Lost Empire 79

Palace life

0001 – Tempro

0003 – Conner- Thomas

0097 – Ace – Zimmel

0098 – Lucy

0101 – Shelby (mother ship)

0125 – Lars

0130 – Gillese

0200 – Ellen

0250 – Tendra

0301 – Rodrick

0403 – Johnathon

0778 – Jan

0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human)

0805 – Toran

0808 – Radella

0881 – Handrax

0908 – Tara – Mara

1000 – Sherry


Ungrown – unnumbered


0100 – Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians

so far


4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen

8 on Lucy


Known and OR numbered


0501 – Thaddeus

???? – Lena


missing – 0667 – Marco

0999 – Zan – still lost


Duke Risen was doing all that he could to hold his temper in check. As soon as they had entered the hive, the wasp like guard had left him alone in a small room. Trying to be patient the Duke waited and waited, the first few hours weren’t that bad. It was the last three hours that had made the Duke completely pissed off.

Risen had already pulled several weapons though as of yet hadn’t killed anything. That though was about to seriously change. The moment he heard the door start to open he started firing his fully charged weapon.

It wasn’t ’til well over thirty bodies littered the hall outside, that a raspy female voice was heard.

“So, I can see that you are much like your sire. This has furthered the bond between my subjects and you.” The voice said.

Risen smirked, carefully deciding just what to say. “I suggest that, if you wish to not have to replace most of your soldiers, you not make me wait longer.”

“Our apologies, it was wished to learn your intent…” the voice continued.

Risen’s face screwed into a look of rage as he started to fire, killing at least another twenty.

“I either speak to the actual queen or I will kill everything that comes near me.” Risen spit.

“How dare you I am…” the voice started.

“Cut the crap! The real queen would never apologize to me, she is far above that.” Risen said as he killed another twenty soldiers.

There was a sigh then another far raspier female voice spoke to him. “You are correct humanoid, If you can deliver on that which you have said, then you will be welcome. Though your extermination of the many soldiers will further the readiness of the colony, you will be safely escorted to me.”

“I might suggest that you keep that escort to a minimum. I have seen something of this before, I guarantee, betray me? I will take as many as I can. You might also find, several large openings in the walls as I make my way to you. I do not take betrayal well at all.” Risen said.

“There will be no betrayal, humanoid offspring of our savior. No harm will befall you.” The raspy female voice said.

Risen thought a moment more than smiled, pulling the trigger he slaughtered another forty soldiers. “I think I will make my way to you, no escort.” With that Risen shot another twenty before the hall was clear. “I mean it if I see even a hint of a soldier, I will make quick work of you then this colony, I have the fire power.”

After that Risen found the halls eerily quiet and empty, though through the scans he was getting he knew they were there. Less than an hour later Risen entered a huge room that he saw was almost directly center of the colony.

In the center of that room, was what appeared to be a much larger version of the wasp like creatures from before. Risen nodded as he saw a great many that were attending the creature.

“Ah!” Came the raspy feminine voice, “you made it here far faster than we thought you would.”

A cautious bow to the creature, Risen stood his ground as several creatures approached him. All of them bounced off knocked back well over twenty meters, a few lightly burned.

It was when the sound of several weapons being powered up, that caused Risen to destroy several of those with weapons.

“You have to surrender your weapons; it is not allowed in the presence of the queen!” A slightly larger looking soldier creature said.

“I suggest that if you do not wish to clean this chamber of a great many bodies, you lower your weapons and shut up!” Risen hissed as he pointed his weapon at the speaker.

“My Queen…!” The speaker started, then quieted when the queen held up an appendage.

“You are greatly like you pre-sire, as we remember he also did not surrender his. Clear this chamber of all soldiers!” Came the queen’s raised voice.

Amid a great grumbling the room was quickly cleared of almost all the creatures. Again, Risen slightly bowed, he needed to conclude this as soon as possible, the stench was making him a bit nauseous.

“I have brought all the plans for your ships, weapons and suits. I also have some of the material that will allow you to grow them. I am sorry that I only have a few pounds, though I understand that is all you will need to start.” Risen said.

The Queen nodded what Risen assumed was a head. “What do you wish for payment for all this?” The Queen asked.

“Only that you remove that bastard fake to the throne. That you kill him slowly, piece by piece. I wish to be there as you slowly take him apart.” Risen growled.

