My Life Pt 3

The start of my future

This is part 3 of ?

I am going to keep writing. For as long as i can.
I am trying to write better, but i was never any good at grammar or punctuation.

Wednesday, the 23 of Sptember

As all three of us got out of the shower, we went our separate ways. I got dressed and went to the car waiting for my sisters to come out. I looked threw my backpack and found a form for a talent show coming this Friday. I was thinking that I could go on stage and show my love for my sisters. But in a way that only they would know. So i devised a plan. I already knew what my talent was, i was going to sing and the song would be If You Could Only See by Tonic. All I needed was a CD of the background music without the lyrics. As i finished my plan my sisters jumped into the car.

“i am going to be in the talent show Friday.” I said

“Really” really they both said surprisingly
They continued to say ” are you going to sing”

I nodded

“well what’s the song” they asked

“you will have to see” i said mischievously

So we got to school and i ran to the Drama Teachers room.

“Miss Cole”

“Yes” she asked but did not look up

“Is this the place to sign up for the Talent show” I asked

“Yes” she said looking up in surprise to see that i was standing there
“what are you going to do” she asked

“well im going to sing a song” i replied

” what song it cant have any graphic language” she said

“it does not its the song If You could only See By tonic” i said

“is it for some girl” she asked

“yeah” i said

“okay sign that sheet next to the time slot you want” she said

I signed then walked towards the door.

“She said you better be good or she will be turned off” she said

That comment stopped me for a second but i knew i was good and my sisters loved me already. So i ran back to home room just in time. Then the teacher stopped me.

” where’s your pass” he said

” i was in Miss Coles room signing up for the Talent show” i said

“Give me a second” he said

He walked over to the phone.

“hello Miss cole was David Valentine there like 3 minutes ago” he asked

“He was thank you Miss cole” he hung up

“Everything seems to be in order you may sit down” he said

I took a seat next to my sister.

“So i signed up” i told Kelly

“really you are probably going to win” she replied

“well do you want to know what song i am going to sing” i questioned

“I want it to be a surprise for Sara and me” She said

” Good because i was not going to tell you anyway” i just wanted to kiss her right there

We got out of homeroom and went to Gym class. I handed the coach my forms so i could join the team. Then i handed him the play book.

“your going to need the Valentine” he said

” i remembered it coach” i said

“in one night” he replied shocked

” Yeah i thought you wanted me to play because of my mental disorder” I said

“what disorder” he said shocked

” i have Hyperthymesia. its when you remember every thing that happens after puberty” i said

” Well then you are going to be the best Quarterback i have ever seen.” he said

I decided to take my gym class in the weight room. After gym i had math like always. Then came my Child development class and to day was the first day that the preschool kids were here. There were about 8 High school kids (6 girls and one other guy), and there were 16 preschoolers so the teacher put two Teens to a group of four. And i was partnered with Kelly. We had our own little section of the Preschool. And seeing my sister with those young kids just made me love her more. After school i ran down to the locker room and got the equipment i needed for practice. Then ran down to the field where all the other players were. The coach introduced me as the new Varsity Quarterback. Then had me work on my arm with the wide receivers and there plays. I Felt like a natural star. I threw four perfect throws the the coach said let the corners cover the wide receivers. Lets see what this kid can do in coverage. I never missed a receiver that was open i even squeezed a couple in double and triple coverage. Everyone was so impressed then i saw out of the corner of my eye y sisters talking to the Cheer leading coach to sign up but then she said no to Kelly because she was a freshman.

“Coach can you go over and tell there Cheer coach to let my sister be on the team” I said it because he knew i was the best on the team.

“ill go have a word with her” he said not wanting to make me mad

He walked over and talked to the coach. After some persuading she let my sister on the team. He walked back.

“Your sister is on the team” he said

“Thanks coach shes been having a rough time and she needs this” i said

“I know how you feel i did the same thing for my daughter 2 years ago” he said

After practice i walked out of the locker room. Then to my sisters car.My sisters started to walk to the car. I could see Kelly smiling from the parking lot. Then she ran over to me and gave me a huge hug. I could tell she knew what i did.

“Thank you David i was about to cry when the coach said i was to young.” she said

“its ok my coach wold have done anything to get you on the team if i asked him Our first game is tomorrow. You guys better be there” i said

“yeah we will be cheering you on” they said

I finished all my homework in record time then went down stairs and started cooking dinner. I was making some of my delicious lasagna and garlic Bread. As it was baking i got on my computer and downloaded the song for my Talent show performance. Just then Kelly came down. I shut my laptop then she sat in my lap.

“thank you so much for everything you do” she said

“well i think were even” i said back thinking about how i painfully took her anal virginity

“no were not i owe you more then you have gotten over the last couple days.” she said

” i agree” Sara said as she was walking through the kitchen door.

I never really thought about it until now. For one i always did the cooking, and laundry. I Also protected them a lot. So i guess i did do a lot for them.

” well if you insist” i said

“let me start making it up to you” Kelly whispered in my ear.

She got off me then turned me around and unzipped my pants. Then Pulled down my boxers and wiped out my cock still sweaty from practice. She did not mind because she was so horny she went strait down my cock with her tongue. She then spit on my head and just kept sucking faster then slower. Then faster again. She went like this for like 10 more minutes then finally i came in her mouth. i was surprised how well she took it. She seemed to love the taste of my semen. Sara came over Standing behind me tilting my head strait back giving me a long passionate kiss. I did not know where Kelly wentuntil a few moments later she handed me over a bottle of Gatorade.

“You must be thirsty” she said

I did not realize that i had not had water since lunch today. i guzzled it down and felt so much better as we took our action to the couch. We just sat there making out for another 30 minutes until dinner was done. we ate then i went strait to my room. I was so tired from last night, this morning, and practice. I took a 2 hour nap then when i went down stairs. It was about 830 and i sat on the couch my two sisters sat on both sides of me. We started watching the movie She’s out of my League OnDemand. about 45 minutes in my mom came home.

“Hey my darlings” mom said

“Hi mom” we all said

I got up and made my mom a plate of dinner. I sat down and started talking to her.

“Mom” i said

“Yes sweetie” she replied

“I signed up for football and im the Varsity Team Quarter back” i said

“you go to be shittin me” she said
“thats so great” she added

“it was all because of my disorder” I said

“so it makes you so special and you are doing great things with you Gift” she said

“Like what” i said i knew what but i wanted to hear it

” for instance this Lasagna is amazing” she said

“thanks mom” i said as i started to head out of the room
” wait mom um i entered in the talent show Friday just wanted to let you know.” i added

“Wait David who is the girl” she said

” um just some cheerleader” i added and left to go to my room

I collapsed on my bed and went to sleep. I woke up abruptly to the sight of Sara riding my coke as i slept. She was bouncing up and down so hard and as quickly as it started i came deep into her. She whispered into my ear.

“That was great next time ill wake you up” she smiled and walked off

I got up and walked over to Kellys bed and just whispered into her ear i love you then snuggled up to her. I could tell she was smiling. she turn over and we were face to face she just kissed me.

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