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Hot Box Chapter 4, So That’s What It’s For

Fiction, Romance, Male/Female

Hot Box Chapter 4, So That’s What It’s For

Fiction, Romance, Male/Female, Adventure

There was no two ways about it, we were stuck; and not by just a little bit. We were stuck and fucked. My idea of hiding in the catacombs seemed like a great plan at its conception, but now, as we stood at the end of the pitch black tunnel with 4 or 5 bandits rummaging around outside, maybe this was not as great an idea as I first had thought.

Mandy was hunkered down in a little ball right behind one of the big pieces of rock that used to make up the ceiling. She looked terrified. “Are you ok sweetie,” I asked as I moved next to her and took her hands in mine. Her whole body was trembling as I crouched down next to her.

“What do you think they want,” she whispered as she strained to hear what was going on outside the hole.

“My guess is that they are looking to rob us,” I said as I moved her back away from the entrance and the pile of debris that was our only cover. I decided not to tell Mandy what would most likely happen to her if they found a vulnerable white female out here in the jungle. Just the thought of it would terrify her to the point of hysteria, and that would make my job of keeping us both alive considerably more difficult.

Outside the sounds of men’s feet stomping on the ground and the echo of their voices grew louder and louder. They were right on top of us and we had nowhere to go. It kind of reminded me of the first Christmas I spent with Mandy and her family. Only on that occasion I was the one who was shaking in my shoes.


It was the Christmas of our sophomore year and the first real trip we had taken together as a couple. Mandy had managed to persuade me to go with her to her parents’ house for Christmas and a few days away from the school. At first I figured this would be no big deal other than the initial meeting of the parents, but as we stood on the front porch of her parents’ home I began wondering just what I had got myself in to.

The family homestead was in a beautiful section of Randolph Vermont that looked like it had just fallen out of a Norman Rockwell painting. As we approached the house it became very evident that Mandy came from a family of substantial means. (By that I mean money) Sitting on what I guessed was about 2 or 3 acres of land the 2 story house rose up like a monument between some tall pines and the hibernating hardwoods. From the very first glance I was guessing at least 4 or 5 bedrooms with what looked like several out buildings. All in all it was probably in the neighborhood of 2 or 3 million dollars of real estate.

“Quit fidgeting,” Mandy said as she hit the button for the doorbell, “You’ll be just fine.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” I responded as I straightened out my tie and made sure my coat wasn’t too badly wrinkled. “These people know you. I’m the new comer here.”

“Well at least you don’t have cum running down your legs,” Mandy said just before the door opened.

“Merry Christmas,” the tall man with the thick mustache said as he opened the door and welcomed us into his home. I stood patiently with the bag full of gifts as Mandy hugged her father and returned his warm Christmas greeting.

“Dad,” she said as she separated herself from him before taking a step to the side, “This is David Winkler…my boyfriend.”

I quickly stepped up and put on my best manners as I offered a firm handshake to her father. “Hello Mr. Daniels, Merry Christmas.”

“Hello David,” he kindly replied as he looked me up and down a few times, “Merry Christmas. You know Mandy has told us an awful lot about you,” he said as he closed the door behind me.

“Well I hope it hasn’t all been awful,” I said in an attempt to make a light joke.

He looked at me with a little bit of a grin on his face indicating that he picked up on the humor. But that was it, there was no other reading from him as he guided us into the house and offered to take our coats.

The inside of the house was just as beautiful as the outside. Having been decorated with the obvious holiday accoutrements, the old Victorian style with the antique furniture still shown through the mask of Holiday cheer, bringing about a warmth that could only be associated with home. The ten foot ceilings allowed for a huge Christmas tree in the living room. I will freely admit to having felt out of my element. Growing up as a kid we would always gather around the Wal-Mart artificial tree that dad had stuffed up in the attic for the rest of the year. So being in a house with a real tree was quite a big difference.

The rounds were made and I was introduced to everyone. I finally got to meet Mandy’s mom, the woman she had spoken to on the very first day that we had met while we were fucking like rabbits. Standing next to her daughter there was virtually no difference between them. They were the same height, about the same weight, and aside from the difference in age they could have easily been sisters having their hair cut identically. She was an attractive older lady, giving away the secret of where Mandy’s beauty came from, and quite the woman of charm as well. Scooting around the kitchen she fussed about everything, doing her best to make everything just right. As she and Mandy chatted about everything Mandy’s father took me into the living room to meet that last two family members.