What appeared to be a smile appeared on what Risen assumed was a face. “It will be so, are common enemy shall die a most painful death, that I can guarantee.” The Queen said.

“I will leave everything outside my ship for your people to collect.” Risen said as he turned.

Close to the door, the large soldier suddenly lunged at Risen with a large, sharp, wicked looking blade. Backing into the chamber Risen smiled, this one he was going to enjoy destroying.

“Queen, if I destroy this stupid one, will you be angered?” Risen said with a smile.

“Not at all, it will save me the trouble for his disobedience,” the Queen said.

“I claim the right to kill you humanoid, for the dishonor you have shown the Queen.” The soldier said.

“I only see two things wrong with that, one: you disobeyed her orders.” Risen said

“Ha! She will forgive when I gut you. You said two things,” the soldier said.

“Oh yeah, you’re too stupid to realize you’re dead.” With that there was a loud whine as the soldier lunged. A small explosion sounded as the top half of the soldier collided then passed most of the way through Risen’s shield. The impact took Risen to the floor, with what was left of the unmoving soldier covering Risen. Another whine then most of what was left was blown off him.

On his feet Risen almost ran from the room. At a full run Risen made the opening in less than twenty minutes. He’d already injected several vials into his arm, though they were only slowing the poison. Still at a run Risen had already activated his ship.

“I need a status report,” the Duke growled.

“Hyper drive is finished, trans-warp will require at least two more hours. Weapons are still active though only at seventy five percent.” The monotone voice stated.

“Good, keep all shields on standby. I need you to produce the plans for Ve-001 through 010. I will also need the living organic material that is in stasis.” Risen said.

“Compliance, now commencing procurement.” The computer’s voice said.

“I also need the full antidote to the Vorlon poison.” Risen said.

“Now commencing antidote, time to completion, five hours.” The computer voice stated.

With the ship finally in view Risen lowered the defenses entering the ship. Shit he thought another four hours ’til it was done. Looking at the vials he had, he saw that he’d just make it.

With a sigh Risen shook his head, it was going to be a long day.


Kimon Dempsey sighed as the two bodies slammed against the wall again. He watched as both the male and female sprung up with what appeared to be renewed energy.

They both, moved into defensive positions their legs slightly shaking, as their teacher stated to move toward them. “Hold Greeson.” Kimon said as he advanced toward the three. Greeson had already sat in a meditative position when Kimon stopped before them.

A look at Jimison and Difina, had the both of them lowering their heads. They both had seen the slightly irritated, disappointed look in his eyes.

“It has been almost two weeks now, neither of you are even near to where you need to be. There is no hope of learning the more advanced moves, if you cannot move past where you are.” Pushing a finger into both their fore heads he said, “the both of you have to think, then forget what your eyes see. Feel what is there, then and only then can you go forward. Go, rest, remember what I have said, reach out feel, discover.”

Both bowed to Kimon then slowly walked out. As always there were more than a few Delcron males waiting at the opening to the training area.

Kimon was about to speak to Greeson when there were several shouts of pain. This was followed by several thuds to the wall with a few more screams.

A small grin came to Kimon’s face that quickly vanished. “I had hoped that they would have discovered it by now.”

“Master?” Greeson asked.

“Speak,” Kimon said.

“Perhaps, they are trying, far harder than they should? As I remember when I was training, I was trying as hard as I could to advance, far faster than my mind was allowing me. Perhaps, they need to relax to gain?” Greeson said.

“Hmmm,” Kimon said in thought. “Perhaps you are right. I will see to it, go back to your intended for a day. I am sure that you also need to relax. I also need to speak to Oni, a task I do not relish. Though she realizes we have a duty to fulfill, after the years she has waited, I can feel her longing for our joining.”

Greeson could only nod at his master’s words. He had felt a slight irritation from his intended Mara also. Shaking his head, he felt for the enemy if their intendeds met them. Their irritation alone was scary, though full-blown anger? Here Greeson shook, that was something he hoped to not see.

Kimon watched Greeson’s reactions, he could almost guess what the man was thinking. He could see the slight shaking the man was experiencing, yeah, he was slightly afraid himself. Both females were formidable, angered? Well, that was something he felt with Greeson, he didn’t want to experience.

Kimon touched at wall bringing both Jimison and Difina’s images up. “I and you teacher have business to attend for the next two days, remember what I said. Train as if we are here, I will know if you do not.”

