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This story is the property of the author. It may be redistributed, copied and stored without changes, though it is not to be used by commercial web sites without my permission. Using this material on a commercial site without my permission will be followed up with legal action. This fictional story was written for the entertainment of adults and should not be viewed by those under the legal age.

This is a story of casual, unprotected sex, and is a work of fiction. In real life, use a condom, damnit! Unwanted babies, HIV and all sorts of lesser sexual diseases await the idiot who “dips his wick” or “rides the rod” with impunity and without protection.

Suggestible (Mm+f, mc, inter, impreg)

by Krosis of the Collective

Nicole Dillon sat on the couch and sipped her beer. She didn’t know many people at the party personally, and was feeling a little self-conscious. The music was loud and booming, and again she wondered to herself why she had come.

But she knew the answer to that: Mike had asked her. It was his house, and he was one of the most popular guys in school — a straight-A senior student, star football player, and handsome. He had come up to her in the hall at school and asked her to his party, right out of the blue — and he knew her name! She gazed at his firm jaw line, winning smile and wavy sandy-brown hair and stammered an acceptance.

Nicole knew that she was attractive…now, anyway. Over the summer her braces were removed and her skin had cleared up. She had been away in Hawaii for the holidays and her previously pasty, skinny body was toned and tanned from the swimming and sun. Her previously mousy hair had also been lightened from the extended sunbathing and made silky via a change in hair care products. She had been the ugly duckling but now she was the swan. Still, Mike’s invitation had come as a shock since she was just a sophomore.

She had spent the rest of the week in a somewhat manic state, shopping, finding just the right thing to wear to the weekend get-together. She had settled on a short, sheer burgundy dress that showed off her (now) shapely legs and other curves. Though her breasts were still small, she had obtained one of those water bras that made it look as though she had “more to offer”. Once her mother saw her in the new outfit she insisted on a trip to the doctor’s office. Shortly thereafter Nicole had a diaphragm and a crash refresher course in sex education. Well, at least her Mom hadn’t forbidden her to wear the dress, or worse, told her she couldn’t go to the party. Good old Mom.

Where was Mike, anyway? She had seen him head upstairs with some of his friends when she arrived, but he had made himself scarce ever since. As she rose from the couch and glided to the stairs, she swerved to avoid a beefy, drunken jock as he waved his arms about to emphasize his almost incomprehensively slurred story to his buddies.

In the mirror on the landing she saw Mike briskly walk by. She quickly headed to the top, then followed in the same direction, looking in each of the bedrooms as she passed. Nothing. Where…?

She heard a muffled laugh from on high and looked up. A folding ladder built into a ceiling trap door was there, leading to the attic. A swaying string dangled down invitingly.

Swallowing nervously, she moved to the side and pulled on the string. The trap door opened and the ladder came down smoothly. There was light from up there, and the voices had quieted.

She called up: “Mike?” and started to climb the ladder, suddenly aware that raising her arms in this fashion caused her dress to ride up higher than was decent. At least there was no one below to see…

She poked her head up into the attic, surprised at how comfortable the place looked: carpeted, with stylish lamps (even a lava lamp!) and cushy couches — it was another living room!

“Welcome to the rumpus room, Nicole!” Mike said as he rose from one of the couches. He offered his hand and helped her up the rest of the way, and she quickly used her free hand to pull the hem of her dress back down. Then she noticed the other guys in the room.

They were all looking at where her thighs and the bottom of her panties had been showing. She immediately flushed. She recognized Clevon, another player on the football team, black and well muscled, wearing his team jacket. She also recognized Mr. Best, her English teacher, in his late 30’s and dressed nicely for the party. What was he doing here? The last person, however…

“This is Charlie, from my computer class”, said Mike, as if reading her mind. She flashed Charlie an embarrassed smile. He was somewhat short and skinny, with greasy brown hair and almost stereotypical glasses. He was a nerd if ever there was one.

Mike had taken advantage of her distraction by surreptitiously setting the lock on the trap door with his foot. “Have a seat, Nicole,” he said. She looked down and realized that he was still holding her hand, and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She paused and just looked at him in his tight jeans and stylish retro bowling-style shirt. He guided her to the couch and she sat down, again adjusting her dress so it wouldn’t ride up on the soft cushions.

The other guys were still looking at her hungrily. She looked back to Mike, who sat next to her.

