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Lost Empire 74

After the battle.

0001 – Tempro

0003 – Conner- Thomas

0097 – Ace – Zimmel

0098 – Lucy

0101 – Shelby (mother ship)

0125 – Lars

0130 – Gillese

0200 – Ellen

0250 – Tendra

0301 – Rodrick

0403 – Johnathon

0778 – Jan

0798 – Celeste – Shelby (human)

0805 – Toran

0808 – Radella

0881 – Handrax

0908 – Tara – Mara

1000 – Sherry


Ungrown – unnumbered


0100 – Derry (father ship)

Rescued from Tendraxians

so far


4 on Shelby 2 in re-gen

8 on Lucy


Known and OR numbered


0501 – Thaddeus

???? – Lena


missing – 0667 – Marco

0999 – Zan – still lost

Derrick was still in deep thought when the door to the bridge opened. Looking up Derrick nodded as Dempsy entered followed very closely by Onai and Akira Dempsy. Slightly shaking his head, Derrick sighed, Onai he figured, possibly Akira Dempsy, though not both at the same time.

“As you ordered sir.” Dempsy stated as he snapped off a salute.

“I may have another mission for you. It appears that Jimison engaged in a mating ritual/fight with the Delcron Emperor’s daughter.” Derrick said.

Kimon’s eyes went wide as soon as he heard this. “I take it that there are dire circumstances?”

“That’s to say the least,” Derrick said a look of irritation on his face. “Then we have the Tendraxian survivors that seem to be terrified by me!”

Derrick look behind himself at the slightly trembling females huddled together. He barely shook his head in disbelief about that.

Kimon’s face held mock surprise, “No way sir, not you!”

Derrick turned quickly to stare at Kimon. Reaching in his pocket, Derrick produced a star emblem. Holding it out to look at, he again turned to stare at Kimon.

“I hope that you still remember, what I told you last time about mocking me. I still need another Brigadier General for the ground forces.” Kimon slowly backed away not saying a word, seeing the almost evil smile on Derrick’s lips.

Bowing low Kimon finally spoke, “Sire, I would never mock you. I live to serve you, sir.”

Derrick eyed Kimon suspiciously then slowly nodded. “As I said, we or rather I have multiple problems. Besides the first two, the Delcron Emperor and his daughter are expecting another ritual fight to finally end this. Though I am inclined to order Jimison to go with them, they also have their traditions.”

Kimon was about to speak then he nodded, his own people were nothing if not slaves to their traditions. “I understand now sire, I imagine that they feel that they would be nothing without them.”

A small smile, slowly crept to Derrick’s lips, he’d hoped that Kimon would respond like that. He knew that the Jitakuans had a good amount of traditions as the Delcrons did. Derrick had actually read the first hundred or so pages finding more than a few similarities between the two.

“I still have need of Jimison, I have that damnable Duke who escaped. We still have a major Creagon queen out there, the Delcrons might declare war if this isn’t handled right. We have over hour hundred ninety ships out there that need to be found and re-gened, that we know where they actually are. Then, there is your compatriots, Kimison and Rayburn, if they don’t kill themselves I just might.” Here Derrick slightly bowed his head, “then there is the matter of your joining. THAT, I will not let be delayed again.”

Both Kimon and Onai’s mouths dropped open, then they both bowed to the floor to Derrick. “You honor the both of us sire. I will endeavor to actually earn the honor you have given us.” Kimon said.

Derrick stared hard at Kimon, “You have earned the honor many times over. You have always served with honor this is a slight payment for all that you have done.”

Onai and Kimison could only stare at each other, this seemed almost too good to be true.

“Now, let’s discuss this upcoming challenge, though we might have to wait ’til the empress finishes with the book.” Derrick said. He then lowered his head and voice as he was quiet a moment. “We also have to plan for the honoring ceremony for Captain Brown.

Kimon nodded as he also bowed his head. “He died with great honor, doing what he felt was the right thing to do. It was an honor to briefly know him.”

Derrick nodded as he started in with what he could of the coming challenge.


It was three days later when Shelby finished the Delcron ritual book. Derrick had been through almost all of it surprising Shelby, being able to read it far faster than she thought he could.

Derrick had explained everything that he could to Kimon, the man only nodding to Derrick the whole time. After Kimon then Onai made several suggestions, Derrick spent almost the whole two days they had left deep in thought.

It was almost the end of the fourth day traveling, when Shelby notified Derrick. “Derrick?” she said when she appeared.

Derrick’s head snapped up, “Is everything alright Shelby?”

“Yes, I wanted to let you know that the next two are ready to emerge.” Shelby said.

“Good I’ve been waiting for them. These are two of those that the Tendraxians had?” Derrick asked.

“Yes, I am just hoping that your suggestion will aid them.” Shelby replied.