The first one we encountered was Mandy’s youngest sibling, James. At 12 years old he looked to be more interested in his X-Box than in meeting his sister’s boyfriend. I can’t say that I blame him. A simple “Hi, nice to meet you,” was all I got from him as he dove right back into blowing stuff up on their big 60 inch flat screen TV.

“And this is Katelyn,” Mr. Daniels said as he introduced me to Mandy’s 15 year old sister.

Instantly I could see the hormones go flying out of control in the lovely young lady that stood before me. She looked a lot like Mandy only a bit more petite. Obviously she was nowhere near as matured as her older sister, but that sure as hell did not hide the misty look in her eyes as she looked up at me. “Hello,” she said very properly as she offered her delicate hand out to me, “please call me Katie.”

“Hello Katie,” I said as I gently grasp her hand before giving it a gentile shake.

I could tell that she was already getting frothy between her legs simply from the look on her face. Those eyes reflected the dreamy state her body was in as she probably imagined what it would be like to be in the sack with such a big man. It was a bit flattering, to say the least, but it also made me as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of kindergarteners amped up on cupcakes. If not kept in check this could end up very ugly.

The whole evening was a nerve racking event. Every now and then Mandy would come by and see how I was doing before she was off visiting with someone else, leaving me at the mercy of her family. Her father asked virtually every question there was to ask of a young man who was dating his daughter. ‘What did I plan on doing for a living, how did we meet, what are my goals in life, was I planning for the future?’ (You get the idea) And what really sucked is that I had no place to retreat. I was in a strange place with no one familiar other than Mandy.

Mercifully the evening came to an end. I was shown out to the guest quarters just off to the side of the house in the back yard. It was a beautiful little bungalow, mirroring the style of the house exactly. With one bedroom a small kitchen and a living room and a bath room, it was almost nicer than my apartment back on the campus. “You’ll be staying here,” Mandy’s father said after he showed me around a little.

“Thank you Mr. Daniels,” I responded as I set my bag down on the floor just inside the bedroom.

“I’ll be along in a minute,” Mandy said as she held my hand and looked at her father.

It was easy to see that he did not want to leave us alone for any period of time. I guess I can’t blame him. All of the women in his family are beautiful, and I guess it’s only natural for him to want to protect them. So telling him that I had fucked Mandy really hard at the last rest area on the interstate on the way here was out of the question. There are some things that a dad just doesn’t need to know.

I flopped down in the chair just after Mandy’s dad closed the door and headed back to the main house. “WHEW!” I said as I let out the bulk of the evenings tension. “That was something else.”

“Ssshh,” Mandy whispered as she quickly looked out the window to make sure her father was gone. “This little house acts like a megaphone. The slightest whisper can be heard inside the house and dads’ room is right there.” And with that said she pointed in the direction of the main house. “I know that was difficult for you,” Mandy said as she sat down sideways on my lap and hugged herself against me. “I’m sorry baby. But you did really well, everyone likes you.”

“Do they,” I half asked as I ran my fingers over my head in an attempt to brush off some of the anxiety. “I don’t think your dad is too impressed with me.”

“Oh he likes you,” Mandy said quietly as she ran her fingers through my hair. It felt wonderful to have her touch me, especially since it felt like little massaging electrodes running over my scalp. “If he didn’t we would already be on the way back to school.”

“That makes me feel better,” I responded as I gently cupped one of her breasts in my hand. I could feel Mandy press herself against my hand, savoring the feel of my touch through her thick sweater.

“Easy now,” Mandy said as she pulled back a little and coaxed my hand away. “If he finds out that we’re doing anything you’re as good as dead.” I pulled my hand away from her breast and let it drop into her lap in a noted bit of rejection. She leaned down next to my ear and whispered “I’ll try and sneak back out here later on.”

“Ok,” I said as I kissed her. “I can live with that.

I was dead tired and more than ready to lay down by the time Mandy left for the house. It had been a long day, starting with the drive from the campus up to here, and ending with the 5 hours of pure tension in the parents’ house of my girlfriend. It’s no wonder that when my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

I don’t know what time it was because there was no clock in the guest house, but it was still pitch black outside with only the slightest bit of light from a waning moon to illuminate everything when I was awakened by a warm body sliding into the bed next to me. “What are you doing?” I asked as I felt a hand gently slide under the waist band of my pajama bottoms to grasp my now hardening dick.

“Ssshh,” came the reply followed by a soft kiss on the lips as my cock grew harder.

I don’t need to be told anything twice, or offered anything more than once before I can take the hint, even when I am still two thirds of the way asleep. Grasping her hips I lifted her up onto me and lay her down directly on top, feeling her legs open up and fall to either side of my hips. The heat ramped up quickly beneath the pile of blankets and comforters we were under as the heavy petting quickly took a more serious turn. With her hot pussy grinding back and forth against the cloth of my pajamas it was time to release the pent up energy from an evening of torment.

