My daddy and me.
Daughter tells a story of how she was taken away from her real father, and how she unknowingly meets him later in life.
If I said that I knew my dad growing up, I would be lying, I didn’t know him all that well at all, I didn’t even know what he looked like because like, mom never showed me pictures of him, ever! Don’t get me wrong, I knew who my dad was, and I knew that he was actually a great dad despite the fact that he was never, ever around and that mom constantly talked shit on him. I knew deep down in my heart that he cared about me a lot. I say that because he kept coming to where I lived to go to court. He wanted visitation, he fought for it hard and it pissed my mom off that he wouldn’t just cave and leave it well enough alone. He was relentless, and very determined to see me and to spend time with me but mom wasn’t going to let him do it. It probably didn’t help that she and my step dad had some really really high priced lawyers. I still don’t know why she refused to let my dad see me and I started to wonder why while I was growing up. But it doesn’t stop there, you hear about these dead beat dads that would do everything they could to not pay child support and take care of their kids. My dad was the complete opposite of that, he wanted to make sure that I had everything I needed or wanted. He would call his lawyer and got to court, he would actually tell the judge that he wanted to pay more for child support. And because of him, the amount he paid would go up every single year. When mom initially took him to court for child support, I was there, and I remember that my dad argued to pay more than what he was ordered to. How many can say that their dads cared enough about their kids that they fight hard to take care of them and not even care how it would hurt them financially? Mom kept saying that dad was a looser and didn’t have a job, that he was worthless and a terrible father. Sperm doner is what she called him if I remember right. She always said how he was a worthless psycho who would never amount to anything, how even McDonald’s wouldn’t hire him. Well, obviously all of that was a lie because he paid child support religiously, but not just that, I had really really good health insurance. For the longest time, I thought my mom and step dad were the ones who got me health insurance, but it wasn’t until I got really really sick, I got cancer, and it almost killed me. The insurance that I had was really awesome because they paid every dime for everything I needed, and I mean everything. And from then on, that was the insurance mom used for me all of the time. I was in my early early teens when I found out that my dad was the one paying for my health insurance for sure, not my mom and step dad. It was when mom started me on birth control that I really really started to realized that my insurance was different than my moms.
It doesn’t stop there, let’s talk about my birthdays and Christmas. He always sent me really nice expensive presents, presents my mom and step dad refused to get for me because they were “too expensive”. Look, I get it and I never expected them too, I’m just trying to make a point here, dad was supposedly a “looser psycho meth head with no job”, and they were rich as fuck, yet dad was the one who bought me the expensive shit. Was he a drug dealer or something, I didn’t know, and I didn’t care, all I knew was that he busted his ass for me, I was his first priority above all else. When I turned 10, he just started sending me cash, a lot of cash, and he did that every single year, and he never missed one year like, ever. I noticed that mom would always go and file for a restraining order against my dad at least a week or more before my birthdays and Christmas. I just had no idea that she was doing that until I turned 12, she had no idea that I started to realize any of that at all because I never told her that I knew. I knew because I found some papers from her lawyers that she was suppose to file with the courts one day. I think that was the day that I started to resent my mom because I really started to see what she was doing, and she was lied to me about it all of the time. She was keeping my dad away from me on purpose, plain and simple, end of debate. I tried to confront her about it several times and even threw her papers at her that she had to file restraining orders against him several times and she lied right to my face. Needless to say, my mom and I had like, a lot of really big fights after that. She knew that I knew she was lying but she still denied it and lied more to hide those lies, if that makes any sense.
Now, let me ask this, your mom and dad get divorced, or don’t get married at all and just split up when you’re a little kid, mom disappears for a while, then out of no where she shows up. Then you find out that your mom got custody of you after a while, but you’re too young to remember any of that. Then you’re told that your dad was a looser, a worthless person who was abusive, and that he refused to take care of his kid. Then as you get older, you realize that every year just before your birthday she would go to court and have these stupid restraining orders placed against him. And once your birthday or Christmas passes by, she would let them expire. What would you think if your mom did that to your dad who you just knew was doing everything he could to be a responsible father, and was bending over backwards to see you? What would you think if she constantly told lies about him to the point that she almost had you convinced, but wasn’t able to convince you? Do you confront her without proof like I did many times? Think about that for a minute, and then answer this, how was I suppose to feel? Am I right for being so mad at my mom even though I didn’t have all of the facts? I didn’t know if I was suppose to be mad or not, but I was.
What I remember about my dad then, wow, I didn’t remember a whole lot to be honest. What I do remember were bits and pieces, things like the father daughter dates he took me on, I remembered that we use to do that all the time. I remembered laying on the floor and coloring with him, I remembered that he always let me paint his toe nails and finger nails. I remembered those things, and those memories started to come out more as I got older. By my 12th birthday, I realized that my mom wasn’t in any of those memories at all, none of them, and I couldn’t figure out why. The more I tried to remember, the more I realized that my mom was never around. I never even knew her until that one day, the one day she came to get me, yes I do remember that day, it didn’t help that I was having nightmares about it. Me and dad had just spent the day with my grandparents on their farm, and had taken showers and baths or what ever. We were laying on the floor coloring when the cops came to the house with my mom. I remembered that my dad was really really angry and sad that I was being taken away from him, I watched him cry. It was very traumatic for me, and for him. I remembered him walking and running behind the car as mom drove away and I remember screaming for him for so long that I lost my voice. That haunted me for years growing up, I had dreams about it, nightmares, and all mom could say, was that I just made it all up. I was just a kid, so maybe she was right, but something inside me says that I was reliving actual events that took place. I do know for a fact that dad was way young when I was born, and when he hooked up with my mom and made me. Mom was 19, 19 when she hooked up with my dad. Most guys as young as dad was then, that end up having kids run and never want anything to do with their kids, my dad was the exact opposite of that from day one, he took care of me as best as he could, and that never changed. Despite everything, I think he turned out to be an amazing father, how could I not think he was. Well, I got the answers I was looking for later, I would find out that all of my suspicions were not just suspicions. I learned and had hard physical evidence that mom was in fact lying about my real dad. I’ll get to how I found out, or rather how I caught my mom in years worth of lies later.
My name is Mindy, and I am 18 almost 19 now. I’m only 5’2 and I have really long dark brown hair, and big light brown eyes. I have a butt chin as some of my friends say, and I kind of have a wide nose, it’s not all that wide, but it still is, and my lips are full and kinda thick. Mom says I have my dads hair, nose and mouth, which had to be true since mom was a pale skinned red head with green eyes. I don’t have that skin either, I have a natural bronze tan, again from my real dad. Some say that I look so much younger than I really am, I kinda think so too. Everyone I have talked to has said that I look like I’m like 12 or 13, although I don’t think I look that young at all, I’d say more like 16. I guess it depends on what I wear and how I do my hair and stuff. I’m only like, 100 pounds and I would have to say that I have a pretty nice ass, it’s my favorite part of my body. My tits are tiny, about an A cup, and I think that’s why almost everyone thinks I’m so young. They’re tiny as hell, I am on the itty bitty titty committee, they’re so small that I wear a training bra, a training bra! I’m 18 for god sakes and I wear a training bra! I don’t even have wear a bra most of the time but I do just in case my nipples get hard, and I’m a horny girl, so they do get hard a lot. I use to hate my tits with a passion because guys like big huge perky tits. I was very self conscious about them, until I learned that there are guys that love, love, llllove perky tiny little tits like mine.
I was young when my sexual awakening happened, and no I’m not going to tell you how old I was. Some say that people that go through things like what I went through turn out to be these crazy, drug addicted, psychopathic people who wind up in jail, prison, or dead. Dead from being murdered like my real dads parents were, or from suicide. If not those things, then they would end up being drug addicted strippers, or porn stars. Oh my god I love porn it’s so fucking hot and yummy. But I don’t want to be in one, and I don’t want to do drugs either mainly because of what happened to my dad and his parents because of drugs. His parents were very well to do, filthy rich business owners and doctors, but they got hooked on meth. They cooked it and sold it from their multimillion dollar mansion and did that for many many years. From what mom says, someone went to rob them and ended up shooting everyone in my dads family, including him. He was shot like, five or six times, plus he had all of the broken bones he had from getting his ass beaten all of the time. The people that shot him and his parents then set the house on fire to burn all of the evidence. My dad was the only survivor of all of that. That’s why I refused to have anything to do with drugs, period. Even when my mom, step dad and step brother smoked weed, I never touch it.
Now watching porn, that’s a whole different ball game for me, and I know that there are guys out there that wanna be with a girl that loves porn like I do. The only problem I had was my tiny little boobs, if you can call them that, so I didn’t have very many guys that wanted me. My mom was the one who introduced me to it, now I didn’t know if she did it on purpose or not, but she was the last one who used my little laptop/tablet combo that my real dad sent me for my birthday. She asked me if she could use it while I was at school one day, and I said yes. I went to school and it was just like any other day, nothing exciting happened at all. But before then, I started having these little feelings that I had never felt before. I felt warm and tingly all over, and I felt this little ache that started between my legs and spread through out my body, and I was getting wet too. I didn’t know what was going on and I was too scared to talk to mom about it. That day I let my mom use my tablet was no different at all except that it was way worse than ever before. I couldn’t stop looking at boys and wanting to play with them, even though I was not very well educated when it came to that kind of stuff. I did have a favorite teacher though, and I had the biggest crush on him, so when I saw him all I could do was look at him, and that’s when my mind started to wonder. By the end of class I was like, really really wet and all hot and tingly and achy. I didn’t know what was wrong with me but all I really knew was that I needed to feel some kind of pressure against my little mound, so all day through school, I would press my legs together and squirm. It felt so good that I let this little whimper out and my entire body just lit up I guess, I don’t know how else to describe it. I had to stop because a few people noticed it and looked at me. I knew my face was all red and I was breathing kinda hard, I couldn’t help it. I had no idea what was happening to me, but I loved how it felt. When I got home, it was so bad that I couldn’t see straight. I went to my mom and told her that I was taking a nap before running up to my room, closing the door and locking it behind me. I didn’t know what to do, I was shaking and that aching, warm and tingly feeling was so strong that I couldn’t breath. It was then that I decided to just get completely naked. I took my shirt off and threw it to the ground, and when it brushed against my boobs, my legs almost gave out. I stood in front of the mirror and touched my boobs sending those feelings into a frenzy. When I took my pants off, I realized that my panties were soaked, like crazy even though I went to the restroom a lot and wiped. I knew that I was wet down there, but I didn’t know that I was that wet, I was dripping. I pulled my panties off and slid my hand onto my pussy and that’s when I lost it, I couldn’t stop rubbing my pussy and my tits at the same time. I wanted to get more comfortable, so I went to my bed and found my tablet there.
I grabbed it and realized that the browser was still opened so I looked at the page that was on it. I was horny before, but after seeing what I saw on my tablet, oh my god! I laid down and stared at this picture of this guy standing there with his dick out, and this girl on her knees. I saw the little triangle in the middle of it and pressed it. OH MY GOD! ITS A MOVIE! I thought when the screen went black, and the video started to play. There were two lesbian girls, and one guy with a huge dick, holy shit I was so turned on by that dick. I set the tablet up, and laid on my back and spread my legs really wide. I set my tablet on my tiny stomach and watched the girls make out and have sex, before they took the guy in their mouths and sucked his big dick. I watched as he had sex with each girl several times, and the girl who wasn’t having sex with the guy, was either being eaten out by the other girl, or the guy. That was my very first series of orgasms, and I was loving every second of it! I laid there and rubbed my young little pussy and my tits the whole time, I even slid my finger inside of my pussy a lot. I left the biggest wet spot on my bed that night, not once, but several times, with several different videos. After a week of that, I started to notice my step dad and step brothers bulges. I would stare at them and drool, but I also stared and drooled over my moms creamy white tits. That’s when I realized that she was actually pretty fucking hot. One night, mom came into my room and watched porn with me, and that was the night that I was eaten out for the very first time. My mom and I actually had sex together for a very very long time. My step dad and step brother were out on a three day hunting trip, so it was just us. That was when I found out that my step dad was really my uncle, and my step brother was my cousin.
At first I was a little grossed out and stuff and was for a little while, but then I thought about it, mom and I committed incest already. And since she and her brother were committing incest and were for a long time, it couldn’t be that bad at all. And when I realized that I loved having sex with my own mom, I went to the porn site that mom looked at on my tablet, actually, I book marked it, and searched for incest porn to see if it existed. OH MY GOD NO WAY, I thought when a whole bunch of incest porn came up, like, a whole whole bunch! That’s when I started watching incest porn and oh my god I loved it, in fact, it quickly became my favorite, that’s all I watched after that. My all time favorite is the daddy daughter porn, I don’t know why, but just the thought of me seducing my real dad just made me crazy crazy horny and the orgasms I had fantasizing about it! Oh wow! I think that’s why I liked the daddy daughter stuff so well. My favorite video that I got off to the most, was about this really hot blonde and her dad. I still want to fuck that blonde, she was so so hot and so so sexy. Anyway, she’s in the gym, and I’m guessing that the gym was at her house, but her dad comes in. She’s on the treadmill and walking when her dad lays down on this thing behind her. She catches her dad looking at her ass, but doesn’t stop him. Instead, she starts talking about sex. Well, later she goes into the living room and makes sure her dad is sleeping before she sits down. She opened her towel and had this really cute and sexy little outfit on. She plays with herself using a dildo and moans daddy. He hears her and comes out of his room. She shows him her pussy, he shows her his dick, and before long she’s giving him a blow job. They end up having sex, and I mean you can see his dick going in and out of her pussy like crazy, then he cums inside of her. God I wanted to try that so bad with my real dad. I wondered what my real dad looked like and wondered if he was hot, what his body looked like and what his dick was like. God I wanted to meet him so bad after the first time I watched daddy daughter porn.
To make this a little shorter, I did end up having sex with my uncle, and my cousin. I started with my uncle with the help of my mom. They were having sex, and mom had me walk in on them completely naked. I was so fucking horny that I couldn’t see straight at all. So when I saw my uncle fucking his sister, my mom, I wanted to push my mom out of the way and let my uncle fuck me. What happened instead was that I walked up to mom and kissed her hard while my uncle fucked her. I then sat back and watched them, but after a few minutes, my uncle pulled out of my mom and looked at me while I masturbated. That’s when mom taught me how to suck dick, and that’s when I lost my virginity. My uncle wasn’t all that big, he was average sized, but oh my god he felt and tasted so good! He came inside of me and mom sucked his cum out of my pussy while my uncle and I kissed. The next day, mom got the morning after pills for me, and I seduced my cousin and had sex with him, and the next day, we had our first family orgy. The next day, I got my birth control. From that day on, our little family would go to nude beaches and secret incest community vacations every single year. I loved watching real family members have sex, it always got me so horny that I couldn’t see straight. So not only do I love porn, but I love, love, love incest, I know what some of you are thinking, it’s gross, it’s disgusting and so wrong on so many levels. You just have no idea how kinky, sexy and fun it is.
Anyway, it was like, a few years after I had experienced my first real incest sex and I had been having sex with mom and them that long like, every single day, sometimes twice. It got to where my cousin and I slept together a lot even though I just wanted to have sex with him and that was it. It was like that with my uncle and mom too. So, a few years after we started having sex all the time, we went to this nude beach in Australia and we’re all hanging out with a whole bunch of friends from the “secret incest community” and family. I was completely naked and hanging out with my family, and of course I was loving that I had so many perverts checking me out. I watched one guy get a boner when he saw me, it was like he couldn’t stop checking me out, so I gave him a little show. On our second day there, mom and I went to this little diner or cafe that was right in the middle of the nude beach, so everyone including the workers were naked. I’m sitting there eating when I see this really tall guy walk in, and when he did, every single female eye locked onto him. Everyone including the female workers, my mom and I were even staring at this guy. Mom looked horrified, but I was too mesmerized by him to care. He was hot as hell, he was sexy as hell, and I don’t think he even realized how hot he was, or how he affected all of the girls in there. He was hands down, thee hottest guy I had ever seen in my life! He had one of the hottest bodies I had ever seen, thee hottest body ever and the more I stared at him, the more I realized that he was way hotter and sexier than I thought at first. His face, oh my god damn his face! He was so so cute, oh my god, he was by far the cutest guy I had ever seen! He had to be over six feet tall and he had a really nice tan, he had dark brown hair, and it looked like he had red highlights in it, but it didn’t look like they were put there, if that makes any sense at all. It was so obvious that he worked out like, all the time, as in hours a day. His yummy chest was shiny from sweat or tanning lotion or something, but he was just yummy, oh my god! He was not huge like a body building meat head, but he was pretty big, and incredibly muscular. You could see every single muscle in his body clearly. He didn’t just have a six pack, he had an eight pack, at least that’s what it looked like. The sexy v that some guys get that goes down to their crotches, yeah, you could see that perfectly too. His leg muscles were perfect and that ass of his, oh my damn. I could see all of that and I had to be at least 100 feet away from him, if that means anything. He had the worlds cutest face too, cute, but very manly. Any girl that looked him would fall in love with him instantly he was that cute and that sexy.
There were a few other things that I noticed about him that made me want to go talk to him so bad that it hurt. One, as I said before, he had absolutely no clue that all of the women and young girls wanted to take him into the bathroom and have sex with him, me included. Two, he was so shy, it was so cute to see this god look so nervous around everyone. Three, he had tattoos, yeah, I love a man with tattoos and I didn’t even realize it until I saw this guy. He was absolutely covered, well, almost. He had some really cool looking designs on both of his arms, as in, his arms were completely covered from his shoulder to his wrists. His legs and ass were covered, his chest was covered, and his back had this really cool looking one that went down to his gorgeous ass in the shape of a v, and ended right in the crack of his sexy amazing ass. The point ended right between his ass cheeks and had so many awesome looking patterns and designs and stuff in it. All his tattoo designs were black and they had a little red in all of them. His arm pits were even tattooed. It looked like he was wearing some warrior thing, only it was all tattooed onto his sexy yummy hot body. I also saw these triangles that went from his left armpit all the way down his left side to his ankle. He had his ears pierced, but they were gauged, of course I didn’t know what that was then, but I do now. He had a very well groomed beard that really made him so fucking sexy, oh my god I wish you could have felt what I did that day, holy god! I’d never been so smitten or infatuated by any guy like that my whole life. I just stared at him like I was never going to see him again. I also noticed that his dick looked huge! He wasn’t even hard, not even half way hard and his dick covered his balls, it was that wide and long, and to top it off, he shaved, yeah I was starting to fall in lust with him like, big time. I couldn’t help but stare, and drool, I couldn’t help but spread my legs and touch myself right there as I checked him out. I started to rub my pussy and dreaming that I was with him until mom put her hand on my wrist to stop me.
