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Secret Email Account

All my stories so far have been in a narrative style. I thought about writing one as a play but then the idea popped into my head to use email. I hope you like this. Let me know if it works for you. Margo (P.S, I had to shorten the email addresses. For good reason, this website won’t allow anything that looks like one.)

Is it you?

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

January 20, 2018 1:37 AM

Remember me from that party at the Martins before Christmas? You whispered your private email address in my ear. I hope I got this right. I tried SternoDanForFun and that didn’t work.

Grace D

Re: Is it you?

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

January 20, 2018 1:51 AM

Yes, it’s me. I do remember you. Who could forget you? Wow. That was a month ago. We were all talking about how Margie got caught when Carl read her emails.


Re: Is it you?

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

January 20, 2018 2:01 AM


You know I opened this account right after Christmas. Then I got scared. But I kept thinking about your email address.

Well I screwed my courage up, and, well, we’ve used inprivate mode when we did banking from hotel computers.

Anyway, I thought it would be fun to have a secret pen pal!

Well I have to go to bed. Write to me sometime.


Re: Is it you?

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

January 20, 2018 2:15 AM

I’d love to be your secret “pen pal.”

Meanwhile, I’ll just keep thinking about how delicious you looked in that little black cocktail dress with the black leggings and red scarf.


Not sure

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

January 27, 2018 11:32 PM

Hi Grace

Did you get scared again? I haven’t heard from you.


Re: Not Sure

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

January 28, 2018 1:17 AM

Hi Dan

I’m sorry. Yes, I did sorta panic after those last emails. But I do want to write back and forth.

What do you write about when you use your secret email? Or shouldn’t I ask, LOL?


Re: Not sure

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

January 28, 2018 3:23 AM

Hi Grace

Well most everything. Family. Kids. Work. And of course, sex. Do you want to write about sex? I won’t if you don’t want to.

I’ll start. Marla and I have been married 8 years and we have a 6 year old boy, Daren. He’s way ahead of his grade in reading and math but he’s a little awkward socially. I’m an engineer and Marla teaches kindergarten. We both love to travel, and I also travel on business.


Re: Not Sure

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

January 29, 2018 1:02 AM

Hi Dan

You sound like a nice family. I’m a medical assistant and Derick is an engineer like you. We can’t have kids but I won’t go into why. Derick also travels on business and we’ve been all over. We like those Viking cruises but we’ve also just visited countries and rented a car. We did that in Spain last year.

I guess I don’t mind writing about sex. What’s a pen pal for after all, LOL? Derick took my virginity in college, but there were a couple of other boys and a professor (after I graduated) before Derick and I got really serious. He’s been with others, too, but we don’t talk about the details.


Re: Not sure

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

January 30, 2018 12:23 AM

Hi Grace

I guess you were a late bloomer. I had sex with a cheerleader my sophomore year in high school. We were both virgins and she bled all over the car seat. We stupidly didn’t use protection but TG she didn’t get pregnant. I laugh at how inept I was back then. She had to help me put it in.

I met Marla at an office party; she was another guy’s date, but we hit it off and made plans to see each other. We had sex on maybe the third date. We both love oral sex. I never asked where she learned how to do it the way she does — I had to watch porn to get it right.

Say, I was thinking, maybe we could have drinks somewhere. There’s a pub over in Mansfield I think. It should be far enough away that nobody knows us. I promise to be a gentleman. I’d love to see your beautiful face again.


Re: Not Sure

From: GraceeeDee


February 10, 2018 1:15 AM

Hi Dan

Here I go getting scared again. I never thought you would want to meet up. Well maybe I did. It seems so risky. I froze up trying to write back to you. Well, Derick and I just had sex and he’s sound asleep and I can’t believe I’m up writing to you now.

We like oral sex too. Though I laugh when I think about how that started for me. One of those boys, after the first times with Derick, had taken all my clothes off. He kissed my neck and rubbed my boobs – and pretty soon he was sucking on them. By then he had his fingers in my vagina and I was already starting to come. He kissed his way down my tummy and down my legs — I can’t believe I’m telling you this — and holding one leg up while he fingered me. I’m sure he was watching his fingers go in and out. Anyway, next thing I knew he was kissing my pussy and licking between my lips and I was going crazy. His tongue on my clit and then inside me and then back there; he didn’t stop until I had a complete and total moaning, screaming orgasm.

