Make Me Dinner

Twas with thine sprightly blunderbuss
We walked the winding road
Wilst winter whipped it’s winds around
Snow swirled sweeping round
On Sunday we ate the Jesus wafer
Thine glory is not diminished
But ye that did cleave unto
Mine flesh torpedo
That thou shalt take
Mine flesh torpedo
Whose glory is not diminished
Then you could grab me a beer
And make me dinner.
Her face was thin through vomit
A chemical sheen on her forehead
Caked over a tan booth bronze
Looking at her gave me
a warm scrotal rush that was not unpleasant
And oh to have my stiffened spunk hose
Embraced by the sleek and shiny lips
Lips glossed with
Ultra-lip plumping ingredients
For irresistibly luscious lips
Glazed with unsurpassed shine
Locked around my pole of joy
In a selfless spaghetti suck of love.
Then I’d want that bitch to make me dinner.

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anonymous readerReport

2011-05-11 06:30:12
lol it is not diminishing ro women, i am a women and i find it extremly funny.

Anonymous readerReport

2009-02-15 10:15:35
i thought it was funny shit and if him and his woman like it that way all the better! to each thier own! wright wright on! oxoxxojasmin lu

jasmin luReport

2009-02-15 10:14:53
i thought it was funny shit! if thats what him and his woman are into then… each thier own! keep them cuming


2008-09-02 17:28:58
why waste a reasonably good talent on dross like this?

you have a good vocabulary, so why don’t you try putting it to better use than writing crap like this. I’m sure you could be quite successful if you put your mind to it.

Anonymous readerReport

2008-08-27 22:36:16
“diminishing to females”
Did you just make that up?