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Legend of John Doe

After a freak accident you discover that you have some curious powers. How will you use them?

This is my first story. I know it need some edit, but understand English not my first language. This story contain dark fantasy and pregnancy with some incest. You been warn. Other then that feel free to read.

Why so evil

Your life was never easy , even at school you been bullied and don’t have much friends. Your teachers always on your case about your poor performance . Oh out all your anger , your sister the worst of the worst . She always showing off to your mom she better. With straight A’s and captain of Denver knight cheer leading squared . Everyone seem to love her, but you know she’s cold hearted bitch and good at hiding it to everyone .

One day at school , she came by to pick you up to go home. Right before you step inside the car you saw your crush Abbie. She 18 blond hair blue eye goddess , a body any girl would die for.

Your sister know you have a thing for her. She yell out of the car ” hey Abbie , want to see something interesting ?!” With an evil smile on her face , Staci pull out her phone showing Abbie a photo of you masterbating with a picture of her , your holding. ” omfg your brother such a fucking perv” Staci started laughing ” I know right, he a freaking loser.” Abbie turn her head to you and said ” look you ass hole , you stay ten mils away from me or I”ll call the cops to get a retraining on your perverted ass” then walk away.

Your heart broken , your life feel like shit. You sit down in the car trying to hold it all inside you, but in your mind. Your going to get your revenge and that going to be a bitch. Your sister on top of your revenge list.

Five days later after the accident , he well get his wish.

You are walking home one day from school and it starts raining about halfway home. It isn’t raining hard so you just walk your normal pace. All of the sudden it starts to lightinng and thunder and you see a bolt of lightning hit the transformer about ten feet in front of you.

When the lightning hits it causes the transformer to explode and it sends off a weird charge that feels like it goes right through you. It knocks you back and you hit your head on the ground and you pass out.

You awake roughly ten mins later to an ems checking you out making sure you are ok. After you are checked out and told you are fine you finish your walk home.

About an hour after you get home you feel a headache coming and you go to bed early. In the morning you awake early even though it is Saturday. Your mom hears you moving around and knocks on your door and asks ” John are you alright your up early?” She opens the door and walks in after she asks.

Your mom is 45 years old, her name is Monica. She is 5’4 long brown hair half way down her back, has 36dd tits which you love to look at. Has a nice ass a little big but still very nice. She is wearing a tight tshirt which all tshirts seem to be tight on her, blue jeans. And from what you can tell no bra.

She looks at you as she awaits your answer to her question. ” Yes mom I’m fine” you finally reply. Before she goes to leave you are thinking how amazing your moms tits look and you think ” mom why don’t you show me your tits”. After you think this about thirty seconds later your mom reaches down and grabs the bottom of her tshirt and lifts it up over her head exposing her amazing tits right in front of you.

As you look in disbelief at what she has just done you notice she has the biggest nipples and areolas you’ve ever seen. After a few seconds she puts her shirt back on and walks out.

As you sit there and wonder what just happen you feel as if you have changed and want to see if you can duplicate what just happened again.

(your sister showed up shocked)

Your sister showed up shocked that your making out with your mom.She about ready to scream when you whisper in your head..”I wish she cool down and join us”..
she stop and smiled at you and said, “Hey John could I join on your fun?”..
Your sister 23 years old. Her name is Staci, she is 5’6 brown hair that goes halfway down her back, green eyes, a very nice set of tits that are 34c ..

You can’t help but smile on your luck on your ask your sister, “are you on birth control?” say answer back. “No John I’m not”.. then you look at your mom and ask her if she on one..she said no as then got an evil idea in your head and think it out to them..”You do what ever I suggest like it the best thing in world, and happy to do it without question”..You turn to your mom and sister and tell them , “Staci, Mom. I want you to go on fertility pills..take three pill in the morning and three at noon, and three more at night before you go to bed, your goal is to have triplet or quadruplets .”

When you told them that, they smile back and said “sure thing…we would love to be knock up with lots of babies for you John”..You think to yourself you cant believe they going to do it like it the most normal thing in the world…but cant wait for more idea tomorrow..

(Unknown visitors)

Two unknown shadow , one name Kai the other one name Reka. They came by to observe john but never to jude . Kai turn to Reka , “it very interesting to see how this play out don’t you think” Reka turn back and face Kai . ” yes , it is . But his power is getting stronger by the day.” The lighting strike was never just an accident , thing have reason and balance .

John woke up from his rest, look back to his mother and sister sleeping beside him. He wonder to himself, let try to see if he could do something new with his power. He said out loud” mom , Staci get up! ” the two restless women got up. Hmm that is new,john think to himself ” Staci kiss mom , mom kiss back and use your tongue “they turn to each other and smile , ” sure thing John, they said .”

John got the hang of his power and he know he’s getting better at it. He know now he don’t need to think about someone to do things for him, but just by talking to them , they obey his command. This is great and I’m getting less headache. To be sure he tried a new experiment . ” Staci, umm jump up and down.” Without question , she jump up and down. Well, that prove it join think to him self.

John look at his mother ” mom , I want you to answer all my question honestly and give me advice” his mother may obey, but inside she still a mother. That question snap her back to herself as a parent. ” well john, I understand you want kids with us, but to be truthful . You need to find ways to have more financial income with a bigger home. I work as a waitress and your sister still in college.”

That no problem he wonder, just need to find a rich family to control but that for later.

Now he smile back to his sister ” Staci, I want you to be nicer to me from now on. Your going to help me get Abbie understand?” Staci wink back, sure thing john and I’m sorry about that photo I showed Abbie, about you masturbating .I’m sorry I ended hurting your feeling a few days ago.”

(Two week later)

Two week pass since his last talk with his mother, and so far his power is growing rapidly fast. Now no longer having headache like he use to..The way he see it , his power is un-tap with limitless possibilities. John got up and walk to his mom and his sister siting on the couch watching tv with American Idol on . Mom , sis I need a talk with you and it been two week now. “Are you still talking them fertility pills I told you to?”
Yes John I have been taking them like you want me” John turn to his mother, “did you mom?.” Don’t worry baby” His mother replied.

John had a big grin on his face.

I think it time we have some real fun. Mom sis, let go make out now. Holding hand with his mother and sister leading them to his mother bed room. “Who first John asked?” Both women smile like it the best thing that going to happen to them. Staci whisper in his ear, “Take us both at the same time bro” Then push him on his mother bed. His mother got him undress and pull his cock out and start sucking it up and down while his sister kissing him on the bed.. “Oh mom, that feel so fucking good, keep sucking them and push it in real deep. Down your throat mom!” When he look at his mother blowjob he can see the outline of his dick up and down inside his mother throat.

His hand on his sister breast squeezing them like two large balloons . He couldn’t take it anymore “Sis, get on top of bed and spread your legs wide.” His sister take off her clothes and lay down with her wet pussy wide open using her fingers. “Oh bro , I can’t believe we going to make a child together, do me do me now!” He push his dick inside her pussy as far as he could, not wasting anytime or turning back. “Oh bro, harder, push it harder inside me, I need you so bad. “When you cum, cum inside me and don’t stop!” His hip move back and forth , his lust taking over..His face all red with sweating falling down his face. His dick at a point where he couldn’t hold on much longer. With one final push , he shoot out torrent after torrent of white cum inside his sister.” Okey sis, that should do it. Don’t let any drip out of your cunt.” Oh, one more thing use a pillow and place it under your back.” “Sure thing John,” she wink back to him. To Staci right now, in her mind she is extremely happy to have all his cum inside her. The idea of fucking without using birth birth control, with a replacement of of fertility pill. All of John sperm swimming inside her looking for her ovaries, with a high chance of pregnancy. push her over the edge.

But unknown to her. That how John want her to think and feel.

His mother smile at john “well John, I must say you did a pretty good job fucking your sister. I’m pretty sure you knock her up.” Congratulating him like it’s the most normal thing to do. “I know, but it your turn now mom. Why don’t you put your hand on the bed and point that ass toward me, while I shove my dick inside your wet pussy doing you doggie.” The idea in his mother mind, with lust of what going to happen driving her insane. “Oh john yes! Do me like you did your sister, knock me up too. I’m all ready for you baby, just fuck me !” He place his dick in slow at first not to hurt himself or his mother. Moving back and forth and spanking his mother ass with his hand. The feeling is over whelming to him, doing it doggie is like taking her ass and pussy at the same time. It feel great!

It been awhile since he fantasize about his mom, and now he got his dream. His gift might be the best thing that happen to him. “Harder baby, harder!! Screaming out like a mare in heat” Not caring if anyone of her neighbors even hear her or not. “You like my cock inside your pussy right mom?” “Oh yes, honey please give your mom what she wants.” Staci just giggle and said “Ya John, give mom what she wants and knock her up like you did me.” Well sis, why don’t you come over near mom, and tongue kiss each other. Help your bro out.” Staci just laugh at you “Sure bro, anything that can help ill gladly do it” His mother pussy all wet, like her body bagging for his sperms. The image of his sister kissing his mother while doing his mother from behind turning him on.. His dick about ready to explode inside her. He warn his mother he going to cum soon, but all she said was. “Do it John , fill me up now!” His face turning red wish lust. “Tell me mom, you want your son cum inside you, you want to be knock up like Staci?” “Yes , don’t keep me waiting any longer, and just do it!” With one last push he came inside his mother. White creamy sperm leaking out. “Mom, don’t let any out of your pussy.” “Sorry john.” She reach out with her fingers and closed up her pussy lip. “Well John, I think you got mom pregnant too” Staci said with a cheer.

John ask his mother if she ever wanted to get married again? “Well John., I always wanted to get married and have kids again soon, before I’m too old to have anymore. I’m so busy with work, it’s hard to find the right man.
Well, that give John an idea, two birds with one stone. “Well mom, why don’t you marry me and take me as a husband?” “Oh John, I would love that very much baby, but you have to promise me never to call me mom again . Call me Monica.”
“Sure Monica, I would keep that but sometime I would like to call you mom if that ok?” Sure baby. Monica mind all filled with happiness, she got married with her son and going to have a child like she always wanted, before it too late.

John turn to his sister and ask her. “Hey sis, would you like me to be your boyfriend? With a face bright red she answer back, “Sure bro, I would love to be your girlfriend. A pregnant girlfriend” she giggle laughing a little.

(Return of Shin)

John woke up tried, he had sex with his sister and mother all night. He going to see if he had any more new abilities . He tried to focus his mind on a cup, by the living room table. It move slightly to the side and fall off. Wow he said to himself, did I just do that. He wanted more testing to see what other things he could do. He called out his mother and sister”Hey mom , sis come here for a min” What is it husband, his mother asked?” I wanted to test a something don’t worry about it.” “Ok dear, what ever it is.” “Hey sis you coming ?” “In a min im geting dress” “Ok, we all here now john , what you want us to do?” “Just sit on the sofa.” John use his mind and tried hard to sense what going on inside his mother and sister body. When he got to the point, what he looking for. He was surprised to see , all his sperm fighting inside to calmed their prize. His mom have two ovaries, twins for mom. Now he focus on his sister. Even more surprised to see she have three ovaries for triplets.

“Mom , sis. Stop taking the fertility pills” They don’t need to ask why, but did what he told them. For them it a good thing because they started to feel sick.

That part taken a lot out of him. He decide to lay down for a bit “Mom, sis. I’m going to lay down for a bit I have a headache” “Aww, well get lost of rest, then ill take a look on you later.” his mother said. When laying down on his bed looking at the ceilings he seen something really odd. Bright color number like rainbow 4,18,5,1,13 hmm must be his mind playing trick on, him he wonder. Then it vanish.

Kai was surprise to see how his power gotten so far, not only did he use his mind, but he focus it better then anyone he ever knew in such short time. Reka, she was disgusted on what people would do with power when given. To her they all end up perverts. “Now now Reka,we can not jude or intervene on our test.” Yes the test , that no one could ever pass.

Reka and Kai turn to see Shin.

“Well, what bring you here? , it must be very important if you showed up. “We need to talk about that, your so called test is not a normal test.” What you talking about Shin, we do this every time for millions of years. Nothing bad ever happen” Shin was a little worried that things ,might be more then what they observing. “Look, we test people with car crash to the head, fallen off buildings, even lighting. Many times. We never found anyone with a brain activity of pass 70 percent.” Kai said with a stern look . Shin look of fear when he said, “It maybe so, but not this accident, that lighting not normal. That lighting what most human called thunder of Thor , later on with other county thunder of Zeus.” That very interesting indeed Reka said with shocked. It maybe a deferment but the rule are the same. We could not intervene. Kai agreed with Reka. “You all know this is not going well, it only been a month since he got his gift. His mind already at 30 percent , Shin yell at them. What if he happen to hit 100 of his true power? Reka and Kai look back at John like they are ghost . “We don’t know , if he could reach that far” Kai respond

(Monday school)

John feel great and had the best sex so far in his life, but his aim was Abbie his long time crush. Like his sister. Abbie was hot, not only that everyone love her just like his sister. Maybe that why she never give him the time of day, let alone even talk to him. No, today he going to have her one way or the other, with his power he can actually get her to date him or make her love him.

