Movie Marathon

Author’s note: This is a work of fiction. All characters are fictional and 18 or older. Not intended to be realistic. Always get consent:) Do not copy or repost this story!! Enjoy

My name is Aaron, I’m 6ft tall and have brown hair, white skin, and the darkest brown eyes anyone’s ever seen. It was the summer after senior year of high school therefore I, or… uh, we, were 18 at the time. Before we went away to college, one of my best friends, a girl named Amanda, wanted to see all the Marvel movies because I have an obsession with them and she had never seen any. I warned her that there were almost twenty movies in the MCU (Marvel cinematic Universe) yet she didn’t care. Amanda claimed she was more than happy to come over and watch them all with me.

Senior year was very rough for me as I had spent the whole year trying to earn the love and heart of a girl who did nothing but break mine. I had told Amanda everything about my devastating crush, heartbreak and torturous year. That girl really ruined my year, she purposely lead me on just to crush me and hurt me. Luckily, my good friend Amanda was very sweet and was always there to comfort me. In short, she knew all my pain and all my secrets. We were just friends at the time, nothing more. I really needed to spend time with a friend to help me get over my terrible year and move on. Therefore, I invited Amanda over for a Marvel movie marathon so she could watch and understand all the new movies that came out. Most of all she wanted to understand and see the movies that I love.

It started as another random Saturday in the sweaty months of August. Amanda rang the doorbell. I answered and let her in. She was wearing black yoga pants and a white shirt. Being a guy, I’m not sure what type of shirt she was wearing but it was loose, looking like a drape from her chest that was covering her midriff. It addition, it was slightly low cut, revealing a small amount of cleavage. Although Amanda was insanely attractive I had never pursued a romantic relationship with her in order to retain our friendship. Even if I confessed that I think I have feelings for her, she probably wouldn’t feel the same and I couldn’t handle anymore rejection that year. In the meantime I did enjoy hanging out with Amanda as friends. Secretly, I thought Amanda was practically perfect. She’s the nicest person, friendly, funny, helpful and my God was she gorgeous. Amanda had long, lustrous dark brown hair that she often tossed around and played with and had flawless white skin with a touch of a summer tan. I could get lost staring into her light brown eyes as her bubbly personality kept conversations going endlessly.

Now Amanda is a little plump; which means she has a tiny puff to her cheeks that makes it cuter when she smiled. I wouldn’t say Amanda is overweight by any means, however, she is very curvy and has all her extra weight in all the right places. Everyone’s eyes are always drawn to… well, Amanda has a gargantuan ass, there! That’s the only way to put it. None of her friends, especially not me, have ever mentioned it to her but Amanda is extremely pear-shaped. She has large thighs that lead to wide hips and the biggest of bottoms. Amanda has the sexiest plump tummy. I’ve seen it exposed many times when we went swimming. She’s not at all fat by any standards but Amanda has a round belly as if she is constantly bloated. There’s not enough fat on her stomach for it to fold over or droop but just enough to show that she has got some curves and damn does it make me want to rub her belly. Lastly there’s Amanda’s breasts. Their size depends on her outfit so I could never tell her true cup. My guess is a Bcup because some days they look huge and others they look to be a decent, modest and beautiful B. On this day they happened to look huge but my guess remains locked in at B.

Normally I never talk about my friends that way yet this is all important information to understand Amanda.

My basement has a projector screen like a movie theater so I lead Amanda downstairs. The old wooden staircase creaked as we walked. Once at the bottom I turned to see Amanda still walking down. Her tits bounced very slightly but enough for her loose shirt to flap and show off some belly. With her tight yoga pants on Amanda’s tummy looked a tad bigger than it really was. Amanda reached the bottom step and gave me a knowing smile. Did she know I was checking her out? My cheeks went red with embarrassment. What an awful friend I am, I thought.

Amanda walked toward the couch in front of the large screen. Just before she sat down Amanda pulled her yoga pants up to cover part of her belly just below her navel. This hid her belly making it appear flatter. Meanwhile the material of her pants stretched, straining to cover Amanda’s giant ass and wide hips. The fabric was spread so thin it turned partially see-through in some parts; obviously her thick butt and thighs. In fact they were so see-through that I believe I spotted pink panties through them before she sat down.

I shook my head and shut off the basement lights. The projector was already on, providing us with enough glowing light to see in the dark. I was ashamed for looking at my dear friend that way. I saw her underwear and it made me think of how much I wanted to grope and feel that lovely huge ass of hers. I wiped sweat from my forehead and those thoughts from my mind. I was a better person than to think those things about Amanda. She was a great friend who didn’t deserve a pervert as a friend. Of course I’m not actually a pervert but my recent thoughts made me feel guilty.

I walked over and sat on the opposite side of the couch, away from Amanda. She was distracted playing with the soft, fuzzy brown couch cover to notice me. I smiled and started the movie, forgetting all about Amanda.

The first movie to watch was Iron Man; the first movie of Marvel studios and the mcu. We sat in silence as the movie played. Now, Amanda is an extremely friendly person who is known to go around hugging everyone and leaning on them. That’s why it was no surprise to me when within thirty or so minutes of the movie, she was leaning on me, practically sitting on me. As I explained, Amanda has a very sexy, big ass and it was right on top of my crotch! This made me very uncomfortable. We were just friends yet I knew with her on me like that I would certainly get an erection. I began to grow restless and worried that at any moment my boner would start to rise and she would feel it. In my mind I started to plan out what to do out of panic. I thought, “maybe I should warn her and make a joke out of it then it’d be funny and less awkward. On the other hand maybe if I focused on the movie I won’t get a hard-on and she would never notice.”

