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Nice Cleavage

The queen of the festival had very nice cleavage.

Fbailey story number 676

Nice Cleavage

I was at a local Festival and as usual there was a queen of the festival. She was wearing a very nice gold gown. It was strapless and she was showing off lots of cleavage. The dress itself was very nice and fancy and went to her ankles. However, it was definitely that low neckline that caught my attention. The fact that she was short, pretty, blonde, and that she had a beautiful smile only helped. She had a white sash across her shoulder and opposite hip with her title on it.

She just happened to be alone so I walked over to her. I asked her if she would let me take her picture. Then I had her move out into the grass just far enough to make the background all green. She smiled and then she took in a deep breath. I took her picture and then Amanda said, “You better take another one, I think I blinked.” Now she hadn’t blinked but I really wanted another picture so I zoomed in to get her from the waist up. Nice cleavage! Amanda said, “Perhaps you should get a little closer, my top half is my best part.” I came in closer and I took a breast up shot and then just her magnificent cleavage. She knew what I was doing and she knew what she was doing too. Amanda whispered, “I wish I could let you take some really good pictures of me.”

I asked, “What do you have in mind?”

Amanda replied, “Oh, I think I look pretty good out of my gown too. I’m wearing a pretty push-up bra with matching panties. They are more skimpy than my bikini is and I had to shave my pussy to wear that.”

I said, “Nice cleavage!”

She replied, “I’m glad that you like it. I’ve been growing them for a year now. Would you believe that I was almost flat last summer?”

I gave her a good looking over. Then I said, “No I wouldn’t believe it.” Then I thought about it and asked, “How old are you?”

Amanda giggled and then said, “My mother says that I’m old enough. That’s why she put me on birth control. I just haven’t found a boy that I want to do it with.” She smiled at me and then added, “However, I might have found the perfect man to do it with.”

I repeated, “How old are you?”

Amanda replied, “Sixteen, but I’ll be seventeen in three weeks. That is the legal age of sexual consent in this state. I looked it up. We can wait if you want too.”

I had no idea that this sweet-looking innocent young lady could be so forward.

So I said, “I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”

Amanda giggled and said, “That makes you perfect in my eyes. Now all I have to do is keep my mother from getting to you first. She likes older men too.”

Just then we heard someone calling “Amanda” and when I turned around a woman was waving her to come back to her table.

As she passed me she whispered, “Meet me in the fire station in about fifteen minutes. I’ll tell my mother that I have to pee. You can watch if you want too and take pictures.”

I overheard Amanda saying, “Hi Mom, he wanted to take my picture. I think he likes my dress.”

Her mother said, “He just wants to get into your panties.”

Amanda said, “Please Mom, he is old enough for you to want. Why don’t you go over there and let him take some pictures up your skirt. I happen to know for a fact that you aren’t wearing your panties.”

She got a little pink in the face, then Amanda called out to me, “My mother wants to pose for you too. Take her down by the pond. Its pretty down there.”

I was amazed that her mother walked toward me. When she was close she said, “Hello. My name is Candice. Would you like me to pose for you?”

She was almost as pretty as Amanda was, but a little older. She also had on a miniskirt and a low cut blouse.

I whispered, “Nice cleavage.”

Candice said, “Like mother, like daughter.”

We walked down a long path. Amanda knew that I wouldn’t be back in fifteen minutes.

At the end we found ourselves alone.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six in more ways than one.”

I just smiled knowingly.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six years old, I wear a 36-D bra, and my hips are thirty-six too. Add to that a twenty-four inch waist and you’ll see that I have an hourglass figure like those old movie stars.”

I smiled and repeated, “36-D, 24, 36. What a woman.”

Candice sat on a small boulder. Her knees were up, her feet were spread, and then she slowly opened up her knees for me. Amanda was right, her mother was not wearing any panties.

I just started taking pictures of her. After all, that was why we were there. I walked to the right and to the left, I squatted down and I stood up, and I got closer and closer until I was practically touching her bare pussy with my camera. Then I reached in and poked two fingers into her opening. I pulled them out a little and then I spread them, opening her pussy lips up for even better pictures.

I said, “Nice pussy.”

She said, “Thank you. After they pulled Amanda out of there I wasn’t sure that it would ever feel good to a man again.”

I smiled and poked my fingers back in, then I said, “It feels very good to me.”

Candice leaned back and closed her eyes so I pulled my cock out and slipped it into her. She smiled, she groaned, and then she opened her eyes. She kept moaning softly as I thrust into her body. Then when I finally came she said, “Oh, Amanda is really going like doing it with you. She’s still a virgin, you know. We both have a thing for older men.”

I pulled my limp cock out of her body and stood up. Candice sat up and sucked it into her mouth. A minute later she pulled her mouth back and kissed the head. As I zipped myself up, I watched Candice scoop up the cum that was oozing out of her pussy and suck it into her mouth. When she had stopped oozing cum she stood up and we walked back up the path to Amanda.

When we got there Amanda asked her mother, “How was he?”

Candice said, “You’re going to really enjoy it. He is a wonderful lover.”

Three weeks later at one minute after midnight, Candice dropped Amanda off at my door. Amanda was wearing a trench coat and stepped inside just as her coat opened and her mother pulled it off from her. Amanda walked in naked, Candice was holding the trench coat, and she said, “She is yours for a week. Enjoy her. I’ll be back next week to collect her.”

She turned away but then she turned right back and said, “Come here. I want to kiss your virginity goodbye.”

Amanda walked to the open door and stopped. Her nipples and toes were outside my house but the rest of her was still inside. Her mother dropped to her knees and leaned in to kiss her daughter’s virgin pussy goodbye.

I pulled my cock out and said, “Hey, while you’re down there.”

She kissed the head of my cock, got up onto her feet, and walked to her car.

Amanda held onto my cock, I closed the door, and we went into my bedroom.

She was anxious to get me inside her. I was anxious to make her first time memorable. That was funny because I still remember my first time forty-eight years ago. She was the girl down the street that would let us boys fuck her for a soda and a candy bar. Back then that was equivalent to about fifteen cents.

So I undressed, kissed her, and slipped my cock in. Her hymen was long gone but she was as tight as any woman that I had ever been in. She tried her best to fuck me from the bottom so I rolled us over and let her go. From the top she was much better. That sexy beauty queen used my cock to get herself off. Her eyes were closed, her nipples were hard, and she was treating my cock like she would treat a dildo. She was incredible though. Where else would a sixty-four-year-old man get to put his cock in a seventeen-year-old virgin beauty queen? When I finally erupted it was massive. I shot more times, with more cum, and at a higher velocity than ever before. It felt like shooting an arrow into a bale of hay. Actually it was more like emptying my quiver of arrows into her. I stayed right there and pulled her down on top of me while I hugged and kissed her.

Amanda said, “Thank you. I knew that I wanted you to be my first, the moment that I saw you. That’s why I had my mother check you out.”

We cuddled and basked in the after glow until my cock shriveled up and slipped out of her. Then I took a nap.

