It is real

A friends of mine recently has been through a series of heart break. She convinced herself that love didn’t exist. That there was room in her heart for family, friends, and GOD; but no room for anyone special. I wrote her this… will post her responce depending on the comments

How long do you think you can last?
How long can you hold back your memories of the past?

Time has come where you can no longer hide,
for no single person can hold back this tide.

How could we not know,
when your true desires, you’d never show.

Yes, we knew that you were hurt.
Of all the blood marks on your shirt.

And still you point to your cut wrist,
and plead to us love does not exist.

You say there’s no burden to bare,
and because of that you shouldn’t care.

You think because of lust,
love is something you can never trust.

But love is more than a touch,
it the one you cling to when life is too much.

It’s not the caress of fingertip,
or the brushing of both your lips.

Only love can cut so deep,
make you bleed, and make you weep.

It alone makes your fears,
but it alone dries your tears.

It true, for you it’s not real;
but only if you don’t let wounds of the heart truly heal.

Know that it’s not like before.
Your life can be so much more.

We both know you can’t just deal with it.
People who say that are full of shit.

There was a time when you believed it fate,
so babe, for once trust me, and wait.