I tried to distract myself from the fact that my beautiful friend was sitting right on me and her face was a foot away from mine. Unfortunately, it didn’t work for long. Right when I thought I was safe, Amanda leaned forward to scratch her foot or something and her butt rubbed against my crotch. I immediately began to harden at a rate that I couldn’t stop. It wasn’t my fault, there was physical and visual stimulation even though we were good friends my dick didn’t care; it made me think sexually of Amanda which caused further arousal. My face turned to pure shock. I didn’t know what to do or say. Amanda had to feel my erection. I was stone hard and her plump ass was pressing right against it!

I tried to look at her face to get a sense of her reaction but she was looking away from me, still staring at the movie. When she sat back up, once again rubbing my crotch, I felt my cock twitch. That’s when I knew she had to feel it and I had to do something. Amanda wiggled a bit and suddenly my dick was wedged in between her asscheeks; basically I guess since we were both wearing clothes. To my surprise, Amanda ignored my raging erection and continued to lean back against me. She watched the movie as if nothing had happened. It was too much for me. Her huge butt was squished against me, I couldn’t ignore it, it turned me on so much that I was not paying attention to the movie at all. Instead I was trying to figure out how I could get out of this awkward situation without making the rest of the night uncomfortable for us both. With every slight movement she was rubbing against me, ensuring my erection and sexual thoughts never went away. I finally decided enough was enough and something had to be done or else I might lose control.

“Uhh Amanda?” I started. She turned her head slightly to look at me. “The way you’re sitting is kinda… well you’re an awesome person and I love you as a friend but you’re also a very attractive, stunning girl and that means you can’t sit on my lap, a boy’s lap, without getting… I don’t know, some unwanted attention?”

At first there was silence. Amanda simply smiled at me. Then after a few seconds she giggled, leaned away from me and sighed. “Oh Aaron, who says it’s unwanted attention?”

I was confused. I thought she didn’t understand what I meant so I repeated myself more clearly. “No Amanda, I mean if you sit like that you’re accidentally rubbing against my crotch which is turning me on and I’m really sorry for it. I can’t control it, so please sit next to me or something because it’s not gonna be fun if you sit on me like this. I’m really sorry.”

Amanda laughed. “Aaron stop apologizing! I’m saying I like this. It… it’s kinda hot to me to think that I can turn you on like this.”

“You mean you meant to do this?” I asked bewildered.

“Not at first, but once I felt your large dick against me I started to think about all the nice things, all the compliments you ever gave me. It made me realize you’re not just being nice or a good friend, you actually believe in what you say, you really think I’m gorgeous don’t you?” Amanda confessed.

It was time for my confession now. “Yes of course I do. I’d never lie to you, you’re so sweet and breathtakingly stunning. You don’t have to do something like this in order to know that I’m telling the truth.”

Amanda blushed. “You know that I hate it when guys hit on me or flirt with me but it’s strange because when you say things like that… I love it.”

We sat in silence again for a moment. I think we both didn’t know what to say or what lied ahead for us. Finally Amanda began to speak.

“And yeah maybe it was wrong to grind against you like I did but I really didn’t do much. I’m not offended. In fact I’m very happy because… I don’t know… it’s like the guys that usually hit on me, I know that they’re only after one thing, you know? Like they don’t care about me, they just want sex, it’s obvious because they’re complete strangers that know nothing about me. However, with you it’s different. You’ve been my friend for a long time and have always been here for me, so I know you care about me. You know a ton about me, my secrets, my interests, my dreams. You know me, understand me, and now I know you! That you’re way more than just a good friend or a good person. You love me for who I am, unconditionally, and in return you never asked for anything and you even wanted me to stop grinding against you, you truly respect me and you’re not after anything.”

“I don’t know what to say Amanda,” I replied.

She blushed from what she had admitted. “You don’t have to say anything, I love you too! Nobody’s ever complimented me without wanting something from me. I know we’re just friends but I love you so much more than that. Sorry I’ve kept it a secret and you had to find out like this. Don’t worry about not knowing what to say because this says it all,” with that Amanda did the unexpected and grabbed my hard cock through my shorts. I didn’t dare move. I stared back at her in disbelief. I could feel my dick throbbing as she stroked my shorts with her left hand. My eyes moved up to meet hers. “I can’t believe I actually turn you on, for once in my life a decent guy, err no uh, an amazingly sweet guy, is attracted to me. That makes me feel so great; like I’m worth more than I thought. I don’t just attract perverts I can get a really great guy. I believe we could be amazing Aaron. I just have to know for sure that all you say about me is true and that you really want to be with me?”

“I’m not sure what you’re doing or where you’re going with this but, yes Amanda I do love you. You’re honestly beautiful. I can’t imagine anyone more heavenly than you… what!”
I yelled because Amanda stood up and removed her white shirt. The whole time I was speaking she was only half listening and more focused on undressing. It caught me off guard. I was very confused but I decided to shut up, sit back, and watch what was going on.

Amanda put her hands to her hips while forcing out her bust and belly a bit. Amanda was by no means fat, a little plump, possibly chubby, but not fat. Her belly had enough mass to curve over her pants at times however her stretchy yoga pants prevented that from happening now. She stood in front of me wearing a tight black bra and constricting black yoga pants. I stared up at her tits, I still wasn’t too sure but I believe they’re around a Bcup or a bit larger than the size of a handful and not much more. Amanda’s bra looked a bit too small for her making her breasts look a lot bigger. I was utterly captivated by her. Then she started to rub her curvy belly with her right hand and my dick twitched. She was so hot.

