Naked Day – part 10 California Dreaming

Tim and Cindy, a close shave, and a trip to Hollywood in their future

We slept the rest of the morning. Then while still in our truth/snuggle zone Cynthia and I reviewed where we were and what it all meant.

“Tim, are you mad at all or uncomfortable with anything I did. I mean, I’ve fucked my brother, licked my sister’s pussy, and more.”

“I know, I was there. I’m good. Your brother and sister are great kids. It was a crazy experience. One that most people will never have. I don’t want you fucking everyone out there and I don’t want to start bringing strangers home, but now you, and I, will never wonder what a full day sex orgy is like. So there’s that.”

“Thanks Tim. No one could replace you. Now let’s get dressed and have a normal day.”

“You look so good, any chance?”

“Can I get a pass? First, you’re lying, ha, I looked like a fucked out mess. Also, I feel like a fucked out mess. Need a break.”

“Sure, of course.”

Cindy took an extra long shower. Then we had lunch. Dressed like a “normal” couple.

“How do you think your sibs are doing?”

“I think they’ll be ok.”

And they were. So were we. Over the next weeks we got back to the usual routines. Johnny or Sandy might visit to hang out. They’d also ask us advice. We’d all built a new level of trust in our tight little incest group. I sat there one afternoon while Cindy used the cock on the purple strap on to give deepthroat lessons to Sandy. Her sister was finally mastering her gag reflex. Lucky Johnny. I know what you’re thinking, ‘Oh so when do we get to Sandy testing her skills on Tim’? Nope, not going there. Besides I already knew Sandy could get most of my (almost) six inches in her mouth. She needed to get way past that to accomplish her brothers 8 plus. Another day Cindy and Sandy were discussing options for trimming their pubic hair.

Yep, I sat right there on my recliner while they both stripped off their shorts and panties to compare patches.

Cindy, “I read that more girls are shaving the whole thing.”

“I don’t know sis, do guys really like that? Pedo fantasies?”

“But think how nice and clean?”

“Yeah but constant maintenance. Razor burn, and when it grows in, ouch.”

“I think they use wax to get it all. It lasts longer.”

“Fucking ouch.”

“Anyone want a guy’s point of view.”

“OK, what do you think bro in law?”

“You know I like a well groomed pubic area. I don’t need hairs in my teeth. But I don’t think I’d like to feel like I’m about to go down on, you know. Kind of pervy, even for me. So a well trimmed hint of bush works for me.”

“So how do you like this?”, As she said this Sandy shamelessly walked over and stood right in front of me, her nether regions on full display. By this time we all had no embarrassment or barriers. I saw then she had allowed her pubic hair to grow out a bit, then had shaped it into a narrow line.

“It’s a landing strip, what do you think, Tim?”

“That’s cool, I like!”

“Want me to do that Tim?

“I like your little triangle Cindy, but if you want to vary the design, go for it.”

The girls went back to chatting, at some point putting their pants back on. I wasn’t really paying attention, then noticed that they were whispering and giggling, with their eyes glancing at me.

“OK, what’s so amusing.”

“We were just thinking dearest husband, we noticed you mentioned getting our pubes in your teeth, you didn’t consider your pubes in our teeth.”

“Yeah, you’ve got a bit of a hairy crotch going there bro in law.”

“So, uh, what about it?”

“Fair play. How about trimming up your pubes?”

“Do guys do that? Kinda weird?”

“Fair’s fair. Come on Tim, for me????”

I can’t deny anything to my love. And it’s not like anyone else would see.

“OK, I’ll snip off some and see how it goes.”

“OH good. Let’s go”, as Cindy grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom.

“Now? With Sandy here?”

“Yeah, you’ve got all kinds of external moving parts down there. More hands to keep it safe.”

“Makes sense I guess.”

So the three of us squeezed into our small bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat cover. Cindy got a scissor, fresh razor, shaving cream and a wash cloth. Sandy rummaged around under the sink and came out with an electric razor I’d forgotten about.

“Just how much are you two taking off?”

“Huh, what do you say Cindy? Take it all? You can imagine you’re fucking someone younger? Kinky enough ya freak?”

“It MIGHT be nice to start all the way then when it grows back pick the ideal length. What do you think Tim? It would make licking and sucking you off so much nicer.” The talk about my equipment started giving me a rise.

“Keep going sis, it’ll be easier if that thing is stiff and out of the way.”

“OK girls, go for it. Bare as a baby’s bottom.”

So they went to work, Cindy first quickly took my full length into her mouth to get me hard, then started lathering me up.

“Yeah, still not used to the fact I’m standing here watching my sister casually throating her husband. We’re a weird group.”

“Make yourself useful Sandy, hold his dick up out of the way while I use the razor.”

“Sure thing. Ready Tim?”

