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Reset part 1

remember that this is just a fantasy. I DO NOT condone rape. however, stories can be hot! sometimes. please vote positively.

One morning I tripped and fell down the back stairs of our two-story house.

I felt a painful crack on my head before-.

” WAAAAGGHH!” I screamed as I woke up in bed, breathing hard.

Now that! was a freaky nightmare.

I walked out to the back veranda and immediately tripped down the stairs ‘again,’ and struck my head on the concrete.

” WAAAAGGHH!” I screamed, waking up in bed ‘again,’ panting.

Okay, this was really getting freaky.

I got up ‘again,’ and walked out to the back veranda.

This time when I tripped ‘again’. I nearly went down the stairs, but I had a sneaking suspicion that It was gonna happen ‘again.’ so I grabbed at the handrail, just in time.

Okay, what the bloody hell was going on here!

I went back inside to look at the calendar,.

The dates were right… This required further investigation…


After a couple more painful experiments, I worked out that I could restart the day again by dying.

I could also create a save point if I fell asleep naturally. Sleeping pills didn’t work, though.

This meant that I could cheat at the stock market by offing myself at day’s end, then trading the day over.

I’d make a mint.

It also meant I could do pretty much anything I wanted, as long as I offed myself at day’s end.

All I had to do was lead an exemplary life on my final ‘reset,’ and I would be clean and clear.


I had always been a bit of a goody-two-shoes. I couldn’t help it, I was raised as a good Mormon church boy.

At first, I thought this was a divine gift, but when I kept on dying, I started to doubt.

Why would a merciful God kill his willing servant over and over again?

That’s when I started to stray.

First, I tried Tea and coffee and getting quite a buzz off them, I Progressed to the ‘Green.’

It’s not like its hard to get your hands on the ‘Green’ these days.

I went full stoner for about a week, doing every day over multiple times.

But after a while that started to get boring, so I went chasing after the more illicit substances.

I tried everything imaginable, everything I could get my hands on.

You can only go so far, though, before the thrill won’t do it for you anymore.

I was lucky enough that when I did my ‘reset’ day’s, all the drugs would be nullified from my system, leaving no chemical addiction what so ever.


Ah, boredom, boredom, boredom.

What to do? What to do? What to do?

I know! Premarital sex!

I’ve always wanted to engage in Premarital sex!

What hot-blooded, teenage boy wouldn’t want to?

And I could attempt to seduce any individual girl as many times as I wanted, with no fear of reprisal!


I began going into the nightclubs and bars in town, trying to seduce women.

Looking at myself objectively, I would say that I’m well below average looking, with an unfortunately grotesque face.

I’m also six foot nine inches and Morbidly obese, although I don’t know why.

I’ve lived a very healthy lifestyle just like all the other people growing up in the Church and have always tried very hard at games and sports.

Oh, well.

Here was my chance!

It took over twenty ‘resets,’ before I finally managed to get a woman to take me home.

I couldn’t take her home, my Mom and Sister were there, and there was no way I could engage in premarital sex if they were in the same building.

The woman’s name was Lucy.

She was an older lady, not exactly a MILF though, being only a five, with boney thin hips and an A-cup rack.


Premarital sex! Woo-hoo!


“your not my usual type,” she said over her shoulder as she unlocked the front door to her fourth-floor apartment.

“Why? Who do you usually go for?” I whispered in her ear as I softly wrapped my arms around her.

“Thin, fit, well built, attractive…” her words trailed off upon seeing the expression on my face.

“Umm… I’m starting to have second thoughts about this” Lucy stammered out as she began to pry herself out from under my grip.

“But you already said yes! You don’t want to go back on your word now do you?’ I whispered squeezing Lucy tightly into a bear hug, “your not going anywhere…”


When the deed was done, I took a swan dive off her apartment balcony and woke up in bed.

I wondered if I was technically still a virgin, seeing as how the incident hadn’t actually happened yet?

Oh, well, I could only try again.


I had always wanted to fuck the girl next door, Kathryn, she sat two pews back at the Church.

To be honest, she was a veritable goddess.