“You find this fat body attractive?” Amanda asked. She didn’t take her eyes off her stomach as she played with it.

My heart sank. “You’re not fat!” I exclaimed. “You’ve got the sexiest body anyone could have Amanda, look at you!” She blushed and grabbed her stomach with both hands holding onto her belly fat between her fingers. I found this extremely hot even though she was trying to turn me off. Her belly is perfect just a little pudgy to make me want to rub it and hold onto it. The best way to describe her is curvy as her sexy belly is perfectly round, while her ass and thighs are much bigger; massively huge but very hot. Not big enough to be a turnoff.

I stood up. I couldn’t take the teasing anymore. I had to kiss her or touch her, to do something! I reached out to her soft face and brought her head swiftly to mine in a quick kiss. It was her turn to be speechless. She stared at me with lust sparkling in her eyes. I had never seen such an expression on anyone before. Suddenly Amanda leaned in and we passionately kissed. Obviously I was very turned on by then so I couldn’t control myself and let my hands drift down to her giant ass. It was amazing! Feeling her butt through her tight yoga pants made me realize how much her pants were straining to contain her wide hips and thick ass. I squeezed an entire handful of her ass in both hands as our bodies came together to make out. My hands roamed all over her back while we kissed. Amanda’s hands were searching my body as well but what I felt the most was her grinding her pelvis or groin against my hard cock. I was in heaven. I could even feel her soft beautiful breasts pressed against my chest as we embraced.

Finally Amanda broke away in order to speak. “I can’t believe this is happening” she started. “I want you to see all of me because I can’t believe you’re actually attracted to me.” With that she stripped off her pants and panties in one swift motion. They dropped to the cold concrete floor before I could say a word. Next, Amanda removed her bra and let her nice big tits rest naturally against her. Her belly, boobs, and thighs jiggled as she moved. Amanda did a 360 spin to show off her naked body. Then she stood casually. I loved her gigantic ass that rippled and shook when she spun. Amanda is definitely a pear-shaped girl with glowing white skin as soft as silk. “Well,” Amanda announced, “this is it. This is all of me. You really don’t see how fat I am until you see my ass and thighs huh? You really like a chubby girl like me?”

At this point I was certain she was teasing me, yet she was serious. She really couldn’t believe I honestly thought she was beautiful. “Amanda I don’t believe in perfection but you’re as close to perfect as possible. You are not fat, maybe curvy, but not fat. You’re ass and thighs are so thick; it’s beyond sexy!”

Amanda smiled devilishly while blushing. She rushed forward and hugged me, squeezing me with all her might. I could feel heat from her pussy or pubic region as her lower body rubbed against my stiff dick. As quickly as she hugged me, she pushed away. Amanda grabbed the waistband to both my red shorts and blue underwear and quickly yanked them down to the floor. It was too fast and unexpected for me to react. Amanda smiled sweetly and claimed, “you were very overdressed.”

I stepped out of the clothes piled at my feet and took off my nerdy spider-man shirt. We were now both completely naked. I stared back at Amanda’s eyes and they dazzled with desire, it was so surreal, she is so gorgeous. “Wow, you’re insanely hard Aaron. I’m so lucky that my best friend loves me and is really, really attracted to me. This thing proves you actually think I’m sexy and umm here’s what I think.” After Amanda spoke she immediately grabbed my cock and kneeled down. She stroked it until it stood erect at a strong seven inches or so. My dick had never been bigger, it grew to about three inches wide or a tiny bit smaller, I wouldn’t know. What I did know was that before I knew it, Amanda was sucking my dick. Nothing made sense in that moment. Seconds ago we were just friends. Then out of nowhere she confessed she had feelings for me, I confirmed that I never lied to her, I honestly believe she’s stunning and somehow we both ended up naked and aroused. At the time I had no idea what this night would lead to. I wasn’t sure if she was just as horny as I was or if we really had a connection and could form a stable relationship. We were great friends and loved each other as friends but now I couldn’t see how I could go back to that, it was like what Amanda said; I loved her much more than that and seeing her smooth body, I couldn’t get enough. I wanted to do this, see her, be with her, all the time.

I could feel my pre-cum already leaking into her mouth. I was so shocked any of this was happening yet it was, it was all real. My eyes were locked on Amanda although the pleasure I was feeling made it hard to keep them open. Her glistening brown eyes stared up into mine as her mouth went back and forth on my cock. While she sucked and licked my dick her hands were busy keeping it steady. Then the next thing I knew her left hand reached for my balls. I felt them boil as cum began to surge to the surface. There wasn’t much time before all that cum would come blasting out.

“Amanda? I can’t hold back my cum much longer,” I warned.

Amanda stopped sucking me. “Ok, I can’t have that. I want you to cum somewhere else first.”

I noticed that she said “first” which meant this blowjob could quite possibly be the first of many. “Alright but I’m really close, where do you want it?”

Amanda blushed with a sigh. “Oh Aaron, I want it in my pussy! I know you’re shy, quiet, and a man of morals, though I really wanna go all the way with you. I’ve waited for this longer than you know, yet if you don’t wanna do this we don’t have to.”

I was stunned. This is the best day of my life, I thought. Amanda was my best friend and one hell of a beautiful lady. I pointed to my dick which was so hard it was touching my stomach, “Amanda look at me. Of course I want to, I would love to make love to you, you’re a goddess.”

