The Best Therapy ch. 01

Mary helps her son recover from an accident. Her care goes beyond what she could have imagined

The best word to describe Mary Ann Parker would be “luscious.” It began when she was 10 years old and she started to grow breasts. Being the only girl with breasts the boys in school teased her and tried to feel her up. She didn’t understand their sudden behavior when she got along great with them before. But the worst part for Mary Ann was the other girls. They were mean to her and started to call her a cow, a tramp or a slut. Rumors started to spread that she put out during dates. Many guys tried to date her but a rumor said she only dated older boys. Her mother told her it was just jealousy and it would stop when the other girls went through puberty.

Unfortunately, it only got worse. By the time some of the girls started to show tiny bumps on their chests, Mary Ann already had an impressive pair of udders. The boys were still obsessed with her and now even grown men couldn’t keep their eyes off her.

By the time she was 18 she had huge breasts barely contained by her 40 J cup bra, which couldn’t be concealed by any means. She was 5’8” and 124 pounds, with a thin waist and a round-shaped ass. Between her huge breasts, her great ass and her long shapely legs, her angelic face with its luscious lips and hazel eyes framed by her long brown hair often went unnoticed.

During all of her teen years every boy or man she met had his eyes locked on her breasts. On the few dates she agreed to the boys tried every two minutes to get to second base. As the years went by she grew to hate sex and all that was related to it.

Her only solace was religion. Every Sunday she would go to church with her parents and the sermon about sin really hit home. She began to be more active in church activities and because the people were nicer there she felt at home. Of course a lot of people talked behind her back but she never found out.

It was during an event at church that she met Carlisle, her future husband. She was 17 at the time and he was 31. For her he was the perfect man. He told her, he was a virgin like her. He strongly believed premarital sex was wrong and hadn’t found a woman he wanted to marry yet so he had yet to have sex with a woman. When Mary Ann heard that she didn’t believe him, but after weeks of seeing each other he never made an improper move toward her. He just gave her a chaste kiss on the lips at the end of their dates. In her mind she was living a fairy tale.

But what really sold her was the fact he thought sex was only for procreation. He was perfect for her because she held the same belief.

Two weeks after her graduation they were married, and nine months later she gave birth to a girl they named Christine. Mary was glad she got pregnant on her wedding night because that night didn’t change her view of sex, it only accentuated it. The act lasted two minutes and gave her no pleasure. She thought it would at least be a little fun because everyone else was obsessed by it. After that she would ask herself why people would do anything for sex despite it being a sin, and not even a pleasurable one.

Unfortunately for her Carlisle absolutely wanted a son, an heir. So she had to endure another night of sex, but like last time once was enough to do the trick. Two years after Christine was born Mary gave birth to a boy which they named Bradley. Carlisle was happy with Bradley and never bothered Mary for another child or another intimate moment. That was why, unlike other women, she didn’t have to tie her tubes to avoid getting pregnant. You simply couldn’t get pregnant without sex.

Mary had the life she always wanted.

Carlisle was a very active father at first but when he received a promotion he started to work longer hours and went out of town a few days per month. He tried to be present for the kids but with each promotion he spent more and more time on the road. Thank god his best friend and partner Jason White always went with him on business so he wasn’t alone.
To compensate for his long absences he spent a lot of time with the kids when he was in town, especially Brad. But by the time Brad was a teenager his father was away on business 11 months of the year, leaving Mary to raise the children by herself. It didn’t bother her until one fateful day.

She went shopping for a dress that day. It usually took her hours to find a decent and pretty dress. All the dresses nowadays were too slutty. Why couldn’t they sell dresses without cleavage, with the hem below the knees and which didn’t cling to her body? She wanted to look nice without having all the men drooling over her. It was for her daughter’s Confirmation and she didn’t want to wear an old dress.

She was lucky that day because the first store she tried had a beautiful dress that looked decent on her and even made her breasts look smaller. That’s was why she was able to return home only one hour after she had left.
The house was quiet so she assumed Brad and Christine were out. She went to the laundry room to put her new dress in the washing machine. The clothes on the hanger were dry so she ironed them. Thirty minutes later she was done and climbed the stairs to put the clean clothes in her kids’ rooms. Without knocking she entered Brad’s room and froze. He was on his bed naked with his hands on his penis. He was masturbating! Upon seeing his mom Brad immediately attempted to hide his penis with the magazine he was reading.

