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Michelle – The Pool – Ch 4

Hi, I’m back..This is Michelle. I really appreciate all the comments you have all sent. Many have asked for the story where I actually get laid. Well that’s coming, (pardon the pun), but not quite yet. The stories I’m telling you are true stories from my past, and I’m doing my best to try to keep them in the order in which I remember they actually happened. So…
Hi, I’m just getting ready to start my freshman year in high school, and will be turning fifteen shortly after that. I’m still a virgin, but have just recently discovered what a rush I get, turning a guy on just by letting him look at me. The sight of a hard penis really gets my juices flowing, particularly watching a guy stroke it, and I’m afraid I’m turning into a hopeless exhibitionist…so here we go…
P.S. – There’s going to be an adult (XXX) movie mentioned in this, and the next couple of chapters. I refer to it as a DVD, but I think that actually back then they were old VHS tapes.)
Chapter Four – The Pool
I grabbed my tee shirt off the floor and pulled in on over my head. I followed Ricky to his room and watched while he opened one of the drawers in his dresser. After rummaging through it for a moment, he turned, holding out a DVD.
“Here,” he said, offering it to me. “I think this is the one that was on that you saw a part of.”
“You think?” I asked, taking the disk, “How many different ones do you have?”
“Oh, six or eight I guess,” he replied nonchalantly.
I mentally filed that bit of information away for future reference, as well as the location of the drawer he kept them in.
I returned to my room, already anticipating what I was sure would be a wonderful masturbation session later that afternoon.
Ricky would be leaving shortly after lunch for his summer job at the local supermarket, and mom and dad wouldn’t be home until five thirty or six o’clock, which meant I would have the house all to myself most of the afternoon.
I retrieved my panties from the hamper, still wet from our earlier “session”, and dried my pussy again. I put them back in the hamper, and tried to sort out the rest of my day.
Well, not really the rest of my day, since I knew where the afternoon hours were going, but rather tried to figure out what to do for the next couple of hours until Ricky left for work.
I picked the sexy DVD up off my dresser, and looked at it, front and back. It didn’t look like anything too great, but I remembered the few minutes I had seen. On a whim I opened the case. The inner insert was full of pictures from the movie, sjpwing every body part and every act imaginable! One of the pictures showed a girl with a penis in her mouth! One showed a girl with a penis in her butt! One showed two girls licking each other’s pussies! I couldn’t wait for the next couple of hours to pass so I could watch the whole thing in private.
I decided I wasn’t going to spoil my later planned “private party” by peeking first, and reluctantly closed the case back up. I decided that since I had to “kill” a couple of hours anyhow, I might as well get a couple of my weekly chores done. (Vacuuming the pool and sweeping the deck around it are on my regular chore list.))
Time out. Shortly after we moved into this house, (years ago…I think I was five or six years old), mom and dad had a beautiful pool and deck added onto the back. The pool is in ground, good sized…maybe twenty feet across, thirty or forty feet long…(I never actually measured it)…three feet deep in the shallow end, seven feet deep in the deep end…which has both a diving board and a water slide.
They built a huge concrete deck around it, and built a roof over maybe the first ten or twelve feet out from the house, so we could use it even if it was raining. They had a huge enclosure built over the entire thing, completely screening it in, with several sliding glass doors into the house, one normal door into the garage, and two screen doors leading out into the yard.
So, I decided to get these chores done, (vacuuming and sweeping), and pulled off my tee shirt. My mind was still on the sexy movie, and what was coming later, and on the pictures I had seen on the inside of the case….a girl with a penis in her mouth…a girl with a penis in her butt…a girl licking a guy’s butt hole, a guy licking a girl’s butt hole, two girl’s licking each other’s pussies! Do people really do all this stuff???
My mind was anywhere but in the present as I opened my dresser drawer and pulled out a white “summertime” bra, and matching white panties. “Summertime” means they are ultra thin material, meant to be cool. Not exactly see through, but almost. The dark area around my nipples was pretty clearly visible, and although the few hairs surrounding my pussy were too light colored to show through, my slit was pretty clearly outlined.
I pulled on a light weight tee and a pair of nylon gym shorts and started down the stairs to get done what I had to do.
I was just sliding open the glass door leading to the pool area when I realized I was being a complete bubble brain. I always wear one of my swimsuits (bikini) when I work around the pool. I don’t know what I was thinking when I dressed in regular clothes. I paused and briefly debated going back upstairs and changing, but decided the hell with it and continued out back.
The sound of our next door neighbor’s lawn mower running registered vaguely in my mind as I hooked up the pool vacuum and got started. The pool, as usual, was a snap, and inside of fifteen minutes I was stowing the vacuum and getting ready to sweep the deck.
