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Katie and Ted, and Reggie REVISED

This story is a REVISED version based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams who helps salvage their marriage. My sister-in-laws assisted me with this revision by adding more of the female perspective.


This story is based on true events in the life of a happily married young coupe and a stranger who changes their life forever. Fate brings Ted and Katie into contact with “Reggie” Williams to help salvage their marriage.

Ted Harrington and his wife Katie had been married 18 years. They live in a small city in Kansas and Ted owns the local Volvo Dealership. Ted is 38 and Katie 36. They are your average mid-western couple. He’s 5’11” 180 lbs with light brown hair and Katie’s 5’2” 108 lbs. green eyes and blonde hair. Ted thinks she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. All of Ted’s male friends agree she is stunningly beautiful. Some have even been vocal about how great they think she would be in bed. The general consensus among his friends was that it would be worth the risk to have a shot at her in bed. Ted always pretended to get angry when he heard things like that, but inside he felt a sense of pride because other men found her so desirable.

Their remarks didn’t particularly worry him because he was more than certain Katie would never cheat on him. They had what Ted considered an average sex life. Both of them had experienced sex with other partners, but only as awkward teenagers not knowing exactly what sex was suppose to be like. Ted’s sexual experience consisted mostly of what he heard from other boys. Katie had been taught that it was up to the man to introduce new sex techniques.

The only truly satisfying sexual experience she’s had was in high school with a couple of her girlfriends. During sleepovers they experimented with kissing, sucking each other’s tits, and some pussy licking. She knew she was not gay, but suspected she may be bi-sexual. During her marriage she had never had what one would call an amazing orgasm. She had had many mild orgasms, but they usually happened when she was fantasying about someone or something else during sex. Her most amazing orgasm occurred recently while she was fantasying about having sex with a women she encountered the previous week at a local supermarket.


I met Katie in the summer between her graduating from high school and starting college. She had just turn 18 and I was 20, getting ready to start my sophomore year of college. It was love at first site for both of us. We dated six month before we had our first sexual intercourse. Up until then we engaged in a lot of heavy kissing and sexual exploration. I played with her breast and vagina through her clothes. She rubbed and fondled my penis through my clothes. It later progressed to me sucking her breast and putting my finger in her vagina until she had an orgasm. She would jack me off until I ejaculated into a napkin. Katie was the first and only girl I had ever been intimate with.

After we had known each other for about 18 months we slipped away and got married. Our first child, Jason, was born nine months later. Approximately two years later Ella was born. Katie became a stay at home Mom and devoted all of her time to raising the children. We had a relatively normal sex life. We had sex a couple of times a week, but that soon began to decrease in frequency as the children got older. The sex was always good, but Katie was shy and neither one of us was really sexually experienced and we never experimented with sex at all. We were content with the missionary position and on occasion we would try the doggy style position. She would give me an occasional blowjob and I would lick her vagina. I hate to admit it, but I wasn’t really familiar with the anatomy of the female vagina. I didn’t know to spend more time stimulating the clitoris. I just stuck my tongue in and out of her vagina like it was my penis. Katie was too shy to tell me to do anything else. We had been married about 18 years when I noticed that Katie was becoming distant and seem to lose interest in sex altogether. I didn’t want to risk her seeking pleasure elsewhere. I was concerned and mentioned it to our pastor. He suggested we get away together and spend time rekindling our love life.

I owned a Volvo dealership and there was a dealership convention coming up in Los Angeles that would last about a week. I asked Katie to attend it with me. We decided to add another week and drive out to Los Angeles, taking our time and enjoying the sites along the way. We had just entered California near Death Valley and were getting hungry when I saw a sign that said ‘RESTAURANT AHEAD’ and we decided to stop for lunch. Just fifty yards from the restaurant the engine started knocking. I looked at the dash panel and realized the engine had over heated. I threw the car in neutral and coasted the rest of the way. Luckily there was also a service station and a motel near the restaurant. I stopped at the service station. Smoke was pouring from under the hood. I got out of the car and raised the hood.

While I examined under the hood, a tall black man approached and introduced himself as the owner of the service station. He told me that his name was Reginald Williams, but most everyone called him Reggie. I told him I was Ted Harrington, and then introduced him to my wife, Katie. I didn’t notice at the time, but he seemed greatly taken with Katie. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her tits and butt. I have to point out here that my Katie is a gorgeous blonde with large breast and a shapely ass.

Reggie determined that the problem was a busted heater hose, costing about $50, and it would take him about an hour to repair. Reggie told us that he also owned the restaurant and lunch was on him. He would come get us when the repairs were completed. We went to the restaurant and he went to work on our car.

Reggie found us in the restaurant an hour later and said, “Folks I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that your car is repaired and ready for the road. The bad news is that the water pump also had to be replaced. Instead of costing $50 the cost is $493.85.”

I told him that’s no problem and slid my credit card across to him. Reggie informed us that credit cards were not acceptable for mechanical work; it had to be cash or check. Since I never carry checks, I pulled out my wallet and counted my cash. All I had was $196.00 cash. I suggested I have money wired through Western Union. Reggie told me that the nearest Western Union was over 100 miles away and he didn’t have anyone he could send to pick it up. This created a problem. We sat there for about five minutes quietly searching for a solution. Reggie broke the silence with what he considered a solution.”

“Well, we could always barter.” He smiled and then looked over at Katie and winked.

I thought for a moment and then it dawned on me what he was probably suggesting.

“What do you mean barter? I have nothing to barter?”

Reggie looked over at Katie again and then back at me with a big grin on his face. Katie blushed and then looked at me with a concerned look, then diverted her eye down. I knew right away what he was suggesting. Reggie and I bickered back and forth, with me telling him there was no way I going allow my wife to be used that way. Reggie shrugged his shoulders and told me as a ‘matter of fact’ that it looked like we were stuck there in this out of the way place. He would not consider the alternative of letting me mail a check. It was cash on delivery or no release of my vehicle. We were struck in a strange place with no other options. We were at a impasse.

Reggie also owned the motel and suggested we get a room because he couldn’t release our car without us paying for the repairs. Reggie and I continued to bicker back and forth. The argument was becoming quite heated. It was beginning to look like it may come to blows, in which case I didn’t have a chance of becoming the victor.

