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Lisas Transformation 11-14

Do not read this if you have a problem with any of the themes in that story.
Some themes selected will occur at a later point.

—————————– Chapter Eleven – Modifying the slave Part 2

Lisa slowly woke up.
She was in a hospital bed. Her master sitting next to her.
She lay there naked.
The first thing she could see was the bandage around her, now extremely huge, breasts.
Her nipples sticked out of the bandage and were covered with some kind of plaster.
They nearly had the size of a bottle cap and her breasts looked like cup size K or bigger.
Immediately she felt how the weight of her new breasts pushed down onto her, making breathing a little harder now.

Slowly she regained all her awareness and also felt the pain from the removed ribs and in her lower belly.
Her face also aced badly and she felt a piercing in her tounge, nose and several around her vaginal area.

“OK Lisa, the doc completed the first stage of your modification.
In the second stage we’ll do something he brought up. It’s a completely new procedure which has been invented in russia
only a couple of months ago.
The recovery will take a long time and maybe you won’t survive. We don’t know and I don’t care too much.
You surely understand. I’ll tell you what we did as soon as we’re finished. Good night”

He pushed onto a button next to Lisas hospital bed and she almost immediately passed out.

The doctors brought Lisa to the surgery room and cut her open.
They removed all of her reproductive organs, including her whole vagina and replaced them with a female horse’s ones.
This is only possible with a very complicated procedure only the russian doctors would understand.

At the end of the surgery Lisas new vagina was in place and her body was modified to the extreme.
Lisa survived the procedure although only the next couple of weeks would show if she really could live with what was left of her.

They brought her to the awakening room and tied her to the bed so she couldn’t move.

A couple of hours later Lisa began, once again, to wake up from her anesthesia.
This time she felt pain all over her body. Also breathing didn’t feed her enough air and caused extreme pain.
She could feel a tube down her throat and couldn’t move at all.

“OK Lisa” said a voice next to her.
“I see, you’re awake. I’ll tell you what we did to you. At least you need to know now, maybe you’ll die and
I do want you to know, that you’re the first of a new kind.
So, we cannot give you painkillers, this would immediately kill you. There’s too much that needs to heal up in your body.”

Lisa tried to answer but the tube blocked her voice. The man continued.

“First of all, we removed all your reproductive organs. Also one third of your bowels and also your stomache.
You see, we needed a lot of space inside your body. Then we cut out your left kidney and also the left half of your lung.
It’s quite a miracle you’re alive but we needed to try. So you’ll have difficulties in breathing but it will get a little better
over time.
I mean, it won’t go away completely but the right part of your lung can grow a little and ease your breathing.”

Lisas eyes began to fill with tears. What had they done to her, why had they done that?

“So, basically we then had you half empty with a lot of free space young lady.
We continued the procedure with removing 4 of your lower ribs to free even more space and also we opened your pelvic bone between your
legs as wide as possible.

Ok, what did we do this for? Maybe you already noticed there’s something new between your legs, hum?”

Lisas mind immediately virtually jumped between her legs and she could feel something warm and quite big.
But she couldn’t really tell what it was.

“We successfully implanted a cold blooded horse’s reproductive organ into you.
It nearly fills all the space from your pelvic bone to your lungs. The free space we won at your lungs is for the
vaginal tube to be able to stretch upwards. This will be important for a male to penetrate you fully.
We’ll of course also try to breed you, but of course we cannot tell if this will really work.
The healing will take about 2 to 6 months, depending hugely on your body.”

Lisa was so shocked, she couldn’t even get a straight thought.
The door shut and she was all alone.

—————————– Chapter Twelve – getting used to a new body

Lisa was kept tied to the bed with the tube down her throat for around two weeks.
Sometimes somone would come and check something on her body, change some needles in her arms and also the bandages, but
that was it. Nobody ever spoke and the pain slowly reduced.
Also she really felt able to breathe a little better which helped a lot.

One day they brought her into a CT scan and checked her whole body.
The procedure took about three hours and the docter looked very pleased afterwards.

In the evening of that day he came to Lisa’s bed and informed her.

