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My cousin Jo and I, Part 12

Jo and the girls enjoy each other and me.

My cousin Jo and I, Part 12

We move to Christy’s bedroom. Entering Jo says “Dick get on your back
on the bed. Christy finish what you started. Susie lay by Dick.” Christy
straddles me sliding my cock into her tight cunt. I take one of her tits in
hand toying with it. I watch as Susie lays beside me and Jo on her side by
her. Jo and Susie begin kissing. Jo’s hand is at Susies pussy. Christy is
riding me. I’m in turmoil trying to watch all thats going on and with Christy
fucking me. It almost impossible to keep up. I lay back and let Christy
pleasure me. She’s enjoying it too as she lets out a grunt every now and
then as she grinds her cunt on my cock. Smiling like the Chesser cat.

She leans in sticking her breasts in my face. I take each one and suck on
a nipple in turn. Making her moan with pleasure. “Harder.” I hear Susie
say. But I can’t see what Jo is doing. ‘OH my, fuck yea.” She says. I can’t
see but I can feel the bed moving by Susies ass. I’m guessing Jo is finger
fucking the crap out of her.

Then Jo gets up goes to the foot of the bed, crawls between Susies legs.
Next she groans “Holy fuck Jo that feels go great.” Just about then
Christy must have had an orgasm, I feel her pussy grip my cock. She kind
of shivers and goes limp. “You ok I ask?” “Oh fuck yes, I’m great.” I feel
liquid running down my balls and ass crack. She slides my dick out of her,
getting off me. I can see Jo now, her head in Susies crotch. I still have not
cum. So I get off the bed go behind Jo. Start to pull her panties aside to
fuck her. “No, I hear her say.” I stop “Why not?” “I’m still on my period.”
“Dam Jo that sucks.” “Think it sucks for you, think about me.” “Yea I’m
sorry.” “Here.” She pulls her head from Susie’s crotch. “I think she’s
warmed up and ready though.” Susie giggles “Yes Jo’s definatly got me

So I get between Susies legs. Line my cock up to her awaiting pussy.
Push the head in with no trouble. She is very lubed up from Jo’s eating
her. I’m fucking the crap out of Susie for awhile. Christy and Jo are sitting
on the beds edge watching me fuck her. I feel weird fucking Susie while
the are watching. Jo seems to notice. “Whats wrong Dick?” I slow down
for a minute. “Nothing wrong, I just feel weird having you two watch me
fuck her.” “Don’t like an audience?” Jo says. “It’s just weird.” “Ok I get
the hint, Christy I need a drink.” “How about I get us all something.” “Ok,
but I’ll help. Let these two have some privacy.” “You really don’t have to
go.” I say. “No it’s Ok really. Just make her feel good.”

I look at Susie, she smiles at me. She is squeezing her huge tits inviting me to suck them, fuck yea that
sounds great by me. I start pounding my cock into her. I take one tit in my
mouth sucking it nibbling on the nipple hard. I move up kissing her sliding
my tongue into her mouth. She sucks on it hard. We kiss passionately
several times. I’m ready to cum. “Susie I’m going to cum.” “No not in me
please.” I quickly pull out and shoot a steam across her belly, tits and
neck. Then two more times I almost hitting her in the face. “Fuck me, I groan.
I needed that.” She giggles “Me too.” Taking a couple fingers to scoop my
cum up and licking it off her fingers. “God I love the taste of that.”
“Really?” “Hell yea. I loved sucking Jon off just to taste his cum.”

Just about then Christy and Jo come back. “I see you managed to make a
mess of my bed.” Christy says. I also came across the bed too, that and
there’s a huge wet spot where Susies is laying. “Sorry guess I kind of
squirted with that last orgasm.” “Fuck girl looks like you peed the bed.”
Christy laughs saying. “Guess better here than on the couch.” “ If you
want we can help change sheets.” says Susie. “Not till we are done.” she

We sitting having a drink for a few minutes, they are talking on several
girl subjects. It made me feel out of place. Like How much each bleed
during their periods and how long each last. Then Christy says she found
some of her mom and dad’s sex toys. the other day snooping around. Jo is
like “Oh yea like what?” “I don’t know here I’ll go get them and show
you.” Christy leaves and comes back with a shoe box. openes it up. There
are several items in it. A rubber dick about the size of my cock only
longer. A smooth dick I guessed. Till Christy did something and it started
humming. “Holy shit that cool!” Susie said. A bottle of KY lubericant. One
more item a smaller rubber dick with straps attached. “What the fuck is
this?” Jo asks. Susie Giggles “Oh my.” “What?” Says Christy. “You don’t
know what thats for?” “No.” christy says.

