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Mary’s Marvelous Family Chapter 10

I finally finished the chapter, just in time for a late Christmas gift. Sorry there’s so little sex in this chapter but I had a lot of things to cover and the chapter was so long I didn’t want to rush the orgy, next chapter I promise, I also promise it won’t take as long for the next one.

Chapter 10

“Bye, Mary,” Mary called back as she and Kara walked down the porn star’s driveway to the street where they had supposedly parked their car. “Is she still watching us?” Mary asked Supergirl when they’d reached the cover of some palm trees.

“No,” Kara said a second later after she’d looked back with her superviesion. “She seems more interested in examining her new product then seeing where its creators go. Do you think she gave you a good deal on the ‘Perfect Pussy Pleaser?’”

“I’m not sure,” Mary said with a shrug. “I may have the wisdom of Minerva, but that doesn’t give me the business sense of a tycoon. Considering the fact that she’s taking all the chances with the dildo I think I did alright. Ten percent of the profits may not sound like much, but when you realize that I created the pussy pleaser by accident I think it’s better than nothing.”

“And Mary knew just how to set things up for a discreet payment to your numbered off-shore account,” Kara mussed, “makes you wonder how she knew so much about it.”

“I don’t think it’s anything we really have to worry about,” Mary decided. “It’s not like she’s a criminal mastermind or anything like that. I’m more concerned with the way she kept looking at me. Do you think she figured out who I am?”

“I don’t know how she could,” Kara said with a shrug, “she doesn’t even know who I am. She only knows me by my log-in name, SuperFan169from Kansas.”

“And you don’t think she figured out Supergirl from SuperFan?” Mary chuckled.

“I wasn’t the first one to come up with SuperFan, Mary, I wasn’t even the first one from Kansas. I’m SuperFan169fromKansas because that was the 169th fan from Kansas to use that name. You have nothing to worry about, both of our secret identities are safe.”

“You’re only saying that because you didn’t notice the way Mary kept looking at me, and then looking at herself in the mirror,” Mary said. “I think she suspected who I was and kept comparing her looks to mine.”

“You’re imagining things, Mary, now stop worrying about your porn star namesake, we need to find a place to change into or costumes so we can get to Paradise Island.”

“With our speed we don’t need much of a hiding place,” Mary said, “just make sure no one’s watching and we’ll be on our way.”

“No one’s watching,” Kara said after a quick look around, “and no cameras in the area either, let’s duck in these trees and no one will ever know.”

Seconds later Mary Marvel and Supergirl were soaring through the air on their way to Paradise Island, their street clothes compressed and packed away in the secret pocket in Kara’s cape.

After passing through the permanent wall of fog that hid Paradise Island from all forms of man-made detection Mary and Kara located the island and headed straight for it. The two super powered teens flew over the island until they found what looked like the palace and landed there to present themselves to Queen Hypolita, Wonder Woman’s mother.

“Good day, your majesty,” Mary said, landing in front of the blonde haired queen and the two armored body guards who stood just behind her on the palace steps. Mary wondered if she should bow or curtsy before the woman but she wasn’t sure which would be appropriate, and she turned to look at Supergirl so she could follow her lead she realized that Kara was watching her to see what she should do.

“Welcome, Mary Marvel. Welcome Kara Zor El,” Hypolita said with an open smile. “Welcome to Themiscara. Princess Diana told me you would be coming. Don’t bother with the genuflection, you may be my sisters in the fight against man’s evil, but you are not my subjects.”

“Thank you, your majesty,” Kara and Mary said at the same time.

“Besides, considering what my daughter told me about your condition,” Hypolita said, eyeing Kara’s obviously swollen stomach, “or conditions,” she added, looking at the slightly smaller bulge in Mary’s blouse, “I don’t think it would be comfortable for you to stand on such protocol.”

“Again, thank you, your majesty,” Kara said, “although, neither one of us is far enough along for that to be a concern.”