Katie broke in and said in a low, barely auditable voice said, “I’ll do it.”

The room seemed to fall silent. I could not believe what I had just heard from my shy, sexually inexperienced wife. She had never been with another man. I far as I knew, she had never even considered being with another man. My first thought was that Katie had actually misunderstood just what we were arguing about. I reached over and touched her hand and said, “You don’t know what you are agreeing to, Katie?”

She blushed, looked down at the table, nodded her head and said, “Yes I do. I’ll do it, Honey. I’ll do it. Now let’s not argue and get it over with.”

I actually saw no way out of this cleverly laid trap. All the signs had been there, but I was more concerned with getting my car repaired and missed them. I realized I had foolishly stumbled into a ambush and reluctantly gave up. However; I made it clear that I would not allow Katie to be alone with him. He cheerfully invited me to come along. He had the audacity to tell me I could watch and maybe learn some secrets about how to truly please my wife. That really pissed me off, but I agreed to the terms.

The three of us walked over to the motel and Reggie got a room key from the office. He led us to a room on the second floor. The room had a king size bed, a sofa, and a computer desk. Reggie told me to sit on the sofa and be prepared to learn the art of love making. That only served to anger me more, but Katie quickly moved in to de-escalate the situation. She told Reggie that she was not getting into bed with a dirty sweaty man and suggested he take a quick shower. Reggie agreed to the shower but told us that to insure we didn’t sneak away while he was in the shower, Katie would have to join him in the shower. Before I even had a chance to object, Katie started walking toward the bathroom. Reggie winked at me and joined her, closing the door behind them.

They were in the shower for about 15 minutes. When the door to the bathroom finally open; a very naked Katie hurried over to the bed and slid under the covers. Reggie followed her at a much slower pace. The first thing that I noticed was Reggie’s huge black cock. I estimated it to be at least 10 inches and rather thick.

Reggie walked over to the bed and jerked all the covers off and piled them on the floor. Katie tried to cover her naked body with her hands. Reggie just laughed and said, “Baby, how do you expect your husband to learn how to please you if everything is hidden under the covers?”

He crawled onto the bed and began stroking her breast. She scooted close to him and urged him to get started. My first thought was she just wanted to hurry and get it over. My second thought was she is possibly acting too much like she was looking forward to having sex with this man. Then I quickly dismissed that thought.

Reggie continued to take his time and occasionally looked over at me while he explored her luscious body. Katie laid there looking up at the ceiling and Reggie toyed with her nipples. I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it or not. It appeared he was intentionally trying to piss me off. I think he was hoping I would get pissed, throw a fit and storm out of the room. I was determined not to leave her there alone with him.

Katie swallowed hard and then looked over at me. She looked somewhat terrified by him, but anxious to get on with the deed. I still couldn’t determine if it was because she dreaded what was to come, or if she was actually looking forward to fucking her first black man. Reggie told her to just relax and enjoy the ride. He took his time kissing and licking on her neck, nibbling on her ears and telling her how amazingly gorgeous she was. I kept thinking he was doing all that for my benefit. I was determined I would not let my injured ego drive me from the room.

Katie blushed again and quietly urged him to hurry. Reggie continued down her body, slowly licking every inch of her luscious breast. He teased each nipple for what seems like forever. Finally, Katie’s pushed on the back of his head, forcing him to engulf her tits in his mouth. He paid particular attention to her nipples; licking, sucking and lightly biting. Her breathing was getting heavier and more labored; and her moans were louder. She was becoming decidedly aroused and her pussy was so wet it began to puddle on the sheet beneath them. She urged Reggie on, sighing and whispering softly in his ear. I heard her say, “Keep going…Please hurry and fuck me. I want to feel you inside me.”

I could tell she was hoping I did not hear her whispers, but I did. I didn’t know what to think. I really couldn’t interpret any of her actions at that point. I at first thought she was trying to cause Reggie to have a quick orgasm so it would be over with, but I was beginning to have some doubts. Reggie looked over at me and said, “The secret to good sex is to go slow and make the woman literally beg to be fucked.”

I grumbled to myself, “The son of a bitch is beginning to act like he is holding a classroom lecture on making love.” I wasn’t amused at his confidence. Reggie continued kissing down her body and I had to fight the urge not to hit him over the head with a damn chair. I felt sure the son of a bitch was enjoying taunting me.

Reggie’s next stop was that sensitive area just above her pubic region, where the top of her bikini panties had been. He slowly licked along the imaginary panty line around to her right hip with his tongue. Then slowly, keeping his tongue pressed lightly to her skin, traced the same line back around to her left hip. I could smell the scent of her very wet pussy because the aroma of her desire was quickly filling the room. I knew Reggie could also smell her and he knew that his teasing was driving her crazy. He knew by her sighs that she was somewhat annoyed that he would not get on with fucking her; but he also knew by her gyrations that his actions were generating the desired effect. It appeared that she liked the treatment she was getting.

He continued by licking the wetness of her inner right thigh down to her knee and back up. He crossed over and did the same thing to her left thigh. She was pulling at his head with all of the strength she had, silently begging him to put his mouth on her wet pussy. She was driving her hips up to meet his licking, partially spreading her vaginal lips with each thrust. I had never seen her want sex so badly. I wished I was the one who was driving her to that level of ecstasy. I had never dreamed she would ever get this passionate.

“Reggie…PLEASE!!!!” She moaned softly.

That’s all she needed to say. In Reggie’s opinion, she was finally ready. He pushed her legs as wide as they would go, revealing her wet and willing pussy. He went directly for her clit with his mouth and sucked it in, and she let out a loud squeal.

“Yessssssss… Oh my God!! Yesssssssssssssss!”

She pushed his face deep into her pussy; squirming and shuddering as her thighs closed around his head and squeezed. He lets his tongue fall down to her wet entrance and pressed it firmly inside as far as it would go. Her hips bucked up to meet him and she started to fuck his tongue. When her legs finally relaxed and her hips fell for the last time, his tongue was firmly in place on her clit. Her body began to spasm and her orgasm was consuming her whole body. He started to lick her pussy vigorously and then sucked her clit back into his mouth. About that time she let out another loud shriek.