All stood there waiting for what was about to happen. A few moments later static was heard from the speakers, static that slowly became voices.

“H-hello?” A hesitant female voice stated. “Is anyone there?”

“It is good to hear you again, 0130!” Shelby said.

“Mother!” The female voice quickly responded.

“0130? Is that you?” A male voice suddenly stated out of the static.

“0881! It is good to hear you again.” 0130 said.

“It is good to have both of you back again. The new Emperor wishes to have a word with you.” Shelby said.

“The Emperor,” they both stated with awe in their voices.

“As I have with all of your brothers and sisters, I wish to have a name to call you by.” Derrick said.

A moment later two holograms of young and slender male and female appeared before Derrick.

“Sire,” 0130 said as she bowed. “I was only called Gillese for a very short time.”

Derrick nodded as he turned toward the young male hologram. 0881’s head still bowed he stated, “I was called Handrax Sire. Though also for only a short time. Sire? If I may ask are there many of us left?”

Derrick smiled as he turned toward the fifteen holograms that were behind the two new comers.

“Well,” Derrick started, his smile getting larger. “perhaps you should look behind you.”

With that, both turned large smiles on their faces, staring as the fifteen holograms there greeted them.

“I do not wish to put a damper on our victory, please remember, we lost Marco today.” Here Derrick bowed his head as he almost whispered. “We also lost his human prime, Captain Mack Brown. This alone makes me far more angry than anything else. As soon as this business with the Delcron’s is finished, we will hold a memorial service.”

All the ships bowed their heads as they remained silent for Brown and Marco.


Deep within the bowels of Johnathon, Jimison was hiding as far from the trouble as he could. He’d studied all that he could get his hands on. He knew almost every place to hide from the A.I., where it’s sensors were almost nonexistent.

Equipped with everything that he thought he’d need, he foresaw no one finding him for quite some time. Well, that was ’til he felt himself being enveloped in an IMT beam. Shit he thought, as a moment later he appeared before Admiral Hartwell.

“How? I was…” Jimison started shocked that they had found him. “There is no way that the A.I. could have pin pointed me

Derrick turned toward Hartwell a moment before turning back to Jimison. “I also feel the same way, IF I didn’t need you as badly as I do, I’d have ALREADY given you to them. You just don’t realize the world of shit you’re in do you?”

When Jimison could only stare at Derrick, Gunter almost slapped the man. Derrick’s interceding was the only thing that saved the man any pain.

“Well? By all rights, the Delcrons have a legitimate claim to you.” Derrick again growled. “Just what in the hell would you do in my position?”

When Jimison only stared at Derrick with a pissed off look, Derrick nodded to Ma

ry. Two electrodes slid from the wall, administering a short shock to Jimison. A few moments later when Jimison stopped shaking Derrick spoke again.

“I was expecting an answer from you. Now then unless you want more, what would you have done?” Derrick stated his arms crossed as he waited.

Jimison looked up at Shiloh, Grant then finally Derrick, with a look of anger. “In order to save everyone, I guess almost exactly what you did.”

“YOU GUESS!?” Derrick shouted losing his temper a moment, then stepping close to Jimison. “Be glad I am not there I swear I’d damn near throw you in the brig, ’til she got there to take you away.”

Jimison started to shake uncontrollably when Derrick growled then turned to Hartwell.

“I’ve got everything that you advised sir. We should be more than ready though I am not liking having five ships out of commission.” Hartwell said a worried look on his face.

“We won a great victory today, though we lost also. We need to get this over with as soon as possible. Both sides need to grieve, before we go after those damn insects, I want them to pay, pay like never before.” Derrick said ,the anger edging his voice, his hands clenched.


It was taking all Emperor Kandra and the crew could do to keep the princess Difina from harming herself and the crew.

Kandra stopped at the infirmary, checking with the thirty or so that she’d already put there. They needed to get this over fast if she was going to remain sane. It appeared as if the mating fever, was far more worse than he at first thought.

The humanoid Emperor had said that they were only a day or two away from where they were going. With a sigh Kandra shook his head, he just hoped that she, the ship, and the crew survived that long.

Kandra was about to head off the bridge when, they received a signal from the humanoid fleet. Turning Kandra listened then took over the conversation.

“Emperor Kandra,” Derrick stated with a slight nod to the feline Emperor. Kandra was returning the nod when the view moved to show, a secured Jimison with a look of defeat on his face. “I was showing you that he has been secured as per your traditions. We…”

A growling gasp behind Kandra, caught all there by surprise. “So there you are!” Came an angered female voice, “to run off after winning a prize like this.” Here Difina turned to show each side of her trim, muscled feline body, then bowing to Jimison. “Since you failed to claim it, you must show just course under our laws as to why you reject me. If no such is shown, then I will have no choice than to destroy you.”

Jimison started to open his mouth when Derrick spoke up. “Princess Difina, I ask your forgiveness in this matter. Your potential mate was under Imperial orders to return as quickly as possible. Otherwise, I am sure that he would have stayed.”

Difina, then Kandra’s eyes both opened wide at this. Difina’s eyes seemed to clear as did her fighting stance relax. Bowing to her father, then Derrick she said, “I understand now. Maintaining ones duty does take precedence, This has brought even greater honor to me and both empires. I am afraid though that, now that a challenge has been issued, it cannot be revoked.” Here she turned to Jimison, “I belong to you no matter what, there must be another fight to restore honor to both of us. Win or lose I am yours,” here Difina smiled a toothy smile. “As I am sure, you are aware that you are mine.”

Difina again bowed to Derrick and her father, her fur bristling at the other males on the bridge. Turning she left the bridge feeling her blood quickening at the coming confrontation.

“Well, it seems,” Kandra stated, “a great many things have been resolved. It is good that the threat of war is no longer looming over both empires. Well, at least not with each other.”

“I have to concur with that assessment, a strong ally is far better than an enemy.” Derrick stated meaning every word of it. “I hope that things do continue to improve between our empires.”

Both Emperors nodded again to each other, then the communication was cut. A moment later another communication opened.

“You aren’t really going to believe him are you?” Came the voice of his head advisor. “They are after all filthy humanoids.”

Kandra could only stare at the male as if he’d lost his mind. “Did you not receive the recordings of the battle? Are you so ready to destroy this empire to go against the power that they have? I should have you removed if, that is your thinking. They decimated forty percent of the Creagon fleet with ease. They honored us by allowing to battle with them, then ASKED permission to pass through our territory. Yes, I do believe him, he has shown more honor than you are at the moment. So I ask, do you wish to remove your statement, or be removed without prejudice?”

The image of the feline swallowed hard as Kandra stared intensely at him. “I…” the councilor started.

Kandra held up his large furred paw stopping the male. Narrowing his eyes at the male he said, “Think well on the next words that leave your throat.”

Nodding the male was silent a few moments, “I remove what I said sire. It was not my intent to insult you nor your decisions.” The male then stood silent fully aware that he very life was in peril.

Kandra watched the male for a moment, gauging whether or not the male had spoken the truth. Finally satisfied Kandra nodded. “It would do you and the other advisors well to remember WHO actually rules.”

The head advisor trembled a bit remembering the last one who’d challenged the Emperor. Many were still talking about how badly the emperor had rent the body of the dead and defeated challenger. Actually the Emperor had been within his rights to slaughter the whole male’s family. Shaking his head he had to wonder at some of the Emperor’s decisions.


On board Johnathon, Hartwell, was again wondering what in the hell he’d gotten himself into. He bit his tongue again as he watched Bee strip every bit of clothing off her body. Hearing laughter he turned to glare at his sister.

“Shut the hell up Lucie! This is in no way funny.” Hartwell stated causing Lucy to almost double over.

A gasp escaped her lips as she tried to speak, “Can’t help it.” Here she started to laugh harder at the look of astonishment on Hartwell’s face. “You have been so unfeeling for so long, it’s good to see that you are human.” A small growl from Hartwell had her shaking as the laughter came faster.

Bee went running to Lucie as she sat, the laughter taking her off her feet. “My lord’s sister, are you well?” A worried look on Bee’s face.

This almost immediately stopped Lucie’s laughter as she could only stare at Bee. “What the hell are you on about?” Lucie asked.

“I was afraid that the lord sir might be punishing you. It is quite common to kill a female with laughter. Most times they stopped breathing; it is a favorite punishment of the males. I have never experienced it, I have seen a few killed in this way. What they put in the body causes this, the more used the greater chance of death.” A trembling Bee stated.

This time it was Hartwell who had to calm his sister as her level of anger rose to a monumental height. “Those sadistic son of a bitches!” Lucie roared out, “they need to die! You were right Joseph; they all need to die!”

This of course was short lived as they both watched as Bee quickly was curling into a ball. She was trembling even more after seeing the look of seething anger on Lucie’s face.

Lucie rose going quickly to Bee. She then paused as she heard Bee repeating over and over, “I and the others are doomed, they want to kill us all!”

Lucie tried to comfort Bee only to have her shrink even further away into the corner.

Lucie walked to Hartwell her head low. “I am afraid that I messed up all that I have done. I’m afraid that you and her sister might be the only ones that might reach her now.”

“Me? She’s far more terrified of me than you. I don’t see…” Hartwell started.

“God! You really are more dumb about this than I thought. If I remember right she said that she belonged to you. If you reject her I’m afraid that she might not survive. Right now you are the only one she really seems to want near her. Go Joseph, you have to help her don’t let her die, please!” Lucie stated this last word in a low whisper.

Hartwell had to do a double take, staring at the tears that Lucie was shedding. What in the hell was going on? Since when did his sister care that much about anyone not family?

Taking a deep breath Hartwell tried to steel himself up for the scene he thought was about to happen.

Sitting on the floor near Bee, Hartwell was having a hell of a time coming up with anything to say. Thinking harder he went through all that he and Bee had discussed before. Finally an idea hit him.

“Bee,” Hartwell stated softly waiting for her to acknowledge him. When she looked directly at him he started again. “Were you serious about wanting me to bond with you?” Bee suddenly sat up nodding her head affirmatively. “Do you really think that I would wish you and the other females deaths? I know that you wouldn’t want anything to do with me if that was the case.”

Bee bowed her head a slight smile creeping to her lips. “I am sorry Lord sir; I do wish to bond with you. You saved mine and the others lives when we passed through the evil blinking eye. What must I do to help you, want to bond with me?”

Hartwell’s eyes narrowed as he went over what Bee had just said. He had to be careful what he said next no telling what she was trying to talk him into.

“As I said before, I am considering it. After the battle I still haven’t had the time to actually do that. I still need time to do so.” Hartwell carefully said.

Bee’s smile quickly faded as she looked up. “Yes Lord sir, please remember by the laws of my people I am not allowed to be separated from you.”

Hartwell slightly groaned, no he hadn’t forgotten that bit of information. Looking at Bee, then his sister, he knew he was in for the fight of his life.


Derrick and the Delcron Emperor had been in constant contact after Difina had made her declaration. Now it seemed that they were finally approaching the planet that Derrick had designated for the contest.

They had decided the number of attendees Derrick and Shelby. Jimison along with Shiloh and Grant keeping an eye on him. Next came Onai and Kimison along with his mother Doctor Akira Fuwa Dempsey, apparently she was in an official capacity.

On the Delcron side was Emperor Kandra, along with Difina. Behind them were the three space fleet commanders. There was the head war General, plus two high ranking officers.

“I take it you wish to include all the military?” Derrick asked having already touched a spot on his chest. He’d already advised Shelby to do the same.

“Seeing as she and I are the only family that either of us have alive, I thought it appropriate.” Derrick nodded as he was listening to reports come in from Shelby and Mary.

Kandra noticed Derrick seeming to listen to someone no one else could hear. Very wise, he thought, so I am not just dealing with another warmonger. A slight smile crossed his feline face as he too was listening to several reports that were coming in.

“I wish to introduce everyone, this is the empress Shelby, Jimison you already know. As I am sure you know the two males on either side of him.” Derrick stated as Kandra nodded to Shiloh and Grant. Here is Colonel Kimon Dempsy, he is the one that taught most of us basic moves of his hand to hand defense. Next to him is his soon to be mate Onai Sakuta. Lastly is his mother Doctor Akira Fuwa Dempsey, she has volunteered her services.” Derrick said.

Akira stepped forward, “I have done a thorough study of your people’s physiology. Though my specialty is the brain I am well versed in other aspects of the body.”

Kandra’s eyes went large when she stated this. “Your assistance will be welcomed if necessary. Now then, Difina you know,” all of then nodded toward Difina. “These three are the space commanders of the three fleets. This is my ground forces General, the other two are the sub-commanders to him.”

Derrick nodded as he took over. “We have set a place for this to begin, as of yet her opponent hasn’t been decided. As set in your laws we wish for Difina to speak to him privately, we hope that this will help things along.”

Kandra’s eyes went large then he nodded then motioned for Difina to go to Jimison.

Difina was breathing heavy when she approached Jimison. Though neither raised their voices all could see that they were agitated. They all sat as it appeared that they were going to be quite a while.

It was over an hour later when Difina returned with a slight smile on her face. She was also seemingly more excited than when she went over to him.

When Derrick and the others went to Jimison he too had a smile on his face. “I have decided to fight her again, I won’t rule with her which was my main grievance.” Nodding his head with a sly smile he said, “I think we have come to an understanding.”

Both Shiloh and Grant’s mouths were hanging open. “I thought you were afraid that she’d rip you up with those claws.” Grant said.

After what we talked about it might almost be worth it.” Jimison said another sly smile crossing his lips.

Derrick could only shake his head, “Let him go. He’s not going anywhere, if he did they would hunt him down.”

Everyone turned to stare at Derrick then moved to release Jimison. “Thank you sire, I’ll try not to let you down.” With that Jimison and Difina stepped into the area cleared for them.

Jimison took a defensive stance as did Difina. It wasn’t until she released her claws that the humanoid side started to get nervous.

Jimison threw a whirling kick that was far faster than she was expecting as it knocked her back a good fifty feet. Roaring back, a smile on her face, Difina moved in to begin her assault.