Poker Night with Sis Part 3

Ok. First off. I promise. No homo.

Secondly. This is a teaser! If you want to wait for Part 4, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. But, for those desperate for more and want to know where the story is going, I promise Part 4 should be on the way in a couple days at most. I hope you enjoy!

Finally, Be Warned! If you haven’t read part 1 then you’ll probably be lost. (I’m sure several people would say part 2 is optional and not recommended for the faint of heart.) Also, No Intercourse in this part. Again, this is a teaser. Enjoy!

This a Brother Sister Taboo story with appropriate over 18 ages. If you like please let me know, and I’ll try and write more. Any comments or suggestions for further writing is welcome.


We got up exhausted. “There’s just not enough hours in the day.”

My sister groaned. “Thank God for that! My poor puss puss can only take so much.” I growled at her provocatively. “NO MORE YOU INSATIABLE BASTARD”

I laughed. “Kids are probably up anyway.”

“I’m going back to sleep.” I tickled her. “Noo awww” She sighed with pleasure as I latched onto her breast with my lips. She stroked my hair as I lightly ran my tongue around her nipple, refusing to touch it as I went round, with the exception of a gentle flick here and there. I then blew a cool stream of air over her moistened breast, making her nipple exceptionally hard and sending shivers through her body. I then suckled her tit into my warm mouth making her melt beneath me. My other hand tugging at her other nipple. “Fuck me.”

“Mom!!! Daddy!!! Uncle John!!!” My sister groaned, and I laughed again. We both hopped out of bed and got dressed. She wore the sexiest little skirt and stockings. Ever since our second night of poker, my sister has stopped at nothing to seduce me it seems. If only it could last forever.

Breakfast went smoothly, and it was off to the park with the kids. Luckily, it was a kid crowded neighborhood, so there was no shortage of distractions for them, or me. I kept getting chastised for grabbing my sister’s ass. “Holy crap John, someone will see us, and there are kids literally everywhere. Be Good!” Christ I was horny for her. That skirt was a perfect invitation, but damn it, she was right. I searched the playground for some means of concealment. The tunnels you could crawl through and big round slide looked promising, but not quite right. She stood in front of me and gave my cock a squeeze. God I love this woman. I placed my arms around her waist as she swayed back and forth, grinding her ass into my crotch. I apparently wasn’ t the only one having naughty thoughts.

“I thought you were too sore for more.”

She quietly responded, “There’s still one more part of me that’s not sore.”

I shivered with excitement. “mmm is that an invitation?”

“I don’t know. Maybe we should play for it?”

I groaned playfully as she stepped away to deal with the kids being crazy.

It seemed like we would live happily ever after, but it was not meant to be. Summer was almost over, of course, and we each had our own lives to live many miles apart. The wind picked up as my sis was bending over paying attention to one of her kids talk. My heart skipped a beat as I enjoyed the view. I looked around and saw that I wasn’t the only one. My sister was not going to have any trouble moving on after I was gone. She had definitely come out of her cocoon.

“Hey! There you guys are!” My sister looked up and waved. I followed her gaze and froze. I’d say more, but there really wasn’t any more coherent thought at his point. My cousin Sarah walked up to my sister, and they gave each other a hug. Sarah looked my sister up and down with a look of astonishment. My cousin also wore a skirt, but a far more conservative one. She always looked as if she’d just come back from church. But, I didn’t care. I had a crush on her for as long as I could remember. Nothing perverted. Some how I just couldn’t think of her like that.

They walked over to me. “Hi.” I said the one word then just stood there looking like an idiot.

My sister looked at me and back at Sarah, who smiled back at me without responding. “Sarah’s going to have dinner with us.”

I might as well have been a tree.

“Maybe, we could even convince her to have a few drinks and stay the night; I have a comfy couch.”

Confused, I looked at my sister. “There’s three bedrooms. Why wouldn’t she just use the spare one?” My sister’s eyes lit up, and now it was my cousin Sarah looking confused.

“Which room are you sleeping in John?”

Oops. “Riiiight. Sorry! Only mathematician who can’t subtract 3 from 3, my bad.” They both laughed. My sister’s laugh, clearly more forced as she had the “I’m going to kill you” look on her face. “Whatever” I thought. I’m still tapping that ass tonight.

Sarah accepted the invitation. “The couch is fine.” I instantly refused to let her sleep on the couch, and insisted she could use my room while I slept on the couch.

“Or!” My sister chimed up. “We could play a game to decide who gets to sleep on the couch.”

I looked at my sister as all the blood drained out of my face. She looked back at me, biting her lower lip. Our kids ran up to greet their aunt Sarah as my sister walked over to me. Could she see how nervous I was about this? She stared into my eyes and took my hand, placing something soft in my palm. She then leaned over and licked my earlobe before turning back to the group and beckoning them to get ready to go back to the house. My rib cage began to shake and I felt a wave of warm pleasure in my loins as I looked down at the blindfold in my hand.

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