Her hips thrashed violently, but he never broke contact. Her pussy began to gush, and I could tell Reggie was pleased that his new found sex toy was a squirter. Her fluids quickly smeared across his face and ran down her ass to the sheets below, leaving what would become an even bigger wet spot.

I sat glued to the sofa. I had never known Katie to be a squirter. I had never seen any woman squirt. I thought to myself how much I would love to be able to make Katie squirt like that during sex. I could feel myself getting an intense hard-on and became angry with myself for getting so aroused while watching my wife respond to another man. She was enjoying this man in ways she never enjoyed me and it didn’t go unnoticed by me.

Reggie laid his head on top of her pubic mound, and gently kissed and licked her still very sensitive clit. Her body trembled and shook with each touch as Reggie stroked her body with his hands. As her orgasm subsided, she cleared her throat and looked down at him. She had actually forgotten that I was a witness to her amazing orgasm. Yes, I was still sitting there speechless. She apparently decided that she really didn’t care about me being there at that point. She wanted to go on having these magnificent orgasms like I wasn’t even in the room.

“Reggie that was an amazing orgasm; I am absolutely ready for you to finally slid your giant cock in me and make the lustful animal love to me like you promised.”

I didn’t want to hear Katie talk like that to this stranger so I clear my throat, but it was ignored by both Katie and Reggie. They were in their own zone now; a place where nothing else seems to matter, except her next orgasm. She bucked her hips, again, trying to get him to finally enter her. He resisted as he continued to tease her. She groaned in frustration. I got even more pissed off. I had never seen Katie so lustful and wanton.

“Reggie, I am begging you, please fuck me. Please fuck me now!” She demanded.

“I told you, Baby; I am not going to just fuck you. I promised to make, wild lustful animal love to you. I think you have experienced at least two powerful orgasms, and I think you are just about ready for the big one.”

With that, Reggie pushed himself up and brought his knees forward positioning himself between her spread legs. He started to rub his cock head up and down her pussy, starting at her clit and moving down to her ass crack. With each pass he put more and more pressure until finally he pushed his cockhead into her tight, wet opening. It was the first time that his cock had actually entered her wet pussy. I could see the feeling was intense for both of them. Reggie remarked that he was fucking the hottest white woman he had ever been around; and to top it off, he was fucking her in front of her husband of 18 years, and with his permission no less. I bit my tongue and fought the temptation to hit him with the something.

“Are you certain you really want this giant cock in you, Baby?” He asked before he made his complete entrance.

“Yes Reggie. I have never been more ready or more eager about anything in my life!” She pleaded.

He started to slowly grind his cock into her wet opening. He was being careful not to hurt her because she was really tight, and he is unusually large. She took a deep breath and braced for the stretching her pussy was experiencing. This was truly unchartered territory for Katie, and knowing that made the moment so much more intense for her. As he slowly pushed into her pussy, her vaginal lips, slick with her love juices stretched around his large cock, and her velvety walls closed in around it. She winced in pain due to her tightness and the painful stretching.

Reggie whispered softly in her ear calling her his new sex toy, his white princess. He told her she was becoming a real woman today. He said he could tell for sure that she had never had a cock that large in her before. All of this was apparently for my benefit. With her pussy being so tight Reggie knew that I had never touched the depths he was going to reach in the next few seconds. He saw it as a moment that could only be described as amazing. Reggie was experiencing sheer delight as her body accepted his invasion. I was in total anguish as my wife responded positively to everything Reggie did to her body.

After several minutes of slowly pushing in, pulling part way out, and pushing in a little deeper, he was finally to the half way mark. It wouldn’t be long now before he was completely in her, balls deep. Their eyes never broke contact. She was looking into him, not just at him. Although she had a grimaced look on her face, she also had a look of passion, love, lust and pleasure all in one. Reggie touched bottom and held himself in her for a few moments to allow her to adjust to having him inside of her. Kate told him she absolutely loved the feel of his big cock in her. As she started to grind her hips into him, she said, “I would have never believed anything could feel so wonderful.”

He took that as his clue she had adjusted properly and he began to rock in time with her grinding. With each “in” stroke he pushed as deeply as he could. With each “pull out”, he left just the head in before plunging back into her. He started to massage her clit with the thumb of his right hand as he played with her nipples with his left. She started to moan louder and grind harder. He could tell that she was on the verge of another orgasm so he picked up his pace to meet hers.

I paid close attention to everything Reggie did to her. I fully intended to duplicate his every move the first chance I had to be alone with her. With the exception of not having a huge cock; I hadn’t seen Reggie do anything I couldn’t have done if only I had known to do it. I could kick myself for not taking the time to learn how to really make love to my own wife. I had never had sex with anyone but Katie since our marriage. Therefore; I really didn’t know there was more to learn. She never told me that she wanted something different, so I naturally assumed I was doing everything okay.

Within minutes Katie was thrashing about the bed wildly under Reggie. Suddenly her pussy was gushing around his cock so he pulled out and felt her squirt with more pressure than he ever imagined possible. He kept his thumb on her clit until she relaxed on the bed. He gave her a moment to gather herself.

“Are you still good with this, Katie?” He asked with concern.

“Yes Reggie. Please let’s keep going. I need to feel you cum inside me!”

He rolled her over on her stomach and got her up on her hands and knees. He had her to arch her back just right and positioned his entrance perfectly. He knelt behind her and slowly eased his cock back into her pussy from the rear; doggy style.

Reggie looked over at me and said he didn’t know everything there was to know about the female anatomy, but what he did know, is that a woman’s pussy gets much tighter in the doggy style position. I made a mental note of that fact. Reggie went on to say that he normally saved the doggy position for last, because it always made him cum faster. But today, with his new inexperienced sex toy, he was feeling like a rock star, and he felt he had the stamina of a wild stallion.

Once he was completely in her from the rear, he suggested she reach back and play with her clit, if she so desired. She did. He told her that he would let her control the pace, and all she had to do was rock back and forth on his cock as he remained in place. And she did. She started slow at first, but as her hand quickened on her clit, her rocking on his cock got faster.

