Surfing then Sex

For years I’ve wanted to surf just wearing speedos but nobody does it. On Monday, with a little bit of peer pressure I decided to just do it. Marc, one of my members decided to join me and as he paddled out in his red speedo I knew it was going to be a fun day.

I have been thinking about going surfing just wearing speedos for years but I’ve never had the courage. On Monday I finally sacked up.

The weather forecast for Monday was good and I’d go to the point at Birdie Beach, a nude beach north of where I live. It is a quiet beach, particularly during the week and I haven’t seen too many guys surfing there so chances were that I’d have the place to myself. Some peer would be nice though so, I mentioned on my blog asking if anyone would like to join me.

One of my new members shot me an email saying he would love to go for a speedo surf. We shot some emails back and forth. His name is Marc, mid-thirties, lives in Sydney (90 minutes south of where I live), plays waterpolo, grew up surfing, loves speedos but has never been surfing wearing just speedos. He knew the location I had in mind and said he could be up there by ten o’clock or so. We shared some photos and Marc looks pretty darn good in his waterpolo uniform/speedo.

Monday morning I woke up early and the weather looked good. I could decide what speedo to wear though…. I have a history with a pair of blue AussieBums (I was wearing them when I had my first threesome) but they don’t have any elastic in the waist so they are tough to get to fit right. My go to speedo swimming these days are a pair of ADIDAS three-stripe speedos but they are kinda boring for such a momentous event as my first day speedo surfing. I came to decide on wearing a skimpy pair of AussieBums that have a narrow side. I don’t wear these to the pool when lap swimming because they are just a little too skimpy. They would be perfect for speedo surfing.

I got to the beach just after nine in the morning and the place was deserted, not a single car in the parking lot and I had the beach all to myself as far as I could see. There were no other surfers either.

Sometimes the carpark gets crowded later in the day so I grabbed my towel and surfboard (it is a 7 foot mini-mal) and walked down the short path to the beach. There must be something in my speedo fetish that every time I pull down my shorts to reveal my speedos in public my heart skips a beat. Maybe it is because of all the naughty experiences I have had in speedos that my sub conscience thinks that something naughty is going to happen. Now was the moment of truth…. I tucked my car keys in my towel, removed my shirt and slipped off my shorts.

Five minutes later, I was sitting out the back (out the back refers to being out past the breakers). The feeling of only wearing speedos always gives a sense of freedom and as I sat up on the board it felt amazing, even if a little naked.

It still wasn’t ten o’clock but as I looked back to the beach I saw a guy next to my towel with his surfboard on the ground. When the guy stripped down to a pair of red speedos it was obvious that was Marc. It definitely looked strange seeing a guy with a surfboard under his arm only wearing a little speedo, but it looked hot as well. Marc looked just as he did from his photos which was really hot. He paddled out to me.

While Marc was paddling out my mind wandered to thoughts of what the two of us would get up to. So, by the time he pulled up next to me, my cock had stirred a little inside the lycra of my speedo.

As Marc paddled up to me he sat up on his board (a short board) and we shook hands. We both commented how amazing it felt and we complimented each other on looking pretty darn hot in our speedos. After that it was just like hanging out with my mates surfing.

Two hours later we were like old friends. Marc has a long time boyfriend who is a bit old than he is, like twenty years older. They both have an agreement to play ‘outside’ their relationship and since Marc’s boyfriend was out of the country on business Marc was free to play and his boyfriend thought the idea of him going surfing with me was pretty hot. Marc’s boyfriend doesn’t share his speedo fetish so Marc had bought him membership to my site to help encourage it while he was away on business. I had never thought of someone buying membership as a gift to someone else but I love it.

Marc had to get back to Sydney and asked if we should surf for another hour or maybe go to a quiet spot that he knows about…. I liked the idea of finding a quiet spot somewhere for some speedo fun.