About eight hours later I opened my eyes. Amanda was still in bed next to me and the covers had been pulled up. She just smiled and kissed me. My hand reached out for her. I found her leg and followed it up to her crotch. Her pussy was warm and moist but it did not feel sticky or have crusted cum.

Amanda said, “I took a bath and washed it out after you fell asleep. My mother always said that a girl should keep herself clean for her man.” There was a pause and then she said, “In case he wanted to give her oral sex.”

I started to move my hand toward my cock.

Amanda giggled and said, “Cleaning your cock is my job. Mom told me to suck it no matter what.”

I asked, “What?”

Again she giggled and said, “No matter what. No matter if it is clean, freshly used, or even if it has been in another girl. No matter if it has been in her mouth, in her pussy, or even in her ass. That is what a girl does for her man.”

Astounded I asked, “You would suck my cock if it had just come out of another girl’s ass?”

Amanda said, “I can have my mother come over here and prove it to you.”

I smiled. My cock was hard again and I wanted it back inside her. So I said, “That won’t be necessary right now but I’ll think about it later.”

Amanda giggled and moved astride of me and sank down onto my cock. Once again that sweet little thing was willing to do all of the work. I was willing to let her. It had been years since I had even had a morning erection let alone a fine woman to take care of it for me. I could get used to it.

In fact Amanda took very good care of my sexual needs. I didn’t even know that I had sexual needs. Things settled down to making love twice a day. Once first thing in the morning and then right after dinner while I was still awake and not too tired to do it.

When her mother came back to get her Amanda said, “Mom, he wants to fuck your ass and then watch me suck his cock clean afterwards.”

Candice said, “Only if I can suck his cock after he pulls it out of your ass.”

Amanda giggled and said, “Okay. He can do you now and then he can do me in the morning. We can entertain him in between.”

So that was the way it went. But it didn’t stop there. Candice and Amanda moved in with me. I slept with Amanda and she took care of me in the morning. Candice took care of the house while Amanda was in school and then she took care of me after dinner.

I lived to be eighty-seven years old and I had sex every single day, right up to the day that I died. Amanda had given birth to a daughter that we named Jillian. It was Jillian that was sitting on my cock when I had a heart attack. It was shortly after midnight on the day that she turned seventeen. The feel of my second virgin pussy slipping down over the head of my cock was more than my old heart could stand.

What a way to go!

The End
Nice Cleavage

Nice Cleavage

The queen of the festival had very nice cleavage.

Fbailey story number 676

Nice Cleavage

I was at a local Festival and as usual there was a queen of the festival. She was wearing a very nice gold gown. It was strapless and she was showing off lots of cleavage. The dress itself was very nice and fancy and went to her ankles. However, it was definitely that low neckline that caught my attention. The fact that she was short, pretty, blonde, and that she had a beautiful smile only helped. She had a white sash across her shoulder and opposite hip with her title on it.

She just happened to be alone so I walked over to her. I asked her if she would let me take her picture. Then I had her move out into the grass just far enough to make the background all green. She smiled and then she took in a deep breath. I took her picture and then Amanda said, “You better take another one, I think I blinked.” Now she hadn’t blinked but I really wanted another picture so I zoomed in to get her from the waist up. Nice cleavage! Amanda said, “Perhaps you should get a little closer, my top half is my best part.” I came in closer and I took a breast up shot and then just her magnificent cleavage. She knew what I was doing and she knew what she was doing too. Amanda whispered, “I wish I could let you take some really good pictures of me.”

I asked, “What do you have in mind?”

Amanda replied, “Oh, I think I look pretty good out of my gown too. I’m wearing a pretty push-up bra with matching panties. They are more skimpy than my bikini is and I had to shave my pussy to wear that.”

I said, “Nice cleavage!”

She replied, “I’m glad that you like it. I’ve been growing them for a year now. Would you believe that I was almost flat last summer?”

I gave her a good looking over. Then I said, “No I wouldn’t believe it.” Then I thought about it and asked, “How old are you?”

Amanda giggled and then said, “My mother says that I’m old enough. That’s why she put me on birth control. I just haven’t found a boy that I want to do it with.” She smiled at me and then added, “However, I might have found the perfect man to do it with.”

I repeated, “How old are you?”

Amanda replied, “Sixteen, but I’ll be seventeen in three weeks. That is the legal age of sexual consent in this state. I looked it up. We can wait if you want too.”

I had no idea that this sweet-looking innocent young lady could be so forward.

So I said, “I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”

Amanda giggled and said, “That makes you perfect in my eyes. Now all I have to do is keep my mother from getting to you first. She likes older men too.”

Just then we heard someone calling “Amanda” and when I turned around a woman was waving her to come back to her table.

As she passed me she whispered, “Meet me in the fire station in about fifteen minutes. I’ll tell my mother that I have to pee. You can watch if you want too and take pictures.”

I overheard Amanda saying, “Hi Mom, he wanted to take my picture. I think he likes my dress.”

Her mother said, “He just wants to get into your panties.”

Amanda said, “Please Mom, he is old enough for you to want. Why don’t you go over there and let him take some pictures up your skirt. I happen to know for a fact that you aren’t wearing your panties.”

She got a little pink in the face, then Amanda called out to me, “My mother wants to pose for you too. Take her down by the pond. Its pretty down there.”

I was amazed that her mother walked toward me. When she was close she said, “Hello. My name is Candice. Would you like me to pose for you?”

She was almost as pretty as Amanda was, but a little older. She also had on a miniskirt and a low cut blouse.

I whispered, “Nice cleavage.”

Candice said, “Like mother, like daughter.”

We walked down a long path. Amanda knew that I wouldn’t be back in fifteen minutes.

At the end we found ourselves alone.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six in more ways than one.”

I just smiled knowingly.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six years old, I wear a 36-D bra, and my hips are thirty-six too. Add to that a twenty-four inch waist and you’ll see that I have an hourglass figure like those old movie stars.”

I smiled and repeated, “36-D, 24, 36. What a woman.”

Candice sat on a small boulder. Her knees were up, her feet were spread, and then she slowly opened up her knees for me. Amanda was right, her mother was not wearing any panties.

I just started taking pictures of her. After all, that was why we were there. I walked to the right and to the left, I squatted down and I stood up, and I got closer and closer until I was practically touching her bare pussy with my camera. Then I reached in and poked two fingers into her opening. I pulled them out a little and then I spread them, opening her pussy lips up for even better pictures.

I said, “Nice pussy.”

She said, “Thank you. After they pulled Amanda out of there I wasn’t sure that it would ever feel good to a man again.”

I smiled and poked my fingers back in, then I said, “It feels very good to me.”

Candice leaned back and closed her eyes so I pulled my cock out and slipped it into her. She smiled, she groaned, and then she opened her eyes. She kept moaning softly as I thrust into her body. Then when I finally came she said, “Oh, Amanda is really going like doing it with you. She’s still a virgin, you know. We both have a thing for older men.”