Monica yell out, “John , Staci your going to be late for school if you don’t get down here and finish breakfast!” Staci yawn she never a morning person, she turn her head to see her new boyfriend John smiling. “Hey John what you so happy about?’John reply back, “Oh nothing sis, just someone i need to talk to at school” (more like someone to control) He think out loud. Staci gotten the idea what he going to do.”Oh john, I know your up to no good when i see one, is it Abbie?” With a wink in her eye. “I cant help you today bro, my class is two hours away drive, can you forgive me I know it important to you”
“No big deal sis, I like a good chase now and then, he laugh. Staci give John a kiss on the check and said good luck. “Before we get going can i see you all for just a second.” “Sure thing John” His mom walk toward him and his sister hugging him like lost puppies. Using his mind like he did last time. Looking inside there bodies he seen it all, his sperm had inseminated the ovaries. It might happen last night Sunday, when he fallen asleep. He decide to tell his family what he know.”Staci , Monica, your pregnant.” “Sis your going to have triplets, and mom your going to have twins” The look on the women face begin to brighten , “Oh god John that great.” His sister cheered on her mother and Monica put her hand on Staci tummy petting it with a smile.

“How you know this John ?” His mother/wife asked.”Let just say I had studied anatomy in sex ed at school. “Well, they normally don’t ask much and accept his answer.

Down the locker room hall, he found Abbie talking with some friends. He need to keep his distance away from her seeing him. His power don’t work if she not near him to talk to, and he know as soon as he see him, she’ll run. Most likely to the principal office. John waited for her by her math class, if he have to be a stalker then so be it. When Abbie math class ended with the sound of the bell, his headache came back in full blast . He pass out for a min and when he look around Abbie was already gone. He look everywhere but no sign of her on campus.

He decide to call it a day and go home, always tomorrow he said to himself. He sat on his bed and wonder, why did his headache came back.? Must be a reason for this mysteries. Relaxing on his bed he think of Abbie hot body and how much he would love to just fuck her on the spot. Eyes closed he draft off to sleep but something don’t seem right . It like his soul or something floating in space . He can see his body on the bed below him. Dam he said to himself, must be another abilities. If he is some kinda sprite, then in theory could possessed a person. This is awesome, and grin to himself. Lucky for him he know where Abbie lived . Floating to her house he saw her in the bathroom showering . If this work he going to enjoy playing with her body. He fly right inside her mind taking over, when he open is eye looking down, he saw nice firm breast. God dang! He said in her sweet voice, “hey babe let have some fun.” He laugh at himself in her voice. Moving one hand touching her breast and one hand putting her finger inside her cunt. This new sensation is new to him, no wonder girls like things slow. Why even hit and run when you can fuck all day. He got out of the shower in her body and face a mirror and smile . Using her voice ,” I’m such a slut, and I need someone to fuck me!” That almost to funny for him, but couldn’t help himself.

When he look closer to the mirror he seen the number again, this time even brighter then before 4,18,5,1,13 . When he closed his eye for just a second, he right back at his old body. Well, that a new abilities he could use to get Abbie near him, and he got a perfect idea on how to do it.

Shin turn to Kai and Reka “this is not good at all , he gotten up to 35 percent . That 5 percent more in one day. A worried look on Kai and Reka, they know this is not part of the test , it is but not this fast. Shin about ready to jump in and intervene, but Kai. A man with pride and rules wouldn’t allow that. “No Shin!, the rule stay no matter what the out come maybe.
“Reka didn’t say anything. She know very well, it not a matter of what going to happen, if he should get his full power. It’s a matter of when, if that happen, knowing he a perv and only think of himself not a good idea to do nothing. He over using his gift Reka think to herself.
Shin look at Kai with anger “Have you forgotten about Dragona a millions years ago, what human call the extinction of the dinosaurs?” Kai look him in the eye “Yes I have and life still around to harbor human to evolve , but Dragona powerful,but the only one that ever hit 70 percent if I’m not mistaken” Shin still upset , started shouting “This is not like Dragona!, Dragona her power take 4 years to get to 35 percent , this so called John done it within a month.”

(Power limits?)

Today, John going to try out more test with his power. He know he can focus his power to see what inside a person body, but what can he control. What going on inside them. Hmm he see his mother and sister watching a movies of Warm Bodies, a zombie flick. Sit down between them while his sister hugging him like normal lover do, on the other side his mother did the same thing.

Let see,now he wonder.

Focus his mind on his sister fallopian tube to release one more ovaries. He saw one pop right out . Wow he think deep, let see if it do the same with his mother. Focus on her tube as well, it drop just like he wanted. Dam that neat, thing is he also seen his sperms he injectate inside them impregnated the fresh new ovaries, while making out with them two hours ago.
Ok he focus again to see if he can undo the gift. Odd he think out , it not working . Oh shit he panic ,why don’t it work? He need to be careful with his powers.
Might as well try something else, the fertility pills only give fraternal, but what if he merge four of his sister eggs to make real normal one cell , identical quadruplets. He focus again and it merge without issue. Dam he said inside his mind , why didn’t he Knew this sooner? He did the same with his mother for identical triplets. He still puzzle why he can’t undo his power. He tried one last experiment for today. He focus his mind on his cock to make it 12 inch long . Well it work , now to undo it and it gone back to his normal size.

Well, he not going to mess with the ovaries no more until he know more about it.

Rika look at Kai and asked “with all his power why can’t he undo that last skill?” It simple Kai replied back “It’s the balance of law,the rule of the gods. You can make life but could not take a life. Same with trying to raise the dead it won’t work.” What you talking about, Drgona wipe out many life”
Kai look down and said “yes,but he not that far into his gift so he bound by the test, for now.”

(Sister mother possess fun)

Later that night John wanted to have some fun with his sister and mother with his mind possession skill. He told Staci to go down to the adult store and get the largest strap on dildos she could find. “oh John your so naughty, what you planning to do with them ?” Staci said with a smirk on her face. “You’ll see sis” she grab her keys and before going , kiss John on the lips with her hand reaching down his pant grabbing his cock and tease him and took off.

-Two hours later Staci came back with a 12’inc dildo-

“Hey John, I got the biggest one I can find it’s 12 inc,” Waving it to him like it a toy at his face laughing. “Wow nice Staci, you got one good choice in toys. I bet you play with them all the time when I’m not looking” She look back at him and said “Ya, I do but most of my other dildo are 8 inc at most but never a 12inc. I’m sure your up to no good again.”

“Mom in the shower right now so why don’t you come with me to my room. and sit down on my bed.” Following her brother to his room she sat down. Next John lay down on his bed and focus his mind inside his sister head like a light going inside her brain. When he open his eye, he know he’s indeed taken over his sister body. John walk over to where the strap on dildo lay by the living room sofa and slid it on, walk over to the shower room and knock on the shower frame. Monica slid it open and saw her daughter, but feel like John was near by. She couldn’t say why but somehow she knew that John inside his sister body. Even more shocked to see the large long dildo attach to Staci hip. “John , Staci?” Monica said confused what going on. “Yes mom it me John , I’m using Staci body to have sex with you, with this dildo”
“Oh John your so bad, how ever that thing going to fit anywhere in any of my holes. I don’t think it even going to fit my mouth” John laugh. “Oh I’ll make it fit don’t you worry mom, but first I’m going to shoved this dildo up your ass” Saying all those thing using his sister voice is making his possessed body wet.

John step in the shower kissing his mother with one hand rubbing Staci pussy, while the other one caressing his mother breast. “Mom I want you to turn your ass facing me, and use your hands to pull your ass apart so I can slid this fat dido up your butt.” Monica did what she was told, but shivers goes down her spine what about to happen. He position the tip of the dido slowly by the entrance of her ass and shove 2inc at first, Monica was shaking at this moment. Now he push it even farther going up 6inch up her ass at this point Monica cried a little. By John persuasion to always do what make John happy is the only thing that matter to her. John shove the last 6inc of the dido and Monica scream out “Oh god that hurts, but don’t stop baby, do what you want make you feel good”

He place Staci hand on his mother hip and move it back and forth, and spanking his mother ass. When he moan, he can hear his sister moan. It making his possess body wetter. “Hmm oh ya mom, oh that is so hot. I love fucking you.”

“Oh yes baby, shove that thing up my ass harder, faster. Slam it in me!” Monica yelled out of pain and lust, she turn her head and asked “Oh John, who really fucking me?” You or your sister?” “Right now I’m Staci, but I’m also your husband, so I can guess you can call me. While, I’m fucking your ass.” Staci your husband.” Monica yell out “Staci my husband, fuck my ass with that dildo hard up my butt!”

He slam it deeper and harder faster, faster. He can hear his mother moan, and even his sister voice moan. “Oh hmm ….yes that right take it like a pro Monica.” With one last push he got all 12 inc deep as he could up his mother ass. Monica bite her lower lips to keep her from screaming. The two of them ran out breath and lay on the tube side bye side hugging each other.

(time for sister)

John never had a feeling like that before, it was far more pleasurable then being a guy. The way they can last so long and orgasm so many time. “Mom let get out of the shower, and go to your room so we can dry up , I want to use your body to fuck Staci throat with this dildo. “John that dildo almost tear my ass apart, but just be careful not to damage her too much” With a worried look in her eyes. All she wanted was her son/husband to be happy but in away she still a mother at heart. “Don’t worry mom, she going to be just fine. I’ll go easy on her”

(deep in easy all way to the back of that tight throat of her) he grin to himself.

Monica knew he not going to keep,what he just said. After all, she still his mother and know better when her son fibbing. “Ok John, what you want me to do now that where here all dry up” He never did try jumping from one body to the next, and this would be a great way to test out his powers. “Just sit on the bed and close your eyes” John close his eyes and focus his mind like he did with his sister. Like a light shooting his mind to Monica mind, he open up his eyes to see two large breast. “WoW mom boobs are huge and it feel great.” He place her hand on her chest and move it up and down, bouncing them. Dam this is awesome.

Staci was confused, and why did she have a strap on dildo attached to her hip. She wonder how she get to her mother room. Mom errr John, somehow like her mother did, she knew it was John also but inside her mother body. “Hi sis, yes I’m in mom body, I possess your body, and use it to fuck her ass with that strap on” Staci look at him err mother eye and said. “I knew your up to no good, did you enjoyed fucking her wide ass?” John still moving around inside his mother body trying to get use to them, her weight was a little heavier then his old body, but nether less still sexy.”oh ya it was great, but could you take off that strap on and hand it to me, so I can put it on mom?” she slid off the strap and hand it over to John.

“Are you going to use that to fuck me in the ass too just like mom?” John just smile, “ Nope I have enough ass for one day. I want another hole and I’m not talking about your pussy sis” The look in her eyes show nervousness “John that thing is huge , I don’t know if it well fit in my mouth” John answer back “well it work on mom ass, I’m sure it well go down your throat.” Now go lay down on the bed so can put mom ass on your face, while this dildo go down your throat.” She could only be obey to keep John happy, no matter how bad thing get. Like her mother, she got no choice but to be happy for him to use her body as he please. “Ok sis open your mouth wide for me”Staci open her mouth as wide as she could. John place the dildo bit by bit down her throat. When he got 5 inc inside her throat, Staci eye widen up. She couldn’t say anything but hold off the best she can.

John use his mother weight to push the another 7inc down her throat in one shot, all the way to the back of her esophagus. Staci was about ready to gag and vomit, but John can sense she wanted to pull out. John quickly told her “Sis, do not pull out, even if your about ready to vomit or gag” Right then she stop what she about ready to do. Now he humping, using his mother ass with the dildo jam inside his sister throat. Using her weight to get as much of the dildo inside as possible . “Oh fuck ya!” He yell out with his mother voice, he can feel what his mother feel, and the sound of him moan with her voice turn him on. He use his mother hand to hold Staci head, and move in and out, faster and faster. You can even see the outline of the dildo sliding inside her throat, make it look like her throat gotten bigger when it go inside.

His possess mother body getting wetter and wetter, even some of the pussy juice gotten on Staci face. It look like Staci didn’t want anymore, but hold off for it to be over “John think that no fun and said “Staci use your hand and grab mom wide ass, get that dildo deeper inside your mouth. I want you to try to put effect to move your head up and down, like your really giving me a blow job.” Her eye widen even more when she heard what John told her. She did when ordered. She grab her mom ass and push it as far and hard as he could . Moved her head up and and down, like a real blowjob was given. Staci couldn’t stop herself. “OH YA , that it sis, just like that, ok fuck that hot.”

Staci head was even bouncing hard on the pillow she using. She running out of breath and her makeup all mess up from the tears running down her eyes. Things been going on like this for the last 30min before John said it was enough. Inside his mother body he cam five time . John told Staci had enough . When he pull out the dildo for the first time since he fuck her with it. Staci turn her her head to the side of the bed and started coughing and puking. It been awhile since she said anything.”God dam bro are you trying to kill me?” John look at her “Not really but that was hot, I came 5 time using mom body, it was great. Thank sis.” She couldn’t be upset but said “sure no prob, but next time put that inside mom throat . She think to herself, I hope I don’t have to do that again.