She started to rock faster and faster as another orgasm was building. Reggie looked down at her beautiful ass, her tight little hole staring up at him. He decided to take her experience to another level. He licked his right middle finger; getting it well lubricated. With his right finger thoroughly lubed with his spit, he placed it on her anal opening and started putting pressure and began to work it into her virgin ass. He looked over at me to make sure I was paying attention. I was.

Katie suddenly stops rocking on his cock; probably wondering what Reggie was doing to her ass. He knew at that point she had never experienced the pleasure of anal sex. She stopped rocking and looked at him with a look of concern. She had never had a finger or anything else in her ass. He assured her it would be okay. She decided to trust him and let him proceed. She quickly learned that she liked it.

She resumed her rocking, and with each move back towards him, he pushed his finger in a little deeper. Finally, after a few minutes of easing his finger into her, he was in to the third knuckle. This sent new sensations through her body as she pinched her clit hard and slammed herself onto his cock. It didn’t take long after that for her to have another earth-shattering, ear-piercing screaming orgasm, with yet more fluids added to their already sizable wet spot. The tsunami of pleasure over-took her whole body and she collapsed on the bed in front of him, his cock pulled out of her pussy and his finger from her ass.

“Oh, Reggie, I knew I was right when I first fantasized about fucking you. In the restaurant when I first agreed to do this, I pictured you sliding your large cock in and out of my pussy. I could feel my pussy getting wetter and wetter, and then I worried that Ted might notice the wetness in my crotch and get angry.” Katie breathlessly confessed.

“Well, Katie I must confess that I was getting a massive hard on just thinking about what it would be like to slide my cock into your pussy, and I hoped no one noticed the bulge.”

Katie giggled and said, “I noticed it getting hard and it was all I could do to stop myself from reaching out and touching it.”

I really felt awkward and didn’t want to hear her talk like that in front of me, so I cleared my throat again, but said nothing. Neither Katie, nor Reggie showed any sign that they had even heard me clear my throat. I had to admit to myself that I had been too stupid to see any of what had been going on between the two of them at that time. I was focused more on getting the damn car repaired.

Reggie smiled and said, “The thing that amazes me is I have never lasted this long or had a woman cum as much as you have with me.”

“Ok, so what’s next Reggie? Can I ride you?” She eagerly asked.


I sprang to my feet and strongly protested. I was ready to get the hell out of there. Katie appeared to be enjoying this way too much. I was crushed and saddened. I wanted to take my wife and flee the place. I lashed out at her.

“Katie, you have more than fulfilled our promise to him. Now get your damn clothes on and let’s go!” There was obvious pain and sadness in my voice.

Katie pleaded with me, “Oh Ted, please don’t make me leave just yet. I need to have one more wonderful orgasm.”

“It’s after eight o’clock, Katie, and it is dark out. We need to eat a quick dinner and hit the road,” I argued.

“Well…I’m not hungry, but you can go down and eat dinner in the restaurant if you wish, but I am not ready to bring this to a close just yet. I have to experience one more magnificent orgasm,” She countered.

She stared coldly at me and I grudgingly sat back down. I repositioned my raging hard on hopefully without either of them noticing. I had been carefully studying Reggie’s techniques and their affect on Katie. I couldn’t wait to try them on her myself. I felt reasonably sure I could achieve the same results with her if given another opportunity.

Reggie lay on his back as she sucked him back to hardness before anxiously climbing on top of him. Her knees were still weak, hell; her whole body had to be weak from three back to back squirting orgasms. As she positioned herself above him, she reached between her legs to grab his cock and guided it into her pussy. In one swift motion she came down and impaled herself on his ten inches of delight. She fell forward on his chest as her body began shaking with another mini-orgasm. He started to drive his hips up into her kind of slow at first, but soon picked up his pace. As she was still lying on him she was moaning in his ear letting him know that he was pleasing her in more ways than she could have imagined.

“Reggie, I just came again!” She whispered.

“I know Baby; I could feel your juices gushing out from around my cock.” He answered.

His cock and balls were completely soaked, the bed sheet ruined. She pushed herself up and brought her knees forward. She held his cock in her pussy by clinching her internal vagina muscles. He reached up with both hands and started playing with her nipples. Her left hand fell to his chest for balance as her right hand went to work her clit again. She started to slowly grind on his cock, and as she regained strength, her pace got faster.

“Oh Reggie, you feel so good inside me. I am so glad you made me wait and take it slow. It is turning out to be the best sex I have ever had. I’m not sure I will ever experience anything like this again.”

“Thanks baby.” He answered between breaths as he felt his balls start to tighten; building toward a gigantic burst of orgasmic fluids. “I think I am going to cum very soon. I can feel it building down deep in my balls.”

Katie only sighed and knowingly shook her head. Reggie began to force his hips up to meet with her grinding pace. Their rhythm was in sync.

“Fill me with your hot cum Reggie. Fill me up!” Katie whispered in a quiet voice.

That’s all it took to trigger Reggie’s orgasm. He exploded a load of cum into her that would fill a bucket

“Uhhgggffnneff….I’m cumming baby, I…..ahhh….ohhhhh!!!!”

At that very moment the first of 6 large spurts of cum shot into Katie’s cunt, she had another mind numbing orgasm which threw her body forward on top of his chest again. He pumped several smaller spurts into her as her muscles involuntarily milked his cock dry. After a minute to recover, Reggie slapped her bare ass and then pushed her off of him.

“I have never fucked any woman who could match me in stamina like you have. You have literally fucked my brains out. I can’t take anymore until I can get some much needed rest.”

I jumped off the sofa and started gathering Katie’s clothes. I felt like I had to get the fuck out of there before my head and heart exploded.

“Katie, that’s it. No more stalling around. We need to hit the road now.” I demanded.

“Ted, I am still not leaving here. Not before I’ve had some more of those wonderful orgasms. If you want to go to dinner, then go down to dinner. I am staying right here in this bed until I can fuck no longer.” She angrily proclaimed.

I am shocked, upset and hurt but I knew from past experience that when Katie was angry with me, no amount of arguing could change her mind. I felt I couldn’t have been more humiliated. I knew that if I said another word I could risk losing her forever.

Reggie said nothing. Katie continued to glare at me. She was really pissed at me. Time seem to stand still for the moment. I decided it was better to retreat before I really fucked up. I took a step towards the door, but I couldn’t just leave without finding a way to save face, so I turned to them and boldly said, “Okay, I am going down to dinner, but when I return I want both of you to have this foolishness over with.”