“Go for it”

And they did. Sandy held me by the head moving me left, right, up, down, while Cindy carefully shaved all my pubic hair. The ball sack was a little more “hairy” as they say. Stretching it to get to everything. Then Cindy made sure to take every thing underneath.

“How far back are we going. I noted you had some hair in your ass crack when I was doing you.”

“Unless you’re planning to tongue my ass, you can leave that.”

“Yeah, ok never mind, almost done.”

Cindy wiped the excess shaving cream, touched up a couple of spots, then stepped back.

“Ta da!”

“I like it sis, neat and clean. I may need to talk Johnny into this.”

“Just wave your ass in front on him and he’ll agree to anything.”

“True, true. What do you think Tim?”

“Different. Still a little burn. But I have to say, it makes my cock look longer.”

“It does! My hubby is packing.”

“Just how long is it? You guys measured. I’m sure you did.”

“Yeah sis, we tried a few times one day. Tim, insisted he could get to 6, but 5 3/4 was his best. But the thickness matters too. Maybe not if you’ve got Johnny’s length. That’ll always impress.

This here is 5 and half around. Not porn star, but pretty thick.”

“A little more than 5 1/2.”

“Oh, I’m not going into advanced math here. Yes Tim’s 5 5/8 around. Jeez”

“Every bit counts in cocks and hand grenades.”

Sandy laughed, then “I wonder what Johnny’s actually is?”

“Bring him over, we can shave and measure. Imagine how long his will look bald?”

“Uh, ladies, I’m still sitting here.”

“Oh sorry Tim. That would be ok, right?”

“Sure, I’m curious too. As long as Sandy’s doing the work.”

Cindy sighed. “Of course.”

“I have to get going. It’s been interesting visiting you two, of course.”

“OK thanks for the help sis. Anyway, I need to take this baby for a ride.”

Cindy put some lotion all over the area to help with razor burn, then enjoyed stroking and fondling my soft skin. I asked what she thought of the look.

“I like it. So neat and clean. I may ask you to keep it.”

“Let’s see how it feels after a few days. If you like the new toy, you may need to be responsible for keeping it in order.”

“Deal!”, she agreed quickly.

After taking my newly groomed cock for a long test ride Cindy kissed me and said, “It may look like a twelve year old when it’s soft, but it rides like a man. My hot loving man.”

After cleaning up, I got the mail and joined Cindy in the living room.

“Oh look, I got something from my sister. Haven’t heard from her for awhile. She’s been dating some guy Peter for awhile.”

I read her note then looked up with surprise at my wife. “Nikki wants us to visit them for my birthday next month. She says they’ll pay for the airfare and we can stay at their place, so hardly any cost to us. I notice the ‘they’ll’ and ‘their’, I guess it’s more than just dating.”

Cindy came over and sat on my lap so she could see the note. “What’s with ‘Nikki’? Since when does she go by that?”

“Gone Cali I guess. She and Peter have been working in production in Hollywood. She says here they live in a town about an hour north. Interesting. And I haven’t been to California yet. Are you up for it?”

“Can we manage it? We pay the bills here but we haven’t had a real vacation since our Honeymoon. I’ll need to get a new bikini and get some sun to compete with the Cali girls.”

“You’ll put them to shame, don’t worry. Lots of those big fake tits out there. I like your real ones.”

“Does your sister have implants now?”

“No idea. Hers were already pretty big, D cup I’d guess.”

“Oh please, you never peeked at her bra in the wash, imagining what filled them? No way you never masturbated imagining what Nicole’s tits looked like.”

“Guilty as charged, but she’s three years older than me and left home at 18 so I was still a kid when she was here. It was just in the last year or so of her living at home that I took real notice of how her body looked. She was a bit of a late bloomer.”

Of course I’d seen my sister since then when she’d come for a visit. She’d be 25 now. Last photo I saw she had shoulder length dirty blonde hair, light green eyes. She’s fairly tall, about 5-8. I’d only matched her height right before she moved. Now I was a couple inches taller. Nicole, Nikki now I guess, is athletic, running and swimming regularly, so she has a firm body, nicely developed legs. And those hefty breasts. Yes, I’d blown a few loads imagining those tits. But I’d never even got a peek. Maybe in Cali?

“You know, Cindy, those Hollywood people are a lot more open than here on the east coast. You ready for possible nude swimming or hot tub parties?”

“Really? Your sister’s into that?”

“No idea, but they are Hollywood types now. It’s possible.”

“Then I better get to work on my tan,” she said with a smile. My Cindy.

The next week, Saturday I think, I had just gotten off the phone with my sister when Cindy came in from a tanning session in her parent’s yard.

“It was perfect today. They were going out shopping for a few hours so I got a chance to work on the tan lines. There’s just enought

room in the one corner to lay out without the neighbors being able to see.”

“Careful there, you wouldn’t want to give old Mr. Olsen a heart attack.”

