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The Champion’s Companion 11

The summer of love

The next morning Kaarthen awoke late. At six and half feet tall, with heavily muscular proportions, white braided hair, full dark purple grey lips, and pale skin with odd dark under tones in the shadows Kaarthen was impressive and exotic. In between her late activities the night before, and her split consciousness with Mara, Ein, and Rinis, Kaarthen felt like she’d been in the tower for years already.

“Where did he go?” Kaarthen said feeling a fleeting pang of abandonment when she noticed Marcos was missing from the bed.

She raised herself looking around. Her overripe breasts the size of a man’s head sway fluidly out from under the sheets and showed some of the deep cleavage of her rounded lactating udders. Her attractive though oversized curvy figure stopped most people from noticing her eyes had no whites, just two black voids with floating discs of quicksilver vertically slit like cat.

She wandered into the front room and heard him shouting over the clang of crossed swords. She walked to the balcony overlooking the training rooms. Looking down, she was in an excellent perch for the activities below. Several of the young girls from the upper tower were around practicing unarmed combat. Along the walls, several older women were dressing into leather and stretching.

At her feet, Rinis and Mara had short stiletto daggers and were doing quick repetitive stabs to wooden mannequins. They swapped the knife between their hands as they drove the heel of their palm up into the chin then stabbed the upper chest twice and then struck the side of the neck. She could feel their killer instincts faintly. She had the ability thanks to the Goddess ‘Dark Mother’ who was a passenger in her mind. The divine tourist was really after Marcos, her Champion. Sometime over the tens of thousands of years, that they knew each other, the Goddess of Death, Fertility, and Femininity had swooned over the man Kaarthen charitably considered to be a very prolific, and very lethal, misogynist of the first order.

Her twisted kind of love was expressed and had been imprinted on Kaarthen to keep things less complicated. Now as a vessel for a divine passenger in love, she too swooned over the man. It wasn’t hard, what the Goddess’ literally mind-blowing emotions didn’t do, the figuratively mind-blowing sex had.

As his ‘Companion’, the Goddess had all the access she wanted to him through Kaarthen. Kaarthen had learned a lot from the satisfied deity. She controlled more directly the urges of the people around her as it related to combat, sex, or fertility. Recently, she found she could see into the hearts and minds of people like clear water.

Kaarthen watched the two girls she had bonded to repeat their movements a few times. They stepped forward, struck the chin, stabbed, then moved back. She tweaked their learning curve, showing the cruel masters they had been made to serve instead of the well-used mannequin. Instantly, the tone of the two women changed, their steps forward were further and faster, and the points started impacting the wood with every thrust. A girl, only sixteen, was watching them, and cheered the two students as they got more aggressive.

Ein was receiving different instruction. Marcos was showing her proper form with a thick bladed saber and a curved dagger. Kaarthen could feel her self-conscious fear. Marcos’ instruction was quick as he continuously talked and demonstrated from different angles before turning to watch her. She was picking it up quite fast, therefore Kaarthen, Mara, and Rinis were learning it all as well.

Remy and Augussi were nearby in Safi leather. They both watched Marcos’ instruction as he was going over everything. They listened in reverence over the master instruction. Kaarthen noticed another woman entered who was also in Safi armor. She was tall, skinny, very tan, with black hair pulled back in a tight bun. Following behind her, a blonde appeared. She was shorter, and curvier. Kaarthen recognized the look of ample bosoms that were bound under her leather. She was surprised when the woman turned, it was Dulia. Dulia searched behind herself and immediately lifted her eyes and looked right back up at her in that appraising manner of hers.

Uncomfortable with the woman, Kaarthen turned away from that look and went upstairs. She undressed and walked nude as the women of the tower usually did. She found Marssel lounging on the roof sunning herself. The big breasted brunette wore a gauze dress and her body’s charms was easily visible under the bright summer sun.

Marssel turned her head when she heard Kaarthen’s approach. “Do you happen to have Safi leather?” Kaarthen asked.

Marssel appraised the giant woman. “No, I don’t play down there anymore. My sister still enjoys it. But, if death is the goal why struggle?” Kaarthen was puzzled by the awkward question. The goddess in the back of her mind seemed to like the riddle however. “I can show you a store room of Safi if that’s what you want. I don’t know how they’ll fit though.” Marssel continued. Kaarthen knew if the dress was any example, it would kill her to wear the tight leathers.

