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S.H.E.I.L.A. 18       

The two groups join forces

Killjoy group


Ruslan (short blonde hair, 6’7”) – Leader

Serafima (dark red head) – support/medical

Karina (blonde Hair) – Sharpshooter sniper

Timur (Dark hair 5’2”} – computer/hacker expert

Egor- Electronics expert – killed in fire fight

Stas – Explosives expert – killed in fire fight

Pibald group


Evelyn (Auburn hair) – Leader former wife of General Gance/sniper

Christine/Chris (blonde) – personal combat expert- Evelyn’s daughter

Trina (red head) – Tall muscular, armed combat, Chris’s lover – Injured shot in both arms

Betty (Dark brown hair) – Recon/explosives expert, sister of Cathy

Cathy (Light brown hair} computer/Electronics/hacker expert

Diane (Dark brown Hair) short, mistress of deception/assassinations – Severely injured internal injuries

Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android – Sheila


I had to keep my mouth shut, ’til I was certain that the man was well out of hearing. Then I let loose with an almost total consuming laughing fit, I could have sworn that the man was about to piss on his self.

Sheila then turned toward me. “From all indications, your nanomites have again obtained their second critical mass.” {Are you able to perceive my thoughts better Doctor Gance?}

I only nodded, as I was starting to be able to pull more and more read outs up, on everything in the room. “It appears that I am able to see a few things I was unable to before.” I replied to Sheila. Reaching in my pocket, I quickly retrieved the data cube. I was again nodding as the cube seemed to spring to life the moment I touched it.

A moment later, I could see where Sheila had also accessed it. “Yes, you are proceeding far faster than I had at first thought.” She told me. “Perhaps you can achieve the third mass mode, before we have to move on. {This is secondary control, time estimation ’til third critical mass is achieved?}

{Secondary control, it is estimated that another thirteen hours, twenty three minutes, forty three seconds are required. At that time primary control should have an estimated, ninety eight percent control of all corporeal systems.} I heard the nanomites reply.

My head snapped around as I could only stare at Sheila. Ninety eight percent? How in the hell was that even possible? Then the next question, did I really want to have that much control. I remember Sheila telling me about the different stages. I wasn’t really expecting something as radical as this.

Thinking harder, I was trying to remember exactly what it was that she had said. The third mass would be able to keep me at maximum health. Then there were what another four to six more? The first batch would have me at optimum health and speed among other things. The last one or two would increase my cognition and reasoning.

Shaking my head, I sat at the main console as I started to type commands far faster than any human should be able to. Within a few minutes, I had laid the ground work for disabling all the security. I had to nod at what I saw; all of this was top rate as I had thought. Looking over to Sheila, I sat back as she connected directly to the terminal.

{Very efficient Doctor Gance, now connecting to the main frame. It will take a few hours to assimilate the information. After that, I will require you to look over everything. It was monumental the last time we attempted this.} Sheila told me. “I also believe that we should wait ’til such time, as you have reached third critical mass. It would afford you greater control in case anything happened as before.”

I was nodding my head at Sheila, she was obviously shifting back and forth between thoughts and oral speech. Looking back at the terminal screen I saw that Sheila was taking in information, at a much slower rate.

{Glad to see that you aren’t taking it as fast as you can.} I thought to her.

{No Doctor Gance. I do not want to over tax the high speed system. As I remember, the system overloaded the last time. I am being careful as you instructed me Doctor Gance.} Sheila’s thoughts responded to me.

My head whipped around to again stare at her. As I instructed her? I didn’t think she was a slave to do exactly what I told her. Then it dawned on me, she wasn’t a slave, as she said she was a new life form. As a new life form, she was still learning so… I guess I really was her teacher. Briefly I thought again that she would soon be through with me, not needing me. Then I remembered she was also in love with me, I also remembered she got mad about me thinking she’d not need me the last time.

Shaking a bit, I also remembered that I never wanted to see her that mad again. I sat back as a read out appeared before me, showing the progress Sheila was making. A few minutes later my head dropped not realizing that I was that tired.