Reggie nodded. I turned toward the door, but then turned back and said to Katie, “I will see you in about an hour, Honey. Please, please be ready to go home with me because I love you so much and I don’t think I can live without you.”

She could see that I was really hurting; but she couldn’t think of anything to say that would ease my pain. She just smiled and nodded her okay. I knew she didn’t mean to hurt me, but she apparently couldn’t get enough of the wonderful orgasms Reggie was giving her. With that, I was out the door. Katie turned to Reggie and said, “I really do love my husband and I don’t want to jeopardize my marriage, but I am not ready to leave without experiencing more of those superb orgasms. I truthfully can’t remember ever having orgasms like these. I would love it if Ted could learn to please me like this.”

“If that’s how you really feel then we need to shower and join Ted at dinner and see if we can’t convince him to let you stay a little longer.”

“That’s how I really feel,” she confirmed.

Reggie said, “Okay Baby, go start us a hot shower. I will join you after I make a quick phone call.” Katie smiled and dashed to the bathroom.

Reggie picked up the phone and called the gas station.

“Willie, you are going to have to open and close the station for the next few days. I think I am going to have my hands full.”

With that done, Reggie joined Katie in the shower.

Twenty minutes later they found me sitting alone in the restaurant and Katie slid into the booth next to me, and Reggie sat across from us. I was still in a bitter mood. Katie turned on all her charm and cuddled close to me throughout the dinner. I can never resist Katie’s charm; especially when she massaged my inner thighs and teasingly moved close to my hardening cock. Soon we were all laughing and enjoying each other’s company. I was not pleased with Katie’s decision to stay longer, but her logic and charm eventually won me over to her side. It was now too late at night to be on the road, so Katie and I decided to spend another night.

After dinner I returned to the motel room with them, mistakenly thinking me and Katie would sleep together. I was shocked and disturbed when Reggie offered to get another room for me to sleep in, and Katie didn’t object to that suggestion. I grudgingly insisted I wanted to be close to Katie. I wanted to be there in case she had a sudden change of heart. Reggie explained he only offered the other room because he felt I was in agony watching them gleefully fuck.

Katie made up the couch bed for me, then she quickly stripped and joined Reggie in the king size bed. The digital clock on the nightstand showed it was almost midnight. We turned out the lights and the room was blanketed in darkness. I tried to sleep, but was distracted when Katie started giggling and whispering to Reggie. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but when she giggled and they rustled about in the bed; I knew she was seeking her next orgasm. I tried to block it out and drifted in and out of sleep. My sleep was disturbed several times during night when Katie squealed, moaned or screamed while experiencing another incredible orgasm.

I woke up around nine thirty the next morning and observed Katie and Reggie sleeping peaceably in each other’s arms. She was on her back and Reggie was on his left side facing her. They were covered from the waist down with only the top sheet and naked from the waist up. I slipped quietly out of bed and after hastily dressing went silently out the door to the dining room for breakfast.

Katie woke up with a tingling in right breast. She opened one eye and observed Reggie nibbling on her nipples. She raised both arms over her head as she yawned and stretched. She shuddered as she felt a gentle wave of pleasure bath her whole body. She encircled Reggie’s head with her arms and pulls his face closer to her breast.

“What a wonderful way to wake up,” She said as she gazed down into Reggie’s eyes.

As he sucked and nibbled on her nipples she fondled and lightly strokes his cock while running her hands up and down his body. She suddenly bolted upright in the bed and looked over at the empty couch bed.

“Where is Ted?” She asked.

“He probably went to breakfast; which is where I think we should go after our shower.”

“Ok Reggie, now that I am awake, let’s have some more fun!”

She started to climb on top of him, but he stopped her.

“Wait a minute Katie, let’s take a quick shower then go down to the restaurant and eat a big breakfast.”

“I have a better idea, Reggie. Let’s stay here and you feed me some more of your gigantic cock.”

“Woman as much as I enjoy making love to you, I have to absolutely take a break and nourish my body. We have fucked so much since you arrived, I am literally too weak to perform up to my usual standards. I have to make a trip to the restaurant and eat a large breakfast.”

Reggie would never admit it, but he had met his match when it came to fucking. Katie had fucked him in under the table. He had to have a break. She halfheartedly surrendered to his pleading and slowly sauntered to the bathroom. A few minutes later, Reggie joined her in the shower. They showered and soaped each other’s body thoroughly from head to toe. She continued to stroke Reggie’s body, spending time fondling his balls and examining his large cock. She continued to amuse herself until Reggie tired of it then lifted her out of the shower and began towel drying her body, paying careful attention to all of her tender spots. They both dressed quickly and ventured down to the restaurant for a hearty breakfast. On the way to breakfast Reggie stopped at the front desk and instructed them to have housekeeping clean the room and change the bed linens.

I was having second thoughts about my promise to Katie to stay one more day. When they join me in the booth it was a repeat of the previous night. Katie quickly read my face and knew I was on the verge of changing my mind. She cuddled closely and massaged my cock through my pants and nibbled on my ear lobe.

She whispered in my ear, “Honey, if you really don’t want me to stay longer I will understand. Just says the word and I will pack my bag and we can leave right now.”

This reverse psychology approach had always worked for her in the past. It throws the decision back on me and makes me feel like I am in control. It has always worked in the past and it worked this time.

“No, Honey, I promised to stay one more day and I will not break that promise,” I replied.

After breakfast Katie and Reggie headed back to the motel room for another marathon fuck session and I decided to go for a drive. Reggie and Katie never left the motel room the whole time I aimlessly drove around the area. They spent several hours engaged in sexual bliss. On a few occasions they watch porno movies; Reggie referred to them as training films. It was the only way he could get Katie to take a break from her insatiable need for orgasms.

Reggie taught her things about a man and woman’s body that she had never known. Pearls of wisdom that had never entered her mind all the years she had been married to me; all magnificent pleasurable secrets that would increase her quality of life sexually. She hadn’t even imagined most of the things during her curious teenage years when her hormones were raging and all she thought about was the opposite sex.