“So, uh…what were you guys doing in here?” she asked, trying to break the ice.

“Word games, actually. Bob’s idea”, replied Clevon.

Bob? Oh, Mr. Best. He was always one of her favorite teachers. It was kind of weird to see him at a student’s party, though.

Mr. Best (Bob!) leaned forward. “Want to play?” he asked.


“Okay, here’s what you have to do: recite a passage from this book and don’t make any mistakes while Mike tries to distract you by whispering in your ear.” He handed her The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer.

Whisper in my ear? That shouldn’t be too tough; well, I guess it depends on what he whispers, she thought mischievously.

She opened the book to a random page and started reading aloud:
“In th’olde days of the King Arthur,
Of which that Britons speaken greet honor,
All was this land fulfilled of, uh, fayery.
The elf-queen, with her jolly compainie,
Daunced full oft in many a green…um, mede.”

Her pronunciation was way off. As she continued Mike leaned close, causing her heart to race, and whispered into her ear: “Nicole, I want you to listen to me very carefully…”

She continued reading aloud. Though Mike’s proximity was incredibly thrilling, she wasn’t going to lose the game by seeming to be a lovestruck girl!

“This was the olde opinion, as I, uh, read;
I speke of many hundred yeres ago.
But now kan no man see none elves…mo?”

She looked up at Bob, who nodded. Mike continued to whisper. She did her best to ignore him, but her subconscious mind listened while her conscious mind was distracted.

Finally after a few minutes she was done the page. It had been difficult to concentrate with the object of her affection trying to get her attention with his whisperings. She felt odd, dreamy. Incomprehensible strings of Mike’s words echoed in her head. Mike got off the couch and knelt down in front of her.

“Nicole? Can you hear me?” he asked.

“Yes”, she replied slowly.

“Nicole…umm…” Mike looked around at the others, then decided: “Cluck like a chicken.”

Charlie the nerd guffawed at this. She was shocked. What, did he think he had hypnotized her or something? Well, fine. She took a deep breath and let out a big “buck buck BUCKAW!” Charlie fell sideways off the couch laughing as the others chuckled. They had had a few beers before she arrived.

Nicole figured they would probably try something like feeling up her tits as they worked up their courage in their “hypno games”. Well, while her water bra would probably feel real through the dress, she didn’t want to chance it. She would yell “BOO!” and scare the hell out of them if they tried anything. Silly boys…

“Are you a virgin, Nicole?” asked Bob, leaning forward. His eyes drilled into hers.

She again answered, her voice a monotone. She wasn’t a virgin. Last year on a band ski trip she had fooled around with a trumpet player. Bob asked for details, and she provided: the boy’s powerful, talented lips had thrilled her and they made quick love (safe sex with a condom, of course) with him cumming within a couple of minutes. The guy hadn’t been all that attractive, however — with her ugly duckling looks back then they had been in the same “league”.

Now why had she even answered that question? That was private!

“Have you brought birth control tonight, Nicole?” Mike asked. His hands had moved to her knees.

“I have a diaphragm in, and condoms in my purse.”

“Why the overkill, Nicole? Wouldn’t one or the other be fine?” Mike pressed.

“Yes, but I’m right between periods right now. I’m ovulating…it’s really dangerous and I don’t want to get pregnant.”

Mike’s eyes drilled into hers. “You won’t have any sex tonight, though. You should take the diaphragm out. Isn’t it uncomfortable?”

She thought about it for a moment. It WAS uncomfortable.

“Take it out right now, Nicole. You’re among friends.”

She rose and bent over to pull her panties down, then put her right foot onto the arm of the couch. She pulled apart her pussy lips and inserted her fingers. The guys had all fallen to their knees, bending low to get a good look. She fished out the offending piece of rubber. Mike took it and gave it a sniff, then tossed it over to Bob, who did the same. It made the rounds before being put on the coffee table like some lecherous centerpiece.

The room had become sexually charged. A small voice in Nicole’s head tried to make her see reason as Bob asked her to remove her clothes because it was so hot in the room. She followed his commands, stripping down to her bra. She paused.

“All of it, Nicole!” This was Charlie the nerd demanding now. His eyes were wide as saucers through his glasses as he leaned forward. A small bit of drool came down his chin and he quickly wiped at it, hoping no one had seen.