“Bradley James Parker, what are you doing?” she spat at him angrily. “I didn’t raise you to do something so disgusting.”

“Hey Mom, I.. I was
” he tried to say, but she cut him off.

“I don’t want to hear anything from you now. Put on some clothes and come downstairs,” she said before turning back.

Five minutes later he came downstairs. His head was low and he was watching his feet. Mary was sitting on a chair in the living room. As soon as she saw him she spoke to him.

“I called Reverend Moore and he agreed to see you in an hour. I can’t believe you did such a despicable thing but he will straighten you out. I’m really disappointed in you Brad. You let me down.” She was slowly shaking her head when she said that.

“But mom I
 I had to,” Brad told her hesitantly.

“You had to? Why? Because you’re just an animal?” she answered furious.

 no, it just
 hurts when I don’t do it,” he said ashamed.

She looked at him speechless. Did he just use that lame “blue balls” excuse on her?

“You really think I will believe such a pathetic excuse? You have to molest yourself to relieve your pain? I beg you Bradley, don’t take me for a fool,” she said still furious.

“But I swear mom. If I don’t do it every day it hurts like hell,” he said desperately.

She was even more shocked now.

“Every day? You do th
 that every day? It’s worse than a nightmare.” There was despair in her voice.

Bradley started to cry. He knew he sinned but he couldn’t help himself.

“You have to believe me, Mom. I tried to stop but it hurts so much I want to tear my
 my thing off,” he said sobbing.

Mary was lost. On the one hand she was concerned for her son who could be suffering, but on the other she was having a hard time believing him. She was almost certain he was lying but she couldn’t be sure. As long as there was a small possibility he was telling the truth she couldn’t ignore it. Fortunately there was a simple solution to resolve this issue.

“Alright Bradley, I’ll call the doctor to make an appointment. But Lord as my witness you will regret this if you lied,” she said before grabbing the telephone.

The next day Mary and her son had an appointment with Dr. Leeman. He was a male doctor. Mary made sure her husband and her son had a male doctor and she and Christine had a female doctor. For one it wasn’t appropriate to be seen naked by the opposite sex and two the doctor was more qualified to examine a patient of the same gender.
After a few background questions he examined Brad’s penis behind a curtain to block Mary from viewing her son’s genitals. Then he took some blood and asked Brad for a sperm sample. He led Brad to a toilet and handed him a cup.

It took only five minutes for Brad to collect the sample and he came back with the cup full. Both Mary and the doctor were surprised by the volume of sperm when Brad returned the cup back to Dr. Leeman.

“How many times did you do it in there kid?” Dr. Leeman asked.

“Just once Doc, why?” Brad answered.

“Well, that confirms my diagnosis. I’ll have to wait for the results of the tests to make a final diagnosis but I think your son has hyperspermia,” Dr. Leeman told Mary.

“What is it?” Mary asked, concerned. Her son apparently wasn’t lying, so now her motherly instincts were kicking in and she really was worried.

“Mrs. Parker, your son produces more sperm than average. From what I see here it’s 30 or 40 times average,” Dr. Leeman told her.

“And what can we do doctor?” she asked.

“Nothing, Mrs. Parker. Hyperspermia is not a bad thing. Bradley just has a much higher sex drive than other men. I don’t think he has anything to worry about,” Dr. Leeman answered her.

“But what about the pain doctor?” Mary asked.

“Well, men produce sperm continually and when they have sex or masturbate they only relieve a small amount of what they store. But Bradley here can’t store very much compared to what he produces. It’s my guess his testicles can only store 12 to 16 hours of sperm production and when they are full the pain is just a reminder to empty them,” the doctor explained.

“But he doesn’t have to masturbate, right doctor?” Brad’s mom wanted to know.

“No he DOES NOT have to masturbate. He’ll just suffer from excruciating pain and his body, in a bid to stop the pain, will probably cease to produce sperm. It could take weeks of torture for your son and he will be sterile as a result. If that is what you want he can stop masturbating,” the doctor said sarcastically. He couldn’t stand religious nut jobs like her who thought anything that brings pleasure was a sin. He was a good Christian and went to church every Sunday but his church was not as narrow-minded as some. The world evolves, so does Christianity he believed.

