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Sibling Nibbling: Chapter 1 – A Joint Procession

Siblings Elijah and Elisha rekindle an old pastime, and begin a new one.

This is the first episode in a series of stories centred around siblings Elijah and Elisha. Whether the reception is good or bad I still plan on continuing the stories until they run out of steam.

Comments and ratings do help inspire my confidence, so please pay your tributes if you’d like to and/or add comments and suggestions. It’ll be most appreciated to get outside ideas on the direction of how this story pans out.

I hope you enjoy the read. It is for your pleasure, after all. Thank you.

Ps. If you enjoy the writing but desire a different story and setting, please watch this space for new and other stories.

Pss. And last, but not least, this is the most important part. I would love to hear if the story was hot or not; and if it was hot, how hot it made you, and if it in fact brought you to orgasm; and I don’t mind if you comment with dirty, depraved messages filled with insinuating smut regardless of your sex. In fact, the dirtier the better – I’ve gotta get a kick out of this too you know! 

Thanks once again and happy cummings.


Chapter 1
A Joint Procession


“Do you miss them?” Elisha asked as she sat in dad’s favourite lazy boy. Wearing only her old grey college shirt, and with her knees hugged within her arms, she steadily rocked herself in the brown leather-back chair. The evening sun illuminated our parent’s bedroom in a hue of brilliant gold and orange that glanced off her long brunette locks and light tawny brown skin. She was a vision. At thirty, five years my senior, she still looked ever younger and fresher. 

I looked up from our parents bed to face her as my eyes focused inbetween her legs. I could clearly see her cunt from where I was. Nudity wasn’t an issue between us. Ever since we were younger it was pretty common practice to prance around the house wearing next to nothing or noting at all. We all slept in the buff, and dad and mum condoned a pretty intimate household often talking openly about everything, as well as leaving the doors wide opened whenever the urge to fuck took over.

So when a dick wagged around on the loose or a boob brushed the side of your arm it was no big deal to us. It was the norm. But I hadn’t seen Ellie in a long while. Not since the funeral a year ago. And the sight of her bare slit was a most welcomed one. She had a pretty looking pussy. She never shaved it before, but now it looked free of her pubes and the lips lay slightly opened like the petals of a glorious flower in bloom. And it beckoned you to smell it.
“Mum and dad?” I asked, my brain on auto-pilot.
“Who else, fuck-tard?” She retorted knowing I was staring at her cunt.
“Of course,” I replied, flinging a pillow at her face. She stuck her tongue out at me. It was pretty remarkable how much alike Ellie was to mum. From her childlike playfulness to her stern intensity. Even in her soft physical features – her big brown beautiful eyes, and her long flowing locks of hair that never kept their place, although she always tucked them away behind her goofy looking ears. And now that she was thirty and all woman, fully grown and fully figured, she looked almost identical to all the old photos of mum.

