Just few informations for the females submissives

The submissive must know the 12 rules by heart and recite them every morning in order to soak it up!

1 – With your eyes down in my presence, you will keep.

The submissive will strive never to cross the gaze of her Master, who is unworthy of looking at him. The exceptions authorized by the Master must be perceived by the submissive as a reward of which she is not worthy. It will therefore be necessary to keep its eyes on the ground as soon as the Master in his presence. This provision will have the effect of reminding him, if need be, of his intrinsic status as a submissive.

2 – Never will my decisions be challenged.

The submissive, who has full confidence in her Master, therefore, defers in full to him and his judgment. What he does or says is universal truth. In the case of incomprehension of the Master’s intention, the submissive will accept without relenting or procrastinating to lend herself to the Master’s demands. Since the submissive has confidence in his Master, what he undertakes can only be for the good of the submissive and his pleasure in him.

3 – You’ll never cross your legs.

In order to be open at all times, the submissive will forbid herself to stand with her knees tight and, even more so, cross-legged. In the same spirit, the submissive will hold her sex, anus and armpits, free of incongruous hair, unless the Master enjoys a fleece in either of these places. Similarly, the wearing of underwear will be prohibited unless the Master expresses the desire. He may at leisure allow the wearing of bra and panties, or one of the two, or none.

4 – A humble and respectful attitude you will keep.

To demonstrate his submission, the slave will constantly adopt a respectful tone and behaviour to address the Master. Thus the words will be wisely chosen, will never be aggressive, and even less show at any time any anger or sign of impatience. It is obvious that the imperative mode of addressing the Master is prohibited. In the same spirit, the wearing of jewelry will be done in a non-ostentatious manner. The submissive will strive to position herself permanently behind her Master. She will also observe that she is always at a level below him, physically. So when the Master is seated, the submissive will sit at her feet, and so on.

5 – With each offence, your punishment yourself you will fix.

Of course the Master will keep a critical and attentive eye to the actions of his submissive. Sometimes a mistake or error of behavior related to his status is committed by the submissive. But the Master may also voluntarily suggest to his submissive that the fault has not been identified, in order to verify the integrity of compliance with this rule. The submissive shall therefore, as soon as possible, inform her Master of any misconduct for which she may have been guilty, and demand the just punishment.

6 – Your free time to my pleasure and well-being will devote you.

The slave will have to devote most of his time to devoting himself properly to his Master. She will constantly worry about the well-being of her Chosen One, striving to serve him as her status as a servant obliges her to do so. Thus, at the table, for example, she will have to ensure that the Master always has his full glass, bread at his disposal. She will serve him the best pieces, keeping for her only the remains that he agrees to leave him. If the urge takes him, the Master will make his slave take his pittance, in a bowl, kneeling at his feet. Or even throw a bone at him from time to time, the pleasure of a submissive being to be demeaned, demeaned to the status of a pet that the Master can indifferently caress or repel with a kick.

7 – Irreproachable and always adorned you will be.

The slave will make sure to be permanently desirable for his Master. Therefore she will refrain from presenting herself to Him in neglected dress, but on the contrary will strive to always appear in her best light. In the event that family obligations are opposed to this precept, the slave will immediately apologise to the Master, and will make sure to remedy this unacceptable situation very quickly.

8 – By lie or omission, the truth you do not cross-dress.

It is out of the question to tolerate any breach of this rule. Under no circumstances should the submissive conceal, or disguise, the pure truth of her Master. Whatever the seriousness of the facts, or the words in question, the submissive shall inform her immediately of the Master, who will judge in all fairness the merit and harshness of the punishment deserved.

9 -All your proudly imposed outfits you will wear.

The domination/Submission game is not limited (or should not be confined) to organized evenings alone. If the submissive is sincere, she will live her submission at every moment. It will bear with it the marks of its belonging and its condition. The leather collar with a ring to hang a leash seems the most appropriate in this matter. Visible to all, it can be sufficiently decorative while being relatively explicit and leave doubt. This will add to the confusion of the submissive and keep her in a state of slavery. He may ask his submissive, to his delight, to go out short dressed, and to wear a provocative neckline in order to offer the spectacle of his body to strangers, in places and circumstances that will please the Master. It will remain permanently organizer and of course, guarantor of the security of the submissive, in these exhibition games.

10 – With anyone in our games even behavior you will adopt.

The Master can lend or rent and in the extreme, sell or give his submissive to whomever he sees fit. In this case, what the new beneficiary does or says has, in the eyes of the slave, exactly the same value as if these gestures and words came from the Master. The submissive will therefore have to carry out with the same enthusiasm and fervor, the demands of the new Master.

11 – From your body, no access will you deny me.

Since a submissive is reduced to the status of a sexual object, the Master can use her as she pleases, whenever he sees fit. The submissive will therefore sleep naked. This facilitates the Master’s intromission at night, if he is envious. From time to time she will be tied up in a not too comfortable position, but leaving her various orifices within reach of her Master. The introduction of various objects can be envisaged, for the pleasure of the Master to know his slave thus possessed permanently. On the other hand, it is expressly accepted by the submissive that no sexual pleasure, whether by masturbation, by one or another partner, is acceptable without consent and even more, without it being the master’s initiative. On the slave’s menstrual days, the slave will inform his Master and maintain his anal orifice lubricated with an adequate product, so that it is penetrable at every moment without effort for the Master. He will be able to dispose of his subject’s mouth or anus regardless of that as long as it is not available vaginally. Of course, if the Master takes pleasure in possessing his submissive during this period he will be able to dispose of it as he pleases, even if the slave has little taste for sexual practices during his days of indisposition.

12 – From your punishments, you will always thank me.

The Master will have his subject in full. He can have fun with his body as well as his mind at leisure. Thus, if he takes the urge to subject the submissive to suffer corporal punishment, he will not have to justify it. All the more so if the submissive has failed to do one of the obligations relating to her status. The submissive will be obliged to thank the Master for the attention he has kindly given him during this punishment. In the same way, he will be able to make her sleep in a place of detention, in minimum conditions of comfort. This will also be thanked for the subject.

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