Marssel happily led her down to storage and they found a set that would work. Kaarthen had to remove the sleeves by painstakingly unthreading the bronze wire they were stitched with. The pants were easier, long thigh high black boots covered the pants that were too short for her long thickly muscled legs. She stood. With a working set of leathers that fit over her breasts after being bound and slitting the sides, she felt tight yet able to breathe.

Kaarthen knew from her girls she wasn’t too late, so she got upstairs and saw for herself the things going on. Marssel followed her out of boredom. Quietly, she told Kaarthen of how she usually bested Sune without weapons. It was her secret to how she got Marcos to get her pregnant.

In the training room, Marcos fought Remy, Sune, and Augussi. The latter two had twin double-edged daggers. Remy had a cutlass and dagger combination. Marcos was unarmed unsurprisingly. His gauntlet flashed as he swam around their lightning strikes. He stood still between the three redirecting their incoming strikes with nudges to their arms, elbows, and blades. A circle of girls sat and watched. Women in Safi stood and stared intently from around them. Dulia stood by the wall with a bloody nose.

Looking closely, Kaarthen could see he kept his hands flat. Augussi stood squared up to him. She held her blades in an underhanded grip with her front hand, and a modified grip with her fingers up the blade past the hilt in back. Her style was efficient, she thrust and feinted with her back hand, and the front hand covered with swipes and slashes. Nevertheless, Marcos was defeating her with only one hand. He leaned back to avoid the many slashes and simply slapped her thrusts down. Kaarthen noticed she didn’t thrust enough for him to engage her. She only thrust as an afterthought and she telegraphed her backhand.

Sune was using an underhand grip for both her daggers. Her style put both hands and feet forward and tried to stay in constant motion. Marcos was leaning only slightly away from her, and he only jabbed and pushed her chest to keep distance from her swinging arms. Her speed was dropping and it seemed she was quite tired already. In her exhaustion, she had reverted to training and fixated on finishing quickly. Her only target seemed to be his neck, or obvious nerves. She wore her hair in a bun and Kaarthen realized she was the woman who entered earlier with Dulia.

Remy on Marcos’ other side was trying to stab or slash with the rapier but was in too tight. Marcos had a foot and a knee under her front leg and she was literally fighting from atop him. She needed to drop the sword or step back. Marcos kept her locked in as she tried to adjust by hooking a leg as she raised it, or pulling her arm. Remy was stuck playing his weird game trying to push away or step back as he kept her off balance and tight to him.

Kaarthen figured despite all this they were still excellent fighters. Remy would likely not face a tight immobilizing situation with an acrobatic opponent who could dance past her sword. He also stayed out of range of her dagger since she couldn’t step forward. Augussi would not find an opponent who took his or her eyes off the dagger slashing to see the one thrusting up from below. Sune would not likely find herself in a fight against a legendary master swordsman, who made her look like she was just a child throwing a tantrum. Despite the fast blur of her movements, she looked like she was shadow boxing Marcos underwater.

They had killer instincts and she could feel it. Looking at them, she could see the urge direct their strikes the way they were trained, like water drops sliding down strings. The targets of their deadly urges were dark patches that slid over Marcos body. Lighter gray patches slid across the women as Marcos used his hand to knock them away. The strikes to knock away their blades were hard to see, only on his hands could she notice what he was about to do.

Kaarthen wondered about what she could do. She had learned that seeing into things usually meant she had some form of control over it. The faults of these women were few. Seen from out side they were obvious but complex. Kaarthen tried to see closer and understood away to help them if she changed all three’s fighting style. She projected to the women, telling Sune to strike for the nerves and pressure points of Marcos’ arm and exposed leg. She gave the trickiest thoughts to Augussi, telling her to randomly switch grips periodically before switching again.

For a second nothing happened then Marcos started grumbling. The crowd around them took a collective breathe. A few girls started wiggling in excitement. Marcos took a half step back with his back foot. He opened up facing Sune more, but he knew that letting Remy into the fight would be a disaster. Kaarthen had other plans and had Remy retire and step back.

Instantly, she dropped back a pace and Augussi stepped in to her side. Once the dynamic shifted, Marcos was in an easier situation for a second. The two moved to opposite sides in a manic offensive that would shred lesser men. Marcos had to step back in a circle to keep out of the middle.

Kaarthen directed Remy to adopt a new strategy. She lined up in the middle now stepping closer and closer. She thrust in quickly with her sword and backed away before he could do more than dodge. Marcos reacted to this new problem by stepping around Augussi who had the most gaps in her strikes. His obvious strategy now was to avoid the bitch with the sword.