Susie explains it for a woman to strap on and fuck a man with in the ass.
“What! No fucking way my mom does that.” “OK only other reason might
be your dad can’t get his dick hard and he uses it to fuck her.” Christy
“No theres got to be another use, neither of those reasons can be right.”
“Well I don’t know of any other reasons.” “How do you know about this
kind of stuff any way?” Ask Christy. “Mom’s got one of these, picking up
the vibrator. I have peeked and seen her use it. I was near her bedroom
one day and heard the humming so I peeked in to see what it was. She
was rubbing it on her pussy and sliding it in and out. But I have looked for
it but she hides it pretty good so I don’t think dad knows about it either.
Christy can I try it?” “I don’t know.” “Come on your mom will never
know.” “Ok I guess.” “Cool.” Susie takes it and lays down figures how to
turn it on. Then rubs it on her pussy. “Oh hell yea that great.” In a short
period of time she is franticly shoving it in her cunt. “OH OH Oh hell yes!
You two have got to try this.” “I don’t think so.” Christy says. “Maybe
another time.” Jo says. “Fuck your loss.” Susie says. “This thing could
spoil a girl. The other one could be used by a woman to fuck another
woman, I guess too.” “How do you know about this shit?” Jo asks. “I have
seen pictures in a couple magazines. Jon’s got a lot of them he stole from
his dad.” “I better put them away.” Christy takes the box back. Susie
says “I see why mom has one now. Hell it as good a man when your in
need to get off. Hell maybe better than some men. But not nearly as good
as you Richard.” I smile, at her. I’m thinking god Christy’s mom and dad
are fucked up. Why would they need those kind of things. I sure don’t
need any kind of plastic toy thats for sure. Not when I have these three
girls to fuck.

Christy comes back. “Jo are you going to fuck Richard?” “No, like I said
I’m on my period. So thats counts me out. But I sure like watching you two
do it.” “Is it ok then if we do it again.” “Ok by me.” She says.

Just watching Susie use that toy made me hard again. Christy looks at
me and says “Richard don’t you ever go soft?” “Thats hard to do around
you three.” All three girls laugh. Christy comes over pushes me on to my
back. Gets on top of me. Rubs my hard as rock hard cock on her slit.
Then slides it all the way in. It feels like a tight slippery velvet glove. She
sits there rocking back and forth. The head of my dick is rubbing the back
of her uterus. “Mumm that feels good.” Jo says “Dick, How about a little
pussy to eat while your at it?” “Sure.” I’m thinking she will let me eat her
pussy seeing how she can’t fuck me. “Susie go for it girl.” Jo says. “Huh?
I though you were talking about you?” Jo smurks “I don’t think you want
to eat my nasty pussy right now.” Christy says “Remember what I told you
at the pool about a girls period.” “Your bleeding right now?” Jo smiles
“Stupid boy, yes.” “It doesn’t show.” “I’m using a tampon, its like a sponge
stuck inside me to catch the blood.” I give her this stupid look, I don’t
understand. “Ok I’ll show you.” Susie could you get me a wet washcloth. I
have a spare tampon in my shorts.” “I can get you a fresh one with the
washcloth.” “Ok that would be great.”.

Jo says “You need to get your mom to put you on the pill.” “Right like
that’s going to happen. I say anything about the pill and they will buy me a
chastity belt instead.” Jo laughs hard. Susie comes back. “What so funny?”
“I told Christy she needed her mom to get her on the pill. She said she
would buy her a chastity belt first.” “Christy is right her mom and dad are
prudes about such things.” Jo is really laughs now. Christy and Susie both
look at her like shes crazy. “After showing us the sex toys they have and
they won’t put you on the pill. Thats just crazy.” “Maybe but that’s her
mom and dad.” “How old are you 16?” “Almost 17.” Christy says. “They
would completely flip out if they even knew I was having sex.” This is while
she is riding my cock.

“Hell if one of them came home now we all would be in deep shit I can
tell you that.” Christy says. Susie agrees, “Shes right we all would be
royally fuck if they caught us.

Susie hands Jo the washcloth. Jo pulls her panties down. Theres a string
coming from her pussy. Funny I didn’t see that when I was going to fuck
her. Jo puts one foot on the bed so her pussy is spread wide. She pulls on
the string while holding the cloth right below it. Then a wad of somekind
comes out. It’s all bloody looking. “Fuck thats gross, Jo” I say. She takes
the cloth cleans her self up some. “See I told you you didn’t want to eat
me.” “Fuck no I’d be puking for sure.” “I better go to the bathroom to
finish.” Seeing that almost made me lose my erection. “You mean you two
have the same problem every month?” They both laugh and say yes.
“Fuck I’m glad I don’t have that problem.” “Well at least you understand
now what I was talking about.” Christy says. “That almost makes me
never want to eat pussy again.” Susie says “So does that mean you don’t
want to suck on this?” Spreading her legs and rubbing her cunt.