“Do you think this is his first time here?” I asked while I stared at him and bit my pinkie nail.
“I think it’s pretty obvious.” Mom said.
“Look at him, he’s sssssoooooooo hhhhhhot.” I said in a dreamy tone.
“He’s not that hot.” Mom said almost like she was a little irritated.
“Uh, are you blind? Are you not seeing him mom, seriously? Look at him, he’s like this big Greek god, I mean, he looks sssso so good, I want him mom.” I said as I looked at her.
She was either horny as hell for him too, or she was panicking, I couldn’t really tell, but she did look a little stressed.
“Listen honey, we need to hurry so we can get back to your step dad and brother.” She said as though she was in a slight panic.
“I want him to be my daddy, wow, he’s so so hot. I don’t think I have ever seen a guy that hot before.” I said.
“Yes he is, now hurry baby girl.” Mom said.
I watched him, I watched his every single move because I was going to masturbate and think about him while I did it. Or if my cousin or uncle had sex with me, I was going to pretend it was him. I was obsessed, it’s that simple, and I only needed to see that sexy man one time. After we ate, I couldn’t tear my eyes off of this guy no matter how hard I tried. And when he saw me perving on him like I was, he just smiled at me, that sent my nerves into hyper drive, I needed to have sex, and I needed it right now. Of course I smiled and waved at him, and he waved back. We finished and started going back to our bungalow, and it felt like it took for ever to get there. But once we got there, I went straight to my cousins room.
“We have a problem, we really need to talk.” Mom said while she pulled her brother outside by his arm.
“What’s going on?” He asked after hearing a slight panic in moms voice.
“Just come with me, we need to talk, it’s an emergency.” Mom said.
I could hear the panic in moms voice get more obvious, but I was way, way to horny to give a damn. I mean I was dripping wet, my pussy was drooling, it was that bad. Thank god we made it back to our bungalow when we did, because I needed some dick, and I needed it now. I went straight to my cousin and dropped to my knees, I sucked his dick till he was hard for me, then had him fuck me from behind as hard as he could. And yes, I pretended that the hottest guy I had ever seen in my life was doing it. That was the first and only time that my cousin ever gave me a real orgasm. For the rest of that day, I could not stop thinking about that guy no matter how hard I tried, it didn’t matter what I did, he was who I thought about. I saw him several times that day, and every time I saw him, I would try to get his attention. He must have liked what he saw because I would always get his attention and he would always smile at me, and every time he did, I got the worlds biggest butterflies. I also noticed that he looked at my boobs alot. Like I said, my boobs were so small that they looked like mosquito bites almost, but he must have liked them because his eyes would always drop to them. Finally after bugging my mom and uncle all day long, they finally let me go say hi to him so I would leave them alone and shit up about him. I was literally obsessed with him and I had never, ever been so obsessed with anyone like that, ever! They said that I couldn’t touch him, or have sex with him, but I could go say hi at least. The next day, I saw my opportunity and ran with it. We were at the nude beach near this area that had this big swimming pool and hot tub, it was for anyone who wanted to swim naked without going into the ocean. The guy I lusted after and was well, as mom says, I went psycho because I was that obsessed with him. As in, I stalked him like crazy the first day I saw him, anyway, I was sitting on the beach with my mom and them, I was literally looking for my obsession, that really really really hot guy. I was getting a little, antsy because I hadn’t seen him yet, but then again it was still kinda early. Then all of a sudden while I was looking for him, I watched him walk up and get in the huge hot tub. And yes he was naked and he was still by himself, he just got in and he was just sitting there watching all of the girls fuck him with their eyes. Poor guy, you could tell it was making him a little uncomfortable.
“Go on, he’s right there, go say hi.” Mom said while she nudged me snapping me out of my dream state.
I was staring at him like, I couldn’t look away at all no matter how hard I tried.
“Should I?” I asked.
“Yes, go before someone else snags him.” Mom said with a smile.
I got up and walked to the hot tub, hoping that he would look at me and I was so so nervous. The thing was that it seemed like he had some kind of spell on me because I just floated towards him, I don’t even remember walking up to the hot tub, all I remember was that I was standing there all of sudden. He didn’t even notice that I was there until I was less than three feet from him. God I was so nervous!
“Is it ok if I join you?” I asked.
“Yeah, yeah that’s fine.” He replied nervously.
Oh my god! Oh my god his eyes!
“Thanks.” I said while I climbed in with him.
“Not a problem.” He said while he started to smile.
Fuck, his smile, holy shit! Can he get any hotter?! I thought.
I watched his eyes lock onto my boobs and you have like, no idea what that did to me, oh my god.
“This is your first time here isn’t it?” I asked.
“Is it that obvious?” He asked making me giggle.
“Yeah it is actually, but that’s ok, I was like you my first time too.” I said while I sat.
“How many times have you been here?” He asked.
“Oh I don’t know, at least a few times or so. I’m Mindy.” I said while I reached across the hot tub to shake his hand.
“Mindy, nice to meet you, I’m Ikaika. My daughters name is Mindy.” He said.
It was at that moment that I realized something, he seemed incredibly familiar to me, I knew him somehow, not sure how, but I knew him, I had to have.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yeah I do.” He said.
“Is she here with you?” I asked.
“No, no she isn’t.” He said with the saddest eyes.
“Well, she would like it here.” I said.
“You think?” He asked.
“Yes I do, I love it here, I feel so free.” I said.
“Well at lest you like it.” He said with a smile.
“I love it. It must be a little uncomfortable for you being here.” I said.
“A little, but I’ve never been to nude beach so I decided to give this a shot.” He said.
“So is this like, a bucket list thing for you?” I asked making him laugh.
Oh my god his laugh, it made me feel weak!
“You can say that.” He said.
“Where are all of your friends?” I asked.
“Oh they’re all at home.” He replied.
“Did you come out here with your girlfriend or wife or something like that?” I asked hoping that he was single.
“No, I’m not married and I don’t have a girlfriend, I came alone.” He said making me feel really bad for him.
“You came alone?” I asked.
“Yeah, like you pointed out, this is one of my bucket list adventures.” He said.
“I can’t believe that you’re single.” I said, I couldn’t believe that just came out of my mouth.
“Well, it is what it is, not much I can do about that, what about you? Where’s your boyfriend?” He asked with a sarcastic smile.
“I don’t have one anymore, I broke up with him a few weeks ago. And just so you know, I’m here with my mom and my step dad, I didn’t come alone.” I said.
“That’s good, it hasn’t been all that bad, I’m actually having a good time.” He said.
“So what’s it like to have all the girls here doing dirty things to you with their minds?” I asked making him blush.
“There are girls here that are doing that?” He asked with a nervous laugh.
“Are you kidding me? You don’t see any of them perving on you?” I asked.
“Should I?” He asked.
“Yes, it’s pretty obvious.” I said.
“I don’t see why, I’m just a normal guy.” He said.
“I’m just going to be honest with you, is that ok?” I asked.
“Sure.” He said.
“Ok then, I’m just going to be brutally honest, you’re crazy crazy sexy, and amazingly hot, and that body of yours, like, oh my damn. The first day I saw you, you had every single girl in that cafe looking at you. You still have every girl here looking at you like you’re a piece of meat, you’re that hot, in fact, hot doesn’t even cover it.” I said.
“Wow, well um, thank you, I’ve never had a young girl tell me that.” He said.
“Well, I’m being brutally honest, you are incredibly hot, god you’re hot.” I said.
“Thank you.” He said with a smile.
“I didn’t just make it weird for you did I?” I asked.
“Um, yeah, just a little.” He said while he laughed.
“If you don’t believe me that you’re being perved on, look around.” I said.
He looked around and I watched all of the females that he looked at, smile at him and wave. Some of them bit their lips and gave him a sexy little grin.
“Damn, now that you’ve mentioned it I see that now.” He said.
“Told you.” I said.
“Yeah you did.” He said.
“Oh wow, she has big boobs.” I said pointing at a blonde with huge boobs, trying to get an idea of what he liked.
By now he had gotten a little more comfortable with me and he seemed a lot more relaxed.
“Yeah, they’re nice, but those aren’t my preference.” He said.
“You don’t like big boobs? I thought all guys liked big boobs.” I said.
“No, no not really, they just don’t do it for me.” He replied.
“What do you like them small or something?” I asked trying to act like I wasn’t excited.
“Actually yes, I like them small, the smaller the better, that’s what does it for me.” He said.
That answer made me start tingling all over my body. I got chills and I could feel my pussy start getting wet.
“Hmmm, I have really really small boobs.” I said.
“Yes you do.” He said.
“So you like my boobs then, am I right?” I asked.
“Honestly, yes I like them a lot, they’re actually perfect.” He said.
“Good, you can look at them all you want.” I said trying to hide my excitement.
“I’ll bet you’re too young for me.” He said.
“That doesn’t mean you can’t look at my boobs, I mean we are at a nude beach and I am naked.” I said.
“Are you sure it’s ok?” He asked.
“I want you to.” I said.
We sat there and talked for almost two hours and my god I couldn’t concentrate on anything he was saying. Fuck he was hot, he was definitely going to be the main subject of my lady time. I found out that he was a fire fighter and he was a paramedic too, so not only was he the worlds hottest and sexiest guy ever, but he was a hero too. I asked him about his tattoos and found out that he was half Hawaiian which was cool as hell because I have a little Hawaiian in me too. His eyes, oh my god his eyes, they were so so pretty. He had these really amazing deep, deep blue eyes that looked like he was wearing blue contacts, only he wasn’t wearing any. So those eyes, with his dark brown hair, and his natural tan all over his amazing amazing body, fuck his sexiness went to a whole different level. That and his voice, god I shudder just thinking about it. He has a very very deep manly voice, but at the same time it was very soothing and smooth. The more he talked, the more I lusted after him. It got to the point that I couldn’t keep the lust out of my eyes anymore, and he noticed it.
“Can I ask you something?” He asked.
“You can ask me anything you want.” I said.
“Be honest okay, promise me that you’ll be honest.” He said.
“Haven’t I been honest this whole time?” I asked.
“Well yeah, but still.” He said.
“Ok, I promise you that I’ll be perfectly honest, I’ll be as honest as you want me to be.” I said while I watched his eyes drop to my boobs again.
“I want you to be brutally honest.” He said.
“Done.” I said.
“Have you been perving on me too?” He asked.
“Since the first time I saw you.” I said.
“You’re too young.” He said.
“I know, it really sucks. Would it be different if I wasn’t too young?” I asked.
“Yeah it would be, you’re incredibly, incre..god I can’t believe I’m going to say this to a young girl.” He said.
“It’s ok, you can’t make me feel uncomfortable, I just confessed that I am perving on you, just say it.” I said as my heart started racing.
“You’re sexy, you’re hot and disturbingly beautiful, and you’re incredibly cute so if you were old enough for me then yeah. You’re probably the most beautiful, girl I’ve ever seen. Kinda sucks that you’re not.” He said.
OH MY GOD!! THE HOTTEST GUY IN THE WORLD JUST SAID THAT I WAS HOT SEXY AND BEAUTIFUL! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! That’s what went through my head.
“If I wasn’t too young, then you would have been the first and only guy I would go for.” I said while my uncle called me.
“Good to know, I wouldn’t stop you either.” He said while my uncle kept calling for me.
“Damn, I guess I gotta get back to my family, it was really nice to meet you.” I said while I stood up.
I shook his hand and watched him look at my little boobs for a few long seconds.
“Nice to meet you too Mindy.” He said.
“Have fun, I hope to see you around more.” I said.
“Me too.” He said.
I smiled at him and got out of the hot tub. I went to my family and thank god they moved out of his line of sight, because I was going crazy. Once I got to them, I laid on my towel and just laid on my back, I couldn’t help but smile as I drifted off into daydream land.
“How did it go?” My uncle asked.
“It went good, he’s so so hot.” I replied.
“What did you find out about him?” Mom asked.
“Well, he’s a fire fighter and he’s a paramedic, he saves lives for a living. He has a daughter with the same name as mine. He’s ssssssoooo hot, I kinda want him.” I said.
“He’s too old for you sweetie.” Mom said.
“Wait a second, he’s too old for me, but you and uncle aren’t?” I asked.
“You have a point.” My uncle said.
“Thank you, now can you be quiet so I can dream about him?” I asked while I closed my eyes.
I did see him several times and even talked to him after that, he actually had a really amazing sense of humor. He was the worlds biggest smart ass, I don’t think I had ever laughed as hard and as much as I did with this hot guy named Ikaika. When I was on the beach with my family, it was like they disappeared when he came out to the beach. I didn’t ask, I just got up and went to him. He and I even walked down the beach together, we never kissed, never had sex we didn’t even touch each other inappropriately. Even though I wanted all of that, I decided not to push my luck with this guy, I don’t know why. He was most definitely boyfriend material, he was one guy that I could see myself with for years if I’m being honest. My uncle, mom, and cousin referred to him as my boyfriend all the time, and I didn’t argue with them about it and I would just smile. They would say things like “Mindy your boyfriend is here” and other things like that. Whenever they said that my boyfriend was there, I would get up and go straight to him. What I loved was that he would actually get excited to see me, it was like he and I were together or something like that. Did I see him get hard, sort of, several times and it was always when I came around him, and he was fucking huge. He had a really, really nice dick, it was so beautiful and really thick and really long, he had the hottest most beautiful dick I had ever seen. I loved seeing it swell up for me. He must have really liked me and the way I looked too, It was obvious that he loved my perky tiny boobs, because he couldn’t keep his eyes off of them. And when he saw them, he got semi hard, I only know he was only semi hard because it still flopped around when we walked together. I hated it when he was only there for one more day, I hated it, but he had to get back to work. In my mind he was mine, my man and I already missed him. He was sweet, funny and a lot of fun. I hid the fact that I was hurting because he was leaving, and I must have hid it pretty good. So I took a few, ok, a lot of selfies with him, and yes we were both completely naked and he even let me take a few pictures of just him, he even posed for me, it was so much fun and so funny.
Mom let me spend the entire day with him on his last day there. I hated that we got dressed, but we had to because he took me to lunch and he took me around. I had a blast! This guy, would make thee absolutely PERFECT boyfriend, I wanted him to be my real boyfriend so bad that it hurt. And not just so I could have sex with him anytime I wanted, but because he was amazing! He looked like a bad boy, and that made him sexy as fuck, but what made him even sexier was the fact that he was actually a nice guy. He gave me piggy back and shoulder rides throughout the day. I loved, loved, loved it when he let me slide my fingers between his and hold his hand, he didn’t even try to stop me. We ended up holding hands all day, and everywhere we went. My god that was the most amazing day of my life. There was one thing that was the most amazing thing to me, the fact that he had all of the girls lusting after him, and he chose me, he chose ME to be the one he hung out with. Yeah, I was on top of the world, I was flattered and I dare say that I was falling in love with this guy pretty hard, god I hated that I was not old enough for him. When we were completely naked together, he never once tried anything, not one thing. He didn’t try touching me, he didn’t molest me, he didn’t try having sex with me, he didn’t even try to kiss me. He did throw me around in the pool and he held my hand, but he didn’t try anything else. Sounds like I’m complaining doesn’t it? I guess I am just a tiny bit, because I wanted to have sex with this god. I didn’t care how big his dick was, I just wanted him inside of me, and I wanted to suck his dick. I had no idea how big he was when he was completely hard because he never got all the way hard up to that point, but I wanted to find out. But, aside from all of that, he earned like, so so many brownie points with me because he didn’t try anything. He not only earned brownie points, but he also made me respect him on a level that I never expected. He was kind of fatherly, yum, and very protective, it was like he wanted to protect me in every way. And not molesting me and having sex with me was all part of that. Again, of all of the thousands if not more girls on that nude beach that year, he chose me, ME! Wow, my head was spinning, and I was on cloud nine just thinking about that. I hated that the day ended, I hated it and I was really sad. We went back to the beach and we were just sitting together by a bon fire. We were both naked and it was pretty nice, I just decided to sit in front of him and between his legs and lay against him. Feeling his naked body against mine sent to me to a whole other planet. I could feel his dick against my back and everything, I couldn’t breath when I felt him get really really hard. It felt huge and so so warm, I could have sworn that I felt it twitch against my body a few times. He was actually rock hard, and that sent him into a panic.
“I’m so so sorry about that.” He whispered in my ear.
“It’s ok, I don’t mind at all, it’s just a normal reaction.” I said softly.
I took his hands and wrapped his big arms around me and made him hold me. Oh my god I loved feeling his body on mine like that, and the way his dick felt as he got really really hard for me, I don’t even know how to describe what I was feeling that evening. My entire body was buzzing with lust and want and my pussy was absolutely drooling. It was drooling like it never had in my life. My heart was pounding so fast and I had a hard time breathing. I caressed his arms with my finger tips and he did the same to my stomach, making me start aching for him. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t try to have sex with him because I refused to scare this sexy man away. I wanted him to remember me for the cute little girl that I was but I also knew that I was way too young for him, and he didn’t want to come off as some sick child molester. And as much as I liked him and wanted to be with him as his girlfriend, I didn’t want him to go home regretting what he did and having to hide it for the rest of his life. I couldn’t do that to him because I was really, really falling in love with him, so I didn’t. He walked me to my bungalow later that night and I was all over him, I couldn’t help it, but I could tell that he was loving it. Once we got there he hugged me and thanked me for making him feel more comfortable there. He hugged me for a while and I was in heaven, and when he left, I floated inside the bungalow. I didn’t join in with the family orgy that night, I couldn’t, I was in love. Instead, I went to my room and just fell on my bed, I couldn’t stop smiling. God I wish I would have kissed him, I thought as I laid there. I then grabbed my phone and started looking at all of the pictures of who I considered to be my man. My god he was ssssooo sexy, I can’t even say it enough. In all honesty, my uncle and cousin were not cute at all compared to this guy. They were fugly compared to him, that’s mean I know, but it’s the truth. Their dicks were tiny as hell compared to his too, he was just all around much, much, much better looking than my uncle and cousin. Like, no comparison at all, period. I couldn’t go have sex with them after hanging out with him for that whole week, I just couldn’t.