She giggled and shook her head. “I mean it Amanda. You’re so sweet, caring, talented and sexy. You’ve got it all.” Amanda stepped forward and I enjoyed watching her body jiggle lightly. Then she hugged me while slightly humping me. I ran my fingers through her hair as we kissed and made out as if we were never going to see each other again.

As we made out and we ground against each other, we slowly backed up until we made it to the couch. Before I knew it Amanda was lying on her back on the couch and I was on top of her still sucking her tongue as we continued making out. Our hands randomly and greedily searched each other’s bodies as we kissed.

Suddenly Amanda pushed me away. “I can’t wait anymore Aaron, I need you inside me right now!” She yelled. I agreed. I leaned back and carefully guided my strong cock inside her as she moaned loudly. Her wet, warm pussy pulsed out her juices as I entered her. “Holy shit!” Amanda exclaimed. “I think I’m gonna cum already! How is that even possible?” Then I only heard moans from her. She wrapped her arms around my back and her legs around my waist. We kissed every chance we got when she wasn’t moaning. Her arms pulled my chest down closer to hers while her legs forced my cock to plunge deeper and deeper into her heavenly depths until I swear I was entering her womb.

Amanda screamed with pleasure. I never thought I would be able to turn someone on or please someone like that. Amanda was really into me. I was in paradise. While we were fucking, I snuck my hands down to grope a handful of her ass. In order to reach her great mounds of flesh I had to wedge my hands between her and the couch. It was a little tricky but the reward was well worth it. My hands overflowed with her incredible thick and soft ass. I repeatedly squeezed and rubbed her sexy big asscheeks. Amanda smiled and sighed hot breath into my mouth as she broke our kiss. “You really love my fat ass don’t you?” Amanda asked. Her voice was heavy as she was holding back her moaning in order to speak.

“It’s so sexy Amanda,” I breathed, “you’re so sexy.” After that Amanda pulled me back down and shoved her tongue inside my mouth. She bucked her hips as wildly as she could. I decided to surprise her and moved my hands up away from her ass and behind her upper back. I pulled her up as she pulled me down. We were smothering each other as if we were attacking one another with our mouths. At the same time I picked up the pace of my thrusts. It felt impossible but I wildly forced myself deeper into her wet cunt as well. My energy matched hers or topped it. Amanda was not expecting that. Her pussy grew tight, clenching onto my dick, as a powerful orgasm rolled throughout her soft body. Amanda broke our make out session again, this time to moan with pleasure. Her eyes rolled over in bliss as she swam in the waves of her orgasm. I enjoyed watching Amanda tremble as her orgasm rolled from her jiggling thighs to her belly and then her bouncing tits. It went all throughout her body over and over. Finally she gasped loudly for air and lied back calmly. Her eyes returned to normal.

Amanda breathed heavily for a moment. I slowed down my movements but I didn’t stop. Then Amanda looked up at me, starring into my eyes as she started to buck wildly again. Her gorgeous breasts jiggled as they were pressed against my bare chest. They felt wonderful, I had to feel them with my hands. I could tell by her sharp, erect nipples poking my chest that she wanted me to feel them too.

I leaned down to my right side and took her right tit in my left hand. This was beyond anything I could imagine. Holding, cupping, squeezing and rubbing Amanda’s breasts made me pick up the pace again and fuck her a little harder. I loved her and her body so much. Amanda cried out with pleasure again, this time as I played with her tall nipples. She seemed to enjoy it when I rubbed the area just below her nipples so I did just that while thumbing them too. Eventually I couldn’t control myself and I had to kiss her magnificent tits. I positioned my mouth on her tit-flesh above her left nipple. I kissed and sucked all over both her beautiful boobs. Amanda gasped and moaned. Then I locked onto her left breast or nipple with my mouth, sucking on it as if I were a nursing baby… or… I guess a horny teen? The whole time I never let go of her right breast. Everything I was doing, especially the increased and harder fucking, drove Amanda over the edge. Once I started sucking her tit she yelled, “OH GOD AARON PLEASE DON’T STOP FUCKING ME! I LOVE YOU! I WANT YOU TO NEVER STOP FUCKING ME!! FUCK ME LIKE THIS EVERYDAY, ALL THE TIME!”

Amanda moaned and breathed heavily then added, “just don’t stop, fuck me hard. Aaron I can take it. I want you to fuck me like this forever.” She leaned forward and kissed my head as my lips remained sealed on her perky breast. “Suck my other tit now please?” She pleaded in a moan as if she even had to ask. I stopped sucking her breast and started making out with her while my fingers squeezed and played with her tits. “Ohhhh,” Amanda moaned. Her fingers were constantly digging into my back or running through my hair. Meanwhile my cock was deep inside her, stretching out her pussy. Amanda never unwrapped her legs from around my waist, except when she orgasmed. This prevented me from ever exiting her wet womb.

When I finally did as Amanda asked and sucked her other breast, I felt her vagina contract in another orgasm. She hollered and commanded me to keep going. Amanda’s eyes rolled back again as her orgasm resulted in the hottest display of trembling boobs, belly, butt and thighs. I’m certain she has the best body. My body and the couch were covered in her pussy fluids as she came. The tight, squeezing sensation of her vagina on my dick was getting me close to cumming myself. I stopped sucking Amanda’s tits and focused on pounding her harder, ramming her with my cock. She hugged me tighter as if she were clinging onto me for dear life. All her gasps, moans, and screams were really getting to me. Amanda was bucking harder against me in return. We were fucking like wild, sex-crazed animals!

