Madison & Ashley III Chapter 1

The beginning of a dark secret (society that is)

Madison & Ashley III

Introduction: The beginning of a very dark secret (society that is)

Jim leaned back in his office chair and yawned as he stretched. Then spun around and was greeted by the beautiful New York City skyline. Jim stood up from his chair and walked over to the window and looked down from his perch some 50 or so stories high. He thought to himself, out of all the city skylines in the world, New York’s just seemed to feel like home. Summer time just appeared to be the most beautiful time of the year for him. The city was magical during the summer especially in the late afternoons.

Summer brings out the stunning beauty in all the women. Men are given a treat that is unparalleled during this most joyous season. There is something enchanting in the way women feel it is okay to release their breasts from the constraints of their bras. It makes every red-blooded-American male zero in on that thin layer of cotton trying to constrain one of God’s most beautiful gifts for men. It brings a smile to Jim’s face every time he notices their breasts gently oscillating as they walk down the street towards him. The other thing a man gets to feast on is when the sun is behind a woman and her silhouette is shown thru her dress.

From his perch came a warm glow of sun light that danced between the windows off of all the buildings. The suns rays seemed to gently bounce off of one window to the next and it illuminated the whole city with a warm yellow glow. It had been a long three weeks since he got to experience it. He spent two weeks traveling in and around Eastern Europe putting out small fires for the company. Then there was a small stint in Columbia and a brand new business opportunity in Mexico City. As exciting as it was to go to South America for the first time, it was dampened as he traveled with at least 12 bodyguards to prevent any kind of kidnapping. Being the CEO of a major corporation has its advantages and its disadvantages.

Jim continued to daydream and he retraced his trip in his mind. Yesterday Jim finished several meetings with smaller companies as fast as he could so he could leave Mexico and get back to his family. When his last meeting was over he had the pilot fire up the corporate jet to get him home as soon as possible. See, he promised his eldest daughter Ashley that he would help her move back to her sorority house this upcoming weekend. It was exciting for him as Jim’s family were some of the first founding families of the University. Both he and his wife Beverly graduated from the same University. Now his eldest daughter was a junior and she was continuing on their storied legacy at the University.

On the way home several board members had called Jim while in flight they were anxious to learn what Jim and his team were up to for almost the past month. An early morning board meeting had been scheduled that he would need to attend. See it doesn’t matter that Jim is the CEO he still has to answer to its board members. When Jim finally arrived at home Wednesday night it was in the wee hours of the morning. As he walked into his bedroom he saw his lady sleeping like an angel.

The moonlight was dancing thru the window and highlighted her features. Beverly was in her early 40’s but she looked like she was ten years younger. Beverly worked out every day and watched what she ate and being a woman of privilege there have been a few nips and tucks along the way.

Beverly lay almost completely naked over her sheet on the bed. Beverly wasn’t wearing a bra and her breasts had a silvery hue from the moonlight. Her breasts were spectacular 34-c’s that tear dropped at the bottom and create her unbelievable cleavage when she wears a low cut dress. Jim’s eyes traced down to her stomach that had the hint of a six pack and spotted that she was wearing a shear see thru g-string that barely covered the vagina that produced his two wonderful daughters. Jim detected her camel toe and wanted very much to penetrate her right there but over the last several years Jim and Beverly were having some minor problems. There was nothing wrong that would lead to a divorce but created very few conjugal visits to her special fuck hole. Not wanting to disturb her Jim kissed his wife on the cheek slipped into bed and rolled away from her so he couldn’t stab her with is massive hard on.

Jim awoke a few hours later and rolled over and gazed at the beauty of his wife once again. Jim wanted very badly to make love to his wife but when he looked at the clock and saw the time he realalized he was only going to get about three more hours of sleep. So getting some pussy was going to have to wait until later that evening.

The morning came faster than Jim expected and still worn out from his trip made his way to work. Jim had been away from the office for almost a month and most of the board members were anxious to learn what the CEO had planned for them. As Jim stood in front of his 22 board members all eyes were on him as each board member represented a different division within the corporation. Jim was happy to outline how he and his team were able to extinguish all the fires that had been burning in Europe. Also because of the swiftness of action the company stock had not taken any kind of hit which every board member worried about just a little over two months ago. Then Jim broke the good news of the many new partnerships that he had forged from his trip to Columbia and Mexico.

See Jim was made CEO of the corporation some 10 years earlier at the very young age of 34. The board knew about Jim and his family’s legacy of being great leaders in the corporate world. Jim’s father is a CEO of a telecommunications company in France. When Jim took over the controls of his corporation it was a fine company and it ranked in the top 1000 fortune companies of America. In just a short five years under Jim’s leadership it became a fortune 500 company and within the last two years an impressive fortune 100 company.

Jim broke away from his daydream and of the events which happened in the morning as he continued to peer out of his office window. He took a delight in watching the many people walking on the streets below him. He was envious of them because they had more freedom than he did. As Jim was about to go back into deep thought once again he was startled as one of his secretaries buzzed him on the intercom, “Excuse me sir, I have your wife, what should I tell her sir?”

Jim smiled as her remembered his nearly naked wife from last night and said, “Go ahead and put her through Tess, thanks.” Jim walked over and answered the phone. “Hi honey, how are you?”

“Jim, why didn’t you wake me last night? I waited all night for you. I was looking forward to us making love. Honey, it has been a very, very, very long three weeks without you. I cleared out all of the cobwebs down there for you.” Beverly and Jim began to chuckle at her little joke. “I think I felt your kiss on my cheek last night. I even made sure that I was naked for you. I know how you like to touch me and get me aroused before I completely wake up. When I felt you slip into bed you rolled on your side and before I knew it your head hit the pillow and you were out like a light. When I woke this morning you were already gone. I was hoping that even though you didn’t take me when you first got home I was sure we would have been together this morning. Is everything okay, honey? I missed you terribly. Are you upset with me for some reason?”

“No. It’s nothing like that at all. It was a long trip and I too missed being inside of you. As much as I wanted to be inside of you last night, you’re right I fell asleep. I woke up an hour or so later but when I looked at the clock I realized I needed to get as much of the three hours of sleep as I could. Besides you were sleeping like a beautiful angel and I didn’t want to disturb you. Unfortunately Andy Richter and his team wanted to have an early morning board meeting. You know how these guys are. They couldn’t wait to start implementing the many changes that I had planned for the company. I hope you understand My Lady. Are the girl’s home?”