I didn’t have sex with my family for the rest of that vacation, I couldn’t, I was in love with this guy. Even when we got home, I didn’t even have sex with them there, at least not for a while. When I did have sex with them, it wasn’t that often at all, not even with mom. Instead I had a lot of lady time and I would stare at the picture of that sexy god that I met there. Of all of the vacations I went on, that was by far the most memorable I had ever had. I told my friends about him and even showed them pictures, and not the naked ones. They all agreed that he was the hottest guy in the entire world. He was all I talked about, and thought about, especially after I would see a fire truck or an ambulance running around. I’d see that and smile knowing that Ikaika was doing that too. Mom started to notice that I couldn’t stop thinking about the guy, and it started to bother her pretty bad. It was like she was jealous as hell, like she was some crazy ex girlfriend of his and didn’t like the fact that I was “moving in on her territory”. A few years after I met Ikaika, I was still in love with him, he was so so perfect in every way, but I had calmed down considerably since I hadn’t seen or talked to him for so long. He was still the object of my lust and my masturbation sessions, but I wasn’t obsessed like I was, well, that’s actually not true. One day after school, I got home, parked my car and was getting ready to go to my room to have my lady time with the pictures I had of him. And when I got inside the house, I saw my mom and she seemed pissed off plus she had my newest tablet that dad sent me for my birthday.
“Come here for a minute.” She said.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“We need to talk.” She said while I sat next to her.
“What is wrong mom, why are you freaking out?” I asked.
“You’re still lusting after this guy?” She asked as she showed me one of the pictures I had of him.
“Well yeah I am, he’s really really hot mom he’s like, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in my life. I can’t help it.” I replied.
“There is something you should know about him sweetheart.” She said.
“What?” I asked.
“He’s your real dad.” She said with a great deal of jealousy in her voice.
“No he isn’t.” I said while I tried to laugh it off.
“Actually he is Mindy.” She said.
“What ever mom, very funny, seriously stop.” I said.
“He really is your real dad baby girl.” She said.
“Mom, seriously, stop playing.” I said as I started to realize how serious mom was being.
“I’m not playing.” Mom said.
“This isn’t funny anymore mom.” I said.
“Mindy, listen to me hun, you have to believe me, I know he is your father, I’ll prove it to you.” She said as she reached for something.
She showed me my birth certificate and showed me his signature, and showed me that his name was typed on it too. I took it from my mom and stared at it, and while I did something hit me, he really was my real dad, he was my biological dad. So why was mom trying to keep me away from him again? She was trying to get me to hate him, again, she failed to do that for years, you think she would learn from her mistake but she didn’t. Oh my god I was starting to get so mad that I couldn’t even think. I just looked at my mom and glared at her, and what pissed me off even more was that she had a stupid look on her face. I think she actually thought that I was going to stop lusting after that sexy manly god that happened to be my dad, oh my god was she ever wrong!
“Are you serious?” I asked as I started to fill with rage.
“Yes I am, he really is your biological father.” She said as my heart started to pound.
I couldn’t say anything, I was so pissed off that I couldn’t see straight.
“So what you’re saying is that I spent a whole week with him, and I fell in love with my real dad and didn’t even know it, am I right?” I asked.
“Yes you did.” She replied.
“And you didn’t bother to tell me that he was my dad why?” I asked.
“I don’t know, I don’t know why I didn’t tell you.” She said.
“All these years you’ve kept me away from him, you’ve lied about him, and now this? Really mom?” I yelled.
“Watch your tone young lady.” My uncle said.
“Fuck off ass hole, this has nothing to do with you so shut up! I have every right to be pissed off and you know it! Now why didn’t you tell me?” I yelled.
“Because he’s been out of your life for s..” She said as I interrupted her.
“Who’s fault is that mom? Who’s?” I yelled.
“It’s his Mindy, he’s the…” She said as I interrupted her again.
I stood up and pointed at my dads picture, and threw my birth certificate at her, oh my god I was so mad that I was shaking.
“His fault? His fault mom?! Are you kidding me right now? You never, ever let him come and see me, and he tried, he’s been trying for years! And don’t you dare tell me that he didn’t because it’ll be a huge lie and you know it! This is all your fault, all of it. You lied to me about him, YOU, LIED, TO, ME!” I screamed.
“I never lied to you.” She said.
“Baby calm down, calm down, you don’t need to get so mad, just calm do…” Mom said
“If you don’t calm down then I don’t want to talk to you.” Mom said.
“You brought it up, you’ve been lying to me all my life, so now you’re going to listen to me. You said that he is a worthless meth head who would never amount to anything! He’s a paramedic AND a fire fighter! You have been telling me that he abandoned me and that he didn’t want anything to do with me, you said that he never lifts a finger to help me, and then you told me that he signed his parental rights away when I was born. And that right there, my fucking birth certificate has his signature and name on it, proving that he never did sign his rights away. So please tell me how everything you have been telling me was never a lie, tell me now because I’m confused!” I screamed.
“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” She said.
“Sorry is not going to cut it this time mom, you lied to me about him for years, and do you wanna know what’s sad? I somehow knew that you were, and today, you just proved it. But you know something, that day that I spent with him also proved that you’re a fucking liar! I just caught you in years worth of blatant lies, you’re a liar!” I screamed and started crying at the same time.
“Hun, look I’m sorry, I didn’t know he was going to turn out the way he did.” Mom said.
“You took me away from him didn’t you? He didn’t abandon me did he mom?” I asked.
“Yes…” She said as I interrupted him.
“Mom, you’ve been lying to me my entire life, it’s time that you told me the truth, did he abandon me like you said he did?” I asked.
“No he didn’t.” She replied.
“What the fuck did he do to you to make you do that to MY DAD?” I asked.
“He didn’t do anything hun.” She replied.
“So the dreams I’ve had about him, the ones where it was just the two of us, me painting his finger and toe nails, coloring and having fun as a kid weren’t just dreams were they? They are actual memories that I have of him aren’t they?” I asked.
“Yes.” Mom said.
“Where were you?” I asked.
“With your uncle.” She said.
“So dad didn’t abandon me, you did. You ran off with your brother and left me with my dad, he was a young single father for god knows how long while you were off living the life that you wanted, not giving a shit about me, am I right?” I asked.
“It’s not like that.” She said.
“Oh it’s not?! Really?! Then tell me mom, tell me what it’s really like?” I asked.
“I just wasn’t ready to be a mom, I panicked and I left.” She said.
“And you thought in all of your infinite wisdom that a 13 YEAR OLD KID WAS?! YOU WERE 19 MOM, 19!” I yelled.
“I know and it was wrong for me to do that to him.” She said.
“What about me mom, was it wrong for you to do all of this to me?!” I yelled.
“Yes it was, it was very wrong.” She said.
“Now tell me the fucking truth, what kind of dad was he, truthfully?” I asked.
“He was actually a really really great daddy, he was adorable with you, you were his world, his life. You still are.” She said after almost a minute of silence.
“You came and got me so you could get me to join in on this whole incest thing didn’t you?” I asked.
“No, that’s not why..” She said as I interrupted her.
“STOP LYING, OH MY GOD!” I screamed.
“Yes, that’s why I went and got you, but I missed you too, I wanted my daughter back.” She said.
“You have no idea how fucked up all of this is do you mom?” I asked while I started to cry harder.
“I do and I’m sorry.” She said.
“Does he know that I’m his daughter?” I asked.
“No he doesn’t, he has no clue. He hasn’t seen you since you were 5.” She said.
“So I’ve been in love with my real dad this whole time then right?” I asked.
“Yes you have.” She said.
“That’s ok he’s way way hotter than your brother and nephew anyway, he makes them look ugly as fuck. And his dick is waaaaayyyy way bigger. And now that I know that he’s my real dad, his level of sexiness just went out of this world, no wonder you fucked him.” I said
“But he’s your real dad.” She said.
“Oh but fucking you, your brother and nephew isn’t quite as gross as fucking my real dad right?” I asked defiantly.
“That’s not what I’m saying.” She said.
“Then what are you saying?” I asked.
“I just don’t think that it’s a good idea for you to have sex with him.” She said.
“Why?” I asked.
“He’s your biological dad.” She said.
“But you just said that that’s not the reason I shouldn’t fuck his brains out, was that a lie too mom? Did I just catch you in yet another lie?” I asked defiantly.
“No, it’s not that.” She said.
“Then what is it?!” I yelled.
“Yore tiny and he’s very well hung, I’m afraid that he’ll hurt you.” She said.
“Well stop worrying about that, because no matter what you say, I’m going to have sex with him at some point now that I know that he’s my real dad, so get use to the idea of it and deal with it. I wanna go see him.” I said.
“No, that’s not going to happen.” Mom said.
“Why? Are you afraid that I’m going to like his dick so much that I won’t fuck your brother and nephew again? Well guess what, I haven’t had sex with him yet, but I’m already there. None of you are getting anymore of my pussy ever again, I’m done with you all. Now you have two choices, either you send me to go see my dad, or I find a way to get another car, and go see him myself, those are the only two choices that you have, that’s it. So you better hurry up and make your decision by this summer.” I said as I started to turn around.
“Mindy, can’t we just talk about this more?” She asked.
“No, I’m done with this conversation. I’m not interested in hearing any more lies about my dad, and I’m not interested in hearing you come up with more bullshit reasons to keep me away from him, you’ve kept me away from him long enough. Now give me my computer back and leave me the fuck alone.” I said as my cousin started walking up to me.
“Touch me and I’ll cut your fucking dick off and shove it down your throat.” I said.
I went to my room, slammed the door as hard as I possibly could, laid on my bed, buried my face in my pillow and sobbed, I was so pissed off that I couldn’t breath. I laid in my bed for hours crying. Not only did I just confirm the fact that my mom lied for years, but she hit me with a bomb shell, the one guy that I wanted was my real dad. I spent a whole week and hours with him in Australia, and I spent a whole day with him and I didn’t even realize it until that day. That was my dad that was giving me piggy back and shoulder rides. That was my biological dad that I cuddled with on the beach, the one who rubbed my stomach like he did. That was him that I felt get really hard for me, the one that made me fall in love with him. My biological dad was the most amazing, most beautiful and sexy man I had ever seen. God I wondered how he would react when he found out that I was his daughter, I was scared about that because of what happened with us that day at the nude beach. There wasn’t much that we did, but we did see each other naked a lot, and we did get really really turned on by each other. Was it going to be weird? I didn’t know, and all of that scared me, but nothing was going to stop me from seeing my dad, and telling him that I am his biological daughter.
From that day on, I stayed true to my word, I refused to have sex with anyone, not my mom, not my uncle and not my cousin. Even when they went on a little weekend incest retreats I wouldn’t go with them, I refused to go. I just stayed at a friends house and hung out with them. I didn’t have sex with them at all, instead I used a dildo that mom got for me and got myself off. Mom and I didn’t get along anymore after that night because I couldn’t trust her anymore. She no longer talked shit on my dad, well she tried and we ended up having another huge fight where I called her a frigid bitch, but she learned that it wasn’t a good idea to do that anymore. I wasn’t happy anymore and I wasn’t going to be until I saw my real dad. Mom thought I was depressed because I would stay in my room all the time, she didn’t know that I was masturbating to pictures of my dad constantly, god what I wouldn’t have given to have him deep inside of me. I won’t lie, I wondered if he thought of me when he jerked off, god I hoped so. I wanted to be his girlfriend and have sex with him, and just the thought of that made my orgasms amazing! After a while, I got an idea, I knew that this godly looking man was my real biological dad, but he had no clue that I was his daughter, none. I decided that mom was going to send me to him, I was going to fly in on a plane and when he came to pick me up, he’ll hopefully recognize me from the nude beach. And when he did, I was going to drop the bomb on him and tell him that I was his daughter. I laid there and planned it all out. Then I got up and opened the door.
“Mom!” I yelled.
“Yeah hun.” She yelled back.
“Come here I need to talk to you.” She said.
“Ok, I’m coming.” She said.
I sat on my bed and waited for her, what she wasn’t expecting was that I had printed a few pictures of my dad up and framed them, not the nude ones. When she got up there, she came in and sat on my bed and looked at the pictures.
“Honey listen, you have…” She said but I interrupted her.
“Don’t even try, I don’t trust anything you say anymore, so shut up and listen. I wanna go see him this summer, we have four months left of school and I wanna go see him, I want to spend the whole summer with him.” I said.
“Ok then.” She said.
“I’m serious.” I said.
“Now I’m not saying that you shouldn’t have sex with him, in fact, I think you should have sex with him, but you have to go slow with him. I’m sure he knows what incest is, but he’s never experience it and he may get freake…” She said but I interrupted her again.
“Mom, stop, why is it always about sex with you? I know, I know he’s never had incest before it’s obvious, at this point I don’t give a shit if I have sex with him, I just want to get to know the real him and not the him that you tried to convince me that he was.” I said making her look at me all shocked.
“So we’ll get it all planned out, should I call him or do you want to.” She asked.
“You do it. But, do not tell him that we have already met, do not. I want to surprise him with it. And I’m going to need my birth certificate so I can show him his signature on it.” I said.
“That’s a good idea, that’s what we’ll do then. And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Mom said while she started crying.
“You should be mom, you tried to brain wash me into hating him. You lied to me mom, you lied to me for years, years. All of those things you said about him, none of them were true. Then when I finally meet him, you don’t tell me that he’s my dad, I basically spent a whole week with him, and you know what? He’s absolutely nothing like you said he was.” I said.
“I know, I know he’s not, I’m so sorry for all of that. And to make it up to you, I’m going to let you go see him, you need to because from what I’ve seen, he’s turned out to be a great guy. And if you like being around him enough that you want to move in with him, I’ll even help you move.” She said making me start crying.
“Really?” I asked.
“Yes really.” She said making me jump into her arms.
“Thank you mom.” I said.
We hugged for several long minutes before we broke apart.
“Does this mean that you don’t hate me anymore?” She asked.
“Yes, but I’m still really mad at you. At least I know why you seemed like you were panicking when we first saw him.” I said.
“I get it and I understand, and yes I was freaking the fuck out when I saw him, I knew it was him.” She said.
“Now I know that, so where does he live?” I asked.
“He lives in Colorado.” She replied.
“God that’s so far away.” I said.
“Yes but it’s beautiful there, you’re going to love it.” She said.
“Did you know that he was a fire fighter?” I asked.
“Yes I did, he was finishing school for that just before I went and got you.” She replied.
“So he’s been doing that for what, 11 years now?” I asked.
“Yes he has, but he wasn’t a paramedic then, he was just a fire fighter.” She replied.
“He’s ssssso so hot mom, look at him.” I said.
“He’s always been really hot, he just didn’t have any tattoos or piercings back then.” She said.
“You were stupid to leave him, seriously mom.” I said.
“I know I was, for a lot of reasons, but I was stupid for leaving you when I did too.” She said.
“Well I look at it this way, I probably wouldn’t be into incest and all if it weren’t for you coming to get me. That’s going to benefit me, and him.” I said.
“Go slow, I’m telling you right now that you need to go slow because he’s not into that kinda stuff yet.” She said.
“Yeah, but when I get done with him, he will be trust me. It may not be this summer, but he will be.” I said.
“I don’t doubt that at all.” She said.
“I have to ask you something.” I said.
“Go ahead.” She said.
“What’s he like in bed?” I asked.
“What I’m about to say stays here ok?” She asked.
“I promise.” I said.
“He is incredible, he’s so much better than your uncle or your cousin, I’ve had many amazing orgasms with those two because they’re family and that’s the only reason. But they aren’t as amazing as they were with your dad. His dick has always been really big and he really knows how to use it. I’m not going to tell you everything about it though, I don’t want to spoil it for you. Just know this, as good of a fuck as your dad was back then there is no doubt that he’s gotten better at it. So between that, the fact that his cock is huge and amazing, and the fact that he’s your real dad, god you’re in for one very wild ride. You thought your orgasms were good up to now, oh my sweet child, you’re in for a really, really amazing surprise.” She said.
“Really?” I asked.
“Just wait, the first time he gave me an orgasm, I actually passed out, and he’s the only one who’s ever been able to do that to me. You’re going to find out what multiple orgasms are like.” She said.
“Did you have multiple orgasms with him?” I asked.
“Every time we had sex.” She replied.
“God I can’t wait, I’ll just go slow so I don’t freak him out.” I said.
“Good idea, now let’s get your plane tickets ordered so we can get you out there to see your dad. Now, my idea is to get you out there on the last day of school so you can be with him as long as possible because you have to be back for registration.” She said.
“So you’re really going to let me go see my dad? I don’t have to run away to do it?” I asked.
I started crying, I was that happy and excited, I couldn’t help it.
“Yes, yes I am, you deserve to. It’s very clear to me that you really want to see him, really bad. So, I’m not going to stop you anymore, I’m not going to keep you away from him, and I’m not going to deny you the right to get to you know your dad.” She said.
“Thank you mom.” I said while I hugged her.
“I’m really sorry for lying to you about him for so long baby girl, I feel so bad about it. This is going to be the one regret that I will always live with. Honestly, your dad was a very amazing man, everything he went through made him one of the very very few great guys out there. He’s strong, he’s very determined and he has more motivation and balls than your uncle and cousins do combined. He took great great care of you, and he still does, he cares about you, he’s always cared about you and I’m sorry that I kept him away from you like I did.” She said while she held me.
“You’re not just saying that so you can get into my pants are you?” I asked.
“No actually I’m not, I mean it. It’s time that you get to know your dad.” She said.
“He had no clue that I was even his daughter, none.” I said.
“No he didn’t, but you didn’t know that he was your biological father either.” She said.
“No, no I didn’t. God my daddy is hhhhhot!” I said making my mom laugh.