From that day on Mary closed her eyes to her son’s constant masturbation because the tests confirmed the doctor’s diagnosis. She avoided going into his room if she didn’t see him leave the house and asked him to wash his hands when he left his room every time.

Their lives continued on that way for some time, until the day her son became a hero.

Brad was a few month from being 17 at the time and on a trip with his school. Mary was sleeping when the phone rang at two in the morning. The jarring sound roused Mary out of a deep sleep and immediately brought panic with it. It was the hospital near where her son was staying with his school calling to inform her that Brad had been in an accident. He had suffered some physical injuries, but his life was not in danger. She woke up Christine and the two of them drove in a hurry to the hospital. When she arrived a nurse informed her that Brad had suffered burns and was asleep due to medication they had given him. His condition was stable and his injuries weren’t life threatening but the doctor would tell her more in the morning.

Mary and Christine stayed in Brad’s room until morning. Christine napped while Mary watched her son sleep. He had bandages all over his body but his hands had 3 or 4 layers of bandages. During the night Mrs. Abbot, Brad’s English teacher and the trip supervisor, came to see her and Brad.

“Your son is a hero,” she said. “Some boys were smoking in a closet before bed and tossed their cigarette butts without putting them out. The closet was filled with cleaning supplies. The firemen told me a mop caught fire and with all the chemicals the fire grew out of control. In a few minutes the area around the closet was on fire. The boys in Brad’s room woke up from the heat and left the room in a hurry. When they were nearly out of the building Brad noticed James Kovolsky wasn’t with them and headed back alone. The other boys were too afraid and assumed James was already out. But he wasn’t. He was the last to leave his room and a beam fell on him. He had one foot trapped under the beam. Brad tried to lift the beam but couldn’t so he apparently used a metal rod he found nearby as leverage. With the fire the rod was boiling hot but he managed to lift the beam. It cost him severe burns on his hands but he saved James’s life. Your son is a hero, Mrs. Parker. You should be proud of him.”

Proud she was, but worry was her main emotion. The nurse told her the injuries weren’t life threatening but nothing said he would be able to use his hands like before. She talked with Mrs. Abbot for an hour before the teacher had to go.

Around 8 a.m. a doctor, who looked to be 60 years old, came into the room. He shook Mary’s hand and spoke to her.

“Hi Mrs. Parker, I’m Dr. Crane. Your son suffers from second degree burns on his hands and first degree burns on other parts of his body. I want to reassure you that nothing suggests he will not recover fully and he can even go home today. The minor burns will heal in the next week or so but his hands will take a month to recover enough for him to use them. Do you plan on taking care of him yourself or hire a nurse? The treatment is easy enough but your son will need constant assistance because he can’t use his hands.”

“I’ll take care of him of course, doctor,” Mary said.

The doctor gave her specific instructions on the care Brad would need. She had to apply lotion on his body for the next five days and keep the bandages on his hands for 10 days, and then go see a doctor to follow-up. If everything went according to plan she would have to apply lotion on his hands for another two to three weeks. She was relieved to know Brad would be okay. She was sick all night worrying he would lose the use of his hands.

Later that day, Mary and her two children returned home. Christine told Brad she was jealous he would be missing a month of school. Brad wasn’t so thrilled because he would spend a month without playing video games or shooting hoops with his friends. He was sure he would be bored for an entire month just watching TV.

Mary made sure to check on Brad constantly. She even bought a baby monitor in case he needed to call her during the night. It was after dinner that the effects of the meds finally wore off. Brad started to feel a little pain from his hands but a worse pain from his groin. He hadn’t masturbated since the day before and his testicles were full.

He went to see his mother.

“Mom, it hurts,” he said to her.

“Does it hurt a lot? Dr. Crane said you would have some pain in your hands but to use pain killers only if the pain is unbearable,” she responded.

“No, Mom. It’s not my hands which hurt, it’s down there,” he said to her, using his bandaged hand to indicate his penis.

“Ohh,” she said, now that she understood.

“Can you help me Mom?” he asked her.

“Help you? You want me to
 ” She couldn’t even finish the sentence.

“I don’t know mom. Can you call the doctor to ask him?”

Call the doctor? Of course he wanted her to call the doctor. Her sweet son couldn’t ask her to do something so disgusting, would he?

