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Joanna- The beginning

The story (fictional) of a girl named Joanna Ditsel, all characters are made up and any similarities to people you know are coincidental.

Jo Ditsel was just 4ft 8 and very small. There was, however, one thing about her that stood out: Her enormous tits. For one so small her breasts were huge; either large C’s or small D’s. Her chest was not the only thing great about her body, though, her face was pretty and her arse was small and fitted snugly into whatever clothes she wore. She was also funny, had a great personality (usually) and was great to be around.

Now to fully understand Joanna’s mind, we must go back from her life as a 16 year old to delve into the never before seen memories of her life from the age of 10…

Joanna Ditsel was an ‘early bloomer’ in life and hit puberty at around the age of 9. Her mother (26) had prepared her well for this leap towards adulthood, by not feeding her the bullshit most parents tell their children. So from a young age Jo had known all about sex, though she found the idea to be very disgusting at a young age (‘boys ewwww’ being the general thought running through her mind).

The fact that few boys mature at this age allows us to skip most of her 10 year old days and move right on to her 11th birthday, a day of more joy than she had at first suspected.

Jo’s birthday was just 1 day away, and she was very excited. So excited in fact, that she ran straight into her best friend Micky as she charged through the primary school’s gates. Micky being several inches taller than Jo meant that Jo only came up to Micky’s chest. As they collided at the entrance way Jo’s face was pressed against her budding breasts (still small but definitely a slight cushion). As they both went tumbling over onto the concrete Jo placed her glove-covered hand behind Micky’s head, hoping to cushion the blow. However, this also led to an effect Jo hadn’t anticipated, as her arm wrapped around Micky’s shoulder blades she was pushed deeper into the her friends tiny boobs. What can only be described as an electric current passed between Jo’s face and her tiny pussy, tingling all the way down neck, to her breasts and through her stomach. The shock of pain that hitting the floor brought Jo, only heightened this delicious unknown feeling, and a small moan escaped her lips.

Micky pulled Jo up with her as other children pointed and laughed.
“Are you alright?” Micky asked, thinking the moan one of pain.
“Fine,” Jo said, rubbing her arms “you?”
“Your party is still tomorrow isn’t it?”
“Of course it is and we’ll all going to have so much fun!”
“What has your mum planned this year?”
“Well games obviously, a nice big cake with jam and cream, lots of party food and a sleep over,” Jo thought hard for a moment “And she said something about a surprise as well…”
“How many people are coming?”
“Twenty I think, but some might not make it.”
“Oh, well me and Amber are coming so we’ll see you there.”
“Don’t you remember?” Jo asked incredulously “We arranged that I’d sleep around yours ages ago, so I wouldn’t be in while mum sets up the surprise.”
“Oh yeah, I completely forgot to ask my mum if you can stay around today.” Micky explained, staring at the ground and shuffling her feet.
“Ready to go girls?” said Micky’s mum (Emily) as she parked her car right outside the school gate.
“You are such a bad liar, Micky” Jo smilingly berated her as she pushed her head first into the car.
“Almost got you though didn’t I?” she grinned, pulling Jo into the car by her shirt front.
Jo landed on top of Micky, but after a few moments of scuffling about, Micky ended up on top of Jo’s face, pushing her tiny arse over her mouth and nose (the car was fairly large so Micky’s head barely touched the roof). Despite being in a fairly uncomfortable position (with her head being crushed and her face being roughly chafed by Micky’s winter trousers) Jo really didn’t mind. In fact she didn’t mind so much that it wasn’t until Emily told them to put their seat belts on that Micky finally vacated her face with her crotch. As they sat down properly Micky’s face was faintly flushed, whether from the fight, the fall, the weather or something else, Jo did not know.

As soon as they arrived at Micky’s house they both shot upstairs to her room to change out of their school uniforms. As they both changed, Jo was occasionally glancing at her friend out of the corner of her eye; catching the brief glimpse of Micky’s white cotton panties and perky little nipples (hardened by the cold?). Micky pulled on tight fitting jeans and a loose pink top and had pulled her long blonde hair back into a ponytail using a black hair band. Jo’s clothing was slightly more adventurous than her friends as she wore a black skirt with a white shirt over matching pink training bra and panties.

It wasn’t long before Amber arrived. Amber was tall and willowy, with short black hair and quite pale skin. She wore mainly black clothing; tight tops and baggy trousers and would never wear a dress unless forced to by her mother. Before long the three girls were chatting and laughing away. The TV was on, but none of them were really watching it. There talk mainly revolved around school, latest fashions and their lives in general (any information about young girls actually do in their spare time would be appreciated for future references :D). During this conversation Jo was almost constantly trying to see down Micky’s top. She didn’t know why, she just couldn’t help herself. As Micky’s top was fairly loose, whenever she leant forward it provided Jo just enough room for a tantalising glimpse of Micky’s braless chest.

At one point when Micky was speaking to Amber, pretty much leaning over Jo’s lap to do so, Jo managed to see both hardened nipples quite plainly. Jo stared for a sentence or two, then fearing getting caught, looked back at Micky’s face. Despite her glancing for only five or six seconds, Jo felt sure Amber had been watching her, yet on looking round she saw that Amber was staring at Micky’s face, apparently hanging on her every word.