“Oh god tell me about it, he was hands down the hottest boy I had ever seen even at his age. You wouldn’t believe how many girls I had to beat off of him after we had sex.” She said.
“So you didn’t want to keep him until you had sex with him, is that what you’re saying?” I asked as I laughed.
“He’s that good, in fact he’s probably a lot better now, that and he was hotter than any guy I had ever met.” She replied.
“Now, just so we’re clear, he’s mine now.” I said.
“C’mon, we can’t share?” Mom asked.
“No, you screwed things up with him the last time and I’m not going to let you do that again. I’m pretty sure you hurt him pretty bad, especially after you took me away from him.” I said.
“Ok ok ok, he’s all yours now, damn. Stay here, I’ll be right back I want to show you something.” She said as she sprung up and left the room.
I was hit with a surge of excitement, and out of no where I started jumping up and down. You have absolutely no clue how excited I got, none! I was going to get to spend the summer with the hottest guy in the world, my real dad, oh my god! I had butterflies, I was light headed, and I couldn’t think straight! All of a sudden my mom came back into the room with this really old and dusty shoe box, Adidas shoe box to be exact. She sat down and opened it, there were pictures in there of me and my dad! There were pictures of me when I was only several weeks old up until I was almost 5. Mom told me that I was a big time daddies girl, that I wouldn’t have anything to do with her when he was around. I screamed for him when he left to go to school and everything. There were pictures of him sleeping with me sleeping in his arms, pictures of me and him playing and everything. We use to be inseparable, it was like I was glued to him all the time. I think that explained the feeling of closeness that I felt around him at the nude beach. It explained the reason that I felt safe around him, why I felt like I was with someone that I had known all of my life. It explained a lot. Mom and I sat there for hours going through every picture that she had of me and my dad. She did admit that she got the pictures from my grandma, her mom. My dad even played dress up with me, he played with me all the time. It looked like he was a really really good daddy to me. Four and a half hours later, mom just looked at me.
“These are yours now, I have copies. And if you want to frame some of these let me know and we’ll go get some frames.” She said.
“Thanks mom.” I said as I hugged her again.
“You’re welcome, I’m going to call your dad in the morning and talk to him about sending you to him for the summer. I don’t think he’ll say no.” She said.
“Even if he does I’m going to go see him.” I said.
“You really really want to see him don’t you?” She asked while she laughed.
“Yes, I do.” I replied.
“I’m really excited for you.” She said.
“Thank you.” I said.
She and I hugged before she left my room closing the door behind her. I got up and locked the door because I was no longer interested in having sex with my uncle or my cousin. Like I said, dads dick was way bigger, they were tiny compared to him. That and my dad was like, more than a thousand times cuter and sexier than they were. I wasn’t attracted to them, they just didn’t do it for me anymore, fucked up I know, but it’s the truth. Mom, well, I was still attracted to her, so yeah I still had sex with her. I was so excited about seeing my dad that I couldn’t sleep that night at all. I must have looked like a psycho that night because I just laid there and stared at my dads pictures smiling, thank god no one was around to see me doing that. I did eventually fall asleep, and when I got up to get ready for school, I was actually in a great mood. I went to school excited and happy, and was like that all day. Finally when I got home, mom pulled me into the kitchen and sat me down.
“Did you call him?” I asked.
“Not yet, I figure I would wait until you got home, let’s go to your room and we’ll call him, but you have to be very quiet, don’t say a word ok?” She asked.
“K, I promise I will be quiet, let’s go.” I said as I got up and took moms hand and started dragging her to my room.
“Calm down baby girl.” Mom said while she laughed.
“I can’t help it, I’m way too excited.” I said as we all but ran to my room.
We got to my room and I ran and jumped on my bed, mom wasn’t far behind me at all. She and I laid back and I watched her dial my dads phone number. We sat and listened to the phone ring several times before he answered.
“Hello?” He asked.
“Ikaika, it’s me.” Mom said.
“Ok, so what’s the reason you’re putting a restraining order on me this time, Mindy’s birthday isn’t for another 6 months.” He said.
“Calm down I’m not putting a restraining order on you again, I called you because I need to talk to you about your daughter.” Mom said.
“Is she ok? She’s not sick again is she, oh god I hope not. Please don’t tell me that she’s sick again.” He said.
Oh my god my dad sounded really really worried, he was freaking out! It almost sounded like he was going to cry or something. Aaawww, my daddy cared about me.
“Ikaika stop, Ikaika hold on, stop, she’s ok, she’s not sick, she’s ok I promise. You don’t need to worry she’s fine.” Mom said while my dad was freaking out.
“Oh thank god, thank god. So she’s ok?” He asked.
“She’s fine, stop worrying.” Mom said.
“God you almost gave me a heart attack.” He said while trying to catch her breath.
“But we do need to talk about her.” Mom said.
“Ok, so now that I can breath again, tell me what’s going on and what I can do to help?” He asked.
“Are you sitting down?” Mom asked.
“Yeah, I’m not sure I like where this is going.” He said.
“Just listen, are you ready?” She asked.
“Would you just tell me what’s going on already?” He asked.
“I have to apologize first. I’m so sorry for taking her away from you the way I did, I’m sorry that I never let you near her, and I’m sorry that I never let you see her grow up.” She said.
“Ok, well, there’s nothing we can really do about any of that now. I mean I’ve excepted the fact that I’ll probably never see her again as long as you have anything to do with it. It is what it is and it’s not going to stop me from taking care of her. Now will you tell me what the hell is going on already? I’m starting to freak out again.” He said.
“Why do you always freak out when I call to talk about her?” Mom asked making me hit my moms arm and give her a look that said “would you ask him already?!”.
“Because the ONLY time you ever call me to talk about her, is when she’s really sick or if something bad happens to her. That’s it, you’ve never called me for any other reason when it comes to my daughter.” He said.
“Ok, well that’s going to change starting now. She wants to see you.” Mom said.
Silence, that’s all I heard for a good two seconds, it was like he was shocked.
“Ok, I would love to see her, that would make my year, I would be the happiest man alive, but we both know how that’s going to turn out. It’s going to turn out the same way it always has since you took her away from me.” He said.
“Not this time, I swear to god Ikaika. She wants to see you, and I want her to get reacquainted with her dad. She needs that and she wants that really bad.” Mom said.
“Again, several long seconds of silence.
“Stop playing with me, don’t set me up for another massive fall. How do I know you’re not lying?” He asked.
“I know that you have absolutely no reason to believe me Ikaika, I know and that’s my fault. I know that you don’t trust anything that I say and do, but this is the one time that I need you to trust me. Because if you don’t, you’re going to be leaving your daughter standing at the airport by herself.” Mom said.
“Are you really being serious about this?” He asked.
“Yes I am, I’ve already bought her plane tickets.” Mom said.
“I’m so sorry Hanna, but I just can’t trust you, so I’m going to need proof.” Dad said.
“Hold on.” Mom said.
She went to her email and took several screen shots of the electronic plane tickets that she had, then sent them to dad.
“You should be getting the pictures now.” Mom said.
“Holy shit, is this real?” Dad asked.
“Very real.” Mom replied.
“Whoa, wait a second, you’re going to let me see my daughter? Are you feeling ok? Are you sick?” Dad asked.
“No I’m fine.” Mom said.
“Why all of a sudden?” He asked.
“Because she’s been wanting to see you for a long time and I didn’t want her to. Well, we had a really really big fight about it recently and I finally realized that she was right, she has every right to see her real dad.” Mom said.
“Wait, so she’s been wanting to see me too?” He asked.
“Yes she has.” Mom said.
“No fucking way!” He said, he sounded so exited that I had to cover my mouth so he wouldn’t hear me laughing.
“Are you serious? You better not be fucking with me Hanna, I’m serious.” He said.
I could actually hear his excitement and his smile.
“Ikaika, listen to me carefully, I am not fucking with you I swear to god. She’s going to be there May 25th and she will be with you until July 24th so she can get registered for school.” Mom said.
“She’s going to be here all summer?!” He asked.
“Yes she is, it’s what she wants.” Mom said.
“Holy shit, ok then. I have some work to do, thank you! I really hope you’re not fucking with me Hanna I swear to god.” He said.
“I guess you’re just going to have to find out that I’m not lying on May 25th.” Mom said.
“Ok, sounds good.” He said.
“Are you excited?” Mom asked.
“What do you think? I haven’t seen my daughter since she was 5, of course I’m excited.” He replied.
“Ok then, well you get all of the information that you’ll need later. I’ll tell her that you said yes and that you’re looking forward to seeing her.” Mom said.
“Tell her I love her.” He said.
“I will, I’ll call you and let you know when she’s on the plane.” She said.
“Ok, that sounds good. And Hanna, thank you.” Dad said.
“Don’t thank me, thank your daughter, she’s the one who came up with the idea.” Mom said.
“Tell her I said thank you, tell her that I am really happy that she believes in me. Don’t forget to give her a huge hug and kiss for me.” He said.
“I will, I’ll talk to you later.” Mom said.
“Ok sounds good, if I don’t answer leave me a message.” He said.
“Ok, I’ll do that.” Mom said before they hung up.
“He’s really really excited mom, oh my god.” I said as I bounced up and down on my bed.
“Yeah he is, he really loves you.” Mom said.
“I know.” I said.
Oh my god I was so so excited, like, I couldn’t stop smiling, I couldn’t even stop bouncing on my bed. Mom thinks that I was being incredibly adorable, I didn’t think so, I was just excited. I’d never been so excited about anything in my life! When mom left my room, I immediately started to look for what I was going to take to wear. And that’s when I decided to look at some of my really really sexy little outfits, specifically the ones I wore around the house when I wanted my uncle or cousin to fuck me. I mean, my dad had seen me naked already and felt my young little naked body against his. I saw him naked for an entire week and I felt his really hard, warm and big dick all over my back and on part of my little ass, so what difference would it make at this point. I went and locked my door and pulled quite a few of my tiny little outfits and put my hair up in piggy tails. I stripped down and put each little outfit on, my goal was to get my dad to lust after me, I wanted him to become his little girls perverted, horny little fantasy come true. I went and found one of his nude pictures on my tablet and put it next to the mirror, my god I loved how he looked. I found the smallest little tube top that I had that I forgot I had. I put that on and I knew that that was one of the things I was going to wear. Like I said, I have really really small boobs, and I did back then too. The best part of that top was that it was see through, you could see my pink little nipples, and you could really really see how round they were. I got so so wet just thinking about how my dad would react to me in that top. I kept that on and started looking for some panties to match it, and it didn’t take long.
I looked myself over and looked at my dads naked picture. I started to play with myself and got close to my tablet so I could see his dick. I grabbed my tablet and went straight to my bed, grabbed one of my toys and laid on my back. I had to touch myself, I couldn’t help it, I was so so horny. I pulled my panties to the side and grabbed my toy and slid it inside of me. I closed my eyes and moaned “oh my god daddy.” Right when I said that, I started to cum really really hard, harder than I ever had before. I had to lay there and catch my breath for several minutes before I got back up. Yeah, I was definitely taking that outfit with me, and I was going to wear it for my dad. I ended up picking out several of my tiniest little outfits specifically for my dad, oh my god I hoped that I ended up having sex with him that summer, but, if I didn’t, I’ll have more time to seduce him. Either way, I had a goal, and that goal was to have sex with him. I fell asleep that night after I set those little outfits to the side and put all of the tiniest little panties I had in the daddy pile as I called it. I didn’t sleep at all that night, I was way, way, way too excited! I wanted to call him and talk to him, but I have a very recognizable voice and he’s really smart, it wouldn’t take him very long to realize that I was the same Mindy that he that cuddle against him all naked, you know, when he got really hard for me.
The next few months went by ssssssoooo slow, like, oh my god I was going so crazy! Mom and I had sex a few times and when we did, she would teach me some things that she knew that my daddy liked. For example, she said that he loved, loved, loved it when a girl rubbed his dick through his pants. Mom told me that it drives him really crazy, and if I did it long enough, he would get so horny that he would just pull it out for me. She taught me how to bite him gently through his pants and how to kiss and lick him through his pants. She taught me how to be really really good at sucking dick too, and yes she had me practice on my uncle a few times, I didn’t want to because my uncle was gross to me now, and so was my cousin, but I wanted to be amazing for my dad. She taught me how to drive him crazy, how to seduce him and she told me quite a few secrets that would help me seduce him, things that were supposedly fool proof. Then she took me shopping for a whole bunch of summer outfits that I could wear while I was in Colorado. We went to look at makeup and I started to pick some lipstick when mom put her hand on mine.
“No, no lip stick.” Mom said.
“Why not?” I asked all confused.
“Come with me.” She said as she took my hand and dragged me to another section.
“Lip gloss?” I asked.
“Yes, your dad loves lip gloss, something like this.” Mom said while she grabbed a really, really expensive brand.
“Mom, that’s like, really really expensive.” I said.
“I know but your dad loves this on a girl. The wetter and shinier your lips look the more he’s going to want to kiss you, and if he does kiss you, he’s not going to want to stop, and I can almost guarantee that it will most likely lead to him eating you out and having sex with you. Plus your lips will look really good wrapped around his big dick.” She said.
“Mmmm yummy, can we get a few of these then?” I asked.
“Just pick out what you want and we’ll get them.” She said.
Oh I went crazy, I wanted my daddy to want to kiss me and have sex with me, I even got flavored ones. Mom spent at least 2000 dollars on me that day, up to and including waxing and everything, yes I did get my pussy waxed. Mom says he loves a bald pussy, so I had to do that. We went home and mom had me practice my new blow job skills on my uncle and cousin, god she was a good teacher because neither one of them lasted very long. I still didn’t have sex with them though, cause like I said, they were really gross to me. Mom taught me a whole bunch of little techniques, like how to use my tongue and everything. As far as sex with a guy, I had a boyfriend by then that I had been with for almost a year, so I practiced on him all the time. He sucked in bed though because he never focused on what I wanted and needed, so I would always go to my mom after my dates. She helped me with a dildo, she just held it for me while I fucked it, and she would fuck me and teach me quite a few things. She taught me some things that would help get me off while I fucked my daddy. God I was going crazy, I wanted to go see him and fuck him so bad. It was so bad that I had to fuck myself at least three times a day to stay sane. Now, my daddy, he was so overly excited that he couldn’t stand it, I could tell. He sent me some bran new really expensive Louis Vuitton luggage, not the nock offs either, he got the real thing! He like, had to have spent thousands of dollars on them. I opened the box and was all happy when I realized what they were, but I cried when I found a note from my daddy. It read:
Mindy, I can’t even tell you how excited I am to meet you again, well, because I don’t have any words for it. All I know is that I can’t eat and I haven’t slept very much in the last few months. I have been looking forward to this day since you left. And though I haven’t seen you since you were five, I have no doubt that you’re a beautiful girl. You’re my girl and my world and you have always been my baby. I never forgot you, and I never went a day without thinking about you. I can’t wait to see you again baby girl! I hope you like steak and if not that’s ok, get ready to have a really great summer, I know I’m ready! Be safe, I’ll see you when you get here! Love you baby girl!
Love dad.
“Aaaaaawww, mom come here.” I said as I cried.
“What’s up kiddo?” Mom asked.
I just handed her the note dad sent me.
“He’s really excited.” She said.
“I know, I want to go now.” I said.
“You will soon baby, I’ve never seen you cry like this, you look really happy.” Mom said while she hugged me.
“I am mom, dad loves me and he’s excited to see me.” I said.
“Well, at least we won’t have to worry about wether or not he really wants to see you.” Mom said making me laugh.
“I know right? The poor guy isn’t sleeping.” I said.
“Well, less than a week left.” Mom said.
“God it’s taking for-ever!” I said making my mom laugh.
Mom helped me pull my suit cases, out of my suite cases, if that makes any sense. We pulled the paper out of them and when we got to the smallest one, I opened it and found this really cool looking black and purple leather coat, it looked like a coat that people wear on those really bad ass motorcycles, it even had a few little logos on it. I then found a picture of this really really sexy looking ninja motorcycle. It was bad ass and so damn sexy looking. It was a lot different than the ones I had already seen, it was a lot longer than normal and the back tire was really wide. Daddy had a really sexy motorcycle, and yes I wanted a ride on it!
Finally, four long months were over!! Mom helped me pack all of my stuff, including the jacket dad sent me, after which mom died my hair for me. Apparently daddy liked that colored hair thing that some girls did, and I loved it, it was so cute, it made me look cuter! How do I describe what mom did to mine, let’s see. If you’re looking from the top of my head down, it starts with dark purple and only my natural color could be seen as highlights. The purple lightens up until it gets to where my head meets my neck, then goes to bright purple to hot pink. Then it went from hot pink to bright orange and fades into a bright yellow. Like I said before, my hair was really long, it was almost to my cute little butt. It’s actually called “Galaxy hair color” at least that’s what mom called it, and she’s a hair dresser. My particular style was the sunset, I loved it! That was all done the night before I left to go see my dad. Once it was done, I went to bed, and the next day, I got up and went to school, and since it was the last day of school, it was only a half day. All of my friends loved my hair when they saw it, I had so many of them crowding around me so they could see and touch my hair. My boyfriend didn’t like it too much but I didn’t care. He had been trying so hard to talk me out of going up to Colorado to see my dad. He had been threatening that he would break up with me if I did, but I finally got to where I didn’t care anymore. I was pretty much done with him anyway. Well, that day was no different at all, I was at lunch with my friends cause my boyfriend wouldn’t talk to me at all. He just ignored me and everything, well that’s until lunch was over. He just pulled me in the hall and look right in my eyes.
“I don’t want you to go to your dads this summer.” He said.
“Too bad, I’m going to go see him and there is nothing you can do about it.” I said.
“I don’t want you to go.” He said.
“I’m going Chad, I haven’t seen him since I was 5, so I’m going to go see him.” I said.
“Why do you want to go see him so bad?” He asked.
“Um, because he’s my dad.” I said sarcastically.
“If you go then we are done.” He said.
“Ok.” I said while I shrugged my shoulders.
“So it’s going to be like that?” He asked.
“Yep, I guess so.” I said.
“We’re done then, I’m breaking up with you.” He said.