Our eyes caught each other and she smiled. I could see mum in that smile. They both had the same gorgeous dimples, the same pretty teeth, and the same stupid grin.
Mum had passed away last year. Peacefully, in her sleep. Dad followed three days later. Heart failure, although all the relatives called it heart-ache. It was a heavy blow to deal with them both leaving us so suddenly. And we couldn’t help but think that it seemed pretty amazing to us that love could manifest in your heart in such a real manner, that it could travel between realms with such power, ending one life and taking another with it into the next world. But the family doc said that it wasn’t so rare. He’d seen many deaths that followed shortly after when death found it’s way between significant others. Heart-ache, they called it – there must be some truth to it.
It’s funny though, as soon as I turned eighteen I wanted nothing more than to distance myself from the house as far as I could. Ellie’s thoughts were the same when she married young and moved out, unfortunately for her, she divorced young as well. We couldn’t stand our parents and their senility. Constant fighting, bickering and arguing with each other about the most insignificant things. But I’d give anything just to hear dad moan about the neighbour’s dog shitting in the yard one last time or mum mumble under her breath about dad’s good awful filthy jokes. He was a dirty old man, but God, I missed him.
Ellie broke the silence when she flung the pillow back at me. It caught me full on the face before knocking over the bedside lamp.
“Oh fuck!” she yelped then broke out into a hysterical fit of laughter.
“Retard!” I reached over the side of the bed to pick up the lamp but it had rolled on underneath. I leant over the edge of the bed to fetch it but my hand fell on a box. Curious as to what it was I pulled it out and placed it on the bed.
“Oh my God, Babe!” Ellie exhaled.
“What?” She called me Babe – her abbreviation for baby brother. It was odd growing up with my sister, with our names and physical features so similar. No one could tell us apart when we were younger, and somehow I ended up with the same shortened name as her – Ellie. Everyone thought it was cute. Everyone but Ellie herself, so she made up the nickname Babe for me – but for all the outside parties Ellie still stuck, for the both of us.
“Don’t you know what that is?”
“Do you?”
“You’re such a retard.” She said with a big grin.
“Are you gonna tell me, or make me guess?”
“Better. I’ll show you! Give it here!” she gestured with her hand as she hopped onto the bed. I passed the box on to her. “It’s dad’s tool box,” she stated as her fingers ran through the combination lock ever so methodically. “I can’t believe he kept it after all these years.” My eyes drifted from her fingers to her crotch as she sat cross legged before me. Gosh, she had such a gorgeous pussy.
“How do you even know the combina–”
“Shh!” She hissed as she raised a finger to my lips. “It was my present to him. An apology… of sorts,” she said looking up at me with a wicked glint in her eyes. She caught me staring again and flashed me her sweet dimple smile. The lock popped opened.
“An apology?” I asked curiously as she turned the box to face me.

“Of sorts,” she repeated.

“Ooooh, fancy tools!” My eyes lay focused on a bong, a pack of rizzlers, some smokes, and a bag of weed. “Dad used to smoke?” I asked, stunned.
“Duh! How do you think I started smoking the shit?”
“What? I thought that guy… What’s his name?”
“Ah, please, give me a break!” she exclaimed. “He was just a poser. I was only with him coz he could fuck good. And actually buy the stuff. I was the one who taught him how to smoke.”
“Really?” I asked, shocked at the revelation. Brad, her first real boyfriend, was a rich punk who lived off his father’s money.
“Yeah! Like I taught you,” she said with a wink. “You remember when we I used to sneak into your room every night?”

“Yeah! I never looked forward to anything else.”

“Well, it’s only coz I didn’t want my room stinking of the shit.” She picked up the bag and studied it clear fully. “Dad caught me one time. Gosh, the spanking I got that night!” Her cheeks suddenly flushed. “I got so fucking turned on.”
“No way!” I said, surprise showing in my eyes.
“Yes way!” she replied all giddy as if she was sixteen again.
“With dad?”
“Uhu!” She nodded enthusiastically, opening up the bag before she began picking out the seeds and buds. “He was a dirty old man, you know,” she snickered.
“I know.”
“You know?! I wanna hear this story!” she exclaimed, the excitement clearly expressed in her face.
“Yours first.” I urged, eager to hear more as i felt the beginnings of a stirring within my pants.
“Okay,” she agreed, as her hands started automatically breaking the buds like a pro, “It was back when I was sixteen, one night Brad was dropping me off, dad caught me with a joint in my hand, and Brad was undoing my jeans behind the shed. We were about to fuck. Long story short, Brad left me horny as hell and dad spanked my ass red, right there in the back yard. And that was the last time Brad ever showed up around home.”
“Dude, it was so hot! Out there in the open. The fucking neighbours could see.”
“Okay, now one more time but with more details!”
“Haha, yeah!” She said, grinning as her thoughts returned from the past. “Maybe I was still uber horny after Brad left me hanging but I came so hard just from his hand slapping my ass. It was the hardest he ever hit me, but fuck! Did I love it!” I sat in silence listening and watching as her nipples poked through the thin fabric of her top revealing her unmistakable excitement. Her hand shifted to between her legs. “I swear I felt his cock press into my stomach when he spanked me. And every time he hit me, I rocked, and I rocked against it, and couldn’t stop myself from cumming.” She swiped at her cunt and showed me a wet finger. “I’m dripping!” she blurted before sticking her finger into her mouth. I wanted to taste it as well but refrained from saying anything.
“Damn, sis! You had a thing for dad!”
“Fuck yeah! A nice stiff one,” she said grabbing her crotch again in mock gesture. “Always have. Maybe it was more a ‘thank you box’ than an ‘apology box’.” She said with a naughty smirk as she took out the contents from the toolkit.
“Haha! Really? Dad?”
“Yeah, in his good years. He was a stud!” She affirmed. “Don’t you remember how you use to follow him around everywhere? Your hero! Gosh, I can’t count the amounts of times I fingered myself to him.”
“Haha! I remember. The one time I walked in on you. That was the first time I laid my eyes on a pussy. Every girl I fucked I had your pussy on my mind. Was so weird, but it used to drive me into a frenzy.” I said smiling as I thought back.
“Glad to be of service, kind sir,” she said with a mock bow. “Haha. I was hairy as fuck back then. Now I wax. All of it!” She raised her shirt at the hem to reveal her smooth snatch. And it was lovely. I loved a bare cunt. And her pussy stuck in my mind as she dropped her shirt back down, my cock clearly visible now in my shorts. “I see he approves.” She laughed.