On the Canadian Forces Base Edmonton, Evelyn was pacing the hallway outside of the room that held both her injured team members. Shaking her head every few minutes, she was also mumbling to herself. The only problem was, the more she paced the more agitated she got.

What in the hell was going on? She knew her son, he was loyal to a tee. That bastard of an ex of hers must have seriously pissed Roger off. It obviously had something to do with that machine he’d built. Though, why build it to look like Chris? The last she knew, they absolutely hated each other, didn’t they?

Stopping suddenly, she turned to stare at her daughter. Thinking about the whole situation, she remembered, all of her rebellious behavior, her hatred of men. All of that had started when she was told that her brother had been killed. Perhaps if that bastard had told her in a better way than: your bastard brother is dead get over it, you’ve got a job to do.

Then there was Roger’s rapid withdraw from her. Smashing her fist to the wall, then through it a few inches, she nodded. The cold hearted, calculating son of a bitch! All of this had been planned to make them what HE wanted them to be. A snarl issued from her throat that caused even Chris to back away.

“What they hell has you so pissed off? I didn’t do a damn thing, bad enough that Trina is laid up a few weeks. I…” Chris was saying.

“Shut up Chris!” Evelyn growled out.

This seemed to only egg Chris on, “What? Fuck you Moth…” Chris started then was off the floor with Evelyn growling in her face.

“I TOLD YOU to shut the hell up! Now unless you want to take an extended nap, I suggest you do it.” Evelyn growled. Dropping her arm, letting Chris drop to the floor with a thud.

Chris rubbed her throat, shooting looks of extreme hatred at her mother, though this time she remained quiet.

Evelyn paced a few more minutes then stopped, when a major walked in with a phone. “For you Mam.” He stated then quickly left the room.

Taking the phone she sighed, she knew the bastard would find her. “So I Take it you are down two members. You also killed two of the other group, nice work. Let’s hope you get the rest of them, as you know we’ve no room for error.” General Gance informed her.

“Get on with it you ass. I have a job to do, not idle chat with your ugly face.” Evelyn retorted.

“Quite right, I need a report about…” Gance started,

“REPORT! You have eyes everywhere, quit bothering me ’til we are done. This should remove all that you have against us.” Evelyn growled out.

“We’ll see, it will get you off the wanted list, as for even? I don’t think you’ll even be close.” The General retorted.

“You bastard this should be the last. This is your fam…” Evelyn began.

“Ah, ah, let’s not get into old dead history. As you know there is no time for family, when we are protecting this country.” The General said coldly.

Evelyn’s face contorted into a mask of extreme anger, though her calm voice betrayed none of that anger.

“Yes, old dead history, we are dead to you as you are to us. Don’t bother me again ’til the job is finished.” Evelyn calmly hissed, then smashed the phone on the floor.

Chris looked at the pieces of the phone then her mother nodding. Yup, had to be that prick of a father of hers, to get her mother this upset.

“I have to go out. Betty you’re in charge, no one off the base ’til I return.” Here she turned to Chris, “that means all of you!” Chris only grunted an answer, as she turned her head towards the door of the room where Trina and Diane were still being tended.

Grabbing Cathy, they both went outside to the vehicles. Turning to Cathy, Evelyn asked, “Do you think you can tune to the frequency that the machine that he built can detect?”

Cathy only thought a moment then replied, “Actually from everything I have seen, it should be listening to almost all frequencies. Though I am sure you would want a higher, more secure one. I can set it up for you, monitor if you wish.” Cathy offered.

“No, I, have to do this. There are a few things I need to find out, before we carry out the rest of the mission.” Evelyn told the shorter light brown haired woman.

Cathy only shrugged, showing Evelyn exactly what to do then going back in. Evelyn watched the woman all the way back to the building, then waited a moment before she tuned the radio.

“I am calling Roger Gance, if you can hear this please respond, I think you know who this is. I believe that we need to talk, I also believe that the sooner we do, the sooner a great many things can be resolved.” Putting down the mike, Evelyn waited a few minutes then repeated the same dialog again. Then she started repeating it every five minutes. That ought to attract his attention she thought.