I pulled my limp cock out of her body and stood up. Candice sat up and sucked it into her mouth. A minute later she pulled her mouth back and kissed the head. As I zipped myself up, I watched Candice scoop up the cum that was oozing out of her pussy and suck it into her mouth. When she had stopped oozing cum she stood up and we walked back up the path to Amanda.

When we got there Amanda asked her mother, “How was he?”

Candice said, “You’re going to really enjoy it. He is a wonderful lover.”

Three weeks later at one minute after midnight, Candice dropped Amanda off at my door. Amanda was wearing a trench coat and stepped inside just as her coat opened and her mother pulled it off from her. Amanda walked in naked, Candice was holding the trench coat, and she said, “She is yours for a week. Enjoy her. I’ll be back next week to collect her.”

She turned away but then she turned right back and said, “Come here. I want to kiss your virginity goodbye.”

Amanda walked to the open door and stopped. Her nipples and toes were outside my house but the rest of her was still inside. Her mother dropped to her knees and leaned in to kiss her daughter’s virgin pussy goodbye.

I pulled my cock out and said, “Hey, while you’re down there.”

She kissed the head of my cock, got up onto her feet, and walked to her car.

Amanda held onto my cock, I closed the door, and we went into my bedroom.

She was anxious to get me inside her. I was anxious to make her first time memorable. That was funny because I still remember my first time forty-eight years ago. She was the girl down the street that would let us boys fuck her for a soda and a candy bar. Back then that was equivalent to about fifteen cents.

So I undressed, kissed her, and slipped my cock in. Her hymen was long gone but she was as tight as any woman that I had ever been in. She tried her best to fuck me from the bottom so I rolled us over and let her go. From the top she was much better. That sexy beauty queen used my cock to get herself off. Her eyes were closed, her nipples were hard, and she was treating my cock like she would treat a dildo. She was incredible though. Where else would a sixty-four-year-old man get to put his cock in a seventeen-year-old virgin beauty queen? When I finally erupted it was massive. I shot more times, with more cum, and at a higher velocity than ever before. It felt like shooting an arrow into a bale of hay. Actually it was more like emptying my quiver of arrows into her. I stayed right there and pulled her down on top of me while I hugged and kissed her.

Amanda said, “Thank you. I knew that I wanted you to be my first, the moment that I saw you. That’s why I had my mother check you out.”

We cuddled and basked in the after glow until my cock shriveled up and slipped out of her. Then I took a nap.

About eight hours later I opened my eyes. Amanda was still in bed next to me and the covers had been pulled up. She just smiled and kissed me. My hand reached out for her. I found her leg and followed it up to her crotch. Her pussy was warm and moist but it did not feel sticky or have crusted cum.

Amanda said, “I took a bath and washed it out after you fell asleep. My mother always said that a girl should keep herself clean for her man.” There was a pause and then she said, “In case he wanted to give her oral sex.”

I started to move my hand toward my cock.

Amanda giggled and said, “Cleaning your cock is my job. Mom told me to suck it no matter what.”

I asked, “What?”

Again she giggled and said, “No matter what. No matter if it is clean, freshly used, or even if it has been in another girl. No matter if it has been in her mouth, in her pussy, or even in her ass. That is what a girl does for her man.”

Astounded I asked, “You would suck my cock if it had just come out of another girl’s ass?”

Amanda said, “I can have my mother come over here and prove it to you.”

I smiled. My cock was hard again and I wanted it back inside her. So I said, “That won’t be necessary right now but I’ll think about it later.”

Amanda giggled and moved astride of me and sank down onto my cock. Once again that sweet little thing was willing to do all of the work. I was willing to let her. It had been years since I had even had a morning erection let alone a fine woman to take care of it for me. I could get used to it.

In fact Amanda took very good care of my sexual needs. I didn’t even know that I had sexual needs. Things settled down to making love twice a day. Once first thing in the morning and then right after dinner while I was still awake and not too tired to do it.

When her mother came back to get her Amanda said, “Mom, he wants to fuck your ass and then watch me suck his cock clean afterwards.”

Candice said, “Only if I can suck his cock after he pulls it out of your ass.”

Amanda giggled and said, “Okay. He can do you now and then he can do me in the morning. We can entertain him in between.”

So that was the way it went. But it didn’t stop there. Candice and Amanda moved in with me. I slept with Amanda and she took care of me in the morning. Candice took care of the house while Amanda was in school and then she took care of me after dinner.

I lived to be eighty-seven years old and I had sex every single day, right up to the day that I died. Amanda had given birth to a daughter that we named Jillian. It was Jillian that was sitting on my cock when I had a heart attack. It was shortly after midnight on the day that she turned seventeen. The feel of my second virgin pussy slipping down over the head of my cock was more than my old heart could stand.

What a way to go!

The End
Nice Cleavage

Nice Cleavage

The queen of the festival had very nice cleavage.

Fbailey story number 676

Nice Cleavage

I was at a local Festival and as usual there was a queen of the festival. She was wearing a very nice gold gown. It was strapless and she was showing off lots of cleavage. The dress itself was very nice and fancy and went to her ankles. However, it was definitely that low neckline that caught my attention. The fact that she was short, pretty, blonde, and that she had a beautiful smile only helped. She had a white sash across her shoulder and opposite hip with her title on it.

She just happened to be alone so I walked over to her. I asked her if she would let me take her picture. Then I had her move out into the grass just far enough to make the background all green. She smiled and then she took in a deep breath. I took her picture and then Amanda said, “You better take another one, I think I blinked.” Now she hadn’t blinked but I really wanted another picture so I zoomed in to get her from the waist up. Nice cleavage! Amanda said, “Perhaps you should get a little closer, my top half is my best part.” I came in closer and I took a breast up shot and then just her magnificent cleavage. She knew what I was doing and she knew what she was doing too. Amanda whispered, “I wish I could let you take some really good pictures of me.”

I asked, “What do you have in mind?”

Amanda replied, “Oh, I think I look pretty good out of my gown too. I’m wearing a pretty push-up bra with matching panties. They are more skimpy than my bikini is and I had to shave my pussy to wear that.”

I said, “Nice cleavage!”

She replied, “I’m glad that you like it. I’ve been growing them for a year now. Would you believe that I was almost flat last summer?”

I gave her a good looking over. Then I said, “No I wouldn’t believe it.” Then I thought about it and asked, “How old are you?”

Amanda giggled and then said, “My mother says that I’m old enough. That’s why she put me on birth control. I just haven’t found a boy that I want to do it with.” She smiled at me and then added, “However, I might have found the perfect man to do it with.”

I repeated, “How old are you?”

Amanda replied, “Sixteen, but I’ll be seventeen in three weeks. That is the legal age of sexual consent in this state. I looked it up. We can wait if you want too.”

I had no idea that this sweet-looking innocent young lady could be so forward.

So I said, “I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”

Amanda giggled and said, “That makes you perfect in my eyes. Now all I have to do is keep my mother from getting to you first. She likes older men too.”

Just then we heard someone calling “Amanda” and when I turned around a woman was waving her to come back to her table.