All ivory white skin and long, hip-length flowing Italian black hair, with vibrant, ruby red lips that gave way to a warm, dazzling smile. Her body was delicate but still had curves in all the right places, and her breasts had really sprouted recently to a C-cup, making her the object of my desire growing up.

That’s it, I would fuck the goddess next door, now all I had to do was seduce her.

I had a crack at it but to no avail.

So I killed myself.

I tried a second time, again to no avail.

So I killed myself again.

Well, you know what they say ‘Persistence is key!’

I kept on trying, but no matter how many times I attempted it, I could not seem to seduce her.

This was starting to irritate me.

Then I got angry.

Then, after over a hundred attempts, I was Furious.

Fuck it, I would just have to use force… It was only a matter of time before it happened anyway.

I waited for a long weekend when I knew her mom was going away and noted how long her brother was away at the gym for, then I killed myself again.

Time to start the day fresh.

This was it.

I listened for the sound of a running shower, she had always had a morning shower on my previous resets.

From the side door to their house, I could hear Kathryn singing to herself in the shower.

She was all alone in there… but not for long, Heh Heh!

I slid open the door and stepped inside.

From here I could make out her pristine voice a lot clearer, it really was quite beautiful.

There in the lounge room, I stripped down from head to toe and then I Greased myself up like a swimmer attempting an ocean crossing.

When the last of the lard was rubbed in, I paused and took a few deep meditative breaths and then I strode towards the bathroom where I could still hear the sound of falling water accompanied by an enchanting lullaby.

I opened the bathroom door ever so gently so that only a crack was barely visible, and peering through I laid my eyes on my prize.

Kathryn had her head tipped back in the stream as she rinsed her hair of shampoo.

I gazed at her heavenly form, watching the water flowing over her delicate visage.

And then I struck!

In one smooth motion, I opened the door; launched across the room and tackled the cunt with a knee to the gut, leaving her doubled over and retching.

She quickly began gulping for air, but none would come.

Hah, no screaming for you, Bitch!

I gave her an uppercut for good measure and then used my right forearm to pin her against the shower wall by the throat.

I then grabbed her right leg with my left hand and lifted her ankle onto my left shoulder.

“Do you know how long I have lusted after you? How many times I tried to seduce you? But nooooooo, not Kathryn, the pure little goddess… So now I’m gonna fuck you! and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

With that, I guided the tip of my throbbing member towards her well… spread… cunt!

One… Two… And with one hard thrust, it was In.

I just stood there for a minute or so enjoying the sensation as her tight, no-longer virgin cunt gripped at my johnson.

Although she wasn’t able to speak at the moment, her eye’s told stories as she locked eyes with me. There was a massive look of hurt and betrail in them, but still deeper I could see the purest hate imaginable.

Woah, take note for further resets, Kathryn is a dangerous one if not handled correctly.

Then, I began to thrust.

Softly, quite gently really, almost lovingly, at least at first, and then gradually I got harder, rougher and faster.

I was relentless as I pumped her cunt, IN and OUT and IN and OUT, OVER and OVER and OVER!

Strange gurgling sounds started to come from Kathryn’s throat as I pounded away, always getting continuously Harder!, Faster! And Rougher!

Her legs were in an almost vertical splits position now as I pushed her leg higher.

“It’s always been a fantasy of mine to fuck a gymnast, I guess you’ll just have to do in the meantime.”

I thrust forward stretching Kathryn to her limit, and beyond as I heard something give way. Then her hip popped out, and her leg bent back behind her own shoulder.

Kathryn’s hateful eyes unfocused as they began to roll back, her body vibrating heavily and her mouth hanging open and slack with her first-ever involuntary orgasm.

This prompted me, and I pumped her turbo speed for thirty seconds before cumming deep inside her crevice.

Breathing hard, I looked up to find her passed out in my hands.

I dropped her leg down into my hand and then picked up the other one. Holding her hard against the wall like this, I plunged my once again erect manhood into her dripping gash and then began to pound away at her mercilessly.

“Ssh,” I whispered as she began to regain consciousness “if you just cooperate, everything will go a lot smoother.”

At that, she spat in my face.

“Oh!, You shouldn’t have done that, that is gonna cost you BIG time.”

With that, I withdrew and let go to see her crumple in a pile on the tiles of the still running shower.