I stare at it for a minute. “As long as you don’t start bleeding in my
face. I’m game.” Susie giggles and says “I thought so.” Then gets on the
bed facing Christy. Straddles my head and lowers her pussy in my face.
The feminine odor is strong. I run my tongue along her slit. She reaches
in and spreads her lips opening her pussy to me. Her anus is all I can see.
She is rubbing her pussy all over my face. I’m running my tongue in her
and all around her hole. My tongue hits her clit, shit it feels like a small
penis. “Oh yea, thats the spot.” She says. I start sucking on it. Running my
tongue around it and flicking it too.”

All this time Christy is riding my cock. I’m getting awful close to
cumming. It’s nearly impossible to say a word. “Christy.” In a muffled
voice, “I’m going to cum.” She must have heard me, as she pulled off me.
Then Susie shifts I feel her lean forward. I feel her mouth on my
cock. She sucking me, running her tongue around the head. I’m right on
the verge of cumming. I feel her grab my ass it feels like she shoved my
whole cock down her throat. “Holy fuck Susie.” Christy says. I can’t help
it I cum right then. Susie grips my ass holding me in her throat as I unload.
As the last spazum hits me she pulls back so just the head is in her mouth.
Sucking on the head I nearly pass out from the intense pleasure of her
mouth on my cock head. It’s so tender but she holds me tight till she
sucks the last drop out.

All this time I’m eating her pussy for all I’m worth. Sometime during it all
she orgasmed at least a couple times. As the fluid coming from her pussy
nearly dround me. I was fighting for air a couple times. I had fluid
running down the sides of my face and neck. But I loved every drop I
could get.

She crawls off me, rolling on to her back on the bed. “Fuck me.” She
says “Dam you eat a mean pussy Richard.” Thats really funny as the only
other girl I have ever eaten was Jo. “I don’t know what you did but I have
never felt anything like what you did to me.”I tell Susie. “Did you like
that?” “All I can say is teach it to Christy and Jo what ever it was.”
Christy says, “I don’t think thats even possible for me to do.” “Took me a
long time to be able to do it to Jon’s cock let alone Richard’s. I didn’t think
I could but I got it done. I think I’m going to have a sore tonsels tomorrow
though.” “What did you do?” I ask. Christy spouts “She swallowed your
whole cock!” “What was that?” Comes from Jo as she comes into the
room. “You should have been here Susie just swallowed Richard’s whole
cock.” “No fucking way.” Jo says. “Thats impossible.” “I’m telling you she
just did. I watched her do it.” Susie is grinning like she just won some kind
of major prize. “I still don’t believe it. Do it again.” Jo says.

My cock has gotten soft it is laying across my belly. “Go on get on that
thing and show me.” Jo says. “Come on Richard get it up I got to see this.”
“Fuck Jo give me a break it’s not like I can just command it to get hard.”
“Well shit.” Jo comes over and grabs my cock. Tugging at it, but I’m
spent from Susie’s blowjob. Spread and raise your legs.” I do as told. Jo
gets between my legs. Jo can really suck cock. She is a whole lot better
then Susie thats for sure. Except for the swallowing my whole cock that
is. Or maybe it just that she is my cousin and that turns me on big time. Jo’s
sucking my cock but it’s not getting the job done. She spits out my cock,
starts sucking my balls, stroking my dick with her hand. I feel her other
hand under me near my ass. She stops sucking my balls for a second,
spits on my ass hole. I feel her finger rubbing my anus. She begins
working on my dick again with her mouth. Suddenly I feel her probing
finger at my ass. I clamp my cheeks together hard. But she pushes her
finger in anyway. I protest,”Jo, What the fuck?” “Quiet.” comes from her
cock stuffed mouth. “That hurts like hell, Jo. Jesus just give me 5 minute
break please.” She pulls her finger out and my dick from her mouth.
“Fucking pussy.” She says.

“Sorry but that hurt, it sure wasn’t going to help me get it up.” “I need
to pee anyway.” Susie says. Christy comes over and kisses me. We start
petting pretty heavy. She rubbing her tits on my side. Running her leg up
mine , her knee just touching my dick. Shes playing with my right nipple. I
take her left breast in my hand. She has fine nipples, getting hard as hell.
We kiss more she very passionate. I’m getting turned on again. She hasn’t
even touched my cock, but I’m getting hard. Shortly I’m stiff as a board. I
really wanted to fuck her, but the girls have a different idea. “Dam you
must really like her, Richard.” Jo says. I think I almost blushed. I’m sure
I’d be in the same condition if Jo just did what Christy did. I needed to feel
like I was being made love to not a piece of meat, thats part of it I guess.

