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Im Just Curious I

This is a true story thats been on my chest for a while. I haven’t told anyone about this so here goes.

My name is Zach. At the time I was 12 years old and just beginning puberty. I was always so horny. Well one beautiful day in the summer my younger brother Hogan had his best friend Pierce over to spend the night. Hogan ad Pierce were the same age; 10 years old, but Hogan was never really his own age mentally. He was always a little younger than he really was. As for Pierce, he was the opposite, always older than he really was. Because of this, Hogan hit the sac pretty early and Pierce and I stayed up to talk. Towards midnight – one clockish, his vioce cracked in the middle of his sentence. I immediately called it out like I normally would for my other friends. He told me it was because of puberty. We began to talk about puberty sex and girls after that. Later, at a later hour, we decided to turn out the lights and just whisper to eachother. Because of our raging hormones we spoke about our own sexual fantasy and one thing led to another. By the end we both had erections poking our underwear into tents. My tent was slightly taller than his so he asked
“Can I see what’s propping your tent? I’m not gay, I’m just curious. Since you’re older I want to know what mine will look like in the future.”
Umm, sure I guess.” Was all I could say. I wasn’t sure of my own sexually at the time but I was leaning more straight than gay. I made up my mind and slowly slid my boxers down to my knees. In the dark room my penis stood proudly from its hairless base. I was about 3 inches long at the time,, not to long but Iowa’s only 12 and just beginning puberty.
Pierce stared at my member and I asked him the same question : could I see yours?
He was hesitant but he finally slid his own boxers to his knees. His was a half inch shorter but he had a small tuft of. Fine black hair at the base of his shaft. I found myself starring more than probably should have. Without thinking my hand shifted towards his stiff member and slowly brushed its soft skin. He was shocked but he didn’t do anything about it. I touched its head and brushed back down the the hair. I was fascinated by it.

I was homeschooled so I never got a real see ed class. I never really found out about pubic hair and its wonders.

His hand who out towards my penis. Instead of slowly brushing it he grabbed it it stroked it up and down. It felt really good but I didn’t know what was going on. It felt good but wrong at the same time. I like girls, not guys. I told him to stop and when pulled up our underwear and went to bed.
This was all that happened that night. But this was only the beginning for the strangest 3 years of my life.

4 months later.

My family and Pierces family typically went on vacation together every year in November. Sadly, my brother Hogan was sick so my mom stayed home with him so it was just me, my dad, Pierce and his dad all in an SUV on a six hour drive. We started our drive at about 6 O’clock so most of it was at night. At 8 it was dark and Pierce and I decided we wanted to go to the back to sleep. With our parents in the front and their radio loud we actually just talked since they couldn’t hear us and thought we were asleep. Our conversation turned to the one we were having that one night at my house. I could tell he had a boner by the way he shifted in his seat. I could also see the tip of his dick poking out of his zipper which was down. I Tod him about it and he said it was fine an that we were both boys. He zipped it back up. That’s when I placed my hand over his crotch and felt it through hi jeans. He liked at me and did the same to my crotch. I could feel that his penis was a bit larger, maybe 3 inches. Mine hadn’t really gotten that much bigger. I told him that I was just curious and that this wasn’t gay. He agreed and I slipped my hand into his pants and fished out his dick. He didn’t the same to me. I felt its soft skin again and rubbed it all over. I could tell it it felt good because his face was making pleasurable expressions. I felt goo too but he was too gentle to for the feelings to arouse. He looked at me and said I was doing it.
“Doing what?” I asked him.
“Making me cum” he said in a sense of urgency. “Do it faster” he said. I did and he began th to arch his back and make a face that I will never forget. His penis became even more solid in my hand and I slowed down. It started to shake rapidly and a little bit of cum dripped from the slit it his head. It rolled down onto my hand. I wiped it on his pants. His penis went floppy and he zipped hi pants up, intending on making me cum. He gripped my dick harder than before and slid his hand up and down my shaft. Soon I felt some begin to move in my gut. It was a strange feeling. Then it moved to KY crotch. I feeling of bliss overcame me and I made a similar face to that of Pierce’s when he came. My back arched and my legs started spasming. I felt my penis throb and my own cum was ejected from the tip. Mine actually shot out but only about an inch before heading south and landing on KY shirt. For some reason I felt guilty. Like I shouldn’t have done that. Like it was a mistake. I’m sure Pierce felt te same way because after I put my member away and zipped my pants, we didn’t talk the rest of the ride. It was a very awkward few hours.


Sorry I couldn’t write a lot right now. I don’t have much time. Let me tell you now, I’m not gay. But this is just a gay experience I had. Also this lasted 3 years so this is only the beginning of the story. I’ll write a part 2 soon enough.