“Wait can we change positions before I cum?” I asked. I really wanted to feel up that gorgeous belly of hers.

“Why?” was all Amanda could say as I ferociously pounded her. I couldn’t reply, I was slamming her a bit too hard and had to slow down to give us both a break. That’s when Amanda yelled, “oh God please just cum in me now! We’ll fuck in any position you want later, but right now just fucking cum!”

Amanda’s words made my balls rumble with a storm of cum. I couldn’t hold it back. I was going to pull out despite what she said but I didn’t know where else to cum. My cock and balls swelled with cum. It was too late to ask Amanda anything. My eyes closed while my mouth hung open in bliss. Something came over me and my thrusts became more rough and savage. At long last cum blasted out of my cock and deep into Amanda’s pussy like a rocket! Every strong thrust released spurt after spurt of cum.

Amanda obviously felt me cumming as she screamed “OH GOD YES! OH CUM INSIDE ME!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH… I’m cumming tooooooo!” Amanda was right. My orgasm triggered her third. I loved knowing I could please her this way. Her legs were still wrapped around my back, shoving me inside her deeper with every thrust. She was practically slamming my body into her own. Amanda’s hips bucked, writhed and quivered. Feeling my cum gush inside her must have drove her insane with pleasure because she too became more savage using her hips and legs to fuck harder. Amanda’s legs made sure I never pulled out. I kept cumming buckets inside her wanting womb. “How are you still cumming?” Amanda asked shocked.

I started to slow down as my orgasm came to an end. Amanda relaxed too. This was her third orgasm, she was exhausted from all the orgasms and savage fucking. “I think this is the last of it,” I replied as I gave her the final shots of cum. Finally we were spent.

Amanda removed her legs and made room for me to lie next to her. She turned herself around to face me. The couch wasn’t big enough for two people to lie down side by side so I had to hold onto Amanda to ensure she didn’t fall off. She wrapped her arms around me in kind and closed her eyes. She was in heaven as much as I was. Our bodies were mashed together. Her sexy heaving, tits pressed against me as we cuddled. Amanda eventually started to slide off the couch so I reached down placing one hand on her giant ass and pulled her back on. My hand remained on her thick thighs just below her big, hot booty. Then she moved her right leg over mine to help her stay on as well as to get even closer to me. By doing this Amanda also brought her pussy closer to my dick too. I loved being able to feel the heat radiating from her womanhood as well as her beautiful thighs as we held each other.

Suddenly Amanda opened her eyes and stared longingly into mine. “I truly love you Aaron,” she confessed again. I squeezed her body while bringing her in for a light kiss. “I love you too Amanda, more than you can imagine,” I replied. Then she kissed me while humping a little. Amanda squeezed me harder than I was to her.

“I don’t think we can go back to being friends anymore,” Amanda began. “I love this way too much for this to be a one time thing. If it’s ok with you I wanna fuck as much as possible. All the time everyday. When we’re not fucking I still wanna be with you, spend every second with you.”

“I can’t agree more. You know this is a movie marathon right? This is only your first of like over fifteen movies, and after we’ll still hangout and sex it up for the rest of the summer. How does that sound?”

“Like paradise,” Amanda smiled. Then she paused and asked, “Aaron?” She had a worried expression on her face. I gave her a small peck on her nose to make her smile. “Yeah?” I responded. Amanda’s next words astounded me.

“You realize you just came in me… and we weren’t using any protection. Sooo… there’s a chance you just impregnated me…” Amanda had tears in her eyes but she didn’t look upset, just scared. Before I could respond Amanda continued, “I’m sorry that I made you do that. I feel awful, please forgive me. I wanted you so badly, to feel your cock and cum pump me full. I don’t regret it at all; you were better than my wildest dreams. What I regret is that I really didn’t warn you I could get pregnant and didn’t check to see if you were ok with risking it and…. What would you do if I’m pregnant with your baby?”

It was a lot to think about all at once. To be honest I did think about the risk of getting Amanda pregnant while we made love but just like her, I didn’t care. I responded softly in a gentle, honest, caring tone. “If you end up pregnant I’ll help you in any way I can. I’ll be here for you as always, I’m not going anywhere. I’d be more than happy to fuck you everyday throughout your pregnancy and give you or do whatever you want. Trust me I knew the risk so don’t blame yourself especially when you’re so worth it Amanda.”

Amanda was speechless. Her body spoke for her as her nipples became erect and probed my chest while her hips started humping me a little faster. Every so often I could feel her pussy lips rub against my cock. She squeezed my back in a strong embrace. Her whole body, especially her pussy and thick thighs began to heat up. Needless to say I was hard again in no time.

“Aaron,” Amanda began, “honestly you’re the sweetest, smartest and best person I’ve ever known. Secretly part of me wishes you got me pregnant because I would be so lucky if my kids were anything like you. I’d love for them to have your noble genes. You’re perfect. I’m sorry about how this sounds. I know we’re both going off to college in a month and I have so many dreams for the future… but DAMN does the thought of you knocking me up turn me on!”

I wanted to admit something to Amanda but she started grinding against me and making out wildly. Our hands searched each other’s bodies, gliding all over as we explored the other’s skin. I held Amanda’s nice fat ass tight as she slammed her crotch against me with her lustful humping. Eventually Amanda paused from our hyper make out session. “Can you do all the stuff you said you would even if I wasn’t pregnant with your baby? Do you really love me enough to risk filling me with your baby batter and impregnating me? My pussy is on fire I’m craving another healthy helping of your massive loads wayyy inside my fucking cunt!”