Susie comes back in, “Whoa looks like we have a weiner.” Then laughs.
“Ok girl lets see you work it down your throat.” Jo says. Susie get in a
side 69 position. “It’s easier this way.” She slides the head in her mouth.
Gently sucking it, running her tongue all around it. I still pretty sensitive
for my last orgasm. Every time she hits the hood of my cock I shiver with
pleasure. She’s working more into her mouth each time she moves her
head down my shaft. Her hands are along side my hips. I can’t help it her
pussy is just to the side of my face. I reach over and pull on her leg. She
must have understood as she mounted my head. I stare at her pussy for a
moment, then run my tongue across it. She responds by sucking hard on
my cock head. I run my tongue between her lips and across her clit. She
lets out a groan of pleasure. Sucking on her nub she goes a little crazy.
Bobbing her head on my cock. I can feel her hands starting to grip my ass
, her finger nails cutting into my cheeks. I run my tongue as deep into her
as I can. She buried my cock deep into her mouth, digging into my ass
cheeks. I’m pushing up with my hips at the same time. “Fuck me.” I hear
Jo say. “See I told you.” Christy says. “I have never did that to a guy.
Even guys half his size. Hell I gag when I get on at the back of my mouth
even.” Jo says. Susie leaves my dick deep in her throat for a couple
minutes. The pulls off and gasps for air. “Dam girl what keeps you from
gaging when you do that. How the fuck can you breath?” Jo asks “I told
you it takes a lot of practice, with a lot smaller dick than his for sure.
There’s a trick to breathing on most guys but he’s to big for that.” “Can
you teach me ?” Jo asks. “Actually it something you just have to work on
regularly. Especially the gag reflex part. It is just a matter of getting past
it. After a while it doesn’t bother you.”

I”m kind of laying there listening but really need to get my rocks off.
Susies pussy is dripping fluid all over my face. So I’m guessing she cum at
least once. Just for the hell of it I reach around run my fingers through her
pussy. Coating then with as much of her slick juice as I can. Then rub it
on her bunghole. “Humm.” She says. “I like that” So I slip the tip of a
finger in her. I’m thinking of how much it hurt when Jo did it to me. Susie
actually pushed her ass back trying ot get me to go in further. I can only
reach so far though. She climbs off me. “Would you like to try that for
real?” she asks. “Well Susie, I don’t think I’m ready for that right now. But
I sure would like it if you or Christy would fuck me. I really need to get
my nut off after that.” Susie looks at Christy. Christy says “I think you
deserve it after that blowjob.” Susie just smiles turns and straddles my
hips. I grab my stiff pole and she finds the head. Then slides her sweet
cunt all the way on to it.

She smiles at me “Make me cum again baby.” I take her breasts in each
hand squeezing them like ripe melons. She closes her eyes wigging her
ass , rubbing my cock against her uterus wall. Sliding almost the whole
thing out stopping at the head. Works her hips, rotating the head just in
side her. Fuck what a feeling. I can’t take it. I pull her to me roll us over
then pound her cunt, my balls slapping her ass. “OH, OH,OH ,OH.” she
says each time I hit bottom. She wraps her legs around my hips loosely
giving me a better angle. I driller her hard for what seems like a long
time. Then my balls are telling me it time. “Suise, I’m going to cum.” She
lets me loose I pull out sitting on my knees. I shoot a stream almost to her
face. then 3 more to her tits. I fall to her side, totaly wasted.

“I think he enjoyed that.” Christy says. “I’m a little jealous” Jo says. “I
enjoy all you girls, fuck I’m the luckiest guy in the world as far as I’m
concerned.” “Just wait a couple days. I’m going to fuck that cock right off
you. As soon as I’m over this period.” Jo says. “Don’t you like anal sex?”
Susie asks. “It’s not that I don’t like it. Dick’s to big he would tear me
appart.” “You just need to work on stretching it out. A little at a time, kind
of like cock sucking.” “I think your both a little crazy wanting a boy to
fuck your ass.” Says Christy

Christy looks at the clock it getting late and I’m not really sure when
mom and dad will be home. “Ok by me, Not that I’m complaning but dam.
I’m all fucked out.” I say. The girls laugh. “Hey you’d be worn out if any
of you were fucking 3 guys I’m sure. Oh yea I forget you don’t have to get
it up, like a guy does.”

Susies says I sure give them a run for their money though. Jo and
Christy laugh. “You would too.” says Christy.
Jo and I get dressed, I give both girls a kiss. We say good bye. then head
for home.

Part 13 to follow.