In fact, some of the stuff he taught her was probably not commonly known by the majority of married couples or young single adults. Reggie’s had so many sex partners over the years and had learned so many secrets from them; it would take the average couple several lifetimes to gain his experience. He had opened a whole new world of sexual exploration for Katie and she planned to share all those secrets with me.

Katie wondered where Reggie could have possibly learned all those wonderful secrets of gratification. She asked him, but he just chuckled to himself. She couldn’t wait to share her new skills with me. She was more than certain our sex life was going to change for the better.

“Reggie is there any way we can lure Ted into our sex play?” She asked. “I have been enjoying all these marvelous orgasms and poor Ted has been left out. I know he is hurting and probably thinks he is losing me.”

“You know him better than I do, Katie. Come up with a way to include him and I will be more than happy to participate in a three way,” Reggie said, before adding. “However; I will not in any way engage in any homosexual acts with him and that is final.”

“I am not suggesting that you do, and I know for a fact Ted would never agree to anything that requires him to put another man’s dick in his mouth,” she assured.

“Okay, let me try to think of a way to bring him in without insulting him or his manhood.”

I returned to the motel room just after dark and found Katie and Reggie going at it doggy style like two young teenagers having sex for the first time. I was almost tempted to turn around and leave again. Katie was in the middle of an enormous orgasm and not aware that I had even returned. Reggie motions for me to come on in and pointed to the couch. I took that as his cue for me to sit and not talk.

It took Katie a moment to realize that I had returned. Reggie was still slowly pumping his cock in and out of her doggy style. After a moment he leaned forward and whispered something in Katie’s ear. She shook her head yes. I couldn’t hear what was said, but was paranoid enough to feel like it was about me.

She let out a loud moan as he put his hands on her hips and started to pull her into his fuck strokes. He started slow, and without any real rhythm. He alternated the depth of his cock with each stroke, but he never took his cock all the way out. The suction and tightness of her pussy was driving him to another mind numbing orgasm and he knew that he needed to go slow and deliberate with his fucking or else he would be cumming like an inexperienced teenager, way too soon.

He brought his right thumb up to his mouth, as he had before, and got it well lubricated with his spit. Once he was satisfied that it was lubricated enough to insert it into her ass, he pulled her closer to him and started to push his thumb into her ass. She did not pause in her fucking this time. She moaned and pushed her ass back, hopefully encouraging him to keep going. He pushed his thumb into her willing ass and she let out a loud moan of pleasure. This triggered something inside of her and she started to pump wildly against him. He could feel her pussy tighten around his cock as it started to spasm and contract, sending wave after wave of chills across both their bodies.

He was finger banging her ass and pounding her pussy for all it is worth. It only took about two minutes of that before they were both in the throes of their mutual orgasm. Reggie felt her ass tighten around his thumb and her pussy clamp tightly around his cock.


“Fuck yes!!!”

Reggie grunted back as he started to spill an abundant amount of cum into her. He shots 5 thick strings of his semen into her cunt. He thrust deeper into her as he felt her cunt milk every last drop out of his cock. He collapsed on top of her and kissed the back of her neck and rolled to his side. They both lay there gasping for air as they recovered from their mutual orgasms.

“Did you enjoy my finger fucking your ass hole?” He breathlessly asked her.

“Oh my god yes; that’s what triggered my fantastic orgasm.”

“Okay, once I recover from this I have one more thing you have to experience before you leave here.”

“What could it possibly be? I think we have tried every sex act and position known to man.”

“Believe me, Katie, you are really going to enjoy it when I stick my big cock up your ass and fuck you until you cum like an erupting volcano.”

“Oh my God no,” she said. “Your big cock will split my ass wide open.”

There was panic in her voice. I leaped off the sofa and strongly protested. I firmly announced I would not stand by and watch my wife be abused like that.

“Okay, if you are that concern I suggest you fuck her virgin ass with your cock. I assume your cock is not as large as mine,” he smugly remarked, “But she definitely needs to experience anal sex at least once in her life. What’s do you say, Katie? Do you want Ted to fuck your ass?”

She quickly realized this was Reggie’s plan to lure me into their sex play.

“Well…I definitely want to experience anal sex and if anyone is going to ram their cock up my virgin ass…I want it to be my husband, Ted.”

“Okay…you heard the woman, Ted. Strip down and get your white ass in this bed. You both are about to experience the most remarkable sex you have ever had in your life.” Reggie told us.

Katie got on all four in the middle of the king size bed. I hurriedly stripped and took my position on the bed. I excitedly knelt behind Katie nervously awaiting further instructions from Reggie. Both Katie and I were gulping short shallow breaths as we prepared to try anal sex for the first time in our life.

Reggie began his instructions by telling me to insert two fingers into Katie’s pussy and start slowly fucking her cunt with those fingers until her pussy is drooling with her juices. Once my two fingers were well lubricated I was told to remove them from her cunt and replace them with my cock. While my cock was being lubricated in her pussy, I was told to start working first one finger then the second finger into her ass. When her ass adjusted to my fingers, I was told to remove the two fingers and prepare to slide my well lubricated cock slowly into her ass.

Reggie nodded to me indicating it was time to begin pushing my cock into her ass. I pulled out of her wet cunt and rub the head of my cock on her little brown hole and then started applying gentle pressure. I could feel her ass fighting my entry. She was finally able to relax her sphincter muscle in her ass and I felt the head of my cock pop inside her. I held it there for a few minutes to allow for adjustment and then proceeded to move deeper into her virgin bowels. Katie’s body was covered with goose bumps and perspiration. I paused a moment; pulled my cock almost out and then slowly pushed it in all the way until my balls were pressed against her butt cheeks. I smiled when I heard her let out a soft sigh.

I started a slow steady in and out movement. Katie pushed back to meet my thrusts as we fell into a synchronized rhythm. Katie’s breathing increased as she reached between her legs and started to furiously rub her clit. I started to pick up my pace when I felt the muscles in her ass start to squeeze my cock. In a very short instance I felt my orgasm start to build and Katie was breathing harder and starting to squeal and shriek. Our mutual orgasms hit at the same time. Katie was shuddering all over and I felt my legs going weak.

“Ahhhhaaaaa… Graaaaa…Ughhhh!” We both screamed out at the same time and then fell forward on the bed. My cock slipped from her cum filled ass. We both lay there exhausted and gasping for our next breath of air.