I was almost ready to cum right there as I rubbed her phenomenal thighs with one hand. Amanda’s words got me ready to fuck her again. “Yes I mean it all Amanda! I’ll always risk anything for you, you gorgeous goddess!”

Amanda laughed, “Sorry I look like I’m already pregnant and showing. My Dr. said I’m a few pounds overweight, not by much, and the tremendous load you already unleashed inside me is kinda making me seem bloated. I wasn’t expecting you to cum so much!”

“Amanda, I love your sexy belly and sexy body. You’re not overweight, you have the perfect body, just enough tummy for me to hold, rub, feel and love. Your tits, your giant sexy huge ass, your womanly hips and thighs, your pretty, stunning face, brilliant brain, your fun, awesome, friendly personality and best of all and my favorite… your heart of gold!! Don’t doubt yourself, you’re the best Amanda!”

Her body spasmed. “Oh Aaron please shove that fantastic cock inside me! I definitely love you, you’re too sweet. My ass isn’t THAT big but I love that you love it. Right now I just need you to fuck me please!” Amanda begged me to fuck her. I wasn’t fully recharged from our wild sex just a few minutes ago so I made sure to prolong the foreplay.

I have no idea what exactly I said or did but something made Amanda go absolutely insane. Her hands roamed my body with such fiery passion that it was as if she were searching for something frantically. Amanda’s fingers tugged at my skin, pulling me in for endless amounts of kisses. She sucked and kissed my face, lips, and neck, like we’ve been apart for years. Amanda never ran out of energy. Her hips bucked as she ground her pussy against my erect cock. Her right leg remained on top of my legs, locking me in place. Her thigh was pressed against me, her pussy rubbed my cock, her slightly round belly was smushed against my flat stomach. Her beautiful, bountiful breasts were crushed against my rugged chest. Her lips and tongue were locked with mine. Lust had taken over Amanda. I loved every second of it. The very idea that I was making Amanda act this way turned me on beyond belief. I guess that’s ironic because this all started because Amanda couldn’t believe she turned me on.

We spent at least thirty minutes cuddling naked, making out, feeling each other up, kissing, sucking, and humping or grinding against each other. I held Amanda close and rubbed my left hand against her right leg which was still locked over my legs. I kept moving my hand from her incredible, soft thighs to her sweet, thick ass. We never took our hands off of each other. Our bodies remained pressed against one another the whole time. However, I eventually recharged and we, especially Amanda, couldn’t wait any longer.

“Fucking fuck me right now Aaron!” Amanda belted. She started to slam her hips and pussy into me as hard and fast as she could. “There’s a lot I want from the future and college but right now all that, even my dreams, can go to hell! I wanna risk it again, as long as you’re ok with it? I just have to feel that great dick inside me again, that glorious explosion of cum inside me! I apologize again, I know how that sounds but I really can’t go without it and if I get pregnant then I’d consider myself lucky to spread your loving and caring genes. I want kids in my future someday anyway and I definitely want them to be like you, you’re my favorite person. Please fuck my brains out! I need it so badly! Don’t worry about the risk just unload inside me! I love you no matter what happens even though I don’t wanna get pregnant right now, I do wanna have your baby someday. I wanna fuck you until the end of time! Fill me with your cock and cum! Fuck me now Aaron!”

All the verbal stimulation got me crazy horny. Amanda had stopped controlling herself a while ago. Now I finally lost control too. We went wild. I pushed Amanda off of me so I could get in position to fuck her. “Turn around, doggy style,” I commanded rather urgently. Nobody has ever listened to me as quickly as she did. In seconds Amanda flipped onto her hands and knees. I plunged my stiff cock all the way inside her wet, cum-filled pussy. Amanda hollered with joy. Her hands clenched the couch for stability. Now I was able to easily feel her ass and belly. While thrusting harder than last time, I reached down to hold onto her cute belly while we fucked. I played with her amazing, round gut. Gravity made her belly seem bigger than it really was which made me love it even more. I rubbed and caressed Amanda’s sweet curves. I held her tummy with both hands as I fucked her. My fingers squeezed as much of her stomach that would fit in my hands. Pre-cum leaked inside her. I was obsessed with Amanda’s gorgeous belly. I couldn’t take my hands off of it.

Amanda realized all the attention her soft stomach was getting. “Oh my god Aaron,” she sobbed. At first I was scared, it sounded like she was crying but I had no clue why. “You really love my body don’t you? I’ve always been so self conscious wishing someday I’ll become super skinny and lose this bloated gut. I also hate my bubble butt that attracts so many creeps. You’ve always liked me for me and now… you really like my fat, chubby belly? My thick ass, my thick… everything??”

I squeezed Amanda’s belly hard and then rubbed it profusely. “You’re not fat! You’re so beautiful Amanda! Of course, I already told you I love you! That means I love your body too. Your wide hips, smooth legs, sweet tits, nice arms, hot pussy, and yes… I especially love your soft little round belly. Amanda your body is perfect,” I confessed as I massaged her back.

Amanda sniffled a bit. “You don’t know how much this means to me. That you find me so attractive, that I have this effect on you. You’ve always said the nicest things to me, but never mentioned my body. I don’t know why but it actually turns me on hearing you talk about my body with such admiration.”

