Stepping into Sister’s Shoes.

The story about a 18-year old girl and her 16-year old sister

Author’s Note – I have written quite a lot, but this is my first try at an erotic story, i have proof read it but if you still find any mistakes, do mention it below in the comment section. All criticism is appreciated 🙂
Also, this is a part of a trilogy, i am still writing the third part, but every part is a story in it’s own so don’t worry.
And i will keep checking every 5-6 hours, so if you guys liked this story, i will post the next part soon enough. And it’s longer with much more action than this one 😀
Hope you like it.

Stepping Into My Sister’s Shoes. (The Sarah Trilogy – I )

My name is Sarah, and this is a story about my sister Veronica and how i ended up making out with her. But before starting with the story let me tell you a bit about my story.

I am a seventeen year old girl. I wouldn’t call myself drop dead gorgeous, but yes i am pretty and one who is the envy of all others. Though what i am really proud of are my gorgeous boobs. I wear a 36D Bra. So you have a pretty good idea about them. At my age i hardly think there would be anyone in my school who would have larger breasts than me, except maybe a few.And well my sister? well she is prettier than me but her boobs are nowhere near mine though they are starting to show quite a bit. Her bra size is 36C.

I would never have thought about my sister in a bad way, but when you reach 18 you are horny all the time.

My sister, who had recently turned 16, had gone on a vacation for two months so obviously when she came back, it was a big deal. She came back a couple of days back, i went with mom and dad to meet her. The moment i saw her the first thing was not how older she had gotten or how taller but how her boobs had started to show, i mean really show, maybe she was my sister after all.
Maybe she now wore a C-Cup now. As soon as i saw her i ran up to her and embraced her in a tight hug. Well you know me, and as well as my sister so you can pretty much guess what happened. Both our boobs pressed tightly into each other’s. It felt so good feeling my boobs against her’s, but the moment i left her i felt ashamed, guilty even. I scolded myself, this wasn’t okay, She was my sister and i wasn’t a lesbian! Anyways, Veronica hugged mom and dad next and they walked to the car, with me following closely behind them, i couldn’t shake the feeling yet. I had gotten so horny from that. We got to the car, mom and dad took the front seats while me and Ronnie, took to the back. I kept glancing at my sister’s boobs, and i couldn’t control the urge. I had gotten quite a bit wet.
Needless to say, it was a long ride home.

We got to our home, and i quickly got out of the car and headed straight for the main door.

I quickly rushed to my room and took down my shorts and panties, and sure enough they were dripping wet. i jumped onto my bed to massage my pussy, let the heat out. The cold air flowing through my pussy felt so good! And so without intending to i masturbated. The feeling of Veronica’s boobs on my own came back to me, and my other hand went straight to my boobs. The moment my fingers made contact with my clit i was in heaven. I rubbed my pussy so hard that i almost put three of my fingers inside it! And soon enough after 20 seconds my whole body was shaking and suddenly there was a rushing feeling and out came pouring all kinds of stuff. Without intending to i had just reached my first orgasm.I couldn’t help but let out a soft moan.

My goodness, it felt amazing!

I lay still for 10-15 minutes. But my heaven was broken by the sound of my sister approaching the door. I saw the door lock and i realized that in my frenzied state, I had forgotten to lock the door, so now I had to hide from Ronnie, she couldn’t know that i had just masturbated fantasizing about us! so i quickly put on my panties and i was half-way through pulling my shorts up when she walked in. She looked at me questioningly, with this funny look on her face.

“What is this smell, and, dude why the hell are you half naked?” Veronica asked me looking at me weirdly.

All i could reply were half mumbles , “Changing-clothes-you-came-in” GOD, this orgasm thing had made me really tired. And with that i shoo-ed her out of my room, locked the room and slept.

That would have been the end of it if not for today morning.
It was a school day, she had gone to the vacation in the summer break, but now school was back on.

We both woke up in the morning.

Mom had made both our clothes, ironed them and put them on the bed rest.

I saw the time, “SHIT! Only 5 minutes till the bus arrived!. I hurriedly woke up Ronnie and told her to get ready, while i made way for the shower.
I did that in 2 minutes, and as i got out of the shower i was in a real hurry so i did not notice whose bra i was putting on, by mistake i grabbed Veronica’s bra and wore it. That moment i thought that my breasts must be growing or something, without even thinking i just wore the school shirt and skirt, again of Veronica’s, since they were kept along with Veronica’s bra(I had no idea at that time that i was wearing her clothes)
I was much taller than her so her skirt only covered till half of my thigh but i had no time to notice that. Once i reached the bus stop i realized that the bus was already standing there so i quickly rushed in. All the seats were filled except Jake and Tim. Well, Tim was no Zac Efron but he was still better than Jake so I took a seat next to him.

Just after me Veronica arrived and i noticed how long her skirt was!, and then it hit me, i had worn her clothes to school. No wonder my shirt was so tight, my breasts were popping out, a tight bra, tight panties, a ridiculously short skirt and an even tighter shirt!. I looked at Veronica who was sitting next to Jake. She looked at me and then at herself and burst out laughing, she realized what had happened. i tried to pull my skirt low and my shirt out but i was sitting next to Tim and it was really hard to do that without him noticing so i waited till we were in school.

It was a 30-40 minute drive and during the whole journey, Tim kept stealing glances at me every 5 minutes.

Be it my boobs or my legs! It was a junior wing bus so the seats were shorter, we had to sit really closely, our legs were continuously making contact as well as our arms and shoulders. Even though Tim was not a really that hot a guy, he was really cute, and the feeling of his legs on my bare legs was heavenly.