Beverly felt relieved that Jim wasn’t mad at her, she was truly horny and she answered, “Yes and yes.”

“Well, I am going to knock off early today. I know that I say that a lot but Ashley needs to be at school on Sunday. Why don’t you pack an overnight bag for the both of us and tell the girls to do the same. I’ll make reservations at Snuggle-bugs favorite restaurant here in the city and I’ll get a suite for all four of us at the Waldorf. I am going to take the rest of the weekend off so we can take the girls last minute school shopping and get Ashley back to the Sorority house. What do you think?”

“Well – I think that the girls are going to be very excited to go shopping and of course seeing their daddy. We all missed you. Are you sure that you’re up for this? I mean you have been gone for so long don’t you want to just relax at home? We could hire some movers to help Ashley besides today is only Thursday. We could just go shopping around the house.”

“Well, I am kind of tired but I haven’t seen you guys in a long time. If I come home the girls will just want to be with their friends as usual. They have grown up so damn fast it just seems like yesterday that we brought them home from the hospital. Beverly, I want to do something special for you and the girls. I really want this to be a special weekend, just the four of us, okay? Besides there is a lot of good news I have to share – My Lady – for all of you as a matter of fact. So we will be celebrating as well tonight. Call me when you and the girls are at the Lincoln tunnel and I’ll leave the office to meet you at the restaurant.”

“We are using My Lady – huh? Well, somebody is horny My Lord. I’ll pack something special for us tonight if that is what you want My Lord.”

“Well, that is a nice surprise My Lady it has been months since you have unleashed something special. So – Yes My Lady – make sure you bring your ceremonial robe with you. Love you My Lady.”

“See you in a little bit My Lord. I love thee with all my heart.”

It was about six o’clock when Jim got the call that the girls were finally at the tunnel. Jim met the girls at Snuggle-bugs favorite restaurant. When he walked in he saw his three girls sitting at the table. He also noticed that there was a glass of Scotch very neat waiting for him.

Madison his youngest daughter of 17 noticed her father first. “Daddy! We’re over here.”

Jim waded through the tables and finally made it over to the girls. Jim was greeted by his wife first. Beverly was wearing a very seductive black cocktail dress. Her hair fell over her shoulders and Jim quickly noticed that her neckline plunged down to the top of her stomach. Jim’s mind went back to the night before as he noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra and her breasts filled out the top of her dress very nicely. As his eyes fell down to her waist and saw that her hem stopped at mid thigh. Jim could only wonder if his wife was wearing any panties under her tight fitting dress.

It was a very smart choice as it accentuated her every curve. To Jim, Beverly looked positively radiant. Jim was actually taken aback at how beautiful his wife looked but then again she worked out every day to keep her figure nice and tight. Kissing Jim on the lips she hugged him extra tight and whispered in his ear. “I know that we have been having our problems honey but I have to admit, I did miss you terribly. In case I don’t say it enough, I’m still in love you, with all of my heart My Lord.”

Jim kissed her back on the cheek, “We’ll talk later tonight My Lady.” Jim then moved on to his oldest daughter Ashley who was standing patiently with her arms open to embrace he father. She was an absolute stunner her beauty radiates around a room. When she enters a room most people stop to gaze at her for some reason she is very intoxicating to look at. She was wearing a thin yellow cotton sundress with no bra just like her mother. He couldn’t help but notice how much she took after her mother. Jim remembered just how beautiful that his wife Beverly was at her age.

Ashley’s dress stopped at mid thigh like her mother’s and her neck line was squared off but showed three- fourths of her young vibrant breasts. Jim snapped out of his trance and said, “Hi Princess, I missed you. How have you been?” Jim walked into her embrace and Ashley wrapped her arms around her father and kissed him on the cheek. Jim felt her breasts spread over his chest as Ashley pulled him in closer and tighter.

Holding her tight embrace she moved her head back and her long dirty blonde hair fell away from the side of her face. She gazed into her father’s eyes very intently and said, “I’m okay daddy. I just missed you around the house the last few weeks that all. The house just seems empty when you aren’t there.” Ashley pushed up on her toes and hugged her father even tighter still, then kissed him on the lips. “Next time take your web cam with you. We can at least have fun seeing each other that way, okay? I mean – I just missed you a whole bunch daddy. I don’t like it when you’re gone for so long.”

Jim was enjoying the embrace of his 21-year-old daughter. He enjoyed it enough that she created a rise in her father’s pants, Jim’s face was a little flush and said, “Okay, Princess, I promise. Believe it or not I missed you just as much.”

Madison wasn’t bashful or shy. Madison also was wearing a white sundress with open toed sandals. She was wearing a thin linen sundress like her mother and sister she wasn’t wearing a bra. The linen was so thin that up close you could actually see her breasts clearly. The top of her dress was like a tube top and fell under her shoulders. It dropped down to her knees but was thin enough to see her whit g-string under her dress. Madison had jumped up and wrapped her arms around her father’s shoulders and gave him a very sensual kiss that a daughter should never display in public. Madison whispered in his ear, “I can feel you on my belly daddy. I really missed you too.” Jim was embarrassed and pulled back and Madison said, “Well, it’s about time you got home, daddy. Ashley is right. The next time please take the web cam with you so we all can at least see that you’re okay.”

“Okay Snuggle-Bug.” Jim still embarrassed standing in the middle of the restaurant with a hard on sat as quickly at the table as he could. Jim took a sip of his drink and gazed at his three beautiful women and started a whole new topic. “Okay, I guess that you are all wondering why I’ve asked you to dinner tonight, right. Well, there is a lot to celebrate tonight, as well as last minute shopping for school clothes tomorrow.”

Jim smiled and looked at his eldest daughter, “First, there is Ashley. Well, you are going to find out once you get settled in and have your first meeting at the Sorority house but Kasey your cousin was finally made President of your Alpha Delta Gamma chapter. The better news is that she has been asked to step down from her other position. You have been selected to replace her as Head Mistress of Helen as well as been put on the committee for new pledges, rush week and council member of the SSSL (Sande Society Sierra Leon)”

Beverly turned to look at Jim, “Are you sure? Oh my – my little girl Head Mistress that goes beyond anything that she has accomplished so far. Oh honey I am so proud of you. Sunday when we take you to school your Aunt and I are going to have to fill you in on your new duties as Head Mistress.” Beverly leaned over and kissed her daughter on the forehead. “Make us proud honey.”