“It’s ok Amanda, just remember you have a gorgeous womanly figure, not fat, not chubby or bloated but beautiful and curvy. There’s nothing wrong with that. Please don’t wish you were super skinny. Don’t wish to be or try to be anything other than you because it’s YOU that I love. That means I definitely love your womanly curves but I love your personality and your heart too and more, because that’s the real you, what’s inside matters the most to me and what’s inside you is the best friend I could ask for and the most caring person I’ve ever known.”

Amanda stopped crying… at least audibly. Instead I heard small gasps escape her mouth. “Oh I know! I know! I know!” Amanda screamed. “I know all that you think of ME… I just didn’t know you felt the same about my body too. Everything you say means so much to me. God I wanna kiss you right now! If you love my body as much as me then slap my ass!!” Amanda commanded lustfully.

I was entranced by Amanda’s dirty talk. It was so strange to hear such words out of someone who for so long was just a friend. However, her words turned me on even more than I was already. I stopped talking, listened and picked up the pace. I wound back my left arm and gave Amanda’s sexy thick ass a loud smack. The way my hand bounced off her jiggling asscheeks made my dick twitch and spurt some pre-cum. Amanda yelped in surprise. Then she gasped and breathed, “fucking do it again! Fuck me harder, grab my tits, my ass, my belly! Man-handle them! Pound me! Screw me! Leave red marks all over my body, show me how much you love touching and feeling me. Blast another gallon of cum inside me and then rub my full, cum-filled belly. Just have your way with me, I’ll have mine with you later, right now I need you to really fuck me hard Aaron!”

Part of me wanted to cum right then after hearing all that Amanda said. Fortunately, I held on longer and did everything Amanda said. While I slammed my cock in and out as hard as I could, I heard Amanda moaning, gasping, and saying “I love you” and “I love this. ” She begged me not to stop and to fuck her everyday. I was elated that such a sexy girl and amazing person wanted me so badly. I felt the same about her.

My hands were placed firmly on Amanda’s hips as I fucked her. She had a nice layer of flesh to make her hips soft and provide a handle of sorts. A love handle? It’s hard to describe the perfect balance of Amanda’s body because she truly isn’t fat, just a little thick in some places. Sweat dripped off our bodies. My hands started to slide down from her hips to her luscious thighs. I mashed and played with her thighs and then raised my hands back up to do the same with her jaw-dropping giant ass. Amanda moaned loudly, then sighed. Without warning I wound back and gave her ass a slap with my right hand that time. In response, Amanda started to spasm and convulse. Her soaked pussy tightened around my cock and tried to milk cum from me. I contained myself and held back. I wanted to feel Amanda’s body a little longer before I came.

“Oh Aaron you’re turning me into a slut for your cock!” Amanda moaned. Her ass slammed backward as her orgasm shook her hot body. Amanda’s movements were forceful. It was like she craved me. She was addicted to cumming as well as being filled with my cum. Her hips rocked back and forth to make each of my thrusts more powerful. “I kinda like this position,” Amanda gasped. “It lets you feel me up, take control, and even fuck me harder!” She added as her climax subsided. I heard her panting heavily afterward. Sweat was starting to drench our bodies but she didn’t want to stop. I know I definitely never wanted to.

I leaned forward and slid my hands from her thick hips up to her swaying breasts only stopping a moment to caress her belly. When I started to fondle her nipples, Amanda lost it. She started to moan louder than before. I lightly pinched her perky nipples and squeezed her heavenly tits. They felt so soft and sexy I wished I could kiss them. My cum began to heat up. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to last much longer with her jiggly ass shaking in front of me. I decided to give Amanda’s gargantuan ass one last good slap. She hollered in a mix of pain and pleasure. I reached back to her tits as I began to mash them against her body. I had only just returned my focus on her tits when all of a sudden Amanda dropped her head, forearms, and tits to the couch. I couldn’t reach her breasts in this position. She had her upper body against the couch with her back diagonal, sticking her ass and pussy in the air. “I’m so close, I can’t take anymore! Just cum in me now! I don’t care! Claim me as yours! Give me your seed! Make me yours to fuck forever!” Amanda commanded.

I firmly took hold of the bottom of Amanda’s belly. My hands were positioned above Amanda’s wide hips with my fingers touching her soft, squishy midriff. Everything Amanda screamed encouraged my cum to rush forward. Using my hold on Amanda’s hips I forced her body back as I thrusted forward. She yelped in surprise and moaned with ecstasy. Suddenly, her cunt grew tighter and tighter. It constricted my cock and coaxed my cum to the surface. There was no delaying my orgasm any further. “Yes! Cum with me! Fill me up as much as you can and don’t stop! I love how you’re fucking me wildly… ahh… oooo… like we’re both wild animals… ahh YES… or sexy bests! We’re cumming at the same time! This is magical,” Amanda cooed.