The call to the doctor was quick. Dr. Leeman worked late every day so he was still in his office. His response was simple. The only way to remove the pain was masturbation and he couldn’t ask a nurse to do it. She had to find someone to do it. It was easy to say but who could she ask? She had a lot of friends from church but it would be humiliating to ask one of them. If Carlisle were here she’d ask him but he was away for another three months.
Her contemplation was cut off by Christine who told her she was going out to see her friends and would be home by 9. She climbed the stairs to see if Brad was alright. She hoped he could wait so she could find someone to help him. Unfortunately he was rolled into a ball on his bed trying to make the pain go away. That made the decision for her. She would sacrifice herself to help her son. She hoped God would understand.

“Alright, Brad. I called Dr. Leeman and there is only one way to help you. You have to be masturbated and nurses don’t do that so I have to do it,” she said to him.

He looked up at her in surprise. His mother would jerk him off? It was crazy but he was in so much pain he didn’t really care if she was his mother or a monkey, as long as he could cum.

“Now stand up. I’m going to touch your penis in a way a mother shouldn’t touch her son but don’t you dare show me anything other than respect after that or I won’t do it again. And I don’t care if you become sterile,” she said.

Mary knelt between her son’s legs and unzipped his jeans and took them off. There was a huge bulge in his boxers. When she drew his boxers down she couldn’t believe what she saw. Her son’s penis looked huge and very thick. It was the first penis she had seen erect and it looked to be 9 inches long and 2 to 3 inches in diameter. The two times she had had sex with her husband they had done it in the dark. She wasn’t sure how long her husband was but she was sure he wasn’t nearly as thick as Brad. She took a deep breath to settle her nerves but the odor of her son’s penis struck her at the same time. It was a good smell, a smell that made her feel really good, in fact.

She tentatively grabbed his penis. It was so hard and so hot. She started to stroke it but Brad stopped her.

“Mom, you have to lubricate my dick before you jerk me off,” he said to her.

“Language, Brad! It’s a penis and I masturbate you. It’s already awful enough for me, I don’t want you to use crude language as well,” she scolded him.

“Sorry Mom but everybody talks like that now. I even heard people at church use those words,” Brad told her.

“Alright, you can use that crude language when I’m touching you down there. I know men can’t help themselves when they are excited, but only when I’m helping you. Now what do I use for lubricant?” she asked him.

“Just use my pre-cum. I produce a lot so it’s enough to cover my entire dick,” he explained.

With that knowledge she reached for his dick head and spread his pre-cum all over his penis. Once it was slick she resumed her hand job. It was much easier for her now. She was actually fascinated by her son’s dick. She had never found the penises she saw in pictures pretty. But if she had to be honest she would say her son’s dick was beautiful and very manly. Her strokes became faster and five minutes after she started Brad felt he was about to cum.

“Mom, I’m cuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmiiiiiiiinnng,” he shouted.

This being the first hand job she ever gave, Mary didn’t think about where her son was going to ejaculate. That’s why when Brad shouted he was cumming Mary didn’t know what to do and just remained kneeling on the floor. Brad’s dick began to spit load after load of white, creamy cum. The first four spurts hit her right on the face. Surprised, she backed out a little and bent his dick downward so the next blows landed on her breasts, which were covered by her blouse.

When he was finished Brad looked down at his mom and saw her literally covered in cum. Her face had a white mask on it and even her hair was matted by cum. The top of her red blouse was now white and a lot of cum dripped on her jeans. She looked so hot at that moment his view of her started to change. She used to be just “Mom” and not a woman, but now seeing her drenched in cum he began to see her as a woman – and a hot one at that. But all of this took place in his subconscious mind so he didn’t notice it.

For Mary the experience was humiliating. Her son had just ejaculated on her. She was covered by her son’s semen. What’s more, part of the first spurt landed in her mouth and to avoid having more in it she closed her mouth without spitting it out first. At first she wanted to spit it out once he was finished but it tasted so good she swallowed it by accident. There was just one thing that made the fact she was covered by sperm bearable and it was the smell. At least it smelled good and didn’t cause her to want to vomit as she would’ve thought just minutes earlier.

Not knowing what to say she stood up and left the room. Once in her bathroom she took her clothes off and jumped in the shower. She spent 30 minutes just washing her hair and face because the water transformed the sperm into a sticky paste. Her shower finished, she put her pajamas on and went downstairs to the laundry room. She put her blouse, jeans, bra and panties in the machine, not caring for one second that she shouldn’t put delicates in with regular clothes. She programmed the hotter temperature and started it up. The experience was so dreadful that she had apparently even sweated around her crotch area. She noticed her panties were drenched before she put them too in the machine.

