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Nikko 3 & 4

This is like right from story 2

He smiled
“I know its ur turn but I think i should treat you and I love to suck on you” he said starting to suck on my neck some more.
“Nikko” I said pulling away”Wat if i get a hickie wat do i tell chelsea?”
I had set up nikko and chelsea a while ago and I was jealous about them i really was attracted to nikko. And wat was funny is she called me “cousinfucker” and said i wanted to date nikko and i loved him. I of course denied it and i secretly really did.
OMG my mom was knocking on the door.
Nikko put a finger on my lips and lead me to his walk in closet and i walked in with my cloths in arms and started to get dressed.
He smiled at me and closes the door.
“Auntie Julie i’m getting dressed” he says as he pulls on his boxers and shirt.
“o i thought Tori was in there?”
“No i think shes in the bathroom”
“O ok thank you”
I hear my mothers footsteps walk away. And nikko opens the door and gives me a deep loving kiss. His tounge swirled in my mouth and the warmth of his lips comforted me and i went slightly limp. His lips release me and i look at him funny.
“wat was that for?”
“i dono”
“ooookkk then”
“yea i just…”
He gave me another kiss this time less gentle.
“Omg i got to get dressed as much as i would love to stand her kissing u all day i cant”
“I know” he says backing away
I ‘m dressed and going out the door. I turn and wink at him as i go to find my mother.
It turns out we needed to go so I went back to nikko’s room to give him a goodbye kiss and left. The next day i was goin to the movies with him. He told his mom he was meeting his friend Peter and i told my mom i was meeting Chelsea.

We were going to see a movie that was supposedly suppose to blow so we wouldn’t want to watch it.
We got there and met inside no one there knew us so he greeted me with a kiss.
Just a quick one not want others looking at us.
Iwas wearing a miniskirt(i mean mini) and a tank top. He was wearing a blue shirt and faded blue jeans. He obviously is a good listener because his shirt was tight so i could see his beautiful sixpack.
“I got ur ticket” he said leading me to the person who rips them.
“Thank you”
Our family has a language that we made up and me and him were the only ones who understood it other than our parents. So in the launge i asked him:
“How are we going to do this i love u but we cant get married or have kids we cant even date without lying to everyone.”
“Can we not talk about this until we actually need to plez?” he responds to me back in Bibop(the language)
“Bullshit.” he was being such a guy ‘i dont want to talk about stuuff that needs to be done’ that was wat he was practically saying “We have to talk about this now” i say walking to the theater we neede to.
“ok ok. Just after the movie?” he said in english now.
He looked at me with those big brown eyes you could just drownd in well at least i could.
“ok” i say back in english taking his hand and walking with him into the theater.
Not alot of people were in the theater and no one was near the top row where we were sitting.At first we were sitting with hands held but then he let go of my hand andput it around my neck and he placed his other hand on my thigh. I noticed with in 15minutes his hand moved at lest 55 inches up my leg.
“What are you doing?” I asked not really caring if he was going for a finger fuck.
“ was just…” he obviously thought he was being sneaky.
I gave him a deep passionate kiss.
“go ahead” I said calmly and leaning back.
I could tell he was sumwat shocked because he sat there for about 3 minutes not moving but eventually put his hand up my skirt and push past my underwear.
He gave me a deep kiss as he put his midddle and index finger into my pussy hole.
“I love you Tori” he said as he leaned in for another kiss.
His fingers penatrated into my now wet hole and i moaned not loudly hoping to avoid any type of notice.
“O my god nikko thats good” I said raising my butt to get him deeper.
His other had went up my top and now rested on my hardened C-cup breast.
He played with my nipple as it got hard as rock and he kept finger fucking away.
In out in out each time going deeper. I must be easily arroused because i was climaxing quickly.
“Mmmmmmm” I moan as i spread my legs more and come to an amazing orgasm.
I give nikko a kiss “Thank you”
I reach into my purse and pull out a cloth napkin.
I reach down to his pants and undo his belt. He was wearing baggy pants so i could easily reach into his pants and past his boxers.
“What are you doing i dont really liked being touched.” He said trying to push me away.
I grab his cock and kiss him
“trust me you’ll like this.” I reassure him
He trusted me his whole life so he relaxed.
I rub my hand up and down his shaft taking extra time on his head.
I took my pinky and flicked the small piece of skin on the tip of his head.
“O my god tori thats good did u learn how to do this or sumthing?”
He asked he his hps raising.
“No” I replied still concentrating on making it good for him.
I ran my hand up and down faster feeling his muscles tense a bit.
Up down up down faster faster.
He came really fast and his hot cum ran into the napkin and i wiped him clean with it.
I give him a kiss and say:
“See didn’t you like that”
“O god yes” He says giving me another kiss.
We were cuddled up together for the rest of the movie him occasionally grabbing my tits.
We left in to seperate directions hoping our mothers didn’t see each other.