With a few tugs and a little shimmy one nightie was discarded onto the floor next to the bed while my pajama bottoms got lost in the blankets below my feet. “Oh yes,” I quietly moaned as her hot pussy slid up the length of my shaft only to stop with the head of my cock at the entrance to heaven.

“Ssshh,” once again came from her dark silhouette as her fingers gently covered my mouth while my cock slid up into her.

I couldn’t help myself and let out another soft moan as I felt inch after inch slide into that hot sheath I was so accustomed to. It felt so good to be back inside my sweetie. I reached up and placed both of my hands on her hips. With a good pull downward and an arch of my back I was fully embedded. I heard her take in a quick breath and her hands leave my shoulders to grasp at the pit of her stomach. It never ceased to amaze me how I can take her breath away every time, even to this day. I was a goner now. I began thrusting up into her with all of the might and joy that one would expect from the one you loved. Only the slightest few whimpers came from the dark outline above me as we hammered out the tension from a long day. When she started bucking back and forth in a powerful orgasm I couldn’t take the strain anymore and fired, blasting spray after spray of cum into my dream girl. It was incredible, and quiet.

When the last few twitches faded from my loins it was a simple matter after that. A little kiss on the lips before she slid out from between the blankets and put her nightie back on sealed the evening. “Goodnight sweetie,” I said as she opened the door and peered out toward the house.

As I should have expected the last thing I head was, “Ssshh,” before she slipped out the door and scooted across the yard.

“That was nice,” I thought to myself as I scrunched down under the blankets and went to sleep. Hopefully tomorrow would be just as nice.

In the morning I felt like a million bucks. After my late night romp I had slept better than I had in the last 10 years, leaving me feeling energized and refreshed. It was already light outside when Mandy knocked on the door before letting herself in.

“Good morning,” Mandy said as she set a steaming cup of hot chocolate down on the nightstand, “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas,” I replied as I reached up and pulled her down onto me.

“Oh my,” Mandy remarked as she felt the strength of my embrace, “You must have slept well.”

“Oh yea,” I responded as I grabbed a hand full of her ass and squeezed. “I slept really well.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it back out here last night,” she said quietly as she searched around on the blankets to find the bulge of my cock hidden underneath, “but dad slept with his door open last night and I just couldn’t get out.”

I don’t think I could have been more shocked at her statement than if I had woke up with a cattle prod stuck up my ass. It wasn’t Mandy that had come into the bungalow last night, it had been Katie! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I was at a complete loss.

“It’s ok,” I responded as I did my best to conceal my shock. “I’ll survive.”

I have never been unfaithful to Mandy. The thought has never even crossed my mind. Even when Cameron tried her best to get into the sack with me I always turned her down. I love Mandy and I am devoted to just her. So having this happen was a complete shock to me, especially since it was not something I had initiated. I decided right then to never say a word about this to her. It would have to be one of those secrets that I would take to my grave.

The whole day I was walking on egg shells. The family first opened all of their presents before preparing for the huge lunch time feast. Every time I looked in the direction of Katie she was making googley eyes at me, like I was just some kind of dreamy hunk or something. I felt so awkward and did my best to look away quickly so as to not cause a scene in the middle of the festivities. Everyone else seemed to just mush through the day like nothing had happened.

I was so relieved when it was time for Mandy and me to head back to the campus. The day had been so stressful that I felt like bolting for the car and tearing out of the driveway at the speed of light. It didn’t seem like we could get away fast enough.

“Take care James,” I said as I shook the boys hand like he was a man.

“Thanks for the football,” he said as he returned the hand shake.

“It was nice meeting you,” I said to Katie as I extended my hand to her.

Katie brushed my hand aside and gave me a big hug around my waist, mashing as much of herself against me as she could. “Thanks David,” she said as she looked up at me with those eyes that were still glassed over with the lust of youth. “I hope to see you again.”

If I had my choice I would only see her again with a ninety man escort. I had not had the opportunity to speak to her at all during the day, so there was no way for me to express to her that what had happened was a onetime thing and it would not ever happen again. But seeing as how we were heading out the door, I was not going to let that little formality stand between me and a clean get away.

“Goodbye,” I said to Mandy’s father as I shook his hand, “Happy New Year.”

“Don’t be such a stranger.” he replied as he gave my hand a firm hand shake with a bit of a twist to it. “I can see that my daughter has chosen well.”