Meanwhile Brad was lying on his bed thinking. Because of his condition he grew up differently than his sister. Christine was like their mom. She didn’t date much because boys were only after one thing – the thing she would only give her husband. Brad didn’t think his sister masturbated because it was forbidden in the house and Christine admired their mother so she wouldn’t do anything to disappoint her. He, on the other hand, was allowed to jerk off so he had a completely different view of sex. He knew his mother didn’t want to acknowledge the fact he jerked off a lot and to keep being blind to that fact she only went into his room to put his clean clothes on his bed. She used to put them away in his closet but now she was afraid to find dirty magazines in it. Thanks to that he had a lot of porn in his room. He hid, not very well, magazines and some DVDs under his bed but the main source of his porn was his computer. He had an entire drive filled with it. He had it all, pictures, comics, movies, stories, hentais, animes.

Unlike his sister he was popular in school. Christine could be the high school prom queen with her beauty, but like her mom she wore nice clothes but nothing remotely sexy. She wasn’t friendly with the popular girls because they liked to party, date a lot and were sexually active. The boys didn’t chase her because even her big breasts and her pretty face didn’t make up for the fact that she was a prude. Everybody knew a date with her never included even a single kiss.

Brad, on the other hand, was on the basketball team and was pretty good at it. He was already on the varsity team even though he rode the bench. He was tall and muscular. His handsome face made him really popular with the girls. But he didn’t date much. With his sister being in the same school she would know if he went out with a girl. And she and his mom considered every girl in school a harlot because wearing a dress above knee length qualified you for the title. He really wanted to date those girls because they represented 95% of the girls at school and all the pretty ones were in that group. But doing so would piss off his mother big time. He loved his mother and didn’t want to disappoint her, and what’s more, home would be a living hell. That’s why his only girlfriend was a girl he met at church camp, and their activities never went further than kissing except the last night of the camp when she allowed him to touch her tits. They were little but so great.

And now he had gone further with a girl than ever before, and not just any girl, but his own mom. He received his first hand job from his mom. He couldn’t believe it. He even gave her a facial – something he’d always wanted to do to a girl but never thought one would let him. He didn’t know if his mother let him do that or if she was just surprised by his ejaculation. She seemed to be a little lost for what to do when she jerked him off. It had to be because she hadn’t done something like that for a long time. It couldn’t be her first time. He knew his parents hadn’t had sex since he was little. They had slept in different bedrooms ever since he could remember and he hadn’t heard anything sexual from the moment he knew what sex was.

Even with his bandaged hands he managed to put his boxers back on. His mother was probably freaked out by what had happened and it would be less awkward for her if he had his boxers on when she came back to help him put his pants back on.

The evening was spent in silence after that. She put his pants back on. She helped him pee and she even washed him in the shower. It wasn’t easy for her because Brad got hard during the shower and she had to masturbate him once again. The rest of the shower was easy enough. After wrapping his bandages with waterproof plastic bags she just had to wash his hair and scrub his body with a special soap. It reminded her of the time when he was little. The difference was the long tube of meat which rose between his legs. Strangely the second hand job was more awkward for her. She stroked his penis from the side and let him ejaculate in the shower. But this position was odd for her. It was so impersonal and clinical. She chose to not hire a nurse to treat him with love. She didn’t want her care to become soulless, and masturbating him in the shower like that was just that. If he thought she was forced to help him it could create a rift between them. She didn’t want that so she determined that the position she was in earlier was much better. It even felt more natural. She just had to find somewhere else for him to blast his seed.

The next morning Brad woke up with a piss hard on. He called his mom with the baby monitor and she came with a bowl in his room. She took his pajamas and boxers down and knelt between his legs. She began to stroke his dick and told him to warn her before he spurted his sperm. He really was full because it only took two minutes for him to announce he was ready. She took the bowl and aimed his dick toward it. She watched him discharge in the bowl what felt like gallons of semen. At the end the bowl was one-tenth full. She took a tissue and wiped his dick. Once he was clean she put his clothes back on.

“That was quick honey,” she remarked.

“Yeah, it’s always fast when I wake up but I will need to cum again after breakfast and this one will take a while,” he replied.