Ashley looked at her father, “Thank you daddy. I know that there was no chance of this if it weren’t for you putting in a good word with the SSSL and the F.H.C. (Flat Hat Club) of your fraternity. I’ll never forget this daddy. I love you so much. You do so much for us daddy – “

Jim felt great by his daughter’s and wife’s response, “Well in all fairness I really had very little to do with it. Your cousin Kasey knew that she was going to become President of the Sorority and having the duties of being Head Mistress she thought it might be too much for her. So, she talked to her mom your Aunt Christina – You know she was the Head Mistress of your Sorority chapter and your mother was President of the sorority at the same time.

Back then your Aunt felt that she couldn’t be Head Mistress and President at the same time. So your Aunt stepped down as President of the Alpha Delta Gamma’s and recommended your mother to become President in her place. Although the next year after your Aunt graduated mommy took on the role as Head Mistress as well. You’ve seen mommy’s tattoos to prove that I’m right. Well, your mother was the only person in Sorority history to be President and Head Mistress at the same time. Next year once Kasey graduates I have it on good authority that you will be asked to become President just like your mother was.”

Ashley was excited about her new position within the sorority. She knew her mom was President and the Head Mistress but not at the same time. Beverly didn’t talk much about her sorority days with her daughter and Ashley turned and said, “Mommy I didn’t think you cared about this stuff anymore?”

Beverly said, “Ashley its one thing to be accepted by the Alpha Delta Gamma’s. As you know it’ a privilege to be asked to live in the house because of our history and status on campus. Then to have the honor of being inducted into the SSSL very few Gamma’s are even asked to move on to the second level.
Being part of the SSSL helps you in so many ways. You have become part of a very distinct group of women. Then to be chosen from that very select group to even be inducted into of the most secret sects in the world, the Helen sect. Well, that is a lot for one person to handle. That is why only a select few are chosen. Only the strongest women of mind, body and spirit become a member of the Helen sect. Now, you are a very special woman Ashley to become the Head Mistress. Trust me you deserve everything that you have earned honey.”

Jim looked at his daughter, “When you are ready for your tattoo your mother and I will be there to witness just like the other’s you’ve gotten. Congratulations honey. Your mother and I are very proud of you.”

Jim and Beverly looked at Madison and Beverly said, “When your time comes honey you will be asked just like Ashley. If you’re as strong as Ashley then you too can achieve all that she has. Now, for you Madison I have just gotten off the phone with several people from your High School. It appears that Ms. Roberts is going to select you to be the new captain of the cheerleading squad, not only for the football team but also for the basketball team. Also Mr. Tidwell has informed me that in the fall production of My Fair Lady that you have been selected to play the lead – that’s right you got the Eliza Doolittle role. See all those acting classes and vocal teachers paid off for you.”

Jim looked at his wife and smiled, he paused for a second. Jim looked like he had something really important to share then he looked deep into her eyes and at last broke the silence. “Finally, last but not to say the least. We are celebrating my wife Beverly your wonderful mother. Honey looking at my two beautiful daughters – I just want to say you have raised two extraordinary women practically all by yourself. I also want to thank you because you gave me the space and time to achieve all of my business and financial goals. There is no one in my life that I could ever imagine to be at my side. Someone that could have ever helped me to achieve what I have without you. So, raise your glasses ladies, this is to my most precious family, thank you for all that you are because you have filled my heart with the greatest happiness, love and joy a husband and father could have. Thank you.”

Beverly turned and leaned toward Jim kissed him on the cheek and whispered again, “You are so getting lucky tonight My Lord.”

As dinner continued Jim filled everyone in on the many different exploits that took place while he was gone in Columbia and in Mexico City. When dinner was over the girls immediately needed to get back in touch with their small worlds as their cell phones appeared and went directly to their ears. On the way back to the hotel Madison was talking to one of her friends that lived in the city. In midst of her conversation she said, “Okay hold on a second and I’ll ask. Mommy, Daddy is it okay if Ashley and I go over to Maria and Eleni’s house? It’s only eight o’clock we would be back around 11:30 is that okay?”

Beverly wanting alone time with her husband didn’t hesitate. “Sure get the address and we will have a car take you over but no later than 11:30.”

Once they were checked into one of best suites at the Waldorf the girls were ready to go visit their friends. Jim had been on the phone talking business and Beverly was in their bedroom doing something. Ashley and Madison had changed quickly. “Okay girls you ready?”

Madison smiled, “Yeah daddy.”

“Beverly I’m going to walk the girls down to the car. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

Out of the bedroom came a hushed voice “Sure honey take your time.”

Jim sent his two little girls off in a company limo and made his way back to his penthouse suite. As he opened the door there was just one light on in the corner with several candles lit around the room. The light in the room mimicked a nice soft yellow sunset that Jim was so found of. Beverly stood in the doorway of the bedroom naked. With her hand on the door jam she put one leg in front of the other. Jim drank in his wife. “Oh my – I guess you weren’t lying – you really missed me huh?”

Beverly was relieved that Jim still liked her body, “Do you like what you see My Lord?”

“My Lord – My Lord you haven’t called me that, in years.” Jim was taken aback at his wife. She was standing in the doorway in white heels and white thigh high stockings. Jim bit his bottom lip as he noticed that she shaved her vaginal area revealing all her vaginal tattoos. He then saw the hint of her six pack and then up to her breasts that were still as perky as the day he met her. Draped over her shoulders was a white sheer ceremonial robe of the sect of Helen that went down to her ankles. To say that she looked devastatingly sexy was understatement.

Beverly began to run the tip of her tongue over her upper lip, “My loins ache for you My Lord of the Centaurs. Does your High Mistress please you with her nakedness? I want you to fill me with your seed so that I might bear you another offspring.” Beverly spread her vagina open with her fingers revealing her pink vagina, “Does this vessel of life please you My Lord?”

“Yes, my High Mistress your nakedness pleases me very much. If it’s your desire then I will fill you with my seed this night. You could never displease me my Mistress.” Breaking out of character Jim looked at his wife paused for a moment and said, “I don’t know what I’ve done to offend you but for the past couple of years but you have been quit distant to me and I don’t know why. I do like that you have revealed all your tattoos to me. I know how special that is for the High Mistress to do to reveal her true identity even to me. I meant what I said at dinner. I do you love you and you are a great wife and an unbelievable mother. I couldn’t have asked for a better mate to share my life.”