Reggie praised us both, telling us we had just cleared a major hurdle in our sex education. We had both brought each other to a satisfying sexual climax. I was proud of myself. I was confident I could successfully bring Katie many more fulfilling orgasms, even without having a cock as large as Reggie’s.

“Okay…I have one more thing I want to show you and then I am going to get out of here and let the two of you have fun with what you have learned over the last few days,” Reggie said.

Katie and I both look puzzled.

“What else could you possibly show us? I think you have shown us everything in the Kama Sutra,” I remarked.

“Have either of you ever heard of ‘DP’; double penetration?” Reggie asked.

We both shook their heads NO.

“Well, well…then you are both in for a real treat. Katie, get over here and suck Ted’s cock until it springs back to life again.” He ordered.

Katie deep throated my cock a couple of time before it came back harder than ever. Reggie lay on his back in the middle of the bed and told Katie to straddle him and take his cock into her pussy. She had a questioning look, but obeyed. Once she was in place, and his big cock was deep in her pussy; Reggie pulled her forward placing her head on his chest. He then instructed me to lubricate my cock and enter her ass.

I rubbed my well lubricated cock around her little brown hole and then started applying gentle pressure. Her eyes went wide with uncertainty, but Reggie calmly hugged her to his chest and whispered, “Baby just give it a minute to adjust. Our cocks will be rubbing together inside you and if you hate it, Ted will pull out, but give us a minute.”

Katie had a mild orgasm as soon as both cocks began to move in and out of her holes. The three of us rocked for a few minutes until we had a rhythm going; she was amazed at how sensual a feeling it was. She was building up to a massive climax.

“Guys I think I’m going to cum like I’ve never cum before!” She remarked.

That was all she got out as a sexual explosion erupted from deep in her pussy. Pussy juice was flowing out of her cunt as both Reggie and I push in deep. I could feel Reggie’s cock in her pussy through the thin membrane separating her bowel from her vaginal canal. It felt strange for me to feel another man’s cock rub against mine. As the two of us continued to pump her holes, her previous orgasm was followed by multiple orgasms that kept coming one after another.

Katie was soaked with perspiration and kept moaning and squealing over and over, “O my God…oh my God…oh my God!”

Her orgasms kept coming and coming and I was amazed at the feelings rushing through my body as my cockhead rubbed against Reggie’s cockhead through her thin membrane. Within minutes the three of us are in the throes of a major orgasmic blast. I collapsed from exhaustion and rolled to one side. Katie passed out from the overwhelming sensation. Reggie put his arms around her and cuddled her to his chest while she slowly recovered. All she could do was moan.

“Oh my God that was wonderful.” I said.

It took almost two minutes for Katie and me to calm down enough for us to fully recover. Reggie told me that I did an outstanding job and caused Katie to have several powerful orgasms. My confidence was building, but I still wondered if I could keep Katie satisfied after she had experienced Reggie’s giant cock.

I turned to Reggie and asked, “My cock is nowhere near as large as yours; how can I possibly give her the kind of pleasure she has experienced with you over the past two days?”

“Ted…the size of the cock is only a small part of delivering pleasure. The real secret is in how you prepare her to receive your cock. You have to learn to take it very slow. There is no race to the finish line. You have to tease and taunt her body throughout the entire foreplay. You must learn to take your time and make her really want you inside of her. Take her to the brink several times before you let her reach that magical moment. And if you didn’t learn anything else the past few days, you MUST; and I repeat, MUST make sure that she has at least one breath taking orgasm before you ever consider having an orgasm of your own. Do you understand what I am saying?”

I nodded my head and said, “I hear what you are saying Reggie and I’m willing to do anything to make Katie happy. I just hope I haven’t messed things up with her.”

“Believe me…You haven’t messed anything up,” she said, “I love YOU, Ted. I don’t love Reggie. All I love about Reggie is the amazing orgasms he enabled me to have.”

She crawled into my arms and gave me a big passionate kiss.

“You have just demonstrated that you are just as capable as Reggie, to push me over the brink into marvelous orgasms.”

“Always remember, folks…you don’t just jump in bed and screw. When you do that it just becomes a chore. If you want to really enjoy sex, you have to treat each time as if it were the first time and you are discovering each other’s body for the very first time. And don’t forget to always Communicate, Communicate, Communicate,” Reggie said as he put on his clothes.

“Well kids…I’m out of here. I will leave you two lovebirds to practice what you have both learned over the past few days,” Reggie said as he slipped out the door. His ass was dragging and I truly believe he was glad to turn Katie back over to me.

Katie’s pussy was really sore and her asshole was burning like crazy. After Reggie left the room, Katie and I both agreed she’d had enough sex for the time being and chose to hold off on practicing our new skills until morning. I slipped on my PJs and turned off the lights. Katie rolled onto her left side facing away from me. I was on his right side facing away from her.

My heart was racing ninety miles an hour. I couldn’t relax enough to sleep. I tried counting sheep and counting backward from one hundred to one. Just as I began to settle down and fall asleep; Katie moved closer and her rear end was touching my rear end. My erection returned to its usual hardness with the anticipation. I lay very still, waiting to see she was initiating more sex, but nothing happened so I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling. Katie stirred again and pushed her butt closer into my hip. I couldn’t tell if she was sending a signal or if it was just wishful thinking on my part. I wondered if she was just experiencing restless sleep or was she having second thoughts about waiting until morning to have sex again. I lay there a minute and then thought what the heck and rolled over and pulled her into the spoon position with my arm across her waist.

She pulled my hand up to caress her breast. She was still totally naked and my 6 inch cock immediately came back to life. She could feel the throbbing of my hardness as I pressed it into her ass cheeks. I leaned in and kissed her gently on the nape of her neck. She emitted a low sigh. I rolled her over on her back, with me on top of her.

We started kissing. She was tense but tried to rock her hips up to meet my aching hard cock. I remembered what Reggie told me about going slow and to bring her to full arousal before attempting intercourse. I slipped my pajamas off and supported myself on both elbows, and rested my body over hers. I was aware of her tits pressing firmly against my chest, and we started to kiss more enthusiastically. I could sense she had a lot of nervous energy, so I took my time; as Reggie had suggested.