“Ok.” I said.
“I’ve been fucking your best friend anyway.” He said.
“I know, I’m not stupid Chad, we were planing on having a threesome with her anyway remember?” I asked.
“Well I’ve fucked her a few times since then.” He said trying to make me mad.
“Ok, thats fine.” I said as my other friends came up to us, thinking that I was going to need comforting.
“Whatever, I’m done, I’m just going to go fuck your friend again.” He said.
“Ok well, don’t get her pregnant, you’re both too young to have babies.” I said.
“What is wrong with you?” He asked.
“What’s wrong with me is that you think you control me, you’re a control freak. I’m sorry but you don’t, I do what I want, when I want and if you can’t accept that then I don’t want you. You can control Tina all you want, but you’re not going to control me.” I said.
“You have tiny tits anyway, you have a boys chest.” He said trying to piss me off.
“I know, and I’m ok with it, I happen to like my tiny little boobs.” I said before I walked off.
“You’re hair looks like shit too, you look fucking stupid with you’re hair like that.” He said.
“Well, I don’t think so, I think I look hot, I thought you were going to fuck my best friend.” I said.
“I am.” He said.
“Are you sure, cause you’re still here talking to me.” I said.
“Wait, you’re not even mad that I’m breaking up with you?” He asked.
“Should I be?” I asked.
“Yes, you should be mad and sad.” He said.
“Don’t flatter yourself honey, you’re not everything you make yourself out to be. I’m happy actually, you made my day so thank you.” I said.
“Whatever, you have fun fucking him.” He said.
“Oh I plan on it, and you know what? I’ll bet he’s got a bigger dick than you do, and he’s an older guy, so I’ll bet he’ll give me real orgasms, I’ll bet he’s better than you’ll ever be in bed.” I said pissing him off.
“Fuck you.” He said.
“No thanks, I already have, and I gotta say that I’m not all that impressed.” I said.
“Oooooooooooohhhhhhh sssssshhhhhit!” My friend Amy said.
“Oh my damn, Mindy oh my god!” My friend Melinda said.
“Hhhhhhholy ssshhhhit, oh my god!” My friend Joanna said.
All of them said all of that at the exact same time, all I could do was laugh, I didn’t know I had that in me.
“Whatever.” He said as he stormed off.
I wasn’t even a little sad, I felt amazing! I had never, ever been the kind of girl to be so brutally mean, but he pissed me off. I didn’t even care that he was fucking my best friend, I really didn’t, and I told Tina that I didn’t care. I told her that she could have him cause I was done with him. I just went about my day as though nothing happened, I was still really happy and excited. I couldn’t wait to see my dad, in fact I was so excited that I couldn’t see straight. I didn’t have to worry about other guys coming after me after I broke up with my boyfriend either, why you ask? Well, for one I had the smallest boobs ever, and that’s the most obvious reason, that’s a given, guys like big perky ones and I didn’t have that. I also looked really young, and really really innocent, and that freaked a lot of guys out. My boyfriend got so much shit for dating a “12 year old” when he was with me, even though I wasn’t that young. When guys looked at me, they had absolutely no clue how dirty I really was. Only my mom, uncle and cousin, knew and that was it. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I really liked that about myself. All the guys would see is a sweet innocent little girl. Finally school was out, so my friends all walked me out to my car and said goodbye to me. I got into the car and I drove to meet my mom for lunch before we went home so I could take a shower. I put on one of my new little out fits, then mom helped me straighten my hair while I did my make up. Finally after almost two hours, we were on our way to the air port and mom helped me get checked in and walked me to my gate. I went through all of that stupid check thing after mom said goodbye to me, and finally was on the plane. I couldn’t believe that I was actually going to my dads, I was finally going to see him! Four hours after I got on my plane, I went into the bathroom and fixed my make up as best as I could, but I really made sure my shiny lip gloss looked good for him because I wanted him to be tempted when he saw me again. Just as I finished, the seat belt light came on so I had to go back to my seat, it wasn’t long before we were getting ready to land. It was getting dark, so all I could see were city lights and stuff. After a few more minutes, our plane was getting ready to land, and when it did, I started getting the worlds biggest butterflies, and it just got worse when we slowed down. Those butterflies turned into excitement when we turned and started to head for the airport. I couldn’t contain myself, I couldn’t help but smile and bounce up and down. I was going to see my daddy any minute now, only he didn’t know that he was going to see me soon because mom and I set up a little deal to surprise him I guess, but it costed a lot more.
What we did was give my dad some information, information that was right, but wrong, if that makes any sense. Mom bought two tickets, one for an earlier flight and one for a later flight, both of them were going to be at different gates in the same terminal, that way dad wouldn’t see me at first. The later flight was going to get there an hour or so after the flight I came in on. We did that so that we could trick him, he had no idea that I was going to be waiting for him at the gate where he was going to be picking his daughter, me, up, which was just a few gates down. Once the plane stopped, I undid my seat belt and was the first one to stand up and once I was standing, I noticed a lot of guys staring at me like they wanted me. I was way too excited to even care. One guy helped me get my carry on off and I started to walk off of the plane. I got so incredibly excited that I couldn’t help but walk really fast, and once I got into the airport, I walked out of the terminal place and went straight to the little girls room. I wanted to look perfect for my daddy, so I spent a few minutes in there fixing all of my make up. Once I was satisfied I went pee, then went back out to where I could see my daddy. I saw a few of the guys that were checking me out big time watching me and waiting for me outside of the bathroom. It kinda creeped me out, and I started to get a little scared, those same guys had been checking me out since we left Florida. I started to walk towards the gate where my daddy was going to meet me, and noticed that those guys followed me for a little but, thank god one of them went towards a different part of the airport, the other two kept following me. Once I got to the gate where my daddy was going to pick me up, I was surprised to see that he was already there. Oh my god the man looked so so good, I almost forgot how sexy he was. He was wearing blue jeans and a button down shirt, he had his sleeves rolled up so his tattoos were showing really good, that’s how I knew it was him.
He looked like he was incredibly excited, he had this smile and was rubbing his hands together, but he also looked nervous. I was going to let him stand there and wait, but those creeps were still following me, so I just started to walk to him. He had his back against me so I walked up to him, but had to stop so I could admire his amazing ass. I couldn’t help but drool when I looked him over really good, and when he turned sideways to look at the screen with all of the flight information on it, I looked right at his bulge. I sighed because he had quite the impressive bulge, but there were a few things that were different about him. First he had his hair cut really short, and he shaved. I loved him with a beard, but he still looked so so good, I don’t think he could have done anything to make himself look even hotter than he already did. He glanced at me at first, then looked at me like he recognized me. He smiled and I smiled back hoping that he would recognize me. So there I was, standing in the terminal that I was suppose to get to, and my daddy was already there. I was looking at the one guy that had been the object of my obsession for years, the guy I lusted after for so many years. And oh my god he looked so so hot, you have no idea how hard it was for me to control my urges for him. I wanted to walk up to him and grab his amazing ass, grab his dick and rub him till he got all hard for me, then drag him to the little girls room and do so many dirty dirt things to him. I knew he wasn’t a pervert, and that I was the only little girl that he’s ever wanted, I just knew because he wasn’t that kind of guy. So between that and the fact that I was his biological daughter, I had my work cut out for me, and I like a good challenge. I watched him for a second and tried to get my thoughts under control so I wouldn’t scare him away. While I was trying to calm down, he glanced at me, then he looked right at me like he recognized me. So I walked up to him as he turned towards me.
“Hey sexy, remember me?” I asked.
“Mindy?” He asked while his eyes bugged out.
“You remembered my name.” I said as I walked to this sexy man, god I was getting so wet.
“It’s really difficult to forget someone like you, you look amazing, god you’re beautiful.” He said.
“You’re still look really hot, it’s been a while.” I said while I ran my tiny hand down his body.
“I know it’s been a very long time, how are you?” He asked.
“I’m doing really good, how are you?” I asked while I looked down his body.
I really should have gotten my head in check all the way before I went up to him.
“I’m doing good, I love what you did to your hair.” He said making me smile.
“It’s cute isn’t it?” I asked.
“Very, I love it.” He replied.
I couldn’t believe that he remembered me!
“So what are you doing here?” I asked.
“Do you remember when I told you that I had a daughter with the same name as yours?” He asked.
“Yeah I do, is she coming here?” I asked.
“Yes, she’s going to be here soon.” He said.
God his eyes, this was going to be so so difficult to control myself, I thought while he talked to me.
“You’re really excited aren’t you?” I asked.
“God I’m going crazy, I’m nervous as hell and I’m really excited, I haven’t seen her since she was five.” He replied.
“Well, you may wanna sit for a second.” I said.
“Why?” He asked.
“Just trust me, you’ll wanna be sitting when I tell you this.” I said.
“Ok then.” He said before he walked to a chair and sat down. “My god you’re still so disgustingly beautiful.” He said giving me the chills.
“Thank you, you’re still really really crazy hot.” I said while I sat next to him.
“So are you just passing through, or are you coming here to visit someone?” He asked.
“I’m here to spend the summer with someone.” I said with a smile.
“Oh ok, so who are you going to spend the summer with?” He asked.
“You.” I said.
“Me? Are you serious?” He asked.
“Yes, and before you ask me anything else, let me just explain, I need you to just listen to me for a minute. I’ve been wanting to be with you for a long long time, like ever since the day we met in the hot tub. I remember everything that happened with us like it was yesterday and I relive it every single day, and have been since you left, and my mom found out. But she didn’t find out that I was still crushing on you really bad until almost a year ago, and she didn’t like it.” I said.
“How did she find out that you were still crushing on me?” He asked.
“I still have all of those pictures of you that I took.” I said.
“How many of them?” He asked.
“All of them, even the naked ones, and she found them. She snooped in my tablet while I was at school, and when I got home, she told me something about you. I didn’t believe her at first until she showed me my birth certificate and a bunch of pictures that she had.” I said.
“What did she tell you?” He asked.
“That I’m your daughter, you said that you had a daughter named Mindy, well, I found out recently that I am that Mindy, your Mindy.” I said.
He just sat there in shock, and I mean his jaw was on the ground. I got really scared that he was going to freak out on me, or that he was going to get mad. But he didn’t react like I was expecting all. I watched him start to get really really excited. He smiled really really big, and finally he was able to get his brain to work enough to talk.
“Are you serious?” He asked, he was getting really really excited.
“Yes, I’m serious, you’re my real dad. I was sitting next to mom when she called you and told you that I was coming out to spend the summer with you.” I said, god even I was getting excited.
“No fucking way! You’re serious?! You’re my daughter?!” He asked.
“Yes, I am your daughter, and I have proof, look at this.” I said and took my birth certificate out of my back pack and handed it to him.
Seeing my dad get so excited and happy, made me start getting just as excited and I was starting to get like, way way beyond happy that he was as excited and happy as he was about me being his daughter. I started laughing a little and started to cry I was so happy, I even got chills. My dad was so so excited and happy that I was his little girl. And when he saw his name and signature on my birth certificate, he looked at me with the worlds happiest smile ever!
“Hi dad.” I said while I started crying more.
“Holy shit! Holy shit! Oh my god Mindy, you’re my daughter!” He said.
He stood up, scooped me up in his arms and stood up making me squeal from my own excitement. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head against his. He twirled around a few times and just held onto me like he didn’t want to let me go. He put me down and looked into my eyes.
“You’re really happy that I’m here aren’t you?” I asked and wrapped my arms around my daddy’s body.
“Happy doesn’t even cover it. My baby girl is here with me. A few years ago I spent a week with you and didn’t even know that you were my daughter.” He said.
“I didn’t know you were my dad until almost a year ago.” I said.
“Wow, I make amazing babies.” He said making me laugh.
“I know, just look at me, god I’m hot.” I said while I laughed.
“You take after your dad.” He said trying to not act arrogant.
“Oh trust me dad, I know, I got all of your sexiness.” I said.
“Yeah you did, that makes me one proud dad that’s for sure.” He said.
“So did I surprise you?” I asked.
“Yes, I thought you were coming in on another flight, I was not expecting you to be here when I got here, that and the girl I met a few years ago happens to be my daughter.” He said.
“I’m like, really really excited right now.” I said.
“So am I.” He said.
“Wanna know why I’m excited?” I asked.
“Why baby girl?” He asked.
I don’t know why, but him calling me baby girl really turned me on, oh my god.
“Because you’re so happy and excited to have me here.” I said trying to hide the fact that I was getting hot for him again.
“I can’t believe that you’re really here.” He said while he brushed my long hair out of my eyes making my body tremble a little.
“I know, I never thought I’d see you again.” I said.
“Well, now you’re here and now that we both know that you’re my daughter, we can see each other as much as we want, provided your mom actually lets me see you after this.” He said while I reluctantly let go of him.
“Well, she doesn’t have a choice, she’ll either let me see you as much as I want, or I’m moving in with you. I’m tired of her keeping you away from me, and I’m not going to let her anymore.” I said.
“Too bad you can’t just move in with me now, I mean we already know each other, well, at least from when we met a few years ago.” He said while I grabbed my back pack and took his hand.
“I know, it sucks. Mom did say that if I liked it here enough that she would help me move in with you.” I said with a smile.
“Is your mom on drugs or something?” He asked making me laugh.
“Why are you asking me that?” I asked while he slid his fingers between mine making all of those feelings I felt for him years ago come flooding back.
“Well for one, she didn’t bat an eye when we were walking around together naked and cuddling for a week, and now she’s saying that she’ll help you move in with me, is she high?” He asked while we started walking to baggage claim.
“I love, love, llllove that you remember everything about that vacation.” I said and looked up at my gorgeous dad.
“You do?” He asked.
“Yes I do, I remember every little thing about it to, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that week.” I said.
“That was an amazing time.” He said.
“Tell me about it, and no mom isn’t on drugs.” I said while I smiled at him.
“I will never forget that vacation.” He said just as we got to the carousel.
“Good, I hope you don’t.” I said.
“So here is the deal, we live almost four hours away from here, so, what we are going to do is we are going to go get something to eat and we are staying at a hotel tonight so you can get some sleep. Then tomorrow we’ll head home, does that sound ok to you?” He asked.
“Sounds perfect.” I said.
Oh my god I was starting to breath like I did when I felt him get really hard and throb against my body that day we were together. I don’t know what it was, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stop looking at my dad, other than the fact that he was so incredibly gorgeous. That was the only time that I wished that he wasn’t my daddy, because of it weren’t for that fact and one other fact, I know that I could get him where I wanted him. The way he started to look at me brought everything back from my Australian trip in extreme detail, and I couldn’t help but get horny. I even looked down at his bulge a few times to see if he was thinking what I was thinking. I don’t even think he realized that I was looking at his bulge at all, and I didn’t know if he was hard or not, but that bulge of his was very impressive. Like, oh my damn. I realized that when I pressed my young little body against his that he didn’t even flinch, he just let me melt into him as though I was his girlfriend, and holy shit did he smell good, oh my damn, I don’t know what kind of cologne he was wearing, but it smelled so yummy. Oh god what was he doing to me, he’s my dad, I really need to cool it so I don’t freak him out. I thought while the carousel started to spin.
“Ok, mine should be coming out soon.” I said.
I couldn’t let go of him no matter how hard I tried, he was like this big magnet that drew me into him, and it was really bad. I didn’t want to let go of him anyway, I felt too warm and safe. I felt that if I let go of him that he would disappear and I would never see him again, and there was no way in hell that I was going to let that happen again. This wasn’t the vacation that we met at, this was different, so the connection that I felt with him in Australia, was like, nothing compared to that first day in Denver with him.
“Let’s go get them.” He said when we saw my luggage coming out.
“God you’re so hot.” I whispered without even thinking.
“If that’s true then you take after me, actually I think you’re hotter than me.” He whispered making me smile and giggle, I didn’t realize I said it loud enough for him to hear me.
“You smell so good too, my god.” I said.
“I haven’t showered in a few days.” He said making me giggle.
“Whatever dad.” I said and reluctantly broke away from him.
I watched him walk up to my suit cases and pull them off of the carousel, God I don’t think that he had any idea how hot he really was. I went to help him, but I couldn’t stop watching him long enough to lift a finger. It was ok though because when I went to help him, he stopped me and got them all off of the carousel for me. He stacked them and I held onto his arm so I wouldn’t loose him. We joked around a lot while we made our way out of the airport and to my dads truck, it was nice as hell! It was a big white truck with four doors, it wasn’t lifted, but it looked bad ass. I helped him put my bags into the back seat of his truck and when we got them in, he opened the front passenger door for me and helped me in.
“You have a really nice truck.” I said.
“Thanks, it is pretty bad ass.” He said while I melted because of his smile and his eyes.
“So where are we going to go eat?” I asked.
“What do you feel like, say the word and we’ll find a place.” He said.
“Can we have steak? Moms been on this big health kick and I haven’t had steak for the longest time.” I pleaded.
“You’re definitely my little girl! Steak it is!” He said making me hop up and down in my seat and clap.
“Seat belt baby girl, seat belt.” He said.
“Whatever you say daddy.” I said while I sat back and put my seatbelt on.
He closed her door and all but ran to his side of the truck while I watched him with a huge smile. He got in and we headed for the airport exit. As we drove, we noticed that we were being followed, and I had this really ugly feeling that it was one or more of the guys that were following me at the airport. Dad noticed too and was watching them really close, and after a few minutes later, we got pulled over by the cops. I started freaking out when I watched them pull my dad out of his truck at gun point and cuffed him. At first they refused to tell him what was going on, and I started to really freak out. A cop was on my side of the truck and opening the door.
“What is going on?! Why are you arresting my dad?!” I yelled.
“Calm down, you’re safe now, you’re safe.” The cop said.
“From what?! What are you talking about?!” I yelled.
“What?!” I heard my dad ask before he started laughing.
“You think this is funny?! You think picking up random girls is funny?!” The cop that arrested my dad asked.
“She’s not some random girl, she’s my daughter!” He said.
“That’s not the report that we got. The report that we got was that a man that matches your description, in a truck that matches the one you’re in, picked up a random 12 year old girl from the airport.” The cop said.
“Take my blood and run DNA, I promise you that she’s my biological daughter.” My dad said.