(Seeing into the furture)

John always finding way to use his power and discovering new one each day but this one he “Must” master it, if it do work out he no longer need cash or work ever again to support his unborn child. Trying to find rich family to control for money seem too much of a headache, but what IF he can master something far more complex as seeing into the future? John closed his eyes and meditate.


“Hey sis, how your sleep, I know your don’t have class today,but I do and I was wondering if I could possess your body again?” She about ready to freak but ask “please tell me your not going to do something like jamming a dildo up my throat again?”
John was laughing out loud “No sis I need your body to get near Abbie at school, she keep running away every time she see me” oh thank god she thought out knowing she not going to get choke again. Sure you can use my body,Staci was at odd “Why don’t you possessed her body and get her here and tie her up? “John reply back “If I could do that I would have already done it, but I think the possession deal with willingness, and she not welling and when someone unwilling it don’t last very long , unlike you I already got you to be nice to me love me” She never the one to question that last part of his comment but ask anyway “What did you meant by got me to be nice and love you , I always have been nice to you and love you? ” That question taken John off guard “It nothing just loan me your body for a day please”

Thinking to herself of relaxing time off from school and enjoying the warm sun was off, but cant say no to her dear loving bother. Also happen to be her sweet loving boyfriend.

John inside Staci body again, grab her car key can drove to his school. Looking around campus where Abbie might be he found her with some friends near the gym. Walking toward her in a normal past trying to avoid any minor attention using his sister smile “Abbie could we talk for a min I have a question for you?” Good thing for John his power of persuasion still work even inside other people bodies.”Is it about your brother I know he can get on everyone nerve but …..” Abbie got cut off when John said “You deeply love John you do anything to make him happy” Her attitude change “your right I do love John but why do I have the feeling he here?” John face Abbie with Staci body “Don’t worry, ditch school and come home with me.”

Driving as fast as John could without getting into an accident back home . John told Abbie to wait in the living room. John got out of his sister body and back inside his own,walk out to the living room where Abbie is. Abbie couldn’t help herself when John came out of his bed room. She ran up to him and hug him push in in the couch and taken his pant off. “I love you so much John please make love to me” with a smile he ask Abbie “are you a virgin , are you on any birth control” She answered “My parents wont allow me to be on birth control since we are christian ,and believe we only have sex once we are married so yes I’m a virgin.”John smile when he heard that answer”well I don’t like condom or birth control how you feel about that Abbie?” She too much in love with John to consider what her parent even think, she just want him to fuck her crazy right now on the spot” I don’t care what anyone say I need you Joan, you don’t want condom fine, you don’t want me on birth control that fine to. You can even fuck me on my riskiest day.”

Staci was proud of John , seeing as he finally got his crush “John are you going to make her take fertility pill too?” for once this time he wanted Abbie the normal way without his power or any kind of help”No sis, it going to be normal with Abbie and me” Staci wink at him ” Good luck bro and fuck her good OK, maybe you can use that dildo on her then me” Staci said while laughing . John lead her to his room and closed the door. “Abbie lay down and spread your legs wide I’m going to put it in”

I wanted this for a long time .

“I’m sorry I keep you waiting so do me now “Before John fuck the hottest girl in school he use his power to see if she ovulating. Yep not a good day for her,he grin. “Abbie I want you to get on top and put my dick inside your pussy” Abbie jump up on top of him rub his dick with her hand up and down making him hard then slid his cock in her waiting pussy. Her pussy is squeezing his dick and John can feel the wetness of her pussy juice on his cock. “Oh Abbie that feel so good ride me harder, fuck my dick ” Abbie face with lust and devotion to John was overwhelming .”John your dick feel so good inside me, god it so hard….I’m losing my virginity and you made me a women, and were not using protection…I feel so better then i dream of. “Abbie im about ready to blow my cum inside you. this is not a good day for you , you know?” Abbie didn’t care if he cum inside her or not she just want to fuck the person she love. “I know John it is my time of the mouth but i don’t care cum inside me . It don’t matter if you get me pregnant!” when she said that, he blow all his save up sperm for this day right deep inside Abbie waiting ovaries.

-John snap back from his meditation , Holy shit he can see what going to happen in one full day in the future. That was his idea on what to do to get Abbie tomorrow.

Kai look to Reka with shocked, he only 40percent of his power and not even Dragona with 70 percent couldn’t even see the future. Shin is starting to worry more now then he ever did before.
“Look Kai i don’t care about your Test and Rule but he need to be stop now! Kai himself is starting to worry and he afraid to admit for the first time, but the rule …can he just abandon what he so protected?
No not now, well just have to face him once he hit 70 percent of his powers ,looking away from Shin when saying it.

(Time to get paid$)

John can see one day into the future and that as far as he can go but maybe someday he can use his power to see farther into the future. For right now he going to rig the lottery.
He pick this day because the jack pot is up to 800million. He can have an army of kids if he wanted to but that not the point. He could be set for life , even his grand kids and so on could be set for life.

He ran down to the liquor store and paid for his lottery ticket one day before they announce the winning number. The next day he went to cash in his ticket with tax and all, his cash is 500million. He cant wait to tell his mom and sister also his now hot crush Abbie by his said. He don’t have to worry about Abbie parent anymore since he ,convinced them to sign over there daughter to his mother as the new legal guardian. But to Abbie she more then happy to stay with him and fuck all night with his mother and sister.

He got home and yell over for everyone to meet at the living room! everyone was seated”Mom remember the time I asked you for advice about having kids? His mother remember that talk like it was yesterday”Yes I did John, I told you if you wanted kids with us you need to find some financial income and have a bigger home, why you ask dear?” “Well, it so happen I won the lottery of 500million with tax deduction. “

Staci jump up and down like she a five year old.
“Omg are you for real john?500 millions!”

Even Abbie was speechless. His mother got up and hug him and said “well john with that much money you can have as much babies as you want from me” His sister join the conversation”ya bro ill give you as much as you want too” Abbie put her arm around him and kiss him “John you can have as much as you want to if you wish it”well, he already have more then he can take care at the moment and reply “I think we got enough for now but maybe later when i feel like getting more if that ok with you mom?” His mother was proud of him and understand his wish and kiss him.

They went shopping for the perfect home, they decide to get a mansion. 50 bed room and 20 bath , large dinning room with all the kitchen equipments. Outside pool area with 100 arch lot. Not that they need so much space but just in case.

(more testing with his gift)

John work up and found, Staci Monica and Abbie next to the restroom toilets puking with severe morning sickness. It been two months since he impregnated them and it starting to show. “Is everything alright mom, sis, Abbie?” his mother look at him and answer” John, everything is fine baby. It what a women go through when she pregnant” she handed him a pregnancy test , not that he need it, he already know. He focus his mind on the fetus to see if he can move it to six month on his mother, and sister. Next thing his mother and sister tummy gotten rounder and rounder by the min. Then tried to see if he can set it back to two mouths and it did.

Well, this is interesting.

Then an idea pop inside his head, what if I wanted mom and Staci to stay nine months pregnant til he wanted them to give birth. Staci and Monica asked John “what did you do?” He look at them and told them it nothing important and they just accepted it. “mom , Staci what if i asked you if i could make you stay 9 months pregnant til i am ready for you to give birth, how do you all feel about that?” They look at each other then back at him and said”Be fine with me mom answered” “Same with me John ,do what ever it is to make you happy” Staci replied . He consecrate on the two of them, and there belly gotten nine months. He always wanted to know what his mother and sister look like 9 months now he can keep them that way as long as he wanted , the view of them pregnant like that turn his cock hard solid “what about me Abbie said” “No Abbie i want you to grow your normally”

He couldn’t wait any longer his cock is taking over. Everyone let go to the master bedroom. They all followed him and then he told them to strip down and get on the bed and fuck each other pussy together . While Abbie suck his cock. Two pregnant women lapping each other with lust was the best view he had all day.

“Sis , mom I want to you rub each other pussy and talk dirty to me” they are moving back and forth with there legs lock together.

“You like your 9 month pregnant mother fucking your 9 month pregnant sister?” mom reply first. Staci jump in”Well I bet my bro like to see our 9 months pregnant belly bounce while we trib each other pussy don’t you” Then Staci tell him more info that might turn him on “Mom and I gone to the hospital for check up and guess what they told us bro? I have quadruplets and Mom have triplets, you want babies you got it” she said with joy and wink at him . mom laugh and said “once they are out they are going to drive you nuts” Now you smile “Careful I might keep you that way forever “Staci just roll her eyes to the side “You would do that wouldn’t you bro” Keeping us like this forever ?” “well, you cant get anymore pregnant if you already are so it safe sex ” you respond .

He told Abbie to stop sucking his cock and walk to the bed. Got on and said who want first? “well Staci the one with the roundest belly , since she is having quadruplets. She should go first” Mom added to his question. He lay down and have Staci on top of him , she open her pussy and engulf his cock. “Oh bro I’m more horny pregnant , your dick feel so good. Maybe you should keep us pregnant like this” Staci saying that while looking down at you. “I could if you wanted that way or let them out ” you smiled at her. “No keep me like this for as long as your ready to have them. ” she bounce up and down on his cock, the weight of her pregnant belly is helping slam it deeper inside her wet cut. He use one of his gift , he focus his dick to grow to 12 inc. ” ohhhhh my God ” your sister scream so big and deep inside me. it gone so deep bro i love it. Do me harder now…grab my ass and spank me.

The view of your sister bouncing up and down while her belly going the same way, your about ready to explode. Oh sis I’m going to cum soon!!! Me too bro , cum inside me !!! For that moment he cum over and over inside his sister pussy.

(Mind reality)

John got what he wanted, his mother and sister and his new hot sexy girlfriend Abbie. A good home with lots more freedom to do what ever he wanted but something is missing. He cant really marry his mother can he? Or any of the other girls if he wanted. I mean face it, you cant walk down the street with your pregnant mother and sister in the open world without people asking questions. what about the hospital, the cops, dam societies he mumble to himself. This must be one of the most difficult skill he can think of and not even sure if he can pull it off. Bending reality to fit his preference, is that even possible? When he think about it, with his power now that he have. Why not. He more worried that people will find out and when they do they well put him in jail or worse cut his brain open for scientific study by the government.

He sit down legs cross and closed his eyes and take a deep breath .. He concentrated on the world around him “My mother is my wife, or anyone that I want as a wife is true and what ever I do in public is normal” He said it over and over again for the pass 10min then he seen that rainbow number again {4, 18, 5,1,3} , suddenly his headache was on over drive, he pass out.

“John , John! JOHN!!!”

His mother shaking him . He open his eyes and look at his mother crying. His sister and Abbie beside her. “How long have I been out?” His mother look in his eyes with joy that he alright. ” You been pass out for 2 hours , I’m so glad your ok John. ” well he guess that didn’t work. He was feeling hungry and the place could used more food in the freezer. “We need more food we are out!” He yelled to his mother. “well let head to the super market then John , I cant do it all alone nine months pregnant, unless you want to change me back 2 months but I know you decide to keep me nine months pregnant for a very long time”She was right he really didn’t want to change her back. “Fine mom let go”

They drove to the nearest store and got out of the car and his mother is walking really slow but she look so sexy pregnant, it like a 24/7 turn on for him. When he got inside the shopping center he ran into one of his teacher. Miss summer his math teacher. “My John your helping your wife shopping today that really sweet of you “John couldn’t believe what he just heard. Monica smile back to his teacher “Yes he such a good husband I’m glade we got married.” Miss summer look at his pregnant mother and ask “How far along is your baby due Miss.Doe?” She smile back “When ever triplets are ready to come out”
“My oh my John you been keeping your wife busy haven’t you?” Monica reply for him, he sure did every day and night . Well, I’ll let you go back to your shopping John and don’t forget to study for your final.

John confused, what the hell just happen did his skill of his mind work. “Mom did we really get married?” His mother look at him and laugh , “We sure did John. You want to see our marriage certificate? It at home” So that meant everything he do in public is normal. “Monica could you suck my dick right here at the super market?” Sure thing husband. His mom got his pants off and started sucking his dick up and down, the people in the store walk by like it normal for them. Dam that is hot, he getting a blow job from his mother inside a store and no one cared. That enough John said. She got to her feet and John grab his mother and tongue kiss her. He always wanted to kiss her and hold her hand in public, now he can without any worries. Mom I think we got enough food let go home..he held his mother hand and walk her to the car.

Since he here might as well make the most of it.” Monica would fuck me on top of our car right here at the parking lot?” Sure dear, what ever you want. She take off her clothes and thrown it inside the car. John did the same thing . He lay on the top of the hood and his mother got on top of him. “Oh baby your so naughty today” Monica said to him. He use his mind to turn his cock 12 inc inside his mother pussy. “Oh god john your dick so deep inside me, it just as big as that dildo you shove up my ass last time.” Monica moan when saying it. John grab his mother ass and push it toward him “Oh fuck me heard Monica, harder!” your mother screaming out “Yes husband Ill fuck you as hard as you want anywhere anytime.”