She reached back and undid the fastener on the bra, then let it drop. There was a group intake of breath, then confused murmurs as they noticed her lack of endowments.

“How young is she, man?” Clevon asked, concerned. “She looks 13 with those little bitty titties!” Nicole was so embarrassed!

Mike picked up her water bra, testing the weight and shape of it. “She’s a sophomore, guys — only a year or two younger than us. Well, most of us.” He looked at Bob.

Bob spoke up, his adoring gaze still upon Nicole’s chest: “This is just fine. After all, how often are you going to be able to have a real 13-year-old?”

“So we’re really gonna do it?” Charlie almost seemed to whine. “For real?”

Mike took charge: “Damn yes! It was your idea, Bob, so you’re first. Nicole, you’ve taken theater classes, right?” At her nod he continued: “You are to play the part of a failing student. Mr. Best here is your teacher, and you are willing to do ANYTHING for a passing grade — you’re desperate. You are visiting Mr. Best in his classroom after school and there’s no one else around. And…start scene!”

A change seemed to come over Nicole, and she looked over at Bob. “Oh, Mr. Best…I’m glad you’re here. I have to talk to you about my grade.”

“Well, come in, Miss Dillon, and let’s talk about it.” Bob sat back on the couch, and looked like he had just won the lottery.

Nicole came around the coffee table, moving sinuously. A blind man could pick up on her intentions. She sat on the table as if it was the edge of the teacher’s desk, though lower. Her mind adjusted to the make-believe situation.

“I’m afraid, Miss Dillon, that there’s nothing that can be done. We’re too far into the school year and your grades have slipped too low. You’ll have to take grade 8 over again.”

The others looked at each other. Grade *8*? Then they understood: he was still fantasizing about a younger girl. Well, whatever. Dirty old man. They continued watching.

“But Mr. Best…Bob…isn’t there some…extracurricular project I can perform?” She put her hand on his leg and slowly licked her lips.

“Perhaps, Miss Dillon…Nicole. I think we may be able to work something out…or in…” His eyes roamed her curves.

“Mmm” Nicole moved forward, cupping Bob’s crotch in her hand as she moved in for an wet kiss. Their tongues intertwined as his hands moved to her breasts. She gasped at the contact.

“Smaller breasts mean greater sensitivity, boys.” Bob instructed as he massaged her pectoral mounds.

“Less talking and more grade-giving, Bob” retorted Clevon.

Nicole unzipped and unbuckled Bob’s pants and pulled them down. He leveraged himself up and they came off quickly. They resumed their kissing and his hands moved down to her vagina. She gasped as he found what he was looking for: she was wet and ready!

“Bend over the desk, dear.” He maneuvered her to the arm of the sofa and she complied, showing her shapely ass to the room.

“God DAMN!” Clevon muttered. He hoped he was next, as his dick was about to put a hole in his jeans.

Bob got behind Nicole, his 6-incher in hand. Nicole looked back. “Oh, please use a condom. I don’t want to get pregnant.”

Mike swore under his breath. Bob paused, then had an idea. “But I *am* wearing a condom, Nicole.”

“Oh…okay.” She turned back away.

Bob, with the biggest smile, slowly inserted his dick into Nicole’s hot, wet pussy. “Ohh…oh, Bob…” Nicole moaned, burying her face into the plush arm of the couch.

She was incredibly tight, which made sense if her first sexual experience was a year ago and she hadn’t had anyone inside her since. Bob hoped he could hold out long enough to give her a passing grade of the big “O”. Then he had another idea. As he pushed into her all the way, eliciting a heavy groan from the young girl, he bent over her back and whispered in her ear. She nodded, her eyes going dreamy for a moment as the suggestion buried itself in her subconscious. He then pulled halfway out and jammed himself back in, eliciting another gasp from her.

Bob fucked the mesmerized beauty. As he got a rhythm going he reached around and cupped her A-cup mounds with his hands, fondling and enjoying himself immensely. Her gasping became regular, and he increased the speed of his penetration.

Charlie finally found his voice. “Uh, Mike, without that thing,” he pointed at the diaphragm, “won’t she get, uh…”

“Pregnant?” Mike replied. “Maybe. Women don’t get pregnant every time they have sex, man.”