“Is she going to say the same thing?” The cop asked forcefully.
“Go ask her, In fact, put me in your cruiser so I can’t coach her on anything and ask her.” Dad said.
“Good idea, come with me.” The cop said.
I watched out of the back window and watched the cop put my dad in the police car. I was freaking out so bad that I was crying, I didn’t know what was going on at all, and I thought I was loosing my dad. While the cop was walking back to the truck, I saw one of the assholes that was following me walk up and say. I’m the one that called.”, then the cop pointed to his car, that’s when the asshole went and stood by the police car. The cop came to me and had me get out of my dads truck.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“No I’m not ok! You just arrested my dad for no reason, and none of you will tell me what’s going on!” I yelled.
“Just listen to me for a second and let me ask you a few questions.” The cop said.
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I asked.
“If you calm down and let me ask you some questions, I’ll tell you what’s going on, does that work?” He asked.
“So ask.” I said defiantly.
“First of all, I want you to know that you’re safe, he can’t do anything that will hurt you, he’s locked up in my car and he’s in cuffs. Now do you know him?” He asked.
“What part of my dad didn’t you get?” I asked angrily.
“Is there any reason that you would lie about that? Are you scared of him?” He asked.
“You know what, you’re just going to ask me those questions over and over again, the answer is no I’m not lying, and no I’m not scared of him, he’s my dad, as in he had sex with my mom, came inside of her and got her pregnant with me, biological dad.” I said.
“What’s your name?” He asked.
“Mindy, my name is Mindy.” I said.
“Ok, listen to me Mindy, you’re safe. You don’t have anything to worry about at all, he’s locked up in the back of my car where he can’t hurt you, and he can’t hear anything you say.” He said.
“Ok now I’m getting pissed off, what is it going to take to get through your head that he’s my dad, what? And why haven’t you told me what is going on?” I asked.
“We received a report that the man that we have in custody…” He said.
“My dad.” I said.
“…picked up a random 12 year old from the airport and took her against her will.” He said.
“Ok first of all, I’m not 12, second of all, I came to spend the summer with him because I haven’t seen him for years, mom and him split up right after I was born. Third of all, that person who reported that is a fucking liar, and before you ask me again and piss me off anymore than you already have, take my purse, in it is my drivers license, yes that’s right, drivers license, now what the fuck would I be doing with a drivers license if I was only 12? My birth certificate is in there too and my dads name is on that birth certificate, and so is his signature. Take it and see for your self, and don’t talk to me again until you have looked at those.” I said.
“Are you sure he’s your dad? Are you sure that he’s not just some random guy who grabbed you and dragged you out to his truck?” He asked.
“What did I just say, look for yourself.” I said defiantly.
I took my purse out of the truck and handed it to the cop and refused to answer anymore questions. I watched the cop take my birth certificate out of my purse and read it, then he looked at my drivers license, then dads. I looked at the guy standing there and pointed to the woman cop, I told her that he had been following me since I left Florida. I told her that when we landed, he followed me to the girls restroom and over to where I was going to meet my dad. He had to be the guy that called on my dad, he had to have been. I gave him the dirtiest look ever and flipped him off while the cops walked over to the guy. The cops pulled him to the back of the cop car took his license and started asking him a bunch of questions. Then he tried to run away, it was so cool to watch them tase him with a taser, they took his drivers license and went on their computer. The cops face turned white and he looked at me as though he felt really bad for what was happening. After everything was calmed down, I watched another cop walk away from my dads truck, then handed my dads badge and fire fighter ID card to the cop that arrested my dad. After a few minutes longer, they took my dad out of the car and took the cuffs off. The cop was talking to my dad for a minute before I started to run towards him.
“Dad! Daddy are you ok?” I asked.
“I’m good, are you ok?” He asked while we hugged.
“I’m fine, that guy has been following me since I left Florida, and when we got here, he followed me all over the airport.” I said.
“Ok, awesome, can you write all of that down for us so we can charge him with that too?” The sergeant asked.
“Give me some paper and a pen and I’ll do it right now.” I said.
“Fair enough, stay here and I’ll be right back.” The sergeant said.
“Can I have a word with him?” Dad asked.
“Sure can, but wait, let me go turn the camera off.” The cop said as he walked off.
I watched him get into his car and do something to his computer, after that he got out of the car and motioned for him to go to his car with his head.
“I’ll be right back baby girl.” He said while he walked to the cop car with the asshole in it.
Dad went to the cop car and the cop told him something, but by then the sergeant came up to me and gave me some paper and a pen. I went to dads truck and started to write down everything that happened. When I was done, I got out of the truck and gave my statement to one of the cops there. They were telling dad how sorry they were for what happened and that they felt really bad. Finally they let us go, so we got in the truck and left. I just started to laugh while I looked at my dad.
“Well that was interesting.” I said.
“To say the least.” Dad said while we started laughing.
“Is my daddy a pervert, does he like little girls?” I asked in the most seductive voice I could, I was secretly hoping that he would say yes.
“If there’s grass on the field, well, I’m not going to finish that.” He said basically making is both roll.
“Play ball.” I said as while we laughed so hard that we started crying.
“Actually, you did like at least one little girl remember?” I asked after we got calmed down.
“Yes I do remember that, and you’re the only one.” He said making me feel all warm and horny again.
“Just so you know, you being my dad and all doesn’t change the fact that I think that you’re crazy crazy sexy, and crazy crazy hot.” I said while I reached over and took my dads hand.
“I’m ok with that because you’re the most beautiful girl alive, you have always been for me since that day on vacation.” He said.
“God, this is going to be a very interesting summer. Are you still attracted to me the way you were in Australia?” I asked hoping and praying that he would say yes.
“Yes I am, you’re even more attractive now than you were then, and you were incredibly attractive then.” He said making me get all excited.
“Thanks daddy, I’m still really attracted to you too, too bad you’re my real dad.” I said.
“Why is that?” He asked while he pulled into the steak house parking lot.
“Because, well, let’s just say that we wouldn’t sleep much at all.” I said making him gasp a little.
“Oh boy, this is going to be interesting.” He said.
“Would you let me do things to you if I wasn’t your daughter?” I asked with the sexiest voice I could muster.
“Yes, what ever you wanted.” He replied making my pussy start to drool.
“Oooohhhh god. Ok, we really really need to change the subject.” I said while I tried to catch my breath.
“Yeah we should, it kinda sucks that you’re so sexy.” He said under his breath not knowing that I could hear him.
“Yeah, I know the feeling, but I really need to cool down, so can we change the subject?” I asked.
“Let’s go eat.” He said.
“Ok, let’s go.” I said.
I got out of the truck at the same time as my dad, and I walked up to him and wrapped my arm in his, like I said, I absolutely had to have my hands on him as much as possible. Everyone watched us walk in because they could tell how happy my dad and I were. We stood around in the waiting area and joked around like we had been living together our whole lives, like we were never separated. So to say that my dad and I clicked, or connected immediately would be an understatement. We didn’t flirt much at all during our dinner, but I think it was really obvious that I was struggling to not flirt. I think he could tell by the way I kept looking at him, it wasn’t like a girl looking at her dad, it was more like a girl who was lusting after her biggest crush, and if that’s what he was thinking, he wasn’t wrong, I still obsessed about him. We talked about everything and when he found out that I was doing really good in school, he was really happy. I told him about all of my friends and that I had a boyfriend at one point, but he cheated on me. I told him that he dumped me because I wanted to come to see him, and he didn’t like it at all. He had absolutely no clue that I was sexually active, or that the thought of commiting incest with him drove me crazy. He had no idea that I planned on seducing him, that I planned on making him mine, not just my dad, but my boyfriend. He was so clueless about all of that that I almost felt bad. He’s my dad, I didn’t want to scare him so I was going to be as subtle about seducing him as possible, that’s if I could control myself anyway. To him, I was this innocent little teen girl, who was very forward and wasn’t shy about telling him how sexy he was. It was all I could think about while we ate dinner, and while we talked. God the poor guy had no idea how horny and kinky I really was, none at all. After dinner, we went to the hotel that he reserved, and checked in. We went and checked the room out, and I knew which room I wanted after we went through them, so I took my suit case into the room.
“Dad, I’m going to take a shower, I kinda feel gross.” I said.
“Yeah well, you smell gross too, so please go take a shower.” He said making me laugh.
“Shut up dad.” I said and hit him.
“You hit like a girl.” He said while he pushed me.
“Probably because I am a girl.” I said while we laughed and shoved him back.
“You shove like a girl too.” He said.
“Whatever, I can take you.” I said while I shoved him again.
“Not if you’re going to hit and push me like that you’re not, you’re such a girl.” He said while he pushed me again making me laugh.
“Thanks captain obvious.” I said while we laughed.
“Not a problem, I’m going to take a shower too, I’ll meet you here in the living room and we can watch a movie together.” He said.
“Ok, I’ll try to hurry.” I said.
“It’s so good to see you again, my god.” He said while he hugged me again.
“The me daughter, or the me the sexy little girl in Australia?” I asked while I looked up at him, I couldn’t help but bite my lip.
“Yes.” He said making me smile.
“That’s the perfect answer.” I said softly.
“Is it?” He asked.
“Yep.” I said.
“Why is it the perfect answer?” He asked.
“Because, it’s the answer I was looking for.” I said and walked into my room.
“God I’m good.” He said arrogantly making me giggle.
God my daddy was so sexy, he had no clue that my little mind was going a thousand miles a minute. He had no clue that I was lusting after him so bad and he had no clue what I had in store for him over the summer. The thing is that if I didn’t get him the way I wanted that summer, I was definitely going to the next summer, it was as simple as that. I went in my room and closed my door and locked it because I wasn’t sure if my daddy was ready to see me the way that I was about to be yet. I needed to get off, and I needed it bad because if I didn’t get off soon, I was going to do something to my dad that would make things really awkward for both of us. I really didn’t want that, so I grabbed my bag and pulled my favorite toy out of it and stripped down. The fact that my dad was right there on the other side of the door made me ache so much more. So I went into the bathroom and turned the water on, I couldn’t keep my hand away from my little slit at all, and my god I was so fucking wet. I had never been that wet before, even when I was all naked and hanging out with my naked dad in Australia. You know, when we had no clue that we were actually daddy daughter. I looked down and I could see my juices literally drooling and dripping from my slit and my fingers to the tile floor.
“Fuck daddy, look what you do to me. Oh my god I really need to cum.” I whispered.
I pressed my hand against my slit, and when I did I gasped because I felt this jolt shoot through my entire body. I moved my hand rubbing my slit a little and when I did that, I almost fell.
“Oh my god, oh shit.” I whispered.
My entire body felt so so hot and I felt like I was going to explode. Images of my dad went through my head, and the feelings he gave me that day when he picked me up felt so much stronger than ever before. It didn’t take very long for my legs to start feeling really weak, and it felt like there was this really big bubble that was being blown up inside of me. I knew what that meant because I felt that before many times, but I had no idea that it would feel as big and strong like it did that time. I pressed my hand against my slit and applied pressure against it, and the next thing I knew, was that everything went white, and I was gasping. My whole body tingled, but my pussy tingled even more. I felt so so much warm liquid coming out of my slit and I couldn’t help but thrust my hips. Daddies face, his sexy hot body, and his dick were all right there in my mind even though my eyes were closed. I don’t know what happened other than I got the most amazing feeling that I had ever felt in my life. And when I woke up, I realized that I was on the floor and my entire body was jerking, it felt so so good, oh my god I wanted more. I giggled when I realized that I couldn’t move for a second, and when I finally did get up, I realized that I was laying in the biggest puddle of my own cum. I had never, ever cum so hard in my life, it was so magical you have no idea. I got in the shower once I was able to move better and continued to play with myself. But my imagination got the best of me, so, I decided to pretend that daddy was in the shower with me. I washed myself pretending that it was my dads hands that were gliding all over my body. I stopped, got out and went to my room. I grabbed my suit case, opened it and grabbed my newest big fake dick. I ran back to the shower and used the suction cup to stick it to the wall. Oh my god the images that flooded my brain when I turned around and felt it against my body, it sent me into heaven. I pretended that daddy was washing me really good and that his dick was pressing up against my body like my toy was. In my day dream, daddy didn’t miss one spot, except for the spot that I wanted him to wash. I slid my fingers on my pussy and pretended that my daddy was the one molesting me. I couldn’t help but moan a little and I used my free hand to reach back and wrap my fingers around what I wished was daddies hard dick. I stroked it slowly and pressed my ass into the head while I jerked it slowly and gently.
“I want it, I want it so bad daddy.” I whispered making my slit drool and drip so bad.
“Ooooooooohhhh my god daddyhhhh.” I moaned while I slid my finger inside of me.
“Can I? Can I push your big hard dick inside of me daddy?” I whimpered.
I leaned over and stuck my ass out, I spread my legs wide and I pushed the head of my toy against my hot teen pussy. I pushed back and moaned once it entered me. I pushed back and started to cum again, and once my ass pressed against the tile wall, I started to fuck it slowly. I moaned for my daddy, and the more I did, the more I started to cum. I started to fuck my toy a little faster, and when I did, it came loose from the wall. By then I was cumming so hard that my pussy squeezed my toy out completely, and it fell to the floor. I sat on the edge of the tub and picked my toy up and shoved it back inside of me. I gasped and moaned because I really started to fuck myself good with it, all the while pretending that my daddy was the one fucking me. After a few short minutes, I started to shake all over, and the only person that’s made me do that was my mom, and now me. I could feel this incredible and amazing feeling wash over my tight teen body and I started to gasp. I kept crying out for my daddy, quietly of course, but before long, everything went white again, only this time, the feeling that went through my body was so so much stronger. When I opened my eyes that time, my entire body felt numb almost. I mean, I could feel the floor under me, but I couldn’t feel my skin. The best way to describe it was that my whole body was tingling and buzzing at the same time.
I looked down and noticed that I had the biggest goose bumps ever. Now like I’ve said, I had been having sexy incest sex in Florida with my mom and them. But none of them ever gave me goose bumps like I had just from thinking about my daddy. When I sat up, I was shaking like crazy. I had to breath and try to calm down, but my heart was racing. I actually started to get a little scared because I had never experienced anything like what I just did. I almost called for my daddy to come help me since he was a paramedic, but I decide to just wait it out and see what happened. After a few minutes, I realized that I had the worlds biggest orgasm, that was so so amazing! I laughed and tried to get up, and thank god my toes weren’t pointed anymore and I was able to get up. My entire body wouldn’t stop buzzing, and I felt all tingly, but what got me was that I still had cum that was coming out of me. I stood under that water for a few minutes until everything went back to normal, and when it finally did I soaped up and shampooed my hair and stuff. Then I got out, turned the water off and dried myself off. I grabbed my toy and cleaned it off before I packed it away so daddy wouldn’t find it. I took some time to dry my hair and brush it before I picked the cutest little outfit out for my daddy and got dressed. I had this really cute light blue tank top that was really tight, and since I had been a cheerleader since I was really young, I was in really good shape. I wasn’t all toned and buff like my daddy, but I did have a really tight little body. My little tank top showed a lot of my flat tummy and my boobs actually looked good in it. I don’t have much cleavage at all, but it was cut low enough that it did show what little cleavage I did have really really good. I decided to not wear a bra, mainly because I wanted my dad to see my boobs and nipples really good. Then I put on a pair of light grey shorts that were really short as it was, I loved them because they showed my ass off really good, my cheeks peeked out of them a little. I looked myself over and decided that it wasn’t sexy enough, so I rolled my waist band down until they were too low. Basically if my shorts slid down just an inch, he would be able to see my pussy. I didn’t wear panties either and I hoped that my dad would notice. And yes I was bald down there, I had it waxed remember? That was it, that was how I was going to go back out there, I felt sexy and I was getting horny again. I just pulled my hair back into a pony tail, then I went out into the living room and saw my daddy walking to the living room in a pair of gym shorts and a tank top. Yeah, I could see his dick flopping around in his shorts and yeah, I stared for a second. It took everything I had to hide the fact that I wanted him as bad as I did. He smiled at me making me feel all fuzzy, but made me shiver when I saw him look me over really good. I noticed that he had pop corn all made up and a few drinks all ready for us too.
“What do you wanna watch, wait, I’ll just guess, you wanna watch some sappy chick flick don’t you.” He asked making me laugh.
“How did you guess?” I asked while I sat down trying so hard to not look at his bulge.
“Because I’m a goddamn genius.” He said.
“We don’t have to watch a chick flick if you don’t want to.” I said.
“You’re my daughter and this is the first time we’ve hung out like this in a while, so we’re going to watch what you want.” He said making me smile.
“I knew you’d see things my way.” I said while I giggled.
“Spoiled rotten already and you’ve only been here for a few hours.” He said.
“What can I say, I’ve already got you wrapped around my little finger.” I said.
“You’ve always had me wrapped around your finger, ever since the day you were born.” He said.
With that he came and sat next to me and turned the tv on, then he gave me the remote so I could choose the movie that I wanted. I couldn’t help but scoot so close to him that I was basically sitting in his lap. It felt so good when he wrapped me up in his arms and just held me while I looked through the movies. Finally, I found one of my favorites and we started to watch it, and before long dad started to get comfortable. He laid back and let me just lay on top of him almost, I was loving it, and the way he smelled, god. We were maybe ten minutes or more into the movie when my phone rang. I looked up at my daddy and when I did, I realized how close his lips were to mine, but it wasn’t on purpose. I came so so close to kissing him but I decided not to, remember, I was trying to seduce him not freak him out.
“Pause it.” I said.
“Who is it?” He asked while he paused the movie.
“It’s mom.” I said.
I decided that I was going to put my phone on speaker, so I did that way I didn’t have to let go of my dad.
“Hi mom.” I said.
“So how is it going?” She asked.
“It’s going really good.” I said.
“You didn’t call me when you got there.” She said.
“Actually I called like three times and you didn’t answer, so I left a voice mail and I sent you a text, did you not get any of those?” I asked.
“Yeah but I didn’t get to them yet, so are you at his house now?” She asked.
“No we’re in a hotel for the night, he lives like three hours away from Denver, so he got us a hotel room so I can get some sleep.” I said.