“As you say,” Hypolita said, dismissing the matter with a shrug. “Will the two of you be joining us for dinner?”

“I think not, your majesty,” Mary said, “while we appreciate the offer, the fact is that we’re still teenagers, and it wouldn’t be proper for us to stay out without first getting approval from our parents or guardians.”

“Well spoken, Miss Marvel,” the queen said with a nod of approval. “Perhaps next time you can get that approval before you come, and we can share a meal together then. But now I’m sure you’re wondering where my daughter is.”

“As a matter of fact, we are, your majesty,” Kara said. “I thought Diana was going to meet us here at the palace and then escort us to the science center for our session with the healing ray.”

“That was the plan,” Hypolita admitted, “but she realized that the purple healing ray would require some adjustments to deal with your Kryptonian anatomy so she and our chief scientist have been working on the machine for the last couple hours. They should be ready for you by now. Anetta, would you escort our guests to the science center?”

“At once, your majesty,” one of the bodyguards said, stepping forward and bowing to the queen to acknowledge her command. Mary couldn’t help but wonder how the woman managed to make it look so graceful in spite of her full armor, of course she way sure Anetta had centuries of practice since Amazons didn’t age as long as they lived on Paradise Island. “This way, sisters,” Anetta called to Mary and Kara as she guided the two heroes through the Amazonian capital.

After a quick walk through the cities Grecian architecture, Anetta led the 2 girls into one of the largest buildings they’d seen so far. They made their way through several unmarked hallways before they came to a door and Anetta let them in. “Take a seat,” she said, indicating several sofas scattered around the waiting room, “I’ll tell the princess you’re here and she should be with you shortly.”

Mary went to one of the sofas and sat down, surprised at how comfortable it actually was. Kara sat down next to her and took a quick scan of the area before she drew close and said in a hushed whisper, “What do you think the queen meant when she said we might plan for dinner the next time we come? Do you think she knows we plan to have more than one baby each.”

“Maybe,” Mary said with a shrug, “or maybe she just thought it would be nice if we could visit and just spend some time with her. I don’t think she meant anything by her invitation.”

“I think you’re right,” Kara said after thinking about it for a second. “I don’t know why I’m so paranoid about our situation.”

“Oh, no reason to be paranoid,” Mary said with a wicked grin, “after all, you’re only having your married cousin’s baby, it’s not like you could be having your brother’s baby.”

“You’ve got me there,” Kara sighed. “I guess I am worried about what people will say when they find out the truth.”

“Well stop worrying about it,” Mary said, “as long as you don’t admit the truth, all people can do is suspect. And suspicion isn’t proof.”

“I’ll try and remember that,” Kara smiled. “So, what year are you in, now? Are you a freshman or a sophomore?”

“I’m a senior,” Mary said after a thoughtful pause.

“A senior?” Kara said in surprise, “I didn’t think you were that much older than me.”

“I’m not, I think we’re about the same age,” Mary replied. “I’m a senior in high school. My birthday was about a week after the cut off date so Billy and I started school a year late. On top of that, the first year after Billy and I got our powers we were so enamored by our status as superheroes that we spent too much time in our Marvel identities that we missed too much school and got held back the next year. So, I’m an 18 year old high school senior instead of an 18 year old college freshman. I assume that’s where you are?”

“Yeah, freshman with an undeclared major at Metropolis U. Originally I was going to live with Clark and Lois to save on rent, but when I went to orientation last summer Lois was out of town on assignment and that’s when Kal and I ended up fucking for the first time. I’m pretty sure that’s when I got pregnant too, so everyone thought it would be a good idea if I got my own place instead of sharing everything with Lois.”

“Sounds like a good idea,” Mary nodded. “You don’t want to have your baby belly in her face when she knows who the father is.”

“Do you hear that?”

“Yes I do, it sounds like my cell phone,” Mary said. “I didn’t know we had cell reception here. Besides, I thought we’d be well out of my coverage area.”