Kaarthen considered what to do and the amused Goddess in her mind stepped from its corner and showed her. Augussi could try a double underhand grip, and bring both feet forward to be faster though less powerful. Kaarthen thought that she might also be less mobile, and possibly unfamiliar with the posture considering she herself didn’t naturally use it. The Goddess considered that objection silly, since Marcos was fighting Kaarthen by proxy now, it didn’t matter if Augussi was capable. The speed of the two women would force him to stop moving and present a better target, and it only needed to last a moment. She projected Augussi to try it, and target nerves and joints like Sune.

Remy circled looking for a shot. She found it, and with a shriek, she struck home. Everything stopped right at that instant. Marcos was stabbed in the left clavicle above his nipple by the sword coming in between the other two women. His raised left hand was hooked by Sune’s knife through the exposed heel of his palm. Augussi’s left hand was about to land a disabling slash across his right shoulder.

On other men, the sword wound would’ve collapsed a lung and the fight would go down hill very quickly. Sune’s hooked in dagger controlled his left hand so now he couldn’t run away or fight effectively without tremendous damage to his body. Augussi’s slash would disable the right arm and Marcos would have been forfeit. They had won.

Everyone including the audience stood frozen as they looked over the scene. Augussi had faired badly also, she had stabbed herself in the right thigh. Marcos’ right hand was laid flat over the butt of her dagger. Finally Augussi turned, dropped her weapons, and limped away as everyone still stood shocked. The crowd simply parted as she limped through, everyone was wide-eyed and staring. Kaarthen followed and helped her to the wall, Marssel followed them over, but she also was just staring. Kaarthen got her to make a bandage from an aid box by the wall. Kaarthen helped Augussi get comfortable and looked at the wound.

“That was you wasn’t it?” Augussi asked weakly as Kaarthen pulled her pants down and started cleaning and wrapping her. Augussi’s cut was bone deep, but luckily, it was angled on the outside of her thigh.

“Hmm?” Kaarthen said, trying to be vague. She had enough experience to wrap wounds in her sleep but she acted as if this was the most complicated thing she’d ever done.

Kaarthen had seen this all before. She was lucky they were in a relatively clean room, instead of being in the wilds. Augussi was in stages of shock from pain, and she was feeling the instant tiredness after the long adrenaline burst. She was relaxing and about to go to sleep, which was fine. She was sweating too, so Kaarthen had Marssel get her water.

“Those things I saw. The others saw them too. It felt weird and cold. The perspective wasn’t any of ours, it was you watching.” She said paling, and relaxing. “I can’t believe we did it.” She laughed aloud weakly.

Across the room, Remy held her sword up like it was a religious relic before the adoring masses. Girls and women collected around her and Sune who clutched her dagger to her breast. The wet-eyed women touched the weapons and bodies of those who pierced the flesh of their creator. They all cried, laughed, and celebrated at the same time.

Kaarthen had only seen Marcos fight a few times and could tell it was a less than a once in a lifetime victory they had just shared. It was still a testament to how good they were. Marcos could have defeated any number of lesser fighters unscathed. Unrestricted, he would have likely defeated them all in the blink of an eye.

When she turned, she realized Marcos was standing almost atop her. He looked down at Augussi with paternal affection. The stripped lower half of Augussi’s perfect body also drew his eyes.

“Will she be alright?” Marcos asked.

Kaarthen blushed for Augussi. Even exhausted and delirious with pain, she moved to spread her legs when she heard him. “Yes, she took almost the whole blade. It avoided anything lethal. On a muscle that big however, the pain is very intense.” She reported

“She broke that wrist two years ago climbing the Citadel at night. I leaned too much into it to avoid Remy’s sword.” Marcos said thoughtfully.

“Don’t worry, she should be fine. Are you okay?” Kaarthen asked.

“Yep,” He waved his hand and flexed it before leaning in to show her his left clavicle. She noticed he had not been wearing Safi armor. Instead of just two cuts, up closed she saw his expensive shirt was shredded from shoulder to shoulder. A normal man would have eventually succumbed and died from lost of functionality much earlier. “It was weird, when we were fighting earlier their eyes changed and they suddenly got more intense. I trained them, and suddenly they did things they almost never do.” Kaarthen could feel him staring at her. “They fought objectively as a group, despite the fact Remy usually does not fight in groups, or with them. She took Dulia’s place since she lost so quickly. I should perhaps change that style of fighting a little bit. Cutlasses are better for defense but she adapted it well in that situation. I have not been that taxed in a long time.”