As she passed me she whispered, “Meet me in the fire station in about fifteen minutes. I’ll tell my mother that I have to pee. You can watch if you want too and take pictures.”

I overheard Amanda saying, “Hi Mom, he wanted to take my picture. I think he likes my dress.”

Her mother said, “He just wants to get into your panties.”

Amanda said, “Please Mom, he is old enough for you to want. Why don’t you go over there and let him take some pictures up your skirt. I happen to know for a fact that you aren’t wearing your panties.”

She got a little pink in the face, then Amanda called out to me, “My mother wants to pose for you too. Take her down by the pond. Its pretty down there.”

I was amazed that her mother walked toward me. When she was close she said, “Hello. My name is Candice. Would you like me to pose for you?”

She was almost as pretty as Amanda was, but a little older. She also had on a miniskirt and a low cut blouse.

I whispered, “Nice cleavage.”

Candice said, “Like mother, like daughter.”

We walked down a long path. Amanda knew that I wouldn’t be back in fifteen minutes.

At the end we found ourselves alone.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six in more ways than one.”

I just smiled knowingly.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six years old, I wear a 36-D bra, and my hips are thirty-six too. Add to that a twenty-four inch waist and you’ll see that I have an hourglass figure like those old movie stars.”

I smiled and repeated, “36-D, 24, 36. What a woman.”

Candice sat on a small boulder. Her knees were up, her feet were spread, and then she slowly opened up her knees for me. Amanda was right, her mother was not wearing any panties.

I just started taking pictures of her. After all, that was why we were there. I walked to the right and to the left, I squatted down and I stood up, and I got closer and closer until I was practically touching her bare pussy with my camera. Then I reached in and poked two fingers into her opening. I pulled them out a little and then I spread them, opening her pussy lips up for even better pictures.

I said, “Nice pussy.”

She said, “Thank you. After they pulled Amanda out of there I wasn’t sure that it would ever feel good to a man again.”

I smiled and poked my fingers back in, then I said, “It feels very good to me.”

Candice leaned back and closed her eyes so I pulled my cock out and slipped it into her. She smiled, she groaned, and then she opened her eyes. She kept moaning softly as I thrust into her body. Then when I finally came she said, “Oh, Amanda is really going like doing it with you. She’s still a virgin, you know. We both have a thing for older men.”

I pulled my limp cock out of her body and stood up. Candice sat up and sucked it into her mouth. A minute later she pulled her mouth back and kissed the head. As I zipped myself up, I watched Candice scoop up the cum that was oozing out of her pussy and suck it into her mouth. When she had stopped oozing cum she stood up and we walked back up the path to Amanda.

When we got there Amanda asked her mother, “How was he?”

Candice said, “You’re going to really enjoy it. He is a wonderful lover.”

Three weeks later at one minute after midnight, Candice dropped Amanda off at my door. Amanda was wearing a trench coat and stepped inside just as her coat opened and her mother pulled it off from her. Amanda walked in naked, Candice was holding the trench coat, and she said, “She is yours for a week. Enjoy her. I’ll be back next week to collect her.”

She turned away but then she turned right back and said, “Come here. I want to kiss your virginity goodbye.”

Amanda walked to the open door and stopped. Her nipples and toes were outside my house but the rest of her was still inside. Her mother dropped to her knees and leaned in to kiss her daughter’s virgin pussy goodbye.

I pulled my cock out and said, “Hey, while you’re down there.”

She kissed the head of my cock, got up onto her feet, and walked to her car.

Amanda held onto my cock, I closed the door, and we went into my bedroom.

She was anxious to get me inside her. I was anxious to make her first time memorable. That was funny because I still remember my first time forty-eight years ago. She was the girl down the street that would let us boys fuck her for a soda and a candy bar. Back then that was equivalent to about fifteen cents.

So I undressed, kissed her, and slipped my cock in. Her hymen was long gone but she was as tight as any woman that I had ever been in. She tried her best to fuck me from the bottom so I rolled us over and let her go. From the top she was much better. That sexy beauty queen used my cock to get herself off. Her eyes were closed, her nipples were hard, and she was treating my cock like she would treat a dildo. She was incredible though. Where else would a sixty-four-year-old man get to put his cock in a seventeen-year-old virgin beauty queen? When I finally erupted it was massive. I shot more times, with more cum, and at a higher velocity than ever before. It felt like shooting an arrow into a bale of hay. Actually it was more like emptying my quiver of arrows into her. I stayed right there and pulled her down on top of me while I hugged and kissed her.

Amanda said, “Thank you. I knew that I wanted you to be my first, the moment that I saw you. That’s why I had my mother check you out.”

We cuddled and basked in the after glow until my cock shriveled up and slipped out of her. Then I took a nap.

About eight hours later I opened my eyes. Amanda was still in bed next to me and the covers had been pulled up. She just smiled and kissed me. My hand reached out for her. I found her leg and followed it up to her crotch. Her pussy was warm and moist but it did not feel sticky or have crusted cum.

Amanda said, “I took a bath and washed it out after you fell asleep. My mother always said that a girl should keep herself clean for her man.” There was a pause and then she said, “In case he wanted to give her oral sex.”

I started to move my hand toward my cock.

Amanda giggled and said, “Cleaning your cock is my job. Mom told me to suck it no matter what.”

I asked, “What?”

Again she giggled and said, “No matter what. No matter if it is clean, freshly used, or even if it has been in another girl. No matter if it has been in her mouth, in her pussy, or even in her ass. That is what a girl does for her man.”

Astounded I asked, “You would suck my cock if it had just come out of another girl’s ass?”

Amanda said, “I can have my mother come over here and prove it to you.”

I smiled. My cock was hard again and I wanted it back inside her. So I said, “That won’t be necessary right now but I’ll think about it later.”

Amanda giggled and moved astride of me and sank down onto my cock. Once again that sweet little thing was willing to do all of the work. I was willing to let her. It had been years since I had even had a morning erection let alone a fine woman to take care of it for me. I could get used to it.

In fact Amanda took very good care of my sexual needs. I didn’t even know that I had sexual needs. Things settled down to making love twice a day. Once first thing in the morning and then right after dinner while I was still awake and not too tired to do it.

When her mother came back to get her Amanda said, “Mom, he wants to fuck your ass and then watch me suck his cock clean afterwards.”

Candice said, “Only if I can suck his cock after he pulls it out of your ass.”

Amanda giggled and said, “Okay. He can do you now and then he can do me in the morning. We can entertain him in between.”

So that was the way it went. But it didn’t stop there. Candice and Amanda moved in with me. I slept with Amanda and she took care of me in the morning. Candice took care of the house while Amanda was in school and then she took care of me after dinner.

I lived to be eighty-seven years old and I had sex every single day, right up to the day that I died. Amanda had given birth to a daughter that we named Jillian. It was Jillian that was sitting on my cock when I had a heart attack. It was shortly after midnight on the day that she turned seventeen. The feel of my second virgin pussy slipping down over the head of my cock was more than my old heart could stand.

What a way to go!

The End
Nice Cleavage

Nice Cleavage

The queen of the festival had very nice cleavage.