Bob chuckled to himself as the familiar feeling started behind his prostate. Women don’t get pregnant every time, but when they’re ovulating there’s a good chance, especially…especially…

His thrusting increased dramatically, as did Nicole’s gasping. He rammed her pussy repeatedly, then grunted as the floodgates opened and the spermy load rushed up his shaft. Nicole’s gasping had reached a fever pitch. He buried himself inside her as he exploded, his rich white cum filling her insides. Nicole screamed out in orgasm, her head upraised to proclaim her pleasure to the ceiling: “AH UH UH! AAAGGHHHHH!!!” Her vaginal channel spasmed around Bob’s cock, eliciting more spurts of his dangerous seed as the orgasm took her. Bob was in absolute heaven — his hasty hypnotic suggestion had worked!

He pulled out of her heavenly cunt and collapsed on the couch, spent. “Next!”

Nicole was confused. Didn’t Bob say he wore a condom? Then why did she feel cum running out of her? She had turned to her teacher to ask when Mike appeared at her side. She was surprised, then he took control of her again with his voice: “Nicole, new scenario: you are a porn starlet. Clevon here is your co-star in this production.”

“Damn YES!” Clevon bounded from the couch, removing his clothes as fast as he could.

Mike contined, moving the coffee table to reveal the animal skin rug under it: “I’m your director. You follow everything I say, okay?” Nicole nodded. “Okay, Nicole, get down on your hands and knees. I get the feeling Clevon doesn’t need any fluffing or foreplay, do you, Cleve?”

Shaking his head, Clevon got on his knees behind Nicole. Damn that’s a fine ass, he thought. He quickly started stuffing his thick tube inside the girl.

“Unhh…wait, doesn’t he need a condom?” Nicole questioned back over her shoulder, concerned.

“No, babe, you’re a porn starlet. You’re on the pill.” Mike supplied.

“Oh.” She looked back at Clevon, admiring his taut muscular form. “Fuck me, stud. Mmm, yeah, like that,” she continued to coax as he began to slide his larger-than-average dong into the confines of her slippery twat.

Clevon hadn’t had a white girl before. He admired her lily-white skin as her ass rippled with each thrust. He grabbed her hips to increase the penetration of his fuckstick.

The result was immediate: “AH! Oh, you’re so deep! Holy fuck!” she cried out. Luckily, she didn’t seem to be in too much pain as he nudged her cervix. Clevon continued his thrusting. After a few minutes he reached forward and grabbed under her arms, pulling them both back into a squatting position. He pulled her back down on his member and she used her bent legs to help bounce back up. He moved one of his hands to her breasts, causing her to gasp again. Bob was right: they did seem more sensitive. He tweaked her nipple, eliciting a whimper from her, then moved his hand down to her most holy of holeys. He slippped two fingers inside her, between his cock and her clit.

Nicole couldn’t believe it. It was as if she had an even thicker penis inside her, and Clevon’s was already pretty big. Her clit had already retreated inside her pussy and was getting increased stimulation from this technique. The volume of her groans intensified and everyone knew she was going to cum.

Mike spoke up, “Nicole, this production is X-rated, not XXX. We can’t show cumshots so you’re either going to have to stop soon or he’ll cum inside you, okay?”

“UH YEAH! OHH YEAH!” Nicole loudly exclaimed. Her head was laid back on Clevon’s shoulder as she bounced, eyes closed and mouth open. She looked to be in absolute ecstasy.

Oh, man, I’m gonna preg the bitch up, thought Clevon. My boys are gonna rip into her white egg and make her belly round! He grabbed her hips and switched to the short thrusts…it wasn’t going to take much more!

Nicole was pushed over the edge: “AAGHHH! AH! AH! OOUUUUHHHH!! FUCK ME! OH FUCK, CUM IN ME!” Her hands flew to her breasts, kneading, and her pussy exploded around Clevon’s cock and fingers.

“Aw, yeah, take it bitch! Take my cum!” The head of his large shaft poked into her cervix repeatedly as he spurted inside her like a fire hose. It seemed as if it would never stop, her orgasm coaxing even more of his life-giving cream into her. Finally they fell forward, returning to the doggy-style position. He pulled out of her slowly, then pushed back in, causing another groan to escape her lips.

Clevon figured he could go for another round, but there were 2 more to go. “Who’s next?” he asked.