“That’s good training then.” She stood. “I’ll carry Augussi up. Marssel please lead the way.”


For several weeks, they found a repetition and went on with more serious and intense training. Mara, Rinis, and Ein quickly progressed thanks too Kaarthen’s incentives and Marcos’ masterful teaching. The three moved up from one dagger, to a sword, axes, batons, to double grips, to throwing knives, to staffs and spears, and finally to whips, crossbows, and bows.

The girls developed their preferences. Rinis was well handed at everything but was better with a sword, or curved daggers.

Ein liked throwing knives and darts because she thought it was more practical. She wanted to decisively end the fight before she got dirty. She liked a small recurve bow, and had to wrestle it from the young girls who trained on it.

Mara enjoyed unarmed combat with Marcos, and he seemed to be very willing to wrestle with her all over the ground when she was learning holds, throws, or counters. If the enemy wasn’t Marcos the squirming molester and his groping hands, she liked to painfully stab opponents with a sword or a knife. She found something sexual in repeatedly stabbing people and Kaarthen felt her arousal climb as she contemplated the act. Second on her list of favorite weapons was a whip. Mara had too many experiences to count with them and was able to educate them all on several styles of full whips, half whips, and crops.

Kaarthen had tightened her control of Rinis to present a quiet working personality. She was actually a huge help for learning to control her powers. Having her was like having a doll to play with, and test on. The Goddess was the first one to jump fully into Rinis’ body. It was unnerving to have Rinis walk up grinning with those black voids for eyes and the dancing silver pupils. She was reminded how abnormal her appearance was. Afterwards, she learned by mimicry to do some of the things the Goddess had done.

She could directly control her angels with ease now after practicing. Complex tasks were the easiest and final step for her skill. Teaching Rinis, and simply telling her to repeat was enough sometimes. Simple things, like changing clothes and coming to dinner met personality conflicts. Rinis was likely to act as a member of the serving staff with the girls from the upper tower, despite Kaarthen’s attempts to use her as bodyguard or a scout.

Another time, she was practicing multiple simple commands by fighting Rinis. She focused too much on Rinis to defend herself effectively. She lost herself and surprised people by almost letting Rinis win. Other times as they fought together it usually looked like she was fighting a mirror despite Kaarthen being a heavily muscular woman at six and a half feet, and Rinis being less than average size at almost five feet tall.

The Goddess was pleased with her adaptations. It seemed to teach her by doing things as she watched. She could only follow how things felt in her head. The real lesson came when the Goddess showed her how to pull back from herself and back her mind into the Goddess’ corner.

Colors and movement became surreal. Like looking at leather and reading its definition in its place instead of seeing it. She looked and the writing of the gods was everywhere, combining into sounds, defining colors, even giving touches names, or the wind. She learned the symbols and numbers of the smallest parts of things and it all blinded her to what was.

She had weird dreams after that of being chased by green, pulling sounds, or hunting slow moving air. She gained further understanding when she was nudged to look upon the barrier on the walkway from the roof of the tower. The simple architecture she saw amused her until she realized that there was nothing under the words. Just like everything else, the words were what was real. The things she saw took shape from the unseen words and took from it their nature and purpose as well.

That knowledge, and ability to read the Goddess’ design, allowed her to start using active magic for things. Lourndai was her first attempt. The naturally magic weapon had untapped abilities she could see plain as day upon it. It could grow a similar blade on the back end, and become a vicious elven dueling blade. It could shrink along the metal shaft and become a sword or grow to become a pike. Kaarthen showed Marcos her discovery. She was relieved to carry it as an unassuming albeit very interesting carved stick of wood.

Marcos had taken Kaarthen out to find her baby. She saw the one she believed to be him. It was anticlimactic to see her child, her body didn’t yearn for it, and internally she had doubts. He was asleep, but Marcos made sure she could visit any time.

The whole day the Goddess was nearly absent from her and she left confused with the privacy she felt. Marcos still aroused her as usual, and she wasn’t freaked out to learn that she had completely internalized the emotions of her divine passenger.