That turned out to be not much of a job either, and twenty minutes later I was picking up the last small pile of sweepings when I heard the screen door to the deck open behind me.
I turned and saw Jeff, out next door neighbor, walking through the door and onto the deck. Jeff and I have known each other forever. We’ve been next door neighbors since we were five or six years old, and I never thought of him as anything other than the boy next door.
However, with my “awakening” in the past day. I now saw him in an entirely different light. He was shirtless, wearing only a pair of shorts, shoes and socks. He actually was not a bad looking guy, and had a nice body. Maybe just under six feet tall, he was fairly slim, no fat what so ever. While not muscular as like the weightlifter type, he was non the less very fit. Perhaps “wiry” is the right word.
He was sweating very heavily as he approached me, and obviously had had quite a workout pushing the lawnmower around. As he grew closer, I started to REALLY admire his body, and found my eyes drawn to the bulge in his shorts. The familiar tingles started running through me.
“Damn!” I thought to myself. “Now I really wish I had worn one of my bikinis.”
He approached with a friendly smile and a wave. “Hey, Michelle,” he started, “I can’t believe the lawnmower ran out of gas and our can is empty. Do you by any chance have any I could borrow?”
He drew closer and I caught a whiff of his manly scent. “Damn, damn, damn,” I thought, silently cursing my choice of clothes.
“Might be some in the garage,” I answered lightly, “Hang on just a sec and I’ll check.”
My mind was racing furiously as I turned and walked toward the door to the garage. How could I get him to stay aroung? How could I see if I could get him interested…in me…in looking at me? How could I find out if I could get him turned on like had worked with my brother Ricky? I couldn’t very well change into a bikini while in the garage!
Disappointed, I located the gas can and returned to the deck. As I exited the door from the garage, I noticed him gazing at the pool, almost wistfully. I had a flash of inspiration and knew immediately what my plan was going to be.
I approached him and put the can at his feet, again catching his manly scent.
“I’m just getting ready to take a quick dip and cool off,” I said in as light and airy voice as I could muster. “You look like you could kind of use a break yourself to cool off. Want to join me?”
His gaze shifted from the pool to me. “I would really love to,” he said almost sadly. “But I have no idea where my swim suit is.”
“Don’t be silly,” I said, quickly grabbing my tee and pulling it up and off my head, dropping it nonchalantly to the deck.
“Go in in your underwear. I do it all the time.”
His eyes were fixed on my chest, staring holes right through my almost transparent bra. I hooked my thumbs in the waistband of my gym shorts, giving them a quick tug and letting them fall to my feet. “Besides,” I added, “underwear’s not really all that different than a swimsuit anyhow.”
His eyes were now fixed on my filmy panties, and I could feel myself starting to heat up. I stepped out of my gym shorts and turned around, making a show of bending over to pick up my shorts and tee shirt. I fumbled with them for a second or two, making sure my butt was pointing right at his face. I stood back up and turned around to face him, his eyes immediately flickering over my breasts.
“Well,” I asked, “are you going to stand there and burn up all day, or are you going to join me and cool off?”
“What the hell,” he said, and his hands moved to undo his shorts. I turned away as if disinterested and walked the few feet to put my shorts and tee shirt on one of the patio tables. When I turned back around, he had kicked off his shorts. My first surprise was that unlike my dad or brother Ricky, Jeff didn’t wear boxer shorts, but rather white briefs. As I casually sauntered back in his direction, he put one foot up on one of the deck chairs and began untying the laces of his sneaker.
In this position, with his foot up, and his legs spread, the sight of the sexy bulge between his legs was turning me on. I could clearly make out the outline of his penis, even the smooth shape of the head. My eyes were transfixed.
He quickly finished removing his sneakers and socks, and straightened, turning to face me. I quickly moved my gaze from his groin, hoping he hadn’t caught me staring. I gestured toward the pool and said, “After you. You’re the guest.”
He turned and walked to the edge of the pool. Right behind him, my eyes were automatically drawn to his firm, muscular butt, the white material of his briefs stretched tightly across his cheeks.
He reached the edge of the pool and paused. I stepped up beside him and quipped, “Last one in is a rotten egg!”
I didn’t hesitate, but dove in head first. The water felt fantastic, refreshing. Not so cold as to be uncomfortable, but cold enough so I felt my nipples instantly harden. I swam a few strokes under the water, and then stopped, putting my feet down and standing up.
The depth when I stood was such that the water level was just above my waist. Facing away from Jeff, I glanced down…and gasped!