Emily stepped into the lounge at about eleven o’clock to tell the girls that it was bedtime. Ignoring their cries of disappointment she went with them upstairs.
“Now you two can stay in the guest room tonight, I want Micky well rested for tomorrow or she’ll be a pain for me after two days of little sleep.”
“No I won’t, mum!” Micky retorted, her voice slightly louder than usual.
“See?” She said winking at Amber and Jo “It’s started already.”
With that she gently nudged Micky into her room and continued down the corridor to the guest room. The room was quite small, with an even tinier study on one side and a bathroom on the other. Inside the room the walls were painted white and it contained only a single bed, a little bedside table and a chair by the only window in the room.
“I’m afraid you girls are going to have to share the bed, there’s no room on the floor,” Emily indicated the minute gap between bed and wall with a small hand gesture “Night girls, sleep tight.”

After she left, they both got into their night clothes and Jo headed towards the bed.
“ I saw you, you know.” Amber stated quietly.
“What?” said Jo, not quite sure if she had heard her right, but feeling a slight twinge of fear that her voyeurism might have been noticed.
“I saw you looking down Micky’s top.” This time her voice was sly, secretive.
Jo paled, her fear realised as she glanced down at her bare feet.
“Please don’t tell her, it’ll ruin our friendship.” Jo begged.
Lustful brown eyes met Jo’s green eyes in response.
“Might do, might not.” She mumbled, still fixing her with swirling depths of brown.
“Please, I’ll do anything…” Jo trailed off, Amber’s gaze had turned predatory and it was no longer aimed at her eyes, but was rather fixated on her chest and her blossoming breasts.
“Well, there is one thing you can do for me.” Her eyes not moving from where they were rested.
“W-what?” Jo asked apprehensively.
Stepping forwards, Amber placed herself uncomfortably close to Jo and she leant forwards and… kissed her!

In surprise, Jo made to move away, but Amber grabbed the back of her head and pushed her own closer. Her tongue darted across and forced apart Joanna’s vice like lips. Jo felt shock, and not a little excitement, as the hot tongue swirled about her mouth, entwining her own and dragging it back into Amber’s mouth. At a loss of what to do, she hesitantly began copying what Amber had done.

Amber moaned softly and drew away slightly; Jo looked down and was surprised to see that Amber was rubbing her crotch through her pyjama bottoms and panties.
“Lie back on the bed.” Amber said huskily.
Eagerly Jo scrambled onto the bed, lying with her hips towards Amber, her legs partly open invitingly. Amber moved closer again and ran her hands down Jo’s sides, lingering on the hips and slight curves of breasts to be. She leant over her and they began to kiss again, tongues wrestling around in the arenas of their mouths.

As this was happening Ambers hand began to slowly trail down Jo’s body, until it ended up at her clothed vagina. Slowly, she began to caress up and down the silken crevice with her fingers, occasionally moving around in a circle near the top. Having never before been interested in masturbation, these sensations were entirely new, sending shockwaves from her pussy to her brain. What happened next would have caused a moan that would have been clearly audible had not Amber’s mouth been firmly clamped around hers. Amber lifted her hand and slid it inside Jo’s clothes; panties and all!

Amber rubbed the outer lips carefully, making sure to avoid the clit, whilst keeping her mouth firmly over Jo’s to try and muffle her moans that were growing more and more frequent.
‘Hell’ thought Amber ‘If she’s like this when I’m on just starting, what will happen when I properly kick off?’
And being an impatient kind of girl, Amber had to find out. She started off by parting the outer lips, before softly caressing the inner folds. As Jo grew moister in her skilful hands, she began to slowly insert her index finger in and out.

Jo’s eyes shot open, whilst Amber had just been rubbing her vagina she had had them closed, enjoying the new sensations she was feeling. Now she moaned long and hard and Amber, deciding she wanted her mouth for other things, grabbed a pillow and put it on her head, slowly edging down her body, still fingering her gently. As she passed, she lightly bit one of Jo’s breasts through her pyjamas and bra (she wore one though her breasts were only small B cups). Pausing for a moment in her descent, she used her free hand and teeth to undo the buttons on Jo’s pyjama top. Having opened it, she then reached around and deftly undid the catch on her bra, before pulling it down with her teeth. This revealed Jo’s breasts for the first time to Amber, and she was immediately captivated by them. With her spare hand she tweaked a nipple, then bent forwards and took a nipple in her mouth, gently rolling it with her front teeth, whilst flicking it with her tongue. When she bent forwards, her occupied hand had slipped slightly, causing it to ever so lightly brush against Jo’s clit. Lightly was enough, with her pussy being fingered and her nipples nipped and licked, Jo had her first ever orgasm.

Moaning loudly beneath the muffling pillow, she bit into the material (hoping to quieten her moans), she went rolling around on waves of pleasure. After one last rub of her fingers and one last suck with her mouth, Amber withdrew to let her recover.
After a while of rolling around and mussing up the covers, Jo sat up, letting the pillow flop to one side. She gazed at Amber, stunned, as she sat that in nothing but her white cotton panties, slowly licking the fingers of her now unoccupied hand.
“If you liked that, you should see what comes next.” She said, slowly inserting her index finger into her mouth.

FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT AS JOANNA DOES (IF YOU LIKED THIS). Please leave constructive critiscm and info on any grammar and typos you see- this is only my second story (previous unrelated to Jo) so be nice.