Amanda tried her best to push her hips and grind along with my thrusts. It was hard to tell with the way I was holding her body and ramming into her, but she was trying to do the same. That must have been why it was so easy to push and pull her body as almost my full length pumped in and out, drilling her spasming pussy. I loved the soft smack of her heavy ass slapping against my thighs. My balls felt like they were going to explode again. I didn’t hold back. I grabbed hold of Amanda’s tiny love handles and forcefully gave my final few thrusts. With each powerful shove of my cock a great jet of cum blasted into Amanda! I could feel her body shake, writhing with joy, ecstasy, love and pleasure. Amanda’s pussy fluids gushed out of her even more so than the previous times. It was clear how much cumming inside Amanda turned her on. Tablespoon after tablespoon of my potent semen shot deep into her unprotected womb. In return Amanda moaned in bliss as her vagina gripped my cock as hard as it could. She begged me not to stop. For a moment it seemed like I wouldn’t. I just kept cumming and cumming, spraying down her insides with my seed as if I had a hose inside her. Eventually the mad surge of cum settled into smaller waves. I could feel our orgasms coming to an end. Amanda was regaining her breath. I wasn’t finished yet. With one final thrust, I grabbed Amanda’s waist tightly and slammed her into me as hard as I could. This action combined with my on pelvic thrust caused my cock to plunge inside Amanda faster and harder than a rocket! I kept squeezing and pressing her waist into me throughout the entire final thrust. I did this out of instinct but I’m certain it was to make sure my cock didn’t move an inch and remained as deep inside Amanda as possible; meanwhile I unloaded the last bucket of cum inside Amanda. Somehow the final spurt of cum was much bigger and took longer to release. Amanda shivered as I deposited the last of my cum deep within her sopping, wet depths. My cock twitched, dribbling out what cum was left inside. I gave Amanda all I had. Finally I let go of her waist, allowing her to slide off of my cock. She was too tired and satisfied to move. We both were.

I slowly eased out of her slick pussy. Amanda’s orgasm had stopped yet she was still riding the waves of the tail end of it. I heard her sigh with satisfaction. I was a little out of breath. My eyes spotted cum and pussy honey seeping from her silky slit. Amanda wiggled around until she was sitting on the couch. With her left hand she motioned for me to sit with her. I listened and sat next to her, the two of us still naked. Before we said anything Amanda wrapped her arms around me and kissed me heavily. Her kisses were different from before. This time they were slow, careful and full of passion and love. Last time there were more wild and lustful. I kissed her back just as passionately and sensually. My cock was still a little hard and I felt it rubbing against Amanda’s belly which made it remain hard, but we were both too tired to keep going at it.

We kissed until we found ourselves lying together in the same position as before. We were cuddling naked, facing each other and holding each other. “I love feeling your hard cock, strong chest, and sexy muscles pressed against me,” Amanda cooed tenderly. I didn’t think I had very big muscles but I accepted the compliment.

“I love feeling your sexy belly and beautiful soft tits pressed against me,” I replied matching her tone.

Amanda giggled. “I know,” she laughed while rubbing my dick with her thick thighs.

“Oh God your thighs,” I sighed. Amanda smiled. She liked to tease me and was obsessed with making me physically show how attractive and sexy I thought she was. Everything she thought was unattractive about her was something I loved about her and Amanda was thankful for making her feel sexy and beautiful instead of creeped out and self conscious like guys in her past who only liked her for her ass and only wanted sex from her. What I wanted was her heart, I didn’t expect to get sex too.

Amanda smiled lovingly and then turned her body away from me so that I was now spooning her. She purposely backed into me so our bodies would still be pressing together. Amanda also made sure that her firm ass was rubbing against my cock, keeping it hard and between her asscheeks. I leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her face, right on her puffy cheeks. Amanda beamed brightly and squirmed in my arms with happiness. I wrapped my arms around her. At first my hands rested on her breasts, effectively cupping them. This didn’t last long as Amanda took my hands in hers and made them slide down her body. She stopped when she got to her round belly. There she kept her hands on mine, making sure they wouldn’t move and venture away from holding her beautiful tummy. Finally Amanda spoke.

“Do you feel my belly bulging with your cum?” she asked in a hushed voice. I could feel her belly was the tiniest bit bigger, however I couldn’t tell if it was really from all my cum or if it was from me playing with her soft curves, heating them up making them expand. Before I answered, Amanda continued. “I feel it. I feel so full that I think my womb expanded just to fit it all. I can tell by my bulging, bloated belly,” Amanda whispered carefully.

I gave Amanda’s belly a loving rub. She smiled and squeezed my hands with hers and wiggled her body to press closer against me. From there she turned her head to give me a quick kiss. “I’m not sure Amanda, but I think it’s just as beautiful as ever. You’re always so beautiful. I’m lucky and blessed that we have now become more than friends, more than lovers.”

Amanda sighed and closed her eyes. “Me too. I love you so so much. I can’t wait to keep making love to you these next few weeks. Even after our movie marathon I wanna see you, hangout, and make love everyday until summer ends. When we’re in college I hope to see you every weekend. It’s like you said, this is a real lasting relationship, not lust, not simply friendship, but love.”

We kissed and cuddled in that position for a while. It was the start of something incredible. If only I knew what lied ahead of me I would’ve been much happier and maybe held Amanda even closer if that was possible. But back then we really did love each other… almost as much as we do today. Anyway, Amanda and I started to get a little frisky again but we didn’t make love. Instead we cherished each other’s company and continued to hold one another and kiss the rest of the night. Eventually we fell asleep in each other’s arms. Just as we did, I heard Amanda say, “I think we just made a baby…. I feel so stuffed with cum. No matter what happens I want you to stuff me full everyday. I’m not saying this out of lust, I wouldn’t risk my future and pregnancy for anyone… I know I truly love you. It would be a blessing and I would be lucky to have your wonderful, beautiful baby. I hope you feel the same.”

I patted Amanda’s bloated, round belly. My cum leaked out of her pussy and onto her thighs. She was right, I really filled her up. We probably did just make a baby yet it didn’t scare me one bit. That’s because Amanda said everything I felt. Therefore I quietly responded, “I do.”

Amanda smiled, pressed her ass against me and gave me one last kiss before we fell asleep in each other’s arms. That’s all I remember of that day. The day that started my long, loving, relationship with Amanda. The marathon was only beginning.

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