Meranda feels his hot gooey cum slide down her throat
making her want to gag even more. Paul holds his cock in her mouth for a while longer before pulling it out.
Meranda’s head goes over to the toilet as she starts gagging and spitting up cum. Paul giggles as she is head first gagging in the toilet.

She breathes heavy, not believing what just happened. She’s brought back to reality though as Paul pulls her back to her feet by her hair. Meranda cries out in pain. Owwwwww! Paul smiles and laughs, he then reaches down and forces her panties down. Sit at the edge of the sink and open your legs. Paul says as he starts stroking his cock. Meranda quickly sits at the edge of the sink but doesnt open her legs. Stupid bitch! Paul says as he smacks her. SPREAD THEM! Paul yells in his scary voice. Meranda opens her legs revealing her small pink slit. MMMMmmmmm so pretty! Paul says as he begins
to rub it. Sliding a finger in it, ooohhhhhh yess. Paul says as he fingers her.

Paul then stands up straight and gets in bteween her legspositioning his cock at her hole as he slowly starts to slide in. Her tight slit begins to open for him. Ugh…..Meranda lets out as she looks up at the ceiling still crying. Wishing she would just wake up from this awful nightmare.Paul grabs Merandas throat with one hand as he licks up her cheek, nearly through the tightness of her pussy. Mmmmmmm so tight, but you won’t be for much longer. Paul says as he giggles. OOOOHHHH! Paul moans out as he breaks through the tightness Meranda just cries more as Paul doesnt waste anytime. He beings to slam into her fast, his body body slamming into her echoing the small bathroom. His hgand tightly around her throat. Oooohhhh yes take that dick bitch you slut! He says as squeezes one of her largebreasts for a second. His cock sliding in and out of her fast. Sweat running down Pauls face. this goes on for another 15 minutes before Paul pulls out and grabs Meranda by the hair, forcing her down to the floor again. As he lays down by her and strokes his cock.

Get over here and ride my cock slut! Meranda scared for her life crawls over and gets on top of him, kneeling down while on her feet positions his head over her pussy and slides down it. He grabs her hips tightly, hurting her as he does. Meranda slowly start to ride him. Faster bitch! He screams as Meranda starts going faster, slamming her ass down as hard as she can. Paul smiles and reaches up grabbing her tits with one hand and reaching back grabbing her ass with the other. MMmmmmmm thats it bitch, make Papa Paul cum. He giggles, Meranda keeps riding as hard as she can. their bodies colliding echoing the room. Her round ass jiggles as she slams and her big breasts jiggles as she goes up and down. Paul moans and says disgusting things for about another 20 minutes before he yells at her.

Get up bitch now! Paul stands up quickly stroking his cock. OOOHHHHH MMMMMM Paul says as he shoots a big load of cum all Merandas face. Meranda breathes heavy as she feels his cum all over her face. Paul stops stroking his cock finally and takes a deep breath. Smilingto himself as he grabs a towel and wipes sweat from his forehead. Meranda curls up into a ball on the floor, still in total shock ofwhat just happened. She feels something hit her and looks over to see money laying next to her. Here, good work today and I’ll be sure let Barbara know how hard you worked today. Paul says laughing as he walks to the bathroom door and back into his bedroom. Oh….and see
you next week. He says wickedly.

Meranda sits up grabbing the cash, it was a thousand bucks! She clenches it as she stands up quickly
getting dressed and heading for the door back to the floors hallway. She luckily doesnt see Paul on her way out of his condo and gets to
the door, opening and closing it quickly as she starts pushing her cart back to the housekeeping closet. She practically thropws it in
there and locks the closet up. She speed walks to the elevator and frantically pushes the down button, waiting for what feels like ages
before she hears the “ding”. She steps on and presses the lobby button as the doors close and it begins going down. Meranda knows that
she needs to tell someone, but if that guys is as respected as he said he was would it even do her any good? She looks down at the wad
cash in her hands. The easiest money she ever made…..As a feeling swept over her….could she do this again for that kind of cash?