Well he expected me to return the favor. I wasn’t sure exactly what to do, but I let him put his cock in my mouth. I was sitting on the edge of the bed and he was standing there thrusting away in my mouth. I tried to help him and was bobbing my head too. All of a sudden, he started ejaculating in my mouth. I kept swallowing everything as best I could but I started gagging and then I threw up! How romantic is that, LOL? I did let him fuck me about an hour later after I showered to get the mess off my chest and tummy and we had a drink.

Anyway, maybe we could meet at that place. It’s the Mariners’ Pub on Chapel Street, right? Derick is going away next week and, well, how bout Tuesday. My shift ends at 4 and I could be there by 5.


Re: Not sure

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 10, 2018 1:23 AM

Hi Grace

I’m so delighted you accepted. Mariner’s Pub 5 PM Tuesday. I think I’ll recognize you. Why don’t we meet in the parking lot and go in together? I drive a black 2015 Rogue.

I loved that story, except the part about throwing up. You are a bundle of surprises.


Re: Not Sure

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 10, 2018 1:15 AM

OK. I have a 2001 Camry. Blue.

So Sorry

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 13, 2018 9:11 PM

Thank you so much for the drinks this afternoon. I really enjoyed getting to know you better.

I’m so sorry I pushed you away when you kissed me in the parking lot. It just scared me. This whole thing is scaring me.

But you know what? I really wanted you to kiss me. I want you to kiss me again! Please, please forgive me. Please kiss me again.

I’m crying.


Re: So Sorry

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 14, 2018 12:02 AM

Hi Grace

I’m sorry too. I really thought from the look in your eyes that that was what you wanted. But I’m so glad you aren’t mad at me.

I would love to see you and kiss you again. We could go to the pub on Thursday, same time. Will Derick still be away? There’s time while Marla does parent teacher meetings.


Re: So Sorry

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 14, 2018 3:43 AM

OK!!! 😉

Re: So Sorry

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 15, 2018 8:01 PM

Oh Dan

Your kisses are so sweet. I was glad there wasn’t anyone else in the parking lot. And you’re such a naughty boy getting a little feelie feelie. I loved it.


Re: So Sorry

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 15, 2018 11:53 PM

Dan, Dan

Do you want to talk some more? You know, face to face?


Face to face

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 15, 2018 12:02 AM

Hi Grace

I would love to. You are so beautiful. When? Where?


Re: Face to Face

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 15, 2018 12:10 AM

Now? Here? OMG!

Derick comes home tomorrow. I don’t know when I’ll get to see you again.

Do you think you can sneak out for a while? Is Marla a deep sleeper?

We live at 127 Gallatin Dr.

Am I being awful?


Re: Face to face

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 15, 2018 12:20 AM

Hi Grace

OMG is right! You are amazing! What happened to the girl who was so scared?

Marla is sound asleep. Should I come to the back door? I’m on my way as soon as I put shoes on.


Oh Dan!

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 15, 2018 6:00 AM

I can’t believe what happened. I suppose I should admit I knew it was coming someday. Perhaps I shouldn’t have come to the door with just a robe and nightie on.


Re: Oh Dan!

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 15, 2018 6:10AM

Oh Grace. I’m so sorry. I should have controlled myself. I know how much you love Derick.


Re: Oh Dan!

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 15, 2018 6:30 AM

No, No, don’t be sorry. It was my fault. And you know what? I’m so happy!!

Your kisses were wonderful and you deftly untied my robe even as we kissed. Did my boobs feel nice thru the silky fabric of my nightie? It felt so nice that way for me. I was so thrilled when you took off my robe and put it across the chair. Your coat was not treated so nicely, hehe.

Your kisses on my neck – you have to know how much that affects my whole body – were so feathery. I loved the way you nibbled my spaghetti straps as you eased them off my shoulders with your teeth. There was no possibility of resistance. I love to have my nipples tweaked the way you did while you were kissing all around my breasts. You know if you had wanted me right then and there my love place would have already been ready.

But when my nightie fell to the floor and I was standing there in nothing but my panties, you were still wearing your jeans and heavy shirt and boots. It seemed like a good time to lead you into the bedroom.

You know what happened there. OMG!


Re: Oh Dan!

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 15, 2018 6:50 AM

Oh Grace!!

Marla is off to work so I can write more now.

You are so beautiful. You were even more beautiful last night. Looking at you laying across the bed, I was so taken. Your breasts are perfect globes. The rest of your figure is perfect too. Your long black hair splayed across the sheets. The last time I saw those wonderful legs was below that little cocktail dress. And I have to mention your beautiful triangle of black fur and furry pussy. So very inviting. Such a beautiful body with such a beautiful face. I will never forget that vision.