John ask her” When that babies out you want more right?” She look at him with lust “John I did say you can have as much babies as you want to knock me your choice. If this one born I would like you to knock me up again next year. “Ok if you say so, “His mother look at him deep in his eye”John it not a saying, it a promise and mother always keep her promise no matter how many babies you put inside me or how many time you knock me up I’m more then happy to have them” John know when his mother keep a promise she never break it. That just turn him on harder. “Mom put your hand on the hood and turn your ass”

“Oh yes!! yes!!” Monica yelled out.

She bend down ass sticking up and John ram his 12 inc chock in one shot inside her wet pussy. she scream…!!!! “Oh fucking god, yes do it ram that up my cunt husband. John pull her hair while taking her behind. “Oh god john I’m going to cum ” He said back “yes ill load it all inside you ….Here i came you pregnant cunt” Yes baby cum! He shoot load of his cum inside her and fallen to his feet and his mother fallen on top of him.

The cops drive by like it was normal for couple to fuck in the parking lot. John seen it and only made his dick harder for round two.

kai, Reka and Shin didn’t know what to say when they observed what skill he just use.

Shin now shouting at Kai, “What the fuck was that?” Don’t tell me he use Mind reality. that skill was forbidden let alone in any part of the test.

“What the hell going on Kai, is there something your not telling me?” Kai facing the sky, I wish i knew what going on myself. He only at 40 percent mind activity and did one skill that even suppose to be use, now a forbidden one.

” We need to find more information about who we are observing . “I think your right shin, he is not normal test. ” Kai said.

(John was at a place filled with mist and darkness)

“Hello!!!!!!Anyone here?” A women slowly walk towards him. “Do not be afraid young John, I am in your mind. Your are asleep, this is my realm.” John saw a women with bright red hair and wings with flaming fire. Her red eyes look to be like a lizard. She’s very tall, seem to be 15 feet.”What are you, how did i get here?” Her head look down and replied. “I send your mind here, I was like you once John many centuries ago. Your gift is growing much stronger and faster then I ever did in such short time “You know about my powers? “Yes I do know about your powers John, the moment you use it on your mother, when discovered your skill of the mind are different from others who they tested” John was curious “Who and what being tested?” John asked “I don’t have much time john, my powers very weak and I must make this fast. You are not alone, you are being watched and tested by servant of the gods” she look back sad “The gods are no longer around, we had a war. The gods came down to clam that no matter what happen, we shouldn’t intervene with life, but i wanted all life to exist together without violence and killing, but I what i did I’m not so proud of. I destroyed many life, what you called the age of the dinosaurs.

John look stun “Your telling me you wipe out the whole race of dinosaurs , Why? “Like I said i wanted life to exist together, but when the god found out what I did they used all there powers to forge a Titan Spear to trap me inside” John was lost with words “Well, was it really worth it, I mean wiping out the dinosaurs?” She was even more sadden “No, when I wipe them out hoping that one day other life well evolved to be better I was wrong. Million of years pass and human came.” She started to cry and replied even more”It was worse, there was killing, rape,violence and corruption. John was feeling some grief for her.

“John you have a gift, a choice of free will of two option , to used your powers to change the world or to destroy the world” John was shocked, “Well I’m not going to do any of that, dam what kinda choice is that?” then a moment later he saw the lights again {4,18,5,1,13} the women asked “So, i see you seen it too, the codes?” “What how you know that, what do it mean?” asked loudly “I can not tell you that John, you have to figure it out in time. It’s time for me to go John I hope you could use your powers to free me someday…..

Wait Wait what your name!!!!!!???

It’s Dra..

John woke up with sweat down his body, Laying next to him with his mother and the others”Husband , are you ok his mother asked?” Ya, I’m fine must be some kinda nightmare he told her.

Kai asked Reka if she found out any information about John, “From what I found out so far is the Lighting he’s got struck by is like a sponge , John is soaking up skill like like no tomorrow. “

Kai turn his head back to Shin” What about you Shin, any information you dig up about our observer ?” Shin pull out his Book Of the Dead “Yes I have and your not going to believe this, every life who died or well ever die in the future always in my book. Your so called John Doe not on my list, last time I look he was on it but……NOT ANYMORE!!!”

Kai look pale , “That is indeed troublesome Shin no one should have gotten off that book unless…….” Reka jump in” Unless he a god, im I right ?” Kai replied back” Not like a god , but he’s still human, it very puzzling to me.

” Reka and Shin ask him” Kai what did you find out about John I’m sure you got something” He didn’t know if he should tell them or not but he cant hold it anymore from what they give him

“John doe is the reincarnation of Nora ” That was something they didn’t expected from him to reply “Are you saying that John is the same parson? Nora Ark.” Shin asked “That is correct Shin but Nora is human not a god but from what I don’t understand is why is he a god and a human”

Reka just laugh” No wonder that pervert like to Knock up his mother and sister it in his blood from the beginning .”

(Principal & the Bullie)

Another day at school and he was getting bored, nothing in class seem to interest him anymore. Should he use his power to get some revenge. Dam right he should. First is Miss.Wong the principal.She a half mix Caucasian/Chinese with long dark brown hair and 5’8 with slim body, 45D breast 35 years old. Not to mention his bullies happen to be her son Mark. Mark think he can get away with anything just because his mother the principle , and Miss.Wong let him. Well that going to change a bit John thinking to himself, with an evil grin on his face. Yes it sure going to change.

He got to the boy locker room when he spotted Mark. “Well, Well look who here it John my money bag, your going to loan me some right buddy?” Unlike Abbie who keep running away and cant use his power unless he talk to the person, Mark on the other hand was an easy victim. Acting normal the best he can “Mark, your my friend right, you don’t need money from me you like to take all my advice” Mark action and attitude change “Sure John I don’t need your money I was just playing around with you, any advice you like to give me dude?” John with a wide face now ready for some revenge “Why don’t you be more nicer to people Mark and I know you have the hot for your mom, you want me to help you out?” Mark pet him on the back “Man your a real pal , it would be great if i can fuck her but she wouldn’t, if you could help that be great dude”

John walk to the principle office and Mark follow and along the way he bump into Abbie”Where you guys going?” “To the principle office, why don’t you come with us?” Abbie knew he going to do something but couldn’t say no to him “You know ill go anywhere with you John” They walk to the principle office and John put his arm around Abbie and her’s around him. “You guys wait here for awhile i need to talk to her first” John said and closed the door.

“John what you doing here?” Make it fast because i got a lot of paper work to do” John now ready to take this to the next stage of his revenge.”Miss.Wong just listen” Miss.Wong stop writing thing on her desk and look up to john.”You love your son Mark, not as a son but as a hot piece of meat you can get your pussy stuff with is dick. You lust for him and would fuck him anywhere. John think again what else he could add to his revenge. “You well never use birth control or condom, matter of fact you forget they even existed. You well only fuck your son , you well find way to divorce your husband so that way you can have him alone at home to do you all night.” He added the fishing touch.”You well fuck Mark ten time a day and well find ways no matter how busy you are to do so”

For his gift to her as a present he concentrated with his mind on her fallopian tube to drop an ovaries and split the cell for her to end up with quadruplets.

Miss.Wong mind is filled with lust and her behavior changed. “John your so right, I wish mark is here right now!” Let me to get him. John got out of the door and told Mark the same thing he told Miss.Wong . “Ok guys let go inside and meet the principle.

As soon as they got inside Mark and Miss.Wong rip each other clothes off not wasting anytime. Mark mind right now is his mother pussy , Miss.Wong can only think about his cock deep inside her cunt not caring about four play. As soon as Miss.Wong got her panties off Mark jam his cock right inside her wet pussy. John sat down on a chair and have Abbie blow him. He going to sit here and enjoy a live free porno. Mark turn his mother around and have her butt facing his way while Miss.Wong body on her desk knocking down all her paper work on the ground. To them they know they are forgetting something important but john made them forget , and they couldn’t figure out what it is. “OH Mark fuck your momma cunt you bad boy, she scream out!” Mark face is bright red with lust his hand on her ass trying to get as much of his dick inside her. “You stupid cunt, is this what you want mom. My hot dick up your pussy?” “Yes, YES that what i wanted make your mom wet and cum inside me!” Mark turn her around again but this time she laying on her disk with her legs are up in the air. “Pound my pussy Mark, Pound me!” Mark move his hit back and forth and again . “Mom I’m about ready to shoot it all inside your nasty cunt!” Oh mark do it ,do it now cum with me !!Ahhh He shot as much cum deep inside his mother, as he could manage.

With that John got up and leave with Abbie, Oh one more things guys. they turn to him “Have babies once a year til your mother get her Menopause” Then John and Abbie leave the room, with Mark and Miss.Wong still fucking and screaming in the office.

(Real Sex ED)

John revenge list is getting done, next on his list is Sex Ed. His teacher Miss.Smith was a Caucasian female, but John know she racist and couldn’t stand black people. John white himself and don’t like people who are that way. Some of John friends are black and Miss.Smith know he been hanging around with them . She treat him the same way and give him hell in class , always looking down on him. Even when he trying his best she give him an F. Miss.Smith is 27 years old, golden blonde hair down to her hip but she always tied it in a bun. 5’7 with 36c breast, blue eyes, Just fresh out of college.

John got in her class early before the next period starts. “Miss. Smith can I talk to you for a min?” she standing by the chalkboards writing about human anatomy and diagram “Look John if it about your grades , you need to do extra to bring it up if you ever wanted to graduate this year” He so tried of hearing this and just said “Miss. Smith just shut up and listen to me” She stop what she doing and face him. “Next class period your going to teach real sex ed, your going to use your body and show them how women get pregnant and you well tell the class that condom are useless and birth control are pointless and if they are worried about getting pregnant you well tell them fertility pill help solve that problem. You well not have sex with anyone who isn’t black , you know you cant stand black people and even having sex with them make you sick to your stomach. You cant help yourself , you need black cock inside you.

Then john got another idea that would be fun on her “Are you on birth control Miss.Smith?” John asked “yes I am John, why you asked?” Then he told her. “Well, your doing it all wrong, birth control not the answer to prevent pregnancy , it fertility pills” My word John your so right, and I’m a teacher with degrees in this and I’m taking the wrong pill, thanks for telling me.”

Good thing with his last power he mastered a few mouths ago, anywhere he goes or do well seem normal in public.

The bell rang and everyone move to to there next class period and John sitting in the black row waiting for an orgies to start or you can say a live porn orgies “Alright students today is very important , today I well show you how a women get impregnated.” “Ok everyone group up and you three black gentleman well help me demonstrate.” She take off her dress and remove her blouse, but her black high hill and stocking are still on. “Everyone take off your clothes, where about ready to start” she said. She grab one of the black student , bend her ass and point to her butt for him mount her.” This is called anal sex, it not really the part where the reproductive are but it work well for men enjoyment. Ok you can start mounting me now. Miss.Smith demanded. “Oh god that hurts and feel good she cried out. Harder , that right , grab my ass and move it closer, ahhh that feel good she moan. See students anal not bad if you put some used for it.

“She turn her head “Why you stopping, keep fucking me even when I’m talking and keep your hip pounding me tell i cum.!” She yell at him. “Keep fucking me with that huge black cock up my ass and rip it apart, ohhhh that good.” She was breathing hard..her hair hair no longer in a bun.

“Next well learn about the virginal intercourse, now this one students is where women ovaries located. Now she grab another black students to her, “Help me demonstrate, place your dick inside my wet pussy, see how Imm taking his black cock inside me without a condom. Let me tell you this, it’s very important on your test, condom useless and birth control well not help you to prevent pregnancy and if your worried about getting pregnant , you should take fertility pills. It 99percent effective from unwanted pregnancy. “

She laid down on the class room floor with her legs up in up “Alright , you can start fucking me now , and when you cum you need to cum inside so i can show the class how a baby is made” The student was happy to comply . “Yes fuck that tight cunt you black fucker yes!! ” See everyone , how my pussy all wet , that help his sperm to reach my ovaries to do it thing to impregnate me. “Yes baby keep fucking me , you! Come here, she point to the next black student. Fuck my mouth while he fucking my pussy.” The black student got on her face, the other one doing his thing trying to keep this fucking as long as possible. As soon as the guy cum inside her mouth she started chocking . ‘Cough, Coughhh.. “Student , you all need ‘Cough’ to know is that for a women to get a better chance of getting impregnated , you need to have him cum inside you as much as you possible . “

For the next 20min all three black students came inside her 3 time each. Her pussy is filled with white cum, leaking from her pussy. The teacher told the students that pair up in groups and fuck each others while she grade them.

John was enjoying the show, but he gotten tried and did one thing before he leave , he focus on her body to release an egg and have that set up for her to conceive quadruplets. Even when she on birth control it didn’t save her this time. “Miss. Smith before I go you should really get a nice fat ugly black guy you would never normally date and marry him. Have all his kids”

“That a great idea john!”

(Wedding Day)

With his Mind Realty he set himself with, he could marry anyone he wish and everything he do well seem normal to everyone.