Fbailey story number 676

Nice Cleavage

I was at a local Festival and as usual there was a queen of the festival. She was wearing a very nice gold gown. It was strapless and she was showing off lots of cleavage. The dress itself was very nice and fancy and went to her ankles. However, it was definitely that low neckline that caught my attention. The fact that she was short, pretty, blonde, and that she had a beautiful smile only helped. She had a white sash across her shoulder and opposite hip with her title on it.

She just happened to be alone so I walked over to her. I asked her if she would let me take her picture. Then I had her move out into the grass just far enough to make the background all green. She smiled and then she took in a deep breath. I took her picture and then Amanda said, “You better take another one, I think I blinked.” Now she hadn’t blinked but I really wanted another picture so I zoomed in to get her from the waist up. Nice cleavage! Amanda said, “Perhaps you should get a little closer, my top half is my best part.” I came in closer and I took a breast up shot and then just her magnificent cleavage. She knew what I was doing and she knew what she was doing too. Amanda whispered, “I wish I could let you take some really good pictures of me.”

I asked, “What do you have in mind?”

Amanda replied, “Oh, I think I look pretty good out of my gown too. I’m wearing a pretty push-up bra with matching panties. They are more skimpy than my bikini is and I had to shave my pussy to wear that.”

I said, “Nice cleavage!”

She replied, “I’m glad that you like it. I’ve been growing them for a year now. Would you believe that I was almost flat last summer?”

I gave her a good looking over. Then I said, “No I wouldn’t believe it.” Then I thought about it and asked, “How old are you?”

Amanda giggled and then said, “My mother says that I’m old enough. That’s why she put me on birth control. I just haven’t found a boy that I want to do it with.” She smiled at me and then added, “However, I might have found the perfect man to do it with.”

I repeated, “How old are you?”

Amanda replied, “Sixteen, but I’ll be seventeen in three weeks. That is the legal age of sexual consent in this state. I looked it up. We can wait if you want too.”

I had no idea that this sweet-looking innocent young lady could be so forward.

So I said, “I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”

Amanda giggled and said, “That makes you perfect in my eyes. Now all I have to do is keep my mother from getting to you first. She likes older men too.”

Just then we heard someone calling “Amanda” and when I turned around a woman was waving her to come back to her table.

As she passed me she whispered, “Meet me in the fire station in about fifteen minutes. I’ll tell my mother that I have to pee. You can watch if you want too and take pictures.”

I overheard Amanda saying, “Hi Mom, he wanted to take my picture. I think he likes my dress.”

Her mother said, “He just wants to get into your panties.”

Amanda said, “Please Mom, he is old enough for you to want. Why don’t you go over there and let him take some pictures up your skirt. I happen to know for a fact that you aren’t wearing your panties.”

She got a little pink in the face, then Amanda called out to me, “My mother wants to pose for you too. Take her down by the pond. Its pretty down there.”

I was amazed that her mother walked toward me. When she was close she said, “Hello. My name is Candice. Would you like me to pose for you?”

She was almost as pretty as Amanda was, but a little older. She also had on a miniskirt and a low cut blouse.

I whispered, “Nice cleavage.”

Candice said, “Like mother, like daughter.”

We walked down a long path. Amanda knew that I wouldn’t be back in fifteen minutes.

At the end we found ourselves alone.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six in more ways than one.”

I just smiled knowingly.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six years old, I wear a 36-D bra, and my hips are thirty-six too. Add to that a twenty-four inch waist and you’ll see that I have an hourglass figure like those old movie stars.”

I smiled and repeated, “36-D, 24, 36. What a woman.”

Candice sat on a small boulder. Her knees were up, her feet were spread, and then she slowly opened up her knees for me. Amanda was right, her mother was not wearing any panties.

I just started taking pictures of her. After all, that was why we were there. I walked to the right and to the left, I squatted down and I stood up, and I got closer and closer until I was practically touching her bare pussy with my camera. Then I reached in and poked two fingers into her opening. I pulled them out a little and then I spread them, opening her pussy lips up for even better pictures.

I said, “Nice pussy.”

She said, “Thank you. After they pulled Amanda out of there I wasn’t sure that it would ever feel good to a man again.”

I smiled and poked my fingers back in, then I said, “It feels very good to me.”

Candice leaned back and closed her eyes so I pulled my cock out and slipped it into her. She smiled, she groaned, and then she opened her eyes. She kept moaning softly as I thrust into her body. Then when I finally came she said, “Oh, Amanda is really going like doing it with you. She’s still a virgin, you know. We both have a thing for older men.”

I pulled my limp cock out of her body and stood up. Candice sat up and sucked it into her mouth. A minute later she pulled her mouth back and kissed the head. As I zipped myself up, I watched Candice scoop up the cum that was oozing out of her pussy and suck it into her mouth. When she had stopped oozing cum she stood up and we walked back up the path to Amanda.

When we got there Amanda asked her mother, “How was he?”

Candice said, “You’re going to really enjoy it. He is a wonderful lover.”

Three weeks later at one minute after midnight, Candice dropped Amanda off at my door. Amanda was wearing a trench coat and stepped inside just as her coat opened and her mother pulled it off from her. Amanda walked in naked, Candice was holding the trench coat, and she said, “She is yours for a week. Enjoy her. I’ll be back next week to collect her.”

She turned away but then she turned right back and said, “Come here. I want to kiss your virginity goodbye.”

Amanda walked to the open door and stopped. Her nipples and toes were outside my house but the rest of her was still inside. Her mother dropped to her knees and leaned in to kiss her daughter’s virgin pussy goodbye.

I pulled my cock out and said, “Hey, while you’re down there.”

She kissed the head of my cock, got up onto her feet, and walked to her car.

Amanda held onto my cock, I closed the door, and we went into my bedroom.

She was anxious to get me inside her. I was anxious to make her first time memorable. That was funny because I still remember my first time forty-eight years ago. She was the girl down the street that would let us boys fuck her for a soda and a candy bar. Back then that was equivalent to about fifteen cents.

So I undressed, kissed her, and slipped my cock in. Her hymen was long gone but she was as tight as any woman that I had ever been in. She tried her best to fuck me from the bottom so I rolled us over and let her go. From the top she was much better. That sexy beauty queen used my cock to get herself off. Her eyes were closed, her nipples were hard, and she was treating my cock like she would treat a dildo. She was incredible though. Where else would a sixty-four-year-old man get to put his cock in a seventeen-year-old virgin beauty queen? When I finally erupted it was massive. I shot more times, with more cum, and at a higher velocity than ever before. It felt like shooting an arrow into a bale of hay. Actually it was more like emptying my quiver of arrows into her. I stayed right there and pulled her down on top of me while I hugged and kissed her.

Amanda said, “Thank you. I knew that I wanted you to be my first, the moment that I saw you. That’s why I had my mother check you out.”

We cuddled and basked in the after glow until my cock shriveled up and slipped out of her. Then I took a nap.