She chose to not say anything about his use of the word “cum.” Kids these days spoke like that and scolding her son while she gave him a hand job wouldn’t have much of an effect. As long as the words ‘fuck’ and ‘cock’ weren’t used she didn’t really mind his language. It even seemed appropriate.

He was right about the next one. It took her nearly 30 minutes to make him blast his semen. While she stroked him she was surprised to enjoy the experience. The only inconvenience was her knees, which hurt because she stayed in that position for a long time. Next time, she silently reminded herself, she would bring a cushion. What she really liked was the pleasure she brought to her son with her hands. She always thought masturbation was a shameful and nasty act but maybe she was wrong. It wasn’t nasty at all because a penis could be beautiful and the smell was very nice.

Once again she was amazed by the volume of semen he shot each time. He always filled one-tenth of the bowl. She cleaned his penis with a tissue and put his pants back on. She went to the bathroom to clean the bowl but once there she remembered how his semen tasted the day before. She couldn’t really like the taste of semen, could she? She had to verify so she dipped one finger in the bowl and put it in her mouth. It was delicious. She had never tasted something so good. Before she knew it she brought the bowl to her mouth and drank the contents of the bowl. After this she felt a shiver go through her body and her sex burning but once she put down the bowl these feelings were followed by guilt and shame. She couldn’t believe she just drank her son’s sperm. She cleaned the bowl and went to her room where she cried over what she did.

But she couldn’t stay all day in her room. She had to help Brad pee and then she had to prepare lunch. Mary also had to feed Brad but it lifted her spirits because it reminded her when Brad was a baby. She didn’t eat much herself because she wasn’t hungry. Brad asked for another hand job after lunch. Mary brought a cushion but she was uncomfortable the whole time. She still enjoyed the session but she shouldn’t. She would have to confess the next time she went to church. That time and all the other times she masturbated her son she flushed his semen down the toilet.

When she went to sleep that night she couldn’t believe she had masturbated her son seven times. And the volume of semen he produced was identical each time. Unbelievable, but now she understood why he was in pain when he didn’t play with himself. His testicles were just big enough for holding one ejaculation so if he didn’t relieve himself often enough his testicles would swell up big time. No wonder he couldn’t stand the pain.

That night she dreamt of her son’s muscular body and his big and thick penis. In the morning she noticed her panties were wet once again like she peed a little during the night. “Weird,” she thought.

For the next two days the pattern was the same except the masturbation lasted longer and longer every time. She felt like her days were filled with hand jobs and nothing else. She had barely the time to cook but not to clean, so the house got dirtier every day. She had to call in reinforcements. She called her mom, Eleanor, and asked her for help.

Eleanor, who lived over a hundred miles from Mary, would be sleeping in the guest room until Brad was healed. Her plan was to ask her mom do the cleaning and cooking while Mary took care of her son. Hopefully Eleanor wouldn’t learn about the masturbation.

Eleanor Tanner was shocked to hear about her grandson’s injury. It took three days for Mary to call her to tell her the news. And it was only because she needed help. She was more than happy to help Bradley because she loved him and got along well with him. He was the only “normal” person in her daughter’s family and she was sure she knew him better than his own mother. For years she wished to have him stay with her during school vacation but Mary never agreed. She was afraid of her mother’s influence on him.

Like most mothers and daughters, Mary had issues with her mom. Mary thought her mother changed when her father died.

Eleanor was a good Christian. She lost her virginity at 16, the night of her wedding. Sex was a pleasure for her, and her husband Bill was a good lover. The first years of their marriage they had sex every day and often several times a day. The only times they didn’t have sex was when she couldn’t due to her pregnancies. After five years of marriage and three babies they reduced their love making to five times a week, because taking care of a family was exhausting, and that number didn’t change until Bill passed away seven years ago. Since then she had had a two year relationship with a man her age that started four years after Bill passed away. Charles was a good man and Mary accepted his relationship with Eleanor after a few months. But Eleanor left Charles for Rick. Rick was 10 years younger than Eleanor. Eleanor changed a lot during her time with Rick. She quit wearing pants and only wore short skirts or short dresses. Her cleavage became much wider and stockings were mandatory. She also wore five inch heels at least. Eleanor was also more comfortable with talking about sex in intimate detail.