I kissed her deeply and slowly started moving down to her neck. I lightly nibbled and licked her neck and shoulders. She started to breathe heavily, but she was still seemingly on edge. I continued kissing and licking on her neck as I slowly worked my way back down to her breasts. I tried to do it the same way I had seen Reggie do it the first time he made love to her. I teased all around her tits, lightly brushing her nipples with my tongue as I passed over one to the other; she let out a deep breathy sigh and then a low moan. She was becoming more visibly relaxed as she brought her hands up and lightly placed them on either side of my head.

Things had definitely changed for the better. We both were now communicating during our love making session; with both words and actions. It added a whole new dimension. My cock was throbbing, bright red and drooling more pre-cum. My carnal lust was in over drive and I didn’t care anymore, I wanted more of Katie’s pussy and I was going to get it. I rose up grabbing my erect cock in one hand, while looking down at my sweaty, gorgeous wife’s’ body. I slapped my prick on her clit several times, getting pre-cum all over it.

She looked up at me and said, “Teddy, are you going to fuck me? Are you are going to fuck your naughty wife again?”

She spoke to me mockingly in her little girl voice.

I responded, “I’m going to give you the best fuck ever! A fuck you deserve! A fuck I should have given you over the last 18 years.”

Then I pressed my hard cock into her wet pussy, watching the lips part as my cock pressed inward. Katie watched me slide into her cunt. She moaned as I entered her, inch after inch of my six inch cock. I buried my cock all the way into her tight, hot, wet pussy all the way up to my ball sack. I had to moan as well. This was the best pussy I had ever put my cock in! My wife was so tight and wet, I wanted to fuck her and never stop.

We made love using all the wonderful techniques Reggie had shown us. My biggest thrill came as I watched and listened to my wife’s massive orgasm that was due solely to me. She squealed and moaned with delight for a minute or two before her orgasm finally subsided.

I thought to myself about how many of my friends would love to be me right now, fucking my hot wife. I thought about all the friends whom I had noticed eyeing her; the same friends that fantasized about fucking her behind my back. I fucked my wife with such pure lust; I never thought that lust would be so pleasurable and make me hammer her like I had never fucked her before. I could feel a big cum load building up in my prick. My cock began to swell, thickening as my lustful fuck was bringing me closer and closer to shooting my wad. I thought for a moment if I should go ahead and cum in Katie’s pussy or should I try to hold back until she orgasm again? I wasn’t sure if I had enough control to make that decision.

I cupped my hands around her ass and pulled her to me. I quickly slid my middle finger into her ass just as I felt my cum building up in my cock. I suddenly felt a surge as my cock unleashed a huge spurt of cum deep into her pussy. I let out a loud grunt.

“Yeah! Fucking take this Katie! I’m cumming!”

I screamed as cum raced up my shaft from my balls. I thrust my cock deep into her pussy again, sending another surge of cum deep into her hot pussy. She let out a loud howl as she had another intense orgasm. It felt like her pussy was sucking my cock; sucking out another spurt of cum!

As soon as Katie and I stop cumming we held each other tightly before collapsing on the bed. I rolled over on my back as we lay there staring at the ceiling, while trying to catch our next breath. Without realizing, we both slowly drift into a deep peaceful sleep.

After the most amazing sex we had ever had in our life; we rose early the next morning and prepare to start for home. Katie moved around the room gathering our belonging and placed them neatly in the suitcases. I watched in silence, not knowing what to say about the previous night, if anything. I wanted to confirm she enjoyed our sex together, but could see that she was deep in her own thoughts. I decided to let her speak when the time was right. She made one last check in the bathroom, then closed the suitcase and placed it by the door. She turned and looked at me, but said nothing. Her pussy and her ass were so sore, she could barely walk.

We loaded our luggage into the car and started the long drive home. I had a very contented look on my face and Katie was humming to herself as we traveled down the highway. We said nothing for several miles. We were both lost in our own lustful thoughts. We had driven about fifty miles with neither of us speaking a word. Katie was the first to break the silence.

She turned to me and said, “Ted, Honey, I was just thinking that it’s not really fair that you allowed me to experience sex with another man, but I have never given you permission to experienced sex with another woman.”

I was jolted out of my daydreams. I looked over at her and asked, “What exactly are you suggesting Sweet Heart?”

Katie paused a moment and tried to decide how to state her proposal properly.

“I was just thinking that now we are less reserved about sex, and we are just beginning to really explore our sexuality”, she paused and cleared her throat before continuing, “What would you think about inviting another woman into our bed while I watched the two of you go at it?”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing from my formally shy and timid wife. I could see the excitement in her face. My heart raced as I visualized us together with another woman in our bed. The excitement of the suggestion caused my mouth to go dry and my pulse to race. There was a noticeable bulge in my pants.

I looked at her and said, “You mean you wouldn’t feel threatened by me having sex with another woman?”

“No, not at all Honey”, She replied, adding, “In fact; now that we are in to experimenting, I think I would really enjoy it. Hell, now that I think about it, I might enjoy having sex with her also.”

I grinned really big and said, “I love you so much, Katie.”


Reggie did indeed change our life. We started experimenting with all kinds of sex. Katie invited her best friend, Lisa, to join us in bed and it was magnificent. I would fuck both women several times a night using all the techniques Reggie had taught me. I brought both of them to several amazing orgasms with my tongue and my cock. They would go ‘69’ with each other to give me time to recover before continuing our night long sessions of sexual bliss.

But there are always consequences. The biggest consequence is that it opened a flood gate with Katie. The walls of restraint that were there before our time with Reggie crumbled. She enjoys orgasms so much now; she often ventures off and fucks total strangers. She’s even fucked some of my employees at the dealership, and our friends from our church. I couldn’t keep up with her. Sometimes she was gone for days. She recently attended a religious church convention in Las Vegas with our Pastor and they ended up spending the week together. They fucked round the clock and he was totally exhausted when they returned home. Unfortunately his wife found out about their dalliance. He now avoids all our calls. He refuses to look at either of us during his sermons. I enjoy the sex too much to divorce her so I try to just go with the flow.

I think Katie will generate many more stories as she continues with her sexual awakening.

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