But I get ahead of myself. When you pulled my pants down you saw how ready I was. And you’ve certainly come a long way since that first night you told me about. You held it and licked everything and your tongue on my tip was amazing, even after you had me in your mouth. I had to stop you before I lost control.

Anyway, when you laid back across the bed and you let me kiss and suck on your panties and take them off, that’s when I saw that beautiful vision. I couldn’t get the rest of my clothes off fast enough and taste you more.

And like you said, we both know what happened.



Re: Oh Dan!

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 15, 2018 7:20 AM

You have a wonderful way of licking a girl’s pussy, Dan. Starting with my toes, hehe. But I really started to get hot when you were kissing inside my thighs – such a tease you are. I opened my legs as far as I could and you were still kissing my thighs. But then you laid your hand on my pussy and started rubbing me – gently at first – faster and faster. My pussy lips are so sensitive to that. And then you found my little bump in between with your thumb and there were two fingers inside me. I didn’t mind that you were still kissing me everywhere else as I moaned quietly. Still, when you took your thumb away, and were licking me there with your fingers still inside, that’s when I started to moan out loud.

I wasn’t sure you would actually want to do it all – I know how much you love Marla – but then you were kissing my belly and then my boobs and as your kisses covered my face, I felt you holding yourself between my legs. And I was so ready for you!!! God it was wonderful having you inside me. You offered not to come inside me but I wanted that too! Feeling your climax inside me and seeing your face as you let go.

I really appreciated how you cuddled me afterwards, gently rubbing my breasts and pulling me close and kissing kissing kissing, especially when I started crying a little bit.

Well, I showed my appreciation when I felt you getting aroused again and I got on my knees. I couldn’t believe you still wanted to lick me with all that mess down there. Derick never does that. It seemed like you had plenty left over to leave inside me the second time, LOL.

I wish you could have stayed all night, but I understand. You were getting really nervous about sneaking out like that.

Love (I guess it’s OK to write that but I think we both know who our real loves are.)


Re: Oh Dan!

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 15, 2018 11:03 PM

Well I got home OK and wasn’t found out. I slept on the sofa so she thought I’d been there all night from insomnia.

Marla and me just had sex and she’s sound asleep again. Her body is not as perfect as yours but she’s still very appealing. I couldn’t stop thinking of you though. Your taste when I tasted her. Your hot vagina when I entered her. Your moans as I left my seed in her.

We had 69 for round two. I kept thinking I hope someday or some night to do that with you. It would be so delicious.



Re: Oh Dan!

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 16, 2018 3:11 AM

I didn’t tell you but Derick wanted sex as soon as he got home. Even before dinner. I was so glad I’d cleaned up and washed the sheets. I wasn’t sure how soon after that a man could tell his wife had had sex with someone else – you know when he tastes her, etc., so I used the spray shower and tried to get the water way up inside. Is that awful?

Anyway, he remarked how randy I seemed to be, LOL.

If we do 69 together and whatever, does that mean we’re having an affair? OMG OMG OMG. I can’t stop dreaming about you. I want to do that. I want to do 69 with you. And cowboy. And doggie. ….Over and over.



Re: Oh Dan!

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 18, 2018 11:50 PM

I’ve wanted to ask you this, but I wasn’t sure I should. Don’t answer if you don’t want to.

When I first wrote you, you answered right away. A couple of other times too. So you must have been logged in to your secret email. Were you writing to someone else? Other women I presume. How many do you write to? Do you have sex with them, too?

I promise not to be jealous. Well maybe a little, hehe.



Your Question

From: SternoDan4Fun

To: GraceeeDee

February 19, 2018 2:23 AM

I don’t mind you asking. Yes its true. There are two girls I write to. One I met at a conference in Las Vegas. We had sex. Two nights, all night long. She told me she never cheated before. It was the first time for me, as well. It was pretty exciting. She loved oral sex and even wanted me to use her rear one time. But I’ll probably never see her again.

The other is a girl I met in a chat room. Have you done that? Gone to a chat room? We only do cybersex, but our emails are pretty erotic. We send pictures, LOL. She lives someplace in Arkansas. I know we’ll never be able to get together.

I exchanged a couple emails with another chatroom girl a few months back, but that dropped off when she stopped writing back.

I hope you’re not upset with me, but I couldn’t lie.



Re: Your Question

From: GraceeeDee

To: SternoDan4Fun

February 21, 2018 11:43 PM

Dear Dan

It’s OK. I’m glad you told me. I did ask after all. I have to admit I cried a little.

Derick told me he has to go back in three weeks. Will you see me again? I can’t wait.

You can show me how to use a chat room too.