About eight hours later I opened my eyes. Amanda was still in bed next to me and the covers had been pulled up. She just smiled and kissed me. My hand reached out for her. I found her leg and followed it up to her crotch. Her pussy was warm and moist but it did not feel sticky or have crusted cum.

Amanda said, “I took a bath and washed it out after you fell asleep. My mother always said that a girl should keep herself clean for her man.” There was a pause and then she said, “In case he wanted to give her oral sex.”

I started to move my hand toward my cock.

Amanda giggled and said, “Cleaning your cock is my job. Mom told me to suck it no matter what.”

I asked, “What?”

Again she giggled and said, “No matter what. No matter if it is clean, freshly used, or even if it has been in another girl. No matter if it has been in her mouth, in her pussy, or even in her ass. That is what a girl does for her man.”

Astounded I asked, “You would suck my cock if it had just come out of another girl’s ass?”

Amanda said, “I can have my mother come over here and prove it to you.”

I smiled. My cock was hard again and I wanted it back inside her. So I said, “That won’t be necessary right now but I’ll think about it later.”

Amanda giggled and moved astride of me and sank down onto my cock. Once again that sweet little thing was willing to do all of the work. I was willing to let her. It had been years since I had even had a morning erection let alone a fine woman to take care of it for me. I could get used to it.

In fact Amanda took very good care of my sexual needs. I didn’t even know that I had sexual needs. Things settled down to making love twice a day. Once first thing in the morning and then right after dinner while I was still awake and not too tired to do it.

When her mother came back to get her Amanda said, “Mom, he wants to fuck your ass and then watch me suck his cock clean afterwards.”

Candice said, “Only if I can suck his cock after he pulls it out of your ass.”

Amanda giggled and said, “Okay. He can do you now and then he can do me in the morning. We can entertain him in between.”

So that was the way it went. But it didn’t stop there. Candice and Amanda moved in with me. I slept with Amanda and she took care of me in the morning. Candice took care of the house while Amanda was in school and then she took care of me after dinner.

I lived to be eighty-seven years old and I had sex every single day, right up to the day that I died. Amanda had given birth to a daughter that we named Jillian. It was Jillian that was sitting on my cock when I had a heart attack. It was shortly after midnight on the day that she turned seventeen. The feel of my second virgin pussy slipping down over the head of my cock was more than my old heart could stand.

What a way to go!

The End
Nice Cleavage

Nice Cleavage

The queen of the festival had very nice cleavage.

Fbailey story number 676

Nice Cleavage

I was at a local Festival and as usual there was a queen of the festival. She was wearing a very nice gold gown. It was strapless and she was showing off lots of cleavage. The dress itself was very nice and fancy and went to her ankles. However, it was definitely that low neckline that caught my attention. The fact that she was short, pretty, blonde, and that she had a beautiful smile only helped. She had a white sash across her shoulder and opposite hip with her title on it.

She just happened to be alone so I walked over to her. I asked her if she would let me take her picture. Then I had her move out into the grass just far enough to make the background all green. She smiled and then she took in a deep breath. I took her picture and then Amanda said, “You better take another one, I think I blinked.” Now she hadn’t blinked but I really wanted another picture so I zoomed in to get her from the waist up. Nice cleavage! Amanda said, “Perhaps you should get a little closer, my top half is my best part.” I came in closer and I took a breast up shot and then just her magnificent cleavage. She knew what I was doing and she knew what she was doing too. Amanda whispered, “I wish I could let you take some really good pictures of me.”

I asked, “What do you have in mind?”

Amanda replied, “Oh, I think I look pretty good out of my gown too. I’m wearing a pretty push-up bra with matching panties. They are more skimpy than my bikini is and I had to shave my pussy to wear that.”

I said, “Nice cleavage!”

She replied, “I’m glad that you like it. I’ve been growing them for a year now. Would you believe that I was almost flat last summer?”

I gave her a good looking over. Then I said, “No I wouldn’t believe it.” Then I thought about it and asked, “How old are you?”

Amanda giggled and then said, “My mother says that I’m old enough. That’s why she put me on birth control. I just haven’t found a boy that I want to do it with.” She smiled at me and then added, “However, I might have found the perfect man to do it with.”

I repeated, “How old are you?”

Amanda replied, “Sixteen, but I’ll be seventeen in three weeks. That is the legal age of sexual consent in this state. I looked it up. We can wait if you want too.”

I had no idea that this sweet-looking innocent young lady could be so forward.

So I said, “I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”

Amanda giggled and said, “That makes you perfect in my eyes. Now all I have to do is keep my mother from getting to you first. She likes older men too.”

Just then we heard someone calling “Amanda” and when I turned around a woman was waving her to come back to her table.

As she passed me she whispered, “Meet me in the fire station in about fifteen minutes. I’ll tell my mother that I have to pee. You can watch if you want too and take pictures.”

I overheard Amanda saying, “Hi Mom, he wanted to take my picture. I think he likes my dress.”

Her mother said, “He just wants to get into your panties.”

Amanda said, “Please Mom, he is old enough for you to want. Why don’t you go over there and let him take some pictures up your skirt. I happen to know for a fact that you aren’t wearing your panties.”

She got a little pink in the face, then Amanda called out to me, “My mother wants to pose for you too. Take her down by the pond. Its pretty down there.”

I was amazed that her mother walked toward me. When she was close she said, “Hello. My name is Candice. Would you like me to pose for you?”

She was almost as pretty as Amanda was, but a little older. She also had on a miniskirt and a low cut blouse.

I whispered, “Nice cleavage.”

Candice said, “Like mother, like daughter.”

We walked down a long path. Amanda knew that I wouldn’t be back in fifteen minutes.

At the end we found ourselves alone.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six in more ways than one.”

I just smiled knowingly.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six years old, I wear a 36-D bra, and my hips are thirty-six too. Add to that a twenty-four inch waist and you’ll see that I have an hourglass figure like those old movie stars.”

I smiled and repeated, “36-D, 24, 36. What a woman.”

Candice sat on a small boulder. Her knees were up, her feet were spread, and then she slowly opened up her knees for me. Amanda was right, her mother was not wearing any panties.

I just started taking pictures of her. After all, that was why we were there. I walked to the right and to the left, I squatted down and I stood up, and I got closer and closer until I was practically touching her bare pussy with my camera. Then I reached in and poked two fingers into her opening. I pulled them out a little and then I spread them, opening her pussy lips up for even better pictures.

I said, “Nice pussy.”

She said, “Thank you. After they pulled Amanda out of there I wasn’t sure that it would ever feel good to a man again.”

I smiled and poked my fingers back in, then I said, “It feels very good to me.”

Candice leaned back and closed her eyes so I pulled my cock out and slipped it into her. She smiled, she groaned, and then she opened her eyes. She kept moaning softly as I thrust into her body. Then when I finally came she said, “Oh, Amanda is really going like doing it with you. She’s still a virgin, you know. We both have a thing for older men.”