The family was out by the swimming pool catching some sun on a warm Saturday afternoon. John was at deep thought”What wrong dear?” she said while hugging him while her hand playing with his cocks”Could you get the girls mom and have them here, I need to talk to everyone.” Monica got up, walk to the girls and told them John needed to talk with them. “John, we all here is their something you wanted today beside sex ?” his mother said with a smile.”yes, I want us all to get married , with our friends family, teachers, everyone there. I want everyone to know your my women.” Staci face showing sign of happiness.”yes bro I would love to marry you , I’m tried of just being your girlfriend”Abbie added “Me too it would be wonderful to have you as a husband.”

The wedding well be set for next two week with invention to family , friends and teachers. Later that day the girls went shopping for a wedding dress. It had to be custom made since Monica nine months pregnant along with his sister, they needed it to be extra special. The dress was a tight fit showing as much of the pregnancy as possible, they know John would love it that way.

Two week gone by and the family ready for the big wedding.

“Mom, make sure everyone not wearing any panties today” His mother was more then happy to do so. They are now at the church walking down the aisle holding his mother and sister hand while Abbie not so far be hide him, white flowers are toss up in the air , with the wedding music playing. His relatives showed up along with his teachers and friends, even the tv news channel making a story about the man who won the lottery is getting married today. They finally got to the preachers,”we are all here today to bless the wedding of John Doe, Monica Doe, Staci Doe and Abbie Tuner, if anyone have anything to say. Please do it now or forever hold your peace. “Now John is there anything you like to say or do to these lovely ladies ?”

John , is now happy he could marry his women to clam them as his own, to have a real wedding he always wanted with his mother and sister , with his crush Abbie. “Yes father , “Mom, I love you and I like to make love to you right here at the church, along with the other girls. This is my way to show you how much I wanted you as a wife. “Oh John please do it , fuck me right here my husband to be.” She fill with lust and her pussy just dripping wet. John taken off his pants and lay down on the floor, his mother got on top of him with the wedding dress still on, she open her pussy with her fingers and place his cock deep inside her cunt. His sister pull up her wedding dress and sat on John face so John can lick her wet pussy, while she kissing her mother, Abbie got down on her knees. Pulled the top part of wedding dress down to expose her breast , while fingering her pussy. Monica and Staci used one hand holding for balance and the other squeezing Abbie breast. Staci stated talking “Oh John I cant believe we are getting married today, yes! lick my pussy my husband and stick your tongue inside my wet pussy!” “Oh God that feel good husband more more…Ahh yes!!” Staci starting yelling in ecstasy “His mother starting to moan out real loud herself with join 12inc he made with his power. “Fuck John that feel good, I love your dick inside my wet cunt baby! Your such a good husband for me and your sister, and Abbie.”

Monica was losing her mind with lust, her pussy getting wetter and wetter on John cock. She started tongue kissing her daughter with saliva dripping from each other mouth. John starting to shout out, “I’m going to cum! your pussy so fucking good on my dick Monica””Yes husband shoot it all inside my wet cunt, it all yours forever!!” she shouted back . The women take turn and rotate fucking John the same way for the next two hours. They are out of breath and breathing heavily.

They got up and now facing the preacher, “Now that everyone done what need to be, we can continue with the wedding vows,” Do you John doe take Monica doe as your wife?” John said “Yes I do,” and slip a wedding ring on his mother finger. The preacher next said “Do you John Doe take Staci Doe as your wife “Yes i do” and slip a wedding ring on her finger. Last but not lest , Do you John Doe take Abbie Tuner as your wife, John replied “yes I do father” and slip a wedding ring on her fingers” The preacher now said , Ladies do you take John Doe as your husband to be?” They all said “YES!” Together in unison”

John made a request if he could get the girl to marry each other as well. The preacher smile back, “Yes I could, do you ladies take each other as wife ” They all look at each other , Monica , Staci and Abbie said “Yes we well father” By the power in me this day , you are husband and wife.

People clapping and cheering, Mark in the back Shouting out “Great going Buddie” Still banging his impregnated mother.

(Mind and Body/Age Progression)

John was going through his family album , he did miss his dad that one faithful day when he got into a car crash from a drunk driver and died.

(Hit and Run incident)

The police never did find out who killed his father. “Wow mom is that you, how old are you when you got married to dad that day?” “You look like fucking Playboy Centerfolds” His mother blush “That me when I was 25 years old, time sure goes by fast” John got an idea, he’s going to try to test out a new skill to see if it work. He focus his mind and looking at the photo of his mother on her wedding day. His mother age backward one year each min and stop at age 25. He look up, saw his mother younger, and her skin are more smoother and had darker brown hair. Staci and Abbie walk in to the living room where John and his mother are “Omg, mom is that you?, you look ,Look….” John smile, “Looked fucking Hot right sis.” Her eye cant stop looking at her mother body, she was getting a little jealous . Her mom was even more prettier then her now.

John was thinking, if he can change the age of a person, maybe he could keep himself 18, his mother 25, his sister 23 and Abbie 18 forever. He concentrated on everyone to stay that age and never grow old, then he focus his mind to see inside the women’s body if they are still aging, nope the aging process stopped. John asked his mother “Are you ever jealous of Staci for having quadruplets and your only with triplets?” Monica look at him wondering why he ask “Sometime dear, but it would be nice if we are carrying the same number of child” John know last time when he mess with a women ovaries he cant reverse, but he really needed to understand why he cant. He going to try it one last time to see if he can reverse that skill. He focus his skill on his mother and set her back when the ovaries are fresh, set the cell for quadruplets and tried to undo it. Nope, he cant undo it for some unknown reason. After that he set his mother pregnancy back to nine months. “There you go mom your even with your daughter” she got up and kiss on the lips “Thank you husband, I cant be jealous now” Abbie asking john if he ever wanted to do that to her” John look at her ” No, Abbie i want you to give birth to my child, you are after all the only one here I didn’t use my powers on.”

John now decided what he going to do”Mom, sis, since we cant grow old anymore and have all the time in thew world, you all should stay pregnant with quadruplets for a few years” Staci and Monica said “It’s fine with me since we cant get old anymore, “Staci join in “Sure bro as long as your happy beside I know it turn you on when we are round and pregnant like this” She wink at him with a little bit of laughter. His mother is so hot right now his dick is getting hard. “Hey let’s go to bed and fuck. He got on his bed and told his mother to go on top of him and ride his cock. “Sis why don’t you tribe Abbie while i get mom to fuck me.” Staci pussy now lock together with Abbie. “John , your dick is so big inside me, oh fuck that hurts worse then before” John grab her ass pushing her closer to him up and down. John moan “Dam mom your pussy tighter then before it like I’m fucking a virgin pussy” Monica blush even more red with lust “Well, John remember that photo of me on my wedding day with your dad, we didn’t have sex before tel after our marriage. I was a virgin back then” Dam he thinking to himself, no wonder Staci was complaining sometime when he shove his 12in cock all in one shot inside her pussy.

Monica having a hard time trying to Kiss John while fucking him since she 9months pregnant and her pregnant stomach on John chest but she manage to pull it off and give him some tongue kissing while she going up and down. “Fuck John your dick is ripping my pussy apart, it’s much bigger then your dad back then. ” Monica moaning and screaming “Well you be ok mom?” She couldn’t say no to John pleasure “It fine husband, go ahead and rip my pussy apart and don’t worry about me. Just make yourself feeling good, Ohhhhhh that fucking hurt baby.” To her right now she feeling more pain then pleasure, but she don’t care, she just want John to feel good and happy. “I’m going to cum soon mom” Staci screaming in pain , “Do it cum inside my cunt dear, CUM!!! WITH ME!!” John cum inside his mother, with more cum then he before.

Just when she think he was done John said “It not over yet I want your virgin ass” Monica look wide eye , My god I’m going to die she think. John got his mother from be hide and ram his 12 inc cock in one shot up her ass. “fuck!!! John ahhh that hurt so good baby” Her mind going blank, not knowing what to think anymore. He move push his mother ass back and forth with his hand, even her pregnant belly moving the same way as he do so. “Fuck mom your ass even more tighter then your pussy” Monica look behind her while her son pounding her ass ripping it a part. “My ass all your baby, do what you like and jam that cock deep inside !” John ask Staci “How you doing with Abbie, ?” God bro her pussy so fucking wet can tribe her pussy all day” John then ask her to lick each other pussy. Staci was having pussy juice all over her mouth. “Abbie your pussy taste so good” “That right luck me good , your doing it like a good slut” John couldn’t keep up anymore with his mother ass “I’m going to cum inside your tight ass mom, get ready!” Monica still facing him when he pounding her ass “Do it John cum inside my ass, take my virgin and pussy and ass today , fill me up” Oh fuck!!! Monica shouting . She was hurting yet feel cold chill ,when he came.

John still wondering why that one skill with the ovaries didn’t work, well he going outside to get some fresh air. When he did he found a dead bird. Let’s see if I can bring it back to life, he focus but nothing happen. Then he remember what that mystery women told him, something about a test. It all add up to him now, he cant kill a life, and he cant bring back the dead.

Kai now was very upset . Reka was even more worried, and shin was even more amazed about what skill he just used. Kai was the first to say something “Well, his power have reached 50 percent, and not to mention he used another forbidden skill, Mind Progression. Shin look inside his book of the dead, “Yes , and not only that, his mother and sister along with Abbie, are no longer in the death list.

Reka was silent for awhile, “No wonder John wasn’t in the book of the dead anymore, he had that skill hidden inside him all this time.

Kai also added “John found out something important he shouldn’t even know, people shouldn’t know what power he or she cant use.”

(mind wipe/non reality)

Yes, Saturday. He needed some relaxing quality time with is family Monica , Staci and Abbie at the mall. “Shit why do I have to carry all this , I didn’t know women need to much junk, 7 pairs of shoes, 30 pairs of pants and dress, 40 pairs of shirts” All the girls laugh “Well, that what happen when you go shopping with us,” Mom smiled at him and kiss him for helping them “Your a strong handsome husband , where 9 months pregnant. We couldn’t do it if we wanted to” His mother point her finger at her stomach, when saying it.

Just then when she got done talking, two women bumping Monica off guard and land on the ground. “Watch it preggo im walking here” John can sense the young women happen to be the other women daughter, ah another skill he just found out, mind reading. The young girl seem to be 18 years old blond hair and blue eye 5’5 with 36C breast. The mother appear to be in her 30’s , also blond hair and blue eyes about 5’8 with 34D breast. The older women just seem to not care what happen “Sir can you move out of the way, we are in a hurry and late for a party.”

This kinda action not acceptable to John and he very upset what happen to his mother. If they just apologize like normal people and accept that it was just an accident but Nooo…they just want to make him mad. Well, time to show them a lesson. He help his mother to her feet, and told her and the girl. “Everyone go do some shopping with each other I need to talk to the rude people for a bit”

John followed them to the clothing store “Listen , I need you to stay here for awhile and be more nicer to me and do what ever I say” Both women replied “Sure Sir, well wait here and we’re sorry about your wife “John walk to the car and grab the 12inch dildo his sister got a few months back. He walk back to the clothing store and leave the strap on dildo next to them, then walk back to his car and focus his mind to possess the daughter”

“Let to go to the changing room slut” The Older women don’t know why, but somehow she feel. That not her daughter, but followed anyway. “Take off all your clothes now you whore!” The mother followed the command of the possessed daughter without question. John put the strap on dildo on her daughter body. Then he tried something new with his power , he focus his mind to the dildo to make it part of the 18 year old daughter. Now he ready to test it out, “I want you to you to give that dildo a blow job. The older mother did as instructed and starting moving her mouth up and down on the dildo, John in her daughter body was starting to feel good and before he knew it, white cum produce inside her body came out of the dildo and land on her mother face.

Well, that is interesting with a wicked grin.

“Turn around slut it time for your pussy” The mother was scared what about to happen and knew what going to be next. He then said “I want you to feel lust, knowing your daughter going to fuck your pussy and cumming inside you.” He place the dildo inside the mother pussy without even caring if she in pain “Take this slut!, you like it when your daughter fucking you?” With john command she couldn’t resist “Yes, baby fuck me, fuck me hard , that thing so big and deep inside me …He grab her ass and lifting it up and down on the dildo , “Kiss me while I fuck you” The mother starting kissing her daughter. “You like that don’t you slut, tell me who you are” Her face is flush and her lust is on the edge. ” I’m a slut and I want my daughter to cum inside me!!” John couldn’t help himself anymore and blast the girl load inside her wet cunt and the mother just fallen on her daughter shoulders.

John now focus his mind on to possess the mother “Mom , why I’m here, what going on?” Somehow just like her mother, she can feel that not her mother. “You love to fuck your mother and lust after her and you want everything she going to give you.” John said in a high pitch voice of her mother. “Hand me the dildo” She hand him the dildo “Put your hand on the wall and turn your ass facing your mother. Like before he focus the dildo to be part of the mother. The young girl was freaking out but she couldn’t do anything, but even that John told her to lust after her mother. “You like this dildo up your pussy slut?” She could only yell out “Yes , YES, give it to me” John started pushing her hip back and forth with her mother hand, then use one hand to grab the younger women hair. “Tell me your a slut , now!” She couldn’t stop herself, she replied “I’m a slut, please fuck me oh god that feel so good. The young girl face is banging on the wall as the mother fuck her. ” I’m going to cum soon, you want it now?” She was shocked what her mother just said.