Eleanor and Mary didn’t get along when Bill was still alive but they still saw each other regularly. But since Eleanor started dating Rick Mary didn’t see her mother much. Even though Rick dumped Eleanor for a younger woman her behavior didn’t change so Mary still avoided Eleanor.

Eleanor always tried to change her daughter’s point of view about sex. When Bill was still alive she was encouraging her to have sex with her husband on a regular basis. Restraining one’s sexual urges could be dangerous according to her. Mary believed it to be a lot of nonsense. But since Eleanor started dating Rick her sex talk became more detailed.

She was now 55 and thanks to a lot of exercise she was still fit. The only things that gave her age away were her gray hair, her sagging huge breasts and a few wrinkles on her face. But a hazel brown dye hid her gray hair and a little cosmetic surgery made the wrinkles disappear and her breasts bigger and perkier. She didn’t go overboard with the surgery, so only the bigger wrinkles disappeared and she only gained a cup size for her breasts. It was during the fling with Rick and it was an attempt to keep him attracted to her. It was foolish but the results were great so she had no regrets.

When Eleanor arrived at her daughter’s house she was greeted warmly by Brad. He gave her a hug and asked her why she was there. When she told him she was there to help his mother take care of him he blushed and stayed silent. Apart from his hands he looked alright so she wondered why Mary needed help.

Mary and Christine came to say hello. They were more reserved in their greeting. A light hug and a kiss on the cheek were all she received from them. It pained her to not be close with her daughter and granddaughter. She was as close with Mary as she was with her other children when Mary was little, but since she entered puberty their relationship changed. Mary became introverted and lost her friends. She found solace in the Church and it only made things worse. Eleanor knew the reason for this change but even though she tried everything she couldn’t get through to her daughter. Eleanor was a beautiful woman and she experienced what her daughter went through during puberty but to a lesser degree than her daughter. Mary was not just beautiful, she had a body men would qualify as made for sex. At 14 she was already a D cup and grown men would hit on her. Every man she met stared at her with lust. Even her teachers couldn’t stop staring at her. Her girlfriends were jealous because although they were interested in boys, all the boys only had eyes for Mary.

Instead of trying to resolve the issue with her friends she spent less and less time with them, so of course the rumors started. No one thought she spent that time alone in her room so they made up reasons for her not being with them. The rumors about her being a slut emerged and Mary’s solution for all of that was to dress unflatteringly and pray to God.

Christine was not as beautiful as Mary when she was a teenager but she had been brainwashed by Mary since she was a little girl. So in the end she was just like her mom even though she never experienced what her mom did.

With Eleanor here Mary spent all of her time with Brad. Masturbating Brad five or six times a day turned in to 10 or more. It seemed to her that she could do it 10 times an hour and he wouldn’t run out of sperm. Eleanor took care of the groceries, the cleaning and the cooking and rarely saw Brad or Mary. They spent most of the days in his room and when she asked them why they spent so much time up there they told her Mary had to massage Brad a lot during the day to ease his pain. It smelled fishy to her because even Christine had no idea what went on up in Brad’s room. She tried to go in his room when they were there but it was locked. That’s why she went on internet to learn how to jam a lock open. The next time Mary drove Brad to the doctor for a checkup she jammed his door lock so that it couldn’t lock anymore.

Meanwhile Mary and Brad were at the hospital. It had been a week since he had gone home and the doctor wanted to see how he was healing. His hands looked much better so the doctor took the bandages off. Brad still had to be careful because his skin was very fragile and could crack at any moment. Furthermore he couldn’t move his fingers much without pain. He received a prescription for a lotion. On the way home Brad turned to his mom.

“Mom, I really could use your help, if you know what I mean.”

Mary of course knew.

“We just have to stop at the pharmacy but once we’re home we’ll go straight to your room,” she responded.

Eleanor heard the car pull into the driveway while she was preparing lunch. She didn’t even have the time to wash her hands to greet them before she saw her daughter and grandson rushing up the stairs. She waited five minutes before going up to his room. Once in front of his room she suddenly opened the door and what she witnessed was horrifying. Her daughter Mary was on her knees in front of Brad with his dick in her hand. Mary was jerking off her son!

“Oh my god,” she said, before rushing out of the room and the house.

Mary and Brad were shocked and stayed frozen in the position they were in. The tension gradually diminished and Mary released his penis.

“That’s not good,” Mary said.

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