I pulled my limp cock out of her body and stood up. Candice sat up and sucked it into her mouth. A minute later she pulled her mouth back and kissed the head. As I zipped myself up, I watched Candice scoop up the cum that was oozing out of her pussy and suck it into her mouth. When she had stopped oozing cum she stood up and we walked back up the path to Amanda.

When we got there Amanda asked her mother, “How was he?”

Candice said, “You’re going to really enjoy it. He is a wonderful lover.”

Three weeks later at one minute after midnight, Candice dropped Amanda off at my door. Amanda was wearing a trench coat and stepped inside just as her coat opened and her mother pulled it off from her. Amanda walked in naked, Candice was holding the trench coat, and she said, “She is yours for a week. Enjoy her. I’ll be back next week to collect her.”

She turned away but then she turned right back and said, “Come here. I want to kiss your virginity goodbye.”

Amanda walked to the open door and stopped. Her nipples and toes were outside my house but the rest of her was still inside. Her mother dropped to her knees and leaned in to kiss her daughter’s virgin pussy goodbye.

I pulled my cock out and said, “Hey, while you’re down there.”

She kissed the head of my cock, got up onto her feet, and walked to her car.

Amanda held onto my cock, I closed the door, and we went into my bedroom.

She was anxious to get me inside her. I was anxious to make her first time memorable. That was funny because I still remember my first time forty-eight years ago. She was the girl down the street that would let us boys fuck her for a soda and a candy bar. Back then that was equivalent to about fifteen cents.

So I undressed, kissed her, and slipped my cock in. Her hymen was long gone but she was as tight as any woman that I had ever been in. She tried her best to fuck me from the bottom so I rolled us over and let her go. From the top she was much better. That sexy beauty queen used my cock to get herself off. Her eyes were closed, her nipples were hard, and she was treating my cock like she would treat a dildo. She was incredible though. Where else would a sixty-four-year-old man get to put his cock in a seventeen-year-old virgin beauty queen? When I finally erupted it was massive. I shot more times, with more cum, and at a higher velocity than ever before. It felt like shooting an arrow into a bale of hay. Actually it was more like emptying my quiver of arrows into her. I stayed right there and pulled her down on top of me while I hugged and kissed her.

Amanda said, “Thank you. I knew that I wanted you to be my first, the moment that I saw you. That’s why I had my mother check you out.”

We cuddled and basked in the after glow until my cock shriveled up and slipped out of her. Then I took a nap.

About eight hours later I opened my eyes. Amanda was still in bed next to me and the covers had been pulled up. She just smiled and kissed me. My hand reached out for her. I found her leg and followed it up to her crotch. Her pussy was warm and moist but it did not feel sticky or have crusted cum.

Amanda said, “I took a bath and washed it out after you fell asleep. My mother always said that a girl should keep herself clean for her man.” There was a pause and then she said, “In case he wanted to give her oral sex.”

I started to move my hand toward my cock.

Amanda giggled and said, “Cleaning your cock is my job. Mom told me to suck it no matter what.”

I asked, “What?”

Again she giggled and said, “No matter what. No matter if it is clean, freshly used, or even if it has been in another girl. No matter if it has been in her mouth, in her pussy, or even in her ass. That is what a girl does for her man.”

Astounded I asked, “You would suck my cock if it had just come out of another girl’s ass?”

Amanda said, “I can have my mother come over here and prove it to you.”

I smiled. My cock was hard again and I wanted it back inside her. So I said, “That won’t be necessary right now but I’ll think about it later.”

Amanda giggled and moved astride of me and sank down onto my cock. Once again that sweet little thing was willing to do all of the work. I was willing to let her. It had been years since I had even had a morning erection let alone a fine woman to take care of it for me. I could get used to it.

In fact Amanda took very good care of my sexual needs. I didn’t even know that I had sexual needs. Things settled down to making love twice a day. Once first thing in the morning and then right after dinner while I was still awake and not too tired to do it.

When her mother came back to get her Amanda said, “Mom, he wants to fuck your ass and then watch me suck his cock clean afterwards.”

Candice said, “Only if I can suck his cock after he pulls it out of your ass.”

Amanda giggled and said, “Okay. He can do you now and then he can do me in the morning. We can entertain him in between.”

So that was the way it went. But it didn’t stop there. Candice and Amanda moved in with me. I slept with Amanda and she took care of me in the morning. Candice took care of the house while Amanda was in school and then she took care of me after dinner.

I lived to be eighty-seven years old and I had sex every single day, right up to the day that I died. Amanda had given birth to a daughter that we named Jillian. It was Jillian that was sitting on my cock when I had a heart attack. It was shortly after midnight on the day that she turned seventeen. The feel of my second virgin pussy slipping down over the head of my cock was more than my old heart could stand.

What a way to go!

The End
Nice Cleavage

Nice Cleavage

The queen of the festival had very nice cleavage.

Fbailey story number 676

Nice Cleavage

I was at a local Festival and as usual there was a queen of the festival. She was wearing a very nice gold gown. It was strapless and she was showing off lots of cleavage. The dress itself was very nice and fancy and went to her ankles. However, it was definitely that low neckline that caught my attention. The fact that she was short, pretty, blonde, and that she had a beautiful smile only helped. She had a white sash across her shoulder and opposite hip with her title on it.

She just happened to be alone so I walked over to her. I asked her if she would let me take her picture. Then I had her move out into the grass just far enough to make the background all green. She smiled and then she took in a deep breath. I took her picture and then Amanda said, “You better take another one, I think I blinked.” Now she hadn’t blinked but I really wanted another picture so I zoomed in to get her from the waist up. Nice cleavage! Amanda said, “Perhaps you should get a little closer, my top half is my best part.” I came in closer and I took a breast up shot and then just her magnificent cleavage. She knew what I was doing and she knew what she was doing too. Amanda whispered, “I wish I could let you take some really good pictures of me.”

I asked, “What do you have in mind?”

Amanda replied, “Oh, I think I look pretty good out of my gown too. I’m wearing a pretty push-up bra with matching panties. They are more skimpy than my bikini is and I had to shave my pussy to wear that.”

I said, “Nice cleavage!”

She replied, “I’m glad that you like it. I’ve been growing them for a year now. Would you believe that I was almost flat last summer?”

I gave her a good looking over. Then I said, “No I wouldn’t believe it.” Then I thought about it and asked, “How old are you?”

Amanda giggled and then said, “My mother says that I’m old enough. That’s why she put me on birth control. I just haven’t found a boy that I want to do it with.” She smiled at me and then added, “However, I might have found the perfect man to do it with.”

I repeated, “How old are you?”

Amanda replied, “Sixteen, but I’ll be seventeen in three weeks. That is the legal age of sexual consent in this state. I looked it up. We can wait if you want too.”

I had no idea that this sweet-looking innocent young lady could be so forward.

So I said, “I’m old enough to be your grandfather.”

Amanda giggled and said, “That makes you perfect in my eyes. Now all I have to do is keep my mother from getting to you first. She likes older men too.”

Just then we heard someone calling “Amanda” and when I turned around a woman was waving her to come back to her table.