Mike looked torn. He probably should have gone second and now he was regretting his choice. After Clevon’s big dick Nicole’s pussy was going to be all stretched out. He looked over at Charlie, who hadn’t moved from his chair during all of this. He could see a little tent pole poking up from the crotch of his jeans. “Your turn, Charlie.”

Charlie was absolutely freaked. They had raped Nicole! Sure, he had been told beforehand that they were going to try to hypnotize the first girl that found them in the attic, and to “have some fun with her”, but he didn’t expect this! He had admired Nicole at school, even before her makeover. He didn’t want to take advantage of her!

Mike, sensing Charlie’s hesitation, softly told the poor girl, “Nicole, you are a hooker we’ve picked up for Charlie’s stag party. We’ve paid you $10,000 to do whatever it takes to make Charlie happy. Understand? WHATEVER it takes.”

“I know what to do,” Nicole said, shifting into the new character. She sauntered over to Charlie, moving her hips sexily back and forth. Charlie’s eyes got bigger. Nicole danced before the skinny geek for a few minutes, alternately thrusting her ass at him and offering her pert boobs for his inspection. Charlie was frozen like a deer in the headlights.

Mike came up behind her again, whispering in her ear. “Nicole, Charlie doesn’t look happy. I think you know what you have to do. Here’s a condom. I think you should put it on with your mouth.” He handed her empty air, which she took in character.

Kneeling down in front of Charlie, she reached forward and unzipped his fly. Charlie’s breathing, already quick, increased again. She grasped his member inside his shorts and he groaned. She pulled out his thin but hard 5-inch penis and licked her lips, then pantomimed like she was opening a foil packet. Putting something nonexistent in her mouth, she went down on Charlie.

His eyes almost bugged out as her hot, wet mouth enveloped his dick. He had never been with a woman, much less had a blowjob. His conscience still told him to stop, to rush from the room and call the cops, but the voice in his head wasn’t as loud as it was before. Her mouth was so warm!

Removing her mouth from his dick, Nicole gave him a wanton look. “Charlie, you’re never gonna forget tonight,” she said, clambering up into his lap. His face came to the same height as her breasts, and he couldn’t take his eyes off them.

Nicole reached down, positioning herself and sinking down onto his member. Charlie moaned, not only from the pleasure but as if lamenting the overwhelming of his morals. Nicole controlled Charlie, and Mike controlled her.

He couldn’t believe how moist and wet it was inside her as she settled, completing the impalement. “Mmm,” she moaned. “You feel so good inside me, Charlie. Do I feel good to you, too?” Charlie could only nod, bringing his head closer to her beautiful breasts. Nicole rose up and back down, then continued: “Ooh, Charlie, your fiancée is so lucky. You’re a wonderful lover.”

The others snickered at this. He was just sitting there!

Finally Charlie could take no more, and buried his face into her small boobs, licking and sucking. “Oh, Charlie, yes, that feels sooo good.” She increased the speed of her fucking, knowing in the back of her mind that she would cum hard when he did.

Charlie felt something deep in his nuts, something incredible, as if he was going to pee. It felt so pleasurable that he didn’t care what it was, just that it would continue and feel even better. Nothing else mattered. He started to thrust up into Nicole as best he could.

“Oh, Charlie, are you getting…uh, mm, close? Are you going to cum?” Nicole increased her bouncing tempo.

Charlie snapped back to reality, looking up at her rapt and beautiful face. “Nicole, please…you have to break their control. They’ve hypnotized you.”

The others sat up.

“Nicole…uhh…please…I’m going to…spurt soon. I don’t want to…unhh…get you pregnant!”

“You can’t, silly…you’re wearing a condom. I put it on you…mmm…myself! You really seemed to enjoy it.”

“You didn’t! Please! You have to listen to me!”

Nicole looked back at Mike, confused, then nodded, understanding. She gave Charlie a half-lidded, wanton look. “Oh, but maybe I want you to impregnate me, Charlie. You’re so handsome. Give me a baby!”

“WHAT! B-but…but…”

“Fuck a baby into me, Charlie. Can’t you feel my womb, ready for your seed? Cum in me! UH! Fucking cum in me!” Her bouncing increased, and Charlie could hold out no more. He didn’t know why she had changed her mind about pregnancy, but there was nothing that could stop him now.

“AUUAAGGHH!!!” Charlie tensed his entire body as he spurted his semen into the beautiful, receptive girl.

