Slut Mom Bangs her sons Coach Part2

Walking up to janes porch she was soon about to earn her kid another position on baseball this time

As i was calling Jane i was finishing sucking down a joint she rolled for me yesterday she said it always made me fuck her harder but all i careded about was seeing her agian when she answerd i almost got hard..

“hello” she answerd

‘Hi sexy is it safe to come on over or is Rodger home i asked”

”no no baby its safe come on over ill be in my room waiting when u get here she replyed”

“ok sweety bye i said”

“bye baby”

walking to the her house i stoped bye the store to buy her a pack of smokes and some condoms as i continued to walk down her street i began to have a rock hard throobing cock thinking about all the dirty stuff we have done and all the new shit i wanted to try…

as i walked up to her door i slowly let myself in and locked the door and walked silently to her room it was open just a lil bit just enough to barly see what she was doing…she lay spread eagle on her bed her thick latina theighs spread open working her long fingers into her tight dark newly shaven cunthear head was titlted back her back arched slightly she had one finnger in her mouth sucking like it was my cock and she brought it down and traced it along her large dark nipple pinching it slightly then a lil harder until she let out a painful moan her dark hair in her facei open the door and crawled on the floor toward her and came upstarting at her ankels i began kissing her feet working my way up to her calfs up her calfs to the insides of her thieghs

“mmmmm hey Jesse baby what took you so long you know i dont like to wait to be fucked? she asked”

i just kept eating her pussy spreading her dark outter lips looking how deep pink it was inside watching her throbbing clitblowing on it slightily

ohhhhh baby thats it lick mamas clit dont tease her anymore she sais

i shoved my tounge deep inside as far as it would go looking up at her with big dark brown eyes looking at me with lust “OH GOD RIGHT THERE she said” i began licking my tounge all the way around her pussy going in a complete cricle making sure i licked every part of her pussy..

as she began cumming i slurped up all the jucies i could and swalloed it down tasteing her as much as i could…”its my turn sweet heart she said”

pulling off my pants and throwing my clothes across the room was my only reply she moves us to the living room were i sat on a chair and started smoking a joint she had put out earlyer sucking it down watching her large red lips wrap around my cock and bobbing up an down i knew i was ganna cum soon she was the only person that could make me cum in like 5mins when i said i was ganan cum she didnt listen so i thought “fine ill just cum in your mouth after i began to shot my load in her mouth she gobbled dowm my cum greedly like she was never ganna get anymore…she walked over the the counter and spread her legs…looking at that beautiful cunt and asshole turned me into a wild mani rushed over bent her over and slamed it in her lil brown puckerd latina asshole i began pumping away tryong to getmyself hard agian i reached around and began playing with her pussy rubbing her outer lips and shoving 3 fingers inside friggin her clit i began kissing her neck shoulders and back then it felt like we became one all our rthems were down perfectly it felt like we flowed so well when i slamed my large cock into her she slamed her round ass back into me she turned her head slitly and began kissing and sucking on my neck…OHHHHHHHHH YEAAAAAAA FUCK NE JESSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE RIGHT THERE HUNNY OH YEA” she screamed at me “lay your ass down she orderd me nodding me head was my only replay pulling cock out if her ass and ginign her a deep wet kiss and laying down wondering what she was ganna do…are you finialy ready to get in my pussy she eyes got huge all i could think to my self was fuck yes its finaly happing i finaly get to fuck that juicey cunt i nodded yes she walked over me and droped slowly to her knees and touched my dick so gently she spread her pussy lips and watched my cock head dissaper into her she went down on the rest of it until her ass meet my balls she leaned forward and began kissing me as she rocked back and forth my cock slowly slding in and out of her i kissed her neck agian and went to her huge ripe tits sucking her big large silver dollar nipples biteing them slightly she agian moaned with what seemed like pleasuer and painshe began to pick up the pace bounceing up and down now really hard and really fast slaming her ass down onto me cock cock acheing and throbbing in her matuer pussy she put her hands on my chest her long fingers with her newly done deep red nails she dug into my chest “OHHHHH SHIT I SAID” and she began clawing my as she bounced up and down her tits jiggling in my face as i fucled one i rolled her over into the missionary position and began pumping at her this time frenching her back looking into her eyes agian she wraped her legs around my waist her hand on my bacl OH SHIT I THOUGHT HERE WE GO AGIAN she dug her nails deep into my back which i began to thought did turn me on a lot digging and scracthing at my back biteing me on my neck nibbeling on my ear lob i told her i was going to cum but she just held meinside her “look at me baby she said when our eyes meet i knew we were both cumming together

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