His statement made me feel so much better. The tension of the last two days just seemed to melt away as I felt a bit of pride wash over me. “Thank you sir,” I responded as I released his hand.

“And you young man,” Mandy’s mother said as she stepped up to me and threw her arms around my neck, pulling me down to her level. “It was so nice to meet you,” she said before she pulled her face up next to mine and hugged me cheek to cheek. With her mouth right next to my ear she then dropped the bomb of all bombs. “You’ve got the biggest cock I have ever ridden,” she whispered into my ear just before she gave me a kiss on the cheek. “No wonder she lied to me.” She then let go of her grip on me and stepped back smiling.



Mandy looked at me in the faint light of the tunnel with an expression of longing and expectancy. I knew she was waiting to hear my next genius idea but also expecting me to save the day. At that particular point I would have been thrilled to be able to pull that rabbit out of my ass because I was fresh out of ideas. Then it hit me…magic. Most Hispanics are very superstitious and easily frightened when they encounter something that they have no explanation for. It might take the two of us to pull it off, but we could really scare the shit out of these guys and possibly get them to leave.

“Come with me,” I said to Mandy as I gave her hand a little tug and headed up the dark passage.

“What are we going to do,” Mandy asked as she scurried along behind me into the deeper darkness of the tunnel.

“We’re going to fix these guys but good,” I said as I led her into the one room that was almost completely empty before turning on my flashlight. “These guys are most likely superstitious as hell,” I said as I rummaged through my pack to find my knife. “So what we’re going to do is give them a visit from some spirits. Go and get one of those flasks and bring it in here.”

Mandy took the flashlight and scooted across the hall. It is amazing how much light just one single flashlight can make when you are in almost total darkness. I could see her clearly as she walked away from me, the outline of her slender but very toned legs made my mouth begin to water. ‘Not now David,’ I said to myself as I checked the sharpness of my blade. ‘Focus on the task at hand.’

My plan was absurd in its simplicity. A few shaves from a piece of wood from the opening of the tunnel and a piece of a leaf was all I was going to need. When Mandy came back with the light I quickly got to work. “Cut a strip out of this leaf about an inch wide and as long as you can make it,” I said to Mandy as I handed her the knife and the leaf.

“Where are you going,” she asked as I stood up and stepped over to the hallway.

“I need to get a piece of wood,” I said as I peered around the corner and looked back toward the little bit of light sneaking down through the pile of brush I had pushed over the hole. “Just do what I asked you to do,” I said before I slipped around the corner and approached the opening in the ceiling.

It was a good thing that I had left Mandy behind because the voices of our followers sounded like they were right around the hole above my head. I couldn’t tell what they were saying because they all sounded drunk but they were definitely right there. I was lucky to find a good sized stick lying out in the open on the floor right next to the pile of rocks. It would definitely do the trick for what I needed. As I reached down to pick it up I caught a glimpse of movement up near the hole. I quickly turned and was surprised to see the profile of one of the men standing out on the ground above us through a little hole in the leaves and branches. He looked to be in his late 20s or early 30s with a good two or three day growth on his beard. He was laughing and talking back to his buddies when I saw him do the unexpected. With a reach of his hand he suddenly hoisted the flask Mandy had left behind in our bungalow and took a drink from it.

‘What a bunch of dumb shits,’ I said to myself as I picked up the stick and headed back toward the room with Mandy. They were actually going to be helping me scare the shit out of them!

Mandy was just finishing with my knife when I came into the room and knelt down beside her. “We don’t have a lot of time,” I said as I began stripping off long strips from the piece of wood.

“Why, what’s happening,” Mandy asked as she looked over my shoulder like we were in extreme dire straits.

“Those stupid fucks are drinking that shit from the flask,” I said as I gathered up the strips and began wrapping them together into a makeshift fuse. “Get that flask open,” I said as I lifted up the small bundle I had made to inspect it.

If you need a fuse,” Mandy said as she stood up, “Then how about one of these?” Mandy stepped over to the corner of the room where the remnants of a few old baskets lay on the ground. Reaching down she then picked up a foot long piece that looked like old rope. “Will this work?” she asked as she stepped back over to me and placed the rope in my hand.

There is nothing like being outdone by your girlfriend, especially when the shit really matters. I took the piece of rope and looked at it under the light. It was woven nice and tight, and appeared to be in rather good shape considering that it was more than 100 years old. “Perfect,” I said as I began stuffing one end of it into the opening of the flask.

“And how about instead of using a leaf,” Mandy said as she reached into her pack and pulled out the small plastic case that held her diaphragm, “can you use this?”