Both men left the room hearing low, faint rumblings from the crew. Near the end of the corridor, they were met by a rather large group of Delcrons.

Kimon shook his head tapping Greeson on the shoulder. “Do not kill them, well, as few as you can.”

“I will do my best master,” Greeson said as they approached the group. “You are interfering with us attending Empire business, move aside or spend time healing in your infirmary.”

An obvious leader stepped forward, even as another large group moved behind them. “We are over fifty of your numbers strong, we know that you cannot prevail.”

Kimon shook his head, turning to Greeson, “only fifty? I will allow you to handle this. Such a small group barely stirs my interest, let alone action from me.” Greeson nodded as Kimon sat on the floor.

“I warn you again before any are hurt.” Greeson said calmly only to have most of them laugh at him.

With a shrug Greeson seemed to disappear, then reappear thirty seconds later. The group in front of them were all wide eyed as they fell to the deck unconscious. Greeson turned to the group behind them, warning them again. Once more they laughed at him, again he shrugged, disappeared, then reappeared. The group behind were wide eyed as well as they all fell unconscious.

Kimon stood, looking around nodding his head. “Your control is better, not as sloppy as before. Though you killed none of them, you should have taken both groups. We will work on this when we return, luck with your intended.”

“I also wish you luck master, your intended is quite formidable.” Greeson said remembering his short sparring with Oni.

“I fear I will need far more than luck, my Gakusei, much more than luck.” Kimon said. Again, stepping to the wall, Kimon attuned a certain frequency. A moment later a cat / human face appeared. “Emperor Kandra,” Kimon said as he slightly bowed. “I am afraid that two groups decided that I and my student were easy prey. You might want to have several of the crew to attend to them. Greeson didn’t kill any though a few are severely injured.”

“I see,” Kandra said, “worry not, they will be dealt with. Safe travel, give your intendeds our regards.”

Kimon nodded with no surprise, the being was an emperor after all. As with the commander, information was knowledge, he with the most wins. Kimon could see that, like the commander, this being was keeping abreast of everything he could.

Kimon and Greeson moved to the far end of the ship, then a moment later seemed to vanish into thin air. Not far down the hallway there were several gasps of astonishment from those that were following. Kandra nodded as he clicked off the viewer, this new ally was going to be a most definite, benefit.

In the outer room of the throne room, Greeson, bowed to Kimon as the went their separate ways. A grimace came to Kimon’s face as he approached the chambers that were Oni’s.

Kimon took a deep breath as he knocked on the door. When there was no answer, Kimon shook his head, Oni must be otherwise engaged.

It was a moment later that Kimon heard the sound of several running feet, small feet obviously. Then came the sound of more adult feet following. Turning around he caught a nine-year-old girl with abundant dark curls as she nearly collided with him.

Kimon brought his face level with hers, “hello little one. I see you are fleeing, are you in peril?”

The little girl suddenly stopped looking into Kimon’s eyes a wide smile covering her face. “No sir, they just want me to take a nap, I hate naps.”

Kimon was nodding as he held up his hand to stop those pursuing. “I see” he said with a smile. “To tell you the truth I did not like them when I was your age. Then a very smart woman told me something that changed that, would you like to know also?”

The little girl’s eyes were large as she nodded, she liked this man. “I have always thought that naps were bad, that they were trying to get me away from them. Oh, I am sorry mister, I am Shelly Shiloh.”

Kimon was shocked a moment then nodded, he could see Gunter’s features in the little girl’s face.

“Well, the woman was my mother, a very smart doctor. Perhaps much like your mother,” Kimon said recognizing Mika Shiloh. “So, I was as not a fan of naps at all ’til my mother told me. (If you do not refresh your energy with a nap? Then you won’t be able to play as much, you will get sleepy faster.) So, I thought about it, you know what?”

Here Shelly shook her head no.

“I found out she was right, after that day I took a nap as often as I could. I found that I had a lot more energy, plus I wasn’t as tired at night. Sounds good huh?” Kimon said watching Shelly’s face for a few moments.

It seemed only a minute or two passed then Shelly’s eyes opened wide. Leaning close Shelly thanked Kimon then kissed his cheek. “Thank you, mister.” With that she turned toward her shocked mother, “I’m ready to go take my nap.”

Both of them left with Mika mouthing thank you to Kimon, who was about to speak when a voice behind him stopped him short. “I remember that day, here I thought that I hadn’t gotten through to you at all.”