My bra, originally semi see through, now wet, was completely transparent…almost invisible! It hid absolutely nothing! I might just as well not even be wearing it! I walked slowly toward the steps in the corner of the shallow end, my back still to Jeff.
My mind was racing. How was I going to handle this? I hadn’t even thought about the white material turning transparent when wet. At first flustered by this unexpected turn, it took a few seconds to realize that this could be a great chance to “play”. I reached the steps and reached for the handrail. As I climbed out of the pool I decided the best way to play on this perfect opportunity was to feign innocence, pretend that I wasn’t even aware that my bra now had all the covering up ability of a piece of clear plastic wrap.
I glanced back over my shoulder as I stepped up out of the water. Jeff was still standing at the edge of the pool, had not yet taken the plunge.
I turned and walked back toward him, my face a mask of pure innocence. I thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head as he stared at my breasts. When his eyes dropped down to my panties, I suddenly shivered. “Oh my God,” I thought, “Have my panties become just as transparent as my bra?”
I walked right up to him, continuing my innocent act. “Your turn,” I shouted and gave him a playful shove. It was enough to make him lose his balance and fall over into the water. In the couple seconds he was underneath, I quickly examined my panties. Same thing, completely see through, completely clear. I quickly jumped back in the water, flustered, my mind racing.
I moved slowly toward the shallow end, thinking furiously. What had at first had me somewhat flustered was now opening a whole range of possibilities. As long as I was playing innocent and naive, I could show off anything I wanted to, in any position I wanted to, because I “supposedly” didn’t know I was showing off anything…
My mind went into overdrive, examining possibilities. What could I do to get into sexy positions, showing Jeff everything, while still maintaining my act of innocence?
I swam lazily toward where Jeff was now standing. I stood next to him in water that was just above my waist, just below my breasts. His eyes were so busy staring at my now rock hard nipples that I’m sure he didn’t even notice me trying to get a clear view of his briefs, and hopefully the shape of his penis inside them.
And then I had a sudden, wild thought! Did his briefs turn as clear and transparent as my bra and panties had? Would I actually be able to SEE his penis, and not just the outline, not just the shape of the bulge?
I needed a ploy to get him out of the water where I could see…really see. In a matter of seconds, inspiration hit me. I turned away from him and started moving toward the steps in the corner. Looking back over my shoulder, I called out, “Come on, you can help me.”
With Jeff right behind me, I reached the steps. I stepped up on the first one, and then put my other foot up on the top one. Pausing, I bent way over, pretending to be picking at my toe.
Perfect. With my legs somewhat spread, and me bent way over with Jeff’s face just a foot or two away, I knew he had a perfect view of my pussy…my slit, my lips, maybe even the other little hole between my cheeks.
I heard an unmistakable gasp, and continued picking at my toe for a few more seconds before straightening up and continuing out of the water.
I walked over to the large chest/box thing where we store most of our pool toys, and lifted the top lid. Certain Jeff was right behind me, I again bent way over, keeping my legs somewhat spread, and began rummaging through the contents. I knew he again had a perfect view of my pussy, and swear I could actually feel his eyes staring at me, trying to look right up inside me.
I grabbed the floating basketball basket and one of the undersized balls that goes with it and straightened up.
“Here,” I said turning to face him.
My turn to gasp.
His briefs had indeed turned almost transparent. Not like the clear plastic wrap my bra and panties now resembled, but transparent enough so I could actually see the flesh of his penis where it lay against the wet material. I could clearly see the head, round and pink, and thought I could even make out the tiny pee hole at the end of it. I couldn’t tell for sure, but I thought it actually looked larger than before.
I handed him the net and ball, and turned back to the chest, bending over again and rummaging. I found a few more of the balls for the game, but stayed in my bent over position for a few more seconds, squeezing and comparing the balls. I wanted him to have a good long look at my pussy, but ran out of reasons to maintain my “pose”.
Selecting two of the balls, I straightened again, turned, and said, “O.K. Let’s go have some fun.”
As I walked past him, my eyes automatically looked down at his groin, and now there was no doubt. He was definitely getting bigger.
I threw the balls I was carrying into the pool and jumped in after them. I turned just in time to see Jeff toss the ball he was carrying into the water. I got a little closer to him as he bent over slightly and dropped the net into the water, close to the edge.
By the time he strightened back up, I was only a couple feet away, standing with my head at the perfect height to stare directly at his penis…his slowly growing penis.
We took turns trying to shoot the balls through the net from different angles and distances. Neither of us was overly good at it. I was trying to make sure the floating net stayed in the shallow end, so whenever I stood up my breasts would be up out of the water and in plain view.