Beverly moved from the door way over to Jim and kissed him. “My Lord I love thee. You are my bright shining star.” Then Beverly broke character herself. She wrapped her arms around his neck and she felt the rise of his manhood as it her stomach. “Jim I trust you wherever you go and do – I know that we will be okay.” She kissed him very passionately and led him to the bedroom. “Come and take the High Mistress of Helen.” Beverly continued pulling her husband into the bathroom. Jim pushed her up against the sink and picked her up so her ass was resting on the countertop with her legs spread open for her Lord. Jim said, “How would you like to bathe your Lord?”

“Of course My Lord, whatever is your will – I will do.”

Jim leaned over and turned on the water. He then returned to his knees and pushed his wife’s legs open to reveal the arc of tattoos that surrounded her vagina. Using his lips he lightly kissed each one and when he came to the top of her vagina there was one open space left over her clitoris. Jim kissed her clitoris and sucked on it while he penetrated her vagina with two fingers. Jim stopped and looked up at Beverly, “My Lady I am a privileged Centaur to be with a Head Mistress of Helen such as you. I see that you have all the necessary tattoos but are missing one. What tattoo are you missing My Lady?”

“My Lord of the Centaur, the tattoo that you refer is the Mother Superior tattoo. I am troubled that I will be unable to obtain such rank without being with a King of the Centaurs. Maybe one day I will obtain such tattoo but I fear that I will be a much older Head Mistress and my vagina will have become of no use to my newly appointed King.”

“Do not fret my Mistress for I foresee such a tattoo for you in your very near future.” With a smile on his face he kissed the vagina that bore his two beautiful daughters. Jim’s thoughts ran back to a time when he first met Beverly when they were both freshman and neither of the two had any tattoos. Jim worked his tongue over both of his wife’s holes and occasionally used his fingers to penetrate the depths of her love canals.

Beverly was confused by her husband’s sudden doting affection. They have been quite distant with each other for the past seven years. So Jim being so loving to her was strange and she wondered why he was carrying on with the role playing that went back to a time when they were both in school. The way his tongue was moving in and out of her was bringing her to orgasm. Taking her husband’s head into her hands she pulled him deeper between her legs and began to grind her vagina over his mouth. Beverly began to whisper in ecstasy, “My Lord your tongue feels incredible inside of your Mistress; you are going to make me cum. Please My Lord do not stop penetrating my loins with your tongue and allow me to shower you with the joy of my loins on your tongue.” The word had not yet left her mouth when she came on her husband’s tongue.”

Jim pulled his head from between Beverly’s legs looked deep into her eyes, “Ah my Mistress the fruit of your loins nourishes me. The taste and fragrance is like no other.” Jim using his tongue cleaned her cum from her outer pussy lips and then moved his tongue inside of her to lap up the rest of her cum.

Pushing Jim down to the floor Beverly stood over him, “Come to me My Lord so that I may take care of you.” Jim then stood before her and Beverly very gingerly kissed her husband’s lips tasting her cum on them. She slowly stroked her husband’s cock while she kissed him. She slowly undressed her husband then noticed the pubic hair around his cock and said, “My Lord I ache for you to take my loins but as you can see I have shaven for you. May I shave you so that you may take me properly?”

“Yes my Mistress. On your knees and clean your Lord.” Beverly undressed Jim and then led him to the shower. Lathering her husband she began to shave her husband. Stroke after stroke with the razor began to reveal the tattoos that were hidden under his pubic hair. Beverly was taking her time as she stroked her husband while she kissed the head of his penis.

After Beverly finished shaving her husband she once again led him from the shower to the bathtub. Turning on the jets Jim stepped into the tub first and then as Beverly was ready to enter Jim picked her up and placed her gently down next to him. “Oh My Lord you have the strength of two young men.”

Jim smiled at her “My vigor has returned by the view of your beauty My Lady.” As they stood Beverly turned to stop the water and Jim seeing his opportunity took his manhood and pushed between her ass cheeks and he felt the warmth and wetness of his wife’s vagina. Encouraged by the feeling of her husband Beverly spread her ass open to give easier access for her husband. “Yes My Lady I want you now. I want to feel the warmth of your love canal surround my manhood.”

Jim penetrated his wife’s vagina as she was bent forward. Her hands were on the wall as she began to push back on her husband’s cock. The feeling of Beverly’s cunt squeezing around his cock made Jim’s knees begin to buckle. “Oh – My Lord, why don’t I get down on my knees so you may pound my pussy into submission My Lord?”

“Yes My Lady I want to you on your knees, I promise I’m going to tear that Head Mistress pussy up.” Slowly maneuvering in the large tub Beverly made it to her knees. As Jim remained over her he once again penetrated his wife. He began to pound her with deep and very long strokes. Jim himself finally came down to his knees and using his thumb began to caress her anus. Jim was slamming his hips up against her ass as he attempted to penetrate her as deep as he could every time he pushed inside of her. “My love I want to take your asshole this evening.”

Rising up to meet Jim’s chest Beverly raised her hand and found the back of his head. She turned and smiled as her eyes rolled up into her head and said, “Yes my love. I am your Lady and if your desire is to fuck my asshole I will gladly submit to all of your nasty desires. My Lord have I disappointed you? Is there a reason why you do not want to give me your seed this night?”

Jim caressing his wife’s breasts continued to slam her pussy as hard as he could, “I promise that I will give you my seed My Lady. It has been such a long time since you have given yourself to your Lord that my lustful tastes have consumed me to the point that I desire all of your holes.”

“Oh Jim I love the bullshit that you come up with. Come on honey my pussy is beginning to ache. Pull out and ram it up my fucking asshole but I want you to fill my cunt with your cum! Okay?”

Jim became inspired by his wife’s enthusiasm that she was giving him everything that he desired. “Yes, My Lady I promise to give you my seed this very night. I want you to give me a son – an heir for our family.” Jim was turned on by the way that his wife was submitting to his every desire. It had been so many years that they had sex where they both participated in the act and not just gone through the motions.

Jim spit on his wife’s asshole and then very slowly and deliberately reintroduced his manhood to his wife’s glorious asshole. The feeling was incredible it had been so long that he had fucked her in the ass it felt like it was the first time. Pulling her back up to his chest he began to squeeze her breasts as their tongues danced in and out of their mouths. Jim was so turned on by his wife’s complete submission that he was ready to explode inside of her.