“Father, always taught me to take in everything I could, that one day everything would be of use. I have always taken all he has said to heart, rather I have tried.” Kimon said as he bowed to his mother.

Both Oni and Akira Dempsey smirked as they looked at Kimon. “You are near my quarters were you seeking me?” Akira asked.

“Yes, rather the both of you.” Turning to Oni Kimon bowed slightly, “I am sorry that duty to the emperor is further delaying our joining. The training I am afraid, is going far slower than I thought it would. I am hoping the advice I gave them helps to open their senses to where they need to be.”

“Ah! Still using their eyes, I see, it is a shame, they both seem so natural at the art. Perhaps it is their own joining that is dulling their senses? Perhaps, I could express this to her? You to him? If I remember correctly when it was announced about our joining, you had great difficulty or have you forgotten?” Oni asked as she concentrated on Kimon’s face.

Finally, a nod of ascent had a wide smile on hers, then Akira’s face. Perhaps Kimon thought it was as simple as she said.

“Yes, I remember that fact also. Master was ready to hurt me just to get me to pay closer attention. Luckily, I was very high in the art, I was moving without thinking no matter how fast he went. Another fact that seemed to frustrate him, I was also lucky that father was far more patient than I am.”

Oni bowed slightly to Kimon, “as has been said before, you have been a wise master longer than you thought. I am sure that with the both of us working toward that end, we can get them to where they need to be. After all, you sought council when you were at an end to answers, coming to your mate shows great wisdom.”

Kimon looked closely at Oni to see if she were serious or not. The sincerity he saw that had him nodding his head.

Greeson arrived on the empire planet with a bit of trepidation. It had only been a few months now since they had become intended to each other. He had felt at the time that Mara didn’t want to wait a long time for him and her to join.

Greeson stopped a moment, “Mary? Can give me the location of Captain Mara Norman?”

A shimmering in front of him revealed the visage of Mary, “of course Captain Greeson. She is just now sitting down in the main dining area. Should I let her know you are seeking her?”

“No, thank you Mary, I’m heading there now.” Greeson said as Mary winked out.

He walked to the door of the dining area stopping at the doorway. He took a deep breath, then swallowed hard as he then proceeded toward Mara.

Mara stopped talking immediately when the two women sitting with her were staring behind her. With a turn a wide smile spread across her face as she saw Greeson. A smile that started to fade the closer he got.

“Alright what’s wrong now?” She asked a bit worried, then even more when Greeson saluted her. “You know we don’t have to salute when we are together.”

Shock came to Greeson’s face when she said that. “Wrong? What makes you think…”

“You forget who you are talking to, when I decided you were my only one I…” Mara started. “What’s wrong,” she said when she saw the look on Greeson’s face.

“You decided,” Greeson said with a grimace. “Here I thought WE had decided.” Shaking his head Greeson turned then started to leave.

A panicked Mara, quickly excused herself running after Greeson. “David!” She shouted as he was exiting the dining room. David just continued on seeming to ignore her. “David!” She shouted louder racing to try and catch up with him.

David came to a stop shaking his head. “What is it now?” He asked when she caught up. “Did I forget to do something YOU wanted!?”

Mara stopped in shock at David’s words. “What is wrong, I thought you were happy with us.”

“Yes, I thought was, though I will tell you right now, IF, I continue on with us. I am in this for us not you, not me, US. I suggest you remember that the next time I talk to you.” David had started to walk away then turned back, “IF I talk to you again.” Finished, David whirled and walked away.

Mara stood there shocked a minute, then a new look of determination crossed her face. Reaching down she pulled her communicator loose. With a click she pressed a button, “Father? I need to talk to you; I am afraid I screwed things up with David.”

On the other end Daniel Norman sighed, with all that was going on this made the rest of the problems seem petty. He’d finally become a father to his daughter again, though this he felt he wasn’t sure he’d be able to help with.

“I’ll see you in an hour Mara, we’ll see if we can come up with a plan. That is after you tell me everything.” A tired sounding Daniel said.

David Greeson was having a hard time keeping his anger in check. Thank goodness his master had concentrated on that control as much as he had. Then again David was still having trouble keeping the rage he felt building from spilling out.

When he had met Mara, he had found they had so much in common, a fact that had him falling for her. After what had come out her mouth in the dining hall though, he wasn’t sure. What? Did she see him as a trophy that she could claim? He stopped dead still in the middle of the hallway his fists clenched in rage. He had seen others like that giving in, losing their selves, ’til they were damn near slaves. THAT, was not going to happen.