We horsed around for a little while, missing on more baskets than we made, and I was retrieving one of the balls when I made an amazing discovery. To get this ball, I had to wade right in front of one of the return water jets from the filter pump, and in doing so felt the jet of water brushing the outside of my hip. I grabbed the ball and turned, and the cascade of water was hitting me right on my pussy! It felt wonderful…like a thousand tiny fingers all trying to caress me at the same time. I got instantly turned on and stalled for a moment, standing with the water directly on my pussy. It was wonderful! I tried moving a little closer and bending my legs a little so the water was aimed directly at my clit.
I knew in an instant I could come like this, and decided this was going to require further exploration. I threw the ball back to Jeff, and moved over to the steps up out of the shallow end. “I’m going to grab a soda,” I called out. “Want one?”
“Sure,” he replied eagerly. I wasn’t sure if the eagerness in his voice really came from wanting a soda, or if it was from another chance to stare at my pussy through my now “non existent” panties.
Either way, I decided to repeat my earlier show. As I reached the steps, Jeff was “conveniently” one step behind me. I moved on to the first step, then reached one foot up to the top step, bending over and picking at my toe. His view of my pussy, I knew, was perfect. I picked at my toe for a good minute…maybe two…making sure he had plenty of time to stare. When I straightened and turned around, I swear his hand was under the water, squeezing, if not rubbing, his penis.
I feigned nonchalance, climbed out of the water, and went to grab two soda out of the pool deck fridge.
I turned to return to the pool, Jeff’s eyes glued to me, or rather, my body. I handed him one of the cold cans, and opened mine, taking one sip, and then setting it down on the edge of the pool. I carefully placed it so it was right over the spot where the return water jet came out of the pool wall, knowing that any time I went to “innocently” take a sip of my soda, the water would be streaming directly at my pussy.
We played around with the balls and the basket for a few more minutes, me making sure my breasts stayed above water level and in plain view. I swear every few seconds Jeff would sneak a hand down into the water and squeeze his penis. That was really getting me turned on as I wondered if it was getting bigger, and maybe getting hard.
I was trying to figure out a way to get him out of the pool without being too obvious, so my view would be unobstructed, but my mind was coming up blank.
I moved back over to the side of the pool, reaching for my soda. I carefully positioned myself so that the stream of water was aimed directly at my slit. I sipped my soda, moving forward and backward a few inches until the cascading water felt just right.
What a rush!
I stayed in that position, “innocently” sipping at my soda, and began gently rocking my hips back and forth. The stream of water felt wonderful, and I could feel myself getting wet…from the inside.
The splashing sounds of Jeff shooting the basketballs stopped, and I wondered if he was looking at me…watching me. I wondered if he had any idea what I was doing. I felt his presence right behind me, and started rocking my hips a little harder.
I crouched slightly so the stream was now aimed directly at my clit. I left my hands perched in plain view on the side of the pool, and increased my rocking motion.
He was now so close behind me that I could hear his breathing. I bowed my head between my outstretched hands and let out a low moan, my hips rocking faster, my pussy getting wetter, my face getting flushed.
I still wondered if he knew what I was doing…and why I was doing it. The warmth was spreading through my entire body, and I knew my orgasm wasn’t far away.
I felt his hand on my shoulder as he asked in a concerned voice, “Michelle, are you OK?”
I turned to face him and answered, “Yes…I’m fine…wonderful…almost.”
He looked me in the eyes for a second and asked, “What are you doing?”
I was so close to coming, my reply was nothing more than a husky whisper, “What do you think I’m doing?” I rocked my hips in an even more exagerated fashion.
He blushed as it became more obvious. “Well…I’m…ah…um…not sure,” he finally stammered.
His right hand had disappeared below the water, but I could pretty much see him squeezing his penis through his briefs. I moved away from the jet, and taking his left hand, put it right in front of the cascading water.
“Can you feel that?” I asked huskily.
He just stood there frozen, except for his right hand, which looked to be getting much more active.
I removed his hand from the jet and repositioned myself, again beginning the rocking motion of my hips. The cascading water was doing wonderful things for me, I could feel my orgasm approaching. I looked over at Jeff.
“If you’re a girl, this feels wonderful,” I whispered. I continued in a low throaty voice, “And you don’t even have to do anything yourself…just stand here.”
I was panting now.
His jaw dropped, his mouth agape. His hand in the water had changed motions so that now even his upper arm was moving in a steady rhythmic motion.
He looked at me in awe. “You mean you’re………..?”
“Coming…or trying to,” I answered quickly.
“Here? In the pool? In front of me?” He was now blushing, although it didn’t seem to affect the movements of his arm or hand.
“Of course, silly.” I looked up into his eyes and whispered, “What’s the matter? Don’t you like to come?”