I was asleep a little while, having a dream I think, about accepting a Noble prize though, I can’t be sure. I was suddenly jostled from it by a light shaking. I tried to swat whatever it was away, when it just started again. Groaning I barely opened my eyes whispering out, “What!?”

Sheila was about to shake me again, then withdrew her hand. “I have been receiving messages addressed to you Doctor Gance.”

She was silent a moment then I heard, “I am calling Roger Gance, if you can hear this please respond, I think you know who this is. I believe that we need to talk, I also believe that the sooner we do, the sooner a great many things can be resolved.”

I blinked, then blinked again. That was mother, sounded like her, though, from her recent actions I doubted it was.

I looked at Sheila as she said, “Do you wish to respond? I have the frequency if you do.”

I stared at Sheila as if she were crazy. Talk to the enemy? To the ones that were out to destroy the both of us?

“I’m not so sure Sheila. Talk to an enemy? Besides, I really have nothing to say to that bitch!” I said with a little more venom than I meant.

I immediately regretted it, as I saw Sheila actually pull away a bit. “I am sorry Doctor Gance, I had thought that having not talked to her in so long, you might desire to. She seems to be repeating it every five minutes.” Sheila then looked at me intensely as I went over all this in my mind.

Finally, I decided that I wouldn’t, when Sheila stated, “Mother, a female parent, one who often forms a bond with the unborn fetus. Doctor Gance, do you mean to say that this female only produced you affecting no bond? From all I have seen all mothers form some type of bond. Are you certain that this female produced you?”

For a moment I had my mouth open, then I started to smirk, which slipped to a smile. Finally I was in a full laugh that wasn’t made better when, I looked at Sheila with her completely serious face.

“Yes Sheila, I am more than certain.” Taking a deep breath I was about to say no, when a thought struck me. She was trying to reach out though, I didn’t know if she was really sincere, she sounded damn close. “Alright, open a channel. Make sure we’re not being traced. We just got going here, I am not about to stop.”

Sheila nodded as she was quiet a moment then said, “I have the frequency now, you may proceed.”

I took another deep breath then spoke. “Hello mother, to what do I owe the most unpleasant pleasure of talking to you?”

Almost immediately I heard a gasp, “Roger that’s no way to talk to your moth…”

“MOTHER!!? Please, just get on with it ok? I don’t have all the time in the world, thanks to yours and the other group that is after me. What in the hell do you want?”

“I want… no I need to talk to you. You have been lied to by that bastard of your father. I…” Evelyn started.

“I already know this crap; tick tock tell me something I don’t know. Better do it soon as this conversation is starting to bore me.” I snapped back at her.

“We need to meet, I can’t say what I have to over this channel. Knowing your bastard father, he is already trying to hack it. Just meet me in an hour, there’s a Starbucks between one hundred and one hundred one north west streets. It’s close to the city center.” I heard my mother say, damn it almost sounded like she was desperate.

“Alright, though you better give me two hours I am obviously further away than you are.” I lied, I really wasn’t more than fifteen minutes away, though I wasn’t about to give her anything. “If you aren’t alone, you’ll never see me again, I’ll make damn sure of that.”

“Good… damn it!” Evelyn said as she saw that I had already disconnected.

Evelyn hoped that the rest of her team had listened to her. This was the only chance she had to meet with him. If, they could plan this right, that piece of shit of her ex-husband would be dead in less than a week.

Evelyn set out taking her time, she was in no hurry. If her team was monitoring her, then they would see she was in no danger. Driving on, her brow furrowed as she thought about that, knowing Cathy, anything Evelyn did would set her off. Especially after Evelyn left her in charge.

It was an hour and a half later when Evelyn pulled to a stop near the coffee shop. Shaking her head she hoped that this wasn’t a waste of time. Roger had always been a bit skittish, though his recent actions seemed to point to an entirely different person. Well she thought, we’d see in less than a half hour.


I was walking down the street not far away when she pulled up. Ok, so far so good. {Sheila? Are you detecting anything?}

{No Doctor Gance, as of yet I am detecting no armed personnel. I am keeping all active scans going ’til I know you are no longer in danger. I can be there within forty five seconds. I have to protest again, this is far more of a risk you are taking than any end result can merit.} Sheila advised me.