“Well, it’s definitely your phone,” Kara said, taking Mary’s cell phone out of her cape pouch and handing it to her. “I’ve heard that Amazonian technology is superior to most Earth technology, I guess this just proves it.”

“Hello,” May said, putting her hand up for silence. “Oh, hi Billy. Is your interview over already? Oh good. I’m just spending some time with an old friend. We’re visiting another friend at her house right now but I should be free in a couple hours. Sure, I can come over after dinner. What about Freddy, have you heard anything from him? Oh good, everything went well with his IRS interview and he’ll be able to join us. Speaking of joining us, would you mind if I brought my friend along. Don’t worry, she already knows everything and it doesn’t bother her at all. Great, I’ll ask her if she wants to come along. See you after dinner.”

“How about it, Kara? Would you like to join us? You don’t have to, of course, but if Kal is only fucking you once or twice a week I think you might enjoy yourself.”

“And I think you’re right,” Kara said. “Give me Billy’s address and I’ll join you after dinner.”

“Actually, I wondered if you’d like to have dinner with my family,” Mary said. “I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind setting an extra place at the dinner table as long as I let them know ahead of time, and now that I know I have cell reception I can give them a call.”

“Sounds good to me,” Kara decided, “could I use your cell phone to let Ma and Pa know that I’m having dinner with a friend?”

“Help yourself,” Mary said, tossing the phone to her friend. “Once you have their permission I’ll call my parents and let them know you’re coming over.”

By the time Wonder Woman entered the waiting room Mary and Kara were already making plans for the evening when she interrupted them. “Hello, Kara,” she said, “I see you brought your friend along.”

“And I see you’re not surprised at who it is,” Kara replied.

“After you asked about bringing a friend along with you I reviewed some of the security footage from the watch tower and noticed that from some angles Mary’s baby bump could be plainly seen. I haven’t said anything to anyone else, and I put the footage under password protection so no one else can review them for now. Of course some of the JLA members will figure out the truth sooner or later. And of course I’m sure Batman already knows about your pregnancy, he knows everything. He even knew that Captain Marvel was really a ten year old boy when he joined the League.”

“Yeah, bats is kind of spooky the way he knows everything,” Mary agreed, “it’s even spookier the way he keeps everything secret until he thinks it’s time for everyone else to know. If it was anyone else I’d think they were lying about when they figured everything out, but with Batman you just know he’s telling the truth.”

“So, who’s first?” Diana asked, “we’re set up for Kryptonian physiology right now, but we can switch back to human physiology without a problem.”

“Well if you’re already set for me,” Kara decided, “then I may as well go first.”

“Right this way, then,” Wonder Woman said, guiding the way, “I’ll be back for you in just a few minutes.”

A few minutes later Wonder Woman returned to the waiting room with Kara and Mary couldn’t help but notice the grin on Supergirl’s face. “Your turn, Mary,” Diana said as Kara took a seat.

“Hold on a second, Diana,” Mary said before she followed her friend. “Kara, what are you smiling about?”

“You’ll find out,” Supergirl chuckled, “if they use the probe on you.”

“Probe?” Mary asked, turning to follow Diana down the hall to the examination room.

“The healing ray couldn’t penetrate Kara’s invulnerable skin deep enough to see her fetus so we had to use a probe to get the scan beams closer.”

“I can see that, but I still don’t understand why Kara thinks it’s so funny.”

“Well,” Wonder Woman said slowly, “let’s just say that the probe looks like something I’m sure you’ve used, and there is only one place to insert the probe so it’s close enough to scan the fetus.”

“Oh no,” Mary gasped when she realized what Diana was telling her.

“When Paula, our chief scientist, brought out the probe and told Kara how it was going to be used she couldn’t understand why Kara started laughing. I figured it out but I didn’t want to be the one to spoil her innocense so I told her it was an inside joke and she should go ahead and start the probe. Do you think you can refrain from laughing if we need to use the probe on your Marvel body.”

“I’ll try,” Mary snickered, “but no promises.”