“Oh My Lady you have brought such joy to my loins that I want to fill your birth canal with my love juices.” Jim pulled out of his wife’s asshole and quickly reinserted himself into her vagina. Jim began to pump as hard and as fast as he could to fill his wife with his hot steamy cum.

Beverly truly wanted to be cream-pied. Beverly became overwhelmed at the feeling of her husband shooting his cum over and over and over inside of her. ”Yes, My Lord my loins ache for your seed. Fill me with your seed. I desire to bear you a son My Lord.” Jim continued to unload his seed inside of his wife. “Please, My Lord do not pull out quickly I desire the feeling of your Princely staff inside of me. I do not want to lose one drop of your semen. Please let your seed climb my birth canal to its goal.” Beverly was squeezing her pussy around Jim’s cock.

Jim finally pulled out and lay at the back of the tub. He pulled Beverly back on top of him and wrapped his legs and arms around his wife as they still were breathing heavily together. They lay together in the warm water kissing each other as they caressed each other.

Let’s take a break from the action and explain some things for you. I am sure you are a little confused by some of the nicknames so let’s give you a little background so you can understand a little better. Beverly and Jim come from very wealthy families. Well, to say wealthy is an understatement they are considered blue bloods or old money. Beverly and Jim come from a long line of 3rd degree Master Masons. As a matter of fact both families are known as Star families. Many of the Star families came from England to the New World in order to create a New World Order. They wanted to create something that was new and not to be ruled by a Monarch.

Ben Franklin who was a 3rd degree Master Mason himself helped create the One Dollar Bill was the one who suggested the phrase, Novus Ordo Seclorum – new order of ages to be placed under the 13-step pyramid that represented the 13 colonies. Jim Miller’s family (a Star Family) came to the Virginia Colony in1615. Beverly Peyton, Jim’s wife her family also a Star Family arrived at the Virginia Colony in 1623. Jim’s twin brother Raymond also married into a Star Family as well. Raymond’s wife is Christina Willis and her family arrived in the Virginia Colony in 1656. Another interesting fact is that Christina’s family traveled on the same ship with John Washington who just happens to be George Washington’s grandfather and the Washington family was also a Star Family.

The University that Jim, Raymond, Beverly and Christina graduated from was the second University of higher learning created in the Colonies. The University was named after the first names of the King and Queen of England. The three families have been sending their heirs to the same school of higher of learning for the past 300 years. To say that the three families were legacies is an understatement. The three family’s heritage consisted of being three of the five founders of the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity. Now the Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest and largest academic honor society. It was founded on Dec. 5, 1756. It is the first society to have a Greek letter in its name. Also in its early years it introduced the essential characteristics of such societies: an oath of secrecy, a badge, tattoos, mottoes in Latin and Greek, a code of laws, and an elaborate initiation ritual. Another interesting fact is four of the initial ten Presidents were educated at the University. Phi Beta Kappa distinction, (ΊBK) – earned the highest attainable academic honor at the undergraduate level at the Masonic lodge in 1758.

The young University students that created Phi Beta Kappa were men who were also part of the Free Masons. The young gentlemen had yet to obtain the infamous 3rd degree, Master Mason, in the Mason fraternity. So five young men decided that they as well would like to meet to share ideas and their concerns of the current times. They patterned the fraternity after the Free Masons and the three degrees to become a Master Mason. The Fraternity itself was the first step or the apprentice stage of the Masons. Then the second degree Fellow Craft of the Masons they created their own second degree in the fraternity known as the Flat Hat Club (F.H.C.). Then the 3rd degree of the fraternity and most secret took the name of Centaur. Today the Centaur are more secret and more infamous than the actual 3rd degree of the Masonic lodges.

The creation of the Flat Hat Club (F.H.C.) was a secret society within the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity. Some of the members were founding fathers of our nation Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Tyler and 16 other signers of the Declaration of Independence. To become a member the Fraternity a brother had to be selected by the other members of the F.H.C. The club was disbanded for a short period of time until the end of the Civil War. Then at the turn of the 20th century an even more secretive group was formed from the F.H.C. known as the Centaurs. Today it is an international society of men that places very select members of its society into positions of power around the world. The Fraternity has finally achieved its 3rd degree like the Free Masons except they are much more powerful.

While Jim attended the University he obtained several different positions within the Phi Beta Kappa. He was the youngest President of Phi Beta Kappa chapter being elected in his sophomore year. Then Jim was selected to be Head Master of the secret society of F.H.C. in his junior year. Only select members of the F.H.C. where allowed to be placed as a Centaur. You are chosen from an international panel besides it didn’t hurt that all the men in his family before him were also Centaurs. Jim became a Centaur his freshman year and became the Lord Centaur with over 20 members at his University in his junior year.

For each placement in the societies you were tattooed around your genitalia. Jim has a tattoo of the University crest, also his family crest at the bottom of his genitalia. A tattoo for the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity and because Jim was President he was given wings on the side to denote his special placement. Jim was selected to the F.H.C. that meant another tattoo and because he was Head Master his F.H.C. tattoo has a crown placed at the top to denote Head Master. In order to go to the most secret part of the fraternity meant you became a Centaur. So Jim has a tattoo of a Centaur and because he became Lord of the Centaurs of his chapter a scepter is placed in its hand to denote that he was Lord Centaur.

Because this chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa was so special there are some other tattoos placed to denote two more things. The Alpha Delta Gamma Sorority is the sister sorority to the fraternity Phi Beta Kappa. There is a secret language for just ordinary members as well. Each member of both take on the name of a Greek god and then tattoo their genitalia with that god’s symbol and if you marry your Greek brother or sister that happens quite a bit at this campus you take your mates symbol as well. Jim took the persona of Zeus that his symbol is the lightning bolt. Beverly his wife took the persona of Aphrodite and her symbol is the swan that Jim tattooed on his loins.

If you followed any of this you have surmised by now that Jim is a very special person. Beverly was just as special. Her family as well helped form the Phi Beta Kappa Fraternity on the same campus. Her family as well as Jim’s family helped start the Alpha Delta Gamma Sorority chapter in the 1920’s because it promoted women to become progressive and to selflessly contribute to the foundation of the family and mankind in general.