“Haha, oh and on the way home I stopped and got that bikini I was looking at. I hope you don’t mind the price tag, but I needed something nice for your sister’s place. Can’t be looking skanky with those California girls.

“Never babe. Now are you going to give me a look at it on your newly tanned bod?”

Cindy went into the bedroom. A little while later she practically danced down the hallway to where I waited in living room.

“It’s perfect. It’s just what I wanted. I think it looks great on me. Please. Just don’t look at the tag.”

The smiling vision before me did look perfect. The suit was sexy, without being slutty. Beautifully displayed her assets without giving it away. Medium blue with small polka dots, the top perfectly cupped her lovely C cup boobs, the triangle of material in front on bottom was just modest enough, the strings over her hips added length to her legs. As she twirled in place I saw that the larger triangle in back nicely covered just enough of her luscious tight ass. It was perfect on her. And she was so happy I wouldn’t have cared if it was $1000.

“It’s perfection Cindy. You’d make a sack look good, but damn that is just a vision of sexy and sweet. Destroy the tag, I don’t care what it cost, who needs to pay the electric bill anyway.”

“Ohh thank you thank you thank you Tim. It felt so good to splurge. I feel so sexy in this suit. You make me soooo happy.” With that she lept onto my lap and kissed me in a way that told me something special was coming my way.

“I love you so much. You make me feel so special. Every day. Let me get this suit off so we don’t ruin it, then I’ll show you how much I appreciate you.”

Who’s going to argue with that. I joined Cindy in our bedroom. When she removed the suit I could see how her tanning was coming along.

“You’re really getting those tan lines to blend in a bit. I kind of like the contrast of your normal summer tan and your lighter natural skin, but I understand you want to be ready for California”

Cindy climbed up between my legs and started stroking my cock. She’d been enjoying my total bare look and had been true to her word taking care of keeping me smooth. She licked my cock and casually sucked on the head. Popping it in and out of her mouth while sliding her hand along the length. “You know, if we do go nude out there you’re really going to be on display here.”

“I’ll probably just fit in, ooh that feels good. Oh did I mention, my sister called? Some details about the trip. MMMmm, that’s nice.”

Cindy continued to lick my shaft, licking and nibbling along the length. “So what did she say?”

“Oooh, uhh, mmm, nice. Some travel details, what weather to expect, uuuuuh, wow, um clothes to pack, damn CIndy that’s oh hot.”

Cindy looked me right in the eyes as she took the skin of my scrotum between her teeth and pulled just a little. Then continued past my balls hitting every nerve ending, kissing, licking. “Go on”, she said.

Taking a deep breath I tried to cntinue. “She said they have a large ranch home with a private yard, ooh god, pool and hit tub.”

Cindy grasped my testicles and squeezed, then suck first one, then the other ball into her mouth, rolling them gently. “Mmm hmm”, was all she could get out around my right testicle.

“We’ll get out there Tuesday, have a couple of days sightseeing for you and me. Uuuunngh, oooh, fuck, that feels soo good. Then Friday evening Peter’s planning to grill some steaks and the four of us can hang out. Saturday night’s a small party in our honor, Peter calls it a small bacchanalia, whatever that is. It seems, Peter got some big promotion, so they decided to get the house and move in together. If I remember, he’s about 33-35? You stopped.”

Cindy resumed stroking my hard cock. “Sorry, I got distracted by the story. Isn’t bacchawhatever one of those old greek sex gods?”

“No idea.” I stopped talking as Cindy begain taking my whole cock into her mouth reaching her throat. She continued going all the way down then all the way up, basically fucking me with her face. I started feeling that familiar tension in my balls.

“Getting close.”

Cindy grasped tight around the base of my cock. “Not yet.” Continue the story.

“Nicole did ask if as east coasters we’d be uncomfortable with open nudity. I surpressed a laugh on the phone. And told her we could get used to it. She said we’d wear suits Friday to get comfortable.”

Cindy released her grip and resumed teasing my cock head licking at the pre cum, nibbling at the tender spot under the glans. Then stopped again. “Oh us poor repressed east coasters. If she only knew. Maybe she just doesn’t want to show you her boobs.”

“I get the feeling I may get a look that weekend. How about you? Your siblings are one thing, but do you want to be on display to guys you don’t know? I could ask out of the bacca thing.”

“No, no, when in Rome, oh hey I think actually it’s a Roman sex god, and why wouldn’t I want to share my tan?”

With that Cindy got down to business sucking hard on my cock, fondling my balls, taking my cock all the way in and holding it at the back of her throat.

“Now Cindy, NOW, Cumming.”

Cindy, “mmm”. Holding my cock in place I could feel my cum shooting straight into her throat. He tongue and throat milking every drop. She took it all. Sliding up and finally popping my now sensitive head out of her mouth, she looked at me and smiled and thanked ME!

“You’re the best Tim.”

Maybe the luckiest.