Marcos had found Vellina in the red temple of the Dark Mother out in the city. He had gone alone and found her in a side chapel. She was learning prayers and studying with Priestesses, while waiting for a west bound traveling temple. She was alone wearing the rough linen robe Priestesses wear and praying quietly at the altar. His cock got hard looking down on her soft kneeling body. He remembered how they first met face to face.

He strode silently to her and pushed her face down. She gave a muffled shriek and tried to sit up.

“You’re not going to be a problem are you?” He asked gruffly and spanked her.

She shrieked again and tried to sit up. But, Marcos was behind her kneeling on the back of her knee and leaning hard on her head. Her strength was incredible but she couldn’t get her head off the floor with him leaning into her. Marcos released his rock hard cock and rubbed it along her back. Under him, Vellina protested telling him what he could and could not do in this situation. He smiled and raised his knee onto her head.

He pulled her robe up her ass slowly relishing the useless wiggles she made. Finally, her rough linen under garments was exposed. She whined when she felt the air on her skin. Her under pants were simply two over lapping sleeves for her legs. The middle of her small pants could be spread wide for her to relieve her self.

Marcos pulled the hole open exposing her wide ass. He had to spank her when she bucked. For a few seconds she writhed under him trying to avoid the blows he rained down. Finally, she calmed, and he rubbed her consolingly over her ass. She bristled when he got to her pussy, and Marcos cupped it roughly to keep her still. He thumbed her pussy and rubbed her clit next, since his hand was already in a good position. She mewled under him, she may not be too sure who he was but her body knew its master. Her long neglected pussy flooded for him.

He rocked her into a soft orgasm. She wasn’t loud since she clenched her teeth, but her pussy shuddered, contracted, and gushing his hand nonetheless. He wished he had done that the first time they met, but she was too fucked out by then. This time would be different he would take her properly.

His aching cock had worked its way under her robe. It had left a mess of pre-cum stuck in the ridge of soft hair running down the center of her back. He shifted behind her anticipating her attempt to stand up. He hugged her close and hooked her left leg while keeping his other leg on the back of her knee. His hand found her back hole and lined himself up.

He shafted her quickly just as she reared up to jump again. Her anal cavity naturally took his length. She was shocked, and instinctively froze and tightened down on him. Her ass muscles arrested all movement. He leaned over her and pulled her in tighter as she relaxed. He let her try bucking again but kept his hands on her shoulders.

Silently, she submitted, and allowed him to start buggering her proper. He gave her quick hard strokes. He used her fully, and pushed in long strokes to get himself all in. She eventually gave up another orgasm. He paused as she started to quietly cry under him.

He took pity and yanked her up onto her feet. She looked at him and did a double take before hugging and kissing him. She grew hot and moaned lustily into his mouth. She pushed herself into him as his hands worked their way up and removed her robe.

They finished on a backless chair. Vellina bent double with her ass up on the chair arm and her head up on the other end. Marcos squatted slightly over her and powered down into her pussy. She was much happier now that she could see him. Vellina smiled and cooed while she stroked his chest while looking adoringly up at him.

She climaxed three more times making herself gush and slurp him noisily with her pussy. In her position, she felt much tighter and smaller. His cock hit her cervix, G-spot and clit easily from her hunched position. She felt him unload and continue stroking as he deeply claimed her body again.

Marcos left with her but noticed Kimly, Remy’s mother, watching from the doorway. He told her he would return soon. She blushed and turned but Marcos caught her wrist.

“I will also be taking this holy sister to the tower for training. Please, be sure to come by prepared for the rituals of Sister-making in two moons.” He said watching her turn bright red.

“Yes, Master.” She streaked off like a chastened novice when he released her. Marcos noticed the extra wriggle of her hips as she bolted and thought of how to catch her.

The women took to Vellina quite happily. Kaarthen noticed that unlike her previous assumptions, Dulia was far less curvy than Vellina when side-by-side. The women liked to stroke the fine hair on Vellina’s arms and face. Some of the women had stray cats they played with at the temple, but pets weren’t allowed in the tower. Marcos claimed a security threat if the charms and wards were constantly activated by some animal.

They gave clothes to Vellina for her stay. All of it showed lots of skin. One dress was one Salenne would sometimes stroll around in. It was a two-piece of two interlocking loops. They crossed in the middle of the back and again below the breasts. The straps completely exposed the breasts while pushing them up and in. It opened below exposing the woman charms and covering the sides of her hips.

Vellina was amused at the design. “Are you sure it isn’t side ways?”