All the women in Beverly’s family were Alpha Delta Gamma’s. Just like the Phi Beta Kappa’s the Alpha Delta Gamma mimicked its brotherly fraternity and in the 1960’s started a secret society of its own. The Alpha’s were introduced to the Sande Society by Beverly’s mother Deloris in 1961. The Sande Society of Sierra Leone (SSSL) is a women’s association that initiates girls into adulthood, confers fertility, instills notions of morality and proper sexual comportment, and maintains an interest in the well-being of its members throughout their lives. In addition, SSSL champions women’s social and political interests and promotes their solidarity vis-a-vis F.H.C., as a complementary institution for men. Beverly’s mother Deloris also founded the Helen sect. This too was a complementary society founded in the Greek to help promote the Centaur society.

As women of Helen they too were taking Greek mythology to promote their society. Helen was the daughter of Zeus so she was a woman like eve to spawn from their loins offspring to promote the well being and control of earth. If a Greek brother of PBK married his sister from ADG that was special. If both were part of FHC and SSSL they were given a major leg up in life but if you are Centaur and Helen like Jim and Beverly and Raymond and Christina then you are destined for great wealth and power.

Beverly herself was tattooed just like Jim. She too took the crest of the school and her family crest at the base of her vagina. She then took the ADG symbol as well as the SSSL and of course the symbol of Helen. Beverly was the president of the ADG and she had wings attached to show her prominence. For the SSSL she was known as the Sacred Sister because she was the leader and a special heart was given to her tattoo. Her junior year she was made Head Mistress of Helen. A tiara was placed on the head of Helen to denote her special title. She took the persona of Aphrodite that required the tattoo of a swan and she took Jim’s symbol the lightning bolt because of his persona of Zeus when they were married.

Now let’s get back to Jim and Beverly in the bathtub. It had been a very long time since Jim and Beverly made love like this. Jim was still buried deep inside of Beverly’s pussy and he pulled her back on top of him as they breathed heavily together. Her pussy was flooded with the combination of Jim’s cum and hers mixed together. For Beverly it was incredible feeling her husband’s cock still inside of her. The heat of his manhood and her vagina mixed with their warm orgasm overtook her as the jets of the bathtub washed over her stomach and breast. It just so happened that a jet was pulsating directly above her clitoris that created a Zen-like feeling for her.

Jim wrapped his hands around her stomach his hands slowly moved to her supple Milf breasts. He began to squeeze them very gently he knew how sensitive his wife’s nipples became after being so excited for such a long period of time.

Beverly tilted her head back looking at Jim and winked at him, “Oh honey that so feels good. Honey we haven’t made love like this in such a long time. Oh God I’ve missed you so much Jim. These three weeks have been too long for us to be separated.”

Jim whispered in her ear, “It has been a long time since we made love like this My Lady. It was a complete surprise the way you shaved your pussy. Revealing your tattoos – wow is all I can say – it has been a long time since I’ve desired to take you like this”

Beverly was giggling “It has been a long time for me too.”

“I haven’t felt like this since we first met in college. Do you remember the way we were as young kids experimenting with each other our freshman year? You haven’t had your pussy completely shaved since we were first married. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this side of you. In all fairness the three weeks away from you and the kids helped me I realized how good my life is with the three of you. It helped me put things back into perspective. This is a very big weekend for not only for Ashley but things are going to be put right between Raymond and me as well.

Beverly interrupted Jim, “Hold on a second, a big weekend for you and Raymond?”

“Well, honey there are some things that you don’t know about and I finally can reveal them to you after all of these years. I have been putting things in motion for the past several years now and they are finally coming to a head this weekend. I needed to be here for Ashley but also to try and repair things between Raymond and me. This is a chance for Raymond to right all the wrongs that he has done in the past.”

Beverly turned over on her husband and with her breasts heaving in his face she smiled and said, “Oh My Lord – it pleases me to know that you desire to finally reconcile with your brother and make things right with your family once and for all.”

Jim looking directly into her hazel eyes said, “Well then tell me My Lady – What is it? What have I done? How have I wronged you that created such a huge chasm between us?”

Beverly pushed up off of Jim and moved to the other side of the tub and looked at him and finally wanted to reveal to him everything. “My Lord – It’s not that you have wronged me honey – it’s just that it’s been a disappointment, you know?”

Jim had a confused expression on his face and asked her, “Well tell me My Lady how is that I have disappointed you?”

Beverly shook her head, “Oh My Lord. The disappointment is not that you have let me down or disappointed me, it’s because you have disappointed yourself. It is because you are not yourself. You have not been yourself for the past seven years. Jim your oldest daughter is now 21 and Madison your youngest is now 17. It’s been seven years since your split with your brother Raymond.

Jim was taken aback by his wife’s directness. “Beverly. You know that I didn’t cause the split, it was caused by my brother.”

“Honey if you remember he offered his daughters to you. He’s been trying to appease you these past seven years. Quite honestly My Lord, you haven’t been the same. Sweetheart he is your identical twin – you know better than anyone that Raymond is your other half of your being.”

Jim staring at Beverly for a second said, “Beverly, you’re right. My other half has been missing all these years but it is not because of me it is because of him. It because of his betrayal not mine. Quite honestly Beverly he’s fucked up. His betrayal is because of his jealousy – his jealousy of me. I didn’t put him in this position he did it himself.”

“Then tell me My Lord – tell me once and for all how it is he betrayed you? Seven years ago he didn’t have sex with Ashley or with Madison. I’ll admit that he did something that he shouldn’t have done but he himself had admitted to me how he has regretted how he has wronged you. He has done the same for you and he doesn’t understand why you won’t forgive him?”

Jim smiled at Beverly, “Well this is going to surprise you My Lady but I have forgiven him. What you may not know is that I have been protecting him these past seven years by keeping my distance from him. By doing so I have been able to manipulate the other two major sects the Minotaur and the Satyr. What he has done over the past 20 plus years – he’s fucked up – he has fucked up on so many occasions. The heroin, cocaine and alcohol didn’t help either –

Beverly interrupted Jim –“It’s been so long – he’s been clean for so many years now.”