“Is he sleeping already?” She asked.
“No he’s right here with me actually, we weสปre watching a movie.” I said.
“So does he still look as good as he did the last time you saw him?” She asked making my dad look down at me.
“Actually he looks way better than he did before.” I said making my dad act like he was flipping his hair around, he made me laugh.
“Are you guys getting along?” She asked.
“Actually yes, we are getting along really good.” I said.
“What are you laughing at?” She asked.
“Oh dad is just being a dork.” I said while I laughed.
“Sounds like you guys are getting along, that’s awesome. I’ll let you guys get back to your movie, just let me know when you guys get to his house.” Mom said.
“Mom, you don’t need to worry about me, I’m with my dad remember?” I asked.
“Yeah true, just let me know anyway.” She said.
“Ok, bye mom, love you.” I said.
“Love you too, have fun.” Mom said.
We hung up and I looked up at my dad and laughed. God damn that man was so so sexy, I can’t say it enough. While I was thinking that, an idea hit me.
“You should just a take your shirt off.” I said while I slid my hand onto his stomach.
“Why?” He asked.
Uh oh, he noticed the want in my eyes, I thought.
“Because, I think you would be more comfortable without one.” I said.
“I would actually.” He said.
He leaned forward and I got up so I could get out of his way. His body, oh my god I forgot how yummy he really was, in fact I think he was more ripped than he was a few years back. It was like watching this sexy male stripper take his shirt off slowly, and I just sat there and drooled. Of course he wasn’t taking it off slowly, but that’s what it seemed like. I swear to god that any girl that saw him without a shirt would do every thing they could to get into his pants. He had that hot of a body, but he had a face, a smile and eyes that would make any girl swoon for him even me. Poor guy had no clue that I was perving on him, like, really really bad. Those tattoos that covered his sexy body, and his ear gauges just put him into a whole different level of sexiness. His gauges weren’t all that big, you could at least put a dime inside of them, but what put him over the top sexy, was that he had his tongue pierced! He didn’t just have one ball thingy on the top part of his really long tongue, he had two, fuck he was so so hhhhot! I didn’t realize that I was biting my pinkie nail while he took his shirt off.
“You ok?” He asked breaking me out of my lustful gaze
“Yeah, I’m really good. Ok, ummm, it’s probably not such a good idea for you to have your shirt off.” I said.
“What, now you want me to put it back on?” He asked and started to laugh a little.
“No, no don’t, I’ll just have to, to, control myself.” I said while I looked into his eyes.
I couldn’t help myself, I had to run my hand down his chest and stomach. It was like my hands got a mind their own, and before I knew it, I was biting my lower lip and I was looking him up and down. And when I finally realized what I was doing, I looked into his eyes and stopped touching him. “Oh my god, he was looking at my little boobs! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god he was turned on big time, I know that look that he’s giving me! YYYYYYES!! I hadn’t even been with him for five hours yet and I was starting to seduce him already. Ok, calm down, breath, this may not be what you think, and if it is, you still have to take it slow” I thought. All of that went through my head while I watched my daddy start looking at me with a hint of lust in his eyes. I glanced down at his bulge and I saw it move. “Yep, I’m definitely turning him on! Best day ever!” I thought.
“Ok, it’s more comfortable with it off anyway.” He said.
“So mom told me that you were shot a few times and stuff, do you have scars from that still?” I asked trying to get my little slit to stop gushing.
“Yeah I do, and I have the scars from my surgeries too.” He said.
“Why can’t I see them?” I asked.
“I covered them up with all of these tattoos.” He said.
“Show me.” I said while I kept gushing between my legs.
He had me get behind him and he showed me all of the scars on his back where he got shot, I couldn’t see them all that good because of his tattoos but I could feel all six of them. He then showed me the scars that he had from all of his surgeries, and he had a ton of them. I knew they were there after he showed me, but if he never did, I’d swear that he didn’t have any. I actually had to touch him to feel them, my favorite scars that he had, were on his legs. He had two on his right leg, one just above his ankle that was pretty big and another one that went from below his knee, all the way to his upper inner thigh. That was my most favorite one because I could see my dads dick bulging in his shorts perfectly. I almost lost it and started to cum when he actually let me feel that one, and I almost got to touch his dick but he stopped me. He had one huge scar that went from his ribs too to the top of his thigh on the outside. Those triangles that he had that went from his arm pit to his ankle covered that huge scar. I started asking him about the rest of his tattoos, and that’s when he showed me the one that I loved the best. You couldn’t see it all that good because of all the really really cool designs and stuff. But it was made so that once it’s pointed out, that tattoo stuck out like a sore thumb. It was my full name and my birthday, and it was in the biggest tattoo, on his back. I sat there and traced it with my finger tips while he told me about it. He also had one on his chest so that he could see it, but that one was harder to see if you didn’t know it was there. I loved that he showed me most of his tattoos because it gave me a reason to touch him all over. He had smooth skin, and it reminded me of that time we spent together in Australia. I almost took my shirt off and cuddle against him, but I didn’t, and I’ve already explained why so I won’t get into it again.
What I did do, was I got up and had him lay on the couch so his back was against the arm rest, well kind of, I wanted him to be comfortable. Once he was situated, I spread his legs and laid between them, god I had forgotten how comfortable he was. I pulled my shirt up to just below my boobs and laid back at the same time, so he didn’t know that he was going to feel as much of my bare skin on his until I laid my head on his chest. God it felt so heavenly to feel his body against mine, and it reminded me that that was one of the reasons that I fell in love and with him in the first place. I took his arms and wrapped myself up in them and started to watch the movie again. After a few more minutes, I was caressing his arms like I did in Australia. He really made me shiver when she started to do that to my stomach. He stopped because I couldn’t help but sigh because it felt so good and he heard me, but when he stopped I looked up at him and took his hand and put it back on my stomach.
“Don’t stop.” I said.
“Are you sure? It’s a little different now that I know you’re my daughter, I don’t want to do something to you that you don’t want.” He said.
“Dad, stop worrying it’s ok. I wouldn’t have told you to not stop if I didn’t want you to.” I said.
“What if, what if I…” He said.
“Get a boner like you did last time we did this?” I asked interrupting him.
“Yeah.” He said.
He looked scared, it was obvious that he had a battle that was starting to brew in his head, and trust me, it was a huge huge battle. I can’t say that I wasn’t expecting that because it’s exactly what mom told me to expect. It was like his head was screaming at him and that he was really starting to struggle with feelings that he use to have for me before. I actually felt bad for him, and that’s when I realized why mom told me to take it as slow as possible with him. So I decided to just try all I could to make him feel comfortable with what we were doing. I didn’t want to freak him out, but giving him a boner was exactly what I wanted to do, and that’s what I was getting. I wanted to feel it through his shorts, pushing against my little body, but I didn’t want to tell him that, especially since I could see that battle kicking off in his head.
“Dad, it’s ok.” I said.
“No, it’s actually not baby girl, I’m your dad.” He said.
“Dad stop, I swear to god that I won’t think any less of you. You’re my dad, and you’re hot, so if you do get a boner, it won’t bother me. It’s just a natural reaction, it happens.” I said.
“You’re sure?” He asked.
“Yes, it’s ok I promise so stop worrying.” I said softly.
“Ok, I may not be able to control what happens down there.” He said.
“So don’t try. It’s not like we are going to do anything, I’m your daughter and we’re just cuddling and watching a movie.” I said.
“It just reminds me of Australia, when we did this.” He said.
“Dad, calm down its ok. You’re hot and I’m hot so it’s normal, we are both going to react that way to each other. Besides we aren’t naked like we were in Australia.” I said.
“Ok, if you’re ok with it then so am I.” He said.
“YES, VICTORY!!” I thought. I just made it past the first wall, now I knew that it wasn’t going to be this easy the whole way, but if I kept having victories like that, then I’ll get what I want. “Whew, this is going to be a real challenge and it’s not going to be as easy to seduce him as I thought, but it sure is going to be ssssssoooooo much fun!” I thought while I laid back down and squirmed against him. He wrapped me in his arms again but he didn’t touch my stomach like I wanted him to. But when he finally started to caress my tummy from just below my boobs to my waist band slowly, I just looked up at him and smiled.
“See? That’s not so bad is it?” I asked.
“No it’s not.” He said.
“I told you.” I said.
We laid there watching the movie and caressing each other, and as seconds turned into minutes, I noticed that he was kind of breathing hard. I readjusted myself and when I did, I felt it. I felt his dick against my back and it was growing and getting harder and harder. I trembled knowing that I just made my daddy all hard for me again. So, I just squirmed against him a little as much as I could without freaking him out. Between feeling his really hard dick against my back, and the way he was caressing my body, he sent my hormones into a frenzy. I knew that I was getting wet, but the more he touched my body, the wetter I got. I almost moaned and thrusted my his up when his fingers almost dipped under the waist band of my shorts. He caresses me there and while he did, I could feel this incredible ache building up inside of me to the point that I actually started to hurt all over. The movie was more than half way over when I acted like I was going to itch my leg, but that wasn’t the real reason I did that. My daddy made me wetter than any guy ever, or any girl had in my entire life, so because of that, I had to make sure that I wasn’t seeping through my shorts. When I reached down, my fingers touched the couch first and that’s when I noticed that yeah, I was soaking wet. The couch under me wasn’t just damp, it was really really wet, and when I slid my hand across my covered slit, I coated my fingers to the point that they were dripping. “I better stop this or I’m going to be doing something that’ll scare daddy” I thought. So I closed my legs and rolled over onto my side and laid back on him, and when I did that, I could really feel his boner. I closed my legs and pressed them together and just laid there. You have no idea how hard it was for me to not just slide my little hand down and pull the leg of his shorts up until his big dick came out. I learned something about myself that night, I learned that I had much better self control than I even realized that I had. Thank god I was jet lagged and tired because I was able to cool off a lot after a while, not all the way, but a lot. I laid there and traced each one of my dads ab muscles and before long, I fell asleep thank god!
I slept sssssoooooo good! I don’t think I had ever slept that good in my life, and if I did, I don’t remember at all. I didn’t know how long I was out, but when I woke up, I was in my bed and under the blankets. I hoped that my daddy didn’t notice how wet I was when he carried me to my room and tucked me in, just kidding, I actually hoped he did notice. I was thirsty and I really needed to pee, so I got up and got a drink after I went pee. I was getting ready to go back to bed when I realized that I missed him, so I went to his room. I was happy when I realized that his door was unlocked, so I went in and walked up to his bed. I couldn’t help but stare and watch that beautiful man sleep for a minute, he wasn’t wearing a shirt. I didn’t know if he was naked or not, but I was going to see if he was. I very gently and slowly peeled his blanket back so I wouldn’t wake him up. Once I got the blanket peeled back, I noticed that he only had a pair of yummy boxer briefs on. He must have been having a really good dream because he was all hard.
“Oh god.” I whispered.
His dick was so big that it was sticking out of the waist band of his boxer briefs and covering up his belly button, well, not really. It would have if it was a little more to his right. I reached up slowly and looked at my dad hoping that he was a sound sleeper. I started to breath really hard and moaned a little watching him closely while I slid my fingers from the waist band of his underwear all the way up to the head of his dick. Yeah, I was touching my daddy’s bare dick for the first time ever. I started to gush like crazy when I got a little braver and pulled his briefs down a little more until I could see most of his massive beautiful dick. I climbed into his bed on my knees and slid my hand flat onto his dick like mom taught me. I slid my little hand from as close to the base of his dick as I could, all the way up until my fingers slid across his dick head. My entire body trembled and my juices soaked through my shorts and down my inner thighs, I was molesting my daddy. I wasn’t planning on doing it, but when I saw his bare hard dick sticking out of his shorts, I just lost all control of myself. I watched my dads face closely and turned my hand around, and slid my hand down his dick fingers first. I slid my pinkie and my index fingers down the sides of his dick, and when I felt him throb in my hand, I couldn’t help but moan. I realized that my hips were thrusting a little while I slid my free hand on my boobs and started to squeeze them. Everything became hazy and I started to ache so bad for him that I couldn’t breath.
“He’s sssssoooo big” I whispered.
His dick was so long, that his dick head could almost touch my elbow when my finger tips were right at the base of his dick. I couldn’t help but slide my free hand into my shorts and touch my pussy when he throbbed in my hand three times. His dick felt so so hard yet soft, and it was really warm, god I was already addicted to his dick and I hadn’t even had him yet. I rubbed the entire length of his dick several times before I moved so I could watch his face carefully, and leaned down. I looked at his dick and I got so close to it that I could feel the heat from his yummy big dick on my chin. I leaned down and pressed my lips against his dick and kissed it so softly and gently. I loved how he kept throbbing against my hand and lips. I kissed it several times while I buried my fingers inside of my pussy. I moaned a little and stopped kissing his dick. I very gently lifted his dick, and when I did, I trembled and almost came right there. He kept throbbing and seeing that started to drive me insane with lust. I pulled my fingers out of my pussy and pulled his shorts down until his whole dick kind of bounced out. I stuck my tongue out and licked him several times and kissed the head of his dick. He had to be every bit of 7 inches long if not longer and really thick and heavy. I very gently closed my lips around his head and licked it while I kissed it. I jumped because he started to stir, so I stopped completely and let go of his amazing big dick. I watched him praying that he wouldn’t wake up, because at this point, I would probably get into so much trouble. He moved a little and was out again, thank god. I licked the whole length of his dick and kissed it a few times before I pulled his shorts back up to where they were, and got off of his bed. And to think, I was getting ready to crawl into his bed with him, yeah, not a good idea at that point. Because if I did decide to sleep with him, he would wake up with his dick deep inside of his little horny girl, and his little girl would be riding him until he filled me up with his cum. Fuck the idea of that drove me crazy. Anyway, I got off of his bed, and covered him back up slowly and carefully before I snuck out of his room.
I ran back to my room, shut my door, and stripped down completely. I went and grabbed my toy out of my bag, threw my bag on the ground, and laid on my bed. I laid there and sucked my toy the way I wished I could have done to my daddy’s dick just minutes before for a few minutes. I fucked myself silly for almost an hour and had at least five really big orgasms. When I got done, I cleaned up and got dressed, I couldn’t wear my other shorts again because they were soaking wet, so I just put on a little g string.
“Oh my god I can’t believe that I just did that.” I said while I giggled.
God if daddy only knew what his little girl did to him that night. I wondered what would happen if he woke up and let me keep going, I wondered if he would just give in to my desires and let me have him, let me fuck him. I couldn’t sleep after that, I mean I kinda did, but I didn’t sleep all that good because everything that I did to my daddy kept playing in my head. I’m not even sure how long it was after I molested my daddy like crazy, and then fucked myself silly, but I woke up to the sound of him ordering breakfast for us. I got up and tried to make myself look half way decent and went out. I immediately started to fish a little to find out if he knew that I molested him and that I actually tasted his magnificent dick.
“Good morning, did you sleep ok?” He asked.
He looked so excited to see me, so I figured that he had no idea that I almost fucked him that night.
“Yeah I did for a while.” I said.
“For a while?” He asked.
“Yeah, I just couldn’t sleep after I woke up to go pee.” I said.
“Well, you have three hours to sleep on the way home baby girl, so you can get caught up, hopefully. Your grandparents are going to be there when we get home so you’ll need to get some sleep.” He said.
“Ok, so how did you sleep?” I asked.
“God I slept so damn good, a bomb could have gone off and I wouldn’t have even known it.” He said.
SCORE!! He had no idea that I molested him, I thought.
“Don’t worry dad, I would have woke you up if a bomb went off.” I said.
“Go get dressed and get ready baby, our breakfast is going to be here soon.” He said.
“Ok, I need to take another shower anyway.” I said.
“Ok, don’t take too long.” He said.
“I’ll try, I’m a girl remember?” I asked.
I went and took a shower, and I was kind of happy that my dad had no clue that I molested him, or at least that’s what it seemed like. I got naked and took my shower and while I did, I couldn’t help but get horny again. All I could think about was my daddy and his amazing dick. I loved everything about it, how it looked, how it felt in my tiny little hand and especially how it felt on my lips and my tongue. I loved how my daddy tasted and I wanted more. I was starting to get a little worried about wether or not I was going to be able to control myself. Because after that morning, I realized that it was going to be so much harder than I imagined, like, almost impossible to control myself. I finished my shower and left the water running so dad would think I was still in the shower. I dried off, wrapped my hair in a towel, wrapped myself in a towel and went and grabbed my phone.
Me: mom, I have to make this quick because dad is waiting for me, but I need help
I waited for a few minutes and didn’t get a reply, so while I waited, I finished drying off and put my panties on. Finally my phone vibrated.
Mom: what’s going on? R u ok?
Me: I’m perfect, I just need help
Mom: what’s going on?
Me: I molested him while he was asleep
Mom: OMG!! Way to go! How did it go?
Me: amazing, he has the best dick I have ever seen!
Mom: so what did you do?
Me: I went in his room and he was sleeping
Me: I pulled his blanket back and he had the biggest boner
Mom: and?
Me: I touched it. I pulled his shorts down and touched his dick
Mom: it’s nice isn’t it
Me: it’s amazing.
Mom: did you do anything else
Me: I kissed and licked it. I didn’t get to suck it because he started to wake up
Mom: did he wake up?
Me: no he didn’t. I stopped after that, I did it for almost 6 minutes or so
Mom: so what’s the problem
Me: I don’t think I can control myself around him anymore. I want him so bad mom, u don’t even know.
Mom: actually I do, it was like that with me and my brother, that’s how we started actually
Me: u started it?
Mom: yes but I had to work up to it
Me: what do I do? Help me or I’m going to ruin this
Mom: use your toy as much as possible
Me: it’s not working mom u have no idea how sexy dad is! Like, O..M..G!!
Mom: well, what I did was I masturbated at least three times a day.
Me: please tell me it will work I have been aching for him so bad since he picked me up!
Mom: it’s not going to baby I’m sorry. It will take the edge off and make it bearable, but it’s not going to take that ache away.
Me: I’m in so so much trouble mom.
Mom: is he hotter than Channing Tatum?
Me: oh god yes, so so much hotter!! He’s so yummy
Mom: I don’t know what to tell u other than what I’ve already said. Do what you have to do to keep from making things awkward. Does he know u molested him?