” What, cum, my mother have cum?” She screaming inside her mind “Pull out, pull out!! not a safe day!”

” I take that as a no , too bad here it cum….The girl just scream out YES!!!!!!!! SHOOT IT INSIDE ME . John got back to his body and walk to the clothing store to meet up, the tried and almost pass out mother and daughter. “They all look at him for the next instruction. “John asked the mother if she married” she said “No I’m divorce when I found out my husband cheating on me with my sister” He then give her a command. “You well now lust after your daughter and well not remarry. Well not get a abortion if you ever find out your pregnant and also never have sex with a man again. You well stop dating anyone right this min and date your daughter.

Then he look at the young girl “You well lust after your mother and well not get a boyfriend or marry, if you do have a boyfriend, you well stop dating him this min and date your mother. You well never have sex with a man again. You want to be with your mother. You well not get an abortion if your ever found out your pregnant.”

For the last instruction he told them to forget the they ever talk to him when all his instruction are over.

They well wonder how they end up pregnant, when they are dating each other and both are female, if they never had sex with men. John thinking that be interesting to see the shocked on there face when they find out, not knowing they got each other pregnant. John use his focus on the women ovaries to make them end up with triplets with all boys. The mother and daughter are now pregnant with each other babies and would not know who the father is.

One more thing he added to them. He look at the mother, “if you ever have have a child that boys, have them fuck your daughter when they turn 18 . Next he turn to the daughter, “if you ever end up with boys have them fuck your mother when they are 18. He decided to give them a gift , he concentrated on the dildo to always produce sperm by the user body ,when it being used. He smile and said “I have a gift for you, used it every day and don’t lose it, do not go on birth control ever again, and don’t worry about the dildo shooting out sperm. Fuck each other 10 time a day with it. If you do wonder how you all got pregnant since you no longer date men, do not worry about being knock up every year. You all love the idea getting pregnant not knowing how it happen.

For the last part to finish it off, he focus his mind on the women’s body to always drop triplets or quadruplets ovaries each mounts. “Also give me your phone number and address.”

Then John walk off to meet his wife.

Kai, now seeing thing more odd each passing day, how did John end up with more skill that not even on the testing list? Reka ask Kai” Did he just used non reality?” Shin just answer the question for him “Yes he did and another one of the forbidden skill. He up to 60 percent of his mind powers. Next time well just have to face him, there no other choice Test or not

(Graduation day)

School ,graduation day coming finally and john can’t wait to get the hell out, but John want it to be en experiences for everyone to remember at the auditorium. Back at home getting ready for next week, big day for John life since he hate school. 12 years of hell ,do John really wanted more?” hell no!! Why do I need more when I’m rich ” John asked himself.”

John walked to his sister bed room with mom eating her cunt out. “Fuck mom eat my cunt , I’ll teach you to be prettier then me!!! Lick it harder you cunt, shove that tongue inside. Oh god I’m going to cum again!” Staci stopped what she doing when she saw John. “Hey john, have you seen our dildo? I can’t find it anywhere” John pull over a chair and sit by them “Sorry sis, I kinda give it away” Staci look sad “How could you John? We had good memories with that dildo, you used it to deep throat me and I almost gag with it. You even used it to ram it in mom asshole now we can’t use it” Staci almost started crying. John laugh, about what he going to say “Remember them two bitches at the mall who hurt mom?” Now Stacie getting interested. she know her brother always up to something evil , when he want to “Ya I remember but what that got to do with the dildo?” John reply to her answer “I kinda turn the dildo cursed , who ever use it end up impregnating the other person” Staci face started to brighten up not caring anymore about the dildo, from what John told her, see seem happy “Haha , I bet you got them to impregnate each other, them two cunt deserved it on what they did to mom. Good going bro.” Anyway, that fine ill just get a new dildo and make new memories”

John looked around “Hey have you seen Abbie” Staci replied “She spending the day with her her parents and sibling, getting ready for the graduation. Talking about that you should as well” Monica all teary eyes “Aww my son growing up so fast” ” Oh stop that mom your embarrassing me. I need to get going, got some plans for graduation .

John got to the principal office, seeing mark still fucking his mother. “Can I talk to you guys , I got some great idea for graduation” Mark stop banging his mother to catch his breath “Hey buddy, what up?” John closed the office door “This is what would be a great idea. I want you to fuck your mother that day for everyone to see that you got her pregnant, bring poof that you two are blood related for the cameras. He turn his attention to Miss.Wong next “You well add a dance pole inside the auditorium and your going to dance naked, also fuck your son as well . At the end you well offer your body to every student as a cum bucket.” John think some more “Hmm yes, Miss. Wong your quitting your job after graduation to be a stripper and do online incest with your son, so he can have as job with you and let me pass out the diploma to all the students” One last thing he did was set Miss. Wong nine months pregnant “Everyone understand?” They all reply ” Yes we do John “

Graduation Day

Abbie ran to John , “I miss you!! Ready to graduate this year, cuz I know I am” John kiss her while his mother take some photo ” You two look adorable ” His mother said, smiling at them. Every student got settled. Miss. Wong started talking . “This is the day you all well face your greatest challenge and so well is mine. I want you all to remember this day and I’m doing something special for you all.” John standing next to the principal with Abbie holding his hand getting ready for some fun. Miss. Wong pulled out her identification card with her son birth certificate. “As you all know Mark is my son, this is my proof to you we are blood related and he got me pregnant. He well fuck my pregnant pussy for you all to see.”

She then tell the camera crew to video tape the identification and birth certificate as proof and have them take video tape her fucking her son. “She taken her cloths off and asked “Mark come and fuck me now!!” Mark position his dick inside her pussy. “Mark baby, your doing your mom so good ” She still holding the intercom. “Please everyone take video of me screwing my son and put it online, it a sad day today as I’m quitting my job as a principal (fuck Mark your so good), moaning. Ahhh your dick pounding my wet cunt) auh dam you incest loving child of mine”

“As I was saying I’m getting a new job doing online incest with Mark and as a stripper.” “Oh god baby cum inside Yes !! That feel good.” Miss.Wong starting to feel flush, “Mark is going to pass out the diploma while I’ll show you what my job going to be as a stripper. I’m going to pole dance pregnant here, with high hill and stocking. Please don’t forget this day everyone.”

She hand over the intercom to John , “Everyone please come by when I call your name” John focus his power to every hot girl he hand shake, well end up pregnant. Even if it a safe days or birth control usage. For the next 3 hours he got every hot cheerleaders and student pregnant. “Alright everyone , John spoke on the intercom .” Miss. Wong going to give all the boy student any hole they want. So please line up and fuck her, 3 students at a time now” His mother and sister , with Abbie stand up and walk to him , congratulating him on finishing high school.

(Mind travel/time)

John still upset about his dad death and wanted to see if he could use his mind to time travel back before his dad accident. He focus his mind back to 1983, when john was only 12 years old . His dad was just getting off work at 2am, walking to his car and call it a long day. His dad a was a lawyer and always working late. John walk slowly to his dad, ” sir , don’t go on the freeway today it unsafe, since it raining and people are careless.”His dad turn to John “look I don’t need to listen to you, I’m in a hurry to see my wife and kids, why should I?” Because I’m John !!! Your son,you go now on that freeway , your going to die by a drunk driver” John shouted on the top of his lunges. John dad was shaken by his remark of sudden outburst “your crazy kid, my son only 12 and your attitude nothing like him, now go away” John dad got in his car and drove off. John need to follow him, without his dad seeing him to make sure he’s safe but he can’t run that fast . He tried his mind again to make him fly” oh fucking sweet hell, this is awesome “John feel like he a super hero. John dad was thinking , “Maybe I should just take the small road since it’s raining hard tonight , that kid is crazy but he had a point.” John happy now , he saw his dad turn to the small road.

“phew that was nice, he really listen to me to me”

He time travel back with his mind, and found his mom making lunch” Hey mom have you seen dad? “Monica look at him oddly. ” John , your dad been dead since your 12, are you alright?” John was furious “how he died mom?” Monica eyes started to show some sign of tears “Your father died by a bus, crossing the street.” John starting to get upset “Grrr what the fucking hell!!” John yelled like a lunatic . He time travel back and found his dad crossing the street , use his mind to freeze time and push him out of the way before the bus hit him. Later he got back to his time and talk to his mom “Err mom have you seen dad?” Monica cried when he asked such a sensitive question “Honey, your father pass away since your 12, he fell off a building and died” John look like he gone crazy,” Fuck I give up!!!” He shouted like a mad man. He then time travel back in time to see himself before he even started this mess.

John 1 “Don’t even try stopping him man”
John2 “What the hell dude, your me, what going on?”
John1″Look no matter what we do, he still going to end up dead.”
John2 “What we going to do now if we can’t change the past?”
John1″Well, nothing we can do but I’m going back in my own time, fuck this shit. But you know , we could fly and freeze time. Just letting you know. What are you going to do john1?
John1″Well, since we can’t change anything I’m going to get some revenge on that drunk driver.
John2″Well what ever you do , I did it as well, have fun.” God that confusing.

Shin spoken to everyone it time to visit this John. Kai only agree, ” His power getting dangerous “

Reka leaning back next to a tree” I know, I didn’t think anyone could use the mind to time travel and stop time let alone fly” Before they could take action an unknown ball of light showed up. “Do not intervene , please continue to observe him and study his mind power more. I have cap lock his power to 69 percent for awhile.

Reka just laugh to herself , for everyone to hear” That such perverted level”

Shin look a bit distress, isn’t that risky? He could kill at that level now” Holy Light answered “Yes but only a small city but he still can’t bring back the dead, now do you all understand my orders?”

They all knee down and replied ” Yes my lord”

Reka asked the Holy Light “Why can’t john change the past?” The Holy Light answer “You can’t change faith. You can’t travel to the past to kill your dad , then you won’t be born to do so , it’s well end up a paradox , It the law of reality.”

(John revenge his father death)

John tried to focus his mind to fly, like his other self told him. Next thing he knew, he’s floating around in mid air. “Nice this is kinda fun,” John is now floating on the top of his father car trying to stay invisible as best he can. Following him to his accident, his father faithful death. 20mins later he seen it all happen. The drunk driver slip to the side of the right and knock his dad car off the cliff, innate a fire to cause an explosion. His dad died instantly that day. The drunk driver panic, knowing what he just did and speed away from the crime scene. Getting far away a possible before anyone notices. John followed his car to the man home but think to himself “Why didn’t anyone found out his father death, must be some evidence” John waited for the suspect to make his next move.

It was 3:20 am, the suspect still driving the damage vehicle to a car shop, he started to dismantle the vehicle part by part. John now know how he’s getting away with murder. He was a mechanic. John then waited for him next to his house, for him to show up and get inside. The father was dirty, stains and sweating like he haven’t taken a shower for days. John got inside, the father was afraid he might be a witness to his accident. John said real fast before the man could make a run for it “Stop and listen to everything i say without question” The man stand still like robot waiting for his next command. John now came closer to to him “Tell me why your drinking and driving in the rain and do you have anyone living with you at the moment?” “Since my wife pass away from cancer i been taking habit of drinking a lot , and i have a daughter name Anna she 18, no one else live here.”

Anna walk to the living room with P.J on, she have blonde hair , slim body but a little short for her age 4’9 with 30c breast.” Dad is everyone alright and who this person?” She step back a few feet knowing something not right. “Do not try to run Anna and you’ll do what ever i say” I understand sir, she respond like she needed to obey. John now ready for some info on this family. “He turn to the man and ask , “What your name?” He reply with no emotion at all. “My name Jame Brook Sir” John then walk to Anna “Anna are you a virgin?” Like her father she answer without question “Yes Sir, as far I ever gotten was kissing.” John now got a wicked idea, since this going to be their punishment.

For Anna first fuck and lose her virginity, she wouldn’t feel a dam thing.

“He told her to lay down on the ground asleep without any feeling what so ever, no matter what happen” John now command the father to fuck his daughter and cum inside her when he ready. The father now place his cock inside the daughter pussy, but by John order she remain life less, even her pussy not even wet. The father now got her legs up and started to hump her like a rag doll. John then use his mind to put some words in her mouth but remain in a deep sleep with eyes closed, with no Idea what going on. “I lost my virginity to you daddy and I’m not feeling anything, my pussy still dry. Please knock me up!”

The man all dirty and with greasy hand all over his daughter body moaning and humping away like she just a hole to use and abuse. He going in faster and faster shaking her body back and forth on the carpet. With one last push he spew out all his dirty cum inside his daughter.