He blushed further as he stammered, “Well…sure…I mean…I do…but it’s usually by myself in private…or with somebody else touching me…I mean…you know…”
His blush deepened as he became more and more flustered.
I began rocking my hips more and more forcefully against my wonderful water lover, and watched as the movements of his hand and arm became faster and faster.
My breathing became harsher as I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching. My pussy was dripping, and my clit felt so hard I thought it was going to burst.
I moved a tiny bit closer to the jet as I watched him rubbing himself faster and faster.
“Jeff,” I purred, “Why don’t you take it out and let me watch you stroke it?”
He looked at me in shock, and his blush got even deeper. He didn’t say a word, but his hand didn’t stop moving either.
“Come on,” I hissed, “It really turns me on to see a guy squirt.”
He remained speechless, his hand and arm still moving, and I returned my attention to my own pleasure. The feeling inside me was building, my insides were on fire, and I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching.
I increased the movement of my hips, my breathing now ragged, my chest heaving.
I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.
“Jeff,” I growled, “I’m close…so close…getting closer. Oh God! Here it comes…Jeff…” I panted, my voice now nothing more than a whimper.
With a low groan I mumbled, “I’m gonna come…gonna come…coming…coming…OH GOD coming…Jeff…coming…coming…COMING!”
I gasped as my orgasm washed over me. It was a really nice come…not mind blowing or bone shattering like a couple I’d had in the last day or two, but a very nice, warm, delicious come, perhaps made even better by knowing that Jeff was standing right next to me, watching me in my most personal, intimate moment.
As my spasms subsided, I looked over at him, still standing in shock, his hand and arm still moving.
“Come on,” I asked huskily, ” I let you watch me…now let me watch you.”
I remembered what he said about him coming, “…in private or with someone else touching me…”
I brazenly reached out and put my hand over the hand he had gripping his penis. I looked him in the eyes as I asked ina sultry voice, “Does this mean you want me to…touch you?”
“Oh God yes!” he murmured.
Teasingly, I said, “Well then let’s move someplace a little more private.”
He was up and out of the pool in a flash, and although I had intended to lead him out and put on another show, he was in front of me. The only good part about that was that I got a great view of his butt in his now “see through” briefs as he scrambled out of the pool.
“Let’s move over under the roof part so nobody can see us,” I whispered suggestively.
He oved quickly under the roofed part of the deck, shielding us from anyone who might be trying to watch. He leaned back against the patio table as I approached him. His still wet briefs afforded me a wonderful view of his penis, big and hard, and now I could even see it throbbing.
“Finally,” I thought to myself, “I’m actually going to get to touch it and stroke a guy’s naked penis. I wonder if I can make it squirt?”
He was staring at me in anticipation, his hand now again covering and squeezing his penis through his briefs, as I approached.
I reached out and moved his hand, replacing it with my own.
“Isn’t it my turn now?” I purred.
I squeezed his penis through his briefs, feeling it twitch and throb. The thrills running through me were getting intense.
I squeezed his penis through his briefs and whispered, “I’ve never done this before…you’re going to have to show me what to do.”
“Just stroke it,” he barely managed to get out in a hoarse whisper.
I started a gently rubbing up and down, feeling him get fuller…bigger…harder…
I looked him in the eye as I whispered suggestively, “Well, then maybe you need to pull your shorts down first”
He hooked his thumbs in his waistband and tugged down. His penis came into full view, now big and hard…twitching…throbbing…
“Finally…” I thought to myself.
I was reaching to touch it, grip it, stroke it, when the sound of a car pulling in the next door driveway invaded our moment.
“Oh no,” I moaned to myself, “please…please…please…not now.”
Two quick honks of a car horn destroyed our revelry, and Jeff quickly paled.
“Damn it!” he swore. “That’s my mom and dad. I gotta get home like right now and finish my chores.”
I’m not sure who was more disappointed, him or me. He quickly tucked his now rock hard penis back into his briefs, scrambled to pull on his shorts, and yanked on his socks and shoes. Grabbing the gas can, he headed for the door. I stopped him.
Reaching up, I whispered in his ear…”Maybe you could stop over tomorrow…?”
To be continued…

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2007-06-10 14:30:52
Too bad for Jeff, but the future looks terrific.


2006-11-24 19:14:38
Wow! Amazing! 10/10…unbelievable sweetie!


2006-11-22 18:40:11
yeh the way you write does indeed make it sound like a true experience..


2006-11-20 05:36:36
aaarrrgghh!!!so close yet so far!i know they’re gonna get togather.soon i hope9/10


2006-10-21 01:16:32

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