“Yes that’s true. It’s the one thing that has been keeping his dumb ass alive. The fact that I have been able to protect him and he’s come off of the junk and that he hasn’t committed any other offenses against the Centaur, Minotaur and Satyr. There are so many important men involved in these sects that Raymond has offended that it has been an all consuming job to protect my brother.” Jim took a deep breath and thought for a moment. “There are so many things that you don’t know about how he’s pissed off so many different people that this weekend there is a tribunal. Can you believe it? Do you know how rare they are? Usually they are called for political reasons but there is a special tribunal of all three sects just for my dumb ass older brother. It has taken me all these years to fix this tribunal to keep his sorry ass alive and hopefully now you can see how far I am willing to go to protect my brother and my family.”

Beverly smiled at him, “So you are finally going to make things right with your brother. That pleases me so much. There is just one other thing that I would like to clear up for me – Madison and her virginity.”

“Okay what about Madison and her virginity I thought that she had explained everything to you?”

Beverly smirked at Jim, “I don’t know it’s like the two of you concocted that story. I still believe that Madison and you could no longer wait and you took her virginity. Just admit to it so that we can move on with our lives.”

Jim sat up and with a very stern face leered back at his wife as to say with his expression, you dare to impugn my word. He took a deep breath and said, “There are so many things that you think you know about my brother. You sit there and tell me that I am a disappointment unto myself. Well let me fill in all the blanks for you. First off do you remember when we came back from our second honeymoon our 15th wedding anniversary? Ashley was only 14 and Madison was barley 10 at the time. If you remember correctly we watched Kasey and Kaitlin for Raymond and Christina the summer before so they could get away by themselves. Then they graciously offered to watch our two little girls for us in turn the next summer.

If you remember we needed to get away. Our marriage wasn’t in the best condition since I worked 16 hours a day. I thank you for giving me the time to build my career to try and provide the best of the best for my family. We didn’t take vacations back then and holidays were cut short because of my work. We needed to rekindle and start a new fire between us. I will never forget how you sacrificed for the family and me. Your sacrifice allowed me to climb the corporate ladder and to gain access to the higher levels of the Centaur as well.

We definitely needed to repair many things within our marriage. I needed to make up for the many wrongs that you had endured I wanted that second honeymoon to be the launching pad to a new and better relationship between the two of us. If you remember while we were away in Hawaii we were able to rekindle and repair the many problems that we were having. When your father and my father suggested to go to Hawaii we both did not have any idea that there were going to be so many high ranking women of Helen sect and men of Centaur there. We both did not realize that we were selected to the America Council of Helen and Centaur. We both could never have achieved that distinction without us both sacrificing the very core of our marriage but honey we made it through those tough times.

See my brother Raymond he knew that with that many high-ranking Centaur and Helen couples gathered in one place at one time that he had missed his chance at the council because he had fucked up so many times before. The fact that his baby brother was going on the American council first pissed him off. Now I know that he is only 25 minutes older than me but he is the eldest son all the same. Here is something that you don’t know. Raymond has lost his birthright to me. This means that he will never be able to achieve a higher post than me unless I kill somebody and go to jail.

Do you remember what happened when we came back from Hawaii? Everything was fantastic until dinner was over. Do you remember that day?”

Beverly looked at her husband and knew how much the day after they returned from their second honeymoon had cut him to the very core of his being. She whispered across the tub to him, “Yes I do. I was just as shocked as you were if you remember honey.”

Jim was shaking his head up and down and he had a very forlorn expression on his face and his speech fell to just above a whisper as he looked away from his wife as he looked back into the dark recesses of past and said, “I remember it like it happened just yesterday. We had just eaten dinner and the girls went upstairs to get cleaned up for the night. Remember little Madison our 10-year-old said she wanted to play games. Remember we looked at each other and thought that Raymond and Christina, Kasey and Kaitlin must have played all kind of board games when we were away and now they wanted to continue to play with us. You know things changed that day. That special bond of parent and child that day was torn apart forever. Just after dinner was served Ashley and Madison came bouncing down the steps completely naked. When I saw that both of my daughter’s were naked I asked, ‘Hey girls what’s going on? Why are my two girls naked?’”

Ashley looked at me and said, “Its naked time daddy. It’s time to play the games uncle Raymond taught us.”

I couldn’t believe that they were naked if you remember when Ashley was about 10 she no longer would allow me to see her naked or even in her underwear, you remember that? Then I looked at my two naked daughters and said, “No, honey it’s not naked time. Now you two march upstairs and put your clothes back on.”

Then little Madison took my hand and said, “Oh daddy, don’t be so silly. At Uncle Raymond’s house we got to play naked time with Kasey and Kaitlin. Uncle Raymond said all the pretty girls had to be naked daddy.”

It was the first time I got to drench in Ashley and her tight teenage body. It was the first time that I had lustful thoughts creep into my mind about my daughter. Ashley stood there with her hands on her hips and had a disappointed face and I asked, “So, tell me why all the girls had to be naked?”

Then Ashley said it like there was nothing wrong at all with her being naked in front of her father, “Well, we played the kiss and pump game.”

Beverly, you knew what she was talking about and so did I but I wanted to make sure and asked her, “So what is the kiss and pump game honey?”

Then Ashley began to mimic how the game was played as she explained it, “Well, you have kiss Uncle Raymond’s pee-pee on the top and pump the bottom until all the white candy comes out.”

Remember we looked at each other in amazement; there was shock and awe on each of our faces. I was so damn angry I couldn’t talk. I just stood there with a red face of anger while you helped me to my chair. You turned and you said, “Okay Ashley who played this game with Uncle Raymond?”

Madison was so scared and she asked, “Is daddy mad? Uncle Raymond said it was okay and that daddy should have been playing the same game with us. He was surprised that we never knew about the game and that when you would come home from vacation we would start to play the game all the time.”

Beverly’s emotions ran back to that day and how angry she became over what Raymond had made her two little girls do, “Yeah I remember I tried to keep a calm voice and said, Daddy isn’t mad he’s just upset that you played the game with Uncle Raymond first that’s all. Now, tell us how you play the game.”

Madison smiled at her mother and said, “Okay. Uncle Raymond would come home after work. After he changed we ate dinner and then it was naked time. All us girls could get naked even Aunt Christina. She has nice big boobs like you mommy. I hope that one day mine get as big as hers and her special naughty spot didn’t have any hair just like ours but she had a lot of strange tattoos and so did Uncle Raymond. Aunt Christina said that you would teach us about the tattoos because you and daddy have the same ones. Do you guys have the same tattoo?”