Now you guys can understand why I kept her calm when the banditos came over the hill toward our camp. It was this very kind of thinking that really allowed her to excel in everything that she did. A one hundred year old piece of rope and a rubberized diaphragm…what a combination!

“You’ve seen me make turkey calls before,” I said as I dug in my pack to find my lighter.

“Yea,” she responded as she pulled her diaphragm out of its protective case.

“Can you make a similar sound with that thing?” I asked with genuine interest. This whole idea of mine was going to depend on if she could make a sound loud enough for those guys to hear outside.

“Oh yea,” she responded as she folded the small round rubber membrane in half and prepared to slip it into her mouth.

“Not now,” I said as I stopped her in her action. “Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to make the loudest sound you can with that thing and I am going to slam this up against the bottom of the brush pile. Those idiots will hear the sound coming from somewhere and then be suddenly met with fire. That should scare the hell out of them.” Mandy nodded her head in agreement as she listened to my plan. “But we need to hurry before those idiots pass out from drinking this shit or else it probably won’t work.”

“Let’s do it,” Mandy replied just before she leaned over and kissed me full on the lips.

It was a bit risky in that any of a million things could go wrong. But it was the only real chance we had of getting rid of those idiots outside. Was this a good idea? That was yet to be seen. But we were a team in action and it was time to do our stuff.

As we approached the opening in the ceiling we could still hear the men outside. They were talking and laughing like they didn’t have a care in the world. Boy was that about to change! I stopped Mandy in the middle of the tunnel about 50 feet away from the big pile of debris. I figured that was a good safe distance for her. I walked right up to the debris pile and got the flask ready. My heart was beating so hard I almost couldn’t function as I raised my lighter and gave Mandy one last look. It was go time.

I lit the wick and gave Mandy the quick thumbs up. With the diaphragm in her mouth and her hands cupped over it, Mandy blew as hard as she could. The sound that came from down the tunnel sounded like a cross between a woman’s scream and some unearthly wail that resonated with this weird reverberation from the tunnel. Outside I could hear the voices of the men suddenly stop as they all heard the freaky sound.

At that exact moment I spun around and threw the flask with the lit fuse up at the bottom of the brush pile as hard as I could. The throw had to be that one in one hundred million because it went straight through the leaves without hitting a thing, leaving a perfectly round hole where it had exited the underworld and sailed out into the open space above at an almost straight up angle. I froze in place as I did not hear a thing. I spun around quickly to see Mandy looking at me from the darkness with a look of utter astonishment on her face. There was no way that could have happened.

“Sum bitch,” I said quietly as looked up with my mouth hanging open.

In a way it was a good thing that the flask did not burst on the underside of the brush pile like I had planned, because it made it high up into the air without a one of the banditos seeing it. And, being the educated man that I am I should have remembered Newton’s law. What goes up must come down. I managed to hear one of the men say something just before the bright orange fireball roared over the top of the brush pile and the thunderous explosion echoed through the valley.

“Do it again!” I hollered to Mandy as I moved back away from the hole overhead.

Mandy blew against the diaphragm in her mouth again, repeating the unearthly sound as I could plainly hear panicked yells and hollers from above. I could only imagine what was going on out there as the flames slowly began to burn away the brush that was covering the opening.

“We’re in it now,” I said as I pulled the machete out of its sheath and prepared to fight.

Mandy and I stood in silence and watched as the flames over the entrance grew in intensity. “Do you feel that?” Mandy said as she held her hand out and turned slightly to the side.

I paused for a moment and turned on my senses, giving myself the chance to recalibrate to our surroundings. It only took a moment for me to feel what Mandy had felt. “That’s a draft,” I said as I turned and looked up the dark passage with Mandy.

“Hurry up,” she said as she spit her diaphragm out and headed up the passage with her flashlight waving back and forth erratically. “We need to find out where that’s coming from.”

I trotted up the passage behind her while pulling my key ring out of my pocket. I never thought I would need it until now but I had one of those stupid little single AAA flashlights on my key ring. With only the little bit of orange light from the burning leaves to assist, that little light was bright enough for me to see. Quickly I caught up with Mandy in the room with the big chair in the middle of it.

“It’s coming from over here,” Mandy said as she walked back and forth right next to the back wall. “I can feel it on my legs and on the top of my head,” she said as she looked at the massive granite wall.

“Ok,” I said as I looked back up the passage toward the now wide open hole. “Be prepared for anything,” I said as I began walking up the passage with the machete out to my right.

“Stay here,” Mandy pleaded as she climbed onto the stone chair to peer over the back. “David!”