It had gotten me so wet. I wanted to rub my pussy so bad, but i couldn’t coz i was next to Tim! it was driving me insane. As the bus got nearer to the school i was sure that my panties must have been dripping wet, and i could feel my nipples getting hard, and through Ronnie’s tight shirt they were clearly visible.

Tim kept looking at them, and it just turned me on even more.

I could feel the heat between my legs, Tim’s body against mine only made it worse. I looked up and say Veronica staring at me jealously, i guess she saw how closely me and Tim were sitting and it also made her horny.

As we got to school, i kept back to the seat and made sure i was the last one to leave so that no-one would notice the damp spot, i had definitely made on the bus seat

Veronica noticed me sitting back and decided to do do the same.
The moment i got up she noticed the wet spot and understood what had happened because she too had left a wet spot, though hers was not due to Jake but by looking at the way me and Tim were sitting together closely. I explained to her the whole thing about the clothes mishap and apparently she found all this very funny.

Obviously it was very embarrassing.
We got out of the buses and went to our classes.
Somehow i mustered up the courage and walked up to the classroom and saw all eyes turned towards me. Like always Mark looked at me with those animal eyes as if he would rape me. God!! i rushed to the bathroom to change clothes with Veronica. We had decided to meet in the bathroom and sort it out.
I reached in the bathroom and tapped on the first stall. I heard Ronnie’s voice. “Sarah?” i said yes but before she could open the door i saw my reflection in the mirror the first time since the morning.

All I could say was only one word about my attire and that was SLUT!.

I mean i looked like a whore. My skirt was so short that if i sat on the class seat, my legs would be on show for the whole world.
And that was not even the worst part.

My boobs looked twice their normal size, owing to the fact that i was wearing a very tight bra and my sister’s tight shirt.
I realized why Tim had been staring at me, trying to get sneak peaks.
It was because my nipples were poking out really bad!
You could totally see the nipples and the shape of my breasts was really distinguishable! it was as if i was totally naked, the tight bra made it worse, my boobs looked so big. As Veronica got out of her clothes i started doing the same. We both were horny from the bus and well i had not forgotten the hug incident 3 days before, and well that did not help the situation. As she and i started stripping i realized i was about to see my sister naked.

The last time i had seen her she was a 28B but now she was much bigger. I got even more wet if possible. As i dropped my shirt and skirt, i looked into the mirrors and noticed my boobs again. It showed a massive cleavage and then i realized the reason why my boobs looked twice the size. It was not just the tight bra, it was a PUSH-UP Bra! as soon as i loosened the bra, it dropped down immediately and i felt better, i dropped my panties and turned to my sister and noticed that she too was completely naked. I looked down to her pussy and saw that she was even wetter than me.

Her boobs were perfect neither too big nor too small. I couldn’t control myself. I rushed towards her and kissed her tightly, for a second i though that she might pull back, but no she was liking it!
That slut! She looked into my eyes and then our lips met again. Her tongue was inside my mouth and suddenly her hands on my breasts. After that she did something that i never imagined she would do. She pulled out a strap-on dildo from her bag. I was stunned. She told me that sometimes she brought it so that she could masturbate in the school. I guess being horny as hell ran in our family, no wonder mom and dad had had four kids.

I was stunned by her reply. I was just recovering from the shock when she put the strap-on on herself and pushed me on the floor.

She had the dildo on my pussy. As i felt the rubber rub against my pussy lips i felt Amaaazzzing!!

I’ll admit i was scared too. I had heard that it was really painful the first time, even if it was a rubber dick it still would hurt. I told her to go slow but she had her own ideas. With all her strength she pushed it inside me. And then i felt pain, pain like i had never felt before, and it was followed by just as much pleasure.I felt as if my pussy was on fire! “Ah-AAAhhh” “Aah – aah – AAAAAAHH!” i managed to moan but as she pulled the dildo back and inside me again the pain eased.

It brought along oodles of pleasure to my body! Soon after five minutes of fucking i could feel the orgasm building, Veronica was fucking the daylights out of me I had never felt this way before, i could feel the huge dildo inside me, it was so big, and Veronica kept kissing me and making out with me whilst she was fucking me on the floor.

Soon enough, the tidal waves of orgasm flooded my body .My whole body shook and i had a huge orgasm. She seemed to be like it because, she was smiling.
After i came, she got out of me and laid down next to me.
I lay there for at least 10 minutes, then i did the same thing to her, i put the dildo into her hole while cupping her breast with one hand. She must have done it many times because she was nowhere as tight as i was. Soon she too had her orgasm. This time it was she who got all the juice on my legs, initially i was grossed out but by the 3rd or 4th squirt i started liking it.
We both were tired as hell. And that moment the bell rang.Thankfully there was no one in the washroom. In all the rush to get back i again wore Veronica’s clothes, but i was too tired to notice. We got washed up and returned to our classes. As i got to my class i saw Mark there. I sat down and saw his eyes reach down to my breasts, i realized that my boobs were still popping out again so were my nipples. I hoped that at least my skirt was fine, but no the seat had made me sit up and it had caused Ronnie’s skirt that now i was wearing to climb up even further. The skirt was only inches from my waist. Almost my whole thigh was visible, as were my nipples.

The first period was Physics, to be taken by Mr Anderson. The moment he walked into the class his eyes found me in the slutty attire and all i could do was sigh!
I started to get wet again, and i knew that it was gonna be a long long day.

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