“I’ll take what I can get,” Diana sighed as she opened the door to the examination room.

Somehow Mary managed to keep a straight face until she rejoined Kara in the waiting room when she dropped to one of the seats in a fit of giggles. “So, they used the probe on you, too?” Kara asked her friend when Mary finally managed to catch her breath.

“Yes,” Mary said, taking a deep breath and trying not to start giggling again. “They wanted to scan me as both Mary Batson and Mary Marvel to see if their was any difference between the two. As Mary Batson they were able to use the purple healing ray for a full scan, but once I changed to Mary Marvel the ray couldn’t penetrate my invulnerable skin so they had to use the probe on me too. But Diana managed to warn me ahead of time so I was able to keep a straight face when Paula brought out that dildo shaped probe.”

“How long do you think we’ll have to wait before they give us the news?” Kara asked.

“It shouldn’t be too long,” Mary shrugged. “Diana said we’d be home in plenty of time for dinner, and even at our speed that’s getting close.”

“Not too close, I hope,” Diana said as she entered the room. “Paula and I have gone over everything we got from your scans and I’m ready to give you the news. First, you’ll both be happy to know that your babies are just fine. We didn’t find any genetic abnormalities with either of your fetuses. In your case, Kara, it would appear that you were right when you said that Kryptonian DNA was complex enough to allow perfectly healthy children with parents that would be considered too closely related for humans. In your case, Mary, we’re still trying to figure things out. We can confirm that Billy is the father of your baby, but there’s no genetic abnormalities of any kind – not even the kind of genetic drift we’d expect in a relationship where the parents aren’t related. In fact, when we examined your genetic scans we realized that you don’t have any genetic drift from what would be considered the perfect human DNA.”

“I have a theory about that,” Mary said, licking her lips nervously, “this is something the boys and I discussed the matter a few weeks ago when we found out that Freddy use to have an egg allergy.” Mary told Diana and Kara about the discussion she and the boys had had during their beach day. When she was done Diana was nodding in agreement.

“While in Man’s world I came across an old television show, maybe you’ve heard of it, Star Trek?”

“We’ve heard of it,” Kara said as she and Mary both nodded.

“Then you know about the ‘transporters’” Diana said the girls nodded again. “In some of the episodes they go in depth about the technology of the transporters. They never actually say it, but in theory the transporter destroys the body of the person being transported, and then creates a new one for their consciousness at the new location.”

“It’s a little scary thinking about it that way, but I guess that’s a pretty accurate description of how the transporters work on the show,” Mary agreed.

“Well, I think that may be how your magic lightning works when it changes you from Mary Batson to Mary Marvel and back again. The magic destroys your body and creates a new one for you based on a perfect and unaltered genetic map. That’s why Freddy is no longer allergic to eggs, and why your baby is perfectly healthy, even though your brother is the father. And just so you know, when you change into Mary Marvel, your baby gains your invulnerability, so you don’t have to worry about any injuries if something happens to you as Mary Marvel.”

“So, Diana, I have one more question,” Kara said. “Am I going to have a boy or a girl?”

“You, are going to have a girl,” Diana said, consulting her tablet before she spoke. “And you, Mary . . .”

“Want to be surprised,” Mary said before Diana could finish what she was going to say. “I’ll tell Billy to contact you if he wants to know what we’re having, but I want to be surprised.”

“I can understand that,” Wonder Woman said, with a nod. “Well, if you don’t have any more questions, then we’re done. But, I do expect both of you to return once a month so we can monitor your pregnancies.”

“Whatever you say, doc,” Kara said, giving Mary a quick grin.

“We’ll be here if I have to drag her every month,” Mary promised. “Let’s go, Kara, my parents are expecting us for dinner, and after that we have a double date.”

* * * * *

“That was a great dinner,” Kara said, patting her belly bulge as she followed Mary up to Billy’s apartment. “Your mother’s a great cook.”