I had to look. There was no way around it. At some point and time I had to look and find out what had happened to our would be robbers. I turned my ears up wide open and listened for the slightest sound as I approached the big column of light shining down through the hole in the ceiling. I could definitely smell the burnt vegetation outside as I began the task of climbing up the vines

The damage was a little bit more than I had expected. There was only smoldering ground at the entrance to the catacombs, but at the bungalow the forest was burning at a pretty good clip. Everything within 15 feet of the ground was either burning or severely scorched, and the fire seemed to be moving to the east, pushing our robbers farther and farther away from us. The general plan had worked and worked well.

I took a few steps out, away from the opening and found a pair of sandals perfectly aligned on the ground. Apparently, whoever had been wearing them leaped right out of his shoes when the flask exploded. I looked at the ground down near the corner by the bungalow and I quickly found scrape marks and digs in the ground where the banditos had bolted from the explosion and the awful sound Mandy had made. We were in the clear.

Ever so faintly, off in the distance in front of the flames I could hear the hurried yells and hollers of the men as they ran away from the burning forest. I seriously doubt those men will ever come back here.

Mandy was standing just inside the opening when I returned. She had the expression on her face like she was expecting kittens or something when I stepped into her field of view. “Did we get them?” she asked while she held her hands together in front of her breasts.

I reached down and picked up the pair of sandals that were on the ground next to where I stood. “Oh yea,” I said as I turned both of the shoes around once before tossing them off to the side. “Those guys won’t be back.”

My guess is that if they survived the run through the forest they would have a tale to tell similar to that of the man who had run out of here in 1522. Only these guys would add the twist of the supernatural to it, ensuring that almost everyone would stay away. Mandy smiled really big at me as I climbed back down in the hole.

“My man,” she said as she stepped up to me and planted a big kiss on my lips. She wrapped her right leg around me and pulled herself toward me as she hugged me really hard. I could feel the relief in her as she almost melted against me. “That was genius,” she said as she pulled away and stood directly in front of me.

“If I was a genius,” I said after taking a quick look at the hole overhead, “Those guys would have never found us.”

“Maybe,” she said as she turned and looked up the passage. “But you did find this place,” and she gestured toward the darkness in front of us with her hand. “Come on; let’s go see what you have discovered.”

To be completely honest I did not feel like fucking around in that dark tunnel at the moment. If any of you have ever played in any organized sports than you would know what I was talking about. The nervousness and tension you feel before the game has a way of just zapping the shit out of you afterward, especially if you are really wound up beforehand. Here it was that I had just about blown us all up and would have potentially had to fight 5 dudes with a machete if my plan had not worked, and now Mandy wanted to jump right back into that Indiana Jones kind of mentality. Sorry, but I just don’t work like that. My ass needed to sit down for a moment and appreciate that fact that it was still inside my own skin!

I slowly walked up the passage behind an exuberant Mandy. You would think she was a kid at an amusement park as she headed back up the passageway with her flashlight waving back and forth. At least one of us was still in shape to work, I thought to myself as I approached the room with our packs in it.

I could see the flashlight Mandy was carrying jumping all around just before she came out of the room and crossed the hall into the room with the flasks. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while now,” she said as she disappeared into the room across the hall. “You remember those round holes in the wall in the room with the chair?” She half asked half stated as she returned with two flasks in her hands.

“What about them,” I said as I lifted my pack and prepared to follow her up the hall.

“I think I know what they are for,” she said as she led the way into the room with the big chair. “Come here and check this out,” she said as she stopped next to one of the round holes in the wall.

Shining her flashlight into the hole we could both see an empty flask in the hole. “They’re oil lamps,” I said as I dropped my pack to help her with the flask.

Within five minutes we had four of the flasks in the holes in the walls and lit. The whole room was nicely illuminated with a pale yellow glow from the small flames. It really was some good engineering. Even if one of the flasks were to break, the oil would be contained in the “pocket” that was carved into the heavy granite stones. I was impressed.

With the room now lit, and no need to carry our flashlights, Mandy began her investigation of the chair while I looked for the source of the draft while the fire was burning at the entrance. All I was able to find was a large crack at the floor and up near the ceiling. Other than that the wall was as solid as it could be.

“David, come here.” Mandy said from behind me.

“What have you got there?” I asked as I stepped up to Mandy and the large stone chair.

She was kneeling on the floor at the foot of the chair with the silver knife in her hand and her elbows on the seat. “Look at this,” she said as she held the knife up. “You see where the engraved line stops here at the bottom?” she said as she pointed to the spot on the silver barrel.