At the moment he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. With a turn David went toward the training area not far away. He just hoped that the holograms and robots were enough to help quell that anger.

It was more than an hour later that Mary’s voice was heard. “Colonel Dempsey? Sir, it appears that we have a situation.”

“A situation?” A startled Kimon asked. Both his mother and Oni also wore concerned looks on their faces.

“Yes sir, it appears that Captain Greeson has taken over the training area. All attempts to reach him have been rebuffed or ignored. A full squad was dispatched to ascertain what is wrong, they are not answering their coms.” Mary said.

“When were you aware of this?” Kimon asked.

“Shortly after Captain Norman, called me concerned about him. It appears he also refused to answer her calls.” Mary said.

“I see,” Kimon said with a sigh and a shake of his head. “It looks as if I have to save my student. If it is that is his intended that is at the cause of this,” here Kimon looked at Oni. “I may need you there, though, the both of us might have to kill him to stop him. He has progressed very far since he faced my disgrace.”

A shocked look came to Oni’s face, then she nodded as the both of them arose. “I will accompany you in case he can be saved. My son, do you think it is the Ai no nikushimi? His Ki will have raised quite high. Might I suggest the both of you be cautious?” Akira Dempsey said.

Kimon and Oni nodded again as they rapidly moved out of the room toward the where Greeson was. Outside the room, Mara Norman was standing, a look of fear and terror on her face. “I tried to each him, it only seemed to make it worse.”

“I suggest that you please keep out of sight Captin Norman. It may be that Greeson is experiencing Ai no nikushimi, a deep hate of love. His emotions have linked to his abilities, he very is powerful though in danger. If we cannot reach him, he will die at our hands, or his own body will burn out.” Kimon said, Oni, nodding her agreement.

Mara’s mouth dropped open, the look of fear on her face even more apparent. “My god, please help him. I think he misunderstood what I was trying to say when this started. I… I love him, it might destroy me if he doesn’t make it.”

Oni bowed to Mara, having seen the intense look of love in her eyes. “We will do what we can.” Mara nodded as the two moved to the threshold stopping when Oni put her hand on Kimon’s shoulder. “My Ito sa remashita, you may have to use the MaindotĹŤku (mind talk).”

Kimon could only stare at Oni, “it has been a very long time since I used that. With one who has never experienced it before it will require much ki energy. I cannot put you in danger like that, you would have to fight and protect me while I initiate it.”

“I am a far better master than you think, I also have a few tricks.” Oni said a serious look on her face. “He is a worthy student to last as long as he did shows that you trained him well. Just reach him as quickly as you can.”

Kimon ran everything through his head then ran it again not seeing a resolution to the situation. With a sigh Kimon said, “I will start, perhaps seeing me will break the emotions hold on his mind.”

Kimon seemed to vanish, then appeared in front of Greeson. A look of intense anger spread across Greeson’s face as he pushed out knocking Kimon back a few feet. Kimon nodded as he’d gotten a feel of Greeson’s emotions from the slight touch. Concentrating he felt several blocks in Greeson fall away.

Greeson, came Kimon’s thoughts, can you hear me? A moment later Greeson lashed out again trying to drive Kimon away. They both disappeared as blows were heard though nothing was seen. A moment later there was a loud thud with Greeson, sliding back a few feet. A look of surprise covered his face as his eyes cleared a moment staring at Kimon. “Master?” Greeson said then his eyes glazed back over.

Oni appeared at that moment looking at Kimon who nodded then sat. All around him there was heard the sound of blows and thuds. A slight sweat broke out on Kimon’s head as he started to concentrate harder, then his body slightly shook. A moment later a loud hit was heard as Oni was propelled toward the wall, then sliding down it unconscious.

More sweat began to fall as Kimon pushed harder. Greeson stopped looking around the room. Who is this intruding on my thoughts? Came Greeson’s thoughts.

It is your master, stop this you have to hear things out, I believe you do not have all the facts, returned Kimon’s thoughts.

I…I’m not sure if I can I… came Greeson’s thoughts as he took a step forward the fell to the ground unconscious. Kimon’s eyes snapped open, who then attempted to stand. Crawling to Oni after his failed attempt to stand, Kimon put a hand on Oni’s inert form. A slight glowing appeared then faded as Kimon smiled then let the darkness take him.

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