Me: no he doesn’t, I don’t think he has a clue
Mom: look in your purse, I put something in there 4 u
I got up and grabbed my purse and opened it. I looked around and found a pill bottle, not a prescription one
Me: what r these
Mom: those r sleeping pills. If u have to have him, slip one of those in his drink and have him drink it. He’ll be asleep and he won’t wake up. He’ll be hard as a rock and you will have him for a while.
Me: mom, I’m not raping my dad.
Mom: it’ll help, I did that to your uncle for a month before we actually had sex consensually
Me: mom, I’m not going to rape him, no!
Mom: I’m not saying rape him honey, but what it will do is give you more time to molest him if you want to.
Me: can I give him a blow job? Will that wake him up?
Mom: It never woke my brother up, I don’t know if it will wake your dad up or not. Just test it out and see if it will work.
Me: I don’t know if I wanna do that to him
Mom: I understand, but it’s going to get to the point that you’re not going to be able to take it anymore, and when you can’t, you’ll have something to help you out.
Me: kind of like an emergency back up thing
Mom: yes.
Me: ok I better get dressed, he ordered breakfast to be brought here
Mom: ok, good luck and have fun..
Me: k
After all of that, I got dressed after I tuned the water off, and that day, I chose to wear a tiny pair of shorts and another tank top. I did my make up and pulled my hair back, mainly since it didn’t take long at all. I liked showing my tummy to my dad, especially since he likes to touch me there, so I decided to change my shirt. I put a really small little shirt on, it was really really cute. The sleeves stopped about half way down my shoulder, it was kind of loose so the sleeves would slide down my shoulders to give my hot daddy a little peak. The best part of it was that it showed my tummy really really good. Basically, if I lifted my arms, he would be able to see the bottoms of my little boobs, and since grandma and grandpa were going to be at his house when we got there, I decided to wear a bra. I didn’t want to, but I did so they wouldn’t think that I was a slut, then again, my little outfit may still make them think that, but I didn’t care cause I was trying to seduce my daddy.
“There y…you are.” He said while he looked me up and down with a look in his eyes that made me tingle all over.
I don’t even think he realized that he was pretty much undressing me with his amazing eyes, but I don’t think he realized how much I was loving every second of it either.
“Are you ok daddy?” I asked while he looked me over really really good.
“Yeah, I’m fine, come over here, it’s time for breakfast, you made it out just in time.” He said.
When he said that, it just meant that he caught himself checking his little girl out , and I didn’t want him to stop. I kinda rolled my left shoulder a little making my sleeve start sliding down my arm.
Do you like my little outfit?” I asked.
“Well yeah, it looks comfortable.” He said as he looked me over really good.
I just smiled at him and bit my pinkie nail and walked up to him.
“It is.” I said while he looked right at my tummy and slowly up my body.
He grabbed me and sat me down next to him to try to keep him from lusting after me. We sat around and joked around like there wasn’t any sexual tension, and as we did, the battle in his head became more and more obvious to me. After we ate, we both went to our rooms and brushed our teeth, then we packed up and checked out, got in his truck and started to head to his house. He tried so hard to control his eyes, and he did pretty good to be honest, but he still looked me over from time to time. He was right, it was a really long drive, and after a while, I took his hand and slid my fingers between his, I loved holding his hands like that, it made me feel so warm and safe. He didn’t even try to fight it at all, instead, he just relaxed and gently squeezed my fingers with his, letting me know that he liked it as much as I did. It had to be at least an hour into the drive that I fell asleep, and my god I sleep so good. I noticed something about my daddy for the little time that I spent with him. I am, and have always been a very affectionate girl, I love cuddling, I love holding hands, I love being in a guys, or girls lap, I love having my face and lips close to theirs, and I absolutely love having my body against theirs at all times. And kissing, oh god I loved kissing. All of that made me feel sexy, I don’t have any other way of explaining it. I have to have that, and my ex boyfriend, my uncle and my cousin absolutely hated all of that about me. They said that it was really annoying and that it was starting to make them mad, so I stopped doing that period. None of them wanted to so much as hold my hand, and it sucked. I think that was one of the reasons that I lost all interest in my uncle and cousin, but it wasn’t the main reason. My mom didn’t even like it that much, I mean she cuddled with me after we had sex, but it wasn’t very long. She didn’t like it when I hung all over her, and like I said, I was a very affectionate girl so it kinda sucked. My daddy, he was absolutely, and completely opposite of all of them. It was like he was eating it up, like he was loving every second of me constantly touching him in some way. He was very gentle with me, the way he touched me, the way he talked to me, and how he actually initiated the touching himself a few times. And when I took his hand and slid my fingers between his, he seemed to just relax and pull me closer to him. I can’t say for sure, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I take after him that way. It would explain why he was still single because some girls feel like they’re being smothered, like the guy was needy when he did that. And I think that he was happy when he realized that I was not getting mad about it, In fact, he realized that I would just melt into him, and it just made him become more affectionate.
I fell asleep on the way to daddy’s house, and when I did, I slept ssssooo so good. I don’t remember anything about the ride home except for the fact that we were holding hands. The last thing I remember was laying the seat back and looking over at him and thinking how incredibly handsome he was. I fell asleep staring at the amazing looking man that I was with, he’s that hot.
“Wake up sweetheart, we’re almost there.” He said making me open my eyes.
And when I started to look a round, I saw that it was so so pretty there! There were these huge trees, and we were obviously in some really big mountains. We were driving down hill into the area that my daddy lived, and when we got to the bottom of the hill and to a stop light, I noticed that the city was surrounded my mountains. Everything was so green and awesome, “wow, I could live here, it’s beautiful!” I thought while we drove into the city. It wasn’t a city like I was use to, it was a lot smaller and didn’t have a lot of sky scraper buildings like there were in Miami where I lived, but I loved it.
“Wow daddy, it’s really really pretty here, I love it.” I said.
“I know there was only one thing that would have gotten me to leave this place.” He said.
“Oh yeah? What is it?” I asked.
“If your mom would have let me have visitation rights, and wouldn’t have filed restraining order after restraining order, I would have moved to Miami and gotten a job there.” I said.
“I wish she would have.” I lied.
I lied because I don’t think I would have been introduced to incest, and I probably wouldn’t have met my dad at the nude beach, and I probably wouldn’t be lusting after him like I was.
“Me too.” He said.
“See that fire station right there.” He asked.
“Yeah, it’s big.” I said.
“That’s where I work.” He said.
“Oh cool, I wanna go see it.” I said while I looked at him.
“You will but let’s get home first so we can get you settled in for the summer.” He said with a smile that melted me into mush.
“Ok, what ever you say.” I said.
I sat there and looked at my daddy and just started to swoon, my god I can’t say it enough, the man is way beyond fine! He was so so sexy, and the way he smiled at me, I don’t know. I realized that I was staring at him, so I looked out the window and scooted as close to him as I could and held onto him like he was going to get away. He didn’t move away from me when I did that either, he just held my hand and leaned over the center thing until our shoulders were touching. I was in heaven, god I wanted to be daddies girlfriend so so bad. So between that and the lust that I was feeling for him, I was getting to the point that I was seriously considering using the sleeping pills mom put in my bag. We talked the whole time we were driving to his house, that I didn’t even notice that we were driving out of the small city. We drove down this really pretty road that had cliffs on both sides, and we drove for a little bit. After a few more minutes we came to this really nice area, there were a few houses and they were ginormous. But the houses weren’t close to each other at all, they were so far away from each other that if we had a yummy incest orgy at one of them, we could do it outside and no one would know. I looked up at my daddy and let this tiny little sigh out, I was that attracted to him, if your dad was as incredibly sexy and hot as mine was, you would too. After a little while, we started to drive down this really pretty street, and after about ten minutes, we pulled onto another really long road, and it was a lot skinnier than the little highway we were just on. We kept driving and I saw how the road was pretty much covered by these huge trees, they were trimmed to look like we were driving through a tunnel. We drove through that for few long minutes before I saw this house in the distance. Do you know how you see these really, really big houses in magazines, or on the Internet that are made from real logs, like, really big ones? And they have these real rocks that were all part of the house? Yeah, that’s exactly what the house looked like and it was huge! I honestly didn’t think it was dads house at first at all, I thought it was grandma and grandpas house to be perfectly honest. I mean, my mom and uncle were both rich, so they had to have gotten rich from their parents. It was ssssoo so much bigger than my mom and uncles house, and their house was huge, like the kind you see in gated places. Where stuck up rich people who drink wine and talk shit on anyone who was poor.
“Wow, grandma and grandpa have a huge house! It’s way bigger than mom and unc, I mean, my step dads house.” I said.
“Your grandparents live in Missouri.” He said while he looked at me.
“Who’s house is this? I asked.
“Mine.” He replied.
“Holy shit dad, really?!” I asked.
“Well yeah.” He said.
“I didn’t think fire fighters got paid that good.” I said, I was shocked!
“Well, we don’t actually, did your mom tell you everything about my parents and what happened to them?” He asked while he kept driving.
“Yeah, they were meth heads and they got killed the day you were shot.” I said.
“They were worth a lot, and I mean a lot of money. When they got hooked on meth and started cooking it, they somehow forgot that they had the money that they had. It turns out that they made wills out, and they left me everything, I didn’t even know about it till I was almost 19. So, here we are. And by the way, it’s not just my house, it’s yours too.” He said.
“They must have left you a lot.” I said.
“You can say that, yes.” He said.
I watched him open his garage and when we pulled in, I saw the motorcycle and got excited.
“So when are you going to take me for a ride on that?” I asked while I pointed at his bike.
“Tomorrow.” He said.
I was so excited to be with my daddy, that I didn’t even notice that he had a black Ferrari, I mean I saw it, but that was the last thing on my mind. We got out of his truck and he helped me take all of my suit cases out, and once we got into his house, I was surprised at how nice it was inside. My mom, uncle, cousin and I went on a few secret incest vacations to a resort that had this amazing log house, but it wasn’t a house, it was the resorts club house thingy. That’s where we checked in and stuff, and daddys house reminded me of that place. It was absolutely amazing! We walked into this huge living room area, and the ceiling was like 3 stories high at least. It had a ginormous fire place, and all of the furniture that daddy had was like these oversized brown leather couches, love seats and chairs, like recliner chairs. It had a balcony that went around the back of the living room and the kitchen was amazing.
“This is nice.” I said while we walked into the living room.
“Thank you.” He said.
“Mindy?” I heard a voice say.
“Yeah.” I said.
I watched grandma and grandpa get up and look at me. Grandma started crying while they both started walking up to me. Grandma hugged me and held onto me and cried. After a few minutes she let go of me and put her hands on my face and looked in my eyes.
“You’re so beautiful! Oh my god, Ikaika, do you see how beautiful your little girl is?” She asked.
“How can I not?” Daddy asked.
“I love your hair, did your mom do this?” She asked.
“Yeah she did.” I said.
“God I can’t believe how much you’ve grown up, you’re really beautiful.” Grandpa said while he hugged me.
“How was your flight?” He asked.
“It was long, but it wasn’t that bad.” I said.
“You go get caught up with them and I’ll take your suitcases up to you room.” Dad said, his eyes, I swore to god that I was going to fall in love with him again!
Grandpa insisted on helping my dad, so grandma dragged me to the living room and sat me down on dads oversized leather couch while they took my suit cases up the stairs. I watched him, and to be honest, I did not like the fact that I couldn’t see him and I think grandma noticed that I was starting to freak out a little, I guess it was pretty obvious to her cause she laughed at me.
“He’s just going to be upstairs hun, he’s not going anywhere.” Grandma said.
“I can’t help it, I haven’t seen him for a long time and I just wanna be with him.” I said.
“You were always a daddies girl, I see that hasn’t changed.” Grandma said.
“I just didn’t know it until he came and got me at the airport.” I said.
We sat there and started to catch up on my life basically, and while we did that, my daddy and grandpa came down and decided that they were going to go get us some lunch. They left and grandma and I kept talking, it turns out that they absolutely loved my dad, like, they really loved him. They knew all about his history, so they were really proud of the person that he became, but they loved him because he did absolutely everything he had to to take care of their grand daughter. I also found out that I was always his pride and joy even though he never got to see me. I was all he ever talked about, but everyone could see a great deal of pain in his eyes when he talked about me since I wasn’t there with him. Apparently that day that I was forcefully taken away from him still haunted him really bad. Grandma said that he had nightmares still and he suffered from depression. So in order to fight his depression off, he worked all the time, like, he hadn’t had a day off in years, except for that time he went to Australia. He worked at the full time station, he was a volunteer fire man, and he taught at the fire school. But after he found out that I was coming, he stopped working so much, and according to my grandma, he got so excited that he called them everyday to talk about it. After a little while we stopped talking and she looked at me like she wanted to ask me something, but didn’t know how to ask.
“Ok, so I have to ask you this because I noticed some things about you when you got here, so can you be honest with me?” Grandma asked.
“Yeah, I think I can.” I said.
“Ok, so how are things at home?” She asked.
“They’re ok.” I replied.
“So is there anything that is going on that your dad doesn’t know about?” She asked.
God she was forward, it was like she knew what was going on at home with me and my mom and them. I started to get a little scared, I wondered if she was psychic or something.
“Uuummm, do I have to answer that?” I asked.
“It’s ok, I promise. Listen, let me just say this, you have no reason to be scared or worried at all, in fact it makes me happy to see it happening. That being said, I know that your mom and her brother have been living together for a long time, and I know what they’ve been doing, they’ve been doing that since they were really young. It was bound to happen with those two, just like it was bound for everyone in this family to get involved with each other, it’s just the way we all are. Just so you know, your grandpa and I are first cousins and we’ve been together for many years. It’s illegal and it’s bad and wrong, but you just can’t help how you feel about some one. It’s not normal for anyone else, but that kinda thing is very normal for this family and it has always been. I’d be surprised if it didn’t happen with anyone in this family.” She said.
“Grandma, why are you telling me this?” I asked while I started to relax a little.
“Because I see how you are looking at your dad, I know that look. That and your body language around him says it all, not to mention this really cute little outfit that you’re wearing. So have you been introduced to the family tradition?” She asked.
“What’s the family tradition?” I asked.
“Incest, we keep sex in the family but it’s not really a tradition for us, it’s more of a way of life for us.” She said.
“Wait, all of you do that?” I asked.
“Yes we do, just don’t tell your dad that.” She said.
“So all of you have incest and stuff?” I asked.
“Yes we do, your mom and uncle were the first ones since me and your grandpa that decided to just stay together. Don’t get me wrong, the way she left you when you were little still pisses us off, but at the same time we love that our kids are getting along like they are.” She said.
“I didn’t know that you all did that, mom never told me that.” I said.
“We have over that last 5 or more generations, it’s in our blood.” She said.
“Wow, well that explains why I like it so much.” I said.
“So have you been doing stuff with your cousin?” She asked.
“Yes, but I’ve been playing with my mom and uncle too.” I replied.
“That’s great, Its exciting.” She said.
She actually got really excited, my grandma was acting like a kid, that’s how excited she was.
“Have you had sex with them?” She asked.
“Yeah I have a lot. I still have sex with mom, but once I found out who my dad was I stopped having sex with uncle William and JT.” I said.
“Why?” She asked.
“Are you kidding me grandma you have to ask?” I said making her laugh.
“He is an incredibly handsome man, that’s for sure.” She said.
“Handsome doesn’t even cover it! He’s sexy, he’s hot, and that body of his, oh my god. After I first met him, I had no idea that he was my dad, but after that day, I couldn’t have sex with them anymore, no offense I swear, but daddy makes them look ugly.” I said making her laugh kinda hard.
“Ok then, now I know why you stopped having sex with them. So are you looking to get your dad into our little family tradition?” She asked.
“Can you blame me? I mean seriously.” I said.
“Ok, give me your phone, I’m going to give you my number so if you have any questions about seducing him you can call me. I’ve had years of experience and my grandma taught me a lot of things.” She said.
“Ok.” I said while I handed her my phone.
“Now, listen to me, he’s never been involved with a family member before so you have to take it slow with him ok?” She asked while she programmed her number in my phone.
“I know, that’s what mom said.” I said.
“Now if you succeed, you will be the very first girl in our family that has ever gotten involved with her daddy in many years.” She said.
“Oh trust me grandma, I will get him don’t you worry about that.” I said.
We kept talking about what I was doing with mom and stuff, and I was surprised that grandma was just obsessed with incest as I was, only she didn’t watch incest porn like I did. It started to make me feel all horny and wet, but what made me even hornier was the fact that my daddy had no idea that moms family was like that. Of course I didn’t know that either, I just thought that my mom and brother were hiding their relationship from their parents. I found out that my whole family on my moms side never married nor did they really date anyone unless it was to cover up their relationships. Mom having sex with my dad was a cover too, but my dad really did get my mom pregnant with me. It was obvious because everyone in her family had red or blonde hair and really really white skin. I found out that mom and her brother were secretly dating and she cheated on him with my dad, so when dad got her pregnant, they had a huge fight and broke up. Grandma said that it was so awkward for everyone in the family that it was crazy, they even tried to talk to them about working things out, but my uncle was hurt really bad and didn’t want anything to do with it. Long story short, uncle got another girl pregnant out of revenge and moved, it wasn’t until after I was born that they worked things out and moved in with each other. So there you have it, the history of my moms family, a history that I had no clue existed, my moms family, all of them had sex together. The thing that I loved about it, was that I didn’t have to be careful around my grandparents, in fact I told my grandma everything that happened to me. Like how I was brought into the family tradition, and I told her everything about what I thought of my daddy, and that I had actually met him before but didn’t realize that he was my dad. Now, I could check my daddy out and undress him with my eyes, and they wouldn’t even care, in fact, my grandma said that I should do that, and when he notices how I look at him and perv on him, that he would eventually give in. She also said that I should wear really sexy outfits for him and everything. She told me that the outfit that I had on was a perfect start. The more I thought about it, the more I realized how happy I was that I didn’t even throw the sleeping pills out that mom sent with me. Oh god this was going to be a challenging yet fun summer! All I knew was that my dad was in for a big surprise…
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