John was happy now, he got his dad revenge. ” Okey everyone listen to me , I want you to date each other and fall in love with one another. James, when you come home from work do not shower, just fuck your daughter when your dirty and greasy. You know what, just take a shower once year.” He turn to face Anna “Do not ever use birth control or protection and don’t ever get an abortion. Anna , your dad don’t have a wife anymore it your job to take care of him in her place. Jame your now going to have Anna as a wife, and make sure you fuck her 9 time a day. One last thing, forget I’m ever here 30mins ago”

It would be interesting to see the look on her face how she end pregnant. When still a virgin and would never know her first child was from her father . John laughing to himself madly , then gone back home to his time

(Helping Hand)

Star Bucks, the best place to enjoy some refreshing hot coffee when your up all night fucking your wives. He end up over hearing some girls laughing and giggling about some fat couples at the corner of the shop. The leader of the group appear to be in her 20’s , long blonde hair, greenish eyes, slim body and about 5’9. John used his mind to read her’s and found out some information’s. Her name was Lori, she and her friends are college student not far away from the coffee shop.

Lori was continuing the the insult of the fat couples ” My god, some people need to start eating some salade, and not drink so much dam sweet. They have like what? 3 cups each, that way too much” The other girl started talking loudly, you can hear it across the room. “I know right, they weight about what? 350 pounds. If I had a penny right now and place it under her back pocket , we could read the year on it” They all started laughing louder this time with no care, what so ever about the couple feelings.

John always use his power to benefit himself, but never really think about using it to help others. Today he decide to be the good guy for once, well just this once. He closed his eyes and focus the world around him to freeze. When he open his eyes, he can see the cars aren’t moving, even the cup that fallen off the counter frozen in time in mid air. John walk over to where the couples are setting and unfreeze them. The fat man and women are wondering what going on, they feel like they’re at the twilight zone. Nothing to them seem to be moving. John smile to them ” Relax everyone, I stop time. I wanted to know, if you guys wanted some revenge on them rude stuck up bitches.” They seem very happy about John offer.”We would love to get some revenge on them” John also expanded to them he have some other gift he could used.

John got up, started shaking the man hand.”My name John, what yours?” My name Steve and this here is my girlfriend Natasha.” Stave an over weight Caucasian male in his 60’s , about 5’4. His girlfriend Natasha was an African American women in her 50’s, about 5’2.

Stave still drinking his coffee while talking to John. ” They always here everyday making jokes of us during lunch time, about our weight, and sometime they even go so far to trow coffee at us” Natasha look at Lori with lust ” John, you said you can control people to do things for you and even possess bodies right” John was getting the idea why she ask but replied ” Yes I can Natasha, why you asked?” with some evil glow in her eyes she answered ” I was wondering if i could take her body for a test drive, you know have some fun with it. It would be a good revenge and I would be enjoying her as well.”

John unfreeze time and the room start moving again. He then walk to the college girls and said ” girls, go home but you Lori need to come with me.” Like a robot with no mind of her own followed John to the couple mini van. They drive for 20mins and gotten to Stave apartment but the place look like a train rack. Food on the floor and beer laying around with cigarettes butt inside them. They walk inside to the living room and Natasha ask first” So how this possession work John?” John point at the sofa ” Just sit on the sofa and ill mind swap the two of you” He never tried switching two people bodies before and only use it on himself with others but this would be be a new experience for him. He focus his mind in Natasha mind and move that mind to Lori mind, grab Lori mind and move it to Natasha mind.

Natasha now inside Lori body, licked and bite her lower lips, she now caressing her new body all over with her hands. “Hmm.. this body is fucking great, I feel so good inside her” Natasha moaning, she starts to undress Lori body to examination her new forms. Stave was looking at Lori and his dick starting to get hard “I see that work well for you Natasha, mind if you share her with me?” Stave said with some grin on his face, like he got a new toy to play with” Suddenly she said” what happen to my body?” John told her” Don’t worry, the Lori that inside your body is in sleep mode, she wont wake up no matter what you all do unless i wanted her to”

Natasha now undress her boyfriend pants and pull out his fat cock , she going up and down on his pole with hungry eyes”Stave baby, you like to have his college bitch sucking your cock don’t you?” He’s moaning with his head up and his eyes closed “Yes Natasha, that feel so fucking good, don’t forget to suck my lower balls too.” She put her hand on his fat ass and shove his hard dirty cock , as deep as she could inside the poor girl throat” Stave was yelling “Stupid collage girl, im going to cum and when I do drink it all you slut” Natasha pull out for a moment to tell him”Stave, don’t call me Natasha today, call me Lori” He screaming out with lust ” Fuck, Lori your good at his. Your a born slut…Im going to cum soon drink it all!” with that she drank every single drop of his dirty fat cum down the girl throat.

Natasha found out she have all of Lori memories and told John about it” You know, this cunt don’t drink alcohol or smoke” John was surprise about all this, his power is indeed growing. Not that he just switch two different people bodies but to give them each other memories. Natasha asked John” John , could you please go to the freezer and get me some Jack Daniel and a pack a smoke from Stave room?, I want this bitch to have some fun.” John came back and handed her the alcohol and cigarettes. Natasha chugged down half the bottle of Jack Daniel and smoke the entire pack of cigarettes in ten min. Natasha was feeling a little drunk since Lori never drank before. Natasha giggle , ” This bitch cant even hold her own liquor but I put enough nicotine in her lungs to make her addicted” To be sure she ask John to grab the other 5 packs and get it for her and smoke them all in less then 20mins. She smiled ” there that should do it, she should also wake up with a hang over when im done with her.

She walk to Stave very drunk “Stave you bad boy, would you like to shove that cock down my wet pussy. I know you want to, this bitch is ready to lose her virginity ” she got on top of him and push all 10in of his cock down her pussy and not caring about condom. She move up and down on his pole like she haven’t had sex in age. She screaming in lust “You like his college bitch riding you, don’t you Stave? well , if your going to cum baby, cum inside this wet pussy and make me cum as well. Don’t worry about getting me pregnant, it not even my body so i don’t care.” Stave couldn’t take much longer, but he trying to hold on for this moment of pleasure to last longer. “Lori you bitch you want my cum inside you that much ?” Natasha was shouting out. ” Yes you fat fucker, shoot that cum inside this bitch, she deserved it” Stave cock was getting out of control, he couldn’t hold much longer, before he knew it…He pump the girl pussy with load of sticky cream inside her wet hole.” Oh fuck , college girl pussy is the best !”

Stave is now tried and his dick limp, and Natasha with a cigarette in her mouth , almost pass out drunk. John spoke up” Did everyone have fun with the revenge?” Natasha look like she lost her toys ” Aww, that suck. I wish i could use her more often and maybe, use her body to go party or do some other nasty things.” John thinking for a min, could he really give what Natasha wish for. John look at Natasha body and said” I might be able to do that but I need to switch back body for now” John focus his mind and switch them place . He then focus his mind , that every time Natasha kiss Lori they well up trading place again but it well only work at 7pm to 7am. He Look at Lori, ” Lori I want you to come to Stave house everyday at 7pm and if you ever up pregnant do not get an abortion do you understand?” Lori respond with low monotone, yes sir I do” Good Lori , Now i want you to go home and sleep , wake up everyday like nothing happen but obey my command to come here everyday at 7pm.” Lori shake her head , to show she understand.”

Alright Natasha, Lori well come by Stave place every night at 7pm, but you need to kiss her to switch place and return to Stave place before 7am cuz , your body well switch back at that time” Natasha was happy and thank John for getting her revenge and wish. John made a request “Natasha , if your going to use Lori body like a sute, do it without condom” Natasha just laugh, “Oh I wont, I always had fantasy about fucking stranger and without a care in the world but was worried of getting pregnant or catching some kinda disease. . Now with her body I don’t have to. Thank you John”
John got out of the apartment and gone home. It feel good to help others out once and awhile.

(Elemental Sword & Mom Virginity)

John outside in his yard relaxing under the trees, the shade cool on a summer days. The wind blowing. This got him thinking, what if he can use some elemental powers and shoot it out from his hands. He focus fire first, John closed his eyes and think of fire coming out of his hand and before he know it, flame exploded and knock him backward a few feet. John got up stun for a moment ” Sweet fucking hell, that bad ass”

Now John tried out ice with his hand, and it burst out of his hands towards the ground. Everything within 20 feet frozen solid. “Talking about no longer needed air conditioners anymore at home”

Now John tried out wind. He focus his mind for wind to come out of his hands, that just blown him back 20 feet, and his body hit the next tree. “Ouch, that fucking hurts!”

Now John tried out lighting, but when he did tried it. Nothing really bad happen to him. The lighting glowing around his body like a shield but not from his hands. This is odd, John wonder for a few min.

John needed something to protect himself and his family. If he ever end up with some enemy, but the elemental power he used on himself are unstable and dangerous. He needed something to compress his power but what? Then it hit him, why not make a sword out of it. He focus his mind with the elemental , fire, ice , wind then Lightning. The center of the sword is made of ice, the second layer is made of wind to keep the fire and ice from damaging each other. The outer layer is as hot as the sun. The only thing missing is lighting it still around his body, it a good thing too since he could have been burn by the heat of the sword. “Well that good enough, but why have one when you can have two swords in each hand?” John now focus to make another one and it appeared. Last test is to make two of them disappear and reappeared at (will), to his amazement he now holding on with two in each hand.

John now laying on the ground under a tree, “This mind gift sure is awesome” It got him thinking a lot under the shade. “Dad sure is lucky to have mom virginity right after their marriage, wish I could have taken it first. she fucking hot at age 25” John now starting to get evil ideas again in his head, like always. “Hell, why have dad take her virginity when I could do it.” When he could time travel and come back. No one well know and non be the wiser.

Good thing for John, his dad always talking about his honey moon with his mother at Hawaii after marriage. Said something about a special day for them. John got the idea what his dad talking about even when he’s 12 years old. That the day Staci would be simulated.

He focus his mind back in time and use his power to fly to Hawaii to meet his mother. He found his mother on the beach under the sun getting some tan. He time stop and and walk to his mother ” Hey mom have dad fuck your virgin pussy yet?” Not that his mother could hear or respond to his question. John hand is now rubbing his mother ass, he pull off her white bikini. He focus his mind to make her body wet even when frozen. He now look inside her body to see if she ovulating, and she is at her peek of the month and no sperm have fertilize the ovaries yet. He wanted to take his mother virginity and no one going to stop him.

John place his cock inside his mother waiting pussy and use his mind to stretch his cock as big as it can fit inside her. It grow up to 20inc and it hit the back of her pelvic. He got her legs up in the air and holding it with his hands. His body move back and forth ” Dam mom your pussy so much better when it a fresh virgin” Monica face is still blink and expression less. John now lay on his back and taking over his mother body like a doll. She still frozen and her face still show no emotion.

Her body is now being control by John to move up and down, if she was awake right now she would feel extreme pain from the stretch of her pussy on John cock. ” Fuck that cock harder mom , and move faster!” Like a string on a doll she did what told of her. Her body jam as much of John cock in and out , and faster. ” Oh fuck mom, this is great, I’m going to cum soon.” John taken over her vocal cord, to make her say what he wanted to hear only. “Yes, cum inside me…be the first to impregnate my body” John smile now “Well, if you say so mom” John shoot enough cum , he save up for a week for this moment. He now focus his mind to see what going on inside his mother. His sperm is swimming inside her her pussy, fighting it way to her ovaries. John watched this go on for 2 hours to make sure his little swimmers did it job, then one broken in to fertilized her egg.

John use his mind and focus that the sperm that got his mother pregnant, well still be Staci. John now proud of himself.
“Well, since I cant change the past, I’ll just bend the rule so it wont effect the timeline.” Now Staci going to be his daughter and sister, also his wife. “Monica, when time unfreeze you wont mind the pain or the cum leaking out of your pussy.” she move her head up and down to reply “Yes John I understand”

With that John got back to his time, but do he want to tell his mom he made Staci? Naw it be more fun this way.

Shin laughing “I guess I’m not the only person he fuck over, he did my Book of the Dead first” Still upset about it.
Reka getting more upset” What the fuck, he screwing up my Pandora Box. That John doe can’t change the past but he found a loop hole. My poor Pandora Box…Grrr.
Kai, still angry about what he seen today “You think that bad, he manage to make an elemental sword that taken me millions of year to make and he did it in a day. Not only that he made two of them, my sword no longer unique”
Shin, Reka and Kai yelled out together at once.

“Fuck you John Doe!”

(John Get a Pet & Maid)

John Always love animals, so he decided what the hack. I’ll go down to the pet shop to get one. John got to the pet shop and seen one of the employers doing her make up and nails. He read her mind and found out that her name is Moira.
She 22 years old, 5’8 and very slim body with straight long black hair all the way to her butt, with 40D breast and a really nice round ass for an Hispanic women.

“Excuse me, I would like a pet and was hoping you could show me around and what kinda pet you have?” Moira, have a stern look in her eyes like she don’t give a shit about her job. “Look sir, they not paying me enough to show people around, just go look yourself and bring them here so I can just sell it to you”

John got used to his kinda attitude before, he not going to let that women mess up his good day. John walk around the shop, he seen snakes, turtles, birds, dogs and cats. When he was wondering around the shop, he found a kitten licking his finger through the cage. John now got his perfect pet, not too aggressive to take home to his mother or sister and Abbie.