“You’re an evil tease, sis,” I remarked, shifting my cock for more comfort.

She eyed me the entire time. “Let me see that monster one more time!” she remarked.

“I guess I’m a big fan of the shaved look,” I said grinning as I slipped it out to show her.

“My fuck, Babe! It’s beautiful. You need to let me wax that thing one day.”

I cringed, “Isn’t that painful?”

“Not really, when you do it right,” she smirked. “You’ll be at my mercy.” She stated staring at my eight inches with an open mouth imagining the scene.

“So anyway, my story.” I tried to break up the awkwardness, tucking my friend back into my shorts.

“Yeah anyway, your cock… uhm… story?” she repeated, smiling knowing what she was trying to insinuate. She started to roll up the rizzler. “And it better make me cum!”

“Ah, it’s not that great. But like you said, he was a dirty old bastard.”

“Go on,” she licked the rizzler a few times, but in a sexy, gestural way and I started laughing.

“It was always when he was drunk. Probably just an excuse to do it. He’d offer me alcohol too, and you know, when you’re a kid and you here all your friends with their stories, doing it too, you want to experience it. So I drank. And I got drunk. I got pissed! And that’s when he’d touch me. His hands would… roam. I doubt he thought I’d remember but I was old enough.”

Ellie lit the joint, inhaled, then burst out laughing, the smoke blowing out of her nose.

“Roam! That’s fucking funny!” I began to laugh with her. She passed me the smoke.

“It tastes like shit. Did he ever finger your bunghole?” She asked, her eyebrows raised eager for the answer.

“Yep,” I inhaled deeply. And coughed out with another laugh.

“Oh, my god! Me too! And Papa?”

I only nodded my head, in referral to our grandfather – dad’s father, as a fit of laughter overcame me. It was too early for the weed to take effect. I actually thought it was a dud sitting in the bag under the bed after all those years. It certainly tasted like shit. But I was laughing more for the epic conversation we were having. We had never gotten so intimate and close in a long time and I was really enjoying this rare moment.

“Jeez, Babe! Our family–“

“–is fucked up!” I finished the sentence for her. “Well, fuck me! Guess there is something in the weed after all,” I said starting to feel the room gently sway. And Ellie broke out into laughter again.

“So? Did you enjoy it?”

“Enjoy what?” I took another long drag from the joint before passing it back to her.

“When dad used to finger your butt? Hahaha!”

“Well, I was young, but I don’t think I ever didn’t enjoy it,” I said with a smirk. “I always had a little stiffy every time he prodded me.”

“When did he stop?”

“I was still young. Not sure. Before my double digits, maybe. Did he ever finger you?”

“Yep. But never in my cunny. And Papa used to pay me a hundred bucks to blow his load. But I never sucked him off. The thought of it put me off.”