{All of that is duly noted Sheila. Though, with the augments the nanomites have made within me, I should be fine ’til you can intercede.} I replied.

{Still Doctor Gance, I do not wish for any harm to come to you. This is after all, the leader of one of the groups that is trying to eradicate you.} Sheila thoughts said.

I stayed as well out of sight as I could, ’til the time to meet was here. Then I eased up to where she was, listening to Sheila as she stated that there was still no one approaching.

I took a deep breath as I was about to turn the corner when Evelyn spoke. “For god sakes Roger, sit already. You really suck at stealth.” Then she gave that little chuckle I remember her using.

Shaking my head I sat in the chair that she offered. “Ok, so I am here. What in the hell do we have to talk about? As I remember, YOU, were the one that left me with that oppressive dictator. American patriot? I think not, international assassin coordinator would be more like it. Yeah mother, I know a hell of a lot more than you think I do.”

“I had no choice Roger, it was leave you or lose your sister. He threatened to ship her off, erase us from her mind. I…” Evelyn was saying a flash of anger on her face. Good I thought, she really does hate him as much if not more than I do.

“Yeah, we all can see how well that went after she got killed. At least she wasn’t captured. I searched for her for years, nothing. Father ‘convinced’ me to go back to work.” I spit out, with a fury I hadn’t had in quite a while.

“Look Roger, I am a prisoner much as you were, all my team is. Though, I think I have a plan to finally rid you and the rest of us of him. Plus I think there might be a few other benefits.” She replied.

“Benefits uh huh, reconciliation with you? No, not going to happen mother. We passed that years ago. I…” I started to say when I heard Sheila.

{Warning, warning, several heavily armed vehicles, personnel approaching. They are using a dampening technology or I would have detected them sooner. I have detached, arrival in thirty seconds.} Sheila warned.

I sprang up moving behind mother as I heard three vehicles approaching. “Not nice to break your promises, mommy!” I sneered as I rapidly tied her to the chair, surprising her at the speed I was moving.

“It wasn’t me Roger, please stay meet them. you might find it extremely interesting.” Evelyn stated.

Shaking my head I replied, “I don’t think so, I’m not fast enough yet.”

A moment later Sheila appeared before me, “Good you are safe.” I looked at Evelyn as she was staring at Sheila, her mouth hanging open.

“My god! Christine?” She was whispering in a strained voice.

I looked at Sheila then Evelyn, “No this is Sheila. She is a Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android. She is what father wants, to wage war on the rest of the world. Not going to happen while I am alive.”

“Roger, she looks so much like Christine. Please this wasn’t my doing, meet with me again.” Evelyn said seeming to be begging.

I looked at the approaching vehicles shaking my head. “We’ll see if what you say is true, we’ll see.”

At that I took off down the street far faster than I thought I could move. Sheila was quickly beside me as we made our way back to the university.

{I take it things did not go as planned?} Sheila asked.

{No, not exactly though, I did manage to get a few things off my chest. She wants to meet again, THAT, I am not so sure of. We need to get better prepared before I can even consider it.} I returned to her.

Sheila was nodding as we made it to the University in a mere five minutes. I also noticed that I had almost melted my shoes from the friction.


Evelyn was still sitting there staring up the street the way I and Sheila had left. Chris and Ruslan were the first to reach her.

“Mother?! Are you harmed? Should we take off after them?” Chris said, alarmed at the shock that was registering on her mother’s face.

Ruslan shook Evelyn, “Comrade? Comrade! o Gospodi! She appears to have seen a ghost. Comrade!” With that Ruslan reached out slapping Evelyn in the face breaking her shock. Almost immediately three guns were pointed at Ruslan, as two rifles were pointed at the gun bearers.

Shaking her head Evelyn looked at the faces that were looking down at her. Then her eyes centered on Chris, “My god!” Here her voice was hardly a whisper. “It really does look exactly like you!”

Serafima smirked as did Betty, they both tightened their grip on their rifles. “Good! So you have seen it too. At least now everyone won’t think we are crazy,” Serafima stated.

Chris of course, was looking between the three women as if they were losing their minds.