“Yea I see it,” I replied as I looked in very intently.

“It stops right here 90 degrees from the angle of the blades.” With that said the turned the knife up so I could see that the blades were indeed perpendicular to the point at which the engraving stopped. “So look here,” she said as she pointed to the round circle with the slot in it in the bottom of the chair. “It looks like a match doesn’t it?”

“Yea it does,” I said as I raised an eyebrow at her detective work.

“I just wonder…” she said as she turned the knife over and aligned the blades with the slot. With just a simple push the knife slid right into the hole and the two points of the engraving lined up perfectly. “Holy shit!” she gasped.

It was easy to see why Mandy was getting a little excited. Her find was not a silver knife, it was a silver dildo. There was no other explanation for it. Sitting in the slot it stuck up in the air like a silver dildo sitting in the bottom of a chair, aligned perfectly with the grooves carved in the top of the seat bottom.

“Oh my God!” Mandy gasped as she looked at the silver dick sticking up.

“Well, what did you expect?” I said as I stood up straight and looked at the big chair. “This city was run by the women of the tribe. Maybe this is their fun seat.”

“You don’t think that do you?” Mandy said as she ran her finger up the silver shaft and around in a circle over the rounded top.

“There is no telling sweetie,” I said as I looked back at the back wall. “It could be anything. This might be where they tortured the men or something.” It was a possibility. And since there was no one around to confirm or deny my statement it had to be thrown into the mix. “One thing is for certain,” I said as I looked back at the silver phallus sticking up from the seat. “That thing was made for sitting on.”

Mandy took a look at me out of the corner of her eye before her gaze dropped back down to the seat bottom. It took her only a moment to make her decision before she began unbuttoning her shorts. “I guess there really is only one way to find out,” she said as she slid her shorts to her ankles before stepping out of them.

“Do you think this is a good idea?” I asked as she stepped up onto the stone pedestal before turning around.

“It’s probably the only way to find out for sure,” she replied calmly.

I watched intently as she slowly lowered herself, aligning the silver phallus to my favorite place on earth. “If you feel anything funny at all,” I said as I stepped up directly in front of her, “Let me know immediately and I’ll pull you off that thing.”

With her hands on the arm rests Mandy steadied herself as she slowly impaled herself on the ancient dick. She went slowly and steadily as inch after inch slowly entered her, disappearing into her hot box. “Oooh,” she said when her ass finally came to rest in the seat bottom.

“What is it?” I asked, expecting to have to yank her off the silver tool.

“It’s nothing,” she said as she looked up at me and brought her hand to the pit of her stomach. “It actually feels kind of nice.” she said with a bit of a smile on her face.

“Really?” I said as I relaxed a little.

“It’s not as big as you,” she said as she wiggled her hips around a bit to get more comfortable, “but it definitely fills me up nicely.” Suddenly she froze in place and her eyes got as big as saucers.

“What is it!” I asked as I reached for her arms and prepared to lift.

“I don’t know,” she responded as she pressed her fingers into her belly below her belly button and moved her hips around a bit more. “I felt something click in there,” she said as she looked up at me with a small bit of unknowing on her face.

I was just about to say something when I heard the sound of running water, a sound we had not heard before in the catacombs. “Wait,” I said as I froze in place and listened very intently. There was no doubt about it, I could plainly hear the sound of running water, like rainwater running down the side of the street before spilling into the storm drain. “Do you hear that?”

Mandy looked around the room with her eyes before she answered, “Yea, I hear it.”

I looked back at Mandy. “What did you do?”

“I didn’t do anything,” she said as she seemed genuinely at a loss.

The sound of the running water gradually increased until it sounded like there was a small stream that had been diverted into a small drainage ditch. I looked around but saw nothing. Wherever it was it was completely out of sight but something had caused this to happen.

“DAVID!” Mandy suddenly blurted out with her eyes as big as golf balls and both of her hands on the pit of her stomach. “IT”S TURNING!”

“What’s turning?” I said as I again reached for her arms.

“It’s turning inside me!” she repeated.

That was enough for me. With one good pull Mandy was standing next to me and we were both looking down at the silver dick turning in the bottom of the seat. Almost immediately it slowed and stopped turning. The sound of the running water quit abruptly as well. Mandy just paused for a moment and looked at the seat bottom with one hand cupping her pussy. When she turned to face me she had the answer.

“It’s a key.” she said as she pressed her lips together and nodded her head a few times.

“A key?” I queried.

“I’ll bet you anything that this is a key to something.” she said as she looked over her shoulder at the stone wall in front of the chair.

