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Taking the Miki

Miki was not the prettiest girl in the place, and she clearly didn’t want my business. But there was something about her, and her mixed messages drove me crazy.

Some old Chinese guy was standing at the counter of Butterlies brothel as I walked in. Alex was standing in the doorway to the right. The receptionist asked me if I had come for anyone in particular and I said no.

“INTRO LADIES!” she yelled.

A short, stocky, blonde girl walked into the waiting room. She was cute and she had nice legs. She gave me something to think about.

The next girl was clearly Japanese. She had her black hair tied up and she wore a slinky black dress. She looked completely disinterested and shook my hand reluctantly and said “Miki”. As she walked out I could see she had a nice figure and nice legs. She was a bit taller than the average Japanese girl and not as stout about the hips and thighs. I thought she was a possibility. The fact that she treated me mean made me keen. Sometimes, the girls who get more business than they want, are popular for a reason.

There was a cute Thai girl called Lucy in a black and white dress.

Then Alex appeared at the door. Alex is a tall, dark brown and buxom Sri Lankan babe I’ve fucked before. She was wearing a figure-hugging white silk dress with a green floral pattern. Her long straight legs looked fabulous and she crossed them gracefully at the ankles as she leaned casually against the door frame.

“You’ve been here before, haven’t you?” She arched an eyebrow at me, as if to say, “And don’t pretend you don’t remember fucking me, you naughty boy”. I nodded. “Then you know about my service?” I nodded and she turned to walk away. She walks like a woman who knows men are looking, and knows that they like what they see.

The receptionist came in and asked me if I had decided. I was tossing up between Lucy and Miki. Alex sizzles in the intro, but she’s a cold fish after she’s got your cash. I wasn’t going to make the same mistake again.

I threw caution to the wind. “Miki.”

She led me into the oriental room at the top of the stairs. I got in the shower. I had watched her undress and her figure was not as lithe or buxom as the impression created during the intro. She had small B cup boobs and a roll of fat around her waist. Her face was very plain and she had those dull, black Asian eyes that are unfathomable.

An air conditioner blew on me when I stepped out of the shower cabinet and chilled my wet skin. I dried quickly and tugged my cock to counteract the shrinking effects of nerves and cold. She asked me what it was like outside. She didn’t look at all interested in my answer, but at least she was making some small effort at small talk.

“It’s sunny and hot outside, but it’s cold in here. Where are you from?”


“I thought so.”

The drying done, I hopped on the bed next to where Miki was seated at the edge. She was staring fixedly off into the middle distance as if she wasn’t even aware of my presence. She roused herself slowly from her reverie and turned towards me.

She started to kiss my torso in a way that was slow and soft and sensual. I know every girl starts this way, but Miki’s lips and kisses got me going more than usual. I ran my hands over her shoulders. Her skin was young and smooth. She feels nicer than she looks. After her studied indifference, the gentle affection of her kiss was a surprise.

She had big thimble sized teats on her little boobs. I pinched and tugged at them and rolled them between my thumb and forefinger to feel their size and firmness. They felt great and she seemed to like it. She climbed on top of me and offered her tits to my mouth. I gently sucked each nipple in turn. She moaned quietly and let me swap back and forth between them. I licked them and kissed them. Then I closed my lips firmly on them. First one, then the other. She kept moaning and writhing, like she was enjoying it. I was enjoying it too. Finally, I took the big hard teat in my teeth and gently bit it. She moaned with pleasure. When I released her she put her other nipple in my mouth and I gently nibbled that one too. I was very hard. This was sexy stuff and we were both getting into it.

She was kissing me and grinding her crotch against mine the whole time. Finally, she pulled away.

“Fuck, you’re hot!” I blurted out. The tone of surprise in my voice probably bordered on insulting. She shot me a blazing look, but said nothing. It could have been lust or hate. In the intensity of those few seconds I knew that I could stare into those eyes for a century and never know what was on her mind.