Salenne considered it. “Perhaps.” She easily spun the dress. Now it covered front and back but her breasts and the sides of her body below the arm pits were exposed.

Casually she took it for a test run past Marcos who was reading in the common area. His hand magnetically went to her breasts and between her legs even as he appeared to be reading reports.

Marcos threw the papers down and stood up behind her. “I got your baby right here.” Her quickly flipped up the back of her dress and spit on a hole before shoving in unceremoniously. They watched Salenne smile blankly as he built to a frenzy pushing himself into her. When she climaxed she went weak and only Marcos kept her standing up until he came and flooded her with his reward.

Marssel cackled at Salenne who limped over to them as Marcos went back to reading. “I think the dress works.”

Marssel cooed happily, when Vellina put the ‘baby-maker’ dress on. They had modified it to cover the breasts and have the open sides. The front and back panels were slit all the way up the middle however. “Wow, now we really have a dress, look at that.” She started rubbing her body around and petting her large exposed silky breasts. Vellina didn’t look scary with all the hair, it was only an inch thick in some places. The women shamelessly petted her and adopted the same style of dress. They also shaved their well-trimmed pussies bald to complete the look.

The dress suddenly became the fashion for the women in the tower. Other similar styles worn by other women were only slightly more modest and covered the sides down to the waist. Commonly, the women wore a haltered dress with a middle slit in the front all the way up to the breasts. They used heavier material that pulled closed under its own weight unless the woman was walking, sitting, or near Marcos. Diaphanous material was used. A Safi leather variant was used, Marcos offered to drop his weapons to fight unarmed after repeated flashes of naked wet pussy. The women claimed the design was for pregnancy, but all were quite fertile when they wore it and lounged with decorative lewdness in the room with Marcos.

It was hard to say who got the best use from the dress. Slim women like Remy were sexy in the revealing dress. However, full figured women like Marssel and Kaarthen took the dress to a whole new level. They wore a smaller tighter dresses and their large breasts pushed open the middle slit on the front flap exposing their wet crotches as they rubbed together their glistening thighs. From the side, their profile was very lewd. Their large breasts and hips were completely exposed and the back flap only accented the curve of their asses, and exposed the bottoms of their cheeks through the slit. From behind, the slit again exposed their pussies and assholes making them an irresistible target for Marcos.


One night, he had bedded Remy in the women’s common room. She enthusiastically bounced him into the pillows for what seemed hours. She climaxed often, and took his floods of seed gleefully. Kaarthen was there to insure impregnation. She curled around Marcos so he could suckle her teats as Remy emptied his balls. She urged both to continue well after Remy rolled over in exhaustion. Marcos was urged and cajoled into climaxing a third time into her as she lay below him passively.

Later that night, she had her first run in with the two tree nymphs. They crept in slowly and Kaarthen felt to goddess immediately wake her. For the first time, she felt external magic as the two willed them all to sleep undisturbed. She could move, but she still only watched. She would appear asleep, but the Goddess was curious about these magical creatures that lived beyond her influence.

The nymphs were feminine slim forms. Their breasts were small and petite; their hips were only widened slightly. Their bodies were tight and toned. Their faces weren’t completely human. Their eyes were overly large, green, and hazel. They didn’t have eyebrows; the strip of skin above their eyes was black and made two separate lines straight back to their ears. Their hair fell straight and wavy, it was a pale green and glowed faintly. Their skin was a dark metallic bronze color like bark. It had a sparkle under the skin as though light moved under it.

The two nymphs moved very slowly and cautiously. They crept in from an open door. They moved silently and found Remy first. They moved over her gently and stroked her breasts with the softest of touches. One dipped into her swollen pussy and drank the essence it found there. The other moved on to Marcos and gently tried to erect him. He gave a troubled sigh as her actions grew more energetic and they both froze quickly until he settled.

The nymph worked him over using her hands and tongue and received his diminished share. The nymph flickered happily, as it received the load. The other was drawn from Remy’s prone body too late and they both looked blankly at each other while sitting over him.

Kaarthen moaned softly as she felt he nipples leak. Two bristled and looked around before settling themselves. They looked over at her and crept over silently. The one, who drank from Remy, stroked her breast with touches soft and featherlike. Kaarthen arched herself to them as her breasts ached for more. The nymph curiously collected her milk on a finger and tasted it. The other leaned in close to watch and they seemed to have a short silent conversation. Kaarthen moaned and arched again but they ignored her.

