Mutual Masturbation: Between Pleasure and Myth
The Misunderstanding of Masturbation
Unfortunately, because sex in general is not a comfortable topic to talk about in many societies, self-pleasure, as one of the various forms of sexual practices, is one of the practices that is surrounded by ideas, judgments, and misconceptions that are widely spread among adolescents and adults alike.
What about an act such as mutual masturbation, which may be uncomfortable for some people because another person is present during the act.
Therefore, in this article, we shed light on mutual masturbation between partners, by providing some correct information about common misconceptions about it. We will also provide some advice on how this form of sexual expression may contribute to a satisfying sexual relationship based on exploration and relaxation.
What is mutual masturbation?
Partners can explore their desires and enhance their intimacy and emotional connection by practicing mutual masturbation, by stroking their own or each other’s genitals at the same time. They may do this using hands or sex toys.
Unfortunately, common misconceptions surrounding mutual masturbation have led to confusion among many.
For example, it is common to think that people who masturbate will reduce their enjoyment of sex with their partner due to the habit of masturbating alone.
It is also common to think that partners will not be able to enjoy any other forms of sexual activity, and will not be able to reach orgasm, if they continue to practice mutual masturbation.
But in reality, these ideas are not true; people can enjoy sex even when they are practicing self-pleasure or when they are practicing mutual masturbation.
There are also other ideas that need to be discussed regarding mutual masturbation,
1- It is said that mutual masturbation is only for those who are unable to perform penetration.
In fact, mutual masturbation can be an alternative for those who are unable or unwilling to engage in penetration.
But it can also be one of a variety of sexual practices that partners enjoy, including penetration.
Mutual masturbation itself can be a pleasurable sexual activity for some people, regardless of their ability to engage in other forms of sex.
2- Mutual masturbation is said to not be considered “real” sex.
This depends on the definition of “real” sex; for many, penetration may be the only sexual practice that is considered real sex.
But in reality, this belief may stand in the way of partners enjoying a variety of sexual practices, through which they explore their own bodies and each other’s bodies and the places of pleasure in them.
Viewing sex as being practiced for pleasure will make the definition of sex not limited to a specific practice, but rather, it will expand to include a variety of activities that achieve pleasure between compatible partners.
Mutual masturbation is one such activity, as it is a sexual practice that involves foreplay and sexual stimulation, and involves the possibility of reaching orgasm.
3- Mutual masturbation is said to be practiced only by inexperienced or shy individuals.
In fact, people of all levels of experience and comfort with their bodies and sexuality can enjoy mutual masturbation.
It can also be a way to explore new sensations, get to know their partner’s body, or simply be a form of sexual expression.
4- Mutual masturbation is said to not lead to orgasm.
However, mutual masturbation can lead to orgasm for many individuals; by engaging in self-care or partner-care.
5- Engaging in mutual masturbation is said to mean that both partners are dissatisfied with their sex life.
However, as with any sexual activity, partners may choose to engage in self- or mutual masturbation for a variety of reasons, including sexual pleasure, sexual intercourse, or as a way to diversify their sexual practices. This does not necessarily indicate dissatisfaction with other aspects of their sexual life.
6- Mutual masturbation is said to be a selfish act.
However, when done with the consent of the sexual partners and after an open and honest dialogue between partners, mutual masturbation can be a satisfying and intimate experience for both parties, as it allows partners to learn about each other’s desires and preferences, which can enhance their overall sexual relationship.
In addition to being a sexual act that partners can practice together, mutual masturbation is also a practice that helps partners enhance their relationship, such as:
1- Communication
Partners can work on improving communication between them by engaging in mutual masturbation, or even when both or one of them desires it. It is important for partners to discuss their boundaries, preferences, and any concerns or questions they may have before engaging in it. Engaging in mutual masturbation can be an opportunity to establish a dialogue, for a more comfortable and satisfying experience for both partners.
2- Consent
It is essential in any sexual relationship, and mutual masturbation is no exception. Both partners should be comfortable with the sexual practice they are about to engage in, and each should check in with the other constantly to ensure that consent is maintained at all times, and to enhance communication between partners.
3- Exploration
Mutual masturbation can be an opportunity for partners to explore their bodies and each other’s bodies. By observing each other’s pleasure techniques, partners can gain more knowledge about their partners’ different ways of being aroused, leading to more satisfying sexual experiences in the future.
4- Intimacy
Engaging in mutual masturbation can enhance the emotional connection between partners, as it involves sharing a very private aspect of one’s sexuality.
5- Alternative practice
For individuals who are not yet ready for sex or are not ready for a specific act such as penetration, or to work on breaking the ice at the beginning of relationships, mutual pleasure can serve as a fun and satisfying alternative.
6- Change
Mutual masturbation between partners can provide an alternative to sex and help break up their sexual routine from becoming monotonous. It can also be an exciting addition to foreplay or a means of achieving orgasm for those who may find it difficult to reach climax through penetrative sex.
7- Education
Mutual masturbation can provide an educational opportunity for partners to learn about each other’s sexual responses, desires, and boundaries. This knowledge can lead to a more satisfying and enjoyable sexual relationship.
The Viewer
Mutual masturbation can be an opportunity for partners to discover new aspects of themselves and their partners. Mutual masturbation can be an opportunity for voyuers (people who get aroused by watching their partners naked or performing a sexual act, such as self-pleasure) or exhibitionists (people who get aroused by showing off their naked bodies or performing a sexual act, such as self-pleasure, while someone is watching, in this case their partner).
Mutual masturbation is a fun and intimate practice. As we have discovered, it is not only a safe and enjoyable sexual activity for partners, but it also encourages open communication, and enhances sexual and emotional intimacy.
Mutual masturbation can add variety to partners’ sexual experiences, and serve as a satisfying alternative for those who are not ready or able to engage in other sexual practices.
Like any form of sexual activity, mutual masturbation should be practiced with clear consent between partners, and with respect for personal boundaries.