John walk to Moira and have her set the cat up to take home “I’m sorry sir we cant split a 100 bills here, you have to go to a different store to get changes” John use his powers again to read her mind “This guy is giving me the creep, and I’m too dam tried of this job and I don’t like him, I’ll just mess with him and tell him I don’t have changes.” This is really pissing John, to think she could be lazy and make him walk to a different store for change when she have them.

Well, John used his mind to swap the cat mind into Moria mind. Then he grab the cat and put it in the cage. The cat that now inside the cage is going ballistic but John at this moment don’t seem to care for her. The cat that now Moria is licking his face”meow” showing affection. John pet her head “Your an active kitty and I’m sure the family would love you”

John got him ready to show his family his new pet. “Hey guys, I got a new pet from the store. I’m sure you’ll all well love her” Staci was asking “Alright John, what animal did you swap mind with?” John just grin, “It’s a cat but I’m going to name her Moria” Monica look at John “She is very pretty John but I don’t feel right making out with her as a cat”

John always have idea “Why don’t I have her with two personality, one a maid so she can cook and clean for us. It be useful since your pregnant. The other would be a cat so I can take her out for walks” Abbie was pleased with John about his mother wish. “John your so smart sometime, I wouldn’t have think of that” John set Moria to maid mode.

Staci was ready this time.

“Well I’m ready this time, I gone to the adult store and got 3 dildos since you give away our old one, this well make new memories to make from the old one we miss.” Monica and Staci with Abbie attach the dildo on there hips. Abbie got below Moria and place the 12in dildo, inside her pussy. Monica grab her head and shove the 12in dildo inside her mouth and Staci shove it down her ass. Staci is getting wet by all this. “Are you getting turn on by his Moria, my sexy maid?” Monica pull out for her to reply. “Yes Mistress, it feel very good please fuck me harder” Then Monica jam the dildo back down her throat. John pull down his pants and show Staci his cock. Staci fucking Moria and sucking John cock at the same time.

Monica screaming “My god her throat is so good and tight I’m going to cum!”
Abbie yelling and breathing hard “Her pussy so tight John I’m going to cum also!”
Staci said while humping her ass “Trying to get my husband upset at the shop bitch, I’m going to rip your ass. God I’m going to cum also!!!!” When Join was hearing all this, it got his cock all hard and he blast it all down Staci throat and she sallow them all down.

Staci now ask John “John are you going to get her pregnant too, like us?” “No sis, she a tame Cat/maid, she getting neutered.”

(Abbie giving Birth)

Abbie wasn’t feeling well this week and she know the baby is almost due. It been 9 mounts since she made out with John and impregnated her. She could feel the baby kicking, like it about ready to come out. Later that day her water broke and she screaming with tears in her eyes in pain of contraction. Monica and Staci yelled out to John “John!! Abbie going into labor, we need to get to the hospital fast!” John rush out of his room, “Mom don’t forget the bring the dildo” “Sure husband”

John used his mind to freeze time and to ditch the after noon rush hour. He made it to the hospital and was greeted by Dr.Stave. “Mr. Doe please take a seat and well be right over..Your wife well be fine.” John well not have any of that, he wanted to see Abbie give birth to his daughter. John use his power to influence the doctor” I want to see my wife Abbie give birth, if you don’t mind , also my mother and sister Dr. ” Of course Mr.Doe right this way Sir.”

He got inside the ER with his mother and sister and seen Abbie in pain, as much as he wanted to see her normally give birth to his child. For once in his life he feel bad that she is suffering in pain. He decided to be a father and not let her go through with the pain process. He used his mind to eliminate any discomfort.

John hold her hand, “It ok Abbie I’m here, I have stop the pain, all you need to do is push” Abbie was happy the pain was gone and she knew John wasn’t such a bad husband. “John, thank you for stopping the pain” Monica and staci cheered Abbie on “Push, Abbie Push!! Take it one push at a time” Two hours into labor and John daughter was born. “Well John, your baby is born what you going to name her?” His mother waiting impatiently for his answer. ” Her name going to be Emily Doe” Staci hugging her brother. “Nice name John, I love it.”

John move to the Dr.Stave and his nurse “Sir, could you leave the ER, I need some time alone with my family here?” Dr.Stave replied. “Of course Sir, it no problem” Then they walk out of the room.

“Mom, did you bring the dildo I asked?” Monica pull out the 12in dildo from her purse. “Good mom, get undress and put that thing on, Staci remove your clothes and put your hand next to the wall, so mom can fuck you.” Staci was surprise. “John your so bad, making use fuck each other in the ER room” Monica shove the 12in dildo up Staci ass. “You love doing nasty shit like this don’t you baby?” Staci lick her lips. “Yes mom, John always have good idea and place to fuck, please ram that dildo up my ass.” John told his mother. “Mom be more aggressive with Staci” Monica change her attitude to fit John need. Monica moaning and screaming, one deep push of the dildo at a time with more force then the last. She grab Staci hair pulling her head back. “You like fucking this dildo, don’t you bitch?” Staci moan out in pleasure. “Yes I’m a bitch mom, keep pushing that dildo up my ass!”

John dick is now hard, thank to his mother and sister action. “Abbie, I’m going to fuck your pussy right here in the ER bed, is that ok?” Abbie was tried from giving birth, John asking her for sex in the ER but couldn’t say no to John. “The doctor said I shouldn’t have any sex for a few mounts for my body to heal but I love you John, do what ever you like” John place his dick and push all 12in at once inside her loose pussy. “Move your legs Abbie so I can fuck you better” Abbie was holding her legs wide with her hand to open her pussy up for John. “Fuck Abbie, your pussy still good when your done giving birth, it feel just as great since I knock you up”

“Staci, why don’t you use that dildo to fuck mom pussy”Monica lay on her back and Staci fuck her mother pussy with the dildo.”You like to fuck my ass with this dildo, don’t you mom? Well, I’m going to fuck your pussy up real good mom.” Both permanent pregnant, of 9 months is turning John dick hard, when they are fucking it each other.

John pump Abbie pussy with load after load of cum, and she more tried then before giving birth. Abbie just giggle “John your so naughty, you cant even wait one day for me to get home?” John just smile “Nope, your pussy need fucking as soon as your done giving birth”

Staci was reaching climax along with her mother “Fuck mom , I’m going to cum!!!” Monica just yell out with her. “OH yes!! cum with me!!!” Then the two pregnant pass out on the floor.”

It been two days in the hospital and they are ready to go home with his daughter Emily. John was a proud father .

His daughter got her mother blue eyes and dirty blond hair.

What he didn’t know was his daughter had 0.1 percent of his power, not much but who know.

Reka was happy and piss off at the same time about John. “Well, I’m kinda happy about his daughter being born but one thing I’m not happy about is, how the hack did he manage to pass on his power. even if it is small?”

Kai mind is at a lost, “I don’t know, no one ever manage that and it never been written in the test book.”

Shin got nothing to say but he think to himself, “No that not possible at all, must be some kinda error.”


Another day and John ready for a some mischief.

Sunday, not one of John favorite day of the week. Walking around his neighborhood to find something interesting to do. Just some people coming back from vacation, kids outside playing basket ball, even some church goers. Might as well start with the church goers, they seem fun, maybe. John knock on the front door, and a lovely lady answered the door.

“Hi, I’m your neighbor, John Doe. I’m sorry, I never introduce myself sooner when my family moved in” The women seem average for a caucasian women. Plain white dress, blue eyes, blond hair about 5’8 and in her 40’s.

“My goodness, so your John Doe that won the lottery. I heard a lot about you, some say your the Devil but you seem like a sweet person.” John acted normal and shakes her hands. “Yes, that me, but I don’t know we’re people get the idea that I’m the Devil.” John laugh and smile when he replied to her. “Forgive my rudeness, please come inside. Would you like anything to drink?” John walk inside and said. “I’ll take some Tea please, thank you”

John used his power of persuasion. “It’s alright I look around your home?” The women for some unknown reason couldn’t say no, but she feel it’s wrong for people to wonder around inside her home. “Sure John, take your time while I make some tea” John walk to the parents bedroom and gone through the dresser cabinets. Dam no dildo, no condom, no birth control pills. Shit no smell of any odor of sex what so ever, just some bible books. He got to the kids room and looked around, not even one porno magazine, but more bible books. John think in his mind. “This family freaking lame, they need some excitement and they’re so boring.”

John got down to the living room. The lady hand him the tea and smile kindly to John. “I’m so sorry John I forgot to introduce myself, my name Michell Smith.” John replied back using his powers. “That fine Michell, I want you to answer all my question and answer them honestly.” John needed some information on this boring family. “Do you have any kids, tell me about your husband and where are they now?” Her behavior change and she answer John question, like it was normal for her. “I have twins, boy and a girl. My son name is Tommy and my daughter name is Jane. My husband name Mikel. They gone shopping for some soccer supplies, we are aiming to win the next championship tournament. They well be home shortly.”

The kids are laughing and yelling. “MOM we’re home!, daddy got us some new uniform for the next game this weekend.”
Mikel was the first person to say anything when they got home. “Honey who is this gentlemen ?” Well, it’s time for John to do his thing and get this party started.

Mikel 5’10, well build body with clean cut hair. blond hair blue eyes and in his 50’s
Tommy 5’7, like his dad is fit with clean cut hair. blond hair blue eye in his 20’s
Jane 5’5, slime like her mother with blond hair and blue eyes. In her 20’s

Using his mind, he influence the Smith family. ” Everyone. I’m your best friend from church, you all love to take my advice and do what ever I say” Mikel got new memories of John in his mind along with the kids. “Sorry John, how have I forgotten about you. Your here once a week to help our family”

“Let me get started for this week advice.” John cant stop laughing hysterically inside his mind but he’s trying. “Your family need some improvements and more excitements, I got just the idea.” John continue his speech. ” Mikel and Michell, your all good parents you should discourage your kids from using any protection or birth control. As good christian, people shouldn’t even use them.” Mikel and Michell shake there head and nod. ” Your right John we are good christian and those things are not in god teachings.”

John now laughing out loud, but the Smith family seen his behavior as normal. “Mikel you need a new women in your life but why go all the way dating and cheating, when you got your daughter to keep you happy at night. It’s more safe and your wife wouldn’t mind” Mikel turn his head to his daughter with lust and passion. “Your absolutely right John, I do need a new pussy to fuck at night and It be safe since she family”

John got to Jane and smile to her. “Well Jane, your an attractive young women, but why go out and date boys and get your heart broken when you got your dad here at home. You know your father would never hurt you, you love him and lust for him” Her idea of a good boyfriend in her mind, are now turn to her father. “Your right John, I do love my daddy and I wouldn’t have to worry about getting my heart broken”

Next on the list, of John evil mischief is Miss.Smith “Michell, you love your son deeply more then a mother should and you lust after him. You don’t mind your husband fucking your daughter since your all family.” Michell mind been change to a different personality, a more perverted one. “Your right John, I do love my son more then a son, and it not really cheating on my husband if it’s family. We all should stay as one big fucking family”

John almost done with his mischief and turn to Tommy. “Tommy, you lust after your mother. You think she a MILF, why go out like your sister and get your heart broken. You should fuck her pussy every day and night like a good whore she is. Don’t worry that she your mother. Your family so it completely safe” Tommy turn his head to his mother with lust and in his mind now, he see her as a MILF. “John sir, your right. I do like to fuck my mother everyday, she such a milf . All my friends are always looking at her that way”

Mikel now fucking his daughter roughly on the floor not caring about the pain he inflicted on her “You love it when daddy fucking your virgin pussy baby?” Jane moaning and her pussy is bleeding a little . “Yes daddy I love you, please take my virginity and fuck my raw pussy hard. Your dick so big daddy, it ripping my pussy apart but it feel so good!”

Tommy was fucking his mother and treating her like a whore, to him right now. His mother no longer his mother, but a pussy to be used to plug his cock into. “Mom your pussy feel so good, I’m going to enjoy fucking your pussy everyday. “His mother out of her mind with lust, she don’t even know what right or wrong anymore. ” Oh Tommy, your dick so good inside me, and your fucking me like a good whore that I am. Pound my pussy with your meat pole and make me your slut!”

John now ready for the finishing touch to his evil deed “Everyone, your all family and it fine to cum inside them. They cant get pregnant if you load them up, but if they do end up pregnant, do not get an abortion it’s not in gods teachings.” John now laughing more harder then before.

With that the mother cum with her son, the father spew out cum inside his daughter like he haven’t had sex in weeks.
One more thing before I go “Tommy, Jane. Why don’t you mix things up now and then, and fuck each other til you guys pass out then wake up and fuck some more.” John now facing the mother and father. “Mikel and Michell, you all should stop sleeping together from this moment and just fuck your kids.”

The parents with the kids wave good bye to John. “Thank you John for your advice today, hope to see you again next time”