“Yeah, same here. Just hand jobs. For an easy hundred? Hell yeah!”

“He offered to fuck me for more cash too. But back then I was ten, and his cock seemed huge. It scared me.”

“You should have let him.” I teased.

“Actually, I should have. I could have used the money. And God knows how I lust for big cock.” She reached out for my piece, eyes wides and grinning. I deflected her hand.

“Come on, Babe! I just wanna touch it. And suck it. And fuck it.” She swirled her tongue at me and stuck her finger in her pussy again.

“You’re so fucked up.” So fucked up, but fucking amazing, I thought, as she licked her finger again. She then took another drag from the joint.

“So are you, perv,” she joked as she leant into me and blew out the smoke in a series of O’s onto my face. I could never do that and was always amazing by how easily she managed it. Time slowed for me and I watched her mouth move slowly to shape the rings of smoke, and her throat flexed as the O’s were forced towards me. They dissipated when they hit me as I felt her entrancement wash over me.

“Yet look how we turned out.”

She raised herself up on her hands and knees upon the bed and popped out her juicy ass to my face.

“Yeah, we turned out pretty tasty, huh?” She said with a wink.
I smacked her bare ass then and she gasped and dropped the last bit of the joint onto the bed.
“Ah, shit!” She brushed down the bed to kill off the trailing embers so that nothing caught alight.”
“Is that how dad spanked that sexy butt?” I joked as I pulled her down. We broke out in laughter again as Ellie fell back into me. We lay there holding onto each another for a while in the last throngs of the day’s twilight.

Another moment hung in the air as I held her close. These were precious moments and I wondered why we never had more of them. I loved Ellie with all my heart, but could hardly ever think of moments together like this.



“How come we never did the incest thing?” she asked honestly.

“Maybe we’re not as fucked up as we think we are.”

“Maybe we are,” she said, as we both giggled.

I slowly moved my arms from the hug to cup her breasts. “Maybe we are,” I joked as I stuck my tongue out at her in an obscene licking gesture. To my surprise, she mimicked my gesture and our tongues danced against each other. I lay there amazed, holding onto her breasts as her bold brown eyes peered into mine. She seemed pleased with herself and I couldn’t stop staring into her. Her nipples were rock hard and her tits were full in the palm of my hands and they felt amazing through the thin, worn-out fabric of her shirt. I squeezed them hard. My cock grew fully erect against her back.

“Mmm,” she murmured as she wiggled her ass into my groin, my hands clawing harder into the mounds of her chest. She arched her neck into my face and opened her mouth. Completely entranced, I accepted her invitation with my open mouth and we kissed for the first time in our lives. Our tongues danced in a sloppy, wild embrace. And it was magic.
Her back against me, our faces locked by our tongues, her hands gripped the sides of my shorts and ripped them down. My rigid cock slapped hard against her ass. I broke the kiss and shifted my hands to her lower back. As I raised her, she spread her legs and I eased myself into her. She was soaking wet as my full eight inches buried effortlessly into her.

I fucked her ferociously on our parents bed for less than a minute before I exploded inside her. I spasmed against her for another thirty seconds before my cock slipped out.

I moved to the foot of the bed as Ellie waited her turn. I buried my face into her greasy cunt as my sperm flowed out of her. She yelped in surprise but she enjoyed it as I felt her hands tugging at my hair and forcing my head deeper into her crevice. My tongue finding a way through her folds and darted within her tunnel and fucked her as my teeth grated at her clit. She came within seconds, a torrent of her juices mixed with mine flushed into my waiting mouth. I eagerly lapped it up, her taste interestingly sweet like glucose.

I dived back onto the bed, my energy spent after a mere five minutes. “That was intense!”

Ellie, still shuddering in the afterglow of her orgasm, looked at me with a gleam in her eyes. “How come we never did the incest thing before, baby brother?”

The question wasn’t a question, but rather a statement. I gave her the same look as I reached out my hand to her face. She was still shuddering. “Guess we’ll just have to make up for lost time, sis.”