Finally, the hungrier of the two leaned in and suckled a teat that Marcos nearly drained earlier. Kaarthen’s milk never stopped flowing for Marcos or her three girls. Now the nymph took a taste and suckled long and hard. It cupped her softly with both hands and closed its eyes. The other watched in growing interest until it finally discovered her other breast.

Kaarthen shuddered in orgasm as they both suckled from her. She continuously climaxed as her immortal body flooded them with limitless milk for hours. The sun was coming up when the two stood. They had swollen stomachs mimicking early pregnancy and tottered clumsily toward an open door leaning on each other. The glow of their hair was faint before, now it lit up the entire room.

Kaarthen had slept in for nearly the whole next day and most of the women thought her sick. She tried to remember the feel of magic being directed at her. The feel was much stronger then the push of a projection. She thought it felt like being blown one direction towards the only open door.

The sprites came to the palace gardens early that summer. The city had its own festival for them and everyone noted how there were much more sprites and even faeries in the fields and gardens then ever before. For the first time the even the trees lining the boulevards outside of the Palace became home to the dancing visitors.


By this time, Vellina had left. As she was leaving, she found out she truly was pregnant as was Kaarthen. Marcos had kept her in his rooms at night, and during the day, given her expert lessons that Kaarthen augmented. She couldn’t wear armor as a Huntress when she went back, but with a spear, full sword, or especially a curved specialty sword, she was devastating and likely wouldn’t need it.

Ein, Mara, and Rinis got better. They filled out with Kaarthen’s milk, and Ein proudly started displaying her cute pert breasts and upturned nipples. She was still too scared of Marcos to do more then show off.

Mara’s breasts got much bigger. Her breasts grew narrow because of her small chest. Nevertheless, they rounded at the ends, sagging, becoming pendulous, and slightly pointy reaching her navel. When naked they looked like truly womanly breasts pointing down and out to the sides. She got more of a fertile soft look as her hips and ass plumped up and widened. Her frame stayed the same size under the changes.

She looked like a miniature Vellina. Her diminutive size of almost five feet, her huge breasts that swayed and jiggled, her plumped soft thighs and ass that jutted out, and her widened hips. As a sex-slave she reveled in the appearance that instinctively told everyone she was built to fuck. Marcos reveled in it too and all but gave her the green light to be his fluff girl.

Apparently, Mara wanted nothing more, and she suckled from Marcos’s cock frequently. She kneeled topless next to him publicly in the training rooms as he instructed, or in the library as he discussed palace politics with Kaarthen. She followed him always patiently waiting for the signal to worship his phallus. Marcos would frequently pull his hard cock from Mara’s warm wet slobbering mouth and mount a nearby woman to finish himself off. Usually, he thrust frantically coming into the final leg of a climax. His wet dripping cock was always welcome and well received. The women around him were usually already highly aroused watching Mara expertly service him.

Marcos tossed women on their backs before throwing himself into them. He would pound mightily some times climaxing twice in his heat. Women would orgasm strongly with him, especially if he was behind them and pushing them insistently into the floor or against a wall. He relished the pleasure and lost himself in it.

Sucking, licking, and stroking their necks and backs in a passionate and lustful rut. The women lost themselves in the rushed feeling of being controlled and taken. The thought of being made his woman even for a moment was richly arousing for his dolls. The flood of seed he doused them with was always hot and overflowed from their channels for anyone who wanted the taste.

Sometimes, Marcos would fuck without warning. He would quickly grab Mara and bend her over, or push her up against the wall as they walked. Thrusting quickly into whatever hole his mood favored he would take her roughly. She was of course always accepting of him and it seemed her attentions helped those nearby also.

Kaarthen found that on days he didn’t leave the tower he dressed normally. He enjoyed the women’s shameless attentions and sprouted virile hard-ons frequently. With the goddess’ insistence, Kaarthen’s meddling, and all of the women’s desire for more and more cum, his balls had grown into the size of small apples. If he noticed, he didn’t say anything and enjoyed fucking as much as possible.

The women of the tower rallied with a dozen pregnancies of their own when they heard of Vellina and Kaarthen’s pregnancy. They also smiled and waved at the notion of having nine-month pregnancies. Marcos had it down to six and an easy delivery. Of the women Kaarthen knew, only Dulia, Augussi, and Marssel were without child after the first few months. Kaarthen was able to know without check that her three little angels were also without child. Mara was the biggest surprise, but memories showed she usually drank down Marcos spending.