“how do you like that huh, still gonna spit in my f-“


A scream of deafening proportions came from the shower floor.

I quickly reached down and grabbed a big handful of Kathryn’s Italian black hair, then lifted and then slammed her head, hard! Into the tiles.

She was instantly cut short.

“Not gonna do THAT! again are you now.”

I saw her head bob slightly in acknowledgement.


Someone was bound to have heard that scream, maybe even my mother or sister next door. I guess I would just have to speed up the time frame.

“But, you’ll still have to be punished for your outburst… Hmm… how do you feel about fisting?” I enquired, only to receive a look of uttermost horror from Kathryn.

“Well, it seems like fisting it is then, just, gimmie a sec.”

With that decision made, I left my right hand in her hair and dragged her face under the water stream.

Then, I slowly began to feed the fingers of my left hand into her warm, juicy cunt.

The first two slipped right in her no-longer virgin hole, the third was a little more complicated. But on the fouth, she started screaming again, which I quickly silenced with a quick head bounce on the tiles.

The fifth was my thumb which included my hand, but with a bit of force, I was able to squeeze the whole thing in, and it only took five minutes.

“Look at your stomach,” I said, holding Kathryn’s head up by the locks, “you can see where my hand is.”

I watched her staring glass-eyed at her stomach where it was bulging up and down.

“No no no, that won’t do at all, you have to look closer.”

With that, I jerked her face down so that she was nose deep in her own cunt.

“See,” I said as I jerked my hand out, spraying cunt juice all over her face.

Holding her head firmly in place, I worked my hand IN and OUT maybe ten more times before…

“You know, I think your cunts ready for my fist, what do you think?” I asked, holding her head up level with mine.

“Nooooo… Whysh!…Pleash… ledh…me… gogh!”

“Well, that’s obviously a yes.”

I balled my fingers into a fist and held it in front of her face.

“Watch closely now, you hear?”

Then I spat on my fist, which was already glistening with cunt juice and begun to work it gently into her loosened cavity.

“Congratulations, you’re a fister.” I praised, as I slowly worked my fist inside and then removed it.

“Wanna try again?…you don’t appear very lively… Well, another fist should help tremendously.” I said, pulling my arm back and releasing the mother of all cunt-punches.

My arm went in deep as my elbow, and in the same moment, Kathryn arched right back, her eyes rolling and reddish-pink foam frothing from her mouth.

I began to punch the inside of her cunt relentlessly, making her body spasm in orgasmic seizures.

Blood started trickling out of her mouth and then she started throwing up great red gushes of the stuff.

“How do you like it now my beautiful ivory goddess. Do you like having your cunt vigorously punched, elbow deep, OVER and OVER and OVER… your such a fucken tease you know, I tried to fuck you so many times… How do you like it now, WHORE!…CUNT!… SLUT!… I’m gonna fuck you again now.” I squeezed my hand out with the last phrase and then climbed atop her.

Reaching out, I grabbed both her legs by the ankles and spread them as wide and high as they would go, her right leg swinging around freely at the hip. Then I shoved my rehardened cock back into her ruined cunthole.

Slam! Went my cock, and then… Slam! When my cock again.

I Moved in her in gigantic thrusts and slow recoveries.

Kathryn was laying back, glass-eyed and drooling blood, having submitted to the situation.

That was no fun, though.

Still holding a handful of sticky wet black hair, I jerked her head up face to face with me. She stared into my eyes, not understanding what was happening to her, then something clicked, and she began struggling once more.

“you understand now don’t you, yeah you do.”

and with that, I began smashing her skull on the ground every time I thrusted.

I did it for nearly a full minute before I realised that she was dead, but that realisation just spurred me on.

I could feel it… Here it was…I!…Was!…Cumming!

As I rolled off her corpse, I started to make out the faint wailing of sirens in the distance.

Better get snappy, I wandered into the kitchen, found the largest knife there and cut my jugular.


“Waaaaaagggghhhh!” I yelled as I woke up in bed.

Holy!Shit! I just committed murder… like, real, no holds barred murder!

I looked out my bedroom door to see Kathryn standing there in the driveway seeing her brother off to the gym.

Day reset, check.

Now, what to do this time around…