That’s when I finally regained my composure and looked at my naked 10-year-old daughter for the first time like she was a woman. She had the same type of curvature leading down to her prepubescent pussy like you do honey and I said, “We’ll talk about the tattoos later just tell me about the games.”

Ashley became really excited if you remember and with as much pride as she could muster began to explain what they did, “We had to break up into teams it was Kasey and Kaitlin against Madison and me. So, this is how you play the kiss and pump game. One of us girls would take turns kissing the top of Uncle Raymond’s pee-pee while your partner got to pump the bottom part. You keep kissing and pumping while the other team counts how many pumps it takes until Uncle Raymond gave you his special white candy. The team that had the least amount of pumps would win the game. I think the real winner is the girl that got the special white candy he keeps inside of his pee-pee. If you open your mouth real wide it makes it easier to eat and swallow it all. I don’t like it when he would it go on my face because your partner had to clean it up with her tongue.”

Jim broke in and said “I remember perfectly now and you asked your our 14 year-old-daughter. Did you play?”

Ashley just shrugged her shoulder and said, “Sure mommy it was so much fun.” Then she grasped my cock over my pants and winked at me and said, “So daddy can we play?”

Jim looked at Beverly. “I tried to stay as calm as I could. I just smiled at Ashley and couldn’t say anything. Then Madison looked at me realizing that I had my angry face and she said to us. “If you don’t like the kiss and pump game we can play the other game that Aunt Christina taught us.”

That’s when I lost it. Blowjobs are one thing but I knew what was coming next when I asked her, “What is the other game that you played?” My heart came up to her throat, I was absolutely terrified that Raymond had fucked my two daughters and took their virginities.

Madison smiled and said, “Oh, this is a fun game because everyone gets to play. Okay Aunt Christina has this thing that she wears when she goes to bed to cover her eyes, okay. Well, you put that over your eyes and spread your legs open and then somebody puts in different fingers inside your special naughty holes and then you have to guess how many there are.”

Jim smiled and looked at Beverly, “You remember that’s when I lost it. I looked down at my youngest daughter that was 10 and said, “WHAT? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOUNG LADY – SAY THAT AGAIN – I’m sorry Madison – Daddy is not mad at you, can you tell me again how the game is played.”

Madison was petrified of me and Ashley said, “Madison told it the right way. You put Aunt Christina’s blindfold over your eyes and then you could feel everyone’s hands over your special naughty place. Then everyone would count 1-2-3 and then put as many fingers inside your naught holes as they could. Aunt Christina usually would win.” Ashley began to giggle “We actually got Madison’s whole hand inside of her vagina the one time. It was totally awesome mom you should have seen it.”

Beverly giggled and said, “You began to breath real heavy, your face became contorted and if possible it changed to a whole new shade of red. Ashley looking at you started to pout and then went on with her story. “Uncle Raymond said you’d be mad at us and say that we are bad girls. They are really fun games daddy – they all seem to be so happy because they all play these special games together – Aunt Christine and Uncle Raymond said that you and mommy played both games with them before. Uncle Raymond said if you got mad like this he told me to tell you something. When Kaitlin and Kasey come over next week we all can play the same games with you and mommy.”

Beverly crossed the tub and kissed Jim and said, “I remember you told the girls to sit on the couch. You grabbed me as I had small tears welling up in my eyes and I said; ‘If they are not virgins I am going over there tonight and kill your brother.’ You spun around to face your two precocious daughters and you wiped the tears from my eyes. I remember you staring at their prepubescent bodies he knelt before them as they sat on the couch.

Jim looked at Beverly and whispered, “I wanted them to trust me and I gently told them. Okay girls daddy is going to ask you to do something okay. I don’t want you to be afraid because I am not mad at you. I am upset with Uncle Ray and Aunt Chrissy okay. Now I want you to spread open your legs. Both girls did as they were told and opened them for me. Princess (Ashley) I am going to touch your special place I want to check something.”

Ashley was so cool and calm said to me, “Okay daddy.”

“I took my fingers and opened her prepubescent vagina and looked to see that her hymen was still very much intact. With one sigh of relief I then knelt in front Madison. Okay Snuggle Bug daddy is going to do the same thing. I spread her 10 year-old vagina open and her hymen was still very much intact. It was the biggest sigh of relief that I had my whole life.

Beverly kissed Jim again and said, “You are a great man – the love you have for this family goes beyond all of my expectations. Now, honey I know what he did was wrong or what I should say is that Christina and Raymond were both wrong to have done what they did.”

Jim looked directly into her eyes, “It’s more of a betrayal than anything else. It was also a betrayal of the Phi Beta Kappa, the Flat Hat Club but more importantly a betrayal of the Centaur. Regardless of whatever sect that you or I belong to Raymond betrayed our family. Think about it honey he had my daughters suck his cock.”

Beverly reached out and touched Jim on his shoulder recognizing his pain. She kissed him on the lips and said, “You did plan on taking both of their virginities as was your right as a Centaur.”

“Yes but only when they were ready – it had to be the right place and time. I understand the sect of the SSSL and Helen wants their daughters to be prepared for their life partner. This is why you allow the fathers to take the daughters virginity. You know that as a father he will be more loving and caring than some teenage boy who doesn’t know what he is doing. Unfortunately my brother Raymond made sex dirty for both of my daughters.

My brother took something special away from my daughters. Instead of sex being a beautiful thing between a man and a woman he turned it into a dirty prospect for both of them when he wanted them to suck his cock. He made it dirty right from the word GO. Here is something that you don’t know about. One of the evenings he came into Kasey bedroom while Ashley and her slept together in the same bed. Raymond was high on coke and pulled the covers down and made Kasey suck his cock right in front of Ashley. He ate her pussy and then fucked her pussy then fucked her in the ass. When he was ready to cum he pulled out of his daughter’s asshole and made Ashley suck him off then watched the girls swap his cum. I mean that doesn’t upset you?”

Beverly was quivering and biting her lower lip. “I had no idea that he took it that far I just thought they gave him blowjobs and he fingered our girls a little bit – that’s all I knew honey – but honey –”

Jim leered at his wife as he interrupted – “but nothing sweetheart. He purposely sexually abused our daughters out of spite. He wanted to gain some kind of revenge because you and I were elevated above him and Christina in the Centaur and Helen.

Here ends chapter 1 of Part three of our story. Stay tuned for the exciting chapters of Raymond’s depravity.

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