We both caught the same wave into the beach which by now had a few people (maybe eight) hanging out between us and the carpark. Of course people were looking at the two of us as we exited the water and headed for our towels. I went for my shorts to put them on but Marc was disappointed and told me to ‘man up’. I’m a sucker for speedo peer pressure so threw my towel and shorts over my surfboard and we walked to the carpark where there were more people hanging around.

Rinsing off in the shower we had a bit of an audience. Marc looked amazing in his red speedo and I was aware of just how skimpy my black speedo was but nobody bothered us. Marc had parked his beautiful Mercedes Benz next to my old truck and he told me to just follow him, his quiet spot was it was only five minutes away. We were both still only wearing our speedos and nothing more.

There was a partly overgrown old road that I had never noticed that I followed Marc Benz down. It opened into a grassy clearing which was really not that far from the beach behind the dunes. I’ve got a feeling Marc had planned for this because he pulled out a picnic blanket and laid it on the ground. We jumped each other and began making out as we fell onto the blanket. The front of our speedos were being stretched in no time as we both got erections.

Breaking off from our kissing Marc said the he had read about me being a bottom and asked if he could fuck me. My reply was in the affirmative of course. Then with a giggle Marc asked me if he could fuck me while I bent over the Benz, it was really his boyfriends car. My reply was in the affirmative of course. I got up, undid the drawstring on my speedos, put both hands on the bonnet (hood) of the black Mercedes and bent over offering up my arse to Marc. He grabbed condom and lube from the passenger side of the car.

While he was in the car getting the sex supplies he said he had one more request…. would I mind if he took a photo of me bent over that he could share with his boyfriend? My reply was in the affirmative

By the time Marc took a couple of photos, pulled his cock out of his red speedo, put a condom on and lubed it up my arse was aching to have him inside me. Finally he was behind me pulling my speedo down. As Marc was lining his cock up with the opening of my arsehole he told me that his boyfriend is a top only and it has been more than a year since he fucked someone arse. I was about to tell him that I was happy to be of assistance as he slowly slid inside me and I finished the sentence with a gasp.

The feeling of Marc sliding in and out of me, with his hands on my hips was heaven. He was in no rush and took his time. After maybe fifty strokes in and out of my arse Marc reached around for my cock. Despite my speedo being pulled down to reveal my arse my cock was still inside my speedos. I helped Marc out and freed it. I also helped Marc out by changing positions from bending over to standing up a little more.

He started jerking me off.

It wasn’t going to take me fifty strokes to cum particularly when Marc whispered in my ear that he wanted me to shoot my hot creamy load of cum all over his boyfriends car. My reply was in the affirmative. When I started cumming my first rope was a good one and shot out maybe two feet from the head of my cock on to the bonnet of the black Mercedes Benz.

With each spasm of my orgasm I could feel my arsehole constrict around Marc’s cock and his increase in stroking speed indicated that he felt it as well. As my cum shots slowed to a dribble, Marc began his own orgasm and it was intense. During his orgasm, Marc brought his hand up to my mouth and I tasted my cum that had dribbled on to his hand. It was and amazing orgasm for both of us. Catching my breath I bend over the car again and Marc slowly pulled out of me. He wiped the rest of my cum from his hand on the car which had a bit of a mess on it.

We both cleaned up. I had brought my AussieBum Portseas (the blue ones I had my first threesome in) and I changed in to them since the ones I was wearing had globs of lube on the back and some globs of cum on the front. When Marc saw this he changed into a pair of the same speedos. He said he had bought them after reading about my exploits. A photo of the mess we had made was taken and we both lied down on the blanket after Marc poured us both a post sex, post surfing scotch.

Half an hour later we were both fucking again and ruined those speedos as well.

Marc asked me if it was OK if he shared all the details of our day with his boyfriend which I thought was hot. I asked Marc if it was OK if I wrote about it and shared it on my sites which he said was totally OK. So, I hope you guys enjoyed it, I know I did. I have posted some photos on my blog if you need any visual assistance…