As she passed me she whispered, “Meet me in the fire station in about fifteen minutes. I’ll tell my mother that I have to pee. You can watch if you want too and take pictures.”

I overheard Amanda saying, “Hi Mom, he wanted to take my picture. I think he likes my dress.”

Her mother said, “He just wants to get into your panties.”

Amanda said, “Please Mom, he is old enough for you to want. Why don’t you go over there and let him take some pictures up your skirt. I happen to know for a fact that you aren’t wearing your panties.”

She got a little pink in the face, then Amanda called out to me, “My mother wants to pose for you too. Take her down by the pond. Its pretty down there.”

I was amazed that her mother walked toward me. When she was close she said, “Hello. My name is Candice. Would you like me to pose for you?”

She was almost as pretty as Amanda was, but a little older. She also had on a miniskirt and a low cut blouse.

I whispered, “Nice cleavage.”

Candice said, “Like mother, like daughter.”

We walked down a long path. Amanda knew that I wouldn’t be back in fifteen minutes.

At the end we found ourselves alone.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six in more ways than one.”

I just smiled knowingly.

Candice said, “I’m thirty-six years old, I wear a 36-D bra, and my hips are thirty-six too. Add to that a twenty-four inch waist and you’ll see that I have an hourglass figure like those old movie stars.”

I smiled and repeated, “36-D, 24, 36. What a woman.”

Candice sat on a small boulder. Her knees were up, her feet were spread, and then she slowly opened up her knees for me. Amanda was right, her mother was not wearing any panties.

I just started taking pictures of her. After all, that was why we were there. I walked to the right and to the left, I squatted down and I stood up, and I got closer and closer until I was practically touching her bare pussy with my camera. Then I reached in and poked two fingers into her opening. I pulled them out a little and then I spread them, opening her pussy lips up for even better pictures.

I said, “Nice pussy.”

She said, “Thank you. After they pulled Amanda out of there I wasn’t sure that it would ever feel good to a man again.”

I smiled and poked my fingers back in, then I said, “It feels very good to me.”

Candice leaned back and closed her eyes so I pulled my cock out and slipped it into her. She smiled, she groaned, and then she opened her eyes. She kept moaning softly as I thrust into her body. Then when I finally came she said, “Oh, Amanda is really going like doing it with you. She’s still a virgin, you know. We both have a thing for older men.”

I pulled my limp cock out of her body and stood up. Candice sat up and sucked it into her mouth. A minute later she pulled her mouth back and kissed the head. As I zipped myself up, I watched Candice scoop up the cum that was oozing out of her pussy and suck it into her mouth. When she had stopped oozing cum she stood up and we walked back up the path to Amanda.

When we got there Amanda asked her mother, “How was he?”

Candice said, “You’re going to really enjoy it. He is a wonderful lover.”

Three weeks later at one minute after midnight, Candice dropped Amanda off at my door. Amanda was wearing a trench coat and stepped inside just as her coat opened and her mother pulled it off from her. Amanda walked in naked, Candice was holding the trench coat, and she said, “She is yours for a week. Enjoy her. I’ll be back next week to collect her.”

She turned away but then she turned right back and said, “Come here. I want to kiss your virginity goodbye.”

Amanda walked to the open door and stopped. Her nipples and toes were outside my house but the rest of her was still inside. Her mother dropped to her knees and leaned in to kiss her daughter’s virgin pussy goodbye.

I pulled my cock out and said, “Hey, while you’re down there.”

She kissed the head of my cock, got up onto her feet, and walked to her car.

Amanda held onto my cock, I closed the door, and we went into my bedroom.

She was anxious to get me inside her. I was anxious to make her first time memorable. That was funny because I still remember my first time forty-eight years ago. She was the girl down the street that would let us boys fuck her for a soda and a candy bar. Back then that was equivalent to about fifteen cents.

So I undressed, kissed her, and slipped my cock in. Her hymen was long gone but she was as tight as any woman that I had ever been in. She tried her best to fuck me from the bottom so I rolled us over and let her go. From the top she was much better. That sexy beauty queen used my cock to get herself off. Her eyes were closed, her nipples were hard, and she was treating my cock like she would treat a dildo. She was incredible though. Where else would a sixty-four-year-old man get to put his cock in a seventeen-year-old virgin beauty queen? When I finally erupted it was massive. I shot more times, with more cum, and at a higher velocity than ever before. It felt like shooting an arrow into a bale of hay. Actually it was more like emptying my quiver of arrows into her. I stayed right there and pulled her down on top of me while I hugged and kissed her.

Amanda said, “Thank you. I knew that I wanted you to be my first, the moment that I saw you. That’s why I had my mother check you out.”

We cuddled and basked in the after glow until my cock shriveled up and slipped out of her. Then I took a nap.

About eight hours later I opened my eyes. Amanda was still in bed next to me and the covers had been pulled up. She just smiled and kissed me. My hand reached out for her. I found her leg and followed it up to her crotch. Her pussy was warm and moist but it did not feel sticky or have crusted cum.

Amanda said, “I took a bath and washed it out after you fell asleep. My mother always said that a girl should keep herself clean for her man.” There was a pause and then she said, “In case he wanted to give her oral sex.”

I started to move my hand toward my cock.

Amanda giggled and said, “Cleaning your cock is my job. Mom told me to suck it no matter what.”

I asked, “What?”

Again she giggled and said, “No matter what. No matter if it is clean, freshly used, or even if it has been in another girl. No matter if it has been in her mouth, in her pussy, or even in her ass. That is what a girl does for her man.”

Astounded I asked, “You would suck my cock if it had just come out of another girl’s ass?”

Amanda said, “I can have my mother come over here and prove it to you.”

I smiled. My cock was hard again and I wanted it back inside her. So I said, “That won’t be necessary right now but I’ll think about it later.”

Amanda giggled and moved astride of me and sank down onto my cock. Once again that sweet little thing was willing to do all of the work. I was willing to let her. It had been years since I had even had a morning erection let alone a fine woman to take care of it for me. I could get used to it.

In fact Amanda took very good care of my sexual needs. I didn’t even know that I had sexual needs. Things settled down to making love twice a day. Once first thing in the morning and then right after dinner while I was still awake and not too tired to do it.

When her mother came back to get her Amanda said, “Mom, he wants to fuck your ass and then watch me suck his cock clean afterwards.”

Candice said, “Only if I can suck his cock after he pulls it out of your ass.”

Amanda giggled and said, “Okay. He can do you now and then he can do me in the morning. We can entertain him in between.”

So that was the way it went. But it didn’t stop there. Candice and Amanda moved in with me. I slept with Amanda and she took care of me in the morning. Candice took care of the house while Amanda was in school and then she took care of me after dinner.

I lived to be eighty-seven years old and I had sex every single day, right up to the day that I died. Amanda had given birth to a daughter that we named Jillian. It was Jillian that was sitting on my cock when I had a heart attack. It was shortly after midnight on the day that she turned seventeen. The feel of my second virgin pussy slipping down over the head of my cock was more than my old heart could stand.

What a way to go!

The End
Nice Cleavage