She started to back away down my body, kissing everything on the way down. Those tantalising kisses. She carefully dragged her breasts over my erection. I tensed in the hope that she would suck me bareback when she got down there. She looked like she was considering it. She sucked my balls sensuously. She looked up at me at one point and barred her teeth around one of my nuts. She had trusted me with her nipples and now I had to trust her with my balls. Quid pro quo.

Ultimately, she decided not to suck me without a condom. She turned side on and I grabbed at her tits and her ass as she applied the condom and took my cock in her mouth. I ran my right hand over her ass and let my fingers run over her anus and her pussy. With my left hand, I plucked at her closest nipple.

I prised apart her pussy lips and probed the entrance to her vagina. She was not wet. All her mysterious sex appeal and groaning must be just an act. I expected her to stop me from touching her dry pussy. When she didn’t, I found her clit and rubbed it with a gentle, circular motion. She moaned and I could tell from little pauses in her sucking that I was distracting her. I smiled at my small success against the Japanese ice maiden. I rubbed her clit a bit harder and a bit faster. She paused longer and gave an involuntary groan that was muffled by my cock in her mouth. My fingers wandered back to the entrance to her vagina and I was surprised and pleased to discover that she was now very wet. I fingered her slippery wetness and my cock throbbed larger in her mouth. Turning her on was turning me on. I pinched her nipple harder and it stiffened too. She resumed sucking my cock.

I pulled my hand out from behind her, where her ass was obstructing my arm, and reached in between her thighs from under her belly. Most Japanese girls are proudly hairy, but Miki was freshly waxed with not a whisker on her. Her nude mound was puffy and silky soft. I spread her wet lips and spread her wetness over her clit. Then I slid my middle finger deep into her pussy. She was warm and tight and tropically wet. She kept sucking and moaning and got wetter as I fingered her. I was moaning too.

I can’t remember having this much fun with foreplay with a whore before. The only thing that brought it to an end was my desperate need to fuck her.

I climbed on top and entered her easily. She would not look at me. Her eyes were open, but she looked off to the side. I studied her plain face. I put my arms beneath her shoulders and kissed her. Her body tensed in passive resistance, but her wetness gave the game away. I slid in easily, all the way. But it did not feel deep enough in this position. This was not the desperate, hard-fucking relief we both needed after that foreplay. I sat back and held her behind the knees. Then I suggested doggie. She did not seem convinced, but agreed.

I stood beside the bed and she backed up. Her waist fell away below her and she had a gorgeous shape in this position. Her asshole puckered above my cock as it slid into her pussy. The bed was on castors and it moved as I started to pound her hard. I pulled her back by the hips and gripped her firmly to hold her and the bed steady.

There was a large wall mirror opposite us. She refused to look in it. Refused to look at me. Instead she hung her head down and looked at the bed. I was very tanned from the sun and she was very white. I liked the view in the mirror almost as much as I liked looking down at my cock sliding between the cheeks of Miki’s shapely ass.

I stared at her reflection. She had untied her hair and her long black bob hung about her face, swinging vigorously as I fucked her hard. I wanted her to look up and look at me in the mirror. But she just grunted and hung her head as I grunted and pounded her pussy. Was she hanging her head in shame? The thought crossed my mind. I reached underneath her to pinch and pull those big, hard nipples to get her attention. But she just gasped and her pussy lubricated some more. If she was ashamed, why was she so wet?

Her mixed signals were driving me crazy, and the harder I fucked her, the wetter she got. She started to whimper like an anime character. Her body jolted at the blows from my pelvis and she tensed to withstand them. Then she started to push back. Her head raised slightly, but her curtain of black hair hid most of her face and all I could see were those mysterious, defiant eyes. Lust or hate?

I started to come.

Then I pounded her even harder. I pumped until the last drop before finally withdrawing. I stood there puffing with a fat cock and a full condom. She turned around to deal with the condom.

“Thank you,” I panted.

She looked up at me and smiled for the first time. It was a smile that completely transformed her face. Suddenly she looked happy and pretty.

“Thank you.” She was still smiling as she said it.