“Not my mom,” Mary said with a snort. “I don’t think she’s made even a peanut butter sandwich as long as I can remember. But, I’ll tell Katherine you liked her cooking.”

“I guess I’m use to Ma Kent making her own meals,” Kara sighed, “almost everyone I know does their own cooking – including me.”

“Well, most people don’t have as much money as my parents have,” Mary sighed. “Sometimes I think it would be nice if my mom did make a meal once in a while.”

“Here’s Billy’s apartment,” Mary said, stopping in front of an unmarked door. Unlike the other doors in the hallway this one looked clean and in good repair. A second after Mary knocked the door opened and Freddy opened the door and smiled at the two girls as he stepped aside to let them enter the apartment before he closed and locked the door behind them.

“I heard your audit went well,” Mary said.

“Much to my auditor’s surprise,” Freddy said with a quick grin. “It would have been finished sooner except that the auditor was sure I was trying to hide something in my books, but he finally had to admit they were in perfect order and I’d paid all the appropriate taxes. So, I’m good for now.”

Freddy managed to hold his satisfied grin until he turned his gaze from Mary to her companion, “Supergirl,” he gasped.

“An obviously pregnant Supergirl,” Kara said, pushing her belly out as far as she could and chuckling at Freddy’s shocked reaction. “What, do you think you guys are the only superheroes to enjoy fucking?”

“Of course not,” Freddy said, his face turning bright red. “Does this mean you’re here to.”

“Fuck like crazy?” Kara chuckled, “you bet I am. I haven’t fucked my cousin in over a week so I’m ready for a good hard cock.”

“Your cousin?” Freddy gulped, “you mean you and Superman . . .”

“Who else is going to get a Kryptonian girl pregnant,” Supergirl pointed out. “But, since Clark is married, and his wife doesn’t really like the idea of a threesome with his pregnant cousin, my pussy is out of luck – unless you or Billy are interested in fucking me.”

“Sure, I’ll fuck you,” Freddy said with a big grin,” that is if Mary doesn’t mind.”

“Go ahead,” Mary said, gesturing toward Billy’s bedroom, “why do you think I brought her along? Why don’t you two go ahead, I have to talk to Billy first, but we’ll join you for a good old fashioned orgy in a few minutes.”

“Now that sounds like a lot of fun,” Kara said, taking Freddy by the elbow and rushing him toward the open bedroom door. Just before the door closed Mary heard Kara say, “You better change before we get started, if you’re not Captain Marvel Junior when we fuck my pussy will squeeze your cock off.”

Mary made her way into the kitchen where she found her twin brother washing the last of the dishes from the dinner he’d shared with Freddy. “Hi, Billy,” Mary said, suddenly unsure of how to tell her brother what she’d found out.

“Hi, Mary. I heard you tell Freddy you wanted to talk to me,” Billy said, drying his hands with a dishtowel before he hung it on the handle of his refrigerator. “Does this have something to do with why you weren’t home when I called this afternoon? I called your house and your maid said you’d gone out with a friend, that’s when I called your cell.”

“I was surprised when you got through, considering where Kara and I were at the time,” Mary said, taking a deep breath before she continued, telling Billy about their visit to Paradise Island and what Wonder Woman had told her.”

“So, I’m the father, Billy said, rubbing Mary’s stomach possessively, “I hope Freddy isn’t too disappointed.”

“I’ll just have to make sure the next one is his,” Mary sighed as Billy’s hands slipped under her blouse and started playing with her tits.

“He’ll like that,” Billy said, giving his sister a tongue filled kiss. “So you don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl?”

“I want to be surprised,” Mary panted, but, I told Diana you might want to know. She said to give her a call if you do.”

“No, I think I’d like to be surprised too,” Billy decided.

A scream of pleasure came from the bedroom and Billy grinned at his sister. “Sounds like Freddy and Kara are enjoying themselves. Should we join them? You did promise them a good old fashioned orgy.”

“So I did,” Mary agreed. “Why don’t we change and join the party?”