Feeling him cum inside her set Nicole off like a firecracker: “Oh OH OH! Unhhh! UNHHHH!!” Her insides spasmed repeatedly around his spewing member, sucking more of his geeky seed into her most private of places. Finally they both came down from their sexual high, panting.

She got off of the stunned nerd and headed over to Mike, who had quickly doffed his clothing. “Hah! See, I told you I could make him happy,” she said. “Did you know he had an impregnation fantasy? Hey, what the fuck–?!” She had again noticed the cum running down her legs.

“Nicole, listen to me,” Mike insisted. She stopped, slack-jawed. “Do you like me?”

“Yes, very much, Mike,” she responded adoringly.

“We’re married now. It’s our wedding night, and we’re in the honeymoon suite.” He embraced her, kissing her fervently. She returned his passion.

“Oh, God, Mike, I’ve waited for this day for so long!” she revealed, gasping.

“Get on the bed, babe.” He pointed at the rug that she and Clevon had used. She clambered on, turned over onto her back and gave him a lusty look as she opened her thighs. He smiled and leapt upon her, knocking the breath from her. He had waited through 3 people to do this, and he wasn’t going to wait any longer.

Maneuvering her knees over his shoulders he jammed his cock into her open slit. She cried out in pleasure, as she was already well lubricated from the other guys’ cum. Though still pretty stretched from Clevon, this position allowed maximum penetration and friction.

“Oh, Mike…oh!” He pounded into her, intent only on his pleasure. His balls felt like they were going to burst from having to wait through those 3 incredibly erotic scenarios. He had a big potent load waiting to assault her womb.

Bob came around the side. “Oh, Mike, just as well you’re just pounding away. I gave her a suggestion while I was fucking her: she will cum the hardest when a penis is spurting within her. The more you cum, the harder she will cum, and I don’t know if you recall from your sex ed. classes, but if a woman orgasms during or after the man’s ejaculation it increases the chance of impregnation. Just thought you’d like to know.”

Mike didn’t care. All that was on his mind was that hot fucking cunt. She was continuously moaning and groaning now, being roughly taken by the man she loved. She was having mini-orgasms as the friction from the sexual position and vibrations from the rough fucking stimulated her clitoris.

“Uh uh auh huh,” she panted as he reamed her out. He wasn’t using a condom, but it was their wedding night. Had they talked about children? She couldn’t remember. It didn’t matter — they were in love, and now married! They would have the most beautiful children…

Mike was getting close. He felt the tickling in his swollen nuts. He held onto her tightly as his strokes got shorter and harder.

She realized how close he was and was by now experiencing one long, rolling orgasm. “Oh, Mike, yes, uhh, yes! Give it to me! YES!”

“UUUUUHHHHHHH!!!” Mike’s cock exploded violently inside her. Her hypnotic trigger kicked in, setting off her biggest orgasm of the night. The depth and angle of the penetration caused Mike’s potent cum to spurt directly into the end of her cervix, and from there into her fertile womb. She couldn’t stop cumming, her stomach muscles almost cramping from the orgasmic throes.

Finally it was over. Mike rolled off of her and Bob came over with her diaphragm. “Nicole, you should put your diaphragm in. You don’t want to get pregnant.”

He was right! She quickly put the rubber dome back inside her, trapping the already-deposited sperm. A few more commands and she was back in her clothes, her messed-up hair the only visible sign of her violation. As Bob unlocked the trap door she sat, waiting.

“Now Nicole, when I snap my fingers you will not remember anything after reading from the book,” commanded Mike. “You will also think of a reason to leave here quickly.” He snapped his fingers and she started, looking around. Why were they staring at her like that? Jeez, she had to pee.

“I gotta go, guys,” she said as she rose, “thanks for the game.”

As she got back down the ladder she bumped into two guys she didn’t know who quite enjoyed the view of her panties. Pigs!

“Heh…looks like we’re late for the word games,” said the first guy as they started up the ladder. She went back down the hall to the stairs. At the bottom she came across Marie, another girl from her class, curvy and latino, with dark curly hair.

“Is Clevon upstairs?” asked Marie.

“Yeah, up in the attic. They’re playing word games.”

“Word games? Sounds like fun — thanks!” Marie hopped up the stairs, all her naughty bits bouncing as she went.

Nicole thought there was something else she should tell Marie, something important, but couldn’t put the thought together. Oh well, if it was important she would remember.