“Ok, you’re a really lucky girl. Your body is healing up so fast, we can start recovery trainings tomorrw.
We’ll start with some easy tasks. Also you should by now already be able to feel your new vagina, but maybe this might
as well take another couple of days”

Lisa still felt only numbness between her legs, she couldn’t answer and she didn’t want to nod either.
So she just kept still and the man left.

The next morning Lisa was woken up very early by a woman dressed as a mixture of a hooker and a nurse.
The woman first removed the tube from Lisas throat, then fed her something that had no taste at all.
Afterwards all the other needles and tubes were removed from Lisa’s body.

“Sit up” the woman commanded.
Lisa tried to but her body was weak and she only made it a couple of inches up.

“I said sit up!”
Lisa tried again and nearly made it. The third try brought success and Lisa finally sat in the bed.
Immediately she felt her now enormous breasts pulling her over and could barely keep herself upright and on the bed.
Also she was gasping for air.

“That’s it, I knew you could do it.
We’re gonna remove all bandages now, keep still”

The woman removed all bandages all around Lisa’s body and placed a mirror in front of her afterwards.
She looked absolutely rediculous.
Her breasts now had the size of a Watermelon – each. The nipples sticked out and had the size of a Coke bottle cap.
There was a scar from between her breasts all the way down to what now was her vagina.
Her body looked skinnier on one side – maybe because of the missing organs and also her waist was extremely thin.
The implanted vagina peeked out and had a brownish colour. Fluid was leaking from it onto the bed.

“Oh, good, you’re already lubricating yourself” the nurse laughed.

Lisa was terrified. She looked like an alien or something now.

“Ok, we’ll put on your heels now” said the nurse and tightened some quite high heels to Lisas feet.

“Now stand. Or at least try to!”

Lisa slipped forward until her feet touched the ground and tried to place the weight of her body onto her feet.
There was no chance. Her muscles had gotten very weak from all the time in the bed.
She had to use her arms to keep her body upright.

“Not too bad. Practice and you’ll be able to walk in about one week”

Lisa saw no chance this could ever work. Her feet looked like two toothpicks and the rest of her body, especially the breasts
looked so heavy.

“Now about your food. You’ll only be able to eat what you had this morning. It’s specially made for you and designed for
people without a stomache and reduced bowels. Your body will get everything it needs from it. But maybe you’ll hate the taste.”

Not knowing what to do, Lisa simply nodded.

“Ok, let’s check if you can already feel something with your vagina”
The nurse stepped forward and pushed Lisa onto the bed and on her back.

“Spread your legs!” she said.
Lisa did what she was told. There was no use in trying to defend herself, she was simply too weak.

The nurse placed her hand against the vaginal entry and Lisa immediately felt the touch.
Indeed the feeling went all through her body. She could nearly feel it underneath her breasts.
It was very intense and she could feel the vagina begin to leak.

“Good girl” the nurse said and pushed a little stronger.

Lisa felt the hand slide through the vaginal lips with ease.

“Alright, that’s good little girl. Keep breathing”

Indeed Lisa was gasping for air. The feeiling was so intense and she wanted to breathe deep but of course couldn’t.
So Lisa’s vision began to blur due to the lack of oxygen while she was rhytmically gasping for air.

“Ok, we’ll go deeper now. No matter what. Either breathe normal or pass out, I don’t care” said the nurse.
Slowly she pushed her hand deeper into the vagina. Soon half of her forearm had dissapeared into Lisa.
Lisa still breathed like she was suffocating but the feeling was beyond any pleasure she had ever felt.

The arm went deeper and soon Lisa felt the elbow pass the entry of the vagina.
By that time she also felt the movement inside her breast area and felt the vagina beeing stretched on the inside.

Lisa orgasmed uncontrollably. Her body was shaking and it wouldn’t stop.

In that moment the nurse pushed forward and sunk her whole arm into Lisa. Only her shoulder stopped her.
Lisa felt it slide through her torax and hit the upper part of it.
The orgasm intensified even more and Lisa peed all over the bed while her legs cramped and her eyes rolled back into her head.

“Aaaaahhhnnnghhh” “Gooooood” “Aaahhhhhhh” Lisa screamed and gasped for air.

The woman now rhytmically fucked her arm in and out, moving forth and back completely.
The orgasm Lisa was going through never stopped until she finally passed out.