“And what brings you to this conclusion?” I asked as I looked at the chair and then at my half naked girlfriend.

“Think about it,” she said as she tried to keep up with her own train of thoughts. “A society, run by women, who hold all of the political positions from ruler down is known to be wealthy with silver and precious gems. If you wanted to keep that kind of thing safe and only accessible by those in power, would you not want to make some kind of key that only you could use?”

At first I thought this was the most bird brained idea I had ever heard. But then I started to think about the logic she had used. It would make sense. And it would virtually guarantee that no one else could get to your goods. That is no one except for another woman. I looked down at the chair and then back at Mandy. I hated to admit it but she was probably right. And there really was only one way to find out.

She must have been reading my mind, or at least watching my expressions because she did not wait for me to give a reply. She calmly stepped back up onto the pedestal and lowered herself onto the silver key once more. “We go all the way this time,” she said as she wiggled back and forth a little like she had done the first time.

This time I was able to hear the click come from inside her. Again the sound of running water filled the room and it slowly grew in intensity. I watched intently as Mandy sat motionless on the silver key, waiting for the next sign from her. After a few moments her eyes opened a bit and her eyebrows rose for a second before she looked up at me. “It’s turning again,” she said with a bit of a smile on her face.

I was powerless to do anything as I sat there and watched my girlfriend get fucked by this ancient chair. I started to feel a bit jealous because she had been exclusively mine until now. Aside for Cameron fucking her every now and then while I was gone she had been all mine. Now as I watched her I felt a bit envious of the chair. It was getting what I always wanted.

“Mmmmmm,” Mandy hummed as she moved her hips around in the seat bottom a little. “I kind of like this. Come here,” she said as she sat up straight and reached for the button on my kakis. Mandy had that “I’m going to suck your balls out through your dick” look as she pulled at the waist band and yanked the zipper down. “This thing is making me so horny,” she said as she pulled my cock out and licked her lips.

Considering that now I got to be a participant rather than just a spectator I did what any other guy would do…I took a step forward and stuffed my cock into my girlfriend’s mouth. Mandy welcomed the mouthful and attacked my cock with a vengeance, taking almost three quarters of my length in her mouth before she began pumping her mouth up and down. “Holy fuck!” I exclaimed as Mandy was really serious about sucking my balls dry.

She pulled her mouth free of my cock and licked her lips once before she said, “I am so fucking horny. This thing spinning around inside me feels so good, I could get used to this.”

It was tough to concentrate on what was going on around me as Mandy sucked my cock, but the sound of rushing water had definitely got louder in just the last few moments. Mandy must have been feeling the effects because her chest began heaving up and down and she rocked her hips forward and backward as she sucked on my shaft. Her free hand came up to her right breast and she began pinching her nipple through the material of her shirt.

“Oh my,” she panted as she once again pulled free from my shaft. “This thing is spinning so fast in my pussy!” Once again she locked onto me with her mouth and began pumping her fist back and forth at a quick but erratic rate.

When Mandy started to whimper I lost it. Grabbing two hands full of her hair I stuffed my cock into her mouth and fired. Mandy let out a stifled groan as her mouth became instantly full. Just as she made the first swallow I froze, hearing the sound of large stones grinding against each other. I twisted my upper body and looked over my shoulder at the wall as Mandy swallowed the second mouth full I had just given her. Again, for just a moment, I heard the sound of big stones grinding together. I looked down at Mandy just as she pulled back from my cock. A long string of cum stretched from the hole in his helmet to her bottom lip as she pulled back.

“I am so close!” she wailed as she ground her crotch back and forth on the spinning key, urgently trying to bring herself to orgasm. “David, I am so close!”

I took a quick look at the wall before I looked down at my girlfriend perched on the edge of a major orgasm. She was almost in agony from being so close to an orgasm yet unable to finish. Then it hit me. “Let me help you with that,” I said as I reached down in between her legs and gave her rock hard clit a good rub with my fingertip.

Instantly Mandy arched her back and screamed at the top of her lungs as a massive orgasm hammered her like a runaway freight train. “OH GOD YES!!!!!” She sat up almost perfectly upright, stiff as a board and almost completely unmoving as the overload locked her in place. Her breath was only a slight flutter and her mouth hung wide open as her orgasm paralyzed her fully planted on the spinning key.

Immediately, from behind me, I heard the sound of stones grinding. I turned around and watched as the stone wall parted in the middle and the two halves folded back out of the way. “Well I’ll be…” I said as I looked at the new pitch black passage in front of us. “So that’s what it’s for.”

The End Chapter 3