—————————– Chapter Thirteen – Learning to control

Lisa woke up later that day.
It was already getting dark. The feeling of the orgasm hadn’t dissapeared completely and the whole bed was wet around her chest area.
The vagina was still leaking lots of fluid. Lisa could tell after a touch between her wet legs.

She could still feel the heels on her feet which reminded her that the nurse commanded her to learn walking again.
Lisa’s wish to flee had almost completely dissapeared – maybe due to the orgam, she didn’t know and also didn’t care.
She wanted to obey, so she tried to get up.

A couple of tries later she once again was sitting on the bed and placed her feet with the heels onto the floor.
Slowly she raised herself onto her feet, securing her body with her arms on the bed.
Her breasts nearly caused her to fall over and it was extremely hard to balance the immense weight they had.

After half an hour Lisa managed to balance correctly and also was able to stand.
She needed to guide herself with the bed but her legs felt capable of carrying her.

A couple of minutes later Lisa even managed to do one or two steps forwad.
With each step her breasts bounced up and down a little wich made it even harder to keep balance.
Also her vaginal fluid was dripping down her legs and onto the floor wich made it very slippery.

But Lisa’s will to succeed in walking was unbroken.
She kept on trying and soon was able to walk across the room and back.
Of course her steps didn’t look elegant at all but at least she was getting somewhere.

Also she posed in front of the mirror to examine her whole body.
In some way she did like herself now. Knowing what she now was able to feel, she also felt aroused when she looked at her new self now.
Huge breasts, a huge brown vagina with a pink inside, her waist nearly half the size it had before – she began to like it.

Also she felt a little like an animal without any human boundaries.
She didn’t feel like using the toilet for example, she just peed where she was standing and also let go her feces right onto the floor.
It felt natural to her all the sudden and not wrong at all.

Lisa got tired at some point and fell asleep in the bed.

As the nurse once again entered the room the next morning she wasn’t suprised at all.
There was piss on the floor and already two piles of feces. Lisa was walking around in the room with bouncing tits and already
looked like she always had walked with a body like this.

“Ok, time for the stable. You’re not made for a house anymore I guess. I’ll call your master little woman”
She quit and soon after Lisa was fetched by her master.
He guided her outside on a leash and placed her into a horse trailer filled with straw.
Her leash was tightened to a hook on the wall of the trailer and her hands were secured behind her back.
Lisa leaned onto the wall and had a hard time keeping herself upright during the ride home. But she never fell.

—————————– Chapter Fourteen – The stable

Suddenly the car stopped and the trailer was opened.
Lisa was guided into a stable and locked into a horse box with straw on the floor.

Her master then left.

The straw made walking around quite hard sine Lisa was still wearing high heels and her feet started to ache from all the standing.
She lowered herself onto the straw and since it felt strangely comfortable she fell asleep.

Not too long after she was woken up and her master told her to get up.

“I want you to please me” he said.
“But since your vagina won’t do anymore, you’re going to please me with your peehole. It should have a good size now for my penis.
Follow me”

Lisa did as he said and followed him, having a hard time walking on the straw in the stable.
Soon they reached another box with a bed in it.

“On your back” he commanded and Lisa did as she was told.

“Legs in the air and spread” he said.

Again Lisa followed the orders.
Her vaginal lips were spread apart and instead of entering her vagina, her masters fingers slid right into
her peehole.
One finger fit easyly, the second one already was a bit difficult.

“Ok, that’ll do” he said and applied lube onto his already erect penis.
Without hesitation he pushed it straight up her peehole.

Lisa immediately began breathing heavily. The mixture of sharp pain and pleasure was crazy.
Also she felt the urge to pee and her vagina began to leak badly. Fluid was dripping from it a couple of seconds after.

Forcefully her master fucked her peehole. He didn’t show any sign of mercy.
Lisa tried to scream since the pain took over but she was too busy to keep breathing enough air into her half lung.

The raping continued for nearly 20 minutes before he finally came with her dick all the way up her peehole.
She could feel his warm sperm being shot into her bladder and also felt her bladder being streteched from it.
Somehow the pain caused her to orgasm.
Of course not as intense as the one she experienced from the nurse but also better than anything she experienced